sexual sins what do the following have in common? david, judah, joseph, gomer, lot, and lot's...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Sexual Sins What do the following have in

common? David, Judah, Joseph, Gomer, Lot,

and Lot's two daughters They all faced sexual sins. Which of the seven stood out above

the rest? Joseph was the only one to

overcome sexual temptations.

Sexual Sins Sexual Temptations - nothing new!

O.T. people fought against it. N.T. people fought against it. Down thru the centuries . . . Even the people of our grandparents

era faced sexual temptations. There will always be sexual


Sexual Sins Let Us Consider our Society.

Billboards Cologne commercials Television shows and movies Clothing styles designed to attract

Remember: Sex Sells!!

Sexual Sins You Must Prepare Your Children . . .

Teach them the Bible. Set the right example. Govern what they watch, listen to and

read. Govern what they wear. Be willing to talk with them calmly

when they ask you questions about sexuality.

Sexual Sins Adulterers

Sexual Sins Adulterers

"adulterers" (1 Cor. 6:9, NKJV, KJV) - moichos {moy-khos'} - "denotes one 'who has unlawful intercourse with the spouse of another.'" (Vine's)

Lewdness Evil desires Lust of

uncleanness Full of adultery

Sexual Sins Adulterers Fornicators

Sexual Sins Fornicators

"fornicators" (1 Cor. 6:9, NKJV, KJV) - pornos { por'-nos} - "denotes 'a man who indulges in fornication, a fornicator.'" (Vine's)

Sexual Sins Adulterers Fornicators Fornication

Lewdness Evil desires Lust of

uncleanness Full of adultery

Sexual Sins Fornication

"fornication (Gal. 5:19, NKJV, KJV) - porneia { por-ni'-ah} - "a) of 'illicit sexual intercourse,' in John 8:41; Acts 15:20, 29; 21:25; 1 Cor. 5:1; 6:13, 18; 2 Cor. 12:21; Gal. 5:19; Eph. 5:3; Col. 3:5; 1 Thess. 4:3; Rev. 2:21; 9:21; in the plural in 1 Cor. 7:2; in Matt. 5:32 and 19:9 it stands for, or includes, adultery..." (Vine's)

Sexual Sins Adulterers Fornicators Fornication Homosexuals

Sexual Sins Homosexuals

"homosexuals" (1 Cor. 6:9, NKJV) or "effeminate" (KJV) - malakos (mal-ak-os) - "'soft, soft to the touch' used...(b) metaphorically, in a bad sense, 1 Cor. 6:9, "effeminate," not simply of a male who practices forms of lewdness, but persons in general, who are guilty of addiction to sins of the flesh, voluptuous." (Vine's)

Sexual Sins Homosexuals

Also.... "of uncert. aff.; soft, i.e. fine (clothing); fig. a catamite: effeminate, soft." What is a catamite? A catamite refers to a young boy who is reserved for perverse acts. (New Strong's dictionary of Hebrew and Greek words).

Sexual Sins Adulterers Fornicators Fornication Homosexuals Sodomites

Sexual Sins Homosexuals

"sodomites" (1 Cor. 6:9, NKJV) or "abusers of themselves with mankind" (KJV) - arsenokoites { ar-sen-ok-oy'-tace} - "1) one who lies with a male as with a female, sodomite, homosexual" (Enhanced Strong's Lexicon)

Sexual Sins Adulterers Fornicators Fornication Homosexuals Sodomites Uncleanness

Sexual Sins Uncleanness

1."uncleanness" (Gal. 5:19, NKJV, KJV) - akatharsia {ak-ath-ar-see-ah} - "...b) moral,...(suggestive of the fact that sensuality and evil doctrine are frequently associated)" (Vine's) Also... "1) uncleanness...1b) in a moral sense: the impurity of lustful, luxurious, profligate living 1b1)of impure motives" (Enhanced Strong's Lexicon)

Sexual Sins Adulterers Fornicators Fornication Homosexuals Sodomites Uncleanness


Sexual Sins Lewdness

"lewdness" (Gal. 5:19, NKJV) or "lasciviousness" (KJV) - aselgeia { as-elg'-i-a} - "excess, licentiousness, absence of restraint, indecency, wantonness" (Vine's) Also..."unbridled lust, excess, licentiousness, lasciviousness, wantonness, outrageousness, shamelessness, insolence" (Enhanced Strong's Lexicon)

Sexual Sins Lewdness

In the plural, Vine defines it as "wanton acts or manners, as filthy words, indecent bodily movements, unchaste handling of males and females, etc." (Vine's)

Sexual Sins Adulterers Fornicators Fornication Homosexuals Sodomites Uncleanness

Lewdness Passion

Sexual Sins Passion

"passion" (Col. 3:5, NKJV) or "inordinate affection" (KJV) - pathos {path'-os} - "to suffer," primarily denotes whatever one suffers or experiences in any way; hence, "an affection of the mind, a passionate desire." Used by the Greeks of either good or bad desires, it is always used in the NT of the latter" (Vine's)

Sexual Sins Passion

Also..."2) a feeling which the mind suffers 2a) an affliction of the mind, emotion, passion 2b) passionate deed...2d) in the NT in a bad sense, depraved passion, vile passions" (Enhanced Strong's Lexicon)

Sexual Sins Adulterers Fornicators Fornication Homosexuals Sodomites Uncleanness

Lewdness Passion Evil desires

Sexual Sins Evil desires

"evil desire" (Col. 3:5, NKJV) or "evil concupiscence" (KJV) - epithumia {ep-ee-thoo-mee'-ah} - "'a desire, craving, longing, mostly of evil desires,' frequently translated 'lust'" (Vine's)

Sexual Sins Adulterers Fornicators Fornication Homosexuals Sodomites Uncleanness

Lewdness Passion Evil desires Lust of

uncleanness Full of adultery

Sexual Sins What Can You Do About Sexual

Temptations? Understand: Sexual desires have

both lawful and unlawful outlets. Lawful: Marriage 1 Cor 7:2-5; Heb

13:4 Unlawful: Every where else in life.

Sexual Sins What Can You Do About Sexual

Temptations? Parents: Train and guard your

children. Parents: Teach your children the

importance of modesty and decency in every area of their lives. Eph 6:4

Sexual Sins What Can You Do About Sexual

Temptations? Young people: The world says that

sexual activity before marriage is fine. Do not be deceived.

God said: Marriage is honorable and the bed is undefiled. Heb 13:4

Stay away from sexual temptations and do not provoke others.

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