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Reading Latin


P R [ L 1 M 1 N A R Y RE M A R K S

lne counc: rime: to be taken and pnnoples of corutrucuon

Rtac!mg IAlÍtl ( Tt:rr and Gramm.."T, t•ocabltlary cnJ txrrduJ) L\ o~tmcd .n mature bc:gmnc:n 111 rhe stxrh form (tttlruth gndc), um\mtUo o~nd ltdult educ:1non \\ ho w:am to lcarn cbsstcal or mcduc:v:al Lum Tn;al~ \\ere curtcd out berwc:c:n 1981 and 198.! at a number of schools, sumrnc:r «"1mol~. umvmmc:s (at homc: .and m 1hc: Umted l.ltc:s, C:macla, New Zt4bnd amJ Dcnmarl:) and adult educ:anon centre\, o~nd thc: lin.~J vc~1on ¡;ivc:n to thc: Prcss m Septcmbc:r 1984. Our expenc:ncc: suongl) sugg~u rha1 tt ukcs longer 10 dc:.,.cJop a readmg abtluy 111 L:aun than 1t dCK's 111 Grc:c:k Consequcm]y, m schoob .md .;¡dult c:duuuon, whac: tune: lS rcstnctcd. Rtdíng IAtm should he rrc:4ltc:d u a two-yc::u coursc, ¡¡nJ m umn:rnocs, on J rimc:t:ablc: of 3-4 houn a wc:c:k, thc: lir~t )C:ar's urgc:t sbould be somc:wherc: m Sc:ctton s Vtt) good group~ could, of coursc, go bs;er

Thc: prmup!cs on wh1ch we constructed rhc: coursc are bre»dh thosc: ol Rradm~ Grrtk. wtth rhrcc tmpon:ant cxcc:pnom Ftm, u bccamc: dc:4r c:.uly on rhat l.:ann nc:cds more c:xcrcisc: \I.'Ork rhan Crc:d: clan, .md that Engltsh mto uun rcstncted to thc: b·d of thc: phr.uc: or smglc \'crb l12i .m ampon:.ant pan to play (chcrc are .1lso Enghsh mto l.:ann scntcnccs and stmplc prosc work for thosc: who want thtrn) Secondly, \\C bcamc: com1nccd that 1f s1udcnt~ :are: C'\cr to rc;~d l..1nn with 311) conlidc:noc they must be cncouragcd from thc Hr) be mnmg to unclcr~t;tnd n. word b)' word :and phrasc by phrasc, 111 che ~me orclcr as 11 was wnttcn. A large number of cxcrctses are de:\ otcd co tht\ en d. In p:uucular, "e c:ncour.tgc ~tudem' 10 analyse out loud tht'lr undcru.md111g of .1 scmcnrc 3\ thc) tr:tnslate 1t ami to mchc:uc '' hat thl'y nnttctpatt' nc:-.t. Tlmdly, thc role of chr L:mn languagc: 111 thc


dcvelopmcnt 0 ( Enghsh m p3rt1~ular :and Wcstcm avilis:auon :and bn gt'$ an gcncnl IS mer:adu::ablc. lf wc 1gnorcd th:at

rormnced ruconccntr:atcd n.:arroWI) on cbsssal L:añn. wc fclt th:u wc tn 10011, ana 1 ( • • would ~ dcpnvang srudcnts of an undcnunumg o ~ s truc

e- r0

r thc Wcstcrn world. Con)('qucndy, wlulc thc coursc 1mporun ~ ,. . ~ __ ,_- h rc:aCho damal Laun, che secnon~ of di/mar Latmar ¡¡¡utr t e studC'nts mto che worlds of prc-c~s1nl. post~lamal, Vulgatc Anli meJucval l.ann :and explore L:mn\ mRucncc upon Enghsh vocabulary tod:ar.


Usen of RriUimg Grttk w1ll be famtl1.u wnh thc mcchodology th:at wc propase. Thcrc are two ,·olumes: Tcxt :md Grarr.rrwr. uct.1bulary t:ntl

o:nnsn (GI'E). Strp M~: ·w1th tbc. hclp of thc runnmg ,;oobuhncs in G VE. oc \\ath

thc rc.:achcr prompnng, rad :and trarulatc thc :approprutc sectso:s of thc L:mn To:t In thc: caursc of thc tr:aml:mon, thc tcachcr should draw out :and form:alisc <'11 thc boud only 1ht ~crammar that :.< su to br l~arnt1l for tluu sutittrt (chiS coan, of ce~. be done hcfore thc Ttxt is t:~ckled, af the rc:achtt so dcmes, but our cxpcnencc: suggests ll 1S úr beuc:r ro lec thc studcnrs try ro sec for thcm~lvcs, undtr thc teachu"s gwdancc, how Úle DC\11 gr:ammar worb).

Strp rwo: wbrn th.n u done. swdmts should Jarn thoroughh thc l..tlmtmg 11oazbulary tOr thc 1CCDOn

Sttp rlrrtt• thc gr:amm:ar of thc sccnon should lx- rcvtewcd :md le:amcd thoroughl) &om the GVE \'Oiumc:, :anda sdecnon of the CXcrmes acJdcd. Jt lS CXtlCilld) tmport:ant tO note tbat WC CXCtCUC

should be rcguded aJo a pool out oJ u'huh thr ltiUMrs/sruJrnu shoula chO(Ist wlurt to Jo, anJ whtJhn m or our oJ class Somc of the simpler cxtto.scs we h:l\'e alre:ad> spht rnto ncccsury :md opoon:a.J sttt~ons, but thts pnnapk should be applied to :~11 of thcm. Most of tbesc )houl!l be done and gradcd out of class (this saves much u me) 1, but che: Rtadwg ntrtists should all bt done orally :and thc )tudems cncouragc:d to malysc out loud thcu undmundrng of thc puuge as thn rc:~d " Thu tc:chmque sbould, tn nmc, be p:asscd on to the rcadidg of thc Tul

' 111o1lll•rlr botl• tt<t h~l'> :md srud.,un '1\ ath thu

Prtlimí11ar¡• rmrarks VJI

Sttp four. U!oe as much tk1iciac Launat :ts tune allo·w~ or pcnon:al ~te dtcutcs.

Sttp Jwc: on to thc nc:xt sccoon of thc Tt.xt, :and rcpe:at

A note for medtaeval L:auntsts

Smu- d~~u:::ll uun 1.\ the foumhuon 011 \\htch mcchaeul de~dopc:d, and to v. lnch rncdaaeval \\Tirers conststcntl) lookc:d b:tck, u u o.scmul tn s~rt Luan .studta wath;;l l.:mn Thc sccnons of J8toar LAtir~« oífer plcnt) of cont:act \\1m htcr L:aun, opco;tll) thc Vulg2tc (prob:abl)• thc most ampomnr l..:atm tcxt cvcr \\Tmcn) You ~ould J~lm to get rmo. and prcfcr:ably compktc. Sccuon 5 of Rtaámr¡ úmn, bd"otc mo\'lng on to the forthcommg RNámg t ,cJUJtl•d L:zrn Tbn wtll be a nngle \ olumc: m "'o lul"'cs. thé fim con 1 nng of sdc:cuom of l~un 111 hmoncal scqucncc. fTom thc fr.nt ro thc xteenth a:ntun A D \\1th :a commcn~n on thc lingwmc and cultural ch:mga. of the umes the sc:cond corlSlsung of a .sdecnon of t~~ tllusu::mng thc mcdl:lco,;~ world .:md ttS l.;¡ un htcr:nure of thc: ele\ cnth to thmccnth CClltUI")

A.O. The tC-'\lS '"11 be :tccomp:micd b) f:.cmg-p•gc "oc.:abubno and, :at thc b.lck, :a workmg n:fcrcncc gr•mm:ar of meduc\'011 uun, ilnd a tot:a.l \'ac:lbubl).


v;'c gi\'C our w:armc:st thanks to aU our lOUng msmuu n both lit homc :ami o~cr$C:Ii In p.uncuhr. wc should ltkc ro th k 1 M L M. OuQucsn;t\ (thcn of the Umvcmt} f 8trmmglum o " 1 Jnm Collegc, ümbndgc) .and l»roiffior J A Bmb) Um\Cr'Jtt) of Ou • ;at Duncdm, Nc\\ 7~bnd) who both gavc up wholh dt proporuon ;unounrs of thc.n umc to the CU"I\' draftt of thc couuc, J.met ünn :and l,rofcsror Da,td Wnt (Umvernt) ot Nc,,c.astle upon Tf" voho ~uffercd \\,th thc oursc from tts ven bcgtnnan ~s • .:md an l ' t

notlung duough thctr ~ulfcnng though th both tau ht Ui '

rnuch: J. G Rllndllll (um ... -cr~ ot hnasccr ). "h Pllm taught us much abouc thc tcchmque ol rcadmg 1 <aUn a 1t m who put at our dJJposal his mdcx of u un ~emenccs. Prot~t [·. J, Kcnncy (Pet¡;;rlwu~. Cambmlge), \\ hll too k thc tonurcd l..:atttt t


thL" trial tcxl and pul 11 ,kalfully out of it!í 5Uffcring; Dr J. G. F. Powcll {Una,·erMt)' o( Ncwc.udc upon T)·nc), who ran an expert eye at thc hst minute ovcr tltt wholl· coursc and S:l\'C:d us &om much error of f:tct and judgemcm and whosc: notes l>O I..:aun word-order are thc ba\u for 5C'Cfion W of thc: Rc:fc:rencc Gr:unmar: Dr R. L. Tbomson (Unt\"erSlt)' of I.ceds) for cormibunng the c~sap on rhe Larin m thc Appcndtx; Str Desmond for rhc corneO}' a.nd prosc lnllSbuoru: Profcssor Wcst for the Lucrctim and Virgil cnml:uions: Mr J. J. Paterson (Um\'erstt)' of Newastle upon Ty~e) for work on the hbtonal mcroducttons to Secnons 4 and :S: Protessor E. Phmney (Unl\'ctsny of Ma)s:achusetts) for scnmmsmg the whole tcxt for sokosms: our paucnt mdebugablc typut Ms K. J. Warson (Umversity or Newostlc upon Tyne); Jlrofessor B. A. Sparkcs (Univcnit}' of South.ampton) who has brought to the sllustuuoJIS the same ~holarsh•p and 1m:1gm:mcm wluch so gro~ccd the pages of thc: Rtading Grtck series; out edllot P:tuhne Htre for pauence ~yond thc all of dut}' :md most p;micul:lrly our ~ubcditor Susan Moorc, whose huudred-<)'ed \'tgil:.w:e dunng the prcp:.raoon oí thc book for producuon caughr $0 m:anr 51ip), C.$pccially 10 G FE, tbu it hacl co be m.archcd by ;¡ hundred"handc.'d corrector.

Füully, we gr:ucfull)· acknowlcdgc :1 loon of [.¡:SO &om rhe Financc. Commmet of the J.A.C.T. Grc:ck PrOJcct :md .a grane o( ¿·yxXJ fi-om the Nuffidd • Sm:all Grants • f-oundanon wh1d1 et13blt'd thc thrcc-ye3r rcsnng progr.¡mme to begtn.

Thc gc:nerous support of lhesc mstnuttons a.nd the sdiks~ commu­ment of thc md1vtduals menuoncd :1bovc ha ve bcc.o indispcnsotble ingredicms m the producuon of thts course. Rcsponsibiliry for :ill error is to be latd finnly :lt our door.

Pete V. jones um,·ersny of Newcastlc upon Tync, NEI 7RU U.K.

Keith C. S!dwcll

St Patnck's Collegc, M:aynooth, Co. Kild.trc, IRElA;\iD


To .l\'Ortl cun!Usmn, ~-spcdally .unong\t uscrs oC Rt•admg GruJ.• (C U. P. 1,978), rt lliU\t bl· nmk cll·:u rh.u Umtlitt,t¡ l.curu ts thc amhors' prtv:lté ~ clmurc :md h.r~ no wmrcrtlom whatt:v~·r wnh thc Joint Assoctauon nf C amcal T cachcr~.


1• A\1 dates :m: B.C., unles.s otherwisc spcafied. ·'- h : . Linkmg dcvtccs are used throughout the T~xt to mdiC':lte worw t n

should ~ akcn wgethcr.- links .. ..-ords ncxt to eacl1 othcr, r 1 lmh

words scJUr2ted ftom e:~ch ocher. Such phrasts should be lookcd up under thc fint word of tbe group in the runmng voabulanes.

3· All vowd~ should be pronounccd .shon. unlcss they are markcd with a macron {c.g. e). when thcy should be pronounced long (5ec pronuno.uion guide, p. D\' of Grammar. ••uc.uh•4lary aJJá t.,;ttcms



N ames of pbces and lootions of ttibcs mcnuoned m thc l:lun tcxt or che Engltsh mtroducnons '"'ill be found on onc or other of thoc nups

or pbru.

1. The Rom:~n world c. 4 B.C. l. As1a Mmor and thc f.ast

3· Grc«e 4· The provincc of Sicily S· C:ni\ine; thc finJ.l phase 6. The b:omlc of Ph;1rs;Uus 48 B.C.

pagt X


64 llJ


HISPA.NIA (H l~r!41)

5.ul,af>l• •

1 Jbe Rom.ln ~orld e: ..f4 D (

1 • "


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Alt.a~ lllllkr dlrtct 5tcm.ln ccntml

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Uñsa • THESSAll~

Ph;\rs;Uus •


o so lOO

J Grtta:


I11trodH ction

' Romulul .md Rcm~n

Greeks and Romans

Accordmg to tndmon. Romc \\~ foundc:d b) Romulus on :1 Apnl 7S3 · He \\:1\ the fim of sevc:n kmgs. In S09, thc: bst kmg (T:uqutmu~ Supcrbus 'Tarquin .the Proud ') wa\ cxpellc:d and thc Republu: beg:m Thts wou scc:n as the begiunmg of the age of frc:edom {fi! Durmg thu pcnod of artStocranc govcmmcnt. Romc: extended her powc:r fi~t through lt:ll)·. tbcn mto thc We.stern Mcdttcrranan (StCll)'• Sp:un, North Afna (urthage)} and finall)' mto the E:mem Mediterr:me3n. From che bc:gmning Romc h:ad bc:en m conuct wtth Grcck culture. for Greck coloníc:s had beco est:1blishcd as carlr as thc SC\'cnth ccntur) m lul)· and Sial;. North oí Ro me by anothcr de\'clopc-d eulture, chat of thc Etrmc:ms. Roman culture dcvdoped undc:r thcse jomt mtluence.s. Whc:n the Romans tinally conqucrcu Grcccc m 14<'. dtc)' ÍLllllld thcll\sdvcs in po~illor < f thc hmnc of thc most presugiou~ culture 111

dtc Mcdtterrancan Thctr n:awon w.1s vc1 )' compkx. l>m threc 111.1in $11\tmls may be scen. Thc) wcrc proud of thcn mtlímy ;~ Utl admmt\trauvc achicvcmcnt 3n1l thu~ contcmpti.IOliS or cnnu~mporary

lntt<'Juaicm XVI

We :lrt' govcnung 11 ctvilncd rAcc, lll f.lct thC' l'llCC from which cl\·ihumm 1s bche~·c,lw ~a\'c: p.a,scd to othc:rs. and assw:cdly we ought ro SI\'C' Cl\'lh~;~uun ~ bnlchts :abo\'C' all ro tho\c from whom wc h;avc rC'CC'l\'W 11. Ycs, 1 Q)' 11 wuhour sh.arnc, cspcciilly a.s my life and record le:ave no apcnmg for any susp•c•on of indolcncc or liivolity: cvrrythang 1 tuve :~tumcd 1 owc co thosc punuia and disciplmcs \lo hidt h;a\'C bcen hmded down to w m the Ji:~rurr and te:achmgs 0 ¡ Gre«c. Thcrefort', wc rn.l)' well be thought to owe a spcazl ducy 10

thu pcoplc, O\'Ct :and abo,·c our common oblig;arion ro m.mkmd; schooled hy thcir prcccpts, wc must wúh to exhibtt wlut: we havc lc;amed beforc che C) es of our umructors.

(Cícero •• -iJ Quinn:zn 1 . a)

PAR TONE Sections 1-3: Plautus and the

R o1tza11 comic tradition


TltU) Macc(•)us Pburus probabl)· ll\'ed from c. lSO to t. 180. He ·~ unt to havc wnucn about 130 comedi~ of wh1ch 19 l>Ur\t\c. lrkc alrnó.'\t llll Rom:ut wntcn, he: drew thc insptration for h1s wCirk from c.uhcr Grcck modds. whtch he frccl)· uanslatcd :md adaptcd to ftt the Rom:m audicnct' for whach he was wriung. Por cxamplc. lt is almmt ccrtam

th:n he b:~scd Aululiirin, the first play ~·ou '' rll rcad, on 11 play b) du: Athcnian Men;andcr (c. 340 to c. 290). and BacclmNs cm Mcn:andn\ Dts t.'(apat6u ('The two-umc: tric.lmcr') Pbutus wrotc ~omcdJC:s for producuon -at Roman fcsm.Is (fi•na"'. fMO. umei dc:\oted co \\/Orsl11p of the gods Jnd abstcnnon from work The orig111al§ .:are '' rmcn an "'crsc.

Actoa xn the Grttk oncuuh worc mask< whtc:h t:o\ crt'Cl the '' holc hcad. Tbough u ts not abs7,}utdr caum th:at Pbunu follo .. ,cd dm con\'cnuon. wc ha\'c rllu~tntc:d thc: Pbuune char.~ctcn m thc luuoduction vmh Grc:ck m~<k-q pes &om .around the ume of Menandc::r. Notes on thcsc: masks and on thc: other tllusmmom ...,,u be found on p. 1 S4·

Pbutus' Aululiiria: a note

A u/u/Jw1 begms wuh thc emr) of thc f;muly 1 :~r (lmuschold soJ). who skctche~ tltc h•,tory of the fannly m bnc:f ouchnc ;md Jkrt' us to

F.ucho's nmcrlmc:ss For thc purposcs of :Hbpt:UICIIl, wc h~vc fillcd "'ut that hnef liunil)' hmorr wHh :1 number o[ sccnc\ takcu from el l"\\ herc in Hom:ln lOillCll)'. Wc: start to fi,lJO\\ Pl.1t1tUs .tt 'ic:ltiOII 1 C.

Plm1111s ""d rhr R oma11 comic trtulitíou

" ' ego Oiu111 te uocó.

se~: scnuc:-nomcn en Pamph1l.:a. coquus ct tibiaru. (stn~us ~~~-scanu:m mtrat. antraamu:r:t-Dñr.Mr:ai stilt tl cLinu:: ciir tierna!' damt:t quoá Sffllam uon:t) · SER\"V'S hctn, Pamphila! ego Diuus te uocñ' SER V A quu me UOClt? quts clima!~ SERV\'S ego lnuus te uocó SER\' A quuJ cst? ciir me uocis?

(smms IJil"" ranuam llppropmquar, stJ i4nua cLwSfl tst. Stmws 1,;,11, •• pulsac) 6 tanuam

~ERVVS hcus lÜ, serua! ego Ünuam pu)s(), JI tü non a""'ñs· cllusa c:st. r- ua

SERVA (ia11uam apmt) cür damas? ego hüc ct l1Jüc curu·,- -¡- • O, IU :!Utc:m e .1m:u. ego occupita sum. tú autem ou<hus es se • sed rurarer. . ruus non es,

SIJR\'V~ ego OtiO~U~ non sum, l'amphtla. nam bodJ• o· el r.¡· - e c:macnctus ommu~ mcus, ,r t;~m '" matnmomum-dar. nü . - ·¡'

suntl · pnae lf tac

( ~rmcullrlus, domítr~lrsc:m;_-,.,-Jttllal', 111 - ""'''''""' imrat) IH MAhNr 1 V\ ntr datn.ltl\, l>:iuc ct P:unph•la? cür stiit ' •• 15 • tur otlihi




1 A Pla11ttu' A11lulária

csm? n.un hodie nüpci.u~-iihJc-mcae sunt cür non m-:acdis

mtrácis ce nüptiis pacicis?


(in-atJis inrrant .suuus ~~ x:rva, tl niipuds p.;rant. '"-scatn;zm ir::rant coquuJ ct ribinna. Dlmt:etJCtus coquum ti tibfdncm uit!tt) oht. hcus uo~. qui cscis? ego crum uós non cognaui. COQVVS I!T TJIIJCIN' coquus Ct tibicina sumus.

:ld-nüpuas-fr ~X-twe ucnimus. DÍIM. ciir nón in-a~dis-mcas mtrius ct nüpnis paratu?

(co~uus tt tibic:na '"-atdrs -Dirnat~ttti '"''""') (Dbnamt.tu5 coró.runn tt ungcomtum partar aulam '[Uoqut portar. nula aunpléna oilM. bcul boche nüpnis-filtac-meae p.1ro cüncca F.amilu festinat.

hüc ct allüc cursiant Fuai cr puelbc. ~o coquas ct Ubian'is uocó. nunc aedi5 plenac sunt coquorum-ct-ñbianárum. ce cürn:ñ c.oqul ct o\iicmac fhrés sunt hc:u! horno padnus sum. tmmo, pcrdinsrunus hominum. n:~m :~ubm babeO :~uñ-plérum. ccce! :mhm portó. (5<'tU'.'I: aulam rmirtStrllt.) nunc aulam sub-ucsu: celo. nam ualdc ttmeó. (Suíffs a11) aurum cmm olct: ce tUrC5 aurum olfanam. aurum autcm non olee, si wtíu~rra btet. sí 2.UtUm sub-tc:rri btct, nüllum coquum nüllam tibicuwn núllum fllrcm umro. aubm tgttur cum

S l.lrlnum

~ub- tcrrá celo. cX:qutS me specm? (Dt llhJtllriiU .ir(llmspurac. nb11o ,,JtJt. Dbtw!llfltiS •grrur tlrtnmtf/1 tmltt)

bcmc. \olu~ sum sed pnu) aJ-L.'ltem appropm•¡ui'i t:t

llllgUt'ntllrtl cororuunquc do, Cl \11ppltco.




fll,IIIIIIJ mult/11 U d/111111 flllllir lrtrtlititlll

(.ur 1 nwu IIPP'•'J"'"l""t "''.~11r111w11 tl.rr rt wrc>nmn. Jeindt• Lari suppiiCat) O 1 :Ir, tútcla-111C.1C-f:muh.:ac, té orÓ ct obsccro. l'go tC scmpct Corono, SClliJlt'l ttbr ungUtlllUOl dó, scmpcr sacnfioum ct honórcm. tü contr:i bon:~m Fonün;am das. nunc ad-tc aulam lluñ-plcnJm porto ~ub-ucm: autcm aulam celo. famtll.1 d~auli tgnouc sed hodtc ~um nüpwe-fiiJaC. plcroc: ~une aL-do coquórum-et-tibianirum. tmmo, fiirum -plé.zuc 1nnt

:IUlUnt olet ego tgttur fOr~ nmco. Ó lar, tC oro ct obseaó. .1ubm serui'

(rl'lli'x aá- «U .:ppr ¡ t quat prqpr-jMim jCtuea tSI in 7uu~a culcm eeL:t) «ec.-. s;1luum :1ururn at. &lluus quoquc ego nunc: erum tü ;¡uf¡¡m haba Ln

ecuon 1 n A 1 a¡ long twrr /1.1 pót !-éd The c/J man Drmct:nrlus lw difd wuhout t!'gg"'J! up t1rr gcttf 111 rn•rillan~ thr cw lo /,u s4111 ,\ '"'"• hourt?Vtr, ¡,15 gr.mdscm Rurllo, 011 t~ttl ma11, u gm11~ '" stnkr 111ck>·· 711,. Lar t"Xplams

(E~tclJo '" scae11a Jonmt nplicar)

fJ \J'l'cl.ttiiri.':5, ''!:'" ~u m Lit t:tmiliii ru.

