selas heat technology co. burners, combustion systems and ... · the race was on to ... milling...

Post on 28-Jun-2019






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IRED Profiles in Infrared Heating

On a typical Ohio spring day in mid-March of this year, the lights came on in a new corporate headquarters and manufacturing facility in Streetsboro, which is located in the Cleveland-Akron corridor. The race was on to complete the relocation and consolida-tion of manufacturing operations from several older Selas operations into the new, cavernous 73,500-ft2 facility. New CNC machining centers, lathes and milling machines were being brought to life, the smell of fresh paint was in the air, and the dryers and kilns for Selas’ ceramic components were soon at temperature making test runs of burner cups and tips.

Since then, the activity has only increased. New combustion design engineers work to develop the next generation of combustion technology.

New product testing facilities are getting into full swing, and improve-ments to customer support and ser-vice are under way.

For any company, this would be a major undertaking. But at Selas, this was just the second quarter of 2013. After all, this activity had come on the heels of acquiring two new technology brands at the beginning of the year.

The addition of the Ensign Ribbon Burner line provides Selas with a range of high-efficiency burners for baking, food preparation, textiles and plastics

processing applications. Ensign’s vener-able name has been around since 1907, and the brand is highly regarded for its abilities to help customers with unique ribbon burner configurations to solve a wide array of process issues.

Red-Ray came on board shortly thereafter, expanding Selas’ reach deeper into the infrared business. Red-Ray is the pioneer in infrared combus-tion technology, serving a range of industrial applications such as baking and food preparation, powder coating, paper and textiles. Red-Ray’s direct gas-fired burners employ an air-gas mixture that combusts and heats an emitter to produce high temperatures and maximum radiation in the medium wavelength 1 to 5 µm range, with products including surface combustion and gas impingement burners as well

Selas Heat Technology Co.

Burners, Combustion Systems and Safety Products

By Bill Mayer










Selas’ 73,500-ft2 facility in Streetsboro, Ohio, is equipped with host of manufacturing gear, including CNC machining centers, lathes and milling machines.

12  OCTOber 2013 Process Heating

IRED Profiles in Infrared Heating

as a compact operating and control unit known as Redi-Pak.

Change and growth are part of Selas’ DNA. Since its beginnings in 1896 in Germany as a manufacturer of ceramic mantles for gas lights, Selas has been an

innovative company, pushing the edge of technology to new heights. By 1942, the company had expanded its ceramics and burner lines into industrial applica-tions from glass to petrochemical to forging and heat treating.

Growth isn’t a new thing at Selas. The company’s product range expand-ed in 2009 with the addition of the Pyronics technology brand, creating one of industry’s broadest resources of industrial burners, process burners, mixing systems and related combustion accessories and equipment for manufac-turers of products such as ferrous and nonferrous metals, glass, ceramics, plas-tics, food processing, chemicals, heat treating, powder coating and textiles.

Ray Burner was added in 2011, giv-ing Selas an entire range of multi-fuel packaged burners for industrial com-bustion markets as well as commercial boilers. Ray Burners may be incorpo-rated into boilers, ovens and kilns to form a safe, automatic packaged burner unit. From its historic origin in San Francisco in 1872, the Ray Co., as it was called then, caused the redesign of steamship engines by devising the Ray oil burner, a piston pump that revolu-tionized shipping worldwide.

Selas also added Maxsys fuel sys-tems to its broadening portfolio in 2011. Maxsys’ energy-saving equip-ment pretreats oil or gas combustion fuel to enhance its eff iciency, thereby reducing fuel consumption and low-ering carbon emissions. Selas offers customers a guaranteed rapid payback and return on investment.

If the past is any indicator, the future holds a great deal of excitement and energy at Selas, as industry is greeted by a new generation of innovation worthy of a glorious past.

For more information on Selas Heat Technology Co., visit or email *

Profiles in Infrared Heating showcases members of the Infrared Equipment Division, an arm of the Industrial Heating Equipment Association, a vol-untary national trade association rep-resenting the major segments of the industrial heat processing equipment industry. To learn more about IHEA, Taylor Mill, Ky., call (859) 356-1575 or visit

Red-Ray direct gas-fired burners employ an air-gas mixture that combusts and heats an emitter to produce high temperatures and maximum radiation in the medium wavelength 1 to 5 µm range.

Selas designs and produces process burners, mixing systems and related combustion accessories and equipment for manufacturers of products such as ferrous and nonferrous metals, glass, ceramics, plastics, food processing, chemicals, heat treating, powder coating and textiles

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