ruukki sandwich panels - modeling with revit structure...

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Ruukki sandwich panels - Modeling with Revit Structure 2012

Modeling Ruukki sandwich panels with Revit Structure 2012 2011 2/33



2.1 WALL TOOL 32 2.2. OPENINGS 33

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1.1 User interface, menus and commands

1. Application Menu. Application menu contains commands related project controlling. For example creating new project (New), opening old project (Open) and saving the project (Save).

2. Tab. Commands in Revit have been arranged to various tabs. For example:. Home, Insert, Annotate, Modify, Analyze etc.

3. Quick access Toolbar. Customizable toolbar.

Picture 1. User interface

4. Tool. Individual commands for creating, modifying etc Revit models.

5. Info Center. Information and direct links to Revit info, updates etc.

6. Ribbon. Ribbon bar contains all Revit Commands.

7. Panel. Ribbon is divided to various Panels (Tabs). For example Structure Panel contains commands for creating columns, walls, beams and floors.

8. Options Bar. Contains command specific info. Content varies between individual commands.

9. Project Browser. Project browser contains all views of the model (plan views, sections drawing sheets, schedules etc). Also Families and Groups that are part of the model and used project template.

10. Properties. Properties of each command and selected object.

11. Drawing Area.

12. View Control Bar. View settings for controlling scale, working area etc visibility settings.

13. Status Bar. Command specific info for users.

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- When you want to add commands to Quick Access Toolbar menu, right click on top of the command and accept selection Add to quick access Toolbar

- When you select objects with mouse, when selecting from left to right (selection

area is visible with continuous line), Revit selects all objects inside the area. When selecting from right to left (selection area is visible with dashed line), Revit selects all objects inside the area and all that the selecting area touches.

- You can add objects to selection by pressing control button. You can remove objects from selection by pressing shift button.

- Selection can be saved and reused. Select required objects and save the selection from Manage tab with command Save and give name for the selection. You can retrieve the selection at any point from Manage tab with command Load.

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1.2 Starting Revit Structure project by defining project template.

When you start Revit project, program asks project template to be used. Required template can be saved from Options menu. Template to be used when modeling Ruukki Panels is Ruukki Panel_english_RST2012.rte .

Project template contains existing Panels, drawing templates, materials schedules etc.

To define Revit template:

- Application Menu/Options, and from opening view select tab File Locations. To field Default template file select (Ruukki Panel_finland_RST2012.rte).

- In same Options menu you can also define for example save reminder intervals (General tab), background colors (Graphics), navigation tools visibility (Steering Wheels, View Cube) etc.

Picture 2. Options menu

Picture 3. Oletus projektipohjan asetus

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1.3 Revit Structure starting project, New Project

When default template has been defined, start new project.


- Accept default template and start the project.

Picture 4. Starting new project

Picture 5. Projektipohjan hyväksyminen

Revit has three different saving formats

*.rvt : Revit project

*.rte : Revit project template

*.rfa : Revitin family

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1.4 Creating Grids, Grid

Start the project by creating module lines (grids). You can add module lines to empty model or use for example imported dwg file (see 1.7).


- Move to level 0.000 by double click in the view name.

- Start inserting module lines with command Home/Grid

- Insert module line by showing start and end point.

- You can use typical CAD commands for modifying Grid lines (Copy, Array, Move etc.)

Picture 6. Active view

Picture 7. Insert module line, grid

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1.5 Creating Levels, Level

Panels will be attached to Levels. Used project template has already seven levels that can be used. New Levels can be added with command Level.


- Levels can be created only elevations and section views. Open desired view and start the command Home/Level.

- Add new level by showing start and endpoint of the level.

Picture 8. creating level

- When used level command, copy can t be applied. If used, copy command copies only the level symbol, not the level itself.

1.6 Using CAD drawing as reference, Import CAD

You can use drawings from other CAD solutions as reference for creating Revit model. Supported formats are: dwg, dxf, dgn, sat ja skp.

In this guide we use 3d dwg file created with Tekla Structures program.

Insert / Import CAD

Settings when importing CAD file:

- Current view only. If selected, imported dwg file is visible only in active view

- Colors. Managing layer colors of imported file.

- Layers. Managing imported layers

- Import units. Managing units of imported file.

- Positioning. Defining the

Picture 9. Import Cad

Picture 10. Import settings for picture

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position of the imported file.

