self awareness and authenticity

Post on 23-Jan-2015






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Today’s Act:Footprints of Tomorrow

Oladimeji Joseph Fakayode

Lisa Markula

?What if you can do twice as much as you can right now?

Peformance, satisfaction and happiness

You will perform better, be satisfied and be happier

2 Traits of top performers

1. Self awareness2. Authenticity

Self awareness

Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to reconcile oneself as an individual separate from the environment

and other individuals. (Wikipedia)


Authenticity is the degree to which one is true to one's own personality, spirit, or character, despite external pressures; the 

conscious self is seen as coming to terms with being in a material world and with encountering external forces, pressures and

influences which are very different from, and other than, itself


Tools to help you in self awareness



3. Belbin Team roles

4. And other psychology tools

Example: DISC profile

Behaviourial Styles

Behaviourial Styles

Natural motivators

Belbin team role

Belbin team role is another tool that can help you in finding the best spot in teams where you can use you natural talents and enjoy your roles in such teams. You can use Google in

finding and taking the test

Splitting and Reflecting on Roles

1. Talent bartering (doing something you know for someone else

and the same person doing what you don’t know how to do for you

2. Dump and grab(delegate or outsource)

3. Role change(Chronic inauthenticity = Chronic failure)

Being authentic with your result...The above list includes what you can do when you find yourself doing what you are not wired to do. Please note that this does not stop you from

learning new skills. However, in cases where you don’t enjoy playing that role, try the suggestions.

Connecting to AIESEC

Management Toolbox

Just do you

This session was delivered at AIESEC in Finland’s conference as part of its leadership development programme, LEAD. The content was put together by myself and Lisa Markula using inspiration from Anthony Robbins and Jay Niblick and others. The session was rated 5 out of five because of its impact in people’s way of seeing roles afterwards.

Thank you, Kiitos, E seun

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