seer or documentation of trafficking with extra-terrestrials and extra-dimensionals. protocols of...

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Beta version 0.6


SEER, Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6,2015 SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6 -By Malierk 23 SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6. 2015 2 SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6. 2015 3 SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6. 2015 4 Notefromthe Author: As reasonable creatures, we may perhaps have experiences transcending that of a regularperception,andasboundbyorgansofcontact,perception,andaggregatesthroughwhichwe interpretreality, we maytestonlyasmuchreality,aswecanperceive,understandandapproximateinto patterns. We are not infallible, and this is quite a pioneering territory, which understanding is prone to er-ror, and risks a wrong interpretation; please bear it in mind, and read at your leisure, keeping an open mind, yet retaininga critical approach. There is no model or narration that may perfectly describereality, this is merely a negotiated rod of reference, a type of measurement, that is limited by the tools, let the tools not distort the general view. Also these experiences may be not reproducible, varying from consciousness to consciousness and mind to mind. Personally, I believe that consciousness must go through several anoma-lies of perceptive shifts nearing the observer effect, and deprogramming conditioned and socialized scripts, andthisisnotaprocess,thatiseasybreakingtheconditionedscriptsandshiftingperception,releases clustersofenergythatmayexertmentalpressureandpain.Perhapsminorre-wiringinthebrainisalso thereason,althoughitmaybethatconsciousnessasafieldofinteractionandchangesismodulated through the mind, and a brain is merely an interpreter, a switch-board, and a reducer of signals from reality immersed in the wholeness of the matrices. SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6. 2015 5 The mind is a key, the brain and senses are the interpreter, depending on which dimensions we are connected to, how ourconsciousnessreactswiththem,andwhichreality-frequency we are allowed to access, or force our way into it(hijackingconnections),thebrainseesandfeelsdiffer-ent things. TYPES OF VISION: SHALLOW MODES:OPEN EYES:Dependingontheintelligentmanifestations;theshiftsinenergythatfeedenergy-signalsintothebrain interpreter re-linked through emanations of consciousness, and decodethe shadow,form and/or color of anentityfromagivenreality-spectrum;Thisiseitherpickedupin4D-distribution(time+co-ordinates)as imagery, or 5D-distribution (time+co-ordinates+non-location) in which the co-ordinates may seemingly be established at the time of sight, but in retrospect the image cannot be exactly located in 3D, only the vector of movement may be retraced.This is commonly known as clairvoyance, or seeing the world invisible un-der regular conditions, itis subjective because of ones individuals hooking up to given realities, although onemayseehow,forexample,entitiesinfluenceotherspeoplesminds,andhowtheyinteractwithhu-man worlds, the domain of perception is isolated and subjective, or inter-subjective if two minds with simi-lar skills may observe certain phenomena together. One may interact with entities that are intelligent (be-longtoagreatermatrixofbeing,whileabolishingtheclosedmind-areductionistagenda)inthesense they reveal their trace in the field of vision, thus consciously manifesting to the vision.CLOSED EYES: Mode 1: Seeing in energy, or the detection of energy-changes, fluxes and vortexes that are usually inter-preted as black-and-white forms on the closed eye-lid screen. SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6. 2015 6 Mode 2: Seeing in color, whereas the flux of forms, colors, and shapes concentrates into manifestations of entities, the process is mining in the image-base of unconscious1, at the same time providing the temporary shapes, colors, and forms of nearby zone (or whichever tunneling one is connected to). No objective reality is given to them, instrumentally not because they may not exist, but multiplying beings beyond necessity subjectifiesthevisionswhichrulethemeditator,insteadoffilteringmorereliableinputandre-directing focus to transcend these conjured realities rather than be fixated upon them. InnerSight:Animage visualizedorinvokedprojectedontheinnermentalscreenandheldinthemindin closed-eyes and open-eyes mode; the visualized image may, or maynot be re-scripted and translated into Mode 2 Closed-EyedSeeing, yet it generates mental energy that is readable and accessible to any dimen-sions/entitiesresonatingwithit.Thatis:avisualizedimage(orpsibitualdatacomposedofallsense-and mind-imprints) held on mental screen, may or may not appear on the clear closed-eye image-flux level, yet