sailing team development final

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Accelerating Leadership & Team Development




Many managers aspire to be inspirational leaders, but the first step often requires them to analyse their own emotions and behaviours rather than focusing on the performance of their team members

First Thoughts

Recent research in a major round the world yachting challenge, aimed to identify what enabled the winning teams to achieve and maintain high performance. They did this by tracking the skills and behaviours of skippers during the race

One of the authors of the report noted: "What you've got is a highly competitive situation that is very changing and turbulent - a complex situation that replicates the situation in business today."


The principal findings of the research were that the best leaders combined 'driving' and 'enabling' behaviours, adapting their style according to the circumstances

The research specifically highlighted what was needed for management and for leadership and showed that the effective leaders moved between the two

Key Findings

The successful skippers showed flexibility and creativity of leadership (performance enablers) in addition to the more traditional management skills of control and use of procedures

These performance enablers such as self-belief, self-control and openness provided the top skippers with the necessary foundation upon which they could build high-performing teams who were loyal and supportive, even during rough times

Many managers are unaware or unsure how to utilise their performance enablers

Management and Leadership

Performance enablers can be measured using Emotional Intelligence (EI) tools. EI distinguishes superior performance from run-of-the-mill performance and is made up of two parts; Intrapersonal Intelligence and Interpersonal Intelligence

We need both in work and life as a whole

Measuring performance enablers

Emotional Intelligence model

Self Management

Self Awareness

Self Regard

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Being aware of what is going on inside us and acting upon it, we all need this for effective self-management

Emotional Intelligence model

Relationship Building

Other Awareness

Other Regard

Interpersonal Intelligence

Interpersonal Intelligence

Being aware of what is going on in other people and acting upon it, we need this for effective relationship management

How do we deliver our events?

Before the day(s) we work closely with our clients to agree the objectives and desired outcomes from the day. We gather any relevant background information about the participants or team(s)

We ask participants to complete a short on-line questionnaire

We review the results for each participant and brief our observers prior to each event

What does a typical day look like?

Arrival and briefing

Morning: Familiarisation with the yachts

Lunch and a chance to reflect and relax

A typical day


Challenge, Leadership, Team Building and Racing , putting personalities under pressure

A typical day


Feedback to participants and a chance to reflect upon the day, lessons learnt and agree a development plan with one of our Coaches or Business Psychologists

Openness and revealing thoughts, feelings and vulnerabilities in different situations, can pay dividends for leaders in getting the best out of themselves and their team

It enables them to draw on the strengths of their team members and promote a sense of shared leadership in the process

Learning from Performance Enablers


“I would like to thank Zircon and the Spinnaker team for hosting such a fantastic sailing day. I was very impressed with the whole day, the level of instruction, safety, participation and all the informative detail about sailing and the hosting skills of the skipper! The weather was ideal and we had a good breeze for it. I enjoyed having the opportunity to take the helm and loved getting involved in controlling the sails to turn the yacht during the races. It was a fantastic day as I have never been sailing before. A great team building activity that I would recommend for anyone. Thanks again! ”

Louise Paterek, TACkLE Training

“ Amanda and the team at Zircon have once again surpassed my expectations in delivering an exceptional event. Linking Sailing with Personality and EI profiling provides a real opportunity for any aspiring leader or team to understand who they are as an individual, a team member under pressure or when doing something totally new. To get the best out of the yachts the team need to work as one cohesive unit communicating and working together. The level of instruction from the Spinnaker team was first class and everyone was encouraged to take part and try out different roles. A thoroughly enjoyable day with much food for thought to take back to the work environment.” Craig Wymant, Head of HR, HSBC PFS, CMB and Insurance.

“Courage is not having the energy to go on, it’s going on when you do not have the


“It’s been an absolutely unbelievable voyage, both physically and mentally”

And Finally some quotes from Ellen MacArthur

Want to find out more?

To find out how we may be able to help your business please contact Zircon Management Consulting:

Amanda Potter Managing Director01737 55586207740

Jason Roberts Darrell BurberryDirector, Coaching and Team Development Director, Leadership and OD01929 558270 01444 47467207805 623457 07535

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