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Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

Roofing Business BLUEPRINT

WordPress Plugin Installation & Video Walkthrough

Version 1.0

Set Up Your Domain Here

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide


Introduction & Hosting Signup / Setup


Welcome to the Roofing Business Blueprint, WordPress Blog Installation. Now this plug-

in is powerful. This is automatically going to generate articles for your blog. It's going to create

new content, and it’s going to build your WordPress Blog site with incredible content that’s

relevant to your roofing business, or to your area. Whatever you put in for an RSS feed, or any

of the links that we have in there. This is an incredible piece of software.

I’m going to go through a complete installation if you’ve never had WordPress Blog site,

or if you’re new, we’re going to walk you through from start to finish. We’re going to go down

and buy a domain at BlueHost, we’re going to install the software. We’re going to show you

how to install WordPress Blog plus the WordPress Blog Plug-in from the Roofing Business

Blueprint. Plus we’re going to show you how to optimize your website or blog with SEO search

engine optimization for search traffic also we’re going to show you how to use Google site


I’m going to show you the exact ways that I use and the tools that I use, to get the traffic

that I do to my websites. These are really very responsive SEO tactics that some of the bigger

Internet marketers in the internet marketing world use. They use the same time of plug-ins.

And also this alerts all the search engines that changes were made to your website, then they

come in and they’re going to index your sites. If they’re not done correctly with the site maps,

then Google will just go right by them. When they’re spiders come in and index the sites, it will

go right by them if you don’t use the right optimization.

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

Website Hosting

1. Hosting Signup

2. Domain Selection

3. Hosting Settings

Okay we’re going to get started

with going over to Blue Host. You’re

going to see the link in your installation

manual. Go ahead and we’re going to go

to “Sign Up”. What I’m going to do is walk you through a complete set up with Blue Host. This is

the site that we use for all of our hosting accounts. The thing that I like about Blue Host is they

have unlimited domain hosting. And if you’ve done this before I’m going to walk you through it.

It’s very simple. I’ll bring you through the whole set up. Blue Host has Unlimited hosting space,

unlimited file transfers; you can make unlimited email accounts. When you host for a year with

these guys you get a free domain. So you don’t even have to purchase the domain.

They have some different templates and everything inside. You can set up all kinds of

different data base and I’ll show you in the control panel when we get inside. So what we’re

going through first. And it’s real simple to sign up. I’m going to start with roofing business auto

blog. That’s one that I looked at earlier. And this is how simple it is. Step 1. Okay that is

available. You can either buy the .com, .net, .org or any additional add on that’s you want to

have. The good thing about blue Host is, when you get into the control panel you can host 20,

30. 30 websites off this one hosting account. That’s what they mean about unlimited domains.

You can have multiple blog sites, you can have multiple WordPress Sites. It’s really a great

hosting account. For 6.95 a month, it’s really a great deal.

We’re going to go through and put your business name, your name, the state, the city,

zip code. We’re going to go down here, email address that you use for your primary account.

Once again that’s the account plan. 12 months for 6.95 per month. We buy it all up front. I just

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

say pay the whole 12 months at once. You get a free set up, primary domain registration. And

mine which in case is going to be free with the set up. The site lock, I didn’t click that you don’t

really need that. Premium back up I don’t think you need that. Who is, if you don’t want

anybody knowing who you are you can leave that on for 10 dollars a year. It doesn’t matter to

me. Now I’m going to enter all my credit card information, so I’ll see you once you enter all this

stuff, click through and I'll see you on the next page.

Okay everything’s gone through the credit card has been approved. All the information’s

in the blog name, all the information about me. I used my pay pal account, you get the free

registration. The total billed was 83.40 - and that’s for a whole year. And that includes unlimited

domains. You can put as many domains on as you want. Now create a password. I’m going to

create mine just like you’ll have to for your account. You can type in whatever you want. Try to

keep all your passwords the same that way there it’s easier for you to remember. They like to

see a symbol. Use a capital and a symbol. Generate the password. Then you’ll get in. you’ll have

to enter your password. I just have that automated fill.