it is intelligible to given dimensions/entities as the feedback from image-levels appears whether the image itself appears on a coupled mental-closed eye lid screen or not. DEPTH MODES (EMERGENT ORDER) PHOSPHENIC REGRESSION: Acrudetechniquebasedonexcitingtheocularnervesbypressingtheeyeballsforprolongedperiodoftime,which reversesthesignalintothematricesofconsciousness,itisfirstseenasalayered-imagekaleidoscopictunnels,and thenifthesignalishijackeditconnectedtoparticulardimensions,thefurthesttheauthorwentistheblue-yellow omniversal scale (spaceless), while he received technological, mathematical, and ideational transmissions in a mode of fullbroadcast,aswellascontactingsevenrepresentativesofdiversealienraces,whichwereseenasdifferentnon-human faces. Reversionofthelight-signalintrojectedfromthemovingpicturesofrealityfromthepreviousmodesof seeing into form, shape and color clarity; Since the photic energy is usually moving outward, and feedback signalsit encounters the electromagnetic spectrum and the grosser material plane that reifies the outer in a way that a naive realistcaptures theworld; this is a habitual modeof seeing for mosthuman beings; when the moving pictures are not reified, and we move the focus towards the inner sight that is a mind-consciousness focusing on the scenery of the frequencies of emanations in which it is inter-woven, and the signal of energy starts to move through the ocular nerves and meet thecontentof unconscious, and then fleshing outthe surroundings by descending and bypassing the moving picturesby expansion (divedeep below to see the expanded above, short-circuiting the regular blueprint of sight), it builds up the energy of pure consciousness that expands from a highly condensed form and bypasses regular perception and pene-trates into information-variable fields that are interpreted by human aggregates, to the best of their ability; thusitisanactofwithdrawingallthementalenergyinvestmentfromtheouter,orthesense-

1 Unconscious as a personal mental sphere in which memories and images are kept; the memory-cues through associ-ations recover content from this individual imprint.SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6. 2015 7 consciousness,andre-investingitintheinnerthatbypassesregularsightintotheouterzones(timeless, space-less); STAGING: THRESHOLD 1: Clear bardo-level flux, the entities are detected with more precision, as they are clearly seen in manifested forms, this is the intermediate stage of perception, and some may be frozen at this point (the author, after his mind was blocked could not pierce to Threshold 2 anymore as of 11.08.2015 this leaves field for experimentation of these who still can) if Threshold 1 is pierced through THRESHOLD 2: Space break-through, if not jammed with black-and-white noise (most notably the wardens, perhapsLam-Archonticsystemsthatarefilteringoutencapacitatedminds,attempttoreglamentcon-sciousness,and block communications); several tunnels layered in image-vessel appear as a Kaleidoscopic warp, moving across the tunnel with the mind, repetitive flashes appear during traveling when the warps arereachedwarpsareaformofstagingforinter-stellarcommunication,orremotetelepathy:tele-noetics. SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6. 2015 8 SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6. 2015 9 TWO MODESOF THRESHOLD 2: INTER-STELLAR WARPING, or traveling through the matrices of universe, communicating with a calibrat-ed zone;(the aforementioned tunnels and warp-flashes), random experiments led to trafficking with alien entities (leading to remote incarnation: avatarization) anything from wyrd input (for example, identified as non-organic boundary system-rim species) to communication with beings capable of incarnation in human-oidnervoussystem,holdingquitewellandcommunicatingthroughenergyorhighlyabstractideastrans-lated into energy. Human mental-aggregate information is intelligible as it is translated back and forth into energy, as if the content of human mind and emanating fields would be immediately known as information; Bothspeciessuperiortohumans yetwhollybenevolent;andspeciestryingtoforcefullyadaptthehuman body as their host (infective) were detected. Note, once contact is established it is not lost; afterwards one may inter-communicate by regular sight, looking at the constellations, if a root with an inter-stellar intelli-gence is reached, it may be jammed and filtered out on the mind level, or replaced by fake, misleading cur-rents, but the link itself is not lost; If the consciousness triggers work, an entity may incarnate remotely or remotespace-lessandtime-lesstelepathyandavatarisationofahumanbeing,ifaconstellationaround 360 ly away may be contacted in several seconds, than the speed of communication is abolishing the speed of light (quantum teleportation of information, as