- Place at. Selection of level where imported cad file will be placed (if selection Current view only is not active).

Picture 11. Imported dwg file in Revit 3D view

- For controlling visibility of imported layers, activate imported object and select Query. When selected you can hide or delete layers of the model without exploding the file

- Picture can be relocated with normal cad commands

- Attach the drawing to its location with Pin command.

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1.7 Adding grid lines using imported dwg file

Using imported dwg drawing with command Grid/pick lines.

Grid lines will be added considering the insertion point of the Panel. For details of Panel insertion point see this instruction chapter 1.8


- Open plan view in level +0.000

- Start insertion of grid lines with command Home/Grid and select Pick Lines

- Click line of imported dwg file you wish to transfer to Revit Grid line. Continue until all grid lines are created.

- Stretch module line by activating module line and dragging the end of the line from little circle symbol at the end of the grid line.

- If you wish to modify the grid number/letter, double click the number and type new one.

- If you wish to have grid line symbols in both end of the grid lines, activate grid line and select Element Properties.

- From Element Properties menu select Edit Type and add tick mark to selection: Plan view symbol end 1 (default)

Picture 12. Grid selection

Picture 13. Pick lines selection

Picture 14. Stretching active grid line

Picture 15. Grid line properties, element properties

Modeling Ruukki sandwich panels with Revit Structure 2012 2011 11/33

Picture 16. Completed grid line in plan view level +0.000


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1.8 Modeling panels, Beam

Start Panel modeling with command Beam. Before inserting the panels, modify the imported dwg file to grayscale. It will clarify the difference between imported dwg file and Revit objects.

Visibility / Graphics

Modify visibility of imported dwg from Visibility Graphics:

- Select View/Visibility/ Graphics, and from imported view go to tab Imported categories. Tick selection Halftone to file Halli_TS.dwg.


- Open plan view in level +0.000 and start Panel modeling Home/ Beam

- Use default Panel or select required from Change Element Type. Remove tick mark from Tag and tick option Chain.

- Start modeling panels by showing start and end point of the panel.

- If the lines of the dwg file are unclear you can remove line scaling from selection View/Thin lines

- Add first layer of Panels by rotating clockwise. Add panels by using insertion point in middle of joints. Ignore also the extensions in corners.

Picture 17.Visibility/Graphics

Picture 18. Panel selection

Picture 19. Thin lines

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Picture 20. First layer of Panels modeled

- From Panel properties (Element Properties) you can extend or shorten the panels without changing the insertion point. As default both ends have value 10 mm. (Panel Start shortening, Panel End shortening). This will create normal 20mm joint between panels.

- In corner other element must be extended (typically with thickness of the panel), see picture 21 and 22.

- Modify all elements to all panels in first round as required.

Picture 21. Extending panel start with 150 mm

Picture 22. Panel corner before and after the extension.

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1.9 Copying Panels to next levels

First round of Panels was inserted on level +0.000. They were also automatically attached to this level. This info can be used while copying the objects to next levels.

- Select single panel and right click wit mouse. Select option Select All Instances (this will select all panels with same propertiies).

- After selection, select Copy. Note! Use selection Copy to Clipboard!

- After copying select Modify/Paste Aligned/Select Levels by name

- From opening list select all levels +1.200 +7.200

Picture 23. Select All Instances

Picture 24. Copy to Clipboard

Picture 25. Paste Aligned

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Picture 26. View of model after selection.

Other end of the portal frame is lower. Move panels from two last rows in that area to correct place and remove additional Panels.

You can add dimensions to model to help the transfer. Moving can be done with normal Move command.

Picture 27. Dimensions

Panel colors and other features can be modified from Element Properties. Here is short list of main features

- Internal/External facing colour

- Internal /External facing profiling

- Internal/External facing profiling distribution

- External facing coating

If you wish to change the color or outside, select External facing color, and from opening view select for example Color RR 22.

Picture 28. Panel Element Properties

Picture 29. Color selection

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Picture 30. Example of modified panel colors

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1.10 Creating section views

To create openings for the doors, create a view to make it easier.

View/Section View

Create new view with command View/section View:

- Show the start and endpoint of the view.

- You can modify the view direction by clicking the double arrow symbol.

- Modify the area of the section by dragging the sides to desired area. Make sure that the area you wish to cut is inside the area.