(¡ 1 TI Plom/11'' .•lulularia 7

1 "R )pcctatorcs. ego sum Lar famrliam. deu! sum f;anultac Eucl1orus cccc Eudtoms :~ecl1:-s. cst in-acdtbw Eucltoms th~urus m:agnus. th~uru1 cst Démacncti, :~ui Eudtónu Jcd thesaurw m aula cst ct sub tc:rra lnct. ego c:mm :aubm cl:am m-acdtbuJ 5Ct'Uo. Eucho de thesauro ignor2t. cür thesaurum cbm .1dhuc scruo? fibul:un e.xplic:ii. Eucho non bonus cst SOlCX, w:d aulirus et m;alus. Eudionem igirur non amo. pneterci Eudto me non CÜI'2t mtlu numquam supplicat. ungucntum numqu¡¡m dat, nülli, corónas., nüllwn honorc:m sed Euclto frltJm h:~bct bonam. nam cürat me Pluedra. EucltOrns filu, c:t muhum honorem, multum ungucmum, mulü' corótU' d:1L Plucdram tgttur. boru.m fiham Euclionu. tDide amo sed EucLó paupcr est. nülLtm tgtmr dou:m b2bet ffiu rum scncx dé auli :aui tgnof2t. nunc :1utcm, qu1.1 Pluedr2 bon;a cst. :lUbm :auñ plbum Eudu3ni do. nam Eucllonem tn-sommo uno c:t .:aubm mónstro. utdéte, spcccitores.

(Jiu Uó dí!rmll Lar rm~~ÍIIt1!1 ¡¡uj irl scamam aüat l!utl•ó Stll~t) nvcLio Jormtñ an wgtlo! di magnil imligmern u1dcó 11ui mct,

Dénncncti. g)uc, Demacnc:cc! bcul quanntm nunlitus :ab-tlló •. ab-infé:ñs scilic:et m acdü mttat ccx:cl :aulam Dón:~enccm poru;.. cür aulam portis, Démaenctc? eCXlC 1

cucumspc:ctat Dcmame:us et $Ccum munnur2t nunc ..1d :anm uru fesñnat. qwd ÍXlS. Démacnc:te? íoue.un 6or ct m r¡ uei colloat. mirum bcrcle cst qutd ;;autc:m m uu cst? d1 magni'1 .aub auñ plena est.

obtAI' Tt IMAGÓ bene. nunc :wrum mc.-um s.tluum

eu. cv non crédó, Détmcncte.. nüllum m-.lcdtbw aurum at

sommum falsum est. pmpc:r ego sum t't p.-aupcr m,¡neo (Eudro wr:m u p. cm! u angry tl:ct rlu: g•u!. r rmmt lu u •t u Ir.: Ir are Jal" drtams cf u t'íllzh) f\ heu rnc ego 5WU pcrdlliSStnlUS hommum p;;aupcr

sum, sed di f;¡J.s:¡ somnia morutrant :~uum mc:um m-somnto utdeO .• uw aubm :~uñ plénam porut. aubm ntb terra clun wlloat mxtai.:uem. non ta.mcn crido. sommum f;¡bull\ cst l}U.irc 1 ar me non cünn: quirc me- tlco¡m,

(Z.,I(/ró ,¡,¡-l..nrrm 11ppro¡wrquo11. subir,> autnn /JII<'Ilrn uu/d. EJI(/¡ • ulrrlln

mlllt,mr tcrrmn ( fi111r.i mvllt't. ta11Jtrn tmla uppiirrt) 1 ve•. 'l"'d h.1bc~. o Lnr? quid sub-pcdtbus tcnc~l hcm t~Uiam u1deo

llt'lllpt• \Ornnium Uerum C.~t.





' Plautur aut!tltt Roma11 c-omic n.ditJot:

(Eudió aulcm e fout:J m .. ,.t•. anrrii .sputat tt awwn ,,¡tftt. stupn) cugc! cugcpae! aurum po~\ideó 1 non sum paupcr. sed diucs' (!11dJwly u•·sifallt·n) .sed tamcn herclc homn diuc:s cüra.\ sempcr habet multis. fnres m-;aedis dam tntrant. ó m~ mtscrom! nunc füres timcó. quod mula.m pecüniam possidca. chcu! ut Uf" me ueJC~t! hociic aum mthi mult3m pccünwn. multis stmul cüris dat: hod1c r¡:;1rur pcrdmmmu~ •ommum <oum.

<luid tu m? ¡¡! bonum consiltum habeó. ccquts me ~pcctat? (Eucliii aurwn sub-1trstr tilat t:1 CJt(llmspecrat. rtcmintm 11itltt. t<Jn.ltm arurcm ::nr.:Jpim¡ua.t)

ad té. ur, aulam ;auñ plcnam portó, tñ auhm serua et céla! (F.uclió aulam Ü1-j"ur; i:crum wll~car, tlclruú mulrwm ttm:m lupa aulam cg~tTat)

bene. aurum saluum cst. ~t:d ;mxlU~ sum. quarc autem an~,u~ .um > ln.xius su m quod thesaurus magnus multis cüriis cbt u me mide ue.xat. nam inr diuuum hommum 1acdis iurés muhi mtram; plmae tgttur fúrum multórom sunt üiuitum hominum otede:s. o me mÜ4:rum!

Sccoon , C

(Euc/1éi t'X ¡;eJibt&, ;r1 SCDNWm Ínlrat clcim.aJque) llV c. ui ex acdibus! c:xi s,tatirn 1 cür nón oüs, scrua mea?

7 qutd cu. mi dommc qu1d f:~as, quhl mr t'X lledtbus L"X}'Cllu,

')TAPHl'LA ':-" r:tdibus f'XIt et Ítl staenam 1/ qutd ,·5t, m 1 domt ¡

~utd tam? quarC: me eX acdibus éXJ1Cllis? ~crua tUa \Um qnc_·-- b - d · uarc me ucr crn, omme?

n·c. t:~ce! te uerbc:rii quod mab es. Suphyb.



PlauLUS' ~~ wlulári,,




I!V '

egone mili? cilr mab sum? mucn sum, sed nón mala, dommc. (sicum c6girat) wd tñ Tnsanus es! acc 1 cxi ~utim! ;abi .:mm nunc: .•. criam nunc ... ohc! sú! nunC! (&clíií situm aiguat) pt"ni! occulH ut mab me-a stTW

~! nam oculós in ocapmó habct. ur thé:uunu mcus mé mucrom scmpcr ue:ct! ut thés:lurus mulw cüru chtl (rtimat iur11m) isñc! te monc:O, St;tphyla! hic rn:tncó ego, mi donunc::. tü tamcn quo is? ego m acdi~ mcás rcdcó (sicuw togitaJ) ct thesaurum mcum cl:un uuleó. n:am fares Kmpcr tn acdis hominum diuitum

mcum •.•


(E:uliií i smena abir er in atáis rtdit) ~ T A Plf. Ó me! domtnUt mC'US 1minus é$1. pcz-noctcm

numquam tlormit, ~ed pcrutgtl:tt; per-dtem mé t•x aed1bm sempt:t cxpdlil. quiJ m animo babel? quire M:ltCX um íns3nm

c:st? (Eml16 t<lrHlmr tx .-.tdíbus l'xit n in SCdt'llam wlir.) E v c. (simm w,g:rcr) di me scru.ant! :h~~unn mcw s:1luu) ~! (damat)

nunc. St;tphyb, audi et opcrarn-di! ego te monro. abi mtró et

i:ínuam occlüdc. nam ego nunc ad practórc:m abcó- paupcr cnim sum. !>'i uides ar~nc;am, :uincam sc:rui. mca crum :arinca C')t. ~1 uidnus :adit ct igncm Jog:n, tgnem 1t;tttm C'Xsongue. \1 uldni 01deunt ct aquam rog;utl, responde • ;aquam numquam m aC'dibus babeó.' si wdnus adit C'l cultrum ro¡;at. st;ttun responde • cuhrum füres lubem:.' Si Bon:a Forriina :ad :~edis it.

prohibe! 'ThPH. Boua Fortüna numquam :td tuis aedis adtt. dommc.

EVC. t;tcé, serna, C't :abi $tamn mtro. STAPH. raa:O ct suum .:lbeó (Sraph)·la ab11 o sicwn mlfTtn111al) ó mé

m:.scram t ut Plucdn. flli2 Eudiom , me sollic:tt;tt 1 nam gr.auid.l c:st Pluedra Cl.vcenidé.-uidno Eudioms. scncx t<~mcn tgnorat, ct ego ~ccó, ncquc cómthum habcó.

(e:>.:it i scawa Swphj'la) (Euclro now Jl'StnbcS htsu', ulbtJt rductarlll), ~ is gomg '" thr (~rvm f¡)

ce/Ita his pratlor'sftt~ hand-oul ro 11llar W!ptaotU thJl /te as urcafrh¡) EV c. nunc ad pr2e1orcm .:a~. mmu httck mu"itus. nam p:~etor

hoJ!C pccüntam in-u1rüs diutdtt si ~d forum nó~ c:ó, ~idní mc:i 1 hcm!. lllqUtUIIt, • nos acl klrU!l1 imu~. Eucho .1d torum non ll, sed do mi manet.. aurum Jgitur domi sena h.tbct! • rum nunc celó thEsawum seduló. \CÓ uiñni n1ei scmpcr .adcunt.





9 uroph1ini adsunr, Jdsuru ~tmul !Onini.

M EC. adeñ. ccce,. Euchonc:m nunc utdeó. a foro rcdit. EV:>. uaiC. mi fritcr. (t'Xir é scamá stmu Mrgat!orij :.src. ct tü ualc, soror mc:a.

Secnon J E

EudiD, ba(J: fr 111 tite: {11rum, mms Mfgadt~rus, JS l1ighly suspiCiolls oJ hiS mom·cs. but finall}' agrttS ro a ,{~11'1)'-ltss mamagt Jor Pllatára. Stap¡,)•la 15 l:orrifird wlrcn sl1t htars.

(abit á Jor5 111 scarnam EucM) E\'Clfo (slcum rogrr.u) nunc domum redro. nam ego sum hic, anunu~

IOCIU dorni C51.

M~ CA t>o R v:¡ \aluc Eurh{,, uicinc optimc.

t v c. (Jit-grulorum urdt·t) ct tü, Mcgadorc. (serrmr cogitar) quid uult Mcg¡¡~Jün~? tllllll-n"llhtli habct? cür horno diucs paupcrcm blande ~alu~;u? 'luar~ mf uki11um optimun1 dicit? pcni 1 aLmsn1 mcum uult!

M ~:c. tu bcnc 11•1lc\?


,¡; Plcmtus' A u/u/aria 13

UV C, poi ualeó, sW nón ualc:o-i pc:CiiOI:i. 11Cl0 $;\liS pCCÍIIll:\C: h:abci'\, Ct

paupcrdtem mcam ac:grc fc:ro. M t c. sed cür ru paupcrtitcm ttutn acgre fc:rs? si :munus ac:quus c:st,

~ris habes. ll v c. pe ni! oc o di· t:O.cmus Mcgadori pcrsptcuum cst: chCs;¡urum ~o

mcum ccrte uult! MEC. quid tú diru? E v c. (startlúl) nihiL p:mpenis me ucx:~t ct cüras dat multis.

~u~rtitcm tgtrur ac:gré fc:rO. nam frltam habro pulchr.~m. sed p:~upa sum c:t dotcm non babeó. z.;.s

M EC. QcC. bonum lube ammum, Eud1ó, ct di mthl opc:nm. consilium c:nim hahcO

liVC. quid cónsili baoo? qutd uis' {sfwm €0g1tDt) f.lcu1u~ ncf~num!

ó scdus! nón dubium cst! pc:c:üm;¡m uult mc:.1111! domum stattm redro. ó pecúni.lm mc:am! :1.50

(cxit e SCQ(nti ir: attlis Eudio} M nc. quó :tbis? quid uis? die miht. uve. domum abcó ... (Eucfio tXIl. IIIO.X ir: SlMIIiWI rtdit}

dí me seruant, ~lua cst pc:cüma. rcdcó ad te, Mcg:tdórc: di' mihi, qntd nunc uis?

r.tEC. ut tú me, iu ego te cognóui. audi agttur. frh:~m tuam uxórcm

pescó. prómíuc! nv c. qutd díru? cuius filia m uxórem uis'


f]\' c.


E..: C.

M T (;,

1 ve.


tuam. cür fiham poscis mc:3rn? trridesnc: me, horno diuc:s hommc:m paupercm et miscrum? non te inídea. cónSlÜUm opumum Ot. lÜ C:S horno dJues, ego autc:m pauptt; JllC:U\ órdo WUS non est. tü es qu.ut bós, ego quast ~m u~. si bt» sic tmper.~t 'llsme, 26 fer onus ·• et asmus onus non fcrt, sed m luto t:acet, qUJd bOs f:tot? asinum non resptot, sed arndc:t .. :mni :td boués nón faolc trimcendunc. practcrdi, dotem non habco córlSihum rgnur tuum non bonum C)C.

si u:xórem pudlam pulchram habee bonamc.¡uc, sans dóm habcó, .:7

et ammus meus .1~:quus t:~t ,,ltl,, sat1' diuc~ )Utll. qmd opus

pccümae cst? prómtttc! prómittó tibi filiam mcam, sed lliHbmlliltl'lll cnun habco pccümam. ita cst ut uis. cür non nüpn:l~ MJtun filcunus, lH uolurnu ' cür :.?

J Plimtus anJ the Rvmnn com1c uadi11on

nón coquos uOt-.imus? qu1d dicis? E\'C. hcrck opnmum est. i, Mcpdorc. f:tc nüptüs. et fiii.lm me.;¡m

domum dúc, ut uls - sed me dote - et coquch uoci. ~o aum ~cüniam non hJbco. uale.

M E c. co. ualc et tü ltxit t 1eawá \legadotus) EVC. dí unmorci.l~~t pecUnia u~rñ ualct. ni;n dub1um cst: pecümam

meam uuh Mcg.ulorus. hew tú, Scaphyla 1 te uolo! ub1 l~, sccJw? CXLstlC C..'< .1edibus? :lUcli.StlC' me? CUT tn :u:Jibus man(-s?

(ex acdtbus w scacna•r~ IIJJrtJt Sr.aphyla) hod1~ Mcg:tdorus coquo5 uocat et nüptus [;aot. nam hodie uxórcm domum düot tiliam mean

~ T A P H. qu1d dicis? qu1d uultis ct tü ct Megadoru' ~ o pucllam nmcram! subltum ese nirni~. \tulcum '\t f3onus 1

f. ve. ~ti et ahí: lac omni;a, scdw. icr omnu! ego ad forum abro. (rx•t Euti!'O) STAPH. nunc &cinora scdcraque l.ycónidb patem! nunc cxmum

flhae Euclionu ade:st. r1.1m hod~ grau1dam domum dücn u.xorem Mcgadórw. ncque consilium luhcó ego. penl!

Scctton 1 r: PytlroJícu> ,¡,, he.ul cook ullttts cookJ to E11clio's tmd Megc.lorut' hou>es Thr cock who ge~ts to Euc¡,,·~ lrou$e grts shott slrryr firma 1lac Stop~e~ocu Euc/10•

(l"~is coqui rntr.:nt, nómuaa coquonmr Pjthoal{us, .-lmhra.,, Congrio Wtlt , PjthoJ,cus Jul.; coquónmr csr) PYTRODJC\'S itc, roqui! incratc m scu:nam, seden! audite:! domm~

mc:w nüpn~\ h(xlJc fiacc:rc uult. ucstrum tgicur opu~ c:sc ccnam mgcntcm cm¡ucrc.

JO. Otnno coqui tntr:mt.


1 F Platdu!' Au/,/.iria

CONCRtó cuius tlliam dücerc uult? P' Tu filiam ulcññ Eudionis, Phardram. AN'rHRAX di immorti)es, t:ognouutisnc hommcm? kpis non IU ese

indu~ ut Euclto. P v T 11. qutd dios?


ANTH. de tgm \t tlimus tora\ cxit. clamat 'mea pccünia periit! düc mi ad pr:u:tórcm 1 ub1 domürc uult, foUem mgcntem in c3s imponit, dum dormu.

PYT H, qu.iri:? ASTH. ammam amittcre non unlt • .Si lauat, aquam profundcrc non

uult. ct .apud tón~rcm prac:<;cgnuna ammcrc non uultt sed omni.l colligtt et domum ponat

PYl'll , nunc taccte cr audite, coqui omncs. qUtd uos facerc uult~s? CUJU~ domum irt uuln.~. scdcr11? quid tü uis. Congnó'

CON. uolo ego domum Ulñ diuim imrc o~· ~ES COQ\'i nos omn~ domum Megadoñ. u•ñ diuiru, mire

uolumus. non domum Eudionis, Ulñ paupens et t:ñstu. I'VTJt. ut Eucho uós uex:n! nunc ucetc u os ornnés. (to Antltrax) tú abi

domum Meg.doñ; (to Ctmgrio) tü, domum Eudiom~. CON. Ut UC::XJt me Eucltónts pauperti\! nam Euclto. scimus. auiirus

et rri~t•s ese. in acdabub ni1 m'1 miiniac ct ólriincae mgcntcs sunt. nihil habct Eucho, mhtl dat dlff1cilc •gatur apud Eucliónem ccr1.1m coquen

1 1 coqui auf~nt omnu bon~ 1 fa res sunr coqui ornnesl

stuhusn~· es, Coogno? facilc entm t:sc apud Eucliónon1 ~cl~3m coquen:. na.m nülla lurba c:sc. ,¡-qurd ul), ex .1edibu~ tUl\ tct:um porti: nam ruh1l hahc:c Euclio! sed Meg:¡dórus diuC) Clt. :tpud





Pfaurur rmtl thc R 01111111 c(lmic uadí11o11 J(Í

Mcgadorum cst mgéns turba, ingt:ntia uisa argcntea. multllc ucst~. multum :~urum . slquid sc:ruí imittunt. clamant staum 'caqui aufcrunt omma bona! füres ~unt co~ui omnes! comprchc:nd1tc coquós aud~cis! uerberatc sedera! sed apud .Euchonem f;aolc est mhtl aufcrre: nihil rnim h41bet! i mccurn,

scclcrum Qput! CON. ~.

12- :tuw:! ciua omnC:s chtc uum 1

pmí. occufi eso mt1Cf

(Con.\110 Crll.~S lumSl'lf off gnulgmtlr to E11clro's hou~. uritll his cooks. In S«ont!s he cmncs rushm.~ out a~a111) CON attaue! ciu~ Ornncs cUtC Ulilm 1 pertJ ocadi • 1 ~:ve. ( 11 ¡ fi h. • • ego mtSer.

ca '".~_to 11m "'"' t ,. lro1m) ó scdus malum! redi. coque! quo fug1s tu, \cc:lc:rum aput? quire?

co .. ·. r. - d b .. IUSIO ego quo me ucr erare uis. cür damas? E\'C. d \ t¡uo cu trum mgentcm habcs, ~dus! coN. sed c:gt? co<¡um ~llln, nih omnc, coqui sumus. omnés i~t 1 -

lll rrcnt h 1 - o· ur cu tros o IS :\ )CIIlll~.

UO\ umnc\ ~c:dcr.l c~tt~. t¡uld-m:góti c~t tnnedibus mc(s' ¡- -Ollll\tll. 1 • UO O ~Clrt'

¡¡V C.

ucc crgfi. ingente: m Cnl¡uhnu\ cénam. nüpriae h d - r. 1 tuac •um. enrm o te 1T 1ac


(lr~'"'" (6gitat) o t:~<:inu~ :tudjx 1 menda-,. ho • ·' mo est: omnc .tvc.



1 J ~ Plcmwr' Aululiiria

mcum aurum muenire uult. (o111 loud) mJnctc, coqui ornnés. státc tstic.

(Euclu; Jomum mtrat. tandon domó txir tl irr sctmlam intrat. aulam in mamb11s Jtrt)


EVC (sicum cOgitar) oanc omncm thesaurum JO lüc :~uli fcro. omnc hcrdc: :aurum nanc mecum scmper porübó. (om lowl) itc orones intró. coquite, .1Ut abitc :1b aedsbus, scc:Jc:r:a J

(aMurzt coqui. Em·lio sicum rogira') &anus audi.x est, ubt horno p:~uper cum diuite ncgot­IUm-habae mili. Megadorus aurum mcum murnire e1

auferre uuk mitót igirur coquós JO mcis :acdis. 'coquéis· dicó. sed fürés sunt omnés. nunc: q01d cñns1li opnmum cst? me rnise:rum!

