rutten bas - big book of combat volume 1

Post on 05-Dec-2015






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    VOLUME 1 REVISED EDITION by Bas Rutten w ith Stephen Quadros


    No-Holds-Barred Flghtlng Techniques *Strlklng *Kicks *Biocks *Combinations *Training & Conditioning *Take Downs *Drills *Fight Strategy

    and Much More!



    OVER 2500


    "E L

    Ultimate Fighting Champioi 3X " King of Pancrase"

  • Bas Autten's BIG BOOKS , of CO BAT

    Volume 1

    Enter the COMBAT ZONE Bas Rutten t &g Book 01 Combat Vofli'T'Itt 1 ~120011>1' MasiO< Figi-Jer AJJ Rlgllls Resarved





    * Offical Bas Rutten Autograph Reproducton

    CCopyrf!lhl 2001 by Masler Foghler Ali RlghiS RosoJVed


    "What the Ancie~ts called a elever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease!"

    Sun Tsu: The Art of War Bas Rutten's Sig Books of Combat Volumes 1 & 2 ~ 2001 by Master fighter Ali Rlghts Reserved

  • *Bas Rutten's Big Book Of Combat* Bas Rutten Big Book Of Combat Volume 1 .... Table Of Contents Chapter 1 Training and Conditioning .................................................. page 1

    Chapter 2 ' Weight TraininQ~ Page 47 Chapter 3 Stand Up Punchlng and Elbow Striking Techniques ............ page 57

    Chapter4 Kicking Techniques .......................................................... page 95

    Chapter 5 Knee Strikes ................................ .. ... ........... , ................ page 119

    Chapter 6 Blocking and Sllpping Techniques .................................. page 131

    Chapter 7 Defensive Counters Against Strikes ................................ page 150

    Chapter 8 Blocks and Counters Agalnst Kicks ................................ page 189

    Chapter 9 Offensive Striking Combinatlons .................................... page 215

    Chapter 10 Clinchlng Knee Techniques ........................................... page 245

    Chapter 11 Striking Reflex Drill.. .................................................... page 257

    Chapter 12 Ha nd Mi tt Striking Routines ........................................... page 267

    Chapter 13 Speed Striking Drill. ...................................................... page 277

    Bas R\Alon' Big Book ol Combat """''"" 1 ecopyngh 2001 by hiMW ~ogl>ler n Rogh10-

  • *Bas Rutten's Big Book Of Combat* Bas Rutten Big Book Of Combat Volume 1 Table Of Contents, confinued

    Chapter 14 Tha Pad Striking Drills .............. ................................ ... page 285

    Chapter 15 Fundamental Ground Striking Techniques ....................... page 301

    Chapter 16 Grou nd Strikes From The Mount Position ........................ page 321

    Chapter 17 Ground Strikes From ln The Opponent's Guard ................ page 351

    Chapter 18 Ground Strikes From The Top Side Mount Position .......... page 365

    Chapter 19 Ground Strikes From Under The Side Mount Position ....... page 383

    Chapter 20 Grou nd Strikes From ln The Guard Position ..................... page 391

    Chapter 21 Grou nd Strikes From The Bottom Position ...................... page 405

    Chapter 22 Grou nd Strikes With Opponent ln Turtle Position .............. page 411

    Chapter 23 Kicking From The Ground Position ................................. page 421

    Chapter 24 Takedowns And Defending Against Takedowns ............... page 433 Tradltlonal Roots ...................................................................... page 491 On Getting Hit ln Combat.. ............................................ page 492 A Brief History Of Mixed Martial Arts .............................. page 494 Bas Rutten, "From The Beginning" ................................. page 496 Bas Rutten Photo Gallery ............................................... page 500 Special Thanks to Friends and Sponsors ............................. page 502 Bas Rutten's Mixed Martial Arts Workout.. ........................... page 508 A Final Word ............................................................................ page 509 Comlng Soon ............................................................................. page 510 Bas' Mixed Martial Arts Resource Page ................................ page 511

    Bas Rutten's Big Book o' Combal Vokme 1 ~ht 2001 by ~~et Flghtor Ali Rlghts ReMrvd

  • l 1

    done in the past, or do something because a guy with a black belt told me ta doit. Th at is ali bullshlt. Belt rankings in real fighting don't m ean anything. 1 have Black Bel ts ln Tae Kwon Do (second degree) and in Kyokushin Karate (a lso second degree), so 1 know what 1 am talking about. Practlclng something one hundred times in a dojo and being in a real fight are two comptetely different things!

    But let's get back to what r was saying eartier. r really thought a great deal about flghtlng and wanted ta put those thoughts here. l've trled ta look at every angle, ta make my dream system come ta Il fe. 1 thlnk that l'vecome re ally dose ta ma king that a reality .

    l've always wanted to test out everything to find out if it works under pressure. 1 never thought something was right just because somebody said so or because 1 read lt ln a book or because [ saw iton a vid eo. Anybody in the whole wide world can make a book or a video, and th at doesn't mean that the things in the book or video are necessarily true or effective. A Iso, if a certain style of combat does the sa me thlng for the last 100 hundred years wlthout chonge, 1 say th at they are doing it wrong. Everything changes and should get better. cars get better, people gct better, tennis players get better techniques, and soccer players get better techniques. 1 can go on and on here. Vou see what l'rn gettlng at? Most thlngs ln llfe are evolving ali the ti me, so do not stick with an old tradition blindly. Da re ta change when it reels rlght. l'm not saylng stop your respect of old tradition. No, DO respect tradition and keep clolng lt, but If you are training for flghtlng vou must change and/or lmprove ln arder ta stay ahead of your competition because everybody else does. And believe me, they, your co m1;otltln, a r cormantly getti~O btter and tlly ,.,a nt to M bett:er tM an VOU! So stay 011 vour toes and move forward. Oon't stand stlll or the wortd mlghl pass you by. l t's possible that even this book will get old eventually and there probably will be something better. 1 doubt this will happen but lt 15 possible, because tlme marches on and eve1ytl\lng changes. l stlll llke ta walk through ka tas (a Japanese term meanlng a set arrangement of martial arts maves and techniques), or Pum Se's {Korean katas). ltls an old tradition and 1 think that lt ls good loryour brcathlng rhythm, your techn lcal skllls and your memory. But pleasc don't tell me that lt will make you a good flghter because ltdoesn't. Vou need to spar for th a tl So, the sa me as 1 am golng to tell you ln Volume 2, spar a loti l t ls the closest thlng to a 1-eal flght . Thcre ls no preparation better for an actual flght than sparrlng. For condlt lonlng you should do the Thal Pads AFTER you spa ri

    There are a number of simple thlngs that 1 will remlnd you of ! hroughout the book. Llke "Aiways keep your eyes on your opponentl" Sounds pretty loglcal and simple, rlght? Weil, lt lsn't. The punch or kick that you don't see comlng will probably be the one t l\ at ki\Ocks you ou tl

    Stay calm and use energy only when you need lt. If you are flghtlng wlth a lot of stress, th en you will be tense. This alone will cause you to loseall your power and stamlna .

    One of the nrst t imes r saw a true study ln effective relaxation was wlth a good frlend of mine (and a SUPER Thal Boxer) named PeterAerts (a Iso from Holland). lwas amazed. He isalways completely relaxed. It doesn't matter for him if he is going into the super market or lnto a flght, he ls always very calm and free oftension. Keeping relaxed like this definitely improves his stamina. Another good example, but this time in the world of NHB fighting, is Kazushi Sakuraba from Japan. He is ahm~ys super cool and because of this he will have a lot more energy than the people he foghts who ARE Slfessed and not relaxed. Belng relaxed can make the maglcal and devasta t ing maves of the martial arts effortless.

    Good luckl 1 know you are going to enjoy yourselfl

    Bas Rutten

    Bas Ruttcn's Sig Book of Combat Volume 1 CCopyrighL2001 by Mastf Fightr Ali Righls Reserved

  • Bas Rutten's BIG BOOKS of COMBAT


    This book is dedicated to my beautiful wift Karin and daughters Sabine and Bianca, who have a/ways supported me, which is not a/ways easy when you live the lift of an ultimate flghter.

    Bas 1'!\At..,' Big-al~ CCap-Jnllln 2001 by IM$!er Foghter Ali Rightt Rese!Ved





    3 Times lOng of Pancrase Ultlmate Flghtln Champlon Name Bas Rutten Nick Hama El Guapo Record 26 - 4 - 1 Holght 6'1/185.42 cm Woight 220 lbs/ 100 kg Style Submlulon Flghtlng, Pancrase, Mua~ Thal Klckboalng Blrth Date 2/24/1965 City Eindhoven Country Born Holland, Residence Los Angeles, CA


    Wefcome To Bas Rutten's Big Books of Combat: Volume 1

    r have been thlnking for a long tlme about maklng this book. 1 once put out a book ln France, but that was a long Ume ago and it was very small . ln my heart l always wanted to do somethlng BIG, somethlng that made a difference. 1 think thot 1 have achicved that with my Big Books of Combat Volume 1 and 2.

    1 try to glve .attention to cverything that ls Important ln MMA(mlxed martial arts): strategy, strlklng, submlsslons, takedowns and ali tl1e variations and mutations thal occur wtt'lln tnose a reas.

    The photographs arc set ln sequence ond come wlth a short expia nation to mako thlngs easy to undersUmd, but 1 believe that the thlng thol truly makes this book unique ls that lt ls aiS supporteBas Rutton'u Big Book of Combat Vofwne 1 CCopyright 2001 by Master Ftgh1er Ali Rlghts Resctvod




  • *Bas RuHen's Big Book Of Combat* My Fighting Style:

    1 unlll reccnlly rea fly had no name for my figh11ng style. H 1, would gowilh oomelhing 1 would cali it,llko my good friend Stoph en Quadrot tolls mo 20 times 1 doywlwn ho .... mo, "The Bos Rutl!n System". He says ~;.not so much about my fighting style as H ls about my..- per lht llyle. Ir. boher than "Sas Rutten-R)'\1'" or somothlng, liktthatsotho "Sas Rutton System h ls.

