search engine optimization benefits for small businesses

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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Many people have discovered the power of the internet in generating new business. The internet can often offer much higher returns on investment capital as opposed to traditional media outlets such as newspapers and radio spots.



Many people have discovered the power of the internet in generating new business. The internet can often offer much higher returns on investment capital as opposed to traditional media outlets such as newspapers and radio spots. One of the most cost effective ways of generating this business is the through the process of search engine optimisation.

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Search engine optimisation is the process of manipulating the algorithms of search engines such as Google to rank for certain keywords. Normally a business would have to pay Google a certain amount of money per click for a position for an ad for one of these keywords.

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The chief search engine optimisation benefit is that one can hack one's way to the top of the Google search results without paying a dime in pay per click fees.

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While there sometime is a cost in paying an expert to generate the links necessary to get your site to the cost, those costs will usually be significantly less than you would be expected to pay in paid advertising over time.

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Another of the many search engine optimisation benefits is that organic results tend to be trusted more than ads. Most people realize that the majority of ads are not necessarily what they are looking for and have learned to specifically tune them out.

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The most important point to remember is that the visitors who type in these keywords are highly targeted. If you are a store in Louisville that sells hammers, and you rank for the keyword "buy hammers in Louisville" you are going to get high percentage of those customers interested in your product.

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Whereas if you put out a blanket media ad, most people could care less about getting a hammer. This is what makes returns on investment on internet marketing and search engine optimisation so powerful; you are only spending money to reach people who are already looking for your product.

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