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Redefining Positive

Workbook Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved. • 2

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © Danea Horn 2012

No part of this publication may be reproduced or

distributed without express permission of the author.

A Positive Statement, LLC Sacramento, CA 95816

(800) 531-6183 • 3

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.


By participating in the Redefining Positive Program (The Program), you understand and agree

that you are fully responsible for your physical, mental and emotional well being during The

Program, including your choices and decisions. You are aware that you can choose to

discontinue the program at any time.

The Program is not a substitute for mental health therapy. The Program does not involve the

diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association.

The Program is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health

care or substance abuse treatment and it is not to be used in place of any form of diagnosis,

treatment or therapy.

The Program is a comprehensive process that may involve all areas of your life, including work,

finances, health, relationships, education and recreation. Deciding how to handle these issues,

incorporate change into those areas, and implement your choices is exclusively your responsibility.

The Program is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial,

business, spiritual or other qualified professionals. Please seek independent professional

guidance for legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other matters. All decisions in these

areas are exclusively yours. Your decisions and actions regarding them are your sole responsibility.

Refund Guarantee: Should you decide that The Program is not the right fit for you at this time,

a full refund will be honored if requested in writing by March 6, 2012.

Confidentiality: Danea Horn promises that all information you provide during The Program will be kept strictly confidential unless stated otherwise, in writing, except as required by law. • 4

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

Program Preparation 5

Your Environment ……………………………………………………………………. 5

Your Body ……………………………………………………………………………. 6

Enjoy the Ride ………………………………………………………………………... 7

Commitment 8

Exercise #1 Uncovering the Myth …………………………………………………… 8

Exercise #2 Whole Life Assessment …………………………………………………. 9

Exercise #3 Motivation ………………………………………………………………. 11

Exercise #4 Your Astounding Ability ………………………………………………... 14

Exercise #5 Define Your Standards ………………………………………………….. 16

Until Month 2 ………………………………………………………………………… 18

Honesty 19

Exercise #6 Faking It ………………………………………………………………… 19

Exercise #7 My Story ………………………………………………………………… 20

Exercise #8 Affirmations …………………………………………………………….. 23

Exercise #9 Gratitude ………………………………………………………………… 24

Until Month 3 ………………………………………………………………………… 25

Action 26

Exercise #10 The Myth of Introspection ……………………………………………... 26

Exercise #11 Energy …………………………………………………………………. 27

Exercise #12 In Control ……………………………………………………………… 29

Exercise #13 Planning for Change …………………………………………………… 30

Exercise #14 Who am I? ……………………………………………………………... 33

Moving Forward ……………………………………………………………………... 34

Commitment Contract 36 • 5

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Program Preparation

When looking to create change in your life, it is important to start with the foundation upon

which you will be building your intentions. The two biggest foundations to consider are: your environment and your body.

Your Environment

The two largest environments that you spend most of your time in include your home and your

work space. Clutter there ultimately detracts from developing positivity by contributing to stress.

Clean your house and your office. Yes, I said it. Procrastination is over, it is time to roll up your

sleeves and clean out the closets, throw out the clutter, organize paperwork, sweep up the dust,

put things back and wipe things down. A rule of thumb I use when taking on these tasks is: if I

hardly ever use it, there is someone out there who would be thrilled to find it at their local thrift

shop…donate it.

Use the space below to make a list of projects to get your home and office environments in order then pick a day to get started and a deadline for having your projects complete.

Home Office

Start Date: Completion Date: • 6

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

The last thing to do for your environment is to add touches that help you to feel calm, relaxed

and joyous. Plants, art, photographs of loved ones, flowers, candles and special scents are all

good candidates. Choose the two places you spend most of your day in and add your signature for pleasant serenity or energizing bliss.

Room #1: Additions:

Room #2: Additions:

Your Body

It is hard to create a more positive future if you are lugging an unhealthy body into it. This isn’t

to say that if you have a persistent medical condition you can’t be positive, it means that you

need to take care of yourself to create the best possible health given what you’ve got to work

with. Before you dive into new routines and thought processes, it is important to know if you

have any underlying medical conditions that need to be addressed and managed by a medical

professional. I highly encourage you to get a physical and all screening tests appropriate for your

age and background. Please call your doctor to set an appointment if it has been more than a year

since you’ve seen him or her.