    1 plcl


    Chapter 1

    Training and


    : ~ NG, ~ ~~~fN.I, dr:t,;i,,_..( .,,~ r:lll-.. ~ l!tll'td "'~i"''Mw' rtrml'll,\lrr .... i ;, tllis riuptl!J, pi~*! l tIN! OJ). !00y 11ln l)(o

    ~ pt.rdl.dfdOitiJ\f "''"Iloilo M.&Wt~ot by~I08-I:n II''J111


    Warm Ups and Stretching

    Il is important to undetstand \hat warming up and stretching should be dona before any kind ol workout and especially when training in

    !l' mixed martJal arts. Muay Thal or submissoon wrestlong. Over the w years 1 have goHen into the routono of


    EHectove slretching also can depend on where you live and what season ot s when you stretch. The fact is that a muscle stretches best whon llls warm. Haro ln Califomia the weather s rarely ever thal cold. so your muscles are .afready warm. especlally in the sprlng and summertune. As a result you don'! need to do as much warming up (cahsthenics. running. etc.) as you would of you lived in, for exampte, Russia in the VMier

    Strelching also tncreases the mnge of movement on your joonts. and thal also comas in handy ln the foghting business.

    Sorne pooplo gel nexible fastor lhen others. But nnyono, wlth the righi program. can be

  • 4


    Now repeal the entire sequonco10 llmos.

    Tilt y our head lorward. luck your chin into your cheSI.

    Conllnue by roiJIIIng your neck lo the tell.

    Slowly rotale your head to the righi.

    Complete the rotation so thal you are back ln the

    sla~lng position. n-alnlng Notes



  • Arm Rot ations: To warm up your

    shouldeJ$ and arms.

    Creat1 sweeplng clrcles by rotatlng your arms

    ait lhe way beblnd you.

    Swing arms bakwards, up and lorward.

    Ali moVl!mtnts are done ln eonllnuous mollon. Ralse

    your arms in Iront.

    lowtr arms and retum to the start position.

    Sweep ar ms ali the wav a round to Ille Iront.

    Swing arms up over your hoad, palms laclng our.

    Finish in start position. Do this 20 limes.


  • 6



    Shouldor Floxoa: Begin by standing stralght, anns oxtended out to tho aides.

    This timo, swing your left arm ovcr top of your rlght arm and strotch outward.

    B As RUTTEN's Bta BooK oF C OMBAT V oLUMI' f

    Brlng y our orms forward, kecping them stralght.

    Return your anna to the stortlng position. Swing arma forward agoln.


    Retum anns to stert position aga ln. Complete 20 repetitions.

    i ~ !l ;:: ~ " '11 "' ~ !.




  • Wrlat, Elbow Rnd Shoulder Flexes Nole foot and loe poslflon.

    Bond righi arrn o~er your head, hold your elbow ond

    slrelch lor 20 seconda.

    Now exlend righi arm and stretch for 20 seconds.


    Stretch righi ann across chest and pull wilh tell ann.

    Hold for 20 Jeconds.

    Bend 1111 arm onr your head, hold your etbow and

    strelch l'or 20 seconds.

    Repeal the same exercise wilh ~our left hand.

    Now stretch tell arm across ches1 and pull wltb righi

    arm. Hold for 20 seconds .

    Stretch your righi wrlst by pulflng the flngers down and

    hold for 20 seconds.

    Exlend the armand stretch for 20 seconds.


  • 8


    Hold the righi hand on top wllh lell hand. Streleh down

    lor20 seeonda.

    Grasp band end genlly pull each wrlst. Hold lor 20 seconds.

    Rotate your blps to the back.

    Band the righi wrist llke this and hold.

    Hlp Routions: looaen the hlpslor tlctlng.

    Continue rotallng hips, moving to the righi.

    Repeat wllh the lall ha nd.

    Push 1nd stretch your hlpsto the lall.

    Finish by rotaling hlps lorward. Repeat 10 times.




    Begin Knoo Rotations wllh bands on your kneu and knees sllghtly bent.

    Rota te to the tell. Return to start position. Do 20 reps.

    Grab your foot, pull up wllh both hands to siret ch upper legs. Do each leg 3 limes.

    Rolale your kntts lo lbe rlgbt.

    Push bacll on your kneesto llretch.

    Back 10 the center.

    Finish wlth Standing Knee Slrelches.

    Training Notes ----







  • 10


    Dvnamlc Stretching: Slart poslllon .

    Keeplng loo stralglll, swlno your lag up lo your ha nd. Repeallor 10 repellllons.

    Now hold your hand head high.

    flrsl stretch your hands lo lloor Hold tor 30 &eeonds.

    hanglng relued .

    Nexl hold your hand al shoutder levet .

    Swing your tao up straightlo your ha nd.

    Repeatlor 10 repelllions.

    Now pul your hand out at hlp levet .

    Swing your leg up stralghlto your ha nd.

    Repeallor 10 repellllons. Training Notes


  • SAS R vTTI!H's 8 1a 8ao1< o Coa
  • 12


    Log Clrclee: Slart wllh your righi fool back.

    Swing your rlghl leg up and inside 10 lhe tell.

    Keep swlnging up atross lhe honl ol you .

    Keep gofng lo lhe righi and bak down

    Bring your leg back lo start poslllon . Repeal uch leg

    lor 10 repellllons.

    Training Notes



    ' 1

  • BAS Rurnrt
  • 14


    lsometrl: Slt down your toga as far apart as possible.

    Come up.

    Push your legs wide apsrt.

    B A.:S RvTTEH1S Brc: Boo" OF COttBAT VotUMI' f

    Grab your rtght foot wlth your teft hand and hold your head down for 20 seconds.

    Now grab tho teft foot wlth your righi hond and hold your head down for 20 seconds.

    Grab both feet, hold your head on the floor for 20 seconds. Repeat sequenceS times.




    l eometric St retching: Start al this point

    Now slt and grob your knees, pulllng bockward to apreod your loge wldo.

    Lean forward, brlnglng your head to your knce and hold for 2.0 seconds.


    Slowly lower yoursolf part woy and hold lor 20 seconds.

    Brlng your rlght knee bock to this point wlth your loft log slralght toes up.

    Drop back to loosen upper leg, hold position lor 20 seconds. Repeat with ether leg.


  • 16

    Nexl, cross your rlghlleg over your leM llke lhls.

    B.u RUTJTN'.s 8 10 Boo OF CoMBAT VoLUME 1

    This uerclse slrelches your hlp.

    Pull your leg ln and hold lor 20 seconds.

    Repeal3 limes lor oach leg.

    Finish rou il ne by al !ling on your lnsteps.

    Slowly lail back and slrelch. Hold lor 20 setOnds.

    Training Notes


    --- - ----------



  • Japanese Warm Upa: These aro great lor condlllonlng, trust ma.

    -Roll lorward.

    Complete the somersault. Continuo with your momentum untll you are on your leet.


  • 18

    Stand up and atcp forward.

    Come up and repeat the entlre sequence 6 times.

    Twist around to the othor direction.


    Roll over.

    Training Notes 1 '


  • -

    Kick Up: Stert position.

    Roll untll you are hall way over.

    Kick up so you fly forwa rd like this. Vou are trying to land on your leet.

    RoU forward, as though you aro doing o someraault.

    At this point kick up ln tho air.

    Land solid, with good balancelike this. Now repeat movo 10 times.


  • 20

    Ab Klller: Wanl klller abs? Thon do lhese. Slmt poslllon.

    Explodo wlth your legs and body, ahootlng atralght up ln tho air.

    Gel hlgh and tuck your legs ln.

    Roll your kneea to your head.

    Shoot off tho ground, koeplng y our handa together.

    Come back to start position and repeattechnlque 20 times.




    Hand Stand To K ick Up: Go to o hondstand. Reody position.


    Roll down onto your bac k. Koep rolllngl

    Training Note s

    Land on your foot ln this position. Repeat 1 0 limes.


  • Hand Walk: Roady position.

    Walk across the floor on your handa.

    Then let legs lall over so thal you ...

    roll and .

    Go lnto a handlland.

    Keep your balance and go as far sa you con.

    ... come up lnto a standing position.

    22 ---- -;;..,:;; .... ;::...,;:;::.,;"ia;;.;;_;;:.:; .. ;;c..:;;;; ... ;;;.....,.:;;;:;;;;;,::.~cco""';;;;;;;;..,:;;. "ii...,;;;",;;:,..;;, ;;;;Av;;;...,;;;:.:; .. ~...,;;;;;; .. -;;,;_;;;_;------

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  • Cart Wheel. Start position.

    Mollon takes both legs lnto the air. Keep golng.


    Just tlke when you were a kid. Olne hand down.

    Alllhe way over.

    Training Notes

    Swing legs over head lnto the cartwheol.

    Repuat cartwhoels across the gym lloor 10 times.


  • Flat Hand Standa: Ready position.

    Extend stralght up llke this.

    2.4 --- --- .-- --- ---

    Bend down, ready to roll onto bock.

    Come up on your lista lnto this poaltlon. At thla point kick up lnto a handatand.

    Come down landing on your feel Repeat tor 10 continuous repetitions.

  • -

    Snake Escapaa: Escape from the bottom trolnlng drill. Loc;k your handa logether.

    Wh lie you pull yourself to your feet.

    Stretch your legs agaln and now ..

    Streteh your legs out ond bring your hands down.

    you throw an lmaglnory opponent off of you.

    . .. golo your rlght sido.


  • 26

    Repeat the process.

    Now the sa me exerclse repoats on the le ft slde.

    Tu rn repeat to on the righi si de, etc ..

    Bock to your left sldo.

    Arme up whlle your body pulls down to your legs.

    Back to stert position.

    1 1


  • Now brlng y our fcetto your bull and your handa up.

    Brlng your hands down to your fcet, pulllng up.

    And do the same lhing.

    Now repent on the righi slde ... brlng your feot up.

    And now ...


  • 28

    Rall i a tho rfght side. Roll ta the lef t nnd do the Joli aldo, etc .. ..

    Continue the routine. Ropoat ali of those exerclsos lor 3 contlnuoua mlnutea.

    Training Notes



    -------------- - -




    - - - ---- - ----------


  • Front Break Flla: If you are thrown. you know how to fond wlthout injury.

    Land on your arme and elapplng tho ground wllh your honds to break the !ali .

    Repoet1 0 timea.

    Lift your rlght leg and arm. Stap your righi arm and hand wh on you land, ln arder to break your fall.

    Repeat 10 times each slde. 29

  • 30

    Jump forward and roll over your left shoulder.

    Jumfl back wllh your arma out.

    Forward Roll Break Fa li: KaaF> your lefl arm out ln front.

    Slap your righi arm and ha nd on the floor as you land in order to break your fall.



    i 1 1

  • .lump Squat: Ready position

    Jump up hlgh. Land on your loft kneo llke this.

