seventeen chorus choir selections · 2014. 7. 2. · j,addison. creation. 4=, f i hi^h,with...

Post on 18-Aug-2021






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horus Choir




350 North Waller Avenue




This book has been issued to meetthe special needs of evangelisticand volunteer chorus choirs.

The Publishers


25c the single copy$2.50 per dozen, postpaid

$15.00 per hundred, not prepaid

Copyright 1928, by Tabernacle Publishing Co.

^1 Onward, Christian Soldiers.

Sabine Baring-Gould.

Unison. Con passione.Tempo di marcia.


1. On-ward,Chri8-tian sol - diersi Marching as'to


2. On-ward,then, ye peo - plel Join our hap-py throng,

With the Word of Je - bus Go"- ing on be - fore.Blend with ours your voi - ces In the tri-umph - song;

Christ, the roy - al Mas - ter, Leads a-gainst the foe;Glo - ry, laud, and hon - or Un - to Christ the King,

For- ward in - to bat - tie, See, His ban-ners go!This thru count -less a - ges Men and an - gels sing.

Onward, Christian Soldiers.—Ck)ntinued.

^ Chorus. All Paets.

(k-ward, Chris-tiau sol - diersi March-ing as to war,


With the Word of Je - BUS

1 m ' \ \ i \

mGo - ing 0

if: jJ. ^

n be

-»~r<g(g»- 0-0 0 0 -#- -


1 1

With the Word of Je

9^ ff-^ 'A9^

\T . Fig

r-1 J 1


Final ending only.

Onward, Christian Soldiers.—Concluded.

Male Voices. Unison.

At the sign of tri - umph Sa - tan's host doth flee;Crowns and thrones may per - ish, King-doms rise and wane,

, ,


On, then, Chris-tian sol - diers, On to vie - to - rylBut the cross of Je - sus Con-stantwill re -main;

^^^^All Voices.

Hell's foun-da-tions quiv - er At the shout, at the shout of praise;Grates of heU can nev - er 'Gainst the cross,'gain8t the cross pre -vail;

iJ 7

r ^ >t S. to Chorus.


W(3th-ers, lift your \

i have Christ's own [

- -luf-: ^ ^

—^ * * * \

foi - ces, Loud jour an-thems raise,

irom - ise. And that can - not fail

Ivory Palaces.Snggested by a sermon of Dr. J. Wilbur Cbapman's on Pealm 45 : 8, in which Christ is nictured «5f>m-tng cut of the ivory palaces of heaven to redeem mankind, clothed in garments which are nerfumed with

ms nT^Tr princ^°''^""^ ^^'^ heaUngf^ho fragranrofXh rTmai?ta

H. B,



Henry Barraclough.

A 1,


1. My Lord has garments 80 wondrous fine, And myrrh their tex- ture fills;

2. His life had al - so its sor-rows sore, For al - oes had a part;3. His garments too were in cas - sia dipped,With heal-ing m a touch;4. In garments glo - ri-ous He will come, To o - pen wide [the door;

Its fragrance reached to this heart of mme. With joy my be - ing thrills.

And when I think of the cross He bore, My eyes with tear-drops start.

Each time my feet in some sin have sIipped,He took me from its clutch.

And I shall en- ter my heav'n-ly home, To dwell for er - er - more.

Chorus.Slowly, softly, and witTumucJi expression.

-f? I <

IV I k I I—!—I—I


Out of the iv- o-ry pal - a - ces In - to a world of woe,

Full Chorus.


^—iTDuet.— Fery softly.

i mOn - ly His great e - ter - nal love... Made my Sav-iour go.

rrVojjright, 19J5, by C%ariw U- 41e;s*»io?. fotem^tipsal Qopjngki ^pwe^f


J, Addison.Creation.


f i

hi^h, With

J. P. rjaydn.

1. The spa-cious fir-ma-ment on2 CI ith all the blue, e-o a^^« „V Yu"" "igu, TTiuuau tue blue, e-

wh eve -mng shades pre - vail, The moon takes up theWhattho' in sol-emn si - lence all Move round the dark ter-

the - real sky, And spangled heav'ns, a - .^gwon - drous tale; And night -ly, to the lis - t'niires - trial ball,~Whattho'no re - al voice nor sound A - mid theiic

r^-i - nal pro - claim: Th'un-wear-ied sun, from day to dav

;!If 5'' ^" stars that rouid her bum,diant orbs be found,-In rea- son's ear thev all re-ini^A