... !1 "· • :-'

"',.,_ ~ t

--~• ~~;~(:'"•- • ........ ..-, ~ ~ {o

t=;-.=:::t2' =<'"!;._ -: .:ir."~¿})). ~ ... :;,

~~~~-~; ,fii --~~ - - -~~ ·~ .,--:.'--!:~-=-----~-- ~-._¿-:S,-;, - =---- --- ___::;:: :2;. ~ ---- --IJ. c:cccl nnum uJdcó. qua dcus ílni cst?

Scction T G F.ud1o now loob arC~unJ Jor a pla« ro ltidt IIIS g"ltl saftly csmú!t tht houu. He strtlts on r~ j/¡rir:t ~ Fides (' Trust', 'CuJit ')- but mrknown to him. ht is oval:tarJ by 12 r:eiglrbouring slavr. Strobit11S.

11vc. ccce! fanum uideó. quis dem flini est? ~. FulC.~ c:st. die mihi, F1dés, tÜne uís mibi custós bona ene? na m nunc ub1 fc:ró omnc ;tUrum meum: aulam auri' plésum bcnc custódi, f~d~! prohibe fures omnés. nunc fanó tuo aurum nu-um crC:do. nurum m fanó tuó situm cst

(firu/ici 111 ardís redil. in scaertam i11trat Strobifu, srrwu. mrmirr /juc/ió11rs

u••rlm audit) • ~ s r R 0 0 ¡ 1 u s di immortiles! qurd nud1o? <]U Id diCJt homo? qu1d f.lCit.

nurumne fanó cre.dít? aurumnc m flnó ,¡tu m cst? cür 111 fanum non ineó ct aurum hommi mi~cro :tufcró?




lO 1

n· c. aul;un auri plena m clicó! red de mihi!

So the truth on both stde\ dowly crcep out. Lyconidcs gct~ ha~ gtrl, :md then rccovcrs the gold from Strobtlus (who is his scn-ant). Herc thc m:mwcnpt brc.l~.s off. but rrom the ícw remaining fragmcnts 1t

looks as tf thc m.umgc ,,.th L)comdc:s is nniied, and Eucho has a ch:mge of hc3n :md S'' es dtc happy couple thc ~o Id a~ a weddmg ga ft

t4 Comte KCnC

Eucho 1!, an man} w a} • one of Pl.turus' fmcsr cha.ancrs. While "e do not kno\\ on \'>hach pb) of Menander Puutw based biS A1duliiua we do p<ru05 a pla) of Mc:nandcr\ wh1ch has a numbtt of ~imilmu~. ThlS pb) ~~ Dy$kolos (m Grc:ck, 6úaxohos}, 'The Bad-temperc:d M::an '. Here u pan of che mtroducuon spoken by Pan, the local god oí thc: nctghbourhood m wh1ch the pby ts sct. You ma\· wish to 1denuf. common clements m Plautw and Memndcr and rh~ )ook for ) contrasts.

(Enttr Pm1 fi{lm tlac Jlrrwt)

PAN Our scc:nl' 1~ M!t in Allll'a a e Phvlac · 1' ve J·ust 1· h • ' • come Out o l e ,hr111e of thc: N vmph,, a l.lmous holv plac .. b· 1

1 , 1 · · • '" e ongmg lO t 1c 1 hyl.:m:tm .1111 tlmsc who managc to culrivatc h. k h

1 r 1 t e roe s ere In t w 101rm ter( on tlw nght hvc) an old ~ ll d · ... anca c Kncmon.

1 ¡\,fwurrd~r's Dyskolos 21

somcthing of a rcclusl-, alw.,y~ grump)'• h;ltcs crowJs. · Crowds' indccd- he\ gcmng on 111 vc.~rs :uul has ncvcr in hi~ life spoken a kmd word to a soul. 1 h: ncvcr has a grccung tor anyone, cxcept Íor me, hts neaghbour, Pan; and he as ' bound to greet me as he pa~~cs. though 1 kno'" he alw.:ays wt.Shes he didn't ha\'C to. Thc old man ll\'~ :alonc herc wuh his cbughte: and an old servam He\ al\\:I)S ;u work fetchmg logs and diggmg away. He hates evc:ryone from his noghbours be re and ht.S w1fe do\\ n to the 'all:agcrs of Kholargo> over thcre. the whole lot of rhcrn, The gul lS a~

sweetly ~implc as her upbnngang. wnh ncvcr :a thought oí \\Tong She sc..,•cs rhc N) mphs, m y comp;uuons, w:tth de\'Oted r~crcncc, wh1ch makcs us w::am to look aftcr hcr.

Now thcre·~ a young man who'e f.·uher f:mns omc \·cry v~lu::ablc land :uound ht.TC. The )Oung man livcs m town, bu: came down wnh ;¡ sporung fw:nd to hunt :llld happcncd to come ro tbis very ~pot. So 1 mude hun fall m:~dly an !ove with the garl.

\VcU. thaú the plot m oudmc. You can see th(: dct:uls if you ~ta) ro w:uch, as 1 bcg you co.

But 1 rhmk 1 sec our )Oung lovcr ~nd h1s sporung fru:nd, oommg along and ulkmg togcrhc:r about thc aíf:ur.

(lAttr on, a samjia is being prtpawl al Par11$ sl,mt. cm! Cctas, a cook,

Jinds alllm l~rlptr.s áruuk, and himself minus a saua-pan Ht knocks on Kntmon's door- rvith pudiacblr us11lts)

CETA You gy you've forgottc:n 1he $2UCep.:m' You'vc: al! gm hangovcn and are only half awakc:. Wcll, what are: wc 10 do now? 1t looks as tf we mun dtSturb rhe god's netghbours.

(Hr knMks at K11nnon's door) Hi rhc:re! They are che wom set of matds l know. Hullo therc! Thev don't know about all)thing cxcc:pt scx -come on gtrls, be g~d- and of coursc .1 hu of blackma1l af rhcy'n· c.1ughr at tt. Whac's wrong? Are noue of thc .St'rvants m? Ah! 1 thmk 1 hear somconc hurr)'ing tn thc Joor.

( 1\ttt'ltiOtl opens the door) K N 1. What are yo u bangmg on thc door for, damn yo u) ca 1. Don 't bJte m y head oll.

1 fll11ulus cmtltilc• R 01111111 tomir lrtlclition



K N 1


r.m. 1\ N l .


B)· God 1 '' ill, :lml eat you alivc too. No, for God\ sakc Jon't. J)o 1 owc yo u :m y thmg. vou scum? Nothmg at all 1 h.:aven't come to co1lect a dcbt or serve J

subpocna 1 want to borrow :1 sauccpan. A uuccp:m" Ya, a s.tuccpan.

You scoundrc:l. do )'OU sup~ that I ~crificc cattle and all the rest of tt, ltke >o u? 1 don't supposc )'Ou'd ~cnficc: so much as a smtl. Goodb)e. ffi) dear chap The womc:n told me to knock :n thc door :md m That's what 1 d1d. No r~uh. !'ll go bad and tell thcm God ahmghto,;. the m:m's a ,..¡per w1th grey ba1r.

(li.'l:tl Ct'tas to slmn<')

J:-.: E Thc) 're m:m-otcrs, the lot of them: knockmg on •he door ;u

1f 1 was a fnend of theus. l..ct me catch im\o;e cornmg 10

our door :1gam and 1f 1 (lon't makc au cxampk o( h

1111 to rlu:

netghbuur.s. )~ll c:m ca11 me~ nobody. How th.u fcllow 01

:1\\'0l)' wnh u JUH 110\\. 1 don t know. g (Ex1t Knwrorr mto hu l:ou~ rnttr Gt:as ftom rl~e sh ir fi 11 J b · '· )

B ...1- ed r 1t' O Oll't y '\1~(111 1>1 K e u.~mn 10 \ ou He \US rude to \'Ou was h , 1 ~

talked like a \U~kcr Sorne n.onpJe si~.J~. d • e;_ thyou h h . ··-- t", on t ""o'" O\\" to

::magc ~ '7 t lll&l 1 ~e lcamed ho\\ to do lt. 1 cook for ouun \ o pcople tn tO\\ 11 1 pestcr theu- no hbo

borrow coobng utermls from ;¡}] oi thon lf g urs Dnd horro\\ frorn somcone ) ou mu~t buner h. you want to an old man opetl.'. thc docrr. ¡ et11 him . f)'"! ,0 P ~ bu Suppose

' ddl ' au or Grand d ' 1 f 1t s a 1111 c-agcd womau 1 al! hc.:r • ~tacbm •

1 , 3 •

the ~ ouugcr ~rv¡¡m~ 1 c:all hirn • Str •• To hcll ~' 1 ¿' s onc of thl5 nuptd shouung • bo> 1' l'd cha;:, htm u ltk 1t ) ou all kuOlb) Hr.rc P.add) · 1 want you. p. e th1s (lit

(KntiiiOII tomes ow) K N 1. What, ) ou ag:un! Sltt. Wh:n·~ dm> KN[


¡.¡N 1

S 1 K,


You ':lre anno)mg me on purposc. Didn't 1 tell . aw:av' l>:ass me tlw ~trap. \\onunl (Kn~~ b )ou to kccp

• ""~'" tars 1\ 1.: ) St"P 11. let me W'· "' orr Nut lrkdv. Oh llk-.1\~, IM (jud\ 'nkl•. Jmt you try wmmg lu:rc .tg:un.

1 Mc'llllndds Dy.skolos





su:. K NI'





J "· K NI ..


Go and dro,vn your clf. Still blathering? L1stcn -1 carne to ask )OU for a IJrgc sauccpan. 1 havcn't got onc. And 1 haven't got a chopper c1ther, or salt or vinegar or :mythmg else. l've told :all thc ne1ghboun quue s1mply to kcep :away from me You d1dn't tdl me Dut J'rn tclling you JJOW.

Y <:5, curn: )'O~. But couldn 't you tdl me , .. hcrc 1 e~n borro\~ one? Don't ~ou hear me? Must vou go on bbthr:nng? ~'cll. checrs for nO\\.

I won' e ~ cheercd b\· :m\ one. • Get lost. thcn. Wh:lt unbear.Jbk rogues. (E.nt) Wdl, ht cm me up mcdy.

1 herc 1s much wt L'i of Aululiirra throughout Dyskolos. The figure of the mtSer becamc :a popubr one m comcda~s os mannen Mohere, wnnng ror the royal coun m scventccnth-cc:ntury P.uu, rook up thc themc i~ bis L'A,•art. on whrch Pbutus' • ..JululaTJc hadan ob-. 10us mflucnce. In the folloMng modent the muer. Harp;agon, chascs out of thc horue hu valct. u fleche Comput" che sccne \\,th Eucl1o and Supbyla m Aululana r C. :md look fo: funhcr pomt$ of contacr bctwecn the chrcc pl.avwnghl$

11ARPAGON Gct ou¡ :u once. :md don't :m~wer back. Be off. \OU

pro fe~ ional swmdlcr. lA f LiJe u E (arufe) !'vt: ncvcr St.'CJI :m)thmg wor~ th.Jn rhrs dJmned

crook. Hc's a re41 old de,,l :md no mlstakc:· HARP. \Vhat are vou muuenng to )Oundf? 1 A H. ~'h" are ):ou after me' IIA 11. r Ir' ~ot for vou ro a'k \\ h) : get out qmckl) or 1'11 b:uh } nu

. ' LA n . Hut wbar ha ve 1 dont" to } ou • t1 A k 1•. Enough w makc: me wam to be rul nf) nu 1 A 11. Your son\ m\· m:mcr :md hc told rnc ~~ "Jit tor lum 11" lt 1•. Co .1nd wait in thc: 'trcct 1hcn. /\nd dl'" t sur k around 111 m)

hottsc as if rootcd ro 1hc 'P"t, watrlm~~ gnc~ " 11 :m.l tak mg advanc:tgc ot' c:vc:q thmg. 1 don r WJIH J pcrpcwj ~P> wat<:bing my affiun. kccpmg il rrc:Jdtcwu' c.yc: ''" nll 1 ..,,


/ PlmmH mul rht• R oma11 rCimic trmlitiorr

earing up .111 1 h.wc, .1nd poking about cvcrywhere to sec whac he can 'tcal.

u FL. And how thc dcvsl Jo ) ou thtnk anyonc is gomg to l>tcal from \'OU? Yo u don 't gtvc a thscf m u eh chance. Jocking every;hmg up and st.andmg gu;ud day and mght.

H:ARP. l'lllock up \\hat 1 picase :md stand guard when r hkc:. Can't you scc 1' m surrounded by sptes w:uching cveryclnng J do? {asrdC') l'm tc:rnficd that he may have sorne suspioons about m y mone). (alouJ) You'rc Jl!St thc ort of pcrson to ~pread rumours that 1'\'e money htddcn.

u fl. Well, ha,·e you moncy htdden? H" RP. No, you irnpcrnncnt rogue, 1 sasd nothmg oí the sort. (asrclt)

How he infunates me. (afoud) 1 mmt that you don"t sprcad malJctou~ rurnour~ th:n J h:l\'c.

LA FL Bah! lc's all the ume to us whcther vou ha ve or not . •

H ... R P. (liftwg a llawl ro ll11 hun) Don't you darc~ argue or 1'11 box your car). 1 tdl you agam, get out.

LA FL. Oh. all right : l'll go. R AR P. W:m a m mute. Are )'OU taktng an)'thmg of mine with you? lA ft. What could 1 bt.· t2kmg? HA R P. Come hcrc so th:at 1 c m scc Show me }'Our bands. L.\ H. Herc thc:y are HAJtP. ~ow tum thcm ovcr. LA FL Tum thern ovcr? RARP. Ycs. LA fL. Thc:rc )'OU are

HARP. (pomtmg to l.o Flhhr's brmhrs) An}thtng in there? LA FL Look for you•~lf.

R ·" RP. {fttliug tllt: bottom of h1s bruchcs) The~ fashson:ab!c brceches are JUSt thc thmg for htdtng uolcn propcny. 1 should likc to ~e

• somcone hangcd for 111\'cnung thcm. (.-ljrtr mort' "' rh•s &•rin l.,l Plttllc lral'es Dlld Harpagon conrinlles)

Th~ good-for~nntlung \'alct IS ;¡ grcat nuJ.Sance and 1 hatc thc.• Slg t of hun lmtpmg about. lt\ a grcat worry havin a lar t:

su m of money 111 tlw homc and onc •~ luck} if one ;as ott;. ~ llloncy wdl mvc~u:d .lnd kcrps only wh"t on d fi . " e nee · s or cum nt expense~. lt \ thflirult to find a safc b 'd. 1 anywhcrc ll1 tlw IJOU\t: A f . 1' • . • t mg-p ace

· ~ ar a~ m conccrncd r do 't . mong-hoxc~ ;llld h;~vc no r.1tth iu thcm Th n trust triVnauon to tlucvc~. thc thtn" thc)' go ~o fiey arHe stm pi y "",

o ll r •rsr. owevcr. 1 m


not surc whetber l was wise to bur}' an thc g.mlcn thc ten thousand crowns I wa~ paid ycstcrday. Ten lhou~and crowns in gold is the son of sum- (Emer lllisc iJ111/ Cleante talkwg in /ow t•oius) Oh God! I musl have gt\'c:n mysclf away! M y anger must have got the bettcr of me. 1 do bclu:vc J h:a\'e bccn Wkmg aloud tO m ysdf!

Section 2

Plautu ' Bacchides (' The Baccbises ')

T''o voung fn nd Mnwl hut ;and Pt toclcrus. b.a\·c f:~Ucn m In\ e wnh tw'O u ter e h al cd Bllccht ' -ho \\ ork m thc: loal housc of iD n:putc lb eh d man The B cchJ.SCS' Mnailochus' Bacchu lus bcct htr~ ft onc: 'lOr b a \\c:thh) dter cilled Clcom~chu , and 1n aloth'" nccd mon ) t bu\ ha rcleasc As unulm comed\. th~ onh saura- or hnan e ts hts :~gong Gthcr. Ntcobulus: :md 2S

wwl. thc m k, \U\: e of thc f;umh. C"JuygJus, succced.s m cxtortang thc monr:) from 1 bulu :md SI\ ng 11 to Mnc:stlochus o far, \O

yood But :at tht po nt 1-.u ru :mn un es hn lovc íor Bac.cht Mnot hu n t kn \\tng tlut thcr re tu B:acchues • .assumn th~t Pmoclerus t\ m 1 \C \\IUt h Hlcch m a rage he: lunds back to hu faihn' t c mo th:at Chr 1 xt rtcd from hun and re' C4ls thc ""ho e dcccpt n :u d Chn; 1 pm r 11 Thc:n thc: truth anagn thcrc uc: •~o U e ht\CS and Pt oclcrus n tn lo-.c wuh dtc ~thct ~ In Uttcr dc:spat· 1ne1tl hw uum to Chrysalus :and begs

•m 1 'e an hcr go at tnd.m • tcobulw lt u :u thu pomt th:at thr: :a!Úptcd cxtr:acu hcgm

(The libo" e: ts a bro d outlu e 0 thc , .1. h r_ r_ t f) wruc ts. m rnct, 141" more complo:)

N .B Four of thcsc Grcck n:am 11 tromall 0 :are npccu ) stgntfiant Nrcobülus Ck l man V u:tonou~ m counsd.' C/,ysalus ~me:ms 'Goldtc:.

cm'" u ntelm • Glonow fightcr • :md & h , •. fcmalc \liOnhtpper of B:a~ochus, god of \Hnc a rs means Bacchant • :t

Sccuon 2. A

Mnrsilotlrus plratls IVIIIr e¡, 'Jilius to d . Clrrysalus u Joubrfiui&VJr ;J > 1 I'Jtcu•t' Nuob,/us a stcotrd timt.

r rer 11 ca" '«' """• rsprdally as Afntsiloclws ro/J


:\'~eolmlus al/ t~bout rhc• t'ürlkt dcctptron. 8ut Chrysalu( .~t·ts •111 rdrt~ mrd drctatrs to J\fr:tsrloclms .1 lrttcr for IIU Jatlrtr Hr thru tdls ti: e trt•o Jm.uds to diSapptar and makt /o¡•e to tl:t'lt wcmmJ

dr matr pnsorrat 1 1cobulu , sencx diues. patcr Mn~1lochi, utr summ:i gnaullitc, nülla

uprenw Mn~dochw. fílau Nlcobüli. :un:itor ahtñu:. D.tcchrdr\ (1) Pmaclcru~ • .1micus Mn~tlochi, :amator :altcñu D.acchrdu (::) Chr) alu cruus Nicobülí, horno mmma astüui Cl m.1 hus. miles. Bacchrdts amitor alter (r) mtr.:• t Mninlocl:us, Pistodirus. Chrjsclus)

11 o H o,; s audi me. Chr-Vs¡¡le tii cm m scruu~ magna astüu;a, multo mgentó o uoló te ad J>Jtrcm mcum altcnm f:~ccrc ut:un uolo te scnc-m doctum doctE fallcrc :JUrumquc seni :auferrc. nonnc faalr: mt ~cncm. unum magni stuluui, nüllo mgc:mo. dc-etpcrc:?

JI R '1 S. A f ,; non pos~um. 'N f: 1100 potes? pcrgc, :lC bCJ}C potCnS H R quomodo, s.celus. f:aalc potero? qur\ nunc potcst :ad sc:nr:m

u~m (:acere altera m? scmd décrperc ~m drfficdc ot nunc OJUtcm sencx nostcr me mcndacem h~bct bu tguur ego $C.'Jtcrn decrpae non potero sed maJó u~ pc:cün~m haberc, scncm pcciimam habere nólo.

M N si nÓS peciinum h:zbere maUi\, scni dar e nón uis. :agc, Chr} s;alc:. fac omnta. pase. :zc facdc potcm

C.llll sed omrua sat patcr ntu~ Mncstlochr: qUtd (acere po sum' me mcnclicr:m habct, el numqu:am mrhr at-dct, cuamst urró dio m • noli mibt crcdere ••

l'l~lOCLt R\'S et mulu mab, Chr))Jic, de té diot. Cll R qurd dé me diclt p;atcr tuus) M N L tu dé té diat ·si Chr)'s2lus mrht "cccc, ~olcm uu.lco" mqun,

mm nolo Chr\s:Uó crédcrc. n:un nón ~ól cm, cd lün:a si Chrjsalus mihi "dtés cst" mqurt, nólo crétlcrc. n:un nox cnt,

non Jtes.' CJI R, tt:J dícJt patcr tuUS? Ji me ~cru;mt! bono JfiiiJlU C'itc.' Jccrpr:m

hcrclc hommcm íacrlc hntlti:! .audite.:. clinsrltum audax habn,, ~cd primo di'crtc mihr: 'Jllld m:iuulu~ ? hudté t:nrrn ego ornnra

Í:u:crc possum. M N f;, malumus hodtc et puclli~ ct pcdinrarn habcrc.






1 rluu/tll ,wtltht· R !11/ltlll rouw: trtuiltioll

' '

r S di me .cruJnt1 bono :muno cstd

eH R.

eH R.


e !IR.



MNL GH lt.