    Stand and )ump hlgh ngain. Now land on the righi knee . Repeat tor 30 seconds, thon ...


  • 32

    Ropeat agaln for 30 seconds.

    li/ 0

    f g [ !?.

    Rolllhe lrunk of your body up. ~

    Come down 10 the start po sillon.

    Romember to come up hlgh on your head, and stretch your neck. Righi away star! ...




  • Push Ups: Y our good old upper body muscle bullder. Start position.

    Come ali the way up. Repent lor 30 seconds and thon start .

    Come up to this point, then lower back ...

    Slt Ups: Start position.

    ...down to start position. Repent for 30 seconds each. Start over wlth Jump Squats.


  • _ ..... ..- ,crt 1-IRAlltllHG AHD CONDfnOHIHG BAS RurrEN's B1a BoOK. OF CoM8AT VoL.UME 1

    Pool Fitness Training




  • "' jjj

    i a: ill

    Pool Fltnass Training: The water la a great way to bulld strenglh, and endurance.

    Let"s go!

    Getting close.

    1 llke to swlm laps undorwator to build lung endurance lor combaL

    Swlm lulllop undorwater. Holding your breath will strengthon your lungs.

    Made il. Try lor 10 underwater laps.


  • 36

    Water Training Routines: Haro we practlce throwlng techniques.

    Now Ilia hia tum.

    Now we proctice Pvmmeling and Under Hooking Techniques.

    Throw your opponent over your head.

    Your opponontthrowa you. Great strength bulldor.

    Work back and forth.



    i ' !l fi l

    t i ' " ~ i l


  • -Got your arm undor his left armpll

    Do this ex change of under hooklng for 3 minutes contlnuous.

    Under hooks are working in.

    Now go fast bock and forth.

    Keep lt fast

    Keep golng nonstop.


  • 38

    Realatanco Punchlng starts by holding each othor's hand.

    Moke lt hard for your partner to move your orms.

    Now have some fun. Go for Submisslon Holds.

    Create reslstonco as you push on each other's orm.

    A great routine for building power punchoa.

    Catch him wilh a biangle hold.



  • '


    Pull his head down to chokc.

    The Armbar ls a good one to catch hlm wlth.

    He laps, you win. Have fun with it and use your Imagination .


    He taps.

    Get the armbar for the submlsslon.

    Training Notes


  • Hill Training & Conditioning Drill

    This la o hill thal we run. This la where we atar1.

    We have the tape deek with us to play the Boxing tape from the Bas Rutten's Mlxed Martial Arts Workout. Vou con also use tho Thal Boxlng tape Il you llke.

    39A-----;; ... ;;;,.;;;_;;;;"1t.:;,..;;;;;.;;.c.;::j.-;;cl;;.,.,_;:;;;;;;._;;:;;;,::.;ocO_;;:;;_,.;:;:,.;;;;-, ~;::;;M;;;a;Fil'q;.,.;;:.:; ... ;:-;;;;;;;;n;;u;;o;;; ... ;------

  • BAs RuTTaN1s Ste BooK oF C011AT VoLUIIE f

    Wo workoutto Slde B, ualng the throo minute rounds.


    ... we run up tho hill.



    We do one comploto round and thon ...

    Here you can see what the vlow la up at the top.

    This ls the hill from the sldo. Vou can see how long and steep il is. Golng ail the way to the top ls a klller!! And then we go back dawn and

    do another round of the tape and run uphlll aga ln. We do a total ol6 rounds. 398

  • 40


    Partner Fitness Drills

    Remembor, theso ore fltnoss drilla, not technique drlllsl Vou help your partner hero. Something thal you wouldn't do when you are grappling or fighhng of course.

    Tt10 lille prolly much says il ali. Alter lots ollndlvidual tltness dnlls somo times tha mlnd gots slale. Vou can montally ;ump-start your cond1boning program by working w1th a partner.

    ln the hrst drill 1 hold my partnor's legs. Ths exercase is for your legs and abs. Nextl start with my legs around his walst whilo ho ls standing. F1om this position work your abdominal muscles Not only ls this good tor your obs but olso il helpe dovefop o strong guard. Il you do ot baroloot tt is tho most d1lllcult. w1th shoes 1t's much oo&ler.

    Then 1 havo an exorcise whoro you praClice escap

  • 1 i ];

    J Partner Slt Ups: Start position. Sit on his leet holding his legs Ught. Vour partner drops down to the floor.

    He does tho slt up. Comos back up.

    Then stands. Repeat lor 30 repetitions, 3tlmes each.


  • Perform a vertical slt up.


    Drop your upper body down to the lloor wlth your part nor holding your log s.

    Come alllhe way up. Repeat for 30 repetitions, 3 limes each.


  • Wllh your partner on top ln the alde mount position, put both hands under hlm .

    ... nnd push your partner lorward and off of you whlle holding on to his hlp ...

    ... on top of your partner.

    Now ln one continuous movement, bridge your hlps up hlgh ...

    Your partner new repeats the exerclse.


  • ... holding on wlth either hand.

    .. your portner bridges hlgh wllh his hlps.

    .. you o end ..

    Got bock to the top position th en re pool \he drill for 2 to 3 contlnuous minutes.




  • Your portner ls ln tho alde mount position, your loet arc ln tlght to your body.

    Now slmply brldgo your hlps up as hlgh as you can.

    Repeat this endurance building exerclso at full speed l or 2 or 3 contlnuous minutes.

    Keep your hands open end up ln Iront of you.

    Then go back down to tho start position.

    Training Note s


  • ~ 1 !i-f a

    Bridge your hips up aa high us you con. ~

    lmmediately get on his back.

    ... and tu rn out from under hlm.

    V our partner repeats the drill. Perfonn continuously for 2 to 3 minutes4

    -- - ----------

    ~ 2 -


  • SAS RUTTWN' s Ba .Boole oF CoMBAT Vo.LUM& 1

    Chapter 2

    Weight Training ~~~~ ,.,..or;..,,i. r.;"'' t'~ itJ-....-~ .....,. 11-~V..Irol,'' ~


  • BAs RurrDI's B1o BooK oF CoN BAT VoLUME 1

    "' l:l ' D c =

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    '" 1!! .,

    "' ~ 2.

    l f g -



    Welght Training For MMA and NHB There was a ~me whcn strength was supposed 10 not mailer in lrghling, only tedlnique mattered. Those days are long gone. Now Il is important to be accomphshe

  • 50

    _,~,..en ~-rNEJOHr TRAJNIHO

    Dlps: Excellenllriceps and shoulder building eurclse.

    lower yoursell ali Ille way down.

    BAS RurrEWs 810 BooK OF COM.aAT Voc.u& 1

    Oulckly push yourself ail Ille way up.

    Push back up 10 complete. Do 3 sels o125 repellllons.

    Pull Ups: Greallor building beek muscles.

    Slart posilion. Pull alllhe way up lhen come back down. Body hanglng lo.ose.

    Try 3 sels ol25 repetlllons.



  • Seated Preaa: Greai lor building punch power.

    Vertic al Grlp Pull Ups: Begin by grlpplng lhe bar.

    Shoulder Press: Builds shoulder muscles

    for greai power.

    Push righi, teeplng your elbows down.

    Pull up hlgh.

    Prass up.


    Nollce the grlp usod. Come aff lhe way down.

    Do 3 sots ol25 repelltons.

    Back dewn fo the slart position. Repeat for

    3 sel$ of 25 repellllons. 51

  • 52

    Hammer Curis: Notiet my vertical ha nd posillon.

    Shoulder Fly's: We'll combine 2 uerclses.

    Now raise your arms ln front, to shoulder height.

    Curt lhe bar bac!< lo your shoulden..


    e . --~r .-. " f\ .. 1 "

    ' ...... -t . '

    Ra ise rour a mu outlo the sldes.

    0 't-w"ko

    . f ~' c

    Back to the start poslllon. Do 3 sets of 25 repetilions.

    Relum lo slart position. Do 3 sels ol25 repelfllons.

    Come bac~ down lo the Slart position.

    Training Notes

  • Triceps Press: Start posilion .

    Blcep Curla: Notice the hand poslllon.

    Cable Punch Training: Slart pas illon for ho ok

    punch lo the head.

    Curl up.

    Ho ok around from the outside i11wilh the cable.

    Complete the hook punch exerclse at this point.


  • 54

    Now repeat sequence with the righi hand.

    Hook your left IIJnd lrom lhe oulside ln.

    lefl book punch comea from lhe outslde lnlo the body.

    Bring the punch iBio the body lnlm the outslde.

    Comptele the book punch lo the head.

    Oo 3 sels or 25 re palliions

    Punch ompteted at lhls point.

    Complete the punch by bringlng Il lo Ibis point. Do 3 sels ot 25 repetitions.



  • -Knaa Strlke Training: Greai machine lor building

    knee strlklng power.

    Brlng lhe lag back againsl lhe reslsiJnce bar.

    Push your knoo lorward, as hlgh as ponible.

    Brlng your leg back. Repeal aga ln lor 3 sets ot 25 repellllons,

    Training Notes

    -- -


    ----------- ---

    -- - -~----~----------

    ---------------------- - -

    ------- ------------ -




    Training Notes


    - --

    - ---


    ----------------~- -


  • ii " ru E l: -" ;; ::.; ~ -~

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    -j l 15

    8 co

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    Chapter 3

    Stand-Up Punching and Elbow Striking


    : :~ .~ ki o'i!o~driu~1t.~""'~ 01"'-t ~>;:.N .. ~ d~roru1ro1ftdt.1 t.'lh r:h,ptt:.., p o'N$1+ oei,r '" .w. Ro.~tuo.'U .r.ido CtY'1 I:Iol! ~l'&. .. o;ot.. Il )lll.l l'lOI he.~ ~ B.g .!Jol).l. oo CCCOol! CO:., t~r 1.\t>

    :mo' crm.'rl ffi.


  • 58

    - --- - .tW.GVW " t llllfJ8S /ECN!iltJtiJES

    Stand Up Punchfng and Elbows The ultimale sln'ke, whelher rt De a punch, elbow, knee or koel

  • B.u RumN's BIG Boot OF CoMBAT Vot 1

    diHicult part of boxing. Keeping the same distance! Only years of experience will help you in this and stiO then. this is very diflicult. That's why il is very importantto train in other ways besicles just on a heavy bag. Train also on the locus mitts and let your partner come lorward and move backward whlle you hit the locus mitts. 1 will show you also elbows in this Ohapter. one ot the most danger ous weapons in NHB lighling and Thai Boxing. The elbow ls the larges! slriking bone (other than your head) above the waisl and il can knock an opponent out or eut them very easily. Li ka punching, proper distancing is crucial lor elbow strikes. Because the elbow slrike is approximalely hall the length of a punch you hava lo be very close to your opponent to deliver one. Il cannol be staled enough thal when you are tha1 close you are susceptible to a counter elbow (nol to mention a headbutt or a takedown). So usa the other hand or arm as your defensive shielcl when you throw an elbow. Tho elbow ls one of the besl weapons lor selldelense ... so be carelul!


