romans 8:1-17 the difference of a “led” life

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Romans 8:1-17The difference of a

“led” life

Driven vs. Drawn

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace - Romans 8:5-6

The huge differencewe rarely discuss

Driven vs. Drawn

The right vessel for God’s Spirit

“...And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst

the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour

new wine into new wineskins.”

• Mark 2:22

A Driven Religion

• The focus is still on one’s flesh

A Driven Religion

• The focus is still on one’s flesh• It is all about me how good I am

A Driven Religion

• The focus is still on one’s flesh• It is all about me how good I am • What I have and haven’t done

A Driven Religion

• The focus is still on one’s flesh• It is all about me how good I am • What I have and haven’t done• Considerable comparing and judging of others

A Driven Religion

• The focus is still on one’s flesh• It is all about me how good I am • What I have and haven’t done• Considerable comparing and judging of others• They fall under a curse

A Driven Religion

• The focus is still on one’s flesh• It is all about me how good I am • What I have and haven’t done• Considerable comparing and judging of others• They fall under a curse• It is really a “driven” flesh focused matter

A Driven Religion

• The focus is still on one’s flesh• It is all about me how good I am • What I have and haven’t done• Considerable comparing and judging of others• They fall under a curse• It is really a “driven” flesh focused matter• It reinforces selfishness in twisted forms

A Driven Religion

• The focus is still on one’s flesh• It is all about me how good I am • What I have and haven’t done• Considerable comparing and judging of others• They fall under a curse• It is really a “driven” flesh focused matter• It reinforces selfishness in twisted forms• You live in fear of failure and loss

A Driven Religion

• The focus is still on one’s flesh• It is all about me how good I am • What I have and haven’t done• Considerable comparing and judging of others• They fall under a curse• It is really a “driven” flesh focused matter• It reinforces selfishness in twisted forms• You live in fear of failure and loss• “I have to”

An Invitation to Follow

• The focus is on God

An Invitation to Follow

• The focus is on God• It is all about listening, following

An Invitation to Follow

• The focus is on God• It is all about listening, following• It is about being sensitive to His voice

An Invitation to Follow

• The focus is on God• It is all about listening, following• It is about being sensitive to His voice• Not threatened by other Christians

An Invitation to Follow

• The focus is on God• It is all about listening, following• It is about being sensitive to His voice• Not threatened by other Christians• It is about growing in relationship /understanding

An Invitation to Follow

• The focus is on God• It is all about listening, following• It is about being sensitive to His voice• Not threatened by other Christians• It is about growing in relationship /understanding• It is a faith that renews and gives life

An Invitation to Follow

• The focus is on God• It is all about listening, following• It is about being sensitive to His voice• Not threatened by other Christians• It is about growing in relationship /understanding• It is a faith that renews and gives life• It naturally denies selfishness

An Invitation to Follow

• The focus is on God• It is all about listening, following• It is about being sensitive to His voice• Not threatened by other Christians• It is about growing in relationship /understanding• It is a faith that renews and gives life• It naturally denies selfishness• You live fearless, in assurance of love

An Invitation to Follow

• The focus is on God• It is all about listening, following• It is about being sensitive to His voice• Not threatened by other Christians• It is about growing in relationship /understanding• It is a faith that renews and gives life• It naturally denies selfishness• You live fearless, in assurance of love• “I want to”

Romans 8:13 For if you live according to the

flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit

you put to death the misdeeds ofthe body, you will live.

Romans 8:14

For those who are led by the Spirit of God

are the children of God.

Romans 8:16

The Spirit himself testifieswith our spirit

that we are God’s children.

Romans 8:1-17The difference of a

“led” life

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