New section is now visible in Project Browser / Sections

Picture 31. Creating section view

Picture 32. Leikkauksen katsomissuunnan muutos

1.11 Creating door opening

Parts of the openings are done by cutting existing panels and removing extra parts, partly cutting part of the panel.

Start created section vie and modify its settings

- left bottom corner select Model graphics style: wireframe


Picture 33. Section View, modifying visibility settings

Picture 34. Cutting panel with Split command

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When the steel structure is visible on the background cut the panel with Split command

- Select Modify/Split and select start and end point of the cut. If you wish to remove the peace in between the cut, tick selection Delete Inner Segment

- Other option is to use Split with Gap

Cut three lowest panels where large door is located.

Opening by face Cut part of the upper profile with command Modify/Opening by face

- When command is active and select object to be cut. When selected panel has green frame around it, confirm selection by left clicking with mouse.

- Use lines to indicate the cut area. Cut will apply only selected object.

- When you have defined the cut area, accept it with selection Finish

Repeat the cuts for all desired elements.

Picture 35. Panel cut with Opening by face

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1.12 Creating elevations

Create elevation from all facades. Name the facades according grid line where they are locating. Create the elevations with command Section vie.w

View/Section View

Create section views as indicated in chapter 1.10 and rename the views according the grid lines.

- Create views from grid lines 1,10,11,A and E

Open one of the created views. In the view symbols of other section views are also visible. If you wish, you can hide these symbols.

- Activate on section view, right click with the mouse and select Hide in view/Category

- If you select Hide in view/Element only selected object will be hidden.

- If you wish to unhide some hidden objects, activate command Reveal hidden elements in lower left corner of modeling view (indicated with lamp symbol). When activated, all hidden objects all indicated with red color. Select objects you wish to unhide and select command Unhide elements.

Picture 36. Views from alla facades

Picture 37. Hiding an object

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1.13 Phasing the model by grid lines (facades)

Create phases to model that will be applied when creating schedules of Panels from each facade.


Start by creating names of the phases.

- Select command Manage/Phases

- In opening view, create phases for all grid lines after existing phases (for example grid 1, Grid 10....)

Picture 38. Phases

Picture 39. Creating phases

Add phases to Panels

- Open a view where you can easily select elements of one grid lines, for example 3D view.

- Select elements in one wall line and from Element Properties/Phase Created select corresponding name of the grid line.

- Repeat this for all panels.

When all phases have been created you can also visually study those by changing View Properties and setting for Phase Filter to Show New and select the required phase.

Picture 40 Adding phases to Panels

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1.14 Creating Panel schedules for each facade / grid line

In the Ruukki Panel template for Revit there s already template for Panel schedule that contains all necessary info for ordering the Panels. Use this template to create Panel schedule for each grid line.

In Project Browser view, duplicate existing Panel schedule and rename it as required.

- Activate existing element schedule and create a copy of it by clicking with right mouse button. Select Dublicate View /Dublicate.

- Click the copied view and right click with mouse. Select Rename and give desired name for the schedule.

- Repeat for all facades.

Picture 41. Schedules for each grid line

Applying phases to schedules.

- Open one of the created schedules and from Properties select value Show New to Phase Filter parameter.

- For parameter Phase select required grid line.

- Repeat this for all schedules

Picture 41. Settings of schedules

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1.15 Using schedules for element positioning.

Created element schedule divides automatically different elements to own lines according three filter values. These values are: element length, outside color and inside color. If there are elements in the model that have identical values for all these three parameters, they will be scheduled in same line. In this case user can change filtering settings from view properties/sorting and grouping

Below example of using schedules for positioning.

Open 3D view and schedule of grid line A side by side.

- Activate first row of elements from the schedule and give position name SPA-1-1. At the same time you activate the row, selected elements are also active in the 3d view.

- Continue positioning elements and repeat for all grid lines.

Note!, When you apply same position for several elements, you get Revit warning Elements have duplicate Mark values .

This is notification of duplicate marks and can be ignored.

Picture 42. Schedule and 3D view

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1.16 Add positions to elevation views and adding additional dimensions and texts.

Elevations are views of the model that will also be printed. There for all dimensions etc markings must be added to views.