?nf ?r ' \ " ^ P*''^dis-play; And pub - lish - esAnd all the plan - ets m their turn. Con-firm the tiAnd ut - ter forth a glo - rious voice, For- ev


er smg - mg

ev - 'ry land The work ofas they roll. And spread theas they shine,—"The hand that

A. A




Al - mightfrom pole


y hand,to pole,

di - vine.'*

Halleliqah Chorus.

J. N ^ ^> iJ. s ^

Eal-Ie-lu-jah! Hal-Ie-lu-jahl Hal-Ie-I i-jah! Hal-Ie - lu - jahl Hal - le - lu - jah I

•>f \/—


Hal-le-lu-jah! Eal-Ie-lu-jah! Hal-le-Iu-jah! Hal-Ie-Iu-jah! Hal -le^Iu^ah!

For the Lord God om-nip - o - tent reign-ethl Eal-le - lu - jah I Hal-Ie -lu-jah! Hal -le -

lu - )ah t Eal-Ie-Iu-jah \ For the LordGod om-nlp-o-tent reign-eth! Bal-Ie-lu-iah! Bal - le -

lu-jahl Bal-Ie -lu-jahl Hal-Ie -lu- jahl The king-dom of this world

Hallelujah Chorus.—^Concludedand Lord of lords,.

- for-ev-er and ev-er,ev-er andev • - er, K^g of kings, and Lord of

reign for • ev-er and ev-er. King of kings/ for- ev-er and ev-er.

j^^-^^-Iu-jahIHaI-Ie-Iu-jah!Andheshallreig^ " King of

kings,andLord of lords! King of kings, and Lord of lords!And he shall reignfor-ev-er and


a—rr~'andev - (3r, ]



' :

^ing^ of ki]

1 l_.

[igs, and Lord of

J J j J


. 1 .-

ev-erandev • er, for-ev-er and e

• •

v-er, 1 or-ev-ep and ev - er. Hal-Ie»



Adagio ff,

h < ^ j '..]. J ..

lu-jahl Hal-le - lu-jah! Hal-le- lu- jah! Hal-Io - lu - jalil HaMe - !u. fah!


Charlotte Q. Homer.Cry Aloud.

Chas. H. Gabriel


1, Cry a - loud in joy - ful ad - o - ra - tion, Men on earth in high or

2. Cry a - loud His maj - es - ty and glo - ry; Tell a - gain the ev - er

r 1 r -p-'p [i p p r r ' r r-f—p-^

low - ly sta-tionl Low bow-ing be-fore Him, Praise, laud and a - dore Him,bleas-ed sto - ryl Go in - to the high-ways, Go in - to the by-ways.




Great Au-thor of life and of sal - ?a - tion. He came our bur - den of

Go, know-iug that He go-eth be - fore you I To ev- 'ry crea-ture His

f f # f

sin to share, A crown of thorns on the cross to wear. Let ev - 'ry crea-ture

name make known Whose saving grace can for sin a - tone; Re-deem-er, Sav-ior,



sing In hon - or of the King, And to the world His name de - clare.

King, Let all the peo • pie sing. For He is God, and He a - lone.

Copyriglit, 1925, by Hornet A. Rodsbeaver. International Copyright secured.

Softly. K

Cry Aloud.—Concluded.

s(- i=i=sThough. . re-ject-ed and de - nied, Per - - se-cut-ed, cru - ci - fied,

Tho' re - ject - ed and de-nied, Tho' per-se - cut - ed, cru - ci - fied, A


n 1m 0 p 0.