hodté tgnur ct pucllis c:t pecün12m ingcnrem lubcbms. ego C:nlm oobis daoo. hodte Ct puefuc CI pecünia t:\UC crunt. tú nobu dabcs? pucll:mc me-a cm? noló te iocum faa:rc. •e um diccrc milo. tocum non i2cto, hodte cmm patcr pccünia.m ubt dabtt mgentcm. hochc tuam, MnCitlochc, pudlam habébl.S. s'icut ammu~ tuw ~pmt. pudlamne h:abéoo me.m? promutlSIIe? ita promJttó. res faeths crit. pater- cmm ribi omnia -'-b

- - Ch - 1 u;¡ H. tum ucr~, _r)'$:1 e, mgcnñs tibi granas agcmus. nunc qmd nch f.:accrc u1s? malumu~ c:nun :adtuuirc: quam -~ e_ ~ - ~~~re.

1111 nm anurc uós uolo. sed quantum aun- 00-b- hab- 1 . , _ _ ts ere u u tt' , posettc, ego uobts ~a~ó~ nam nomen cst miht Chr)•salo. sed nunc <JU.mtum aun Utlbui sam eri• Mnes-ilo h > d- 1 . · .. e e. te mrll llllflllllOS duccrH(lS tntht darc te uo}c) pro D h.d .

b • b- ~acc 1 c.

ti 1 ua o. ,ccl nón \;ttl\ crunt 116bl\ Juccnñ nummi d • qua post utctonam


ul Plawus' Baccllides

16 ducrnü nummí.

nobis sümprus C:nt. rum post UletÜrUlll SÜmptÚS rn:agnós faClemus.


c na. pñméi de ducc:nñs numm'i~. tum de súmptü :agam. factlta crum omrua mth.L.

M:-; i.. sed qurd ronslli ha:bes? qurd factes? die nuht ego audirc uoló. e t1 R. audies. dé duccntis nummi) primum nucndam ballutam m

scncm nosttllm. ballm:~ ~~ Jé.lébn rurnm ct propugnicub, pcr porum muacbm 'tatlm m opptdum antiquum. s1 opptdum op~am. aurum uesuum C.'i: opptdo aufcrcus m corbtbus. tum pudla.e dare potens. sicut :munw tuus sperat. Mnésilochc ré:s facilis c:rit. uu plaru.



apud te cst :mimus nostcr, Chr)-ulc sí uis :adiuuirc:, abibtS mtto. Ptstoclcrc. :ad lbcchtdem ct

adfcres mo ..• P 1. quid? die mihi, ct ego st:mm f:aoam qutd adfcr2m' e 11 R. sttlurn. cenm. ubcllis, linum adfcré:s. P 1. um fac:Wn. {txft r sramá aJ Bac.rhidun Pwoclirlls) MNii. quid nunc facjes? dk mthl. e 11 R. tü Bacchtdcm num ha bes: habctnc Pt\toclcrus am'icam? M N f. Ita uéró, Bacchidcm :thcram. e 11 R. tü altcram. Pistodcru.\ altera m h:~bct lbcdndcrn? ub• cst

btclinium ucstrum? M N ii,. quid negoti' est? cür sdrc u'i~? e: lltt. ncscls consilium mcum, \cd m gen' crit. M N l.. da mibi manum tuam :1c ucní me<· u m .td íorés.




1'/nutlh tmtl tlrr U tll/11111 rmnrr trllllit lllll

cn11. ene, rnarlU\ 1111!3 tliíc. (Cirr)isalriS mmrrmt Sllam Mr~fcrlorhii .lar ,., 11d jtJris aJit) t.tNii. mtroimptcc. cu11. cu:~x! mnm bcllu~ ~t loou, Ita ut ~ uolumu.~. (rrclrr PIStllrlhus 111 scatmrm) PI ut tu IUOO, ua ego f:aoo. e u R. qua e h:abé ' PI omma habt:ó sulurn, cl:Tarn, ubcUis', llnum feró. CHR. bcnc: nunc tú, Mnt"Stloche, sulum captés. tN E. qu1d poste~)

en R. ego diom, tü scribés dicu m~. rum te scn'"berc miló, quod ~e patcr tuus lmcris cognascc:c. uh1 leget. bonó ammó ~!

scri'hc 1

M S¡; quis rés scnoam; en R. egn 1ubebó. scribc 'Mnéstlochus patrc:m salüut. nunc, pater,

nólo Chr)'lo:Jiurn te atcrum d&t¡x:rc. na m ..• ' 1'1. m:me dum sc:ñbtt. mm1s cdmu:r dicis, Chrysale. en a manüs amitórum cclcrcs e.sst di!bcnt. MNE. cdcr1~ rno manu~ est, Chr) ~ale.



M Ni. Ctlll.

tmmo cdcrcm h:~hchas manum, ub1 pecümam in manú tc:lleb"! dk 'rum, pattt mi. Chrjs.1lus ~tüuis compómr.. quocl te uerum deapcrc uuh nam :aurum nb1 .lUfc:rrc uult c:t "hodiC .. mquat ":aurum ~ni stuho auft..Tam "' :adscri"bc.

MIS[ adscriib.lm. die modo cnR 'atquc: "hodtc .. mqutt "<~urum ubt dabo, Mnestlochc. tú

aurum :unicis d:arc porcns." sed, patc:r, te caucre mbci>: (Chrysalus tar,t dum scri1111 Mttésaloclrus) M NE. die modo eH 11. .tdKribe ctaam (Chrjsalals ,¡¡ di 11, srd ln1m cógatar) M N F. da e modo. ego scn"b:mt.

eH a. '5Cd patcr. no lo te Chr~·salum uerhcrarc. te Chrysali m:mü' umcire malo, Clu)· alurn domi adscruire.' da tü ccr:am ac linum. agc, uhhg:i, ob)1gna oto,

M N 6. oblag~bó, 11bsagn~bo.

(Ciblagar rt obsw•at ltlbrlla., Mt~oiluclws) MN ii. n~>ficl'~o, t'lit tü ui~ t~c ¡¡¡)¡~ lmcra' ad patrem mittere? quid

conMh h:thll.\? <fuad mus cm, si patcr mcus caucbit ct te uinciet et :adscrulibtt domH





.ul Pltmtus' Baccltides JI

Clllt. quía ita ~e~ _:sse _uolo. nónnc (X'ltcs tú te cürarc? ego off1aum mcum curabó. da tabellas.

M N~. :¡cClpe. cna. ammum aduertitc. Mnestloche ct tü, Ptstoderc. um 10 bacliruo

cum a~icis aestñs _uos _accumbcrc uolo nolite c:nurgcn:, doncc !>tgnum dabo. uos offioum cür~tc: uestrum. ego mcum cüribó.

M N E. ó imperitarcm probum •.. p 1. ac seruum audiccm! e 11 R. a:am amicis :amire débew. MNho fugtmust (rxtunt aJ btdir:ium Mnisilod:us tt Pmocli-rus)

Scction 2 B

Cl~tysallls summons up his conjidttl~ and, ira riJe lropt 1l1ar tltt clá Jalhtr ¡Vw>blllus willlw Jurious u·it1t lum, prtpmts to Jau lum aud hauJ Ol'CI tht lttttr. N{cobttiiiS. ¡,c~,~~·ing its mr:lfms, has Chrysal•u bound, but Clrrysalus drops 11 twmbtr oJ hmu tl,,u all is nCII tU al slaoultl bt Utitla MntsrlochiH. 1"/K beu,,/Jm:J Nicoblllus dmr.mds to kttow u'ha1 thr prcblrm u, and Chrysalu$ ltarls fum ro tht Baalaisd tsca&luhml'Jit

e u R. uós uesO'Wll cüritc offioum, c:go cürwo meum. (shurn loquuur Cltrj!lllus) rmgnum, immó ínsinum pcncquor nc:góuum opu~

m1h1 .tudix ese ac satiS dlffiolc. potcronc mn t.'lm dtft'JCtlcm hod1e pcrfic(re? at !oeruu~ sum m;~gn:i ;utüw. summo mgcmo, Nicobülw srne.X nülli $3J>IC:OW CÚT mecum ~ÍC Joqaor' mn agae, non loqut OCCCS$«! Ol

sed nunc sencm S4cuum essc uolo n:am a tüuü mcis h:aud f:acilc: pcrficiam, si sc:nc:x tr.mqUJllus cnt ubt lmais m nunüs dabó. sí sacuus c:nt, ego sencm tam frictum f:act~m q02m accr. adibO ad ;¡~. tum, ubi c:x11m. 5Utlln tabc:llis cUOO SCJÜ In

manum. (1\'irobiillls Jamó ín scamam ~~reditur, tt sinma loq111tur) NiCOJIVL\'S ir3~cor qut,¡ Chlj$:alum muc:nirc r~ón pouum d si

scelus c.tpiam, ucrberabo. e u R. (st;lllm lot¡uit~tr) saluu~ su m, ir:itu~ e\1 ~encl<. nunc :ad homancm

adgrcdior. Ni c. qui~ loquirur prope? Chr)-salu1 c:st, ut opinor en R. (srca11n loqutrur) adibo.



Plautus mul tltr R cmrr111 CMIIic tratlitiull 32.

(Chrj.(lllus llJ St"ll<"tll .u{~u.lrtur) _ _ _ _ sic. bonc sc:ruc, 531ue. uc:c.s? quare? noli taccrc, scelcrum caput, ~cd . loqucrc. n;am omnia sao celen rua ex Mnestlocho. CHR. ménc Jccüs.u MnesJiochus? cgonc: sum malus. scelesros? specü

rem modo : ego t:accbO. _ .. , _ . sic. qwm rc:m loqucns, scdcrum Clput? mmans mihi. noli mih1

mmiri. Chryglc, te monc:O. CHR. non mmor t1b1, domme. moX cogn0sce:s tÜ fi1¡ nll mores: Sic'

polhcc:or. nunc c:::ape ubcllis. nam Mnésilochus tabd.lis me ferrc tubct atquc m m;müs tu:is darc. uuh té legere et omma ucrb:a perficcrc.

sic. <U. CHR. acope. cogn0sct ngnum. :sic. Mnesilochi Mgnum est. ~ ub1 cst frtius mcus? CH R. OClCJO.

(..\'i(t~bülus tabtllás ltgit. mllrlJ Chry~rl11s sicmr lfk1uin.r) obliul~cor omnia. nil rc:oordnr. ndeaus ~um omnium rerum . .SCIÓ me-es~ :)CfUUlll. OCSCIÓ ccaam id-quod SClO. cugc! nunc a tri~t'TIIÚ turdus noHcr lumbricum pcrit. .•

Nic. noli abirc. Chrysalc. mane. nunc domum mioo; mox exibo ad te.

(:-..ia>bülus i. scMnJ Jcmrum i.~Jr..dswr) CHR. Ó hamo ~W}tel Ut me deopcrc coniris! sed uabum núllum

diam: scnex égtcdJtur (."\1robrilus domó m stiJL'IItmr pr6grttlstur. 5trui Cllm l\7cobülo igretliunrur} ~ic. sequ1mmi. scrui. umci tü Cbr)'Sali roan~ statim. CR R. qutd fit? quac res est? noJi m eh umcire mmfi.s. donunc. :-;ic. noli preciñ, scdus. (Struó) lÜ tmpmge pugttum. si uerl>um

dic:ct. (ChrjJal6) m mC'i manü ubdlis babeO (l..fuéstloc:hi. qu1d Joquuntur tabellad Utrum seis annon?

cH R. qu.irc me rog.i5? u e cü tabcl~s :i Mnesilocho accipis, ita ad ce ob)sgnicis adfero.

Ni c. t'ho, cü, scclcrum c:aput. loquensnc ru 'ego hodie aurum seni sculto ¡¡ufcram '?

CHll. cgone Ha loquor? nón rccordor. omnia obuLÜscor. Nic. nülí mcntiri. cü omni~ res bcnc rccordiim. uerbum nüllum


e u Jl, qul\ homo mc.1 ucrba sic nünunt? Nic. nüllu~ homo, s~·J tabcllac Mnc~ilochi rem nüntiant. tabcllac

mé tua~ manu\ umt"irc IUbcnt.




lb ,S





;/J Plmum' JJa,chídes

17 scrui. ;abdúote Chr)s.1lum muo atque uandu: :~d rolumnam fortiter

e 11M.


a! fihus tuus me 'Bdlerophontcm faclt: na m ego tabdw fcro t't proptcr tabdlás t'Ü me UlnCICs, o StUitc, Stultc, OCSClU\

es ommum rC.rum. cauert' te JUbro. ~ic. qu1d loqucm? cür me cauere tu bes? raponde mtln' C IIR (t~~in rupomkt, sed .sn1~m mitkt) qucm di di1tgunt adulescem

monrur. sod Nlcobülum nüllus dcus dihglt' n:am sena c:st UCtUUISSlmu~; tanti cst quanti (ungus puudus

sic. saui, abdüatc Chr)-salum mtro atque umcite ad co!umnam fomtcr (Chrjsaló) numquam aufcres m1h1 :aururn

Cli:R. at tü tam dabb. sic. daba? ego numqm.m cbho. salcrum aput! CIIR, atquc: Jubc1us me plüs auñ aurcrrc nam tn<~gnó In pcneulo C$t

fi11U~ tuus tum Chr}·salum libccirc uoles. ub1 rcm soá ego auu:m libercitcm numquam acctptam.

Ni C. loqucrc, <>cdcrum caput. quo m pcñculo ~~ frhm mcus> Cll R. scqucrc me. Jam ~óes. ut opinar sTc. st.'d quo te scquor ? noli taccrc~. ~ed pcrgc Cll R. pcrg:m1. {Nicobli/ru Chrjisalum se.miwr atl<)

CCCI.'. tn acdi!o insplCC. (Nicobrilus 111trii imp1C1t)

Ni c. utd¿:~uc c~'nüiutum ? quo' mdc" rn :~Iteró 1~'-< to?

uidco in lccto alrcro Ptscoclérurn ct lbcdudcm






fl/,muu 1111,¡ 1¡,,. llomn11 n'mit: trndirior~

1 qui» urdñ tn :ltaü lc:ctú'


!11 i c. dic. precor, qui sum in lecto altero? paii ego maser!

Sccuon 2C


As tl:t appallrrl Mrobul"s SttJ Jus sen wuh &uthis, mur Ckornaúrus. CkomadtUs, rhr soltl.a 111ho pmd zoo nummi te own B.uthis Jor a ytar, •s nor orw-pltasrtl 111 lsrarm.~ tlrat Mr.rsilotJnu is mjoying ha ccn;p.1ny, ct~tllzr u lookm~ for rr1·~ng'- As hr uuas ltis thrcat.s of l'tngrana agarnst Mr~ssl~us am! Ba«lus, Chrpalus ronvrnus l\'ialbulus that thr u•oman wltom Mru-Silotlllls 1s atrrmtly tnjoying •s Ckmnachus' wtfe 71:r f('frífirJ ~'UDbulus ~gs Clrr)'salus to rrach Dn agrumcru tMI: Cltorruultus. Thu ChrJ'SClru J¡~es, m~rmtarrn:;: hrmsc!f ~~ jurthn u úl: Nrwbulus by tursmg Cltomarl:us antl nuarwg rhat .\fntsjfotluu wa.s ntva u•ith Iris 'u•ift • anyu•ay

en R. qu1s cst allc horno? oognouastine tllum? Nic. cognüui: 1lle Mnt:sJlochus ot. e 11M die m1h1, belbne nbt u1detur illa mulier esse? Nic adrnoourn bdb m1ln 11l:a utdctur. e u R. ¡¡! qu:un pulchrac 1ll:u~ m uJieres sunt ambae. altera

~u3tm, t¡u:am lepad:a :altera. Nic. dit m1lu, prt"Cor, quis c~t illa mulier? e u 11. t¡uul opina m? mcrcuix illa u1detur cssc annon? Ni e:, plan~ rnl·r·cu 1)( t')t, ut ego arbitrar. CJIII. erras. 1lla lllt'rctrix non C.\l.


;C P/autrts' Baccl:idés

Ni' c. c¡uJS. obscao. tila est? CJIR. SCICS mox •••

(Cicomaclws. milu ~e amátor Bacch1Jrs altttiut, ITI~rtclrtur Chrysalum rt Nicobü(JJtn non cónspicatur. ir.itus tSI, rr StCIInt loqurtm) Cl EOMACH\'S. MnCsilochwnc, flhus Nicobüli, pcr u1m rrnnC:rc

mearn muhc:rcm <:On.itur' Ni C.



e u:.

(uerba Cleonu:d:i auJit) qulS 1llc c:st'

(sial m loquirur) di me scnum 1 ad tempus h1c: mUes uemt rruht 1

(sicum loquítUT) Mnotlochus die me non mnatc-m sed muhcrem :arbu:ritur. nonne possum muhcrem meam dcfenderc, q;o tllum c:ummum cato úrum i conumum. et e hercd~n uitae!

Ni c. Chr)-sale. qtru rile rn? quirc man:hur nlu) meo' cuR. utr ~t düus muhcru. Ni C.




Cll R.



qu1d, wr? urr. rnqu.a.m. nÜpl:mc ~ 11la. ob~cro? scies mox. penl ego :nuser.

qu1d nunc? scdows nb1 uulétur Chr\"Salus) egonc malus: :agc nunc, DIDci me. :audi frltum ruum nun dtius morés pUne cognotmñ! qutd nunc ego f.arum' 1ube hos scrufu me exsolucre oto n;am m 1 tü m~ cxsol~. alle wn mamfoto hommcm oppnm~t ucurn lot¡uitur) ur ualo dlum cum dli m:aml~to ppnmm:

tum lllós neaoo :ambOs en . ;audisne tllius uerba' ciir tü ho \tt\ltU me cxsolum: n n

tubEs? Nic. (snutS) c:.."<SSluJtc hunc pcnt m1~r uc tunrol (wui manus Chrjs.1li cxsoluunt) cu (sirJrm I""Jullllr} wm tlb muh~ me trnderc h ud pottmt , Hll. (NicobülO} pacüd' cum a11o poteru i tlri pe unl4m d:tb NÍC. p.aci~cc:rc cum illo, obsc-cro, quod u1s <~Ué modo no~m

miliu:rn mamfc,t5 tllos oppnmcrc arque nolo CltH. :ulibo ad tllum ec fumrn scdulo (,,./ mTiumr at~~rc·tlin~r: ,\'icoblilus ;umonrm rllvrmn au./irr ,,,;,, ¡uJltlt)

lwu~ tü, qutd clamas? e r 1 ubi ~lonunus tu u~ cst' CIIR nusqu~un . nc:~ClQ ui~ me ttbt Ju crm, numm •




f'}auws mrJ r/u Rom.m comic traditrorr

hm nummOs promltt~llll, si ucehl . CLE. nihal malo quam illós duccntOS nummas. e u 8 ergo nummos prómmam. si uc:Cbu ct faaes quod ego aubébó cu:.. ut :ubttriru. ita tácum. (Chrysalus sptaks uou• out louá) en a. p~tcr hsc Mnesilochi es t. sequen~. sil e prommet tibi. tii illud

:aurom roga. (ChrjsaluJ milrttm aJ 1\itcbiilum Jütit) sic. qUid fit? en R.. hrc miles duttntós Phahpp& acoprct. sic. scrui' me. qua m mox di a m ·daba·: en R. (milrti) rogi hunc tü, (1\'icoMld) tii promme huic nummos. :-:i c. promiuo. rogi. CLF.. tl.tbJmc: duccntó~ nummós :turro~ l'hihppós? eH R. 'dabo' loquerc:. responde. Ni c. dabo CKR. (ir•i1cilrn fl millrem adloqulwr) t¡uttl nunc, unpürc? qUJd uis?

~usp!cansne Mncsilochum t•w.: cum tila mulíere? e 1.1!. muna c~t quoquc. CHk. pcr loucm lunoncm Ccrerem Mineru:tm Latonam Spcm

Opcan Vinütcm Vencrcm uuorc:m Pollüccm Mart· m Mcrcurium Hcrculcm Summanum Solc:m Situmum dcosquc:

19· p~ r hm<'ll\ lunfmcm Corcnc:m Mlllrr·­

UAI\\, • · V111ü1~m VtntrC:nl.

zC pf,mtus' 8acc1riJis

Ni C..





omnis aüro: tllc cum tlU neque cub;u nequc ambul.u ncquc üscu~tur.

m tlirat seruus mcus! scnunt me hu1w scrui pcnüri2. ub1 ergo nunc Mn~ochw cst? homo abc:!t: illa autcm :1cdcm uim Mtncruac. i, utdc. .tbco :ad forum 1girur. ud hade m rru..lam crucan.

(Cirrysclus gtts rntiJUSJastic suppon fiom .\.'uolmlus u•htn k a1.b ptnmsstcn to ttbukt Mrwnlcdrus for belun•ing as lrc has ácnt u 1th Ck~cdr11l 't. r{t' Cl:rysalus got'S rnto t~ B:uclusd hcuse an:J r~mu ou: a lrult laur -u ith anothrr ktur 1)

Scctaon 2.D

Cluys<~lus b01ms hort• tltís lm • ..,. ursl/ jlfat Nuobulrts uf u fiml~r ?CI•'

nummí. lit• tlr.m•J a long rompariscm bt•fll•cm lrou• tllc' Crt · h rtormd Tr<~y (1111( totJI.: {t, muJ lww /u·, Cllrysalus, will sttlmt tlrt olrlman ,Jild rtlrér•t lrrm ~{a furtlrn mm oj rmmq Tire- oltl 111rm muls tlrr lmn




Atñdac. ut úma ese. f~erunr faanus m:~umum rum~di :~cdafidiucrunt opp~dum Troum (rex Tróaac Prumw tu•'!· ~ Atñd;ae cum :trmis. cum equ~, cum c:xerotii, cum optr~lS miJurbm tfeomó-:mno ccpérunr. SC'd hoc OpUS ruhtÜ fu1~ ~~~~ l9S

- - -~ h • r. xc:rcrru \IIIC t'SI' domrnum expugnaba mC"um una c'r¡¡: ~me c. • mihuhu~ 1 ó Tn5ra, o patria, ó Pcrg.unum, o JlnJ~c ~~nc~, pcri"li · tu m 1ü m1scré nulc juti)tsri Juren ti:!- Phaltppo~, ct

1 Pl111tNJ 1nJ tht Roman tomic tradimm

aheros mox inUrtes duccntós. nam ego bis tabellas obs•gn.itas anull. ammo nón sunr rabellac. sed equus ligneus. ut Gracci JOO iJJOrcmporc cquum ligncum contri Trown miserunt. ita ego hOc-ccmporc bis tabcllis contri smem mittam. et, ut fucrunt milites armi&i in cqua lignca. 5ic sunt hnerac: m lüs ubellis. 1ta ran bcnc adhüc gcssi. arque h1c equus non m arcem, sed m aroam. ~ amperum, el ;aurum huic stulto sc:ni dClcb1t. JOS oamm scrü agsrur ·n.o· faciam. ego sum Agamemnon et