Dr. Appointment Date: Dr. Appointment Time:

As part of the Redefining Positive Program you will be taking an assessment of your health and

adjusting any habits you think could improve your vitality, including a look at your diet and

exercise regimen. The program does not focus on a specific plan, but rather how to make a

sincere and lasting commitment to a new lifestyle if that is where you choose to put your focus.

If diet and exercise prove to be important to you, the following resources are especially helpful

for looking at what goes into your body and how often you’re moving those hips.

Spontaneous Happiness by Dr. Andrew Weil – promotes the Mediterranean diet

Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr – vegan with an emphasis on the alkaline diet

Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman, Kim Barnouin - vegan

There are a ton of other resources out there, do some research decide on an approach, pick only one, and ease into the method by making small changes. • 7

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Enjoy the Ride

As you move through the Redefining Positive Program, trust that you are discovering what needs

to be discovered at the exact moment that you are ready to discover it. You do not need to be

fixed, you are a spiritual being on a human journey gathering the next piece of the puzzle to

remember your greatness, simply allowing through the naturally positive glow that you are. Your

job for the next three months is to complete the assignments and know that the way they will unfold is perfect. • 8

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Commitment noun; a pledge or promise.

Taking a positive approach to your life is only possible through a commitment you make with

yourself. Honoring your inner commitments is the way you build trust with yourself. It is the way you capture and live into your best life.

There are scores of myths perpetuated by the marketing machine that is the personal

development industry. It is important to see how these myths may have impacted your level of commitment

Exercise #1 Uncovering the Myth

MYTH: Change is easy. If you can find the “secret key” you can unlock your potential instantly.

How has this myth impacted your life? What is your personal evidence that this is a myth?

Commitment is necessary because transformation is not immediate. Transformation has twists

and turns, wins and challenges. Commitment is the driving force that keeps the path in focus and

ensures that you continue to put one foot in front of the other.

In order to commit, you must know clearly what it is that you are committing to. This is the fun

part. You will take a look at the whole of your life. With a clear and honest view, you will assess

where it is you are at and what a more positive tomorrow looks like. By going back-and-forth

between what is and what will be, you are engaging your mind to carve a path from point A to

point B. • 9

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Exercise #2 Whole Life Assessment

As you take a snapshot of your life below, allow yourself non-judgmental peace with where you

are currently at. What is important to you, what you focus on, and what takes your time and

energy is unique to you. There is no right answer. This assessment looks at all areas of your life to help you design a vision for how you would like to adjust your habits, behaviors and results.


The seven areas of life you will be assessing are:

Spirituality: Your belief system & rituals around exploring and honoring that.

Health & Physical Appearance: Energy level, aches/pains/discomfort, functioning of

body systems, diet, exercise, flexibility, endurance, clothing, hair, posture, etc...

Personal Growth/Attitude: Level of worry, outlook on life, expressing emotions, self talk,

inner life.

Business/Career & Finances: Abundance, savings, investments, budget, purposeful work,

productivity, compensation.

Relationships: Love, family, pets, companionship, friends, connection.

Leisure/Travel/Hobbies/Community: Free time, passions, creativity, expression,

adventure, exploration, contribution.

Environment: Your home, your workspace, your city & state

While I have provided some context and definition for each area, please make the meaning of each your own as it fits within your life.

In the boxes below each header think of up to 3 things that you want less of in that area and three

things you want more of. For instance, under health you may want less TV watching and more

walking or less sugar and more whole grains. Under

relationships, you may desire less judgment and more

connection or less misunderstanding and more

communication. The worksheet starts on page 10. • 10

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Whole Life Assessment Worksheet


Want less… Want more…

Health & Physical Appearance

Want less… Want more…

Personal Growth/Attitude

Want less… Want more…

Business/Career & Finances

Want less… Want more…


Want less… Want more… • 11

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.


Want less… Want more…


Want less… Want more…

Exercise #3 Motivation

Up above you began designing a vision of how you’d like to live your life, but without

motivation the items above will remain only words on paper. Motivation is the reason you

commit. It is the value, person or inspiration behind choosing to step into your vision. It is the “why?” behind your “what.”

