rodney stanhope for crp vice chair

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Information about Rodney Stanhope for Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party


For far to long the Liberals and the media have painted Republicans as ”boring, rich, old, white guys,” who have become Democrat Light. Well, I am here to “Break The Mold” that has kept Republicans pigeon-holed in

the defeat column and prevented us from attracting new activists to the party.

If you elect me as CRP Vice Chair, I promise:• Return to the values which made this party great! Over the decades

our party has drifted from our core values. Our leaders have bent over backwards to appease the other side of the aisle so much, we no longer recognize ourselves. I will be the voice of reason on the Board who will keep our core values front and center when looking for candidates to represent our Party.

• “Those who have the youth on their side control the future.” This sad, but true, motto has worked in favor of the Democrats for years. The Republican Party has failed in mentoring this enormous and technologically advanced demographic. The Youth are our future, without them, no matter what we do, we will die off and a true America will die off also. I will focus on strengthening our reach into the youth demographics across this state.

• Local races are the Key to Success in California- The state of California is far to large and diverse for the State Party to think we can ever be a competitive force by focusing on statewide races alone. This thinking has resulted in a Super Majority for the Democrats in Sacramento. WE MUST FOCUS LOCALLY! I would much rather win hundreds of local races across the state, than one race at the top which has no positive influence. By focusing locally through our Republican Women Federated and College Republican groups, we will grow our Party statewide.

• WE ARE BROKE! Iʼm not just talking about our core values. I am literally talking about the CRP Piggy Bank. We have lost voters and donors at record pace, due to the exodus of Conservatives leaving California, the Economy and voters no longer having the confidence in the Republican Partyʼs leadership. We have candidates from other states poach money and valuable volunteers time from our races. It is time for us to expand into other states and ask for help to turn California Red again.

• Be Newsworthy! What is our common complaint in every election? The media is against us or they wonʼt cover our events. The Democrats make their candidates and potential candidates newsworthy 24/7 in order to build name recognition when election time comes. I wonʼt wait for the media to give us a chance. I will make the media want to cover our candidates and build name recognition in order to give us a pool of potential candidates to choose from.

I canʼt do any of this for YOU, for The Party or for California Conservatives without your help. If you are a delegate, please vote for me at the Convention March 1-3 in Sacramento. If you are a Registered Republican, please contact your local Republican Central Committees and elected Republicans and encourage them to support Rodney Stanhope for CRP Vice Chair.

Like any candidate in any campaign, I need funds. I must speak directly to the people. Gas is once again rising, hotel rooms and club meetingʼs all cost. If you have the same vision in rebuilding the party as I do, and are able to, any donation amount is greatly appreciated.

Visit to donate $5, $10, $50, $100 or more to help me be your voice on the California Republican Party Board.

Thank You and God Bless America!

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