sacred heart catholic church bellingham,...

Post on 26-Apr-2018






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Sacred Heart Catholic Church - Bellingham, WA May 24th, Pentecost Sunday

Please remember in your prayers those who have died, especially:

John Manning, Betty Manning, Warren R. Hopkins, Gisele Dunn, Merolin Costello, George Manchester, Jose Figueroa, Jean Dunnigan Gill

Memorial Candle burning for: Giovanna Ornani, May 24-30 Frank Knight, May 31-June 7

Please remember in your prayers those serving in the

military, especially:

HM1 Benjamin Chapin, USN LT COL Gregory DeMarco CAPT Tyler Ripley CMC Paul McFadden, USN MT6 David Varner SGT Luke Bradshaw US Army CAPT Jason Taylor SGT MAJ Bob Potter LT Casey Oswald, USN LT COL Michael Rasbach LCPL Mark Larson, USMC TSGT John Coder, USAG AT2 John Silver USN CAPT Jonathan Brent PFC Zachary Buechele, USMC LCPL Davis Glass, USMC Jared Santos James Robinson MAJ Kiel Gilliland USAF CAPT Sharon Gilliland USAF

Dear friends in Christ,

It is with mixed feelings of sorrow and joy that I tell you I will be leaving my position as Parish Administrator at Sacred Heart and the Newman Center, effective June 30, 2015.

I have accepted a wonderful opportunity to move to Anacortes and work as the Parish Administrator for St. Mary. During the past few months as I discerned this prospect, I experienced a constant and powerful feeling that God was calling me to serve his community at St. Mary. Of course, there was also the persuasive voice of Fr. Marion (Qui-Thac) Nguyen urging me along. I will begin at St. Mary during a time of transition for the parish: all the staff will be newly hired, including the priest, Fr. Mel Strazicich, so the possibilities for where God will lead us are very exciting.

I was thrilled to take this position at Sacred Heart in 2008, as it has always been my desire to minister in some capacity; to do so at my own parish was the icing on the cake! The bottom line is I love this job and my parish because I get to be with all of you as we do the work to build God’s kingdom and for his glory. That is not to say there haven’t been challenges along the way, but they were overshadowed by the accomplishments. During my seven years as the Parish Administrator, and twenty years as a parishioner at Sacred Heart, you have become my family. Working with you has strengthened my love for our faith, witnessed daily by your love for Jesus and one another. Thank you.

Over the last twenty years, we have worshiped with several pastors, each bringing their style and vision for the parish, beginning for me in 1995 with Fr. Gary Morelli, to Fr. Marion who hired me, and then to our wonderful current pastor, Fr. Joseph Altenhofen. This coming year will also be a time of transition here at Sacred Heart and the Newman Center. I have no doubt that with God’s help and your support, Fr. Joseph will continue to implement his vision for the future of Sacred Heart…you’re in good hands and I am truly blessed to call him friend.

I am reminded of the verse from St. Paul’s letter to his brothers and sisters in Christ at Colissae: “whatever you do, do from the heart, as for the Lord and not for others, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. Be slaves of the Lord Christ.” Col 3:23-24.

Your servant, Ruth Miller

Lord, send out your Spirit,

and renew the face of the Earth..

Psalm 104:30

PREPARES( Pregancy and Parenting Support) is an initiative of the Catholic Bishops of Washington State, and open to all people. It provides services to pregnant women, fathers, and their families by walking the journey from conception to their child's fifth birthday. Prepares offers support groups and classes for parents and families, rapid response and referral for urgent needs, food, formula, diapers and clothing, adoption support and referals. Be a volunteer mentor! The orientation meeting on is June 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Assumption School Library. To learn more you can visit the Prepares website at or your Area Coordinator at 206-327-2474 or 206-328-5921 or Kathy Kelso at 360-671-1722.

Catholic Daughters will be holding their annual Auction and Pot Luck on Thursday, May 28th at 1:00 in the Stafford Room at Assumption. Please bring “white elephants” and a dish to share for our pot luck luncheon. All ladies of the parish are invited.

Newman News: Please keep our Peer Ministers in prayer this weekend as they go on their end of the year retreat.They and will take some deserved time to pray and relax as a team one last time before the end of the year.

Only with prayer—prayer that storms the heavens for justice and mercy, prayer that cleanses our hearts and souls, will the culture of death that surrounds us today be replaced with a culture of life.

Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life

The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for May 2015

Universal: That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor.

Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Bellingham, WA ~ May 24, 2015

Edge Meets Sundays, 12:30 p.m., Parish Hall

Teen CROSS Meets Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., Library

May 24: Edge May 28: No Teen CROSS (Confirmation Mass) May 31: Edge

Leadership Camps: This summer, the Archdiocese of Seattle is offering two leadership camps, middle school is Camp 4:12, and high school is ASCEND. We would love to send as many of our Sacred Heart students as possible. Please see the website for more details.