The goal to become more positive is not your true goal. There is something behind the idea of

“positive” that you seek to gain…and probably something behind that as well. The questions that

follow peel the onion. Layer by layer you will look at what is truly important to you, what you

will leap across burning bridges to obtain, honor or maybe even avoid. Give yourself quiet time

alone to reflect on your life and answer these questions. They do not all need to be answered in

one sitting.

What do you want to avoid being remembered for? What do you want to be remembered for? • 12

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

What are the three most powerful experiences of your life? How did they impact your view of the world?




What lessons are important for you to learn in your lifetime?

What are the top 3 priorities in your life?




Who are the most important people in your life? What makes your relationship with them special? • 13

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

In 5 years, if you do not implement the commitment you’ve made what will your life look like? How will that make you feel?

In 5 years, if you do implement the commitment you’ve made what will your life look like? How

will that make you feel? • 14

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Exercise #4 Your Astounding Ability

Part of committing is to know that you have the capacity and experience to follow through on

your commitment. The questions below are your moment to shine. No holding back, list

everything that makes you special, unique, talented, driven, and successful.

I know I can accomplish what I set out to because… (List EVERY accomplishment you can think

of as far back as your memory will go…aim for at least 25!)

Review the above list daily. It is especially helpful to read your list into a tape recorder and listen to it just after you wake up and just before you go to sleep. • 15

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

I overcame a challenge when…

What I do effortlessly…

I get praised for… • 16

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Exercise #5 Define Your Standards

Standards are the invisible borders we place around our behavior and environment as what we

will consider acceptable and unacceptable. Many things typically thought of as goals are

actually standards. For instance:

Workout 4x per week.

Eat whole grains, vegetables and fruit with each meal.

Return e-mails and phone calls within 24-hours.

By shifting something from a “goal” to a “standard” you move it from something you’re striving

for to a habit that you are defined by.

“Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you

must do is to raise your standards. When people ask me what

really changed my life eight years ago, I tell them that absolutely

the most important thing was changing what I demanded of myself.

I wrote down all the things I would no longer accept in my life, all

the things I would no longer tolerate, and all the things that I

aspired to becoming.” –Anthony Robbins


Revisit Exercise #1. Look through your lists of “want more…” and “want less…” From that,

determine the habits, routines and ways of being that will support you in being more positive and living out your potential as your new standards.

A few of my more unusual favorites include:

Dance to 1 song per day

Zero sugar at breakfast or at dessert

Spend 20 minutes daily in silent meditation or prayer

Don’t say anything bad about another person

The standards have been divided in the same life areas as in Exercise #1. Create as many or as

few as you feel moved to create. You can add to the list or adjust it later as you begin

implementing your new habits. Be sure that the standards you list make you feel good in the long

run and are of your choosing…not what you think you “should” do. You can also include those well engrained standards that you already practice. The worksheet starts on page 17. • 17

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.


Spirituality Health & Physical Appearance

Personal Development & Attitude Business/Career & Finances

Relationships Leisure/Travel/Hobbies/Community

Environment Other • 18

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Will you follow your standards perfectly 100% of the time? Heck no! At this point in your

journey view your standards as a road map for where you are headed and for where you will

place your commitments. They do not all need to be implemented now. As a first step, choose

three standards from above and select a small way to begin implementing each. Hint…could be

as small as flossing one tooth if eventually you want to be flossing all of them every day.

Standard 1 1st Step:

Standard 2 1st Step:

Standard 3 1st Step:

Until Month 2…

Once you have completed the preparation portion of the program and the written exercises under

“Commitment,” your only two assignments until you begin month 2 are to consistently

implement the 1st steps of the three standards you selected in Exercise #5 and review your list of abilities daily from Exercise #4. • 19

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Honesty noun; truthfulness, sincerity, freedom from deceit or fraud.

Authentic positivity only comes from honesty. When you are willing to be honest with yourself you foster clarity. Clarity unmasks assumptions and stories that keep your true nature hidden.

Many of today’s popular “gurus” have told us that if we “pretend” to be who we want to be, we

will become that person. If you can “think positive,” even if you do not feel positive, then you will become positive. Unfortunately, clinical trials have shown this to be untrue.

Exercise #6 Faking It

MYTH: To have a successful life, you must be happy and positive all of the time. If you do not

feel that way, “fake it till you make it.”

Is there anything you’re “faking?” How has the pressure to be positive shown up in your life?