Okay we’re logging into the control panel. First time in, one of the first things that I like

to do this will help you get started. If you want to you can I like to get in and make an email

account right off the bat. Then, just use a password. You

can use one of whatever password names you have. Try to keep them the same it makes it

easier especially when you get multiple domains. So that’s already set up. The good thing about

this is you can go through and it will give you access to a few different web services. And these

are all free it doesn’t cost you anything and it’s going to ask you for your password again just to

verify that it’s you.

To get in here, you login. I get that automatic fill on the password thing. Now it's going

to give you a few email things that you can open. I like the SquirrelMail, round cube. This will

bring you right in and this is your email box. So you can always log into your control panel. If

you want to separate this and you want to and you know how to configure email to a client

then you can put this right into your Microsoft Office. Any of the other types of emails you have

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

and the domains and all that stuff and your password. So you can do it that way as well. I'm

going to go back to the control panel. But I think the simplest way is to just go back to the

SquirrelMail. That works good, you can read the mail and it’s empty right now. Okay let’s empty


Now let’s go in to one of the setups with the WordPress Blog. Real simple. I'm just going

to kind of go through the control panel with you. First of all to start you’ve got your domain

manager. This is where you can go in and add more, no I’m not interested, it always does these

upsells for viruses. This will bring you into your primary domain. And this is where you add in

more domains. And name servers, you can point this to a different server.

I’ll show you how to do some of the other stuff but this is your domain manager, your

upgrades, your profile for billing, checkout. The C panel is where we want to operate from. This

is where it all happens. This is where you have your email accounts, anything you want to

access. There are great tools in here and they’re all free. Some of this brand new stuff. We’ll go

through email accounts like I said. We have some other FTP accounts, “file transfer protocol.”

But the thing you want to look into is registering domain, transfer domain, sub domains.

The things we’re going to use today are going to be the WordPress with simple Scripts,

and also a Cron job. This will automatically make your WordPress Blog BluePrint fire! It actually

once a day it will go off and it will create new articles automatically. that’s the beauty of this

plug-in. Okay this is almost 10 minutes I’m going to freeze the video, when we come back we’re

going to set up the WordPress Blog and we’re going to add in some new plug-ins. Okay I’ll see

you in the next video.

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide


WordPress Installation & Setup

WordPress Setup

1. Install WordPress

2. WordPress Settings

3. WordPress Plugins

Okay here’s the second video on installing

WordPress Blog with the Roofing Business

Blueprint Plug-in. Now the second step is to go

down to the Simple Scripts, and click on the icon. What it's going to do is it automatically

installs WordPress Blog for you. So once again we go to Install WordPress Blog. It’s going to go

through and it’s going to ask you what you want to do and you just click install. And it goes

through a couple of steps on the set up and it does it automatically. You don’t have to install

anything yourself. It’s really a great program.

Now it’s going to give you a list of different domains. You can pick the one you want to

install it in. that’s the one we’re looking at, the roofing business You want to go

to the display area. What I like to do here is use the exact same words that are in your domain.

That’s what you want, you want to copy the domain. So “roofing business auto blog”. Okay and

that’s going to be the domain for that. Now the admin that’s usually what I use, I use a

password like “roofing business” just for the password. Now this is what you’re going to need

to log in every time to your WordPress blog site. So you hit complete. It’s going through and it

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

should take any more than two minutes. It’s going to go through and automatically install

everything. It’s going to upload a couple of plug-ins but we’re going to go in there so you want

to remember that your user name and admin and your password is roofing business or

whatever you have. It’s also going to email you a copy to your email address whatever you had

for your primary account.

Let’s click on where it says word press admin; this brings you right to the main page that

you need to log in. And it’s going to ask you what your password was so you want to remember.