1^^— fc)


He from out the grave a-rose In tri-umph o'er His foesl

vie-tor He from out the grave a-rose In tri-umph o'er His foesl Who then shall


^ 0E3

Who shall then de - ny His name, or whodare His name de-n^, Who His name deny, Who His pow'r de-

m m^^^^^^^3

, . His pow'r de • fy? , Be-fore Him wefy, Who His pow'r de-fy?


a - dor - ing fall, And

-1 P I


4mf dim mmj-rr

crown Him Lord of all. Be-hold Him! dor-ing fall, And crown Him Lord of all.

n-—F ^ y y:j

Hss LoveHAldob Lillekas.

1—f—^ U-l



9 - i _ *

earth, sea and sky It seemsure,' More pre

In heav

cious than all

mid rap

earth - ly

ture and








The love that re*

Suf - fi - cient to

The Bong that is



deemed me, the love that ep - teemed

hold me, to guide and en - fold

swell • ing will ev - er be tell

me Tome, His

ing Oi


ifCopyright, 1922, by Tabernacle Publishing Co.

His Love. Concluded.

r r '

' ' ^be wor-thy of such

love, won- der - ful love

God and of His match

a sac

60 full

less love






ChOEUS. Full Harmony.

±v - —^—


. . . 7—

His love is as high as the mountHis




as Mgh as

ain Andthe moaut-ain And


fresh as the clear flow-ing fount - am, As broad as thetfresli as the clear flow-ing fount -ain,



0 - cean as deep as^ the sea And bound less as e *


I1 1 1-

ter - ni - ty. His sea is His love

1 1- f

me. (to^ me.)


7 Unfold, Ye Portals.

^^f/^^^'t^^^^^"" JCO^-^/oy accompaniment.

From Gounod's Redemption.Arr. by Paul Beckwith.

#^1 f p -[

Un - fold, un - fold, un-

'—£- '

fold, Ye portals ev - er-last - ing, Un - told,

II b -un - fold. un-

fold, Ye portals ever - last - ing, With wel - come to re - ceive

Him as-cend-ing on high;


Be - hold the King of glo - ry! He6"

mounts up thro' the sky,p

Back to the heav'nly mansions hast-ing, Un

fe. ..........

An. Copyriebt, 1937. by Homtr A. Bodaheaver.

Unfold, Ye Portals.—Concluded.

H F-r-Pfold, un -

^fold, un - fold.

p *i—


For lol the ]

tr. ^4:t^i J




iing comes nighl^

But who is He, the King of glo - ry?


/ Chorus.

He who death overcame, the Lord in battle might-y. X

/. Chorus.


Of hosts He is the Lord; of an-gels and of pow'rs. The King of


Un-glo • ry is the King of the saints.

4 . _


8D. R. Van Sickle.

All Hail, Immanuel/COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY E. O. EXCELL.

WO(K}S AND MUSIC. Chas. a GabrleL

1. AU hail to Thee, Im-man - u - el, We2. All hail to Thee, Im-man - u - el. The3. All hail to Thee, Im-man - u - el. Our

r I


' rcast our crowns be-

ran - aomed hoetB snr-

ris en Kine and

fore Thee; Let ev-'ry heart o - bey Thy will, And e?round Thee; And earthly monarchs clam-or forth Their SovSav - iorl Thy foes are vanquished, and Thou art Om - nip

'ry voice a-

'reign King to

o-tent for-


dore Thee. In praise to Thee, our Sav - ior Eng, The vi-brant chords ofcrown Thee.WhUe those redeemed in a - ges gone. As-sem-bled round theev ^ er. Death, sin and heU no Ion - ger reign. And Satan's pow'r is

Heav - en ring. And ech

great white throne. Break forth

burst in twam; E - ter

r y T 1 . f

0 back the might -y strain: All

in - to im - mor - tal song: AUnal glo - ry to Thy Name: All—,—


haU! all hail! AllAll hail! aU hail!

all hail, Im-man- a - ell



All Hail, Immanuel!,.^Im-man-u - el! Im-man-n-el! Hail,

Hail to the King we love so well,, Hail, Im • man-u-ell Hail to the Ei



Kingwe love so well*


r r r^rellHftilj Im • man- a -ell Gloryand honor and majestTtWiadom and powerbo

Glo • ry and maj-es-ty, Wis • dom beEaiil

Hail, Im-

nn - to Thee, Now and ev - er - more I Hail to the King we love so well.

man-n- el, Im-man-n-ell Hail, .Im-man-u-el,Im-man-a-eII




King o! kings and Lord of lords, All hail, Im-man - a - el!