  • 60

    For a strong Flghting Stance, stand tike this.

    This stance atiows the body to twiS1 1nto puncher.

    This stance en ables you to put your en/ire bodybehlnd

    y our S1rlkes.

    Hever stand ln one tine. You latk balance & power.

    To mnd sldaways on one tine ls 1 weat stntlng p011t1on.

    Y our le el should be shoulder wldlh aparl.

    Y our punch li will be weak wilh on/y rm power.

    Tr-aining Notes

  • Lel's look al the weak stance from \be front.

    Vou are able to put your whole body behlnd the punch.

    This won'l burt a lly.

    Only arm power is nol enough.

    Vou have way more power aniS destruction.

    How when ynur shnulder ls squared back. you achelve

    ullimate power. This left book wllltake

    your opponents head olf.


  • 82

    Training Notes




    When your stance ls wido and strong ll's easy 10 slop a kick.

    Also wh en your stance ls weak llkelhls ...

    You are nol ln a good poslllon lo slop your opponenllrom maklng conlacl.

    You only have 10 lift your foot up a short way lo block your opponenls kick.

  • Now lets do tho stralght punch.

    An Important polntt

    Having your arms at your si des a Iso protects your body.

    Strlke wllh a leU stralght punch to the lace.

    Keep your etbow polnted down, kept ln at your sidas,

    when strlklng.

    Havlng the elbows out leaves you unprotected.

    Aller slrlklng come back to rea dy position.

    Righi stralghl puuch.

    Rlght stralght punch using the entlre body

    behind lhe punch. 63

  • 64

    Look at how my body explodes inlo the punch.

    Righi stralght punch lo the head.

    Vou can'l pU!h olf your back lool p111perly.

    ll's llke geUing ready torun a race.

    Do not have your back toolllke this.

    This ls the correctloot position when punchlng.

    Exp Iode lorward by pushlng olt the back loot.

  • Wh on y ou make a toit stralght punch

    10 the body

    Righi slralght punch Jo tho body.

    Righi slralght punch to the head.

    Same stance. but now go tow.

    Now stnkes on an opponent.

    leH :straight punch to lhe body.

    Punch forward lnto tho body.

    lelt stralght punch to the hoarl.

    Righi slralght punch to the body.


  • Slrike to the body.


    This ls 1 sborter punh, startlno at this point.

    Slde vlew ot the vertltlt body puntb.

    Ready again.

    Shoot the punh streightlnto the body.

    Hlllrom this point .

    Strike wllh the righi hand, !rom this point.





  • The slrlke should look llkelhls.

    How on your opponent Come ln from here.

    Hll your opponents solar plexus or rlbs.

    Agaln wllh lhe le li ha nd.

    Training Notes



  • 68

    Twist your body, bringlng your right list at the target.

    Brlng your shouldar back and le li arm out.

    Same technique wlth the righi hook punch.

    Righi hook punch to the head.

    Now twlsl your body, bringlng your tell arm in.

    Brlng yourrlght arm back.

    Ti"alnlng Notes

    - J


  • Importa ni poinl. when hook punching .

    or he re ln lhe sa me Il ne as your ha nd, when hllllng.

    . or ln lhis position, whichever you lite.

    Hever hawe your arm hlgh llke lhls, ll!ere's no powerl

    The poslllon ol your llsl can be llke lhls,

    whlch 1 prelor ... 'n'alnlng Notes


  • 70

    Lell hook slde vlew.

    Hook punches 10 an opponent.


    How twist your upper body to the ri!Jhl.

    Twist your upper body to the lefl u vou punch

    Left hook puneh to Ille jaw.

    Lell ho ok punch to the head.

    Righi hook punch to the head.

    Righi hook punch to Ille jaw.


  • BAS RumM's Bts Ba 6f Coltur V 1

    Training Notes




    - -


  • 72

    Twist back lo the teh on target.

    Righi hoot punch 10 the body.

    Righi book punch to the body.

    Come back. twlstlng to the righi to strlko.

    Twist righi wllh your rlght arm triggered.

    n-alnlng Notes


  • -Lefl hook punch to the body, si de vlew.

    Twist your body tell. brlnglng the hook punch ln.

    t punch upward into the Yilat areas .

    Twist your body righi, tell hook punchlng

    into his body.

    Righi hook punch to your apponent's body.

    Lefl ho ok punch to the ribs.


  • 74

    Loft UflfJOrcut un der the jaw llke this.

    Now twist back to the reft tor power.

    Bring your body down tor a lelt upperullo the jaw.

    Nowa righi upperul to lhe jaw

    Piani a righi upperul under the faw_

    Mcr;e your body, lwisling lo lhe righi when slriking.

    Go iow. lwlstlng your body righi .

    Training Notes



  • Lelt uppe~ullo lhe jaw. slde vlew.

    Slde vlew rlght uppercut to lhe jaw.

    Uppercuts to an opponent.

    Go low, twlsllng your body lelt.

    Agaln ga low, lwlsllng your body righi.

    Lei! uppe~ullo the jaw.

    Come up slrlklng under lhejaw.

    Righi uppe~utto lhe jaw.


  • 76

    Tu rn y our body lo look. brlnglng your righi Ils! up.

    looks like this at point ot onlact.

    Flrsl we slep lorward wlth our lelt rool ID this point.

    Slep lorward wllh righi leg, bact list lollowlng.

    Aller the ba ct fis!, step back wilh your righlloot. ..


    Y our lelllool ls on the ume lina as righlleg.

    Spin lorward, strlklng the head wlth your

    rfght back list .

    ... back lnto the lighllng stance.


  • BAS Rurrm's Bm Boo. 1JF CDIIIIAT VDt 1

    Training Notes

    Tu rn your body torward, rluht llstup. Look!

    Spinnlng bact fis1 on your opponent.

    Righi sptonlng bldllis1, from tite slde vlew.

    Keep the momentum golng torward as you spin.

    Step torwarll wilh your lefl foot.

    Strlke the head wlth your righi sptnnlng !Jack list.

    Righi spinning back tisi to lhe head.


  • 78

    Hit with this area ol your patm.

    Keep your elbows ln low and lwisl your body righi, striking with a leM palm.

    TWist 1nd dnYII your en lire body inlo the strlke

    Remember teep yoar etbo1n down lor p., & p 111teclion.

    Strike the head like a stralghl punch.

    Righi open paim strikt to the law like this.

    Both elbows stay dawn like this.


  • As you slrike. albow stays down.

    Dring your upper body a llllle lo the tell ...

    Now the sa me lhing wilh your righi hand.

    Righi pa lm slrike lo Ille )aw.

    .. . and slrl~e the head. TIHist y our upper body to the righi.

    TIHisting your upper body lo !be lei! ...

    How a lell hook pa lm slrlie.

    Vou wantto lill wllh this pari otthe bona. No bllch slaiJ.

    ... strike to the slde ol his head like this.


  • 80

    Starl position.

    For a quiet knockoul, make conlcl wlth your opponents

    faw on lhis polnl.

    Stralglrt tell pa lm lo lhe Jaw.

    left hook pa lm stnU lo lhe faw.

    S!ralghl righi palm lo Ille fa w.

    Righi hook palm strlke lo tire fa w.

    Training Notes


  • BAs Rurmr's Bu: B()1)f( OF COMBAT Vlll 1

    ~ t Elbow Strikes & :;


    J Elbow Mitt Training

  • Bring the righi elbow up .


    Finish allhls point.

    Aga ln strike down. a cross the l11te.

    ~ ~

    Bring your lefl elbow up and lhen righi. .,

    How wllh the righi elbow.

    Follow lhrough to lhls point.


  • '

    Look at it trom the sida vie w.

    Now brlng the righi olbow up.

    Ralse the righi ann up very high.

    Y our teH etbow co mes op.

    Slrike downwanl acronthe head.

    Comedown willllhe elbow point.

    Your target is the collarbone or top of the head.


  • Spin lorward , strlklng wlth your righi elbow

    10 lhe head.

    Dring your righi elbow up like lhls.

    Step over to the rigbt wlth your leU loot.

    Splnnlng elbow ~Ide vlew.

    Spin your elbow around lo the Iront.

    Wlth your righi nnn up, spin around to the righi.

    Brlng your loltlool hero.

    Strlke across Ille jaw.

    84 --- --;; ... ;::;p;:;-""";;;;; . ;;...,;:;;; .... =d;;;;"""""':;:;;;;;.....,.:;;:~I;:OOC0_;:.,.;;;;200;:;;;1~">;-:":;:;I;I;;;I'q;;; ... ::.:;: .. ;-;-;:;;;;A;;;o;;;U;;:JIO(IIS;;;;-------------------



    1 1 1 1

    1 1 ;

  • Forward Elbow Strike lo the chest. lellloot torward, bring your righi arn1 back.

    Strlke upward lnto y our opponent's ch est.

    Holice Ille movement torwanl. HU the chest plate l ike this. Very paintull 85

  • Sida vlew.


    Step tonward with your tell lool.

    Step lorward with your tell tool. Twist your body.

    Step lorwanl with the tell foot striking under the faw.

    Drive your trontlott etbow under his jaw.

    Siri te und er thefaw wilh your right elbow llke this.

    Sa me thlng wilh the tell elbow.




  • '

    Now lhe righi elbow lo lhe body.

    Go dawn low bringing your leh shoulder back.

    Go iow brlnging your righi elbow back.

    Training Notes

    Twlsl righi. slriking lbe body willl

    your righleibow.


  • 1

    Target is lhe head.


    Step in and $1nke un der lhe jaw.

    le li elbow slllke lrom the slde .

    Left lorwanl elbow lo !be chest.

    - .. ___ ---------- -

    A;aln lo the )aw Wilh lhe ri gill elbOIY.

    follow wllh the rt;hl elbow.

    Rlghllorware elhow lo !be chest


  • Go low lor a stnke lo lhe body.

    Put ali vour bodv behlnd the elbow strlke llko this.

