saint peter church, danbury, ct · 19/07/2020  · 12:10 n † peter a. herger and josephine and...

Post on 26-Jul-2020






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Saturday Vigil – 5:00 p.m.

Brazilian Mass – 7:30 p.m.

Sunday – 7:30, 9:00 Children’s Liturgy and Choir,

10:30 a.m. with Adult Choir and 12:00 N

Spanish Mass – 5:00 p.m.

Brazilian Mass – 7:30 p.m.


Monday through Saturday - 7:30 a.m.

Monday through Friday -12:10 Noon



Saturday - 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

and by appointment


Couples planning to be married must begin to make ar-

rangements at least 8 months prior to their wedding date

by contacting the Rectory.


Attendance at pre-Baptism class is required before the

Sacrament is celebrated. Classes are held on the second

Sunday of the month at 1:15 p.m. in the Rectory. Please

pre-register by calling 203-743-2707. Baptisms will

take place every Sunday at 1:15 p.m. except the second

Sunday of the month.


Rev. Gregg D. Mecca, Pastor

Rev. Bernardo C. Rodriguez, Parochial Vicar

Rev. Paul Merry, In Residence

Rev. David J. Riley, In Residence


9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. - MONDAY through FRIDAY

104 Main Street, Danbury, CT


Phone: 203-743-2707 and Fax: 203-794-1928

Email Address -

Website -


Dr. Glen Segger, Music Minister

Dr. Nancy Engel, Children’s Choir - 914-741-1670


Rev. Bernardo Rodriguez—203-695-7665



Rev. Leonel S. Medeiros,

Episcopal Vicar for Brazilians



Mary Lou Torre — Principal - 203-748-2895

School Fax: 203-748-5684


Barbara Siano—Director of Religious Education K - 8

203-743-1048 or


Michael Falbo—Youth Group Director

203-743-1048 or

Chairman of Parish Council – Fred Visconti – 203-744-2311

Chairman of Finance – Arthur Mannion - 203-733-0183

Homebound Ministry– Sr. Mary Bernard Wiecezak, CSFN

203-743-2707, Ext. 22

Saint Peter Church, Danbury, CT



Our weekly goal ………………………………………..$ 10,500

SACRIFICIAL GIVING—July 12, 2020……………..$ 7,822

Online-Giving—July 12, 2020 …..………………...…..$ 1,595

Shortfall…………………………………………………$ 1,083

Thank you for your support. Father Mecca

Our bulletin space this weekend is dedi-

cated to Fr. Paul Merry who died on

Wednesday morning at the Hospice Cen-

ter in Branford. Those who were familiar with Fr. Merry

knew him to be a kind, happy man. He always had a smile

and a laugh even when he was not feeling well. As Sr.

Mary Bernard said the other day, Fr. Merry did not know

the word ‘no.’ That was very true. He always was agree-

able, always ready to help. There were so many times in

the past years when he wanted to jump in and help me with

Masses or something. I greatly appreciated his offers and

would welcome them at times, but I also had to discern

whether it was in his best interest to do it. His spirit was

always willing, but his body gave him trouble. Walking

was often difficult for Fr. Merry, and he would be quite

tired after a day at Pope John Paul II Nursing Home. Fr.

Merry experienced complications from diabetes and other

ailments that I was not familiar with. I only knew that he

had quite a few prescriptions. Last year in early summer,

Fr. Merry was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. He went

for a second evaluation and there was a good bit of discus-

sion over how to treat him. When he began chemotherapy,

he handled it very well. You wouldn’t have known he was

sick by looking at him. We were hopeful when a scan after

a round or two of chemo showed that the tumors had


In the beginning, Fr. Merry remained here with us.

His brothers, Brian and Richard, were in constant contact

and brought him to Yale-New Haven for appointments.

Arlet Barreto and Rose LoStocco looked after him and

made sure he ate and drank sufficiently. It became, in par-

ticular, Rose’s greatest joy to make him breakfast. Since

Brian lives in Monroe, Fr. Merry spent stretches of time at

his home as it was so much easier for making trips to New

Haven. By spring, Fr. Merry was staying in Monroe more

than here. When the carona virus hit, it was prudent for

him to remain at Brian’s where he would have less contact

with others. Fr. Merry made one visit here after we re-

opened in late May. We noticed immediately that now he

looked like a sick man and was winded when he walked.

He was experiencing pain in his ribs. Scans were inconclu-

sive as to whether the cancer had spread to the bones. Be-

cause he had fallen twice over the course of the winter,

there was speculation that the pain could have been due to

bruised ribs.