Vlixis Licnius. el nunc llium obstdro. VlixCs. ut ego audiui, mr summi audicii fuir. magna a.Wni. summo mgc:mó. ego ct atmx ct astünas sum. nam scrui Nicobüli me uinxerunt, sed sc:aw:m dCcqñ. el na me 1Üo tcmporc seruiui. luud ]10 multO-canpore pou cum milnc: Clcomachó pugniui ct • boaunan fugaui. ub1 miks ftlgit, cum senc pugn.iui. illum ego &cite uid el 1taum spoha cqñ. nam Nicobülus duccntós numm& prómisn el mox militi dabn. nunc altcros duccmós

• numm6s apere uolo. nam ut sümptw magnus fuit, ubi JtS

Atridae llium cepcnmr, Ita sümprus nosrer magnus erit! nam ubi mttn& urbcm capaunr. biumphire dcbenr.


1D Plautus' &alritlis J9

NlC. qu1d dixit iUe? eH a. Uttbum nüllum f&:it; cxitus aadiuit tltiba mea; • "''•

oónscñpsit bis cabdlis, et obsipids aúhi de fe. abi 1111 iallir dare. sed nmro. nam suspicor his cahciJis vmilh c. JJO ;alrcrinun. ~ signum. ame illius?

NT c. naui illius est. uoiO bis pcrle¡ue. (N"~Ius f~Wilis SDIIIit) CHJl. (clat) cuge! DUDe acJcst c:xttñtrn Dio. JCIIaü dJ.c:ilar tci W

lignros! JJS NT c. Cbrysale, a.dc:s. CHI. quire me ;adesse UÍS ábi? N T c. uolo re :wdire baec uerba. eH a. sárc oolo! Nlc. camen :ades. J4D caa. quire? Nlc. tace. iubcO r.e adcsse • CHI. adcro. (MtoKius ~llis sot.ñt n pnltgit)

NI C. WclJ he lwn't spaml pea 01" .-pcr. Bar rD•clf rad fe througb. wbarevcr it is - • Dc:ar Fadacr, iE JOU .... 10 •-= • badt safe and wdl. picase re Chr1 "" rwo h ..... e i m ' 1 By God ru wbip hím rw dlis..

CHI. 1 say-NIC. What is it? CH l. Dida 'e be sart wich good wishcsl NIC. 1 c1on•c sce any. e Hl. You woa•c re ir him if yoa're wilc.ff~.. ·-~;

he can look b mocfw ....... " n lllil _,

woa·c cake ir 110 bim, howcvcrtí•ri*CI•IJJrrfil!ll 4dif.IMI1

undcr ~· i'*J* iaft wlaeD N re. jusc liMen wlúle 1 rcad yoa •wlh••·.M> __ CRa, k's aa ar.pediümtleaeat rm -~-~ Nac. (rr...., •rm asba.....d 110 -~-..

you bow J"ve -beat._.. .. ,.

1 PlaiiWS .md tlrr f~tlllltlll ttllllt' tr.ttlítloll 10







e na. SIC..

Ni C.


!'.'Í c. cua. ~ic..

ver) su1cepuhlc and alwars had a ro\'ing cyc. :md 1 was lcd mto domg somcthrng 1 now rc:grc:t.' Bcttcr be carc:ful first th:m nmy altcrv.ard~l M} \en words 10 htm at thc nme. (strll rradm,e) 'Plc.t~. nthcr, asn't it ~ough that Chrysalm has abuscd me w oficn :md madc: me: 2 bcttcr man with all hts ad\1Cc:' You ought to be \c:ry ¡,rrateful to him.' ])oo 1t reatly U) that, Thc:re n t\, lool.: nO\\ )"'U know. Thc: gutlt~ p:m) u :.tlways rc:ady to :apolog~ to en~ryonc. {sttll rtadll~~). 'So tf J'm enmlc:d to ask a f.a,·our of m\' father, do plcJse lec me ha\c two hundrc:d nummi.' You wcm't lc:t hm1 ha\ e a smglc pcnn)' tf you ha\'e :my scnse. Ltt me iirush rcadtng. (Ht coutuntrJ) ·¡ g:wc my solemn word th:u 1 would pa)' che wom:m thc: money bc.forc: thc C\'C:mng wl1cn shc: lc:l\ ~ me. Now, fathcr, do scc that 1 don't brc.1k 111}' word :md gt:t me nway ll\ soon as ~~1bl~: from this \~•)m:~n whn ha~ lec! me am:~y :md cou me so much. Don't leú quarrd about thas two hunúced rmmmf. lf 1 !>Ur\'IVC 1'11 rcp:a)' at a thou\:lnd urnes. Goodbye :uad ser ro n.'

qutd nunc ;¡rbuciru, Chr)s:~le? ruhal htic-tcmpore uba cñnuti daba. rum nolo te dé mei semenui agc:rc:. ucnnn, ut ego opinor, cbrc aurum debO . Kd ego nc:que mbcó ncque uetó ncqu(' swdcó. masercor alliu5 tuus c:n nón rninam cst quad Úct;~m, binós duccntos numm05 ecfc:ra.m. mane hic. mox domó cxi'bó :ad te, Chr)os;ale.

(1'\'icabii/us Jrl acJis mtrar r .scarr.a1 CH R. lit c:xnnun Troaac:! dclcm Gr:u:ci Tr(n:am! ecce. l>CIIlex

pr:aetbm cefcrt. taoebó nunc. ~IC.

( 11 R,



Ni '·• Cllll


cape hoe ;nuum. Chry~le. i, fcr li'liü. ego :td forum .1Utem n•o, Cl nununó~ IIIIIJti tl.tb¡; t•i'm l"jtud,•m tlli•, numnli)s .1c<, nolo ego re maha d

~ - - ~r<.'". e:~ pe ucru; oJaC\\t' f;arn. niín ca 1'1.1111,

ilt t¡Uaé,Ó,

nol\\, qu:ircl



zf) fllmllus' Rauludi.s

en R. nóló te aurum maht cbre. Ni c. ohé odu3sc f.acts. e 11 R. cü, si necesse ~t. sic. cüri hoc wn ego hüc rc:uenum (Nicobül11s cgw!atur) cuR c:ugepac:! <Üraui hoc1 mm tü hOc:-tcmpore \Ole mucmmu§

~. Ut mll bmc ges.sil me scruiui :nquc urbem Ccpi UÜUm sauw sum nugm astütii, 'Wmmo mgcmó nunc domum redibó atque hanc praedam Mnmlochó fcram

Secoon 2E


Earrowafly ú rcmu cut r/rcr :Mtt~bulus lw bur1 u tll unJ truly fomJ, aru/ l:t joms wu/1 Putockrw' Jather, P/uloxmus. m thtmctal Julr~ t>{ so11s. "J'hr)• Jurlk lo go ro tht hoult of tlst RatthiU$ anJ tr) r rrJlur

thtir sor u- bur are 1hm1Stlves msnartd by ftmnlt tlrart~rs

.u ftoci tll.t umml, sed mode1rc


' (Plrr/{t.\"t~nus, Puwdrri patrr. "' stawam "~~rtdllllf • 't 5fmm loquitur). -PJt llOXESV~ ut UÍlll mei frti me ~JhctUtl fui cg?.tuucm~~, e~ tilo

tcrnporc feci 1tb omma, sed rnodcstc. uoiUJ tllum tu ~e gcrerc ut uolun, JC4 nunu tllum lüdcrc: nólui. _ _

(Si~btilus In am:xm ·~rrJum. Phrlturnum triín ccnspWUlfr • .sal suum

loquwa) r. - brdi bl -sic. qui fuérunt quique c:runt stulñ nohdi f2tuí 1UD~ 1 enm

buceóne , sólu) ego omnú ~ntcro proptcr stuluwm_ mc:2m pcrii' mtc:rü' n:am Chr}'141U~ hodK me bccri:n'· me ~L\Cnlm. spohiutt miles Cleom:tchuJ om~u m1h1 ~utt. ilb multer dcom:achi mcrcuix ot miles nulbm wcorcm iubc:t. ~o. stuhmm1w ommum hormnum, nummas pro meucñcc lllí milni prómisi sed m:axmtC: irátus sum quod Chr}'Salus. scruw summii ncqumi. me dettplt

PH ¡ 1. (udcrm 1\7cobüli auJiuft) qws loquuur' (Nicobüfum rompwllur)

$Cd qucm utdc:o? htc: qUJdcm e5t p;¡tcr Mnésllochi. (Piuloxwum rolllpUoJtur) cugc. Phtloxcnurn, socium mati mei. utdcó. :ad allum :adgredau ct ::alloqU4r

(Nirolnilus ad Pluloxrnum atd~rrártur) Phtloxcne, uluc


s ic. I'H I L

sic. PHil.



s ic. P HI L.


PH lt.

ct tú unde uc:ni~ 7

undr horno muer ct infortúnitu!. pol q;o aba 1um tg¡tur Stmtlcm fonümm tubmlus sic cst sed tü die, quad ce solhot:at) Chr)S31u , opurnu' horno, meum flltUm pcrdtdtt. tuum fihum, me atque ran nmnan me:am mm ct Mnestlochus c:t Ptstoclcrus amita) h:abcnt quomodo seis cü) uidi tlüs. -pt:nt.

qutd mori mur i ciir non cuodimw fthos nostros? coniibtmumc allih cuocirc? luud moror.

sí c. con~bunur. i mC:cum. ~l!t]uc r isnc: me ad acdis Dacchidum ? Pllll.. té ~l·quar . prñgrcdcrl'.

NÍG, ambo progrcdll'lllUT l' l flhtl\ nom6~ codcm tcmporc scruan: cóniibunur.

(r1mbo ad ardi.1 BruthiJum J'"i.~mlirmtur)


3 o

l S


41 0

;3 ~mbó prógrrdtcmur rt iilio~ nomi» cOd~n trmpo~ ~nürc coruDtmUT.

heus, Bacchis, .a¡x:ñ forés, nisa m:iuis nós fores cffnngerc. Bt.CCHIS (J) (mtus lo.¡uitur) quts dim:n ? quu nommat me ct acdis

pulsat? 415

(Bacdudb tx aedibus t'xt:mt)

Ni c. ego :aque htc. BAC. (1) quad negoñ est? quis has ouis hüc düxn? sic. ouis m3s uocant illae pcsstmae! SOROR (2.) pistor harum dormlt; hae prorul i pccü cunt, 4~0

biltt:mtes. n A c. ( J) ::at poi nnent; haud sordidac uadentur ::ambac. !iOR. (2.) :mon~c ambae uidcntur e~~. P 11 1 t. rila e meretrices no5 deriderc uidcntur. pauemurne hoc? N 1 C. ego hoc non paciar . 42S

11 A c. ( r) ut opinor, pastor has bis m armo totondit. qutd tü .ubitr5ris? ~o K. (:a) (pór'ms ta Nicabulr~s) poi hodtc ali~¡u" ct•rtü h.111c ouc:m b1~

totonJit. u A c. ( 1) cóniibimumc illas mtro düccrc?

1 Pltlllfll1 lltul tltl" R ¡lllltlll ~'"""' tratliticltl

:.o R (2.) lll iiLw lllluli su m: n.:am 11t'quc lac ncquc lana m h.,bcnt. rC'gn·dtcmurnc muo, sCiror?

IIAC. (1) ma. re scqu.u (8a«hu!r4 od aráis rr.~mlnmlllr) _ NTC. m:mctc h:ac oues uolunt uos. - -BAC. {l) prOdtgJUm hoc cst· hümin:a ~~ hirum uox. appclunt nos

h:ac oues ~ic. h:ac ouó uóbis m:al:am T'Cll magnam daburu. SOR. {.:) sed CÜr m.:aJum UOs no~i~ mmi~nmi? PHJt qut.:a nostros agn& conclwos h.:abeus. . _ _ ~íc. nm 111& nobis prOdü~u.s • .:anctes cmnu!>, et m uos mcum-

btmus. BAC. (•) soror, cbm m&um loquéns? so 11. (-) loqu.u. qUid e t? BAC. (1) re uoló hüc adgredi soR (::) aLigrahar. loqucrc (scror uJ &udu'tkm aágmlum. rlam colloquuntur) sic. quó 11lac: :abcunt? _ _ . _ BAC. (1) (Phll.,~·nwm 111dlt.Jt) scnem illum ub1 mando. ce Jllum lcp1de

lrnirc uolñ ego ad hunc ir~tUm :adgrcdiar. sic conib1mur h(h antro c:Ogc:tc hüc.

so:R. (2) mcum otlioum ego lcp1de cüribO. qUAmquam molcstum cst mortctn .:amplcx¡¡ñ.

BA c. {2) f:ac ata ut nmi SOJI (2) tll~ tü cuum fac. ego mcum factre cónibor. ( IJ 'lult' al111111 llas ktr~ R~wg •r, Plalox~:nur has «m ~) nng Soror(z)) sic. qutd due sn cünnhó cbm ciinsubnt? Pllll qUJd :u tú, horno' Ni c. qutd me uis' Pllrt mhtli sum. Ni c. cür mh1Ii es? die m1h1 Pllll. utdesne lunc' (s"rórt'm srulicot) Nic utdcó Pllll. haud m:ab csr rnuhcr. Ni c. poi u ero tiiJ mala e t tü nahtli. PHJL qu1trmul~' ego ~mü. Ni c. ;unimc? 1' 1111 , 11:& urro.

Ni C. 11()11111 piitHll', \Clll'XIW :tuJ¡_:., alllator ficri? 11 1111 . olllliccl. <JUid C\1?



zU Pl.wws' Bacclaidés

!11 i c. quta Aigrrium est.

ptfll . t¡UJd-mulra? ftlium mcum non C~\tigibo, ncque tu IUUrn

osrigire debes. ñ am.tnt, S3ptentc:r f:actum (Baccludis aá smis regudturrtliT) BAC. (1) sequrnsne hic. wror? SOR. (2) scquar.

NiC qwd nunc? crwn rcddcus nobis ftMs' nm rcddéus 1!10s m:agnum ah1 m:alum cl1b0.

BAC. (1) patur. rwn doJorcm non .:acapt.:am, Ü me fen~ ~Te. ut blamliloqUA ese. ca mih1, metuo soR. (z) h.ic m:agu tnnquillus en. B A C. ( J) i me mecum :atquc tbi, sl uu. Hltum Cutig3 sic. .tbisnc: i me. scdus:> v 111 L. (sor oran alloquirur) ego te oró - dü me mttó t SOR. (z) Jcptdum re! rtlll.. at scbnc: meas cond1oones? suR. (z) mecum csse uü. P Hll he)C' cupto. si c. ó homincm pCSSlmum 1 rHTL 112 sum. BAC (1) i hic mecum lDtrÓ tbt h.:abébts uictiU, uinum, ungut'nta.


4 j

J Plautus rmd tlrt R '""m' fllllll( tr11Jitiorr

NiC. sam, saus 1:am u~tri cst conuiui. qu:adnngcnrós Philippós tihu~ 490

ct Chrjsalus nuht .abstulérunt. obliuisci non possum. __ BAC. (1) qutd t:andcm, lÍ dimtdtUm auri obt redchm, mgrcdu:runc

m«um mrro' PHIL. f:tact: omm:a obliui~étur sic. mmtmC. noto. miló tl!Os ulcisci du&• 49S PHIL. (inisoM) ctum tú, horno mhtli' untí es quanñ fungus

pündus 1 B:acclus nbt dimadaum .;~uñ dabtt. ac.ope. BAC. (t) si acapaes. poi tccum ~CtUmb:am. té am~bó ct

amplcxibor N Í C. penl UIX negó SOO

uc. (r) dum uiuts, benc nba fac uiu poi cst haud langa. ncque, si hanC' occistóncm hodlc 2mattC:s. post m mom: eucmct umquam

Ní c. qwd ago' PHIL. quad agcrc débó? rogii cuam? sos Nic. uoló, er mctuó uc. (t) qutd mctua~' NÍC. oonnc me trñderc Rhus l!t KrUUS uolent:; BAC. (1) non sm:am tllü~ sic. proptcr te 1mprobus fTo mu·ó me düc. ~·o

IIAC. (1) u daes, itc tntrü ct accumbttc. fitii u& cxspcctant mrus soa (~} ucspcr htc c:st ~qucmminc nós; Nic. scquémur, wnqlW11 adcbcñ

In many w:a B«tltiJi u thc most t) ptal of thc extnas &om Pbuuas m dus book. lt conwn' most nf thc clcmc:nts conumed in Whctston ' f:amous pn:ccpt

To work a c:omcddtc kandl-., gnvc old mcn should msuuct. young mm should sbcw tmpcrfectioru of youth, suumpcts should be WciVJOUS. boyes unhappc and clowns should spnk disordcrlye..

There u no msuucnon fiom grave old mm m thc c:xtracts vou ha\ e read. but rherc 11 plcnty earlu:r on m &cchtl/is from Lydus ·Pistoclcrus' tutor,,who lamc:nu haa puptl's fall to ruan. For 'clowns' r~d 'dcccttful slavcs , and you havc an ;a nutshell thc: typtcal PlautU$ comcdy. whtch w;as co have such an mRucncc upon, for exantplc:, restoration e d

Wc are lucky in knowmg that Plautua bascd Baetludis on th 0

7,~ y. txllpGton (Als t~ana rc';)v) 'Thc two-ttmc rnc:ksrer' by M de '1s enan er, css

z fJialltru' Raulridis 47

)u~;ky m th:u onh,· :tbout So scattcred lmcs of thc Mena d r ' f n tr survtvc and quttc .a tcw o thosc :uc muul:ucd In thc Mcn•nd L. __ • • cr vcr\lon tncrc uc So tr:atos (Mnc:stlochus), Syros (Chf)~lus), Mnskhos Pastocl~u :tnd 1 ydos, h1s tutor (Lydus). Therc are two f:athcn but thcir nama :uc not kna\\n. Therc as onc: f:rnous pomt of comp:anson Thc hnc whtch B)ron masrr:msl:atc:d as Whom thc gods loo. e dJC "O

Id L- ' d ') L 1 ung 1t \hou lK: IC'S IUS tts sourcc m me Mcnandcr pb~ 6v ol tko cptAOVO'lV i:nroevflc:ncEt \IroS • -:and Pburus tt-:arubrcd th con d qutm di J;I,~um l ml11~ns mmlllT) (sec: ~ hnQ 193--4 In m:'con~ a\ wc saw. UtC'\ .are neavtly sarc:a.snc. Chr}'$.:11US goc:s nn to u th:at tf thc gnas h<td lovcd Nacobulus. he would h:a"c dlcd long :ago nd Jt,. cd to be ruch ~ 'rotten mushroom '. Bnon tumcd th11 30; ~ ~nccr tnto :;¡ umvaul tngtc sob.

Sectio11 3 Plautus' A1uph itruó

Amphmuo, le.1dcr of thc Thc~n anm. lus left homc and has wafc Alcumena, to fight thc Tdc~n . He has taken bis slavc So~ia wtth hnn. Juplta (Jupplltr) has í:allen m lovc wtth Alcumena, and m order to wm hcr fa\OUB has dtsguuc:d hunsdf a~ Amph1truo. To cnsurc th:u thc hatSon remams undctected. and to prolong at. Jupatcr ha~ orderccl Mc.rcury (Mcramm) to d•sgu•~c hunsdf as Amphitroo's slavc Sos1a and to kccp a w:atch ovc.r thc housc.

ca1on 3 A

Tlrt rxrract cptru u•1tlr rlrt J¡sguutd Mcrcury 011 guarJ in fronr oJ tht lzouse. cu•a•tmg tht arnval of r'lmphrtruo' s SWI t SoSJa. Sosia is coming to gi••t Alcumma a:! !lance zltll J of Amplurwo' s '"'Fnding arrival.

:zs Comtc- be."lcU.

Jr,illt.liiS ptrSÓIIilt'

Amphitruó, dux lcgionum Thcbiinarum comünx Al - · - . - • cumenac· utr ~umma utrtutc '

Alcumcna, comunx Amphmuon¡s· Ct~mmn sum - - ·-- . , . _ • _ • m a consmnua. Sost:l, ser u~~ A mphmuoms. horno rmllñ .muria. lupptLcr, rcx dcórum; amitor Alcumcnac. Mcrcunus, nunuu~ dcorum, deos multa a'tütta- s- . ¡· · • OSI3C Slffi l IS .


JA Phmtus' Amp llfnlo 49

M f. Re v R 1 v s nómen Mercurio c~t tmh1· de u~ ,u 1 - - ·-1

- d !":' h ' · 111 mu ta astuua mu m ous. aec urbs ~~' Thcb:u.• C"'C J• · · • _ . . _ · · • ac ~'S sunt Amphmuoms. um 5Umma uirrutc et :wd- ._ d 1 _ Th

-b- - . 3CIOl, UCIS cgiOnUnt e :marum. uxor CIU!> Alcumcna c~t r,. -_ ·- _ • '"mma summa

constanua er pudiC"tna. 1s Amphmuñ cu . _ b _ _ m cxcrcttu a m et hac tcmporc cum T dcbolS bcllum nerit· ct ea Al - ' -

• _L sed co • n cumena ex eo gramo.a est patcr mcus, rcx clcñrum - -

- • • t:'t..-- L,- _ omncs cum uoutsn~: 11ua ru~.rum n:n1m C$l - Amphtt - · 1 -"' · Al - ruoms stmt cm se ICCH, Ct cumenam clam arnaUll Utnrnqu • e tgttur cst

26. Akumen.lm amaUit

grau1da - er ex uiro ct ex summo louc. p~tcr mcus, Amphttruoru simih~. hic noctc mtus cum c:a cubat, ct ob cam rcm hace nox langa e,t. hace ucró nmc cst ommum longtss1ma. ego. Mcrcurms. nüntius dcúrum, tmiigancm Somc. scrui A m phirruoni), ce pi: u une 1guur \),•a~· ''mtlt, su m. hcxhc tamcn ct Amph1truó l't scruu' c•m ab cxcrntü dClmum rcucrucnt. ccce! ts scruu' nunc u~·mt. m ca' .Jc<h' ingH•di cónabttur, ah cis acdtbu' q~n ~·um ab•g.u11.

(Sosi11, seruus Amplutruolll$, in,~n·ditllr) "O !.1 A ~llll" homo andlic10r. ll"'' d"lnfrJ~·nunr, l¡ui- inruor \¡u.un ~go? M 1! R. (H~CIIm loquítur) qu•~ ~tultior?