    Le li elbow to the body.

    Polnted elbow &trlke to the collarllone.

    Tt-slnng Notes

    Nowa hlghlell olbow slrike to lhe head.

    This strlke will break his collar bone.


  • 90

    S pin nlng Elbow S trike.

    This lime, step forward wlfh your righi foot.

    Step to the rlght with your tell loot.

    Anolher good target rs thejaw.

    Spin a round to tbe ltlt.


    Brlng your righi arm up.

    This sptnnlng elbow has a llltte dllterenttootworl!.

    Strlke his head with the spinnlng elbow.

  • Now wo will work on tho Elbows Mltts.

    Strlke the alde of hts lace. Another ls tho downward elbow.

    Brlng your left ann htgh llke this. Slrike down to the top of his head.


  • 92

    Stop ln strlklng und or the jaw wlth your front/tell arm.

    Step forward wlth your left foot.

    Hands up hlgh.

    Thla timo to the body.

    Bring your left shoulder back.





  • Elbow strike into the solar plexus.

    -Now do the same wllh your loft elbow.

    .. alm for the ribs, as shown he re.

    Whon preparlng to do an olbow atlko to tho body ..

    n-alnlng Notes


  • CHAPWI a-sr ... UP p-& E!sow Sn!ntiJffJ TEalliiii!IES BAS RmrEII'S Bill Boox DF CO;IWT VD! 1

    Training Notes

    "' .. ~ :n 0

    " ~ J

    ~ 8 ~ 2. &' [j. !!(

    ~ 1 ~ J

    J --1

    ' ~ 1

    &' j ~ ' ~ ~ 'ii J ;: "' ~ ~ ~ '

    " !!l


  • -

    Chapter 4

    Kicking Techniques

    ,V, (' for A,.,t?qot dl&,;li(ft t"llllf.M\~ d".,.. "'-... ~ .wllf ~ {ifo1!" ~Uinlh .. "'l/ o'(l t 'Ill rh.~1Jfl:'!, jlh ,If(' I('J: ' I lfJ M .\'l.llfle"l't 4t.l(lto t'D$ N MO~ .. ,, :t...~ ">4 IIi Jo'!"' lAI~~ ..... 't"Jt\o. l'loi- lkoo~ (1! (

  • 96


    Klckfng Techniques There was a lime during the earty stages of legal Mixed Martial Arts competitions where klcklng was frowned upon as belng risky and impotent. 01 course. 1 helped change thal perception ft is true thal kicking can be a dangerous proposrlion to the kict

  • . ~ j ~ ~ '5

    J "' 21 0 -ii s a: 0



    Kyokushin Karate. U is very effective but needs lobe preformed very weu to not get~nJWed. Side Kicks. 1 a rn not a big fan of sideklcks. 1 make them wh on 1 miss a low kick and !he opponent cornes Il rigil~ 1 show)'OO ltOs Il !he plclures. Some people have a very effective SldekJcl(. i ke Oon Wrlson used il a lot and he made it effectrve. But not many people can do thal. 1 be lieve thal this kick is easy to block and to cou nier. Bul, If the opponent knows to throw ot coat weil. &gain, like Oon Wilson used to de. il is a good weapon. Back Kick to tho Body. 1 use to do this kick a lot. SomellmeS 1 slill use Il but only ln Thai boxong sparring ln NHB rt is dangerous to th10w because d you expose your oock for a rnomenL a good wrestlor wolf shoot lhere righi away for a takedown. So 1 woukln't use ltln NHB but rf you fjght a stnkor and you oro good 'Mth thiS tuck, why nol? lt is e very offOCIMI kock. Sekuraba lOOk Vllor Bellort cty Hug dld thos spiMing ldclc to the legs ot his opponent Mike Eklrnardo ., tho K-1 tonals. Arl:tf sucsslully stopped Mike and bocame tho K- t champiOn .


  • 98

    U's oood to have Unes on the llo orto halp davetop

    y our klcklng stance.

    Now retaase your righi hlp, swlnglng the kick forwanl.

    Step rightloottorward on the Une wlth lefl hfp hack.

    FlghUng stance for a righi leg roundhouse kick.

    low roundhouse kiCk

    Retease the lell hlp, kicklng forwanl.

    Tir rn your le tt hip ro the si de outsldathe fine, never ln.

    Now the letttow roundhouse kick.

    low lell roundhouse kick.

    l 1

    j '

  • Now 1 will show whal nol lo do to roundhouse kick.

    This kick will not hurt your opponenlos much.

    You can'l acbieve proper hlp position, so H will be weak.

    Do nol slep wilh your tell foot ln slde the llne.

    Same w1lh lhelelt roundhousa kick.

    From insida the llne your kick will hove no powor.

    lllhe rlghlloot comas lnslde, anolher big mlslako.

    Training Notes


  • 100

    Releose your hlp, brlnglng your rlght leg low and oro und.

    Vou must strlke his leg at the correct angle.

    Wlth your ahin, kick down on his left thlgh.

    Not llke this, il won't do damage.

    .~ "' ~ " ;-~ !!' ~ 0 . (') 0 3 g--~ " 3 ..





    1 J

    1 '

  • J This la also an Incorrect angle of attock.

    Your leg ls comlng ln from thla angle.

    Llke this . wlth your shinbonc hitting the lhigh muscle.

    Now lots do Il tho righi woy.

    Strtklng theleg at a 90% angle.

    More roundhouse kicks. Flghting stance.


  • 102

    Stop lorward wlth the left leg.

    Step lorward wilh your rightlool on the same Une as his left.

    Roleaso your hlp and moke a rlghtlog roundhouso kick to tho body.

    Flghtlng atance.

    Low roundhouse to the inslde of the opponent's lelt leg.


  • -1 J '

    ~ "' m .. ...

    .. g a:

    ~ .. m

    Kick whotevcr targets are open and oaslest to strlke.


    Place roundhouse kicks to tho legs. body, or hoad ... they workl



  • Let's begin wllh a front kick. Watch the foot.

    Righi knee hlgh.

    You can also front kick wlth your heel.


    Twill your footlefl, keeplnglt flat on the floor.

    Front kick to the soler plexus, wilh the bali of your foot.

    Tho reach ls lcss, but it's stlll a very powerful kick and you will surely not hurl your toes.




  • Now a different kick. {A loo works as 1 distraction.) Wh en your opponont is cioao.

    Polntlng your loos, righi kick his hlp to koop hlm off balance.

    .. .is a f ront kick to the ch est. Extend your leg and ho will fait back .


  • 106

    Righi log up, toes polnted righi and your hlps back.

    Here ls the same kick uscd to the hlp, but now atrike his knee.

    Kick hia knoo to brlng hlm down.

    Training Notes

    - j


  • BAt RunEN's B1o BooK OF CowsAT Vou.tME 1

    Training Notes



    Left front kick.

    -Watch my foot.

    Make a left front kick. .. . .. to his leg, body, or even his head.


  • Sldokick Technique: 1 only use this Ill miss a roundhouae kick.

    Your loH low roundhoueo misses his log.

    Brlng your leH leg upas he moves in to counter your missed kick.

    Slep forward to low kick wlth the leH leg.

    Now place the lefl foot down here.

    Counter his punch wilh a leH sldeklck to the body.

    108 -----.. ;;;;;.._;;;;;:; .. :es:;.:;;"""'=;;;,.:;;...,_;;;;;:;..._;:;;:;;;,:.;occ;c;"";:;~;;;,""";;;;-';-;";:-;;;;~ .. ;;; .. ;;.,.;:.~ .. ;;...,;:;;:.;;;'k:x;;:.::;,..;------



  • Now let's look at the aldeklck counter from the other alde.

    Tho kick misses, but hold your ground.

    As he comes ln. brlng the rlght leg up.

    Wlth your rlght log, low roundhouse kick.

    Sldekick under his punch for the knockout.


  • 110

    Finish by kieking stralght baek with the hec!.

    First, step to the righi with your le fool.


    Now brlng tho rlght leg up.

    Tra ining Notes

  • Splnnlng Hook Kick: Flghllng stance.

    TUrn your body whlle looklng over your righi shouldor.

    Keep aplnning your leg, slriking wllh your heello this head.

    Brlng your rtghlleg up slmlghl, splnnlng lt lo tho loft.

    Training Notes


  • 112

    Heel Stomping Kicks on the strlke pad.

    Pull your toes up hlgh when maklng contact.

    Stomp down hard on the top of his foot.

    Simple yot dovastating kick. Knee wp hlgh.

    Vou are close in a cllnch wllh your opponenl.

    Strike this a rea.

    ~ ~ a

    Strlke your heel down ~ on tho opponent's foot. ![

    Brlng the klcklng leg up hlgh.

    n-ainlng Notes

    ' i -



    l j

    j J


  • -

    Kicks whon your opponent is on tho ground.

    Atlack with o iow roundhouao to his thigh .

    ... strfko with anolher low kick to his head.

    Or ...

    Another good target is his back.


  • Bring your leg high to stomp his body.

    Then another heel stomp.

    Training Notes


    This time, heel kick the head.

    114 )


    1 )

  • Another good Heel Strlk l ng Technique.

    Drive your leg down wlth the hoellnto his chest.

    Grab both ankles.

    Anise your log hlgh, kooping Il atrolght.

    Now Il his loge are up.

    Open the legs.


  • 1 '


    ill ~ J D c

    " .. ~-~ l ~ ~

    1 a f -~

    ~ ~

    Keep holding hia ankles.

    { 1 !i

    ~ i s l!.


    Knee up high. Let your hands go and heol stomp his face.

    116 1

  • - -

    Another move to try when holding the anklea . ..

    .. push tho legs forward and ...

    .. knee lnto the back ol hia hamstrfnga llko thla.

    Training Notes


    ----------- - - ---------


  • 118

    Strike dawn on his knee with your heel.

    He kicks at your lefl lg.

    Now stomp his righi klcklng leg.

    Training Notes

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    Chapter 5

    Knee Strikes

    "wote.: f"()( r...trl'-e r.'a,:>.'{'li ,'l:r-:n.c re(.. to .w. ft:.olfil'n 't .l:.d .o CIYs Nut MU.""L'U"Y ~ ~ ti )i111! (..'.S.A Cil!.' l ?.i!J.-I''IJ.:~.l8.