the nature of consciousness during the observer effect).DIMENSIONALWARPING,insteadoftravellingthroughspace-time,themindstartstointerpretsignals fromtheweb-matrices,yetstagingfromThreshold2isnecessary,otherwisethebardo-levelisnotleft. Note, here too, the space is abolished; one may communicate in levels of depths shrinking the observation pointoftheuniverseexpanse,whenmultiversal-layerisencounteredinthesense,fromthislevelany part of the physical universe may be contacted, although this is not controlled but a free fall and depends onthemediatingDeitiesorDimension-Nods,orrandom(ifthereissuchanoccurrenceasrandom anomaliesseem to bea-deterministically causal, yet removed from the perception of causality of humans to such an extent that it seems a synchronistic chaos moving through various levels of entropy). Depending on the connected dimensions (manifested as fractalized colors, more complex towards the green sinkhole, less complex through blue-yellow towards the violet-red, as much as the photic universe is concerned, the majorityininfra-spectrum andultra-spectrumofradiationisnotdetectedinsucha waybyhumanocular equipment), the local entities and proxy-content becomes interwoven in more advanced forms, until they becomealivinggridofgeometricstructures,thisisnottosaythattheuniverseisalargegeometric-mathematical sequence, but human mind may interpret and resonate with certain input (which is a deeper fieldofgeometric-mathematicaldata)inexactlysuchaway,havingrelevancetooriginofourbeingsand self-reflecting consciousness. SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6. 2015 10 TYPES OFCOMMUNICATION, OR TELE-NOETICS Any form of communication with Inter-Stellar ETs, or Inter-Dimensionals, is interpreted through the human aggregates,whereuponthesignalistranslatedintoideas,andalltelepathiccommunicationisdoneinsi-lence conveyed through a stirring of matrices and ideas-- or the avatarized human being, this done by meansofincarnationwhichisfeltaspowerfulenergy,dependingonthecharacteroftherace,particular characteristics of an individuated human being is stressed, extended, or withdrawn (exactly like with local entitieswearingthebodyofamedium/portal/emanate/possessed).Theavatarissemi-controlled,orau-tomated, depending on the pressure on the will, where benevolent beings try to guide and make a human preserve awareness of their being, while they work together, as more aggressive malevolent forms that try toestablishahost-systembytakingchargeofthehumanbeing,overridinghis/herswill.Otherformsof communication may bereadable technology (as read by vision), sequenced ideas, mathematical formulas, intuitions (as understood by human science), viewing of future/past (oracle function) remote viewing, edu-cativevisions.Itseemsthattherearemanysuperiorcivilizationsthatareawareofours,andwhenever contact is established, they are using the human knowledge-base to express themselves in ways intelligible to us at the given point of development. It is a question of experience to differentiate what is sourced from which domains, and whatis merely a fake imposition, that is fuzzy noise from local frequencies (including the image-forgery that is cast directly into the mind prime sourcing must be identified and isolated from thelocalimageflux,andoftenlocalswampdoesnotletthrough,closingusdowntoanypossibilityof inter-stellarcommunication,alsopurposefullyclosingtheminddowntosuchapossibility,thereforevari-ousexperimentswereperformed,tobypasstheseobstacles,thebestisolationfordimensionalwarping was submersion in liquid i.e. water)Givenalltheseexperiences,codifiedinthissmallwriting,Ipositthattheyaresixprerequisitesthatare crucial for the future development of communications with inter-stellar species:a)Inter-connected, developed mind, that is capable of phosphenic regression, without any blocks or filters, that regress it b)System for imaging the input from visual core,algorythms capable of decoding imagesfrom the mind, with enough clarity c)Isolationtank,orsensory-deprivationtank,waterenvironmentthatfocusesonthetrans-personalexperiences,peopletrainedtofilterouttheunconsciousnoiseandthelocallevelsof pollutantsfromthecircumstantialfrequencies/dimensions,possiblydrug-modulated,although not necessary. d)Holographic projector, that is capable of re-imprinting 5D and 6D signals and translating them in-to solid 4D (time + co-ordinates) frameworke)Signalbroadcaster,ortele-noetic communicationwilling toexchangeinformation,andentangle the consciousness of a receiver in its field of influence. SEER Or Documentation of Trafficking with Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Protocols of process beta version 0.6. 2015 11 f)Abilitytobypassthejamming/hijackingofthebroadcasts,securingandencryptingatwo-way channel of communication that may not be disrupted.

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