J 50 J>lnurm multht Ji (}/111111 (111/IÍt rrr~ditiCitt


Mil R.

so .




munó ucró ego autl:ic•~sunus surn ornnium hommum. confldcntiS.\IrnUS, klfli'Simm.

stuluSSimus. · · b ¡­aud.icmsmw um quta solus pcr h:mc longtSSnnam am u o

W~ 11 ... ~ lonntor t"St quam haec? quac m~nM noctem n:un q ~ ..- t> • _ ~

qu:am hace' ccrtc c:depol. Nocturnus dom~lt ebnor, u~ ego aedó rum noque Scptentnones se m odo cammouent. ncque se Lüna müt:at, noque lugul:ac ncque Vcsperüg<) neque ·-Vcrgtlue ocodunt 1u sunm sunt omma ea stgna neque dtcs umquam apFrct. numqtUm noctcm usdebO longiarcm,

numqwm msnoran 1 -

pcrge, Nox. ut nunc perg•s numquam dabrs operam mdtorem

dommo mdsoñ 1

ün:nn umen noctcm longtorcm qwm hanc uidi. nam ólun donunus meus me uerbctiutt ct tót;un noetem pcpcndí. ca nox longtor fuat qwm }¡:acc' nunc umen, ut crédo. sol dormu, :~dp<)tus probé _ _ _ hommem stultt.~sunum' hommc::m numqwm wdebO stnlaorem

quam cum' . _ nunc m aedis donnni mcl mgrcdtar unpcnum Amphauuorw c:xsc:qwr et usC'tonam eaus Akumenac nünnibO. n:un hostis uiomus, oppadum dirum cxpugn.iuunus, multillll pracdam cépmlU~ sed ünuóncm mc::~m paultspcr mcdu.ibor .•. quomodo maorum nimbo Alcumcn:u:" quae uerha ei di ca m' (pauf¡ ptr mrtlrtatur) r.ic c:í loqw.r!

ccnon 3 B Sosr;: tksrn tlrrrr amt al 111 rnrtrl) t~rrrtory, Amphuruo's p~au offtr 11 r~ ttt1 n tht prrpara11 " 11 lwtl1 Sldts (or battle, the C(mflitt; Amplutw 's VION) , anJ tht SliTrrtlffa of tht' t'IIOtlf t'IJI!OYS TltXI Jay .

• nOs 111 ouó ct p;icc Cuunus TIIcbo~c. Ulñ summa feróca:i, no :adgrcssi sunt (,¡m subató, uam ferocttcr adgrcssl, maxun:am pracdam .¡dcpu sum. h:mc pracdam adcptí, domum rcgr~si \Uill. duo nostñ TIIcboas ulcisd uolucrunr, quod TclchNc nnü~u fucrum, ct n11bi~ ~.-ausa bclli tihm~ma futt. mihtc:; •guu1 r•oHri, forus~11111 Ulrt, nd t•.un rcrram m nauabu~ prógrcs\i ,unr. ad tcrr.llll pr(lgrc~''· ex nautbm u:lcntcr cgrc:ss1 sum. t: nawbus cgH')M, t'.t,rr.t ~t:ttllll pnsucrunt. Amplmruo hostis pcr lcgató' 1c .. ,llnc:iüm ~·\t' ",, 1'drlm:H·, \Í uih tanta m pracdam 111 agro




fllmmu· Amplmrua

:7 tune pnecbm adepti. domum rcgrrni sunl

Argiuó adcpñ, omncm lunc p1acd.1m nobi rcdden: uulm Amphn~ exer~tum Wl: ?ello domum rcduccc, ab ;~gro• :a~~Jt, pace.m ct onum uob1s dabat i non uulu, n~quc amnu nobJS d:abms, opp1dum uesrrum oppugn:abu ct dclcbu •· stc locüñ sum Amphitruorus lcg;iti sed Iclcboac 1r. TC!oponderom: ''uós, Thebini, itaUm .:tbitt' no tri mntte\ uari sunt summi r~f"~ umütc maJOmi bellum crcmui, si nccase cnt. c:t nós nostr~ue tútan ¡xn umus uo~ agttur nostro c:x agro ~as.i, excrcnum ue\trum dcdüou: ·

!.le Tc)choac. faóotcr locüti muJr.¡q e n u" cxttCJtu­muüti. AmphJtruoncm acrotum d" agro lU'tn dedu e 1u\Sérunt. Amphmuo tgnur h t ul lwt ct e anru omnem cxcrotum cckntcr prOduxn eglones cdiixáunt ni» ~~-n- inmÜxlm gaiina irrstriixérunt sui5 dcmd ampcut r

CXJttunt ct atr;¡ rurbam - rdmum t1

n Arnph1truo Jouem predtu) Nt et e er rum h ruru t

louem preclru) c.xcrcttumquc h rut m p la am rttt tullt. cóp•ac ummquc: le 111 prorlmrn tul rum

dcmquc. ut uolum1u,, upc <~Un. d h non A mphatruo, hor cnn p• tu,, qun w: 1t1

pmdaum audktt'l fcrrc IU''IIt H1 pr hum tul runt e pa¡~uc ho,ttum .md:it t t pr m u u t t m

Plcmtus awJ thl' R ,u mili f,,,;r trmJitulll

J ~ ~J· • ~J 11,.,F)(rum pu~nautmu.s. po~trcmo

fiw:un roc:runt. U~\1Ul • • .. - 1 -" • ¡· d~r-;mit ~ic homs nosrros t lo tcmpon· nox uc111t ct proc lllnl \: • . _ . iormc:r uiomu,. h.tnc t:un tllü~trem ~dcp~ -~ctor;am, - - -

h - J• - - h )StiUitl lll al'tr:a pmtndtc acccpll. lcgatt

Amp nruo cg.ttO' ( h - -ho)uum, mtscré ex urbe profc:c:ti, e~ nó~ ~e ~e"':tcr prccau, dcdtdcrunt sé, urbem. liberó,, omnl!l diuma humanaquc m

arbttrtum Amphmuóms.'

(SMrD IJas Jimslrrdlris 1'''wrr• sprrtfr) • .11 d hace jlC mcac diom donunac. nunc m ~cdis mgr~<;U\, 1 ~ unpcnum Amphmuóms exseq~r. om_ma Alcumc:n~c locu~us,

1mpenumque cxscciims . .ad Amphttruonem cdcrnc. n:dibo.

ectton 3 e Jft:ra

1ry aunly outll'rls 'MUJ ami, u rtlr 1l11: lrtl¡ of a Jrur u.•c!ll-timcd

puud:ts. almost C/lnt•IIICt.S S"Slil tlrat ltr u somcorrc rlsc.

M¡; R. qUJJ fattürm cst ~~ ,cruu~? c:.tnc 111 h~" aedis ingn .. -ssüru'? C\tnc

omnt.'i dé ci utctóna Arnplutruóms dictürus? ego ad cum ~dlbó et :tb hl' acdibus cclcrnmc ab1gam. numquam hunc hommcm .ad :aedis perucnirc hod1c qw.nJó me:a fürma ClUS (Orm:tC >lnllhS C:St- llllrtlO ucró tllc nOil e"St mi gmthor qua m ego -moro suntlhmos habeoo. lb'ltur ego m:alus. olhdus. :~stütus aó, ct m:ahu:i. doi1S. astün15. fallacii), ui cum

ab his aed1bus cdc:rruné (Sósia, m a(tlrs mtrátrírus, ,\1aomum censpw'itur} ós. nunc ego m :u~Ül$ tntriitürus ~um ct domini facu

nárr.:itürm ..• sed qu1' cst ha e homo? quc:m utch.-6 ante acdi:o Jommi? ob~ccro herdc. qu:1m fort1s c:.t! oumquam foruorcm uidi. mtmmc placct ... cerré hospttium mcum pugncum cm. mtscrnmus sum 1

(Mrrcury /m:bers "1' ll'ltlr ltis jisrs. ptttcuáwg 11M ro sec S&Jsia) M f. R. magnum cst pomlus hu u: pugnó, ~d m:uus pondus 11li ...

~ÜS, pcrii1 pugnó~ pontlcl'2t! pug11is OIC .:\CClpcrc uult. MJ R. >i ~1ui' hül uenu.:t, pugné¡~ ,·dct. !> f) s. tnlhl 11011 plaret. ccnaui lll<ldo •.. M 1 ll. ,¡ hlc pugnu~ rh l;tng~·t, cxm~llt11111 1.•rit •. _ !>Ó., 111~ pugnis CXOS\:irt• lllllt ;¡ Ü lliC IIIISCrUm! rantí ero (}lWili

mür ~na! Mtll lll'St:IO'!lll~ hí~ IOIJIIIlllf.






1 1 ~

¡C P/cwtru' .•lmpllitnlá S.l

\aJuu: sum! me non uidtt! n:un nomen rnths niln nc.~OtlUIS \Cd Sost.a cst.

(,\lrrcmws Siisiam conspwitur) M 1 a. quo ttürus es. mtsemmc' dio m1lu quu ;

lib ; ¡ • o.· 'IC:ns umc a, ;m




~H lt.


''¡;k. .. ós.

cr. oquere. ~1m e! ~ruw swn. in aedis dommi ttürm. cut u~ ~ruus ~? cúr. m hi~ :.1cdi~ mtratürus, tccurn stlcnter loqucm? qu1d nümiatüru\ c5? Jic, omruum ponme m cis acdh sum mg!tci unts 1 · d • 112m l:ICC 1U~Sit OIDIIIU\ ffiCU\, t'IUS

cn1m scruus sum.

.a~í, \C'elernm _ caput! _hamo mlnli es! nm ulcntc:r ahihu. ego u:, scclesu; his pugnlS cdcnus cx0$saoo! unti cm q~nti mürena! si m me pugnas cxerotürus es, cür m p:anetcm cm nón pñmó domis? si non abtois mtim. . sed hic habito~ :uquc hulU~ fanuhae seruus \Uill

4u1~ e.c dommu!> ubs? Amphttruo. hominum opmnu~. ct uxor etus. Alcumcn:1 . muliernm pukhcrnm:1.




1 Plautus ,,,¡ 1¡,,. Jl '""'"' ccllllll trtJdítlllll

et c¡UJd cst 11iuucn ub1, ('l'S$Jnlt'! _ _ _ _ ,_

(¡:r;zwll)') Sil\lllll 111 t- uoc:mt 1 hcbam. Oa~1 ñ~1~m · , qmd tÚ JoqueJ"I)) 111~1~0$: :udJCI~~IJnC. tU S0~1a CS. ego ~Um

i\(})u. noli huc d ti\ conmtu ucmre.

Ml R

- tmmo cónsi.iti)-tum(;i' húc ucmó, non dotis. so . -M u. .:n mcntins, c.crtó ptd1bus, néin tumcis. uérum.

(.\lrrnmus ósiam pu~is Jrrótitrr urrkrat)

-· pero • E R. num d.irnis. homo mhali' cu1 scruu nunc es:

-.os. sum Amplnrruonu ósu


MER S&u ego surn. nón tü {puJnís rwn ftr. 11.11 urrbrrat Mrrfll11111)

~ó~ pcru1 occadit M ER cümlis, hmno mh1IP tacé

-.6 • ucébó n ta. quu donunus ruu~ cst :~ cu1 nunc seruus es?

s ó '· ncsc•o. que m m:namF ui'' M E: R rnchóril loqucns, ljUIJ tgltur? qlllci llUIIt' nbt C~l OOniCil;

só~. ncsc1o. '}utd uis? MI a. opum:a dicu es Amphllfuilnu Sos1:a?


~ós mmtmé M fR. optunc rcspondés. ncmo enmt ~~ scruus Amphtrruoms nm ego.

OS. (sltunt foqultltt} ncmo CSt pctOr qu2ll1 h1c pcsstmus. OÓIIOC SUnl

ego seruus Arnphmuorm Sósu? nonne ego nunc .stó 3ec1tS :m te nrutri~' nonnc loquor' nonnc hic habtto? nanne hu: horno me pugni) ucrbent' nónne domum mltúrus sum nosrr:am?

(S-nam d mum enuun11n Mrrnmus prohr~t) MU quac ucrb:a loquem' ucstr.lm dios domum? sed ~c:c domus

mc-4 cst. nón tlU, horno mhtli noti menññ. (pugnis JrroliUrtnl urrbm:t Mrrtunus Sósram) 'iOS pcm! qurs ego ~um, \i nón ÜM.:a' té mtarogo. t.l I:R ubt ego Sos1:r nólo ose, tu S&1:a cm. nunc. quando ego :>u m

osa;a, :abi, pesmnc (>..,, (sttlllll p/Jit111111111 mri/rttÍIIIS /llqllltm) Cc.rtc, f~rma CIUS ~umllirna

\.'51 rnc.rc. n:11n cunJt•m pcmmm hnbct, cundcm uc~titum, e:.mlcm M.uur.un, c:ó~dl:m,., rdcm mcntum. casdcm mj)~~.

t :atlcm l.1hr.J, bam, n."u•n, l'nllum. totu~ mci ~imilis C'it . "

uéril '"'uhnr IH''' ~¡ ego. ~¡ tcrgum habct ndtrlcñsum, n¡:mo ~trn1llnr rnci. ,,.,\ l·go t't1111Jcm ccrtC\ ldcm sum, Só~1.1,

do1111111 o¡mn11 ~cruu\ optrn1u~. nr.llm cmm ,l·ruus mclrnr







quam ego. nüllus dominu\ mchor •111 , 111 At 1 h -• ·- . . • • 1 1' ltf\l(l

(sic /oCIItut Sosra t:m)

Scction 3D

,\tcrtltt}' amuus hirnsdf by ~~o•onJt-rma wlrat Amphu 11 h 1 1

L , • , "' ruo 11 1 D'f t tll O ID

tt ls 11111 tnat Sossa pr~vrntcá h111r cll!tmsa thr J1 ... 11 d ¡

!f b ~ " • a11 n~t ru are

himtt ota tlll,~ such an rxalltm slalt' m juprttr' n 11 r Jupurr "'" dugua J as Amphitwo. büls farn¡·rll to a J,sro, ol '( Afn1rn na

1 1 R. nunc luxt ~tri meó Alcum'Crum :unirc nthtl CJ obu:u. sed qurd tl!e S~u _ Amphmu(m'i ,loquctur' 'non hcuu mtha 10 ~ccia

mgrcd1 ?b_sa~t m~t ~us , tum Atnphtttuó 'qurd dim·• mqutc~ cur nbt non licwt? &1:1 allc • quod Sé.nl:le non

pb~tt ~~~m~·-~-Amphnruó 'qu1d dim, o prntmc ~uorum • Sona Sostac non pbcuu OSI:I en un obsttll\ • tu m Amphrrruo, scruo ~uo tn:IXIRIC iritu~. 'qutd maha dicu pc~tmd So>ue nón pi.Jcurt? ~d tü ~t:a es! menttm, horno mhrli: nón nb1 aedó.' ct Sóst:r 'crédc rnrh1, l\ummc non mentior, sed nbt UCr.l ruco.' sic Amphmuó seruo tlli iriuor


1 S

Plmuu.< aud tltr R omau tomrl tradition

. . A hltruoni· ncquc Amphiuuó ei ).:ruó crédet, tTet -cruu~ 111P ' - - )" -b ncq.uc Amphnruóni \cruu~. mrcrci, p;~tn meo ICC lt- >

1 - - . 110- nnc scruus malus. calhdus, 3\Cutus su m . A cumcnam ~marc. · _ .

- . . pt1mus opumó p;uri? n:un s1 patc:r m1lu nonnc ~ruus sum o _ _ _ . _ sc:quor ce imnerio cms pareo ut fihus pam

1mpcr:u, cum - • r- _ - l ·h· bo go ~um loui si qUJd meo patn p acc:t, m1 1

nu~ csr. tr.l e - · _ . _ la j qutd n:¡rñ non placct m1 mmus placct. SI qtud

mag1~ p ccr s r·- _ _ · _ 'h . _ fuppltCr mi unperat. ci s:ar1m pa~c~. SI q~1d m1 1 mmat~r~ mctuó si cu1 iriitus c~t. e1 ct ,·go 1r:uus; s1 qu1bu~ fauet, tlhs

h bus f'aueó ego. si quh cúrat: cst loui, as cura~: m1h1 ¡;st si onun1 d 1

__ 1

_ qu1~ otfio loui or. od1ó is est ct ':"'lu. si ~~ uo up~aC: ~u1 c:sr. íd uolupcati ~e m1h1; ~~ cu1 lupplt~:r auxil1o csr. aux1ho ca _ hommi ego. sí qu1bus unprdimcmo lupp!tcr c:r. Impedimento iJiís ct ego. ego 1g1tur cxcmpló sum (Tiiís ommbus, ut pacer me u' excmpló 1-'St pambus ommbu~ 1

d nunc hu1c scruó maxamc placee tacerc. nam crepant paulum cardm~ ct pater m<~u~ ex acdíbus cx1túrus cst.

(mgmllrmtur m scaenam luppm·r rt :ilctrmina. complexus paulum

.-tlcumb/Om, luppiter d loquilur) ·-IVPPITER u;¡fé, Alcuména. et ribí paree, precor, quod mox panuraes.

miht neassc cst ad cxcrcirum rcdire. ALCV.\iESA qutd nbt negóñ t.~t. mi uir? cür ribi Opus e>t tam subitó

domó ablrc? IVPP. nón quod miht r.acdio es, uxor ciim~tma, sed ub1 impcriitor

CXCt'CitUÍ SUÓ nón praccst, plúnma maJa flunt. bono a m m o C.'>! mcdi~ nocte uenisñ, nunc mane abi~. hoc nb1 placer? cür hóc

rcmporc non mecum paulum manes? ALC.

tVPl'. mc-a uxor, mah1 mimmé placee abirc. sed ncccssc cst miht cópiiS mcis praec:.Sc, ct onnllbus rcbu~ opcrtlm darc. credc mihl nam cu1 placer ab uxóre abire?

AL C. nóJo re abire, mi uir. plüs te .unabó, si non abibis. 1\'PP. cúr mé renes? nofi mih1 ob~carc. OpU:. mthJ CSt ad copias

celc:mmc rcgrcdi

Al C.

cccc; csr mih1 patera aurctl. hace patera fuít rcgis Telcboiirum. sed curo an procho ml'á manü nccaul nun' agírur ego patcram ellb )¡,¡bcQ. hanc iguur patcram Ubl daoo: nbt Crtl patcr;l regis. qua bus uíñs nón pbcct ahqurd uxonbus dar e:-? au.,pe ... ;~copt6, ct gdn:b max1miis ub1 ago. mi uu.

t v 1> P. abi pr ac, Sos1t1. mm ego scquar. numqutd LllS, mea uxor? Al C. uolo te cclcnrcr rcgrcdt. complccrcrc me 1






$D Plaurus' .-1 rnphitmo

1 v 1> p. complccur rta ut uis. bono animo es 1 cel· - __ s . · cm me regn:urar.

(tcmrplt:ws Alcmnmam, lupprtl!r cJbrtúrtiJ t!:It Alcrrm·nA ¿· . ¿· ) _ _ • • 1: .. rn clt IS 111grt llur

1 v PP. nunc. nox, re dtmllto. <JUantó long1or nox r.0 - b · d

·- t; _ _ _ . 11 Jt, tanto rcutor 1cs der. s1c cmm amatonbu~ maxímc· pi -L, · acct. nunc too ct

Mercunum sequ.u

(,\./ncursum SU'IÍIIIS lupp1ttr i stacná igrtditur)

And thcrc wc must lcavc Alcumcna Amph1truo him~clf rctutm and thc confus10m ~tart all ovcr ag~in. Convinccd Alcumcna ha~ bccn fanhl~s to h1m, he stor?1' out. Jupttcr thcn rc-entcrs .1nd calnh Alcumena down, hut :1hcr tht!> the ongmal tcxt bcrorncs \erv muulated. What 1s ccruin Js thar thc two Amphmu0 , and thc two Sosias en. ate much confuston .md ir is Jefe ro Jupner to ~ort lt all out at thc cnd, wluch he docs with thc hclp of a twan bính to Akumcna nía morral ~on (lphtclcs) bv Amphrrruo and an unmortal ~on (Herculcs) by humdt

Hcre 1\ che clmmg ;cene.

(Emcr Bromia (tlu llllrst') Jrom hotr:!t, in a pauíc) B Ro M 1 A Oh dcar. 1 )hall nc ver gct out of thi~ alivc- not 1 hopc

M~ ncr\'C ~a~ gone and thtng!> have rcally got on cop oí me Alter what S happcncd indoot5 rvc no idea \\hat ro uo. 1'm m a real ~tate: 1 think r m gomg lO faint! Brmg me: ~omc watcr, somconc. quilk! I'vc a ~plitting hcadachc and 1 can't ~ce stratght or hcar propi.!rly. l'm thc mo~t unhappy wom:m altvc-! Thmk ot wh;n happt'tlcd to my mtmes~ toda\'. \'fhen hcr labour started, shc callcd on thc god~. and th~e \\~ a cu~hmg md bangang and " · umble of thundcr - loml and suJLicn and powcrt'itl thc thund~·r was. Thc nom· mad~· cvt·q·onc drop to thc gaound whl're thcy stood. Thcn ~ome cnormous ..-oicc callee! .H. .\lcumena don't he afrJ1dl Hdp 1 commg. The lord of hca..:cn ts conung m alllundnos 10 you and \'OUn Stand up '. 11 s:ud. • all of you who are lymg down m fe.u and terror l"tl me.' 1 wa~ lymg on che ground, .tn,l 1 gN u p. 1 thought thc h~1use W:l~ on fin:, so bnght ".l~ rhc ilght. AlcumcnJ ollcd rnc; 1 \\as ~ull tcrn6c(l but f~r of the nmtres~ prc\atlcJ 2ud 1 uu to he-r to rind out .,\ h;at shc w.lntcd . 1 S3\\ shc h:1d g1\ en btrth w t\\ m bors. None of us had uouccd th<.· bJTth Clr \\ .l\ rcath for lt ( \lrt rwtrrr AmpJurruo l}'lllg 011 tht' .~ruuud) tlut "h;u\ tlm~ Who's clm old

1 [1/,wllll dlllltltt• Rmrt•lll rmllif lrrlllitroll

,;o. Amphitruo struc:k b) hghonng

man l~mg tn fronc of thc housc? H:as he becn muck b) lsghtmng? 1 beh~e he tw. Hc's btd out líke :a corpsc! 1'11 go .:md 5.c:C \1iho 11 ts. lord! lt's i\mphuruo, thc rn:l ter! Amphmuo! W:akc up!

AMPHITRUO J'm done for. BROM Get up. A.\IPH. J'm deJd BROM. Gs\'C me \'Our hand A M P H . Whmc han el as tt' BRO,,, l'm Broms.:1, )'our maul, ''M P 11 , 1 Wll' 'c::ucd sufl b) that thunJcr-cbp of Jupitcr\. 1 Íl·d n' sf 1

\\\IS rt•turnang frmn tlll' UudcrworiJ BUt wh) h:wc you ~·unw 0111 ~