I just go back, copy, paste, that’s the easiest way of doing it. Copy, click back through, and right

click paste. Go right back to get the password. That way there if there’s any spaces. It just

makes it simple, copy and paste. It’s real easy to do. Okay and I’m just going to make sure I did

that. Click on remember me so it remembers you and you don’t have to do it every time.

WordPress Settings

Okay now you’re at your dashboard. This actually the WordPress Blog if you click on this

right here, it’s going to bring you in to show you that it’s complete. It’s already done. There’s a

couple of icon bars here on the side widgets, menus, and updates. Add new posts or pages. And

we’re going to go right to the dashboard. This is going to bring you right inside. Then we’re

going to go into the plug-ins area. There are a few different things that ill just through with you.

The posts, if you want to add a new post or categories, media, library and links. It has all the

different links to different products that you have going in there. Pages, you can add a new

page. Comments, for when you have comments it’ll list all in here so you can, I’m just going to

trash this one. You can totally clean out anybody that posts anything no your blogs.

Appearance, we’ll get into this. You got themes, widgets, headers, backgrounds. Users if you

want to add a new user to your profile. I’m just going to close a couple of these so we can stay

on the page.

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

WordPress Plugins

Tools you can import and export. Settings, this is where you get general information.

This is where you’re usually linked to all of your plug-ins and everything. Okay we’re going to

start with plug-ins. I'm going to go in here and we’re just going to click on the plug-ins. This will

just show us what we have. I'm going to deactivate a couple of these. Like this jet pack I’m

going to get rid of that. And just clean out a couple of the things I don’t use. Delete? Yes.

Okay the Asimet, that actually is a good little program. What that does it cleans out any

spam that comes to your blog. So basically you’ll go in and enter an akismet key. I don’t know if

it still has one of mine, it looks like it does, so when you get one you just use it. It will clean out

any of the information that comes in. you can go through this and you can go in and get a brand

new one. It doesn’t cost you anything for these keys. Just go through here and click on this, and

it will walk you through some simple setup. Get that key that you have and if you use mine, I’ve

got mine out there. But if you use it it's not going to work for you. I wouldn’t do that it’s going

to ask you each time. All it’s going to do is clean out the spam.

Okay, so let’s go back to the plugs. Now I’m going to show you a few plug-ins that you’re

going to need to get. Now these are important, the SEO, I’m going to go in and show you where

it is. All in one SEO pack, that’s the one that I use all the time. That’s a real good plug-in. this has

everything in there. It’s designed for WordPress blog. This is a site that has all these plug-ins.

And these are free. These don’t cost you anything. These just help you optimize your web

pages. But you don’t want to get into anything that you don’t know anything about. So just click

on the install now. It’s going to ask you do you want to install this and of course we do. We’ll go

ahead and put that in and activate the plug-in. it's going to ask you a couple of things about

your plug-in, you know what do you want to have in. and first of all its going to want you to

enable. What I do is on this here, the homepage title. I go right up to whatever your domain

name is. Because you want to put these in. you want to have the same keywords in for

everything on all of your blog. That’s the relevance. Google really looks at all relevance of your

WordPress blog, your websites and that’s how it really ranks your sites.

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

We’re going to go ahead and put this in. I’m just

going to put these in, right click paste, this is the home

description. And keywords. Everything about the internet

is all about keywords and domain names and you know all

this stuff. You guys know a lot this. And I just put a few

keywords in that I think is powerful and we’re going to

walk through a couple here in a minute.

Now the home description roofing business auto blog, learn more information about

roofing your home. So we’ll just put a little description in there. Free is a bad word on the

internet. You don’t want to use that. So we’ll go through and just put more tips about roofing

your home. Now if you notice we’re using roofing in a few different spaces, like you’ve got

roofing business, auto blog, learn more information about roofing your home. See this is your

keyword and that’s your description. and of course it's over here. Roofing auto blog that’s fine.

