setting health goals in this lesson, you will learn about… why is it important to have goals. how...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Setting Health Goals

In this lesson, you will Learn About…

Why is it important to have goals.

How to set goals.

How to reach your goals.

Setting Health Goals

The Vocabulary terms in this lesson are:


Short-term goals

Long-term goals

Types of Goals

Long-term goals are achieved over a longer period of time than short-term goals.

Long-term goals are usually accomplished over a period of months or years. Short-term goals often lead to long-term goals.

Types of Goals (cont’d.)

Why Set Goals?

Choosing Your Goal

Needs Values Interests

Skills Abilities Knowledge

Choose a goal based on your:

I like to play basketball and I

think I’m a pretty good

player. I wonder if I could make

the team

Set an achievable goal for yourself. An achievable goal is one that is realistic and set within a reasonable time frame.

Choosing Your Goal (cont’d.)

Tryouts for the basketball team are in three weeks. I’m

going to practice for an hour everyday

after school until the tryouts.

Achieving Your Goals

After choosing a goal, work toward achieving it:

Make your goals specific. List the steps to reach your goal. Get help and support others. Evaluate your progress. Reward yourself after reaching your goal.

Changing Your Goals

As you grow and develop, your abilities and interests change. Because of this, your goals may need to change as well. You can

Modify an existing goal to suit your current abilities and interests.

Set a completely new goal.

Reviewing Facts and Terms

1. Setting _______ helps take charge of your life and builds your self-esteem.


Reviewing Terms and Facts

2. List the factors that you should consider when choosing your goals.

The factors for choosing goals are: Needs Values Interests Skills Abilities Knowledge

Thinking Critically

3. How does accomplishing goals help you?

Achieving a goal gives a feeling of accomplishment. This feeling can give you a positive outlook on life, improving your health and building self-esteem.

Chapter Review

Reviewing Terms and Facts

1. A(n) _____ is a pattern of behavior that you follow almost without thinking.


2. _________ influences are factors that affect your behavior that come from inside you.


Reviewing Terms and Facts

3. The way a person thinks, feels, and acts is called _________.character

Reviewing Terms and Facts

4. Graduating from high school and going on to college is an example of a ___________ goal.long-term

Reviewing Terms and Facts

Thinking Critically

5. Explain how a change in one side of the health triangle can affect the other two sides.

Thinking Critically

6. Think of a decision you made recently about your health. Then, name one or more goals you might set as a result of the decision.

Share your decision and goal with the class.

Thinking Critically

7. Choose one of the six steps of the decision-making process, and describe its importance to the process.

Thinking Critically

8. “Setting and achieving goals should always be a flexible process.” Explain and give examples.

Vocabulary Review

A goal is something that you hope to accomplish.

Vocabulary Review

A short-term goal is one that you plan to accomplish in a short time, for example, winning a tennis match or getting a good grade on a quiz.

Vocabulary Review

A long-term goal is one that you hope to achieve within a period of months or years, for example, becoming a doctor or winning an Olympic gold medal.

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