safe water plan update february 1, 2013...feb 01, 2013  · safe water plan accomplishments...

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  • SAFE WATER PLAN UPDATE February 1, 2013

  • Background

    Renewal / Replacement Program − Water System Replacement Cost = $1Billion

    Ideal Funding = Cost of Facilities / Lifespan

    Considered Major Facilities

    − Wells, pipelines, reservoirs, pumping equipment

  • Background

    Board Hearing on March 2, 2006 − 10% increases for five years

    Extra 2% in first year for Evans Reservoir Operating and Capital Improvement Funding

    Approved by City Council on March 28, 2006

  • Implementation

    2005 Water System Master Plan

    Pipeline Leak Reports

    External Funding Opportunities − Proposition 50 Grants − Caltrans Projects − Lockheed Martin

  • Implementation

    New Wells − Tippecanoe (Caltrans) − Scheuer − Raub 7 (Lockheed Martin) − Flume 7 − Gage 31-1R (in progress)

    Goal: One well every two years − On target

  • Scheuer Well Replacement

  • Implementation

    Reservoirs − Whitegates #1 Reservoir − Whitegates #2 Reservoir − Evans Reservoir − Net Increase of 8 Million Gallons Storage

  • Whitegates I Reservoir

  • Implementation

    New / Replacement Booster Stations − Alessandro − Buchanan − Emtman − Victoria − Linden − Mary Evans − Whitegates #1 − Kingdom Drive − Green Orchard − 25% of Booster Stations

  • Alessandro Pump Station Replacement

  • Implementation

    New / Replacement Pressure Reducing Stations − Alessandro − La Cadena − Citrus Avenue − Spruce Street

  • Citrus Ave. Pressure Reducing Station

  • Implementation

    Transmission Mains − Arlington Ave. TM − Hunts Lane TM − Alpine Meadows TM − Bradley St. TM − Pellissier Ranch TM − Tippecanoe TM − San Bernardino 48-Inch TM (5 Segments) − Columbia 48/54-Inch TM

    − 7.3 Miles

  • San Bernardino Transmission Line Replacement – Washington Street

  • Implementation

    Distribution Mains (92 Projects) − Central Ave. Phase I Main Replacement − Dufferin Ave. Main Replacement − Magnolia Ave. Grade Separation, Phase I − Eastside Phase I and Main St.

    − 37.3 Miles

    − About 5% of all pipeline

  • Dufferin Avenue Main Replacement

  • Implementation

    Treatment Plants − John W. North WTP (10 MGD)

    Recycled Water Pipelines − Central Ave. − Van Buren − Arlington Heights Sports Park

  • John W. North Water Treatment Plant

  • Implementation

    Asset Management Booster Pumps

    − 123 Pumps, Total − 31 Pumps Rebuilt − 55 Pumps Replaced


    − 41of 51 Wells Refurbished

  • Warren 4 Well Rehabilitation

  • Implementation

    Meters − 64,000 Meters − 30,372 Meters Replaced (Large & Small) − 37 Large Meters Rebuilt

    System Security

    − 89 SCADA Installations − 49 Remote Monitoring Installations − 10 Chlorine Monitor Installations − 24 Well Automations

  • Garner 7 SCADA Field Panel

  • Safe WATER Plan Accomplishments

    Expenditure Summary by Category (FY2007 to Present) Pipelines $51,300,073 Pumps, Wells1, & System Security $16,606,979 Wells $3,818,206 Meters $4,136,923 Reservoirs $29,448,386 Pump Stations $5,534,902 Water Treatment $25,659,413 Recycled Water $4,807,710 Total: $141,312,592 Notes:

    1. Expenditures for pump rebuilds/replacements and well refurbishments.

  • Safe WATER Plan Accomplishments

    FY Pipeline

    Repl. (mi)

    Pumps Rebuilt/


    Wells Refurb./


    Meters Rebuilt/

    Repl. Reservoirs


    System Security (# of Sites)

    2007 5 19 7 3,721 0 7 2008 6.7 13 15 4,503 0 21 2009 8.6 20 8 4,726 0 21 2010 6.5 5 5 5,044 9 32 2011 9.9 13 5 5,083 0 35 2012 5.1 10 3 4,240 16 23 2013 3.2 6 0 3,092 0 9

    Summary of Accomplishments by Fiscal Year (FY2007 to Present)

  • Upcoming Planning Reports

    Integrated Water Management Plan

    Water Energy Management Master Plan

  • Recommendation

    That the Water Committee receive and file this report

    SAFE WATER PLAN UPDATE�February 1, 2013BackgroundBackgroundImplementationImplementationScheuer Well ReplacementImplementationWhitegates I ReservoirImplementationAlessandro Pump Station ReplacementImplementationCitrus Ave. Pressure Reducing StationImplementationSan Bernardino Transmission Line Replacement – Washington StreetImplementationDufferin Avenue Main ReplacementImplementationJohn W. North Water Treatment PlantImplementationWarren 4 Well RehabilitationImplementationGarner 7 SCADA Field PanelSafe WATER Plan AccomplishmentsSafe WATER Plan AccomplishmentsUpcoming Planning ReportsRecommendation

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