Andreas Hofer.


The Heavens ResoundArranged from Beethoven.

f1. The heav'ns resound with His praises e - ter-nal, In might and2. The Lord is God! He is King of ere - a-tion; In His right

glo - ry they com - bine To tdl iSname thro' earth and the oceans That man mayhand He holds them all; His children, we, in love and de - vo-tion, Be-fore His


hear the word di-vine.

might and gow-er fall.

He holds the suns in the blue vaulted0 Fa - ther, hear ! we Thy sons bring our


* •••• ••<• • •••• • •

zt^^ --^ =tFrom Gray Book of Favorite Songs. Used by permission of Hall & McCreary Co.

The Heavens Resound.—Concluded.

bless -ings,He plants His foot up - on the world;Our prayer - ful thanks to Thee we raise;

-9-0 0- J:

a:4- J-

The myr-iad stars bow in will-ing sub-jec-tion; The u - ni- verse Hisiheheavns resound; break, 0 earth, into glo-ry, Toservel a-dore! and^ ^ ^ /5> /?N

hand un-furled, The u - ni - verse His hand un - furled,smg His praise! To serve I a-dore! and sing His praise!



-I 1-





The Great Coronation Day.Haldor Lillenas.

1. There is a d

2. Who else is \?

3. The mul-ti-ti

ay of glo-ry c

^or-thy of our 1

ides from ev-'ry i

f-f- f- •

t—g. S ^ g^ -S—9— —ar 'g. •1

oming, In yonder fair and fadeless land,

lomage, Who else could die to save the lost,

la- tion; From ev'ry tribe and ev-*ry tongue,

rtf r r.f f f rie^g .


h N , I—


^ - ^ s n • •

When all the ransomed and the blood-washed, Around the great while throne shall stand;

Who else would sac-ri- fice His glo - ry , And pay the price redemption cost?

The ma- ny million martyred he- roes, Whose praises we have of - ten Bang,


The golden crowns np-on their fo^^heads, They down be- fore the King shall lay,

Who else should claim our ad - o - ra-tion,Who else our heav-y debt could pay?Tmil n^nll 4-Vm n«>'4-ViAn^i<i r\f 4-ViA A _ /vaa Tn tm>oica TTim litroa 'f/-kr axra _

if f : f r r |t



^ V '1\ 11



^ '


mmAnd crown Him King of kings to reign for ev-er,On that great cor-o-na-tion day.

We'll crown Him King of kings to reign for ev-er,On that great cor-o-na-tion day.

Then we shall crown Him King to reign for ev- er,On that great cor-o-na-tion day.


k ^ K 4— \J U


"Crown Him King!" The ransomed hosts will sing,.......


Crowm Him, crownHim King of kings, will sing,

111 I,

^, . ^ jq Jffi^J J u

Copyright, 1917, by Charles M. Alexander. Taternacle Publishing Co., owner.

The Great Coronation Day--Concluded.

^. I I I ! ^ . , > II

Wlule the vast,uiiniiinbered throng of angels swell the mighty song.



Crown Him Engl Horn - age bringl He who died but lives,King ofkmgs I Homage glad-ly, glad-ly bring I

And sal- va-tion gives, Is wor-thy all our ad-o - ra - tion

onr ad-o - ra- tion.

•*Crown Him Kmgl Hom - age bring!" At HisCrown Him, crown Him Zing of kings I Horn- age glad- ly, glad- ly bring!

pierc- ed feet we our crowns shall lay On that great cor-o-na- tion day.

jb-j^^ -g- -g- -g- f- ^ H ^ ^ -^^^-^

11 The Conquering Host of God.Julia H. Johnson.u Unison. March tempo.


Harry Dixon Loea

i. . His ban - ner lift

=1 5^

1. March on, 0 con-qu'ring host of iioc


2. What tho* the hosts of sin are strong,.. All - con-qu'ring is our

3. There comes a day, one gold - en day, .... When sm and strife shall




Lookup to Him who leads you on, The vie

By ways to us be - fore un - known . . He leads

^hen bat - tie shouts shall all be hushed, . . And cap -

- to-



His faith -ful word of truth re - peat;... In His

Christ,.. Whose Ufe for us was sac - ri - ficed,... Cries "Folgreat



\ i It 1


i ^^^^


de - fend

and youthe time

the right, The ranks

shall see Tbe vie -

shall be Of ev -




C^vfrisbW 1922, by labQrnacle Pablisbins Co.