We’ll go down and click on use categories for META keywords. What it's going to do is

use some of your categories for keywords. This auto generates descriptions. That’s a good one

id click those two on, update settings. That’s going to go ahead and put that plug-in already

activated. Go to All in one SEO plug-in options. Everything’s activated. Let's go to number 2.

We’re going to look for Google site maps. There it is XML site maps. I use that a lot. This recalls

a lot of the information that I use on a lot of my sites. Now we’re going to go ahead and click on

the install now. Google XML site maps. It’s a 5 star rating. This is a great little free plug-in that

you get from these sites. Activate the plug-in. and you don’t have to do anything more to this.

And we’ll go down here and I’ll show you these 2.

This is going to rebuild your site automatically for you each time. And it's going to alert a

couple of the other ones here, let's see you got Bing, Ask, Yahoo, they’re all in here. It’s going to

automatically do this for you. Every time you change on your website it’s going to do it

automatically so you never have to do it. So every time there’s a post created automatically,

your XML Google site maps is going to refresh your page. And say yup we got some changes

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

over here, come on over here and look. And that’s what I was talking about when I said every

time there’s new content onto your page you’re going to get indexed. That’s why you set this

up and all this SEO stuff, search engine optimization. This is what it’s all about guys, this is what

gets the free traffic from Google.


Say you’re typing in “Texas roofing

business.” You’re going to get index for Texas

roofing and this is the stuff that you need to put in.

your keywords, your site description, and of course

the home title. Very important to keep all these 3

things the same in all the 3 targeted areas.

We’re going to go through categories, and I’m going to show you a couple things about

categories. This is important because your site automatically needs categories of different

products and things that you use. What I’ve found the for the best for the keywords, is go to

Google. And I’m just going to show you this, we’ve got it all set up. We’re going to Google and I

have a site with Google so you can get in there and have an account. So you can access

keywords at no charge. Your adwords, also you can set up an Adsense account, that’s where

you can earn money for when people click through your account.

Let's go through here real quick, and I know we got reporting tools, we’re going to go

right down to keyword tool. This is a great way to get traffic and to find out what keywords

work well. Like “roofing contractors”. And this is where I get a lot of my free traffic keywords.

Because this is where you can really tell how many people are actually searching for these

terms. I mean look at “roofing, roofer”, you’ve got over 6 million searches just per month

globally, and 2,740,000 million is locally. Relevant areas closely related to my search terms, this

will zero right in and drill down to exactly what you want for a search term. Like “roofing

contractor”. That’s a good one. So copy and we just click back to your page, then paste. That’s

a great keyword. Roofing contractor for a category.

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

Also I’m going to edit this uncategorized.

I don’t like having uncategorized. I’m just going

to call that roofing. I know I’ve used this on a

couple of my other ones, so imp just going to go

ahead and put that in there. Let's see where it

goes. It should allow me to update this. Okay

update categories, there we go. Then we’re

going to go back and get another one. And we

will pick out another good keyword here. Which

“metal roofing” is always a good one. 165,000 a month to search for and we’ll put that in as

paste, right click ,paste, right click, paste. Now what imp doing imp putting the name in, also

the slug and also the description.

These 3 are important because all the indexing is done by search engines they go

through and they search and look for all these different terms. So you want to make sure you

have a good selection of all these keywords. We’ll get maybe one more good one. Sometimes

they reverse it. Even though they’re reversed sometimes they pick up a little because you know

a lot of people don’t use that search term. So by reversing shingle roofer instead of roofing

shingle. Maybe shingle roofing. Put that in. now we’re going to add that category and let’s add

one more. And I’m going to show you another search tool that we use that’s very powerful.

