scitech quiz finals, by mcqc

Post on 25-Jul-2015






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Finals • Pounce I - 12 Questions • MVC I • Oral Round • MVC II • Pounce II - 6 Questions

Pounce I

• Clockwise - AntiClockwise • 12 Questions in the Round • +15/-10 on Pounce • Half or incomplete answers on pounce will be

treated as wrong answers. • +10/-0 on direct.

1. The X can survive literally anywhere. They can survive temperatures close to 0K till 373K, pressure 6 times greater than that found in ocean trenches, high levels of ionizing radiation, even the vacuum of outer space. It can survive for 10 years without food or water only to rehydrate back to normal form. Yet it measure only 0.5mm long. What is this seemingly impossible creature ?

Tardigade/Waterbear/Moss Piglet

2. The X was a spherical subcritical mass of Plutonium with diameter 3.5 inch weighing 6.4kg. It went critical in 2 accidents in the Los Alamos Laboratory killing a scientist in each event due to radiation poisoning. It was later used in the first testing of an atomic bomb after the WWII. What is X.

Demon Core

3. X is a structural approach whereby the load is supported by an external skin or shell of the object. An Egg is a good example. The word comes from French meaning “Single Shell”. This approach is used in Aircrafts, automobiles etc.


4. ID the creature


5. ID

Klein’s Bottle

6.They were the actual creator of very popular Game now published by reputed game company. Identify the Game


7. The X was a proposed “high concept” smartphone announced by canonical Ltd. On 22 July 2013 which had features like 4GB RAM,128 GB storage and sapphire crystal display. Canonical was seeking to crowd fund a production run of around 40000 units through indiegogo . It had the highest target of any crowd fund project to date,$32,000,000 over a one month campaign. It was not intended to go into mass production after the initial run, but rather to serve as a demonstration for new technologies for the industry . It fell short of its funding goal, raising only $12,809,906 and ultimately scrapped. Name X.

8. X is one of the oldest industrial exhibitions in Germany. Today it is one of worlds leading trade shows for consumer electronics and home appliances. In one of the event held from 31 August, to 5 September 2012 in Berlin where Dell launched its Win8 machines, Sony launched its flagship Xperia phones, and many more. What is X?

ANS: X is IFA berlin (berlin radio show)

9. X was co founder of Y has named as the 70th recipient of Z on October 25th 2012 X was recognized for establishing a foundation that forges outstanding improvements in healthcare ,social rehabilitation, rural uplift and education. Z is administered by a board comprising of the American society of mechanical engineers, The American institute of chemical engineers, and institute of electrical and electronics engineers ID the person X What is Y and Z ?

• X is Narayan Murthy co founder of Infosys is the 70th recipient of hoover medal

• X- Narayan Murthy • Y- Infosys • Z-hoover medal

10. Mozilla and X, a famous Korean telecom giant is collaborating to produce Mozilla's next generation web browser Y porting it to android and ARM processors. Id X and Y ???

Ans: X is Samsung Y is servo

11. With what do you associate the following sequence of numbers: 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22?

ANS) Photography (aperture values or f-stops)

12. This term made its first appearance in 1987 during the beta testing of IBM’s OS/2. Developers at Lattice Inc., were porting their tools to OS/2 and often came across error screens due to bugs in the operating system. As a result of the error screen, the system became unusable. While describing the situation to IBM, they used a phrase to describe the error screen and that term has become wildly popular since then. What phrase did the developers of Lattice use?

Blue screen of death(BSOD)


• 1 single specific connect. • No pints for identifying slides • Points for each stage are mentioned • Write your answer. • QM decision is final.







And the Answer is ….


• Robert Kosch - First Discovered Anthrax • Louis Pasture - Developed Vaccine for Anthrax • Anthrax - The Trash Metal Band • Letters from the 2001 Anthrax Letters in USA • Anthrax Spreading • Biohazard

Direct Round

• +20 direct, +10 on Pass. • NO Negatives • Answer to the question in as many sentences

as you want. • Points will be awarded to the satisfaction of

the QM

1. Why is this equation of interest ? What is it Called ?

Tupper’s Equation. It Graphs itself for a particular value of x, y and k

2. Who’s Seal is this ? Why shouldn’t you take nobody’s word ?

The Royal Society, Because everything was based on proof.

3. Where was this picture taken? Why does the sign say “ Talk Softly Please” ?

Rutherford’s experiment lab. His voice was loud and other scientists

joked that it would cause disturbances in the experiment.

4. Who is he ? What is he doing ?

Henry Cavendish, Weighing of the earth.

5. This Image is 3 days old. What’s it’s significance here in this quiz ?

Japan’s Maglev Train broke it’s speed record at 603 kmph

6. Explain the force or effect shown here.

Coriolli’s Force.


• 6 slides in total • Same rules as MVC I







And the answer is …

Manhattan Project

• Manhattan, NYC • Trinity - Trinity Test • Little Boy and Fat Man • Robert Oppenheimer • Enola Gay - The Bombing Flight • Flight Path of Enola Gay

Pounce II

• Clockwise • Same rules as Pounce I

1. For many years, X used to clean the stage during the Y Awards. However, he missed doing so in 2005. Why? Also, id X and Y.

•Ans : X is Roy J. Glauber Y : Ig Noble Prize •Roy J. Glauber got the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2005, for quantum optics, hence had to miss the Ig Noble.

2. The first usage of this phrase (in computer literature) was observed in Kernighan's 1972 paper A Tutorial Introduction to the Language B. This was used again in a 1974 Bell Laboratories internal memorandum Programming in C: A Tutorial and a little later in an example program in the beginning of the seminal book The C Programming Language. What famous phrase, which all newbie programmers quickly become familiar with, are we talking about?

Ans) Hello world

3. Who is he and what did he do?

•Ans: ROBERT ADLER • He is is best known for the wireless remote control for televisions

4) ID this person

Ans: Rajeev Suri - CEO of Nokia Solutions and Networks

5) In mid-1980s, Fried helm Hillebrand the chairman of the Special Mobile Group at the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) sat alone in his room in Germany and started typing random sentences. He did this for a long time and later analyzed the average length of sentences. What did Hillebrand find as the average length of sentences and how did he use this number?

Ans: Friedhelm Hillebrand found that the average length of a sentence was 160 characters. This became the default length of a single SMS.

6) X was an Indian American entrepreneuer.A sound engineer, he was a professor at the MIT. He was also founder and chairman of Y corporation known for its loud speaker, noise-cancelling headsets, and automotive sound systems. X donated a majority of the company to MIT in the form of non-voting shares to sustain and advance MIT’s education and research mission Id X and Y.

Ans: X is Amar Bose Y is Bose Corporation

Tie Questions

Physically, X resemble the "jump" experienced by a person when startled, often accompanied by a falling sensation. Xs are associated with a rapid heartbeat, quickened breathing, sweat, and sometimes "a peculiar sensory feeling of 'shock' or 'falling into the void.'“ What is X ?

Hypnic Jerk

Who is she ?

Jane Godall

It’s always in the ratio of 1:√2 and when folded in half gives the next in

the series. The series runs from 0 to 8 and the most commonly used one is 4.

What is it ?

A series Paper



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