The Conquering Host of God —Concluded.

Chorus. Parts.

wrong de • - fv.

ry UQ - - priced."last - ing peace.

All hail! tri-um-phant host, Your

might- y Lead-er goes be - fore; His the king-dom is, pow'r andHe goes be -fore;

might are His, Crown Him the King for-ev-er - more; All glo - ry

^^^^^^ Slower.mto His name, for He is ev - er-more the same;


Let joy-ful hal-le-

^ 1 J-

lu - jahs ring, ex - ilit the Lord and King, 0 con-qu'ring host of C

1 f: r t-[






b r r n

12 The Peace of God.C. CoUer.


jLnaanie. w K ai'm. k i

1. E - ven as a riv - er flow - ing On-ward to its na - tive sea,

2. To the heart where strife was Keign-ing—Je - sus spake,— dis-sen-sion ceased:

3. Changeless in a world of chan-ces. Peace is mine thru good or ill;


i ^ ^ i)'

Bless-ings from the Lord be -stow -ing, Com-eth heav-en's peace to me.From the bonds so long en -chain -ing, He hath won-drous - ly re -leased.

Peace which ev-'ry joy en-hanc-es. Gives to grief a^ ho - ly thrill.

f con energia,


% —e^l—I—^1

b b bPass - ing mor - tal un - der- stand -ing, Nev - er to world-lings known:Par -don full for past trans-gres -sion, Grace for the time of need;

Sav - iour, source of peace un - fail - ing. Thou who my peace hath willed,

*: * :^ *: ^: # ^ ^ ^

^^^^^^^^Yet for all the race ex-pand-ing, God's gift un - to His own.With such treas-ure in pos-ses - sion; Hap - py am I in - deed.

Dwell in me, o'er all pre - vail - ing, Till earth - ly storms are stilled.

M. ^ ,^ ^ JL ^ ^ ^.

[1 U ii-

Chorus. Con grazia. cres.

i MlPeace of God, (on me de-scend- ing,) Peace of God, (my life be-friend-ing,)

b b b

Words by permission of the Salvation Army.

The Peace of Ood.—Concluded.

Peace of God, (to

^ 1 ^—f—P-

un - end - ing,)Bear, oh, bear me

cm. - ^ - - - ra?^. e dim. - -

on, oh, bear me on, oh, bear me on, oh, bear me on

J^. -Jr. ^EE

mp a tempo, K

E - ven

a; ri-i

fas a riv - er flow-ing, Com-eth


ieav-en's peace to me; Bless -ings

from the Lord be-stow - ing. Full, a-bun-dant, rich and free. Rich and

free, (so rich and free,) Peace of God, (so rich, so free.)

Jr. J-M'

13.E. O. E.

Wake the Song.E. O. Excell.

VV a&c tlic

Wake the song, wake the song.

to ihA CAtIfy At IHmK&6 blie oUug Ul JU*Uof ju - bi-lee;

i# :

—tr-bl ' D b I- 0

n rJUpr j ill

bl bl

Wake the song, wake the song, .... wake the song, the song of ju - bi - lee;

Wake the song, wake the song.


• 1^|i> tM) b

i ubbp x:)bi "pbPbPb'Let it ech-o o'er the sea, let it ech-o o'erthesea.

Let it ech-o o'erthesea. Let it ech-o o'er the sea.

0 0 '

mJ b b D b

I p b pWake the song wake the song, wake the song.