For more information about youth events, see the website at

Contact April Waldrop for more information: or 360-734-2850, ext. 305

Pastoral Assistant for Evangelization

Sacred Heart is seeking a full-time Pastoral Assistant for Evangelization. Applicants should have 3-5 years’ experience as a manager or volunteer coordinator for a public or non-profit employer with prior experience creating and implementing volunteer programs. BA preferred.

The PA for Evangelization will collaborate with the pastor and staff team in planning, organizing and directing efforts to promote parishioner involvement in parish programs and services, following the fundamentals of stewardship.

Salary and benefits provided in accordance with Archdiocesan guidelines.

Go to home page for the job description and application. Submit your application to Sacred Heart, Attn: Ruth Miller, at the Parish Office, or to

Agape Service Project

The Newman Center will host the Agape Service Project, serving the migrant community in Whatcom County for eight weeks during the summer, beginning in mid-June. We invite you to bring donations of

canned, boxed and dried food (beans and rice), personal hygiene items, clothing and toys. You may bring your donations to Mass, with a note marked “FOR AGAPE” or drop them off at the Parish Office during the week.

Agape Food Bank Fundraiser

Looking for a place to park next Sunday afternoon during the Ski to Sea festivities? The Newman Center will be fundraising by donation at the Sacred Heart parking. All the proceeds will go toward supplies for the migrant camp food bank provided by the Agape Service Project during the summer.

Ordination of Patrick Sherrard We are very pleased to announce that our own Patrick Sherrard will be ordained as a transitional deacon on Saturday, May 30 at 10:00 a.m., at Sacred Heart, with Bishop Elizondo presiding.

Patrick came to the Catholic faith from another Christian tradition and was confirmed in 2006. He obtained his undergraduate degree from Western in 2007, his graduate degree in 2009, and then entered the seminary through the Newman Center. He will have one more year of seminary before priestly ordination.

Everyone in the parish is invited to attend this event to honor and support Patrick. A reception follows at the Parish Hall. All are welcome!

This beautiful icon of Pentecost, was written by our parishioner, Christen Mattix.

If you have family members or friends serving in the military that we may honor

in our thoughts and prayers, please call Melissa in the Parish Office at 734-2850 and

we’ll add their names to the list.

Online Giving

An online giving account allows for a deduction directly from your checking or savings account or from your debit or credit card. It provides a secure way to make your donation directly from your account to ours, and it saves money and time for you and for the parish.

In addition to your stewardship gift, you may also make your donation to St. Vincent de Paul or Newman Center through the online giving account. For more information, contact Ruth Miller at the Parish Office, 360-734-2850.

Visit our website and click on the “Donate” button. Go to

PRAYER INTENTIONS: If you would like Fr. Joseph to include your intention in his prayers,

you may submit it online at

Go to the drop down menu under About Us then click on Fr. Joseph.

In today’s reading from Acts, we hear “…there were devout Jews from every nation…staying in Jerusalem.” In this, we are reminded of the reality of migration, even in ancient times, and of the universality of the Gospel. Let us think, too, about those who today migrate to new lands, for many reasons. The Church has a long history of standing in solidarity with these migrants and affirming their rights and dignity as children of God. “Our Church has responded to Christ’s call for us to ‘welcome the stranger among us,’ for in this encounter with the immigrant, the migrant, and the refugee in our midst, we encounter Christ.” (USCCB).

The 2001 US Bishops’ pastoral statement, Welcoming the Stranger Among Us, states: “The Church supports the human rights of all people and offers them pastoral care, education, and social services, no matter what the circumstances of entry into this country, and it works for the respect of the human dignity of all, especially those who find themselves in desperate circumstances.”

In a follow-up document, Strangers no Longer, 2003, the Bishops reaffirm:

“Faith in the presence of Christ in the migrant leads to a

conversion of mind and heart, which leads to a renewed spirit of communion and to the building of structures of solidarity to accompany the migrant. Part of the process of conversion of mind and heart deals with confronting attitudes of cultural superiority, indifference, and racism; accepting migrants not as foreboding aliens, terrorists, or economic threats, but rather as persons with dignity and rights, revealing the presence of Christ; and recognizing migrants as bearers of deep cultural values and rich faith traditions…”

Find more information at The bishops’ campaign “Justice for Immigrants” website includes more information and how we can be involved.

Social Justice Corner Contributed by the Social Justice Committee

Annual Catholic Appeal

This year’s Annual Catholic Appeal has us reflect upon A Future Full of Hope: Passion for our Faith, Promise for our Future, Care for our Community; and Love for our Family.

To date, we have received responses from only 27% of registered households. Please prayerfully consider giving to the needs of our Archdiocese as we continue the appeal over the next few weeks. You may return your pledge envelope at Mass, or return the envelope directly to the Parish Office. Another way to donate is by visiting the Sacred Heart website at and clicking on the Annual Catholic Appeal button on the left side of the home page, or to

Thank you if you have already made your gift to the Appeal!

2015 Offering of Letters | Feed Our Children

Food banks and private charities provide only one out of every 20 bags of groceries that feed people who are hungry. The federal government provides the rest.