Metal roofing, how about we use that reverse one. Roofing metal. So we’ll grab that one. And

I’m going to show you a good little secret search tool that they have on Google next. Now this

videos getting a little bit long so I’m going to have to wrap it up. We’re going to come back in

afterwards and put in the main plug-in. we’re going to add some more categories and go

through some keywords. So I’ll see you in the next video.

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide


WordPress BluePrint Plugin Installation & Setup

BluePrint Plugin Setup

1. Plugin Installation

2. Plugin Settings

3. Plugin Activation

Okay now we’re going to get started by

putting the roofing Business Blueprint plug-in, in.

we’ll go ahead and click on plug-in. now when you first got your download link in your

downloads center, you should have been able to download the Roofing Business Blueprint zip

file that was included, also we put some headers in there. So you can really dress up your blog

and I'll show you how that works. Go to “add new”, click on the “upload” and where you had

the file you’re going to browse to that folder. Whether you put it on the desktop or a different

file somewhere. We’ll go through and it should say roofing Go ahead and double

click on that. Install now. That will go through and we’ll activate plug-in. now this is going to

bring it right up, you’re going to go to “settings” and what you’re going to need to do is set up a

cron job. What that means is its going to activate the plug-in and make it run at a certain time.

So whether its once a day once, every two days. I like to run it every day and I'll show you how

that’s done.

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

Let's go back to the control panel at Blue

Host. And we’re going to go down to the bottom

of the page and click on where it says Cron jobs.

We’ll go ahead and click on that. Now it's pretty

simple to set up. You set this up once and you’ll

never have to do it again. We click on once a

day, or twice a day, I like it once a day, and 12am

midnight. What Google does around that time

between 12 and 3 o'clock, they never tell the exact time. But it automatically makes the

product fire, once Google does their little bit of updates. We’re going to go ahead back to the

plug-in. we’re going to need this one file, copy this “command line”, this is what you have to

put in, just right click and copy it. We’re going to go right back to the blue print. And go right

back to the command line.

Then add that command line right in there by right clicking and pasting. Make sure

there's no space at the end of it. You want to see the green check mark, I had a space there so I

didn’t have the green check mark at first but now I do. Click “add new cron job.” And that’s it,

it’s done. Let’s go back to the plug-in. we’re going to double check everything. This is going to

post 10 at a time. 10 is recommended. Any more than that and Google doesn’t like the

mechanical stuff so no more than 10 at a time a day. It's going to add relevant YouTube video to

the bottom of each post. It’s going to pull articles from dashboard and article base and also

these RSS feeds. This is where it gets all your information. And it really pulls some good stuff.

“Ezine” has some great articles. So we’re going to click “save settings” just to make sure

everything’s saved. And it does say that everything was saved successfully. Now this is where

we set it up guys so you got the cron job in now let's go ahead and hit run plug-in for the first

time to activate it. It’s going to go through, sometimes it might take 1 to 2 minutes. But it

doesn’t take very long. It already went through and did that. It created 25 new posts. Lets click

on that just to see how that looks. We’ll go up in here, click on posts and look at this they’re all

in there, 25 of those things, that quick. Now you wouldn’t even be able to write the posts that

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

fast. So we’ll go into categories and double check everything, it's all in categories. You’ve got all

the things that we’ve put in there. The posts are in.

Now let's go back to the plug-in I want to

show you one other thing. When you’re searching

for categories and keywords, you always want to

optimize your general setting. So let's go down

here and look at general. Now it's going to say

roofing business auto blog, that’s what we have.

And a tagline you want to have in here so maybe

“roofing professional” or something. This could be

“article auto blog.” That’s in there, and you can go

ahead and keep that. It's got your email address, anyone can register. We’ll just hit save

settings. And some of the other things I’m just going to touch on down below here, we got the

XML setup.

Now this is how you can rebuild it once a while by yourself. It already did it by its self

automatically. And it did already notify Google like I said. It’s Google, Bing, Ask, and yahoo.