Wake the song, wake the song, wake the song, wake the song of

Babitone Obligato. \) K


1 Pi I n ft

t :t i i. tp b

of ju - bi-lee, Loud as might-y Ihun-ders roar,

ju - bi - lee; Loud as might - y thun-ders roar, when it

Ii 0 ' 0

;^bP bi ^ p-b-t^-b- ^^bi—p-bCopyrisht, 1915, by E. O. Excell. Renewal. Used by permission.

Wake the Song.—Concluded.

Wake the song— of ju - bi - lee.

breaks, when it breaks up - on the shore; Wake the song, Wake the


p-J I-

Let it ech-o o'er the



See Je-ho-vah'i


^ d-d ^ ^ j 1

ban-ner furled,

2a_L L

Sheathed the sword, H

t D rp-

espeaks.'tis done, !

if: it J:"'^'

JTow the kingdom



5 of this world are the

kingdoms of the Son; Hal-le-lu-jah, hal-Ie-lu-jah, hal-le-lu-jah, A - men;


Hal-le-lu-iah, hal-le-lu-jah, hal-le-lu-jah, hal-le-lu-jah, hal-le-lu - jah, hal-le - lu - jah.


14 When Jesus Whispers, "Peace.'H. L.

fj b 1) I?

i i i i MHaldor LUlenas.

T1. Out on life's storm -y o - cean Wild - ly the waves may roll;

2. Far from the peace -ful har - bor, Doomed by the waves to die^

Loud is their fierce com-mo - tion, But One can the pow'rscon-trol.Corn-age I be - hold thy Sav - iour To res-cue—now draw- eth nigh.

*Ladies* Quartette, pp

Je - sus

Peace be still,

whis - pers,

peace be still,

bePeace be still,


peace be still!


Je - sus, the won-der - ful King of the sea, Can calm its roll - ing waves.

Male Voices. Allegro, ff

Loud the an - gry bil - lows beat a - bout my soul,

Rag- ing waves 0 - bey Him, Tem-pest gales have gone.


*The quartettes should be seated in the body of the chorus, and not apart from it.

Copyrisbt, 1922, by Tabernacle Publishing Ca

When Jesus Whispers, "Peace."—Concluded.


But they on - ly c

All is calm be -

rive me ne

'ore Him, Ch

J -i


ar - er to myrist, the might -y

Full Chorus. Le 'jato.


What tho' the night be fall - ing 0 - ver the rest - less sea,

Safe from the storms of sor - row, En-teredthe ha - ven, blest;...

I D-


One nev - er will for - sake me,Peace for the troub-led spir - it,

lf tf^ ^ Jkim-

He safe-ly will pi - lot me.and re9,lms of eternal rest.

f -g- 1 r ,f• f

* Ladies' Quartette, mf Male Quartette, pp

Tem-pest and storm must cease, When Je - sus whis-pers, "Peace;"

Full Chorus, ffr) h



Tem-pest and storm must cease,. . When Je - sus whis - pers, "Peace.

15 The Love of God.H.L.

Moderato.Haldor Lillenas.

M luoaeraio.


1. Far be-yond all hu- man com -pre - hen2. Great e- nough to sac - ri - fice with pleas3. Great- er than my sin and con-dem - na4. Deep e- nough for those in deg - ra - da





yond all hu- man com-pre-hen-sion,

iV V • • -sih*

Meas- ured by an in - fi - nite di - menAnd to give a -way its rich -est treasGreat e- nough to give me, full sal - vaHigh - er than the high -est el - e - va






Mea3 ured by an m - fi-nite di- men-sion.

Won-der-ful - ly broad in its in - tenAnd to drink of pain in brim-ming measAnd to fill my soul with ju - bi - laBroad e- nough to take_in ev - 'ry na





der ful - ly broad in its in- ten - tion,

Is the bound-less love ofIs the won-drous love ofIs the match -less love ofIs the bound-less love of


God. the love of God.



bound-less Iqve of God.Is the

Copyright, 1917. by Charles M Alexander,Jntemational Copyright Secure^,

* Chorus.Love

The Love of Qod—Concluded.

