right time, right place, to change the world

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Keynote at iEvoBio 2013


Right time, right place

to change the world.

some photos NC, SA

Heather  Piwowar  @researchremix  

cofounder,  ImpactStoryJune  2013


Right time

We have a problem.










right now

the world of scholarly

communication is changing

bring you up to date on three areas

1. Public Access to papers


• for whom are we doing research and building our research infrastructure?

• what do we want our next generation infrastructure to look like?

• what should be the role of scholarly societies? of commercial publishers?how important is it to preserve current business models?

1. Public Access to papers

2. Papers as Data

• what may we do with a scientific paper? we can read it with our eyes. May we read it with our computers? Often against subscription terms of use, and in some countries it has been against copyright.

• who can analyze it? for what purposes? after how many hoops? using what standards? through what interfaces?


1. Public Access to papers2. Papers as Data

3. Dataset Archiving

<< Journal >> requires, as a condition for publication,

that data supporting the results in the paper should be archived in an appropriate public archive...

1. Public Access to papers2. Papers as Data3. Dataset Archiving

Right time

These issues are HOT.


Right place

iEvoBio attendees are right in the middle

of all of this

very well situated to see the changes, understand them, guide them

• I’ll cover the first two changes quickly, then spend a bit more time onData Archiving because that’s where I think ievobio is in the most unique position,

plus I have some fresh-off-the-presses data to share with you!

1. Public Access to papers

• Real evolution papers out where the public can read them: help the public learn what real science looks like.

• Openly available data that is described only in a subscription-based publication is a problem.

• ievobio community includes strong societies and great OA advocates.

So what should the journal of the future look like? How should it be funded? Who should own the work? How would you like to be able to build on it?

• You are the right place!

2. Papers as Data

• Tracking and valuing attribution to datasets as suggested through JDAP requires papers as data

• Easier and less expensive dataset curation? Metadata suggestions from full text requires full text mining.

• iEvoBio attendees have the programming chops and the informatics mindset to understand the potential and inform the infrastructure.

• You are great people to champion and contribute to these changes.

3. Dataset Archiving

• this means the Evolution and Ecology communities have cutting edge experience with some of the problems, and are well poised to start considering solutions.

Study of attitudes, experiences

- online questionnaire- corresponding authors- 40 journals- 3 years

Data collection ongoing...this is a sneak peak!

worried  that...

worried  that...

worried  that...

worried  that...

worried  that...


we need to fix that.

Change the world.


• the environment is changing. Fact.We must adapt.

• So that our values are reflected in the outcome

• competitive advantage


• figure out what bugs you

• learn. blog while you learn. learning lunches.

• discuss, write, speak, blog, tweet.

• colleagues, coauthors, students,journals, conference organizers

• build something.

• make principled choices. Stand up for them.

here’s how I’m doing it






We bleed for each data point.

Why would we hand that all over for someone who never sets foot in the field and then publishes our work at our expense?

I am worried about a rise in "data vultures" or "arm-chair field ecologists"

Data took 3 years to collect and compile.

If someone wants this type of data, they should go out and collect their own.

I'm supposed to be happy to see my data in someone else's publication because they cited me? Please...

we need to change the recognition


time to move from a 1 dimensional

evaluation system


CC-BY-NC by maniacyak on flickrhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/maniacyak/3432589472

impact flavours

How can we do this?

What is possible now?

Board: Cameron Neylon John Wilbanks

Open metrics, with context, for diverse products.!

• started at a hackathon 2 years ago

• this month:

• $500k from Sloan, over two years

• invited to submit NSF EAGER to track software reuse

• invited to the White House!

open source: contribute!

open data: build!

I'm supposed to be happy to see my data in someone else's publication because they cited me? Please...

Change the world.


HOT time, HOT place

1. raise our expectations

2. raise our glasses

(+ join in)

1. raise our expectations2. raise our glasses

3. raise our voices

1. raise our expectations2. raise our glasses3. raise our voices

Be Brave.

Now is not the time for the status quo.


thank you!

Jason Priem: cofounder of ImpactStory

Also: Todd Vision, NESCent, Mike Whitlock, the open science community, and those who release their articles, datasets and photos openly.

heather @ impactstory.org

survival of the fittest


competitive advantage

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