Adding positions to elevations, Tag

- Open one of the created elevations and select Annotate/Tag All

- From opening view accept the default tag (M_Structural Framing Tag_positio)

- Accept the selection.

Note, if option All objects in current view is on, Revit gives position tag for visible objects in view. You can delete tags that are not required in the view with erase command.

Picture 43. Tag all

Picture 44. Select the used Tag

Picture 45. Tags visible in elevation.

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Adding dimensions

- Add dimensions with Annotate/ Aligned command.

Picture 46. Add dimensions

Add texts and modify text types.

- Start text creation from Annotate/ Text

- Select required text style or create new from Element Properties and from opening view select Edit type.

- In next view select Duplicate and give desired name for the text type. From Text Font select required font and Text Size for text height.

- Complete the view with desired markings, texts and lines. You can use all drawing commands, for example Detail line, Region, Component.

Picture 47. Adding text

Picture 48. Text type selection

Picture 49. Text type settings

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Picture 50. Elevations with tags, texts and dimensions.

1.17 Defining drawing template and creating new drawing size.

Creating new drawing

- Create new drawing, View/New Sheet, or right click on project browser on top of sheets/New Sheet

- Select desired drawing size.

Picture 51 and 52, create new drawing

Create new drawing size

- Start creating new drawing as shown above and select on of the drawing sizes.

- Activate the opened drawing sheet and from element properties select Edit Type and duplicate

- Give new name for the sheet and give desired dimensions for width and height

Picture 53. Select drawing template

Picture 54. Creating new sheet size

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1.18 Moving views to drawing sheets

- When empty drawing sheet is visible, drag desired views from project browser to the sheet.

- Repeat for all desired views, and schedules.

Picture 55. Three elevations and their schedules on drawing sheet.

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Picture 56. Two elevations, their schedule and 3d view.

Tips and Tricks for creating drawings:

- You can easily stretch width of columns in schedule by simply activating and dragging them.

- One view can only be in one sheet at the time. If you wish to have same vie on two sheets, you must create a duplicate from the view.

- Views can also be modified from sheets by activating them with Activate View command. After modifying remember to Deactivate view.

- You can use Legends for adding typical texts, markings ets to drawing sheets.

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1.19 Add the drawing info

Project information (name, address etc) are inserted ones during the project. This information will be updated to all existing and new drawing sheets.

Manage/ Project Information

- Add required information related to project from Manage/Project Information

- Add following info:

Project Address

Project Name

Project Number ...

Picture 57. Add project information

Picture 58. Project information

Drawing specific information are added from drawing sheet..

- Open a drawing sheet and from Element Properties fill up required fields:

Sheet Name:

Sheet Number

Sheet Issue Date

Checked by

Designed By

Approved By

Picture 59. Select drawing size

1.20 Printing

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Revit uses Windows printers in printing.


- Start by selecting Print

- Select printer

- From Print Range you can select what to print: Current Window, visible portion of current window or multiple drawings Selected views/sheet.

From Setup you define more settings of printing

- Set the value of Zoom, to 100% and you will get a print on scale

Picture 60. Printing

Picture 61. Print settings

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1.21 Saving vies in dwg format

All drawings and views can be saved in dwg format directly from Revit.


- Start creation from Export/Cad format

From opening view select sheets and views you wish to export to dwg format.

- You can save the selection and create a package that can be applied in future by selecting Set .

- Views in the Model: list of all views in the model.

- Sheets in the Model: list of all sheets in the model.

Picture 62. Export/Cad format

Picture 63. Printing set

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2. Modeling Panels with Walls tool.

Panel walls can also be modeled with general walls tool. This will not create individual Panels but a wall structure type with correct widths. Project template Ruukki Panel_english_RST2012.rte contains basic wall types for modeling Panel walls..

2.1 Wall tool


- Start wall modeling in plan view with command Wall

- Define desired setting (height, location line etc.)

- From Properties view you find list of existing wall types. You can modify the settings (for example color) from Edit Type properties.

Picture 62. Wall properties

Picture 60. Wall command

Picture 61. Predefinied wall types

Picture 63. Modifying wall colors from materials

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2.2. Openings

You can easily create openings for walls and doors with commands. Wall Opening, Window, Door

Wall Opening

- Adding opening with Wall Opening command. Open desired view, select Wall Opening and show corner points of the opening.

Picture 64. Walls and openings created with wall tool and modified with openings.

top related