  • -J



  • BAs RurTEH's B1a Boo oF CoMur VoLuJiiE 1 CHAPru 5-ICHrR. SrRIKEs

    Devastating Knee Strlkes

    ln the earty years ol when ans wore being introduced to lhe wortd outside of Asla. oertam tactics were termed "d1rty fighting. Among those not so nice techniques were knee strikes. Knees are one of the primo weapons ol a wellschoolod Muay Thal11ghter. And nowadays most mlxod martial artists have, or should have. a worklng knowledge olthis destructive blow Uko the etbow is to tho punch. a knoe ls about haH as long a weapon as a ldck. But tho actual striking surface olthe knoo 1tseU rs ~ke a great brg knuckle and most of the lime the knee. hke the shn. rs v.1th0Ut a glove to solten 11 s force on tho body of an opponoot. Because ltls a short tool (l1k0 the olbow) mako sure thal you have the right distance. Croate spaco to gel more spoodl

    And when you land this strike on somoone. dOn'l knee l'lllh tho lnside ol your knee Vou wantto hrt Wltll your kncceap. fl rs lled a " knee" , and nol " upper leg" for a reason. Mnny tJmes you seo people hllbng tho opponent wrth thol r upper leg Th w1ll hurt you 11 you hll his hip wllh lho soft port ol your knee. Doo't do thal beeauso you moy dam-ogo yourself more thon your opponont.

    Koop your foot behlnd your knee when you ttvow rtto havo maximum lmpaCI. If you knee somobody to the body. do noe Sland on your toes wtth your olher log Thal v.1l close tho do stance and the knee eanno\ develop enough speod ThiS is also o m1stake lhat meny poople make. Il you try to knoe hlm to the head and he Slands stralght up, THEN you stand on your toes to gel hlghor.

    Combine knees to the head and body. For example: Il you are using the same leg, throw a rtght knoo to the sotar plexus and thon mmodt Ololy lhrow the same knoe around the outsode to the head. Or go from reg to body, or head ote.

    Do notlorget the knoos lo his thlghsl Vory elfectivel

    One ot the things thal roaly hefps ma~o knees wor1< ls tho use of lhe dtnch, balance. llrTW1lJ. footwork and neck wresding. The ldca behind ali olthese elemef\IS ls to create an openong 1 win explaln these vanous positions ln dcta1llater.


  • .. . as y ou pull his head dawn. Make sure to come up on the bail of yourfoot as you strlke.

    Righi knee tho mid-section by loonlng back

    as you atrlko upward.

    Now whon you knee to the head ...

    From the Iront ...

    Wotch my loft foot. Twist 1t to the le ft es

    you knee wllh tho rlght.

    ...hold the back of hia head wllh both handa,

    ond knoe tho lace ...

    . .. drive the knee up and into the head.


  • This ls corntcl knee strlklng techniques

    ngalnst an opponont.

    Il vou aro standing loo close ..

    0.~ ;..'\. .~ 1 ,., ... : . ' , '

    !lf\ '

    Now lor a left knee when in a cllnch.

    ln a cllnch. creato distance by keeplng your rlghtloot bacle.

    .. like this, with no spaoe between you

    and yoUir opponent. ..

    Create d la tance, swltch your stance, bringlng

    your righi foot forward.

    Drive your righi knee lnto tho body.

    ... your knee strlke will lock knockout power.

    Vou now have distance for a left knee strikc to

    the solar plexus. 123

  • 124

    Create distance by brlnglng your righi

    leg backward.

    . .. knee strike high lnto the opponen"t's head.

    Left knee to the head.

    Bring your knee up high ...

    Wlth your left foot forward ...

    Another good target to knee strlke Js

    hlgh on the chest.

    ... pushing your knee forward with your hips.


    l j j '


  • -Hit hard lnto tho cho>st or aolar plexus. Very palnl ul ! argots.

    Anothor target la tho lnsldo ol lhe lhlgh.

    When you have your opponent's back ..

    Starting ln the cllnch position.

    If y ou Il nd yoursell ln this position, wlth your oppono nt sidoways ...

    ... drive your knee hard lnto the bult muscle

    or tail bono.

    Wllh your righi knoo, attlko the Iront of hia

    upper thlgh.

    Dellver a knoolnto tho alde of his thlgh muscle. This is oxtre1noly palnlul ond a good atrlke hero

    may end the llght.

    n-aining Note s


  • Righi knee strlko from the slde, lnto your opponent's body.

    ... to the rib ca go ...

    Tum your lett foot out and lean to tho lett, your hands up and forward.

    From a cllnch position, exeute o ...

    ... and hlgh lnto the head area.

    Brlng your lefl knee up and around.

    ... roundhouse kneo to tho thlgh muscle ...

    Vou can also knee the shoulders and biceps, whlch ls very painful.

    126-----; ... ;;;,.~,.,;;;:;~;;a;;.;; .. ;;:,;;lliO;; .. ;;:"""""';;;;;;;;; ....... ;;;;;;;,::.cccc,;;;c;;,;;;.,.;;.;;,.,;;-,;;:,;;.,..,;;.;;Fi!ir; .,:;;:.:; .. ;:..,...;;:;;;;_;;;::,.ec;;;-__;~---


  • Agaln, whcn you are cllnchlng ...

    Roundhouse knee to tho body.

    roundhouse knee strlkes to the ln alde

    lhlgh aro good.

    Crootlng apace, and of coursa ..

    Training Notes

    From a different anglo, roundhouse knee to the shoulder.

    ... roundhouao knee to tho hoad.


  • Drlvo the righi knee up and lnto the pad.

    .. . and strlke the pad wlth your loft knee, th en put your lelt foot back.

    Cllnch position. your rlghtloot beek. Vour partner holds a kick pad ovor his mldsocllon.

    Brlng your lelt foot back ...

    And now swing your opponent the lelt.


  • Wlth your righi foot baek .

    Then brlng your lelt leg baek ...

    . dellvor a righi knee lnto tho pad.

    . and execute a lelt knee to the pad, then put your rlghtloot baek ...


  • .. followed by the rlght knee.

    . controlllng his head .

    Drive a loft knoe lnlo tho pad ..

    Training Notes _ Do tho prevlous ~ln!!! ~ speod _ _ lor 5, o~mlnute~unds, alternatlng_

    each round wlth your partner.






  • Chapter 6

    Blocking & Slipping


    l'loo' Po'N '1.:.'1.'!n- tfto" """1~~ clf :O. ~~ Mdu 1 tl.o"'l'dt."fllliI"''''HI m lt>t\ c.'liln!rf, ,........,.,, ''(;v t& ...... !.:"""'~ ~1 {U 1 ,'WII.:~U(WJ>.....,. .,_. 1>- .L # y..;.o Cil '*"'"""' Cot; 8"& ~' J. .~ Cu"''M CO !}oryt',!1 ln """Tl ,.."\la......,...t,._~D flG.-~IaiO--. ,.,., .... ,,-_ .US O,t. .. tlllo(.! . .;,.~ -_Il i ...-

  • 32

    Dehlnslve Blocklng & Slipping What can 1 say about this chapter1 Just lly not to gel hill Il sounds ctill icull and trust me. il is cfiffcult. But, wlth real dedicalion and by practiclng a few basic ptinciptes, anyone can leam to have good defense. 1 lhink the best lhing is to at.vays stay out ot reach ol your opponenl's hands. You don't have to be real lar away. just barely out ollfleir danger zone. So even when you block, and you If miSs thal block. he shll can't reach you. But if you are too lar away Il wlll tako longer to gel close enough to your opponentto deriver an oHensive or counter anack. Wilh kicks this distance ls more dlllicult because the legs are longer thon the arms. But because the legs are elower !han the hands you Will see kicks coming easier than punches. Kicks thal are set up with a punchlng combo are more dilffcultto read. But here 1 go agaln; pmci1Ce wll do the tnck.. . and lots of sparring. Standing on the balls of your leet wiU mako sure thal you rnovo !aster lorward and backward, so thatrs very rmponant.





    ' Wh a lever you do, keep looklng at your opponent! Never tum your head away. 11 yoo keep looking and you get hit, atleast you can move wilh \hal punch, or punches, or you can get ready for \he impact. The punch thal you don1 see comlng is the KO punch or kict

  • 134

    Defense ogafnst a strafght punch to the head. Ready position.

    Hold your ground, lean baek out of reoch, bloekfng wlth your righi.

    ... fikc this, even though your bloek ls sueeesslul, there ls danger.

    Nover stay wlthln rooch or the punch, when bloeklng.

    Do not bloek ...

    As you can see, f am wlde open to a counter strlke to the head.



    r )




  • Roady stance.

    Only movc back th la distance.

    Never go far back llke this because you wont be able to counter successtully.

    Important Point. Only lean back lar cnough to be just out of roach.

    As you can see, 1 am out of roach of his righi stralght punch.

    Lean back and block the punch llke this, you are in good countering distance.

    - - ----. ... ;;A;:;,

  • 1


    Samo agalnot tho righi punch but slip to the lett.

    Move to the righi, sllpplng his leU atrolght punch.

    Llke this.

    Training Notes

    ----- -



  • Block tho left hook by brlnging your rlght arm up like this.

    Some blocklng technique agolnat tho rlght hook .

    Just move away from the hook and let hlm miss.

    Thlls another defensive technique agalnst hook punchos.

    Sa me lechnlquo agalnst the righi hook. You are now in good countcr range.

    t 37



  • Look how atrong your stnnco la and you are ready to counter. 1

    (Do the samo wlth his rlght hook.) 1

    Blocklng the uppercut. Whon he punches, stop the hand.


  • Block his righi uppercut wlth your open rlght hand.

    Whon he uppercuts loft, block with your le ft ha nd.

    Vou can also jusllean away, lelling hlm misa. Samo technique wlth olther ha nd.

    n-alnlng Notes ~---

    ---------~-- -----




  • 140

    Block tho righi punch tho same, wllh your lottloroarm. Don'! brlng your hands down.

    Keep your elbows ln, protectlng wllh your arm, and block the le ft hook.

    TWist your body inward, blocklng the punch wllh your loreann.

    Blocklng hooka to the body, righi hook.

    Training Notes

  • Dcfendlng egalnst knce atrikea ln a llnh position .

    ... put your righi or left ann over his arma.

    Blok his knee by ex:tendlng your ann dawn wlth the hand open.

    Now put your head on your arma and ho annot pull your hood dawn further.

    Thla is how lt should bo clona.


  • 142

    Romomber keep the arm down llke this.

    Il your block la loo high ho ean stlll hurt you.

    Catch his knee law so thal he cannat develop speed.

    Training Notes



  • Defense egalnll a low klck to tho lnalde of your log.