How have you reacted to it?

Creating sustainable positivity that becomes part of your being starts by recognizing and

affirming what is true for you. Sometimes life can be challenging, painful, confusing and

frustrating. Ignoring these realities can feel like denying part of your innate human nature. Life is

messy! Ultimately recognizing and embracing this for what it is can lead to freedom…true

freedom of being exactly who you are.

“Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It

is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend

it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly

understand and accept it-then life is no longer difficult. Because

once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.” ― M. Scott Peck • 20

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Exercise #7 My Story

Write a short synopsis of your life from the perspective of an outside observer watching your

story unfold. What has been celebrated? What is challenging? What lessons were learned? What

have you overcome? What do you still struggle with? If you do not know where to start, begin with “bla, bla, bla” until formed words flow onto the page. • 21

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved. • 22

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Read back over the story you wrote above. Write down any insights gained that related to this moment in your life…

There are two types of truth in life:

1. Truths that we know and practice the majority of the time.

2. Truths that we know but don’t consciously practice.

For instance, a truth that you know (and I hope) practice is that you need to brush your teeth to

avoid tooth decay. A truth that you know, but may not practice is that stress management is

important. Your personal truths come from your beliefs, faith, relationships, challenges,

successes, failures, and education. Increasing your positivity involves consciously remembering

those truths that you know, that make you feel supported, loved and joyous but may not remember or practice 100% of the time.

You forget these important, but unpracticed, truths sometimes life gets in the way. Old patterns

and assumptions lead to reactions that deny what you consciously know to be true. By

continually affirming and reminding yourself of the truth of who you are and how you wish to

be, you create new neural pathways to live into that reality. • 23

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Exercise #8 Affirmations

Affirmations are hugely misunderstood. Most practitioners of affirmations focus them on things that they want to believe, but do not currently believe.

It is vital that the affirmations you use are believed to be true. If saying an affirmation makes you

think, “That is never going to happen” or “I don’t think so” than the affirmation is ineffective.

You are actually affirming the opposite of what you have intended. We always affirm what we

feel, not the words that we use. The words support us in creating a feeling, but ultimately they are unimportant. It is the feeling that you are affirming.

Looking back over the life story you wrote in Exercise #7 and the insights gleaned, what 3 truths

do you need to remember and practice?




What prevents you from living those truths? What are you avoiding? Afraid of?

If you lived that truth 100% of the time, how would you feel? • 24

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Affirmations: Write a short 1 or 2 sentence statement for each truth that entices in you the feeling that living that truth would bring…




As you go into the next few weeks, pay special attention to your thoughts, actions and feelings.

They indicate the truths you are living by. If you notice that you are in old patterns and are not

living the truths you identified above, recognize how you feel in that moment. Honor that feeling and then silently repeat one of your affirmations.

Affirmations are a commitment. Saying them once and expecting something to miraculously

change is a myth. The power of affirmations comes from repetition. Repetition is essential. I will repeat that: REPETITION IS ESSENTIAL!!

Exercise #9 Gratitude

Gratitude is also an affirmation. It confirms that you recognize and honor the good in your life.

When you have a desire to improve, many times you forget what is already great in your life and

great about you. Cultivating gratitude is a personal journey. When gratitude lists and

thanksgiving is required, giving thanks tends to feel forced and inauthentic. This month, explore

the ways that you genuinely enjoy expressing gratitude and celebrate all that you have to be

thankful for.

Which one or two ways did you most enjoy giving thanks?

Keep it up! • 25

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Until Month 3…

After completing the above exercises practice using affirmations and expressing gratitude consistently.

Also, revisit Exercise #5 Standards. Continue to practice the 1st steps you identified last month. It

is now time to take 3 more baby steps to implementing your standards. Choose 3 standards from

Exercise #5 (they can be the same ones as last month or different) write them below along with

the next steps to take toward implementation:

Standard 1 Next Step:

Standard 2 Next Step:

Standard 3 Next Step: • 26

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Action noun; something done or performed; an act that one consciously

wills and that may be characterized by physical or mental activity.

One master aim of life is to have control. Control over our feelings, actions, and experiences. We

want it all to be in our personal domain so that we can avoid pain. Out of this want have come

many philosophies that tell us exactly what we want to hear…that we do have control. Only, if you look around, you will see that we do not have complete control over our lives.