IIROM Wr wl111 Wt·n· i1hh>"'' 111 your housc wcrc JliSt J:> tcrn(icd .1~

} 1111 \\'Lil' r \'l' \('1"11 SOiliC ,IIIMZIIlg thmgs. Oh d~:;tr. t\mphtll\10, l'rn sullunl\' h:rlt:..Comt·rou~.

3 Plmuus' Amplritru6 S9

AM 1'11,


A M Pll.

tiRO M.


11 RO M.

A M P U.


AM Pll.




A M Pll.




A M P 11 .


A M P 11.


Pull vour~clr togcthcr. Do vou know th 1 ¡• ·h ~ • ·' m )'Our mo~stcr t\mp llrUO.

Y es 1 know that. Look again. Ycs l'm sure. Shc's thc: only onc of thc: sen.-:¡nu who h~· .. . • .. n) se-n se-Oh no, m, mer re :~JI qunc samble But my wir"c: is dn\'Ulg me m;¡d '\\1th hcr ""1cicd 1'11 makc you c::at your words, Amphmuo, :md n:~th;¡t your ""1fe ts 2 good :md modcst ''aman h onl\ uecd ~ fe\\ ,-.or-ds to gwc: you proof posmvc: f1m, Alcumeru hu Jud twm soru. What'!. that? Twins? Yes. twms. Hc:a\'cn hclp me:! Don't tntcrrupt, :ancl 1 can :mure you dt.n thc gods .m: ~1 full of ktndnc~s to you :md your v.1fc. Go on, then. After ~our wifc: wem tnto labour u)<la~· and thc p:uns beg:m, shc C2Dl-d on thc tmmort4l gods, ;u \\a mm tn chsldb1rth do, hcr h:mds waihcd and he' had C'O\'c:f'C'd. lmmc:dsltel) thcn: was a most fnghtful thundcr-chp. \\:e thought ~t Únt thc: house v..d.S falling down. Thc wholc place \\a abblc <U sfn w:a.s made of gold. Gct on wnh Jt, you h.:m: kcpt me 111 ~U5pcrt\Ot' long cnough Wh:at happcnc:d next? \llhtlc: all tlus was gomg cm nonc of us hcrd \ our wtfe gr-oarung or- OYtng out She gavc btrth wnhout a plng 1' m glad of that. howc. cr badh me tu bdu\ cd l m Lct th:at be. :md buen to whu 1 am gomg to tdl \OU Attcr the bsnh me: told U$ to wash tite boys. Wc: ~tJrtcd ta do w Uut thc hoy T wa~ \\':lshmg was so bs¡; ;md trong th:u non~ of U5 could wrap hsm up 111 hb ~w:addlmg doth~ 1 ~ow cxtraordmarv! lf vour stun' truc thcrc an be no dCILtbt

1 •

th:11 my w1f~ had hdp from hcaH:n But 1hcfl·'s somcthing vou'll dunk .strll more c:xtr:~orclmJf'\. Alter he wa~ scttl~·d 111 h1~ cr:HIIc, two hugc Cl~tcd \~rpcnL\ ~tsd mto thc courtv.ud .. 111d nt (•ncc r,\1\cd d1c1r


1 Jnw .1 wful 1

Po11't panic. Thc si:rpents h:lll .1 good look round .md tJrt r

1 PlamiiiS arul tht R•'"""' awnic traditioll


3 1 Thc: duld k:ilkd lhc:m both

thc) S.l\~ thc bO\ thC) m:~dc str:ught for thc_ cradb. 1 backcd awa\' :and tncd to pull thc crddle$ '' tth me:, icanng b01h for the ~hildrcn :md for m) df. The scrpcrm followcd ~ull more angnlv. Hut '' hcn the bo) 1 wa\ ulkmg about saw thr:m, he JUmpc:d out of ht a:adlc: qusck as a flash. maJe m:ught for thcm :md gnbbed one m och h:md .

,.. M plf H0 ,., astomshmg' What a n=:tll) fnghtful ~ory! h s hopnf) mg JU5t to hcar 1t What h:spprncd nc.\:t' Do go on.

BIIOM Thc ch1ld k11lcd dtt'm both. And \\htlc all tlm was gomg on a loud ..: 01cc c:allcd ) our "tfc:'s namc

AMPII. Whosc \Otee' BIIOM Thr: \Otee of thr: suprc:rne rula of gods :md men. Jupttcr He

~·d he: h:ad socrctl) bct-n m bcd \\1th Akumcna, ;md th:n thc be,, who had manglc:d thc: scrpenu w~s hts ;on, thc othc::r onc )Ours.

A M PH. Wdl, wdl 1 \'liOn't compl:un ot shartng thc procccds half :md half wuh Jupncr (ro Bromra) In )'OU go. gul. Havc thc sacnfioal \'CSSCb rnad~ rc:&dy for me at once so that 1 can pr;~) for thc favour of]upttr:r ommpotc:nt.

(F..x~r Brornra) 1 Wtll scnd for Tncsta~ thr: ~ccr and ask what he th111b slwuld be done, and tcll lum about tite wholc affatr. But what ts tlt1~?

Wh:at a thundr:r-dap! JI caven hdp JI! l.'! Uuprtn 11pptarJ abcwt)

PI1111111S' llmplritruo 6J

1 UPITI'R hChccr upth. Amph~ruo, 1 h~\'C cometo hdp \:OU :and }Ours. T ere rs no mg ro rc:~r. Don t hother wnh sc:crs :and soothsayers. 1 am Jupttcr .and wtll tdl ~ou both .tbout the future and thc p~t much beucr than the) can

Ftr~t thcn. 1 madc lovc to Alcumcna and gQt hcr pregnant wuh 2 son. You had maJe hcr prcgnam too \~hcn ~ou ~ent to \\":lr. Shé bore both childrcn :u onc btrth 1 he one concel\·ed from me \\111 bnng you und)1ng glor) b-. hB

achu:-.cmems. Go m now, :and hvc \\1th Alcumena )Our \\tfe '",th all )Our carha- affccuon. She hu done nothmg )OU an blamc hcr for. Wlut she dtd w:u under the ~pclt of ID}

powcr. 1 now rcturn to hcavcn. A MPH. 1 wtll do as )'OU tell me. and 1 pra) tlut ~ou \\itll kcep }'OUr

promtscs. 1 ,..,u go tn to m\ ,.,,fc9 :md l'll kccp ,~en d~r of old Tuesta'

{JI( mms to th( audrena) Now for the sale of juptter :alrmght), lct\ h:&\'e o me: applau'>C from che: audu:ncc:'

Thc Amplmruo thcme has been a frustful one 111 Wcncrn ltterarurc lt ha~ mtcrcsong tht'.:lmcal. thcologtcal :and ps-.chologtCll posstbtlsoes th cffect of Jupncr' tntcrvenoon m a lupp) mamagc:. the themc of the '\\TOngcd' wtfc/hu~lnnd - but wlut luppcns \'l:hcn .a god u rt>Sponstble for thc: wrong?- thc cmottons of Alcurnena. thc 'Ju~uficanon' for tt all m thc btrth of Hercul~. Thcrc u a plcasmg complt~xll) about the plot. wtth much cope: tor mtstakt'n tdcnnt\ Mohere'~ Arnplurryon (t6S ) has a m;aJor tnno\atton. m that Sossa a gt\cn a,.,..,(~ Cltanthh. wuh "'hom Macury-Som an bccomc embroslcd m thc S2mc w:n as Amphttruo-Jupttc: n c:mbmtlcd \\1th Alctuncn.,. Drydcn's .4mphitrpm, r Tht' Tu o osras {t6c)O), bun! on Mohhc\, gocs )Ct funhcr anJ. whtlc kccpmg ost.t\ v.tfe, mcroduces a ma1d for Alcumena allcd Phacdra. Mercury- os1.1, anevttabl). f;¡}Js m Jo, e \mh Phacdrn :md h:as thc trate Mn SoSia to d~l v. tth. NothCf' pla) ~ 3rc p~) cltologtcally \'Cr) complc::x. unlikc Klem·~ Gcrman vcrston of 1 o¡, whtlh conccmratcs po,,crfull) on thc ccmAsct of cmouons \\'tthm Alwrncna . Thc Frcnchman Jcan Gir;~udoux wrotc Amph•try"" JS (i.c. thc ]8th \ cr.smn !) sn t9l9, and thts pla) 11 rr:mukablc for thc bnlliaht w1t .111J irony of tht• ~onvr:rs.1t1ons bc:twccn Jupttcr and Alcumcna (\\ hcn Jupttcr tca~ingl)' a ks Alcumcn;¡ what eh~ rught .wnh hmt was ltkc: :lnd suggc."Sts ;¡ \ ;mct) of cptthcts, mcludmg dtvmc: shc

1 Plaut11s ami tl1r R oma11 comir tradi1icm

ro hu grcar fury, tCJ«U thcm all :and whcn hl" indtgn:mtly dcm:md~ ro know whar u hdll bcrn lakc, shc rcpJacs 'so •.• domes tic').

Shakcsparc uscd rhc rhcrnc of rhe m;n scr\'4nts in A Ct~mrtf¡ oJ Emm Thn pby JS brgel) b.lsed on Pbutus' .\fnw«lmu, thc story of twnu sepanrcd .ar btrrh '"ho find rhcmsdves brought rogcrher as adulu, bur h:akcspcare tncrc.:lSCS rhe poss¡biltries for ha\·oc b) mtroduang rwm !ICIV:Ints too Rogcrs and Hart's Tite Boys from Syr~UJ~~. a Brt»d\li"a\ hu of 193 • u a furthcr devdopment of SIW:cspcare's ada


Sections 4- 6: The demise of

the R otnan Republic

1 'J"hr :/pnr 'l 4 tlrr ll•'"''"' lltpulllir

u<uall scllatJrls). fncnds ¡¡nd rcbuvcs of scmr-offioal starus (romrtr5),' ( >. l f 1 oal JOb~) anJ othcr m mor offioak c.g. rrcrftctr (men lll ( nrgc: O Sf e: • Jiavm .and sC1ibar (dcrks)

Thc problcrn \\:li th:H Ulc rcmpt:mon of gr.aft and corru~uon a c.ars to ha\ e b«n \lrtUJII) trrC)ISUblc. Smce w:inrung o rcc Jn PP b ·c;~lth)· provmce cr.~ve thc: Rome \\.U dn e pcnSr\ e usrncss. a \\: . :::.- 11

lmrun ~' to re(OUp llc: could sdl JUSltCI:: be: could se !:'c:mpnon from ~utc duues (such u, for c:.. ... amplc:. supplymg ~h1p5 llnd men for c.xtarul dt'fencc he could worl. lund m g]o,·c: wnh t4.'!:

coUcctors (pu l~toJnf, men \\ho bougln thc:: nght to ccllcct uxcs m :a pro,.mcc:) lnd cd, o scnous was thJS problem the \'CI"\ first st:tndmg caun m Rornc ,, 01s a court Jé rq¡rtur.tlis. • ?" pro,:nCt:al atortron •. (rt¡~et• '1 dauand bJck \\ h~t 1' mm e ). eso.bU,hed m 149

rn an ctfort to check th~ abuse<\ tn 75 Ctc:cro md yonc m rCII) :u qmustor :md boasted th:u h~ had

nudc nor a pcnll) out of n a11d mdeed th:u he had chl'Cke!'il abuses ae:urut 1hc locab. Tlm 1s '' h) Cu:«< clanns th;u thc provmct:tls turne:<! t~ hun for d1(' prnsccuuou of rhc notonous Guus V erres. ;\~ prJtl&lT of S1al) from 73 to 71, Vcrrcs h:ad h\ all acwunt\ rmsmanaged aud abusc:d thc prO\'UICC on .a sc:~l~: Despuc dfom a:: Rome b) Vcm:s' lñl•nd\ to dcl:t\ the tml, ;¡nd for all Vcrrcs' :influentul backcr!o, thc )Oung Crcero \\U \1ctonous Vcrres' counscl Honcnsrus abandoned thc cue :md V erro \~cm mto c>.1lc. Crccro now bcc:unc one of Romc\ ladmg ad,ooues

Not .. 11 prmmoal go,•ernot") \\:ere a bJd ~ Verres. lk1idc~. thc sy~tmJ of m1pm: th;~r f{ornc rmposcd on 1ts subject5 lasred m thc Wc t from .241 wml (tr.1dmonall}) A 1) 476- a pmod of sorne óso yars lt must ha' e bctn ~~ b) thc pro\'Jnooals ro h:l\"t' lu.d :uJ,•a.mages. mee Romc's mrlu:al') urcngth \U\ )tmpl) not enough to kerp undcr permancm subJectmn uch \'llst :sre2s of tcrntory. One of thc sccrcr' of cmpue \\':ü surd) Homc'1 mlcrancc As long ~ statcs paid thctr t3XC

and roed thc hnc \\ hcn 1t ame to forergn pohcy. Romc W'lts gcnwally happy to lt::~vc v.cll alone Roman protcct1on pa.v: R6mana- rnust h:wc: betn secn :~~ :1 gr cat blcssmg b' \'Uincrablc sratcs. and rradmg advanr.1g('!, c::uurnl h.1vc hceu ncgltgthlt·. Out thcr<: was alway~ a pricc tc1 pa).

Htrr• Guc·n•, 111 ,, lt·uc r 111 /11.1 llwr/t,•, Quintrrs, wlto was abow ro t•urer a tiJirtl Y<'o.Jr 4 tc'tlltrf' •H .~lll'c'lllor uj 1 Sta, olll/1/lc'~ lus t•lc:ws tif rht• 1dt:11l goc•tfllllr.

.¡ Pmr•incttrl ccnruption: rlre Vem·s Hct11Jal 6-

A Ou srlf-rrslrtlllll

You wlll no Joubt cominuc to rcs1n rh~: ternpt•tJo f f d

_ .. rn o mon • 0 plcamrc: an of dcsrrcs or all J.,nch: there wrll rhcrcforc: be n t mu h n k of your bemg umblc to ttstraJn thc dt,hont::!t m;¡n f bu

10 r

thc 0\'Cr-npaciOU> ....... -ollcctor, whilc thc CT(·ch uh h d .. en, \CC)u

lwmg :as ) o u o v.Ttll think that ro me famou rrun from thetr \\ 11

lmtory. or perhap C\'CD an :lngd from hea\'cn. h~s droppalmt thcrr prO\'IIlCC

1 sa) all thiS not by v.-a} of ach"tc.c: to ' u on ho\\ to m but 10

makc )'OU gbd dur you h:a"c so acted ~d ;trc , .1 un , lt 1 11 d d

3 splcnd1d thmg thar )'OU should hnc \pcnt thr« )Ofl m \U¡trcme comm:md 111 Am \\'lthm:t bemg dcAcctcd from rhc ruth at h

.1 Jf. b - • ,.- nour .:1nu se -mtr:nnt \ :au~ ot tnc: tcmpuoons )"Ottr prO\'lUCc offcrs- starucs. plcturcs, V"J.SCS. drcs.s. sLt,~. bc:autiful women or firunoal de:1ls Wlut could be more omncmh dcsu:sblc th:111 thar 'tour c:xccllcn<"c:, yout r~traJnt ami sclf--control )hould not be Juddcn m somc: tlh~curc corncr. but lx: dt~playcd m ASl.l before Ulc 1:)'1."1 of our mon Camous provmcc:, for the ors of all tnbc5 and n:mons ro héJr ot Your ofii~'lJI progrc:sscs cwsc: no fez. ~our ad,·cnt no pamc. l u dcm.lrld cxh;austm,g c."potduurc. Whue\c; \OU go )'OU {;IH' pleoa urc both m publlc :md pm··acc:. for )OU come to thc commumn .as pror«t n t

25 tp:mt, to rhc borne as gurn nor as plundcrcr

B On a gm"tmcr s cohors

In thcsc manen. ho\\C\cr, your own cxpcneon ~: ha 1

) ou th:n 1t u not c:nough 'ou should }u, e rh '1113 m but th:u )OU mUSt keep )"OUT e\~ opc:n :and d 11 OU

clcar th:n thc: rcspom1brllt) 'ou beJ.r for \ our pro\ 111 .md to rhe Roman -u u: 1s nm 'our al nc hut 1

)OUC ~uhordmat~

C O u bribr, >

In ,ftmt, lcL 1t ht• rccogm~cd lw ,·our \\ hole pr(lvrnc;.: rh:u eh ¡,, th duhlrcn, thc gonJ n:~mc .md thc: pn'pC'rt) of alllllO\C \\lrtJIII \CtU

' r ·n~c~ •mlc:r• h.uJ JIOrul~tcd che "e11 'l\t 1 i\u Mm lcnth ú~lliUI:)

Thr dcmist' '!f tlll' R cltllllll U r¡wbltr l'i8

go,•crn are , cry lll':lr \ our O\\ 11 lw.u t. hnally, cnsurc tl~t evcryon~ belic\'CS th:u, 1fword of ,¡ bnbc rcadu:~ your l':lr. you w1~ ta~<- acnon ag;umt lhc g1vcr :~s hosule ~ agamu thc ta¡;er. No one will gi\'C a ¡,';1bc whcn 11 ius bccn m :a de dc:1r th:u, );COCralJ), those who CWm lO

h.J,oc vour conficicncc c:an llChiC'o e nothmg. •

D 011 tilX{crmns

But of coursc thc gre.1t obswclt to ) our good\\ tll and seme of dut) are thc ux-fannrn l(wc stand m rhc1: \\ll) wr al1cnate from oursehcs and from the stJte :1 cb!>~ \~luch h:n deservcd \'cry "di of es md whicb we ha\ e brought mto closc assoc1atton wtth public affatrs; but af we gt\'C W:t)' to them m ever) thmg, wc shall acquu:scc m thc rum of tho~ for who~ ~cunt' and mdccd mtcr~ts wc: are m dut) bound ro carc~ •. To man:agc thc cax-t:armcn w therr 'ausfaction- opcctally tf thcy rook on thc JOb at a lo~~: :md :u th~ umc umc to a\'Old rummg the prO\'IIICL11~ rc<¡Utrt$ a tOtll h of gcrUU5 OUt of thts worJd; but f' m sure rh:at\ JU1t what )OU h3\'t'.

lct us \Urt "1th thc Grccl:s Thc1r most bmer gne\·ance ts that ther are mb;ect to ~xauon at all: thc) should not fcd such a grie' ancc ~mee the) \\eTC :~lre.1d) tn that po~mon undc:r lhctr own fi-celv adoptcd insuwuons. At du:o samc umc Asaa ought m n:membcr th..: 1f shc l.\C~ not go-.crncd b, m she "ould hardh !uve becn spared thc: ~ta~ of externa) \\ar or mtcmal dn.cord. Out our gO\·emmcm canrJot ~ numumed \\lthout taxcs, and shc ou!.!ht wuhout r~tment to pav O\ cr !lOme of her \\ C41hh :u du: pnce of ~manem pcace and qwct.

(CICCIO, Ad Quíntum 1.1)

Wc follo\\ thc stOf} of V erres' m~nt3n:agcmem of Stoly dtrough a. number of Jn'Jdeuu adaptcd li orn thc publt)hcd vcrston of Ctcero 's prosccuuon )pcec.:h ;agamst lllrtl, In raet, Ctccro' S ~pccch wa~ nC\ e~

ddtvercd b«-:tu~c \'erre~ had alrc~J> 11cd thc countn arccr an c:ulicr hcarmg. Stncc Stctlr \'Ortt.11111:d m<UI) <.rrcck rommunmcs (old Grcck colomc~). tht·rt· art· m:111y ( .rcck n.unc:' in thc tcxt.

,,,l(í) i>fiWiucial carmplro/1: thr V erres mwdal

H.cfcrc nccs are gan~n at the end of c:ach sccuon 10 e • 1 •cero s ongm:a


Sccnon 4 A {i)

Jlmts rmlrlrsslt ~r:wi Jram eh~ ptoJ•mOJJls wl:atcl (t t(10k IUJ Jan }' Htrr ht brttJks meo rhr ump~ o[ Herrules at Ag,.,..w111 10 su 1 ' 1 '

fi ( r • 6... 11 a p::rtrntrar r nt stDtur. On ltllt't u:g gov~au, su lntraductron lo thrs .suuo11, Crcrr

lrru•r A. Srr p. u: N O TES 2 for srgnif:canc~ of r 1 )

JJ Hcrculn trmplum

1 lc:rcuhs templum :~pud Agngcnñnch cst non longc .a toro tbt cst sunulkrum tp~iu' Hcrcults pulchcmmurn qu;¡mqu:un plünm:a ~unulicra uiJi. tüdtces. pulchnus )lmulkrum 'luarn tllud numquam con~ptciitus )Ulll. ad hoc tcmplum Vcrri?:!t noac 'c:rulh c¡uihdJm arm.Hih H'pctHl' mim. hí concurrcrunt ct tc:mplurn c~pugn;ab;mc, sed Cll\todc~ te m pli dimiiucrc, et scrui) ob'1~tcrc 14'111 phunc¡m dcfcnJ~:rc rónábrnHur. ~cd ,crui Vcrrts t:os cliiuis t't pugnis n·ppult:rulll1 ct uiJ• ualua~ tt•mpll etlrC:gérunt, ~rmulacrum lOilllllllUcb.uu. mtcrr:.1 l~1n.1 pcr tiit:un urbcm pt·rcs~hrest"i::bac: tlma cr:lf ~t·ruiís' u:rnplurn 1L:xpugn.m


~ubuo niinuus qui":un, 111 Íorurn rclcmmc ingrcssus, nunuiiull scruosr quósdam )llllUiicrunl llcr. u lis 1wnll~lOUCre. omnes Agrigcnti"n'i,_ U~J surréxérunt téuque Jrnpuerulll, brcur tcmporc ad tcmplum ex tola urbe aocurrcrunt. ub1 ;~d tcmplum pcruénerunt. uiderunr seruósr sunuücrurn runnni ui commouérc 1cónañ. tum Agrigenñni. maxtmé 'iráti, tmpctumr repente 1fecétunt: f!Coot magna laptcÜcio; scrui Vcms fügerunt.