, di - vine 80

Love di-vine sur-pass-es all that hu - man tongue can tell, is bound- less


di loveand free.

di - vine, la

/rs Love

High- er than theWhile on earth or in e-ter-ni - ty;

tlian e - ter - ni - ty High - er

di - vine that reach

broad - er

1mountains where the soar- mg ea-gles dwell, Deep-er than the

high - cBt mountain,

mthan the high est

fetemmount - ain,


Deep - er


might-y roll-ing sea,sea, the surg-ing sea.

Love suf-fi-cient to'redeem and


the roll ing


sea, is love suf fl - cient


set acap-tive free,As shoreless and as endless as e-ter-ni - ty.

deem,Altos must be made very prominwt. If necessary, have a number ofthe Sopranos sing the

IBajm part with the Altos,*

Exalt His Name.J. p. Scholfield.'

1. The name of the Lord shall be ex - alt - ed, His grace and truth He2. The strength of our God shall be ex - alt - ed, His might and ma - les-3. The king-dom of^ God shall be ex - alt - ed, His lov - ing kindness^^^

3̂^hathmadeknown;The name of the Lord shall be ex -alt-ed, For mer -cyty pro-claim; The strength of our God shall be ex - alt-ed I Let na - tions

not fail; The king-dom of^ God shall be ex -alt-ed, His pur -pose


-t^ -r

|-- - -

|-- ^ H- -


He hath shown. With gladness and joy our hearts proclaim All glo - ry to Hisbear His name. Ac-cept Him as Sav-ior, Lord, and King, Re-joice, be glad, andshall pre - vail. Make straight, thsn. His righteous path to-day , And en - ter while you

t5=ti:I I I


name: Ex-alt His ho - ly name.sing:

may: Ex- alt and praise His name, ex - alt and praise His ho-ly name.

i iCopyright, 1017, by Honrar A. Bodeheaver. International CopTrisht secured.

Exalt His Name.—Concluded.

Ex - alt His name, ex - alt His name;Ex - alt and praise His ho - ly name, ex - alt and praise His ho - ly name;

^J. -J- -p- -m- -& .;- V ^m2*

Ex-alt His hoEx-alt His name, ex - alt His name, ex - alt

^ ^1^

ly name,' His ho - ly name



Ex -alt His ho - ly name.Ex • alt and praise His bo - ly name, His great and ho • ly name.


ffisEx - alt His name, ... ex - alt

Ex- alt His name, .




name,ex - alt His name.

Ex - alt His nameEx - alt His name, ex -alt His name, ex alt His name.


17 In Heavenly Love Abiding.

Anna L. Waring. Felix Mendelssohn.

1. In heav'n-ly love a - bid -ing,No change my heart shall fear; And safe in such con-2. Wher-ev-erHe may guide me, No want shall turn me back; My Shepherd is be-

3 . Green pastures are be-foreme , Which yet I have not seen;Bright skies willsoonbe

J I I I h ^ .-p- . -e-: t ^' ^ -J-

The storm may roar with-out me,

fid - ing, For nothmg chang-es here. The storm may roar with-out me,side me. And nothing can I lack. His wis-dom ev - er wak - eth,

o'er me,Where darkest cloads have been.My hope I can • notmeas-ure,


The storm may roar without me,

Mj heart may low be laid, But God is round a-bout me, Andean I be dis-

His sight is nev - er dim; He knows the way He tak - eth. And I will walk withMy path to life is free; My Sav-iour has my treas-ure,AndHe willwalk with

mBut God is round a-bout me, And


mayed? But God is round a - bout me. And can.Him; He knows the way He tak - eth. And I . .


me; My Sav-iour has my treas - ure, And He.

. I be dis-mayed?

.will walk with Him.willwalk withme.


can I be dis - mayed?. And can I be dis-mayed?


INDEXAll Hail, Immanuel ! . , . 8

Conquering Host of God, The ....... 1


Creation 3

Cry Aloud 5

Exalt His Name 1


Great Coronation Day, The 10

Hallelujah Chorus ........... 4

Heavens Resound, The 9

His Love 6

In Heavenly Love Abiding ,17Ivory Palaces 2

Love of God, The . . 15

Onward, Christian Soldiers . 1

Peace of God, The ,12Unfold, Ye Portals 7

Wake the Song, 13

When Jesus Whispers Peace ....... 14

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