Exercise #10 The Myth of Introspection

MYTH: Everything in our lives comes from within first. Introspection is the key to pure joy and


“The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough

leisure to wonder whether you’re happy or not.”

–George Bernard Shaw

The perpetuation of this myth can lead to a false sense of control. Then when life inevitably

happens and things do not work out as planned, the guilt and stress that comes from searching within to find the answers can be counterproductive.

Are you waiting to reach an internal milestone or have a certain feeling before you take action?

What is it that you are waiting for?

As part of the above myth comes the corollary: attitude leads to behavior. However, there are

numerous research studies that indicate that it is the other way around. Our behavior leads to our

attitude. Instinctively you know this is true. For example, the workout you don’t feel like doing

at first eventually leads to increased energy and confidence. The choice to eat the salad when you

would rather have the pizza also leads to long term satisfaction vs. short term pleasure followed

by longer term guilt. Even though your feelings in the moment may push you toward the easy,

lazy, decadent choice, your actions aimed at longer term pleasure are what shift your attitude

toward the positive. • 27

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

There is a paradox of human behavior which says that those actions you do not feel like doing are exactly the ones that will make you feel better.

When you are stressed, your vision and available options narrow. This is what makes healthy

stress management challenging. The key to positive success is to know, in advance, the actions

and behaviors you wish to make before you are in a moment of emotional upheaval and looking

for a quick dose of comfort.

Exercise #11: Energy

There are certain activities that give you energy and activities that take your energy. Those that

give energy feel great 30+ minutes after you’ve done them. You feel confident, positive and

proud of your accomplishment. Those that take energy either don’t feel great at all (arguments for example) or they feel good for a fleeting moment and then suck energy away (too much TV).

Below you will find a list of habits, activities, items and experiences that have been scientifically

shown to increase energy and positivity. Based on your own uniqueness, they may be good candidates for your personal toolbox of positivity boosters.

Strategies for Increasing Energy & Positivity

Experience Nature

o Take a walk, drive, hike

o Have live plants or fresh flowers in your house

Listen to Music

Physical Activity


o Recommend: Real Happiness by Sharon Salzburg

o Recommend: Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat-Zinn


Ritualized Gratitude

o Gratitude list

o Saying grace

Visualizing a Positive Future

Creating Positive Vision Boards

Mindfulness/Presence in Everyday Living

Social Connection


Spontaneous Kindness Acts

Fulfilling Hobbies o Art, crafts, cooking, woodworking, etc… • 28

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

The list you will compile below will detail your personal go-to activities and things that can give

you energy when you need it most. Having the list handy will assist you in avoiding choices

you’d rather not make when you are stressed or tired.

Some of the items on the list may already be included as standards, from Exercise #5, or you may want to add a few of them as standards.

What gives you energy? What takes your energy? • 29

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Though you now know that not everything is in your control, and that your actions can influence your attitude, it does not make the urge to have control go away.

There are many things that you do have control over. The trick is to focus your energy on those

things versus things that are out of your control. Most often stress comes from focusing on the

people, events and challenges that are out of your control. You can only own those things that

are in your domain.

Exercise #12 In Control

Think of a challenge you are currently facing. It could be implementing a new standard or

anything else that is feeling pressing right now. Using the chart below, list what is in your

control and what is not in your control.

Challenge: ____________________________________________________________________

In my control… Out of my control…

What action can you take this week that is in your control?

What is out of your control that you need to shift your focus away from? How will you do this? • 30

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Exercise #13 Planning for Change

Look back over the inquiry you have done during the past two months. Revisit your whole life assessment, motivations, standards, life story, and assignments in this section.

Close your eyes and ask yourself what are the 3 most important actions for you to focus on at

this moment. These are the habits, behaviors, and thought processes that are more important for

you to implement right now. Write those down in the left-most column of the chart on the next


Next to each action, you will write down why it is important, what life looks like now, what life

will look like after you implement the action, obstacles that could get in the way and how you

will overcome those obstacles.




Why? Life now… Life will




How to


1. Take deep breaths when stressed.

Respond calmly to family.

Chaotic, feel guilty about angry reactions to stress.

Peaceful, I will have patience to listen & respond calmly.

Feeling rushed, when work is stressful.

