reconstruction jeopardy gapiedmont atlantacherokee q $100 q $200 q $300 q $400 q $500

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

$100 Question from GA

Who was Jefferson Long?

$100 Answer from GA

First black man elected to the National Congress

from Georgia

$200 Question from GA

During Reconstruction, why

was land in GA worth a fraction of the prewar


$200 Answer from GA

There was so much land for sale, it drove the price down.

$300 Question from GA

How did the Presidential plan treat the South? What was it

designed to do?

$300 Answer from GA

It treated the South well and was designed to get the country back together as quickly as possible.

$400 Question from GA

How did Congressional Reconstruction treat the South and what was it

designed to do?

$400 Answer from GA

It was designed to punish the South and keep the democrats out of power

$500 Question from GA

When federal troops left Georgia, and Reconstruction was technically over, what happened to Georgia politically?

$500 Answer from GA

Southern White Democrats regained their positions of power, and many of the

same politicians from before the Civil War were in positions of power.

$100 Question from PIEDMONT

Who was Alexander Stephens?

$100 Answer from PIEDMONT

Former VP of the Confederacy, Congressman from GA, member of the GA General Assembly, and later

Governor of GA

$200 Question from PIEDMONT

Who were the Carpetbaggers?

$200 Answer from PIEDMONT

Northerners who came to the South after the Civil War to

take advantage of the South’s misfortune.

$300 Question from PIEDMONT

What types of scare tactics did the KKK use

against blacks?

$300 Answer from PIEDMONT

beatings and lynching

intimidation and scare tactics

observing political ballots cast at the polls

$400 Question from PIEDMONT

In what ways did the Freedman’s Bureau help

former slaves?

$400 Answer from PIEDMONT

Set up schools and churches.

Issued food and clothing.

Provided assistance to help start new lives.

$500 Question from PIEDMONT

What did the 13th, 14th & 15th amendments do?

$500 Answer from PIEDMONT

13th – freedom, 14th – citizenship, 15th – voting rights

$100 Question from ATLANTA

Who was Andrew Johnson?

$100 Answer from ATLANTA

VP under Lincoln, took over the Presidency after Lincoln’s assassination, and President

during Reconstruction

$200 Question from ATLANTA

Who were scalawags?

$200 Answer from ATLANTA

Southerners who helped Carpetbaggers and the US

Army during Reconstruction.

$300 Question from ATLANTA

How did Carpetbaggers take

advantage of the South?

$300 Answer from ATLANTA

They gained control of southern business.

They gained high positions in southern governments.

$400 Question from ATLANTA

Explain what Henry McNeal Turner urged fellow blacks to do

during Reconstruction.

$400 Answer from ATLANTA

Blacks cannot hope to get fair treatment in the South and should leave American

and immigrate to Africa.

$500 Question from ATLANTA

Explain the meaning and purpose of the Reconstruction era in the South.

What was the Congress trying to do to the South & why?

$500 Answer from ATLANTA

The period of Reconstruction was when the federal government attempted to

change the makeup of Southern governments, politics, and society.

$100 Question from CHEROKEE

Who was Rufus Bullock?

$100 Answer from CHEROKEE

Republican Governor of GA during

Reconstruction - from New York

$200 Question from CHEROKEE

What year did Atlanta become the new state


$200 Answer from CHEROKEE


$300 Question from CHEROKEE

Where & why was the KKK formed?

$300 Answer from CHEROKEE

Formed in Tennessee in 1866 by former

Confederates who were trying to regain control of

political power in the South.

$400 Question from CHEROKEE

Describe the Congressional Reconstruction plan –

What did states have to do to be readmitted to the Union. Who was able to vote. Who would oversee


$400 Answer from CHEROKEE States has to abolish slavery.

14th & 15th amendments to the U.S. Constitution were to be approved.

All males who took an oath, except for categories of ex-confederates, could vote.

The US Military would occupy the South

$500 Question from CHEROKEE

Describe the Presidential plan for Reconstruction.

What did states have to do to be readmitted to the Union. Who was able to vote. Who would oversee


$500 Answer from CHEROKEE

The Southern state constitutions had to declare succession null and void, abolish slavery, and cancel all war debts.

All males who took an oath could vote, except for former Confederate leaders.

The Southern states would oversee Reconstruction.

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