A couple of weeks ago Brian told us that the cancer

had indeed metastasized to the bones. As Brian said, Fr.

Merry’s condition turned on a dime. When managing the

pain at home became difficult, Fr. Paul entered Hospice in

Branford around the weekend of 4 July.

Fr. Merry enjoyed living here, and we enjoyed him.

He sought from me permission to have his funeral here if he

didn’t beat the disease. I welled up and replied that we

loved him and he didn’t need permission because he is part

of the St. Peter family. It has been a privilege to have

18 SAT 5:00 PM † Mary Beth Garavel

7:30 PM Brazilian Mass

19 SUN 7:30 AM † Judith Cesca Catalano

9:00 AM † Laura Robedee

10:30 AM Our Parishioners

12:00 N † Sr. Helen Blodgett

5:00 PM Spanish Mass

7:30 PM Brazilian Mass

20 MON St. Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr

7:30 AM † Souls in Purgatory

12:10 N † Peter A. Herger and

Josephine and Francis Paola

21 TUE St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest & Doctor of the Church

7:30 AM † Dr. Henry Backe

12:10 N † Fanelli Family

22 WED St. Mary Magdalene

7:30 AM † James Kenneth Ferry

12:10 N † Victor Abeyta

23 THU St. Bridget, Religious

7:30 AM † Brian Whalen

12:10 N † Viola and Remig Papp

24 FRI St. Sharbel Makhlouf, Priest

7:30 AM † Rose Setaro

12:10 N † Edward McCaffery

25 SAT St. James, Apostle

7:30 AM † Bernard Gillotti

5:00 PM † Sr. Helen Blodgett

7:30 PM Brazilian Mass

26 SUN 7:30 AM † Joan Schmiedel

9:00 AM † Meng Cheong Tung

10:30 AM † Nellie and Alexander Lukchis

12:00 N Our Parishioners

5:00 PM Spanish Mass

7:30 PM Brazilian Mass



Daniel Alvarez Richard Botelho Marie Carroll Nubia Dekker

Kathleen Fitzsimmons Elizabeth Ianelli Neil Kochan

Luba Krumseyn Teddy Marchione Christopher McLaughlin

Fr. Paul Merry Joseph O’Donnell Patrick Ruth Ann S.

Gerardo Saquinaula Kenneth Towery Elias Warchak

Sr. Mary Bernard Wiecezak

We offer our condolences to the families of

Rev. Paul Merry

Erin Baird

James Wolf

who passed away last week.


shared time and a home with Fr. Merry. He was deeply

spiritual and absolutely committed to service whether that

service was to the elderly, as it was most recently, or to a


Fr. Merry will be received at church on Monday for

a private wake service for family only. Calling hours will

be from 4 to 7 p.m. Social distancing rules limit the num-

ber of people in church at any one time with the family to

25. Bishop Caggiano will celebrate the funeral Mass on

Tuesday at 11 a.m. Reservations are required to attend the

funeral to comply with the cap of 100 people. After we

know the number of individuals from the Merry family,

their guests, and clergy, we will take reservations for the

remaining available seats.

We have posted Fr. Merry’s obituary on our web-


Lord God, you chose our brother Paul to serve

your people as a priest and to share the joys and burdens of

their lives. Look with mercy on him and give him the re-

ward of his labors, the fullness of life promised to those

who preach your holy Gospel. We ask this through Christ

our Lord. Amen.

—-Fr. Mecca

First Communion Parents—-

Thank You

A heartfelt thank you to the par-

ents and the children who received their First Communion

on Saturday, July 11. We greatly appreciate your under-

standing of the new guidelines and procedures as well as

your patience with all the check-in procedures that had to

be instituted to ensure the safety of all. We do hope that

your family members and friends viewing online know that

we are thankful for their love and support and perhaps one

day soon they will be able to take your child to Mass and

receive Communion.

The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by

infected persons who have few or no symptoms. If in the

coming 14 days anyone in your household feels ill and tests

positive for the COVID virus, please contact the Religious

Education Office immediately 203 743 1048 . Once again

we thank you for cooperation in this matter and your help in

fighting this virus.

We hope you and your loved ones stay healthy and safe!


Confirmation will take place on Saturday, September 12.

There will be three ceremonies for the Rite of


You have contributed $11,145.00 to date to our

COVID fund to help families with rental and food assis-

tance. Fortunately, about half of the families are now self

sustaining and with the grace of God we are hoping the re-

maining will be as well by summer’s end.

Words cannot convey the sense of relief, hope and

gratitude that is shone in their faces each time a rent check

or food card is delivered. May each of you know what an

act of mercy you have made through your selfless donation

to a stranger. You are the image of the risen Jesus who still

walks among us and always will. May His peace be with

each of you.