The Social Justice Committee will have tables set up outside after each weekend Mass to provide information about how to write letters to Congress (with a sample letter) urging them to continue investing in child-nutrition programs, improving children’s access to feeding programs, and opposing cutting other safety-net pro-grams. The letters will be blessed on May 31 and mailed.

Two exciting announcements: The Hidden Treasure’s Sale profited $2,588.46. Sacred Heart will be donating $1,500 to our local chapter of Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you so much to Katy Wheeler for coordinating this event, and her wonderful volunteers for giving their time and talent to make the sale a success!

**************************************************************** Kay Gougeon reports she reached her goal in gifts and pledges of over $5,000 for the annual Walk for Life event sponsored by the Whatcom County Pregnancy Clinic. Thank you for your support!!

CAST- Serving the Homeless in Bellingham

Sacred Heart relieves the Newman Center students of the CAST ministry during the summer. Sign up to volunteer on Mondays, beginning June 7. See the information and sign-up notebook at the entry of the church. Contact Maureen Dunaway, for information.

May 24, 2015

Faith Formation and Liturgy Altar Servers needed! If you are interested in becoming an altar server, contact Kevin Ernest at (253) 330-4785 or at to set up a time to be trained. All ages are welcome!

Please keep the youth of Sacred Heart in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 28


Fr. Barron Series: Priest, Prophet, King NOTE: THIS WEEK MOVED TO TUESDAY, 9:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m., in the Parish Hall. Talk to Tony for more information, 360-734-2850.

Sacred Heart’s Stewardship of Treasure Report May 16th and May 17th

Ordinary Income Envelopes (122) $ 7,743.50 Loose $ 870.24 Total $ 8,613.74

Ascension of Our Lord $ 365.00 St. Vincent de Paul $ 145.00 Building and Grounds $ 12.00 Assumption School $ 25.00 Catholic Relief Services $ 100.00

Stewardship Reflections

Today is Pentecost Sunday, a day called by many “The Birthday of the Church.” We commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. Easter is the greatest feast in our Catholic calendar, followed by Christmas. However, Pentecost is one of our most significant feasts after those two celebrations.

Pope Francis has often referred to the magnitude of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In his first homily on Pentecost he said, “Our soul is a kind of sailboat. The Holy Spirit is the wind which fills the sails and drives it forward, and the gusts of wind when it moves more rapidly are the gifts of the Holy Spirit.” Although we celebrate the many gifts that were given by the Holy Spirit to the Apostles and the early followers of Christ, we need to be aware that these are gifts given to us as well.

Stewardship calls us to use these gifts to benefit our Church, our Catholic parishes and communities. Stewardship also reminds us that each of us has received unique gifts, and without our particular gifts, regardless how small they may be, our community is not whole. The key of course is our openness to receiving and using these gifts. To use Pope Francis’ image of the sails, we need to see that if our sails are not up, if we are not open to the Holy Spirit, it cannot fill us. When we accept the Holy Spirit and are filled with it we indeed can be fulfilled.

Sunday, May 24th, Pentecost

8:00 a.m. Cantor and Organ Practice Church 8:30 a.m. Mass Church 9:45 a.m. No RE 9:45 a.m. No Coffee Hour 11:00 a.m. Mass Church 12:00 p.m. Ski to Sea Fundraiser Church Parking Lot 12:30 p.m. No EDGE 6:30 p.m. Newman Mass MPR Viking Union

Monday, May 25th Memorial Day

Parish Office Closed 9:00 a.m. Mass Church

Tuesday, May 26th 9:00 a.m. Fr. Robert Barron series Hall 1:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry Hall 5:00 p.m. Reconciliation, Adoration Church 5:30 p.m. Rosary Church 6:00 p.m. Mass Church 7:00 p.m. Fr. Robert Barron series Hall

Wednesday, May 27th

4:00 p.m. Newman Mass Newman Center 4:30 p.m. Reconciliation, Adoration Newman Center 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Rehearsal Church

Thursday, May 28th

5:00 p.m. Reconciliation, Adoration Church 6:00 p.m. Mass - Sacrament of Confirmation Church 7:30 p.m. Confirmation Reception Hall 6:30 p.m. No Teen Cross

Friday, May 29th

9:00 a.m. Mass Church 9:45 a.m. St. Michael Prayer Church 10:00 a.m. Adoration through 8:50 a.m. Saturday Chapel

Saturday, May 30th

8:30 a.m. Rosary Chapel 8:50 a.m. Benediction Chapel 9:00 a.m. Mass Church 3:30 p.m. Reconciliation Church 5:00 p.m. Mass Church 6:15 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Choir Practice Church

Sunday, May 31st The Most Holy Trinity

8:00 a.m. Cantor and Organ Practice Church 8:30 a.m. Mass Church 9:45 a.m. RE Parish Center 9:45 a.m. Coffee Hour Hall 11:00 a.m. Mass Church 12:30 p.m. EDGE Hall 6:30 p.m. Newman Mass MPR Viking Union

Mass Intentions May 26 Judy Caldwell (+) May 29 Margaret Wilson (+)

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