    Block wllh your shln by ralslng your loi! log.

    . . or step back wlth the left leg and let il go by.

    Vou cen alao just back up wlth both logs and el hlm mias you

    Now defending againat a righi low kick to the outslde of your leg.


  • 144

    Another dolon se agalnat the outslde low kick la to jump beek wlth both legs, or .

    ... stop lo.ward when he kicks, jammlng his log, and counter.

    .you can ralse your lelt leg to check his klcklng leg wlth your foot to stop tho ottack.

    Training Notes


    t 1 1


  • Protecting ngalnst kicks to the body.

    Tu rn and biock llke this. with your lorenrms.

    Biocking head kicks.

    Notice how your en tiro body is protected.

    Biock with both arms up ln Iront wilh your hnnds open.


  • 146

    Sa me wlth tho left kick to the head. Again, block with both anns up ln I ront wllh your honds open.

    Vou can also lean back out of range to avold geftl ng hll.

    n-alnlng Notes




    1 ;:r ~ ii: !i j ;:r " "

    ' '




  • Oefonslve blocks agalnat sldc kicks.

    As he kicks your body, hold your a tance.

    Anothcr sldeklck defense is the open hand black. Start here.

    If he slde kicks your body, you only need to move bock this lar.

    Avold gottlng hlt by leanlng bock out of range llke this.

    Brlng your righi hand down, pushing his kick down.


  • 148

    Vou con olso block tho sldeklck wlth a closod l lat to the &Ide. lllke th la one.

    Finish here.

    This ls how ll's done against his righi sldeklck.

    Block down across your body to tho outside.

    The closed list blocklng technique pushing his leg to the side. Koep your left ha nd up!

  • -

    Bloack ogalnst o front kick.

    Aa you block down wlth the left, bfock hlgh wlth tho rlght orm to protoct your hoad.

    He could lake a kick lo punch you.

    He front kicks to the body.

    With lhfs technique, block down, twtatlng your orm llke this.

    Bfock the ldck to the outsfde and protect your head at the sa me ti me.

    (Stock his righi wlth your righi.) 149

  • Training Notes

    - -





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    ' ; '

    J J


    Chapter 7

    Defensive Counters

    Against Strikes

    :w.M~ fUki!Jito di:Q.Wd """~~tl'flw ~ ~ n,...nJol'lli detrm.,wllfl"'i i.'l tJ!!s riupte, p;,,.,$lt.


  • c,. .. ., 7-DEFPISv Cou-n AGAU
  • t 1


    Defensive Counter Strikes Agalnst Stand-up Punching Attacks

    Sema as in the last chapter, the most 1mportant thng is dstance. If you stay just s1ighlfy oot of his reach. you don'! have to come ali the way back ln a long way lo counlor. For examplo, If ho givos you a nghl Slraighl and you jump two feet backwards. yoo have to jump two leet torward to counter. and thal is NOT going to work agalnst a good lghtar. trust mo. Vou can maka h1m miss punches or you can a Iso bloek tho punches and counter them The cho IS yours. The pictues will oxplaln evorythlngl Ago1n, vory mportant. keep lookl ng at your oppononl at ali tl most Bocauso sometimes he v.111 counter your oounter and il you stay sharp, you can counter thal counter ag810. ls 11 geltlng contuslng? So, ln thiS choptor we open wllh a block or sllpplng toelullque thal we hed ln lhe last chaptar and wa counter il wlth combinallons ot punches and k!CI

  • 152

    Counter wlth a lert atralghl punch lo the face.

    A left hook punch.

    Wlth y our rlght hnnd, parry hie loft stroighl punch.

    Follow wllh a righi alralghl punch lo tho face.

    Anish wllh a righi to the face.




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    J 1

    1 J l 1


    1 g :s! ~ .,

    " ~ ;:: ... ,. m ' ~

    ~ '

  • Wlth your righi hand, parry his loft punch to your face.

    Follow wlth o rlght etralght punch.

    Righi stralght punch to the face. Finish with a left stralghl punch to tho face, awi

  • left hook to the rib cage.


    Agaln wo porry his lefl punch to the face wlth our righi hand.

    Now follow wlth D righi stralght punch to his face.

    Flnlsh with a righi elbow to the jaw.




  • Ready Position: Koep your hands high ln front.

    Le ft st ralghl punch 10 the foce.

    Perry his loft strolghl punch wlth your righi he nd.

    Follow wllh a righi etralght punch to the heod.

    Le ft leg round hou se kick to his mldsection. End with a rlght slraJghl punch lo the head.


  • Left atrolght punch to hls law.

    Move your upper body back.


    Parry hls left punch to the face wlth your rlght ha nd.

    Rlght stralght punch to hla face.

    End wlth a low roundhouse kick to hls left thigh.


  • t l

    ' l

    Ready Position.

    Stop righi, wilh your rightleg. Make a iett ieg roundhouse to tho inaide of hia loft log.

    Loft stralght punch to the head.

    Parry his tell punch wllh your rlght hand.

    Follow wlth a strolght righi to his hoed.

    Finish with a right ieg roundhouse to the head.


  • Finish wlth a righi elbow.

    Wlth your loft hand, block his rlght punch to the hood.

    A tell hook punch.

    Elbow to the heod.

    158 ----.... ;:;;_;;:;;,:;..,;;o~;;;oolt~ .. ;c;""';;;;.,..;;:_;;;;;;;,::.~o:oe,;;;;;:;?';;;"";;;-;,;; .. ;;,:;;. :;;.;.;;,..;;:~ .. ;;:.:;;,..;;...,;.;;.;;; ..... ;:; ..... ;------

    1 '



    ' i ..

  • Counter wth 8 rlght atr8lght punch to his I'I08d.

    Finish wlth a rfght elbow to the head .

    Follow wlth 8 !oh log roundhouse to the lnslde ol hlalelt Jcg.

    Training Note s






    -------- ------

    ------ -----




  • 160

    Roundhouse to his body with your right log.

    Bloek his rlght punch to your hoad wlth your lefl hond.

    Swltch your loga.

    Finish with a rlght straight punch to his face.

    13a9 Ruuora SIQ Book of C

  • Ready Position .

    Cou nier wilh a righi atralght punch to hia face.

    Grab the head.

    Block his left punch to your hand.

    Follow wllh o hook to tho body.

    Pull his head down, kneeing his face wilh your righi knee.


  • Set down wlth your letl foot forward.

    Wilh your lelt hnnd, block his righi punch to your face.

    Step to tho rlght and roundhouse the lnsldo ol hia loft leg.

    Finish wlth a righi stralght punch to his )aw.

    162 -----; ... ;;;;......,;:;;;;;:;~;;,..;e._:;;;;;.,:ceo:;;'"";;.,..;;;;-;_;;;:;;;;;,:.oocC:_;;;

  • Ready Position.

    Cou nier wllh o righi alralght punch to hie face.

    Follow with o righi stralght punch to his jaw. Turn your body back to the righi and ...

    Block his righi punch wllh y our lolt ha nd.

    Loft roundhouse kick 10 hia mldsectlon.

    ... finish wlth a high righi roundhouso kick to his head.


  • As tha punch mians come back.

    Follow wlth a low loft roundhouse to the lnsido of his left leg.

    Kccp your stance and lean back away from his le ft hook to your head.

    Rlghtslnllght punch countor to his hood.

    Finish with a righi stralght punch to his Jaw.




  • ; c. ..: ..

    " f !iP '!: t !! 10 ! ::; ~ D

    . 8'





    Counter wlth a law rfght roundhouse to hia tell leg. Put your righi foot beck and ...

    Now with a big rfght strolght punch to his face.

    ... follow with a loft hook to his )ow.

    Finish \vith a tow left roundhouso kick to tho inside of his left leg.


  • 166

    Countering Hook: Ready Position.

    Como off his punch ready to elbOw.

    Ralso your righi arm, blocklng his righi hook to your head.

    Finish wrth a rlght elbOw to his jaw.

    Training Notes


    .1 j

  • Ready Poaltlon .

    Countor woth a rlght hook to his jaw.

    Training Notes






    Again wo bioc:k hia iefl punch to the head by bringing our righi orrn up .

    Finish wlth another loft hook to the jew.


  • 168

    Cou nt er wlth tell uppercut to hlajaw.

    Sklp and switch your feet, brlnglng your left log back.

    Block hia loft punch to tho face with your righi foroarm.

    Fotlow wlth a rf9ht &tralght punch to hll head.

    Finish with lell roundhouso to his head.



    J )

  • Ready Positio n.

    -Counter wlth a tell elbow under the Jaw.

    Sklp your left leg back to knee.

    Agaln block his tell punch to the foce wlth your rlght arm.

    Grab his head.

    Finish with a left kneo to the head.


  • Drop under his lelt hook 10 the head.

    Now step forward wlth your rtghlleg.

    Brlng your righi foot forward lo this point. As soon as you sllde your foot up, execute a hlgh lclt roundhouse to his head.

  • Continuo with o righi stralght punch to his head.

    Swlth legs brlnglng your loft leg back.

    Fini ah wflh another roundhouso kick to hia body.

    n-alnlng Notes


    ----------- ----------



    - ---- ... ;:;;;...,;;;_;;;.;;...,;;;;_;;:;; .. ;;eo.;;;;_;;;....,.:;;;-,;-:.:cce:O .. ;;o:>r;;;;9;.,;;;,,.,;;;.,~ .... ;;;.,.;;;.,;u-;;...,;;; .. ;:.:;:.,;-;R

  • Follow with a feil upper eut to the jaw.


    ~ :D !;,

    ~~ [ !!.

    Keeplng your stanco, ~ drop under his loft hook to your hond. g

    Countor hia hook wllh n righi atralght punch to hia face.

    Finish with a rlght straight punch to his head.

    ~ ~


  • -" ~ 0: .JI

    Ready Position.

    Bob away from his right hook, holding your stance.

    Grab his head:

    Your opponent tries to rlght hook.

    Finish with a righi knee to his face.


  • 174

    Raady Position.

    Cou nier wllh o righi punch lo hilfaw.

    Finish wilh a low righi roundhouse kick 10 his ieft leg.

    Hold your stance and lean away from his righi punch to your head.

    Follow wilh a ioll l o hiafaw.

    Training Notes




    j 1

  • Counter wlth a rlght uppercut to his jaw.

    Follow with a right elbow to his face, then turn the upper body back lo the righL

    Thon another uppercut wlth your loft.

    Finish with a low righi roundhouse kick to his left leg.