We humbly thank you.

Registration for PK-8 continues to be underway

at St. Peter School. Please e - mail

z s o l i s @ s p s d a n b u r y . o r g o r for more information or

to set up a time to visit the school once we are open. Our

office hours are from 8:30 - 3:00 (M-Fr)

Our preschool students have been at St. Peter School for

just about three weeks now. They are amazing! After a

quick temperature check upon arrival, a thorough disinfec-

tant wipe down of their belongings, and a squirt of hand

sanitizer, they are off to their classrooms for a busy day of

learning and play. Masks are worn without question or in-

cident by staff and students every day.

The Diocese is in the process of putting together a reopen-

ing plan for 2020-2021 called "We Face It Together" (Faith,

Academics, Community, and Empowerment). Once final-

ized it will be shared with parents and posted on Facebook/

Twitter for all to review. When asked to share one word

that describes what teachers want for the new school year,

they shared the following: hope, trust, community, coop-

eration, safety, faith, and joy. We are all praying for as near

a normal start to school as possible. Thank you for joining

us in this effort!


—-Mrs. Mary Lou Torre, Principal

2020 and 2021 Mass Books are Open!

Weekday Masses are available

as early as July 13.

While Sunday Masses have openings

as early as August 2.

Call the Office to save your Masses.

JULY 19, 2020

Instagram & YouTube Channel Check out our YouTube channel St. Peter’s Youth Ministry for weekly videos of prayer & reflection! Follow us on Insta-gram @stpeter_ym for daily prayer reminders and weekly pic-tures of ministry! For more information please contact the Director of Youth Min-istry!

—-Michael Falbo, Director of Youth Ministry

The Sanctuary Lamp Burns

In Memory Of

Linda Kelly

Co-Operative Mission Weekend

For many years our diocese has hosted speakers in

July from the developing world to address us regarding the

needs of their local Churches during our Mission Co-Op

Weekend. Due to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19

pandemic, we will need to make some changes. This year

proceeds will be equally distributed to the Catholic Pan-

demic Relief Agencies in those parts of our global commu-

nity that have been impacted the most by this scourge.

Please consider a generous donation to assist Catholic agen-

cies throughout the world on the weekend of July 25/26.

Confirmation. Students will be notified of their assigned

time. Rehearsals will be September 2, 3 and 4 at 6:15 pm.

Your rehearsal date will depend upon which ceremony you

have been assigned. Within the coming weeks you will be

notified of your assigned time as well as all the require-

ments to ensure a safe environment.

Registration: 2020/21

We will continue to accept registration applications by mail

only until August 3. Class information and procedures for

the coming year will be sent out around August 30. As the

uncertainty of COVID19 continues we will begin the year

online for most classes with an online meeting each Sun-


Stay Well and Prayerful!

—-Barbara Siano, Director of Religious Education

JULY 19, 2020


Mis queridos hermanos, los lunes y martes son mis días

libres e intento recuperarme de los efectos de la pandemia

que me han dejado con dificultad para respirar y como con-

secuencia tengo limitado mis esfuerzos y la capacidad de

moverme, por eso les ruego que no me llamen por teléfono

esos días.

Ya no vivo en la Rectoría de St. Peter. Vivo en Waterbury,

por eso estoy limitado a viajar un par de días. Las citas me-

jor hacerlas en domingo. Dios los bendiga.


Mi e-mail:

Mi página: Visítenla, por favor.

Les será de gran provecho


Domingos a las 3:00 a 4:00 p.m. en la Rectoría.


Cuartos Domingos de cada Mes. Contacten con Ana Espì-

nal para el formulario y la información sobre la clase pre-



Deben contactar con el P. Bernardo al menos con 6 meses

de antelación. Es necesaria la preparación requerida por la


Horario de Oficina

De Lunes a Viernes, de 1:30 p.m. a 3:30 p.m. En español

pregunten por Ana Espinal.

Intenciones Misa dominical

En el vestíbulo de la Iglesia, 15 minutos antes de la Misa,

puede pedir su intención al servidor allí apostado.

Grupo de Oración

Cancelado hasta que el Sr. Obispo lo autorice Líder: Jorge


Coro Parroquial

Suspendido hasta la autorización del ObispoDirección de

Alejandro Servín.

Clase de Biblia

En mi blog,, cada martes una

nueva clase.

Due to Father Merry’s funeral on

Tuesday, the 12:10 p.m. Mass will

begin at 12:30 p.m. Thank you.

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