
Post on 08-Jul-2015






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An advanced piece of malware, known as ‘Regin’, has been used in systematic spying campaigns against a range of international targets including government agencies and businesses since at least 2008 vide IT security firms Symantec and Kaspersky Lab reports both released on 24th Nov 2014.This ppt brings you an overview of the threat in brief.The piece of malware is unique in the sense that it's structure displays a degree of technical competence rarely seen.Stuxnet looks a decent past....with this complexity


Groundbreaking Malware

By : Anupam Tiwari,CEH,CCCSP,PGDIS,

GFSU Certified, B.Tech, M.Tech

Till NOW




Sophisticated Malware.

Revealed by Kaspersky Lab and Symantec in

November 2014

That targets specific users of

Microsoft Windows-based computers

Kaspersky Lab says it first became aware of

in spring 2012, but that some of the earliest samples date from 2003

and has been used in spying operations against governmentorganizations, infrastructure operators, businesses, researchers,and private individuals.

A back door-type Trojan, Regin is a complex piece of malware whose structure displays a degree of technical competence rarely seen.

Customizable with an extensive range of capabilities depending on the target

……it provides its controllers with a powerful framework for mass surveillance

Telecom Operators

Government Institutions Multinational political bodies Financial institutions

Research Institutions

Individuals involved in advancedmathematical/cryptographic research

Intelligence Gathering

Main Objectives

Facilitating other types of Attacks

Initial Compromise & Lateral Movement

The replication modules are copied to remote computers using Windows administrative shares

and then executed.

The exact method used for the initial compromise remains a mystery, although several theories exist, including use of man-in-the-middle attacks with browser zero-day exploits.

Requires administrative privileges inside the victim’s network

The REGIN Platform

Although till date REGIN is being referred to

as the REGIN malware……

… is not entirely accurate to use the term malware ……

REGIN is more of a Cyber Attack platform,

which the attackers deploy in victim networks for total remote control at all levels

REGIN P l a t f o r m D i a g r a m

The REGIN Stages

The REGIN Stages

Researchers at Symantec suspect that the TROJAN is a

Government-created Surveillance Tool, since it likely took "months, if not years" to create

The REGIN Stages

REGIN is encrypted in multiple stages, making it

hard to know what's happening unless captured in every stage

… even has tools to fight forensics, and it can use alternative encryption in a pinch.

The REGIN Stages

Symantec Security Response has not obtained the Regindropper at the time of writing. Once the dropper isexecuted on the target’s computer, it will install andexecute Stage 1.

The REGIN Stages

It’s likely that Stage 0 is responsible forsetting up various extended attributesand/or registry keys and values that holdencoded versions of stages 2, 3, andpotentially stages 4 and onwards.

The REGIN Stages

Stage 1 is the initial load point for the threat. T

Stage 1 simply reads and executes Stage 2 from a set of NTFS extended attributes. If no extended attributes are found, Stage 2 is executed from a set of registry keys.

The REGIN Stages

Stage 2 is a kernel driver that simply extracts, installs andruns Stage 3. Stage 2 is not stored in the traditional filesystem, but is encrypted within an extended attribute or aregistry key blob.

The REGIN Stages

Stage 3 is a kernel mode DLL and is not stored in the traditional file system. Instead, this file is encrypted within an extended attribute or registry key blob

The REGIN Stages

The files for Stage 4, which are loaded by Stage 3, consist of a user-mode orchestrator and multiple kernel payload modules.

The REGIN Stages

Stage 5 consists of the main REGIN payload

functionality. The files for Stage 5 are injected into services.exe by Stage 4

One VFS encrypted entry located had internal id 50049.2, and appears to be


Station Controller.

REGIN GSM Targeting

The most interesting aspect found so far regarding

REGIN relates to an infection of a large GSM


REGIN Payloads

Here’s a look at the decoded REGIN GSM activity log:

REGIN GSM Targeting

The log seems to contain not only the executed commands but alsousernames and passwords of some engineering accounts:sed[snip]:Alla[snip] hed[snip]:Bag[snip] oss:New[snip]administrator:Adm[snip]

REGIN Communication & C&CThe C&C mechanism implemented in REGIN is

extremely sophisticated and relies on communicationdrones deployed by the attackers throughout the victimnetworks.

Most victims communicate with another machine in their own internal network through various protocols as specified in the config file.

After decoding all the configurations collected, the following external C&Cs were identified :

REGIN Communication & C&C

REGIN Communication & C&CAll the victims identified communicate with each other, forming a peer-to-peer network.

The P2P network includes the president’soffice, a research center, an educational institution network and a bank.

Spread across these victims are all interconnected with each other.

One of the victims contains a Translation Drone, which has the ability to forward packets

outside the country, to the C&C in India.


REGIN Victims

Global Distribution

REGIN Victims

Global Distribution

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