  • 176

    Brlng your righi foot back to kick and step bock.

    Block hia lefl hook wlth your tell orm.

    Follow wlth a lal1 hook 10 his laco.

    Roundhouso wlth your righi leg to his head lor tho knockout.

    ' '

    j 1




  • Ready Position.

    Aight elbow to his head.

    Bring the rightleg back.

    Again lei! arm block his punch to your head.

    This lime finish with a rlght knee to his face.


  • !?i .. , 0

    " ~ J ,w

    ~ !!.

    Go under his righi hook, ~ J holding your ground. [ ~ ~ -


    Left uppercU1 hie llver.

    Follow wllh a righi elbow to his head. Finish wilh a left hook punch to the jaw.


  • ~ j

    1 15

    1 if "i a:


    Ready Position .

    Counter with n righi atrolght punch to tho )nw.

    Finish with a rlght straight punch to hls)aw.

    Hoid your stance and lean back away from his loft uppercut

    Follow wlth a loft low roundhouao kick to the lnsido of his loft log.

    Ti'alnlng Notes


    Sa!.~" mo Bodo ";1 ~ idl.n"e 1 ~ 2001 by......, F~. Al Ri9W Re!ef,~ 179

  • Follow with a lelt hook to his jaw.


    Hold your grou nd, leanlng back away from his lell uppercul to the )aw.

    Countor with a righi stralght punch to hie head.

    Finish with a right roundhouse kick to the back of his leg.

    1 '



  • Countering Uppe rcuta: Ready Position.

    Counter wlth a righi hook to hia jo w.

    Counter wilh a righi elbow. Either one wlllllnlsh hlm.

    Black his lelt uppercutto your jaw by catchlng Il wlth your open lelt ha nd

    Vou con also to this!

    Training Notas


  • 182

    Agoln holcl your grouncl os you lean oway from his righi upporcut.

    Counter wlth your rlght elbow to hia head. Finish wlth a powerfullaft hook to tho jnw.

    Training Notes





    1 '

    l y ~ "

    1 .,. < ;: ..

    ~ :n "' ~

    ~ ' 1 '

  • Loft hook countor to hlsjow.

    Hook punch his flver. Flnlsh wlth a righi elbow to his head.


  • Ready Position. Using your left eibow, block his ieft uppercut to your body. l



    1 Follow with a left hook to the jaw.

    ~ '!l-..

    ~ ;:; m !!1. " :n "' J ~ m

    ' " ' 0 !!l. ~

    Righi uppercut under the chin. Finish him oH with a leH hook to the jaw.


  • Come rlght olt tho block and upper eut to his )aw.

    Grab with both hands behind his neck. Pull his head down, kneeing hlm in the face wilh your rlght knee to finish.


  • 186

    Counterlng Stright Punchos To tho Body: Ready Position.

    Vour biock should look llke this.

    Follow wlth a leh to the lace.

    Turn righi. blocking his righi body punch wilh your leh forearm.

    Cou nier wlth a righi etralght punch to hia lace.

    Finish with a righi hook to the )aw.

    I j

  • Ready Position.

    Countor wlth e right hook to his jaw.

    Now righi eibow his head.

    Block his rlght uppor eut to your body with your righi loromm.

    He'e a lough guy and lhrowa onother rfghlto lhe body lhol you agnin biock

    Finish him wilh a righi knee to the sot ar plexus .


  • Countor wlth a leH punch to his lace.

    Roundhouso wilh your leH leg lo the body.

    E ~ !l.

    Block his leH body shol ~ by tu ming your rightloraarm ln. ~

    Follow wlth a righi stralght punch to tho jaw.

    Finish wlth a big righi hand to tho jaw lor the knockout.

    ~ ~

    i ..

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  • BAs RUTT.EH's 8 10 BooK OF CCMUr VOLUJ 1

    An extra note here. Vou see me maklng the counter combinabons lor punches. Vou can use ali of those combinatioos aer different punches thal you bklck or slip. 1 wiV grve you an example.

    If 1 block a loft stralght from hlm fike 1 dld ln the picluros, and 1 cou nt or lhalleft straight wlth a felt stralgh~ righi stralghlleft hook. nght 1ow luet

  • Bu RII1TDI's SIG Booor oF COIIUr VolUME 1

    Training Notes


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    Chapter 8

    Blocks and Counters

    Against Kicks

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  • CHAPT ER 8-BLocKs & CouHTERS AGAJNST ICic~es B.u RUTTVI's B1o BooK OF c..,,.., Va
  • '

    BAs RII1TEH's BIG Boorc OF c.,....r VOLw< 1 CHAPTEA 8-Bocs & CouHTEAS AGArHsr Ktes

    Defensive Blacks & stand Up Counter Strlkes Against Kicklng Attacks

    Your are go~ng to see me repeat a lot of phrases'" thos book. So with that in mlnd, Keep looking at your oppononl at ait llmesl 1 will constantly romlnd you ol this, just to get insido your headl The pictures will ctarlly ovorything. The prlnclples are the same as countering punchos. With kicks. you don't want to give him time. So, ol you block a kick, counter ot nghtaway as last as you can. This sounds togll, righi? Then why do so many paoplo conhnue NOT to do ot? At the momont hO kicks you. mostlikely hos dalonso wol be a IoUle off. THAT ls the lime to counter. Il he kicks you to the body. block then kick or punch ngtlt away Do NOT block ... look thon kick (or punch) back. Il must happen lmmedlately, llko Bang/Bang (blocklldck or block/punch). Thal is how tast lt has togo. t wrota the words togothor on purposa so that you would got il. You will seo that 1 block roundhouso kicks to tho body dlllerent than the way othar paoplo do, ospocaly the right roundhouso to the body. The way 1 do ot. 1 sot mysell up lor a countor punch rlght away. See Il you li ka 11 1 dol


  • 192

    Finish wlth a left low roundhousc to the back of his leg.

    As ho rlght low kicks your left leg, jump back a full stance to avold the kick.

    Now swltch your loga, puttlng your lclt foot bock and your rlght foot lorwnrd.

    n-aln ln g N otes


  • ~ Counter with n righi

    ' j stroight punch to the face. j Training Notes


    J ~

    l i

    "' ~

    Finish with a right cross to the faw.


  • Right stralght punch to the face.


    !!. Agaln, with your shln, block his ~ low roundhouso to your lelt log. g

    Stop back wllh your rlght foot.

    Left hook to the jaw.

    ~ i

  • Fighting Stance .

    Brlng your left leg beek to avold his kick. Put your left foot down, '

    ~ ~ ready to roundhouse.

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    Counter with a high roundhouse Vou can also go to the body. kick to his head. Kick to whatever target is open.

    D& Rutf6!ts BieJ Boole of Comtoe ._,_ 1 oOCopytg1t 2001 br tJU1ur .FJgtt-..;r .';Il Fil~~ R!WM!d 195

  • Agnin we use the lelt shln to block a low kick lo our loft log.

    Roundhouae to \ho body.

    Tra ining Note s


    . ----




    Finish wlth a righi cross to the jaw.



  • -

    Or y ou can avold his low kick by ...

    Counter wlth your own rlght low kick to tho bock of his leg.

    If you have tho flexlblllly, the head olso mokes a good !argot.

    Training Notes


  • Finish with a lelt hook to the body.


    Block his lelt roundhouse kick wlth both your lorearms.

    Follow wlth a rlght atmlght punch to the Jaw.

    Training Notes


  • ln this technique we will catch his kicking leg .

    Wlth the left arm, under hook and catch his righi leg roundhouse kick to the body.

    Left hook to the body. Grab the head and finish with a righi knee to the face.


  • 200

    Now we eounter wlth a rfght olbow atrlke to his leg.

    Bring your rlght elbow to lhe left.

    Again we catch his left roundhoun to tho body.

    Hlt down on his thlgh wlth n polnted etbow atrlko.

    Finish by eoming back with your right olbow to his je w.




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    Fighling Slanco.

    Control the leg and counter wlth a righi stralght punch to the solar plexus .

    Put your righi leg back, grabbing his head with your righi hand.

    With your left arm. catch his lght roundhouse kick to the body .

    Finish with a righi knee to the face.


  • Slep ln, hoo~lng your rlghlleg around his lelt leg.

    Catch his righi roundhouse ~le~ to tho body.

    Now kcep holding hia lcg ond grab tho righi shoulder wlth your righi hand.

    Hook his leg llke this.

  • -

    Push on hia shoulder and he will go down .

    Now whon he grabs your leg llko this ..

    ... and blasl his face wlth a punch.

    don't panic, Just wlnd up ...

    Turn your back lo hlm, put your knee down and pull your leg out.


  • 204

    Pull your leg down and out from his left arm. Y our rlght leg cornes back to knee.

    Hore he grabs and holds your righi roundhouso kick to his body.

    Undor hook his lelt ahoulder wlth your righi hond.

    Finish with a righi knee to his rib cage.

  • -

    Another situation where he has hold of your klk

    Jump hlgh, kneelng hlm ln tho fae wlth your loft knee.

    Greb the head aga in but go lower this ti me_

    Grab his hoad lor ontrol and balana.

    Jump and strike with your knee lnto his solar plexus.


  • Drive the point of your etbow down into his collarbone.

    Bring your righi orm to oibow atrike.

    A strlke here will break hia collnr bene. Very painfui.

    Ti'"alnlng Notes -------



    - --~--~--------------------------






  • ln this silualion you have his loft leg.

    Let the log go ond righi stralght punch his lace.

    Finish with a hlgh le ft log roundhousc kick ta the head.

    Holding tho lcg, lefl stralght punch his lace .

    Swltch lega, brlnglng your leftleg bock.

    Training Notes -----


  • 208

    Kick out his supportlng leg from behlnd the knee.

    When you grab his kick on the righi alde of your body ...

    The second you have hia log you must countor, rapldly, os If ali one movemonl.

    He will go down and you are in control.




  • Oulckly counter wlth a low left roundhouse to his lelt leg.

    Black with open hands.

    Now his left roundhouse kick.

    Counter with a low roundhouse ta his supporting leg .


  • 210

    Flghling Stance.

    Counter wilh a le fi stralghl punch to the face.

    Block his right roundhouse kick to your head.

    Finish wlth a righi sl ralghl punch lo lha head.

    Training Notes

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  • -

    Haro ho attempts a lefl leg aldeklck to your mldsectlon.

    Now you have turned hlm nnd he la off balance.

    Follow wlth a low roundhouse to his leg. Stop back down wlt

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