regional workshop of the eu platform on coexistence...

Post on 18-Jan-2020






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Coexistence between people and large carnivores:

„„ Sharing good practice in monitoring and communication”

Hunters involvement in large carnivore management

and monitoring in Romania

Prof. Ovidiu Ionescu, Transilvania University of Brasov

8 - 9 June 2017 Bucharest


• Hunting is one of the oldest ways of using natural

resources and as such has an influence on animal and

plant species as well as on ecosystems.

• Establishing a set of principles, criteria and indicators is a

modern approach which allows the issue of hunting to be

treated in an objective and transparent way by taking into

account the three pillars of sustainability (ecology,

economy and socio-cultural aspects)

August Von Spiess, Director of the Royal Hunts, after a Carpathian bear hunt, 1930s

Declaratia politica a Uniunii Internationale

pentru Conservarea Naturii IUCN

Utilizarea durabila a resurselor cinegetice constitue “ un mod

important de conservare a speciilor deoarece beneficiile

sociale si economice derivate din vânătoare furnizează

stimulentele cele mai puternice pentru conservarea faunei si

a ecosistemelor acestora”.

- Rezolutia 882: despre importanta vanatorii pentru

regiunile rurale ale Europei .

“Vanatoarea este o activitate importanta si o sursa de venit

pentru dezvoltarea rurala atata timp cat resursele

naturale sunt folosite durabil. “

Adunarea Parlamentara a

Consiliului Europei

- Recomandarea 1689: despre vanatoare si

-conservarea mediului in Europa

-Vanatoarea conserva stilul rural de viata si

creaza direct peste120.000 de locuri de

munca in Europa.

Este important sa controlam impactul

vanatorii asupra resurselor naturale in acord cu prevederile

conventiilor internationale de conservare a naturii.

( ex.: CITES – Berna – Directiva Habitate - etc)

Adunarea Parlamentara a

Consiliului Europei


• Ecologic – Ecosisteme naturale functionale

• (populatii de carnivore mari intr-o stare de conservare favorabila)

• Social – limitarea conflictelor la un nivel suportabil pentru populatia locala

• Econonic – stimularea economica a conservarii

• Vanatorii fac bani din vanatoare

• Ong-urile protectioniste fac bani din proiecte de protectie

Comparison of heterozygosities (He) with other

world populations

Relocarea nu este o solutie!

60% scenario

Adaptive management

The process of treating management as an experiment

Adaptive Management is a structured approach to resource management. 1. Considering various actions to meet management objectives; 2. Predicting the outcomes of these management actions based on what is currently known; 3. Implementing management actions; 4. Monitoring to observe the results of those actions; and 5. Using the results to update knowledge and adjust future management actions accordingly. By repeating this cycle and increasing to the body of knowledge about the system in question, managers are able to refine their prescriptions to more closely meet the original objectives.

• management should be viewed as an adaptive process: one learns about the potentials of natural populations to sustain harvesting mainly through experience with management itself, rather than through basic research or the development of general ecological theory. The need for an adaptive view of management has become increasingly obvious, as management has turned more often to quantitative model building as a tool for prediction of responses to alternative harvesting policies.

LC - human coexistence depends heavily on the

management of conflicts: 4 basic types of action

• Mitigation to prevent depredation

• Control (of predators)

• Compensation for losses

• Research on …all

+ Monitoring and evaluation.

Multiple conflicts – multiple solutions

•Carnivore hunting – lethal control – limiting numbers

•Zoning – limiting distribution

•Changing land use / agricultural practices

•Processes – public participation

Thanks a lot for your attention

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