Allow myself enough time before I need to be somewhere, delegate more at work. • 31

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Priority Action Why? Life now… Life will be… Potential Obstacles How to overcome?



3. • 32

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Once you have filled in the chart, for each action you will complete a visualization exercise. It can be helpful to do the visualization for each action on separate days.

Choose an action to work with. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take 3 to 5

slow deep breaths in-and-out while relaxing your body completely. Next conjure up in your mind

the image of life as it is now. Animate the answers you wrote to the first set of questions on the

chart. Notice how you feel, your decisions and your results. Now, picture yourself beginning to

implement your action. Mentally go through the process of making the decision to implement

and taking the action necessary as well as meeting and overcoming any obstacles. Note how you feel and the results that you experience.

You can revisit this visualization any time you need an extra boost to continue on the course

you’ve set for yourself.

Record any insights you gained during the visualizations below...

Visualization for Action #1

Visualization for Action #2

Visualization for Action #3 • 33

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

One of the biggest obstacles faced when implementing a new habit is finding the discipline to

stick with it. I can assure you that you won’t feel like implementing your new habit consistently.

You will get sick, go on vacation, forget, be tired, get distracted, or mentally convince yourself

that you don’t really want to implement your habit. In a sense there are two versions of yourself:

the part of you that wants the new habit and the part of you that just wants to take a nap. Call it the old devil-angel paradigm.

I would guess that most often you identify yourself with the “devilish” side of yourself. The

angel in you is trying desperately to wrangle in the part of you that gets off track. What if you

knew that you were actually the “angel?” What if that were your true self? Your devilish side

would sometimes take over, but you would know that is not your true identity.

When you get off track as the “devil” you tend to devalue your worth. Missed workouts and diet

slips suddenly become evidence that you are “not good,” “not enough,” or “incapable of


From the angel perspective, slip-ups are just that, slip-ups, they have no impact on how you

value yourself. You know that maybe the devil took over for a bit, but that you are bigger,

stronger and more disciplined than that.

Exercise #14 Who Am I?

In this exercise, you are asked to identify those qualities within yourself that could be considered

your “devilish-side” and your “angel-side.” By clearly identifying the patterns and personal

behaviors you associate with both, you will know who the “real” you is, the you that has the good intentions and follows through on them. The chart begins on the next page… • 34

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

My “Devilish” Side… My “Angel” Side…

As you move through your day, if you notice that you are procrastinating or indulging in other

“devilish” behaviors that are not in alignment with your positive goals, talk back to yourself. Remind yourself of your angel qualities and that your angel-side is your true identity.

Moving Forward…

Over the past few months you have received a number of tools and insights to assist you with

your journey. None of these will be an instant fix or magically remove all of the obstacles you

may face. The trick is to live moment-by-moment. As consciously aware as possible of your

actions, decisions and how they support or undermine your long-term vision.

"Life is not about overcoming one monumental challenge. It is a moment by moment choice to overcome again and again." -Danea Horn

By knowing your underlying motivations and focusing on taking small actions that lead to bigger

change you can chart a path that lands you in more consistently positive territory. • 35

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

By living more fully into your standards, things will get better, automatically, without

specifically focusing on a particular outcome. Continue to take small steps to fully integrate your

standards. As we did the first two months, choose 3 more standards and the next steps to take.

Standard 1 Next Step:

Standard 2 Next Step:

Standard 3 Next Step:

Continue to say the affirmations that prove to be most powerful and meaningful for you. Lastly,

leave yourself some wiggle room to change your routines and reassess your habits. Positivity is a

fragile and fleeting emotion. Savor it. Cherish it. Do not push too hard on it. Honor it as a beloved friend come to visit for a while. • 36

Copyright © 2012 Danea Horn, All Rights Reserved.

Commitment Contract

I _______________________ commit to my highest good at this ___ day of ___________ in the

year ______ at __________a.m./p.m.

I will step into my potential and do what it takes to live from a place of possibility. I will not

permit another person, event, circumstance, or illness to determine my level of commitment or

self-worth. I exercise my power to place my focus on those things that empower, sustain, and

heal me. I agree to gently lead myself toward the positive. I will explore, seek, investigate, and

implement. In turn, I will listen to my intuition and allow myself to be guided toward my highest good.



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