seng and wavering present:. don’t forget your paperwork! will be developing a website for a...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Seng and Wavering present:

Don’t forget your paperwork!Will be developing a website for a

client – usually a club, nonprofit, or other worthy cause

Websites have moved beyond individually hand-built pages.

Web Development FrameworksContent Management System

Aim to make development of complicated sites easier by automating common features and organizing the code you write.

Follow generally accepted “best practices”

PHP – CakePHP, CodeIgniterRuby – Ruby on RailsPython - Django

Contain libraries for database access, session management, templating web pages

Written in a particular language – PHP, Ruby, Python are common

Abstract lower-level interfacing so that you only have to worry about higher-level functionality

Software that allows you to manage websites without having to manually edit HTML

Simple CMS (

Cushy CMS (

Indexhibit ( Wordpress ( Drupal (<!-- start edit --><!-- end edit -->class="editable"

Originally a blogging platform, but capabilities have grown to include standard website features.

We will be looking at Wordpress in more depth next week –installation and maintenance

How to register a domainHow to buy hostingUploading and maintaining your siteSite analytics

Use your google-fu to find the Wordpress “Famous 5-minute Install Guide”. Read. Email us a short summary.

Fill out paperwork and bring to class.Start thinking about projects for next


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