They’ve all been notified. Now it's going to go ahead and send the virtual robots right through

the files so this sets it all up you’ll never have to touch this again. The posts, let's go take a look

at the blog real quick. I’m going to show you one other thing. It went ahead and put all these

articles in, the whole list of them down here. And if you wanted to click on the article it will

bring you over to where it’s at which is this old house. But what it does is, it really pulls a lot of

the roofing stuff. So you’re going to have all these articles involved with all types of roofing


Let me go back to the dashboard I want to show you one other thing. Also I want to go

down to the widgets. And it's in appearance. What we’re going to do is go to recent posts. You

want to have probably 20 of these. What is does is fills up the right side with all the posts that

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

you have. Google will see that as well, and let's just go back to the blog and you’re going to see

these all down on the side. Look at all the articles its doing.

Now also, I want to show you another thing

that you have available to you. With articles you

can build them up with different content anytime

you want. I added some headers, so do you see

this “header” button? You can go right in here and

hit “browse”. This is the size if you make it

yourself. I’ve gone ahead and put in some headers

for you. These you can change with Adobe if you

know how to use Adobe. And we will just put in

roofing auto blog. So we’re going to upload that and you’ll see how this will go in. it puts a

brand new header in there so we will go ahead and click “save changes.” You can use these

headers, you can change these headers, and you can create your own headers. But see how

nice it looks up on the top right there. It's really a good way to change the appearance of your


Okay we’re going to go ahead back to this and I’m going to show you one other thing

with Google. Which I think is a great way to search terms. We’ll go right back into the Google

dashboard. Now when imp searching on Google I like to search like “roofing contractors” . now

if you go over here to this wonder wheel. If you’re looking to search anything and get some

more quick results like roofing companies, all these are great keywords you can add to all your

posts, dashboards and all the places you need to put stuff in. categories, once again you can put

those in. you can build a nice list of keywords, and categories which brings in a lot of fresh

content all the time.

Okay there’s one other thing I want to show you so you can get a lot of traffic back to

your website. It’s real simple to do. On the post you click on and put your domain name inside

the post - which is real simple to do. You just go in here and just type in your name of your

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

company or whatever it is. Just go in here and click on this link button whatever your website

address is. Mines the what that will do is it will add a link. Every time you get these

back links back to your website it's going to help you.

I want to show you one other thing, always hit that update button. But I want to show

you another thing that I do. I made some banners up and you go in and create a nice looking

banner and they’re not hard to do they’re real simple actually. And I'll show you where those

are. I’ve got a lot of stuff on here. What I have for my banner is my main company. It’s real

simple I put David Deschaine. Ill copy and paste the title, this is all keyword rich. Always have

the title and the alternate text the same that way they know where it’s going to. Down here if

where you have your link text. And down below its link text URL., this is

how I get my sites number one.

You always want to click on center and full size. What it's going to do is its going to load

this banner in and you’ll see what it looks like. It's already a hot banner. But what you need to

do is go to the HTML, click on that copy and paste this code right here. Its real simple copy it

and go over to the widgets and the appearance and we’re going to drag one of these text files

up. See how you can just hold it down with your right button. And add this underneath the

recent posts. Right click, paste. It puts all that code right in there. And I always write, roofing

Dave Deschaine. This is how I get the link juice to get me number one on Google. Secret code

here guys that I use all the time. Now let's go back to the blog and see. There is the banner that

links directly back to my website. This is how I do it; this is what I do with automated posts. You

know it's simple to make a little banner like that. If you need something like that just let us

know. We can create them they’re right around $200.00. We can make you a nice banner.

Anyway that’s David Deschaine thank you very much from the Roofing Business

Blueprint. This is how you get massive traffic, the WordPress plug-in is customized for you as a

roofing contractor. Enjoy and I hope you get a lot of traffic.

Roofing Business BluePrint WordPress Plugin Installation Guide

Thank you very much, and I wish you the very best of luck!

David J. Deschaine

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