num scdCD peu)ro~ mnquam audiutms. rüdicis? num fao nora scdcsno~ umquam acceprsru? audite, JÜdrca, operamque diltgenuus date: mox et pe1or:1 ct cdcsnon .:audréns.

(In 1 ·uwn 11 4--43 ·94- s)

Sect1on 4 A (u)

l't"rrN ordm tu•o hru Jrmtn ro stizt a11 mu:gt' ":[a riuer-godfrom a tt'mplr. Tha11gh uus Jarls, l:r /:as morr sucuss u•ulz somr brom:c-t~·ork d~dicJttd by SnptCI m a shrmr of t!lt CraJt \fotha.

A~ffi!i'~i po~tca , 1~ri summi íonuüdinc, h:mc uirtütem Agrigcntinorum unr~:a~1 ~unt . Chr~ ns Humu~ CM qui pcr agrós Assoñnorum Aun, A~~onm hunc: fluultlm tlnun luhcnt coluntquc multósque honore~ l'i dam,_ lll CIU~ lt'llll'ln \111\UI.u rum Chrysac C\t e mamlorc factum at Vcrn:~~ pmptc~ ~ IIIRulá rcm c1u' ttmpli fl'hgióncrn, id poseen~ nóu nusu~ l"'t. Tlcpolt·mo d(•tlu L'l 1 hcrOIIJ IH'go ttum. slli noctc uencrc, unluas



.¡t i {ir') Pt<winicial corrupticm: tltt: l'tm •s scamlal 71

Jcdt$ clfrégcrc l't intraucrc. sed cu5todes m:uürc 5cn•'"ru h r - d , . - - - - "' m ormncs

t¡uosd!lm ac cm merare (uu:m15 s1gnum büc111a d-t· A - _ - -b r. - •- .. , e • c:t s onm ex

3gns concurre ant. ragc:rum 1~epolcrnus Bscróque. M:ims Magnac flnum apud Enguinos cst 111 hoc r111- t--1 - h .L.:_ o c:nnc on e

ga dcquc acneae ywucquc magn¡¡c ci tn tilo fano ci - - . d ) p O po1U ~ nómcnquc su u m mscnpsn. qut p ün die;¡ m; omn~ Jiu -d -

- b ,. nihil ¡})- 1 ' IU IC Vcrro a st~ tt; m o reugtostss.tmo fano rdiquJt. rü utdc et

sólus. _yc:rttS._ ~e m~n~menu mteUcgu et aüdn~as, Scipaó, h mo summ2 doctrina et humamtitc. haec non lntcllegcb~t·

Sccoon 4 A (iii)

1 mts ord~ts slou~s to mr.o1•t e St4tut fiom 1/~ and gw a frrcrul ro cause SDm t:DJtt' tlst iftl an

shmrr wt•u uottt tssa to rl~ Ju d.

(In 1 ·m 11 o&..f4-96-

nrr B 11 ti

Crrt 11 C1wr. , nt • thr

cst apud Caon~.ns1s ~crinum Cerem. sed non ha:t uarü m surinum illud imrare. multcrés et uirgmes sacn cónficere solem m ro trino s1gnum Ccrcns cr:at paantiquum. hoc .s1gnum scrui Vcnu ex allá rchgu3st~amo atque anüqurmmo lo o noctc muulerunt ~tridse ~cerdori'-s Ccrcris rem ad magtstritüs sui5s dcru]Cnl,tt ommhu, ro atroru)tm:~ utdebarur tum tste, quod suspiooncm a \C drmouére uoleb:lt, amícum qucncbm suum aussrt ahqucm rcpaue et liCCÜ$irc nó cmm Vares m cñnune ose. 2nucus tgttur all mcn smñ CU1usd:un detultt; rum bunc scruum acc:üsiwt, tc:stisquc as m cum dcdtt srn¡jtu C.unm'4um rcm l~bu.~ suü md1cire ·n m u ct ~ca-dotes uociwt. ubi scnirus dé omrubus rebus r gauu, u~rd-tis rcspondaunt seruosf' V.enu m templum noetc lmtr;lUIUC ct tgnum locO 11u tulruc; aflirmarum sér omnis onuna 1cousptciti\-C'SSC scrutus rgtrur negauu tllum-5atlumr m templum noae lmgres um- et ngnwn 1sustuhssc. c:t canfirmault cumr umoccntcm lene cpinor Júdl es uasf

sedera pc1ora numquam laudimssc. sed opcr;¡m mtht date, r ;~m C'l pc1ora puto uo,r mox 1:rudiriiro -cssc:

(/, 1 'tm m 11 4 4S 99-100)

Sccnon 4A (iv)

'f lm•t • tribt'5 ' t!/¡•ctt•d onr m tUl ,·.u Ir to 1!" (t.,,,.,¡/ to '' jimtlrlrawm~ of l~ts /clt tht JITft'Sthoor/ of j 11p1tt1r. l't·rrt•s t'IIStlrt'tJ tlttl/ fu~ I/Jo111 , 1trt i!IIJI/t1J//I$, ~(11 tltrorwJ. to tl1t lrm three. lmt '"'"' 11'11.1 fu· to wsrM tfr ,,t l 1tr(!mnaJttl• mrr~td trmmpl~r~m frvm rls~ /ourry?




'I'Irr. ,t1111¡s1• •!f tlrt• U mtrclll R r¡mbfic 72.

Jj luppncr

Sycicüsü IEx cst Jc s:u:crdót1ó louu (n:am 1d s:~c¡:rdonum Syócüsini put:ltit .unplruunurn eMe). h:acc lcx Srricü~nas iuber rñ~ uttos C.'<

tnbus gcncnbus pcr suílriig•:~ a~re: tune; tilas tris necess.e ~~ sorññ. 1;.:1 ünus ex tnbu\ ~ccrd<h lou" fit Thcomn3stus qwchm, :mücus Vcrns, mius nnpcno ct auctont:iu: m tnbu, tlli> renñnnitus cst. ncccs~ tgnur cr:at tilo uís t,~.miñ picüs;ini, opiniti V crrcm r sonem solholirc numqu:~m 1:~u~ürum-~. cucmum bcti cxspccibanr: speribmt cmm Verrcmr :rcm non 1pcrfcx:turum-c:s~. qu1d t'fctr Vcrres! pñmó me uetutt sorññ, ct •ussu ~hrlcüsin~ c.xui ~onem Theomnasmm rcnünnare. S}'riciisim ncs:ib.lnt tdr fic:ri 1possc; practcrci. fasr ncgabant lase. Jlllilt

tSJtur me: ) riicü!.áno~ s•bt legcm de saccrdono recitire. lee cm sta rcotarum 'quot honuno pcr suffr5gta rcnünriauimus, tot ~ros m h)dn:am comomm •~ ~ocrdi>s ftt, cu1us nomen ex hvd:ni ex1t.' tum V erro · quot hommés renünuiu•m~,' S)·racúsini rc:sPondcre · oi~. · V crr~ 'opurtC:IIlc.: •g•tur tri~ ~nrti' mu:crc, ünam cdücerc). Syracü~ini • • V • 11:~ opn• tet. erre\ sguur Syr:id1s:ino~ 1umt tri!'. ~orñs. omní~ nomine l hcomni~ti im~nptii\, 111 h) Jmm mmccrc. ftcbat clamor maxmm~; S)~f.i¡;üsanl ncg~:·~· e t:\' c\\c. nmmbu, 1J scckl>rissunum utdcbarur. qllld rlur .• lltc .un? slln lll!!cln V c.'I'Ci:\ ~m ph~~•mum lllud louts saccrdouurn r h,·unm;hlll lblu.

(111 Vcrrem lf 2.50, 1 .!<>--7)





Provittcial rol'ntption: tht Vt"rrtS .u,1111/ai 7l

Sccnon 4 B (í)

Vtrrd p11ssion for beamifítl ob_¡ew was mardu•J by ¡,,, 1 1 11 J ,... '/ v· • ' u J • trt, 011 a 1111s.sicm DIIW t ,:)JO y to "mg ¡\ •ccnu:des. kmn 0 r Brt/¡y 1 u

1 h 6 :J r ra, t"trtt:J arrtr.rrs a: Lamps.znun, am IS p:lt up iJl t e ho11~ oJ lamr01 urlule 1 hL ¿, ¡ · IU trllouragr IJ loJ.~cJ tlsrur rt He 111 ers tis mm ro jir~J lum a woman (CJ. J.uroJUlllon CrctrD letur A. B.) •

opp~dum est in HdlC:ponto Umpsacum, tüdtcis, hoc opptdum cJ¡nus ct no~tl~u5 est ~ua~ ~ Asu~ opptdum. et ap~i umpuceni qwenorcs ommbus :Uru hommtbus. malum erum ut Gracci ouo iiti n ~ce frui, quam tumultnm exotirc:. Vc:rres ohm petuenn umnur" ~s - ,_ - ¡r-"'-m. cum magna O~<~~Jr:cc et proiX: pcrruoc ciunitu um~cáti mum d~üx~n~ ad 13m~orern q':cnciam hospitem, comuOc¡uc: au' omn'jj :~pud CcterOS hosplt~ cofloc:u-unt. Ul mes fUlt UtiUS, n,:mm IU~It conutes suos. u1r0s pcióres omnibus aliis turpsCíresque, rcperirc: muhcrcm cétcrü pulchriorcm. ues omnó .$Citu, tüdJces. VCJrem f~mma~ cétC"ñ$ pulduior& ~cmpcr cupiul~loC'.

(In l1mtm 11 1 ~-t óJ)

Sc"Lion +B(ii)

l1trrts l:mclzmatz R ubrius u lis h1m of a rare btauty at Ph1ltxlamJU' hauu l'tms dtmands to StllJ' there ¡ u lzttl rifu~J. he lctt!¡ts Rthtus thnr Jr. pztt P}uiCidamus' pratfit.s.

erat comes tStius Rubrius quitbm, homo taaw ad nus hlñdma u

horno, qui miro amiioo luce om~ muc:stigire solcb.u • .:uf eum détulrt U1rum c:ssc Phtlodimum meliorern o mm bus-aliü-Lam~cin", cnc hommcm :apud ros mula honon , m.1gnac- cxisunüuiinu, eum frlum lubére cxum:ac pulchritüdirus: sed ilbm utrgmem ~se rummi mtegmitc:, pudidw, modesoi. VCTres. ut h.tec audiutt, rumrna CUpldlt:itc e.x3rstt. suom dh,t se .td Phtlodamum antgritiirum CiSC

ho$pa linnor, mhil susp1."<irus. sed opinátus se Vcrrem olfcndruc hommcm \Urnma ui rconcrc coeptt. Vc:rró lE;ltUr, altero eón lh. üru. Rubrium :td Phtlodamum mtgrire IUSSit Phalod.imus. ub1 luce audsun. ~umma cc:lcnt.irc ad isrum uénst. ncg.iutt hoc münus .suum CJ~. ncg~uu se cum r~·ccptürum cssc: \C pr.w1ort:s ct cünsúl~ rcopcrt' solcrc, nón cñrum a m i~ós. quid plüra dic.uu? Í\t~· ro111111 tlluu J!Oltulitum ncglcxit, ct srruos suos dcdüc<:re Rubnum .1J t,lulodám1nn 111~\u, CJU.lllliJlum lile Rubnum rcopc:rc non Jcbcb,u

(In 1•mrm 11 1 JS Cll i




J6 ~ Ubm u~rgmcrn ase: summi mtcgntite, puci"amü,modt:)!Ü.

Secoon 4B (iu)


Philodamm ./ttls ¡,, Jmy bosmd to shou' rtspt.ct to Rubri1u, so lays or1 a part}' - at UJ/ud1 floré".s ir1struas R ubñus ro abducJ tlrt girl. As thr evming progrtssts. tlriugs f,t:l out of lraud.

Ph1lodamu~. utr aliis-proumnáhbus !>Cmper mulcó hosp1tiÜor amiciorquc, •p~um ¡IJum Rubnum domum suam rcccpit: Cl quod nó)uit lnUJIU!> mdcñ, magnum COilulUIUnl COnlparauit. llOrl s())um Rubrium comnes ornnis muítarc •us~it, ~d criam fthum ~uum foris ad propmquum qucnd!lm rním ad ccnam. )Cd Vcrres Rubnum frham Philodami auicrrc IU\~it. Rubnus tgnur eum commbus ~uis summa eclcrititc :td conuiulum ucntt: di~cubucrc: factus cst scrmo imcr co~: Grac:co mórc bibénmt: ct hóc tcmporc sermone laconáquc conuiuium ec:lcbriib:tnt. JX'Stquam re~ ~1t1~ C.11erc uisa CH, Rubrius . quaeso. tnquit 'Philodamc, t·ür ad nos t'!lum tuam non uodb?' Phuodamus, u ir ~umma gra01tatc, maximc íriitus cst; uchcmcmer negabat multe res ()portcrc: in conuiuió cum u1ri' .1ccumbcrc. tum ahus ex alia parte . uoca muhcrcm. mqutt; ct \Ímul ~ruó~ SUO\ Rubnus lUSSÍt ianuam daudcrc. hace ubt Phtlodfimus ímellc:m. scruos suos aJ se uocauit ct




Prollit~cial corruption tht: V rrres scaudal 7S

Ji· postquml r~ ~ti~ alcrc: uisJ ~t.

1us~it e&. ~ •p~um ncglcgcre, ftham swnma ui defcnderc, rcm fil -summa-ec:lericltc niinnirc. clamor In ter di f;¡ctus cst ptt ~otis ~: Rubrius •p~c Ph1lodimum aqui fcruc:nti pcrfodn. hace ub1 ~rui

Philodámi filio nürmarunr. statim domum fcstinaun omnés brnp.,.,céni, ~imul-ut hace audiucrc, c:Odem ammó fuerum ct aJ acdis Ph•looami noctc conucncrunt. lite, ubi uidit se slÜ cup•d•ütc ct hbidmc untó) rumulrus conCJtaUISSé, dfugcrc uol~bat.

(In l'trrtm 11 J.::ó.Gs--)

Sccrion 4 B (iv)

Thr I.ampSlletm. all agrtt"'n,g 011 tht:lf Jttlings abom tM btlluvrour oJ l'md mtn at tht part)'· attark Vtrres' hausr ro get atlnm. Thry au rwrarr:..'l! by somr passiu.~ Romarzt. wl:o su;:gu; tlrcy cotiSidtt thr rortfti]Ul'tiCfS.

hace ub1 omnC:. Lampsaeeni eoornJ-sensÜct-dolorc locütisum. fmó ct saxi) ianuam cac:-derc cocperunt, ct eOdcm tcmporc •gnc ctrcumd:uc


ciues Rómani quid:un, qui Lampsaci ncgouab:mtur. summrcdc:nüre IZO

concurrerum. órábant obsc:cr~bantque Lamp~Jccnós; :usénsáunt Verrcm e~ e p~s1mum ct ommbus-alm multo turp1órcm, ~d llu;áunt Lamp\accnó\ honuni seclcrito pareen! opouerc, pouus-quarn practorcm Rom3num nccirc: hocr cnim 1modo pcccltum c:órum mmus lorc. hí~ ucrbi~ u~i. tandcm l-111lpsacén(h a ui rcunucrum IZS

(Iu Vtrrtm 11 1~7.6 -9)

S~.:ccion 4 C (i) ~ioJclfus lrr•ed i11 tlw Sin/ion '''tv1r of Ltlybarum, ami posussrJ SMlt vrr)' Jwc JJI1•u wp~. llar, Dio.l.mcs jimls 011t rlmr l't"rrts JS nfrtr thtm, so llr dtzim> 11 rdt~til't' 111 ,\la/r11 Ita~ ¡/¡1•111 ; wltm l'tm·s looks for tlrt rrlatJVt, Dst~tiPru$ wrítc.< to rhe rdati&'t' rtllin.~ lum rn say ro l'mrs' mrntha: hr ltaJ

1 Tlrt Jtmisr of tht Roman Rtpublic ¡6

jrm wrt tht cups bnck to Lilybarmn. Drodoms tlum tacrfully leavts Sicily for


J8. ¡>Ocuh qu;~edam.

Dtodorus, qu'i MeluénslS erar, Lilvbaei multos annós habttábat. hic horno, quem rucó, crat nobitt genere natos Ct spJcndtdus Ct gratiosus proprcr uirrütcm, quam omncs Ltlybit.inl cognoucranr. at Verre­praerore, propc inussüru\ crat omrua quae doml collegcrat nam comu~. quo~ Verres Lilybaeum dedüxer.n. Otodórum pOcula quacd .m habcrc nuntiiui!runt; ca pócula ornmbus aliis pulchriora cssc. (quac pócula, ur po~tca audiul, Mentor summó arufició fecerac.) quod ubt Verres auruuu, cuprdtcace lnflammarus, Diodorum ad se uociutt et pócub. quórum mcntionem comites f'cerant, po~bat. ille se Ltlybaei ca pócula non habérc respondit, ~cd Mditac apud propmquum qucndam reliquissc. cum tst(! mtttcbat hommes Melitam, scñbcbat ad quosdam Meltrensi~. pócula rogibat, tubcbar Diodorum ad rllum propinquum \Uum dare !meras. quod ubi audiuic, Diodórus, qui sua )Cruarc cónmtucrat, ad propmquum suum lmccis mi'stt; qutbus tn lmcñ~ scnocrc ausus-crat proptnquum oponcrc negare se pócula haberc, sed affirmarc se ca paucis iltü dtebus mistssc Lilybacum quá.\ ubi propmquu5 pcrlegn, tta fecn. imcrc:-i Dtodorus tpse, qui ab(.-ssc do~ó pauli~pcr consurucrar pouus-quam argc:nrum immc:re. Lilybaco .tbm.

(In Verrem Il .$.t8.J8-9)




4c(ír) P,o,,i,dal com1ptíon: tire V mes scandal

Sccnon 4 C (ii)

l'errts t'llraoeJ that he: (OII tto lo11ger simply stealtllt' n•psj·o D J , ' o:> ' m 10 ''''H relatiM. Jrc:an~> up a way o{ smnmonmg DioJ0111s to Srd _


J t • • 1 . . r orr a

munprd-11p e targe. 'errts re atrons m R omt wom him that 1 1 te ras gonr too for.

quae ubi istc _audíuit~ no~ mcdiocrí í~sinii ce furore se gcrerc omnibus utdebarur; hoc modo agcbat, quta non potuerat argentum Dtodoro 3uferrc. Diodóró agtrur abscnn mmibarur, climabat palam, Jacrimábarur. p~scrcmó scruos suos tussit Dtodorum t(>ta-proutnru conquírere; ~d rile tam castra commóue.rac ct pócula collegc:rac; tilo rempore Romae lubnabat. Verres iguur, quí altquo modo Otodorum 10 próumoam reuocire uoleb:u, hanc ratiónem excogtt.ibat: consciruic Dtodéirum, quem absentcm cssc scicbat, fTcti cutusdam crimtms acciisiire. res clara crat tótá-StC!Ita. Vcrrcm argcmi cuprcLtáte hommem Jbsemem accü.samsse.

mcc:rci Diodorus Romac sordidatu$ etrcum parronó~ atque hospites quéis cognoucrat ctrcumibat, ct rem omncm narriibat. quac ubt patcr amiciquc Vcrm audierunt. lincrás uchcmcntis iscl mtttebant rcm ctir•m ose tóta~óma ce inuidtésam; persptcuum c:sse omnü tlla propter argcntum ficñ iru-inlrc cum ~ cauerc oponerc: pcritürum cssc hoc­ünéi-cñminc. quas ubi V' rrés pcrlcgtt, scnm lie ~tu !te f~cisse; na m pñmum annum próuinctae s1b1 cssc· ~ nüllam pcciiruam h& tcmporc haberc. furorcm suum igttur non pudore, sed metii ec umore rcpresm; Diodórum abs.:ntc:m condemnárc non ausus cst. Dtodorus imaci, Vcrrc-praecórc:. prop~· tricnnium próuincia domóquc c.uuir.

quid plüra dlcam' nthtl hoc clariu) essc potcst, iüdtcés. co tcmpore. Verre-praetórc., totá-s:CIIia, nemo pou:rat cónscru:irc aut domi rcunerc eis rés quis V erre~ magu concupíucrat.

Sccrion 4 D (i)

1 'mes madr a ltabit o{ IIU(J'Iirl.~ bribes Film citits 111 Sra/y u•iurlr u'JIIttJ to 11r•"iJ tolltribrwg monty. me u .., sh,ps to tlrt bfi ¡¡,,- ,>1 tlrt pnwmu (>c'i' lnrroJw tiou. Ciuro lmu C). C.msequrntlj'. u•lrilr l rrrrJ b«mnt 'try rrdr. tire Srdlmtr ár/mus 111ar ,¡/most tWII-t'.\·isttnt ar¡,/ tl1r ptOI'Intt "'al u•ult ~prn for ¡1irates tc1 ioot alwcm 111 will. Jleu ouc of l'errd s1Jip1 m.Jn.Jgt• ti>

captuu 11 piratr• ship. bur l'mt.s IIMS tltt captives for lus own purpCKs.




2 Thr dmrisr of tlrr R cmratr Republic


P. Caesetio ct P. T:uiio praefccñs, dccem naués senu~lenae. quae e ponü cgrc:ssac erant, náuem quanci:~ pir:itárum ~c~t. sed qutd_ . dixi? náuc:m nón cepcrunt, sed muenerunt et abduxcrunt. ~rat e.1 muts plem 1uuenum formesisstmórum, plena argcnñ, plena uesnum. qu:u: náuis ut dixi. ¡¡ classc nostri non opta cst, sed muenta cst et abducta cst. ~uod ub1 Vcrñ nüntiátum cst, quamquam i~ 3~ c~m mulierculis qwbmdam ~ccbat cbrius, ércxit ~C t:uncn .~t Sta~m 1USS~t _om~~ _qu;¡c m náue crant exhtbeñ. P. c:t P. Tadro ductbus, naul5 ptratanun Syriciisis i 02uñs appellitur cxspc:cürur ab ommbu5 ~~pplictu~t ~~ pracdonés. quí senes c:t dcfórmés c:rant, á Verrc ut host~ ~b1~ sunt et sccüñ pc:rcussi sunt; tUi, qui formosí utdcbanrur aut qw arnfic~ c:rant, ab có abducñ et amicis dañ sunt. alii ab eo cohorti ct filió dl5tnbüti sunt, alü, quí symphómaci erant, amlcis quibusdam Rómam musi liUnt. sed archtpirita ipsc á nüllo uisus cst. hodtc. tüdiccs, omnes arbitrantur pccüniam Vcrñ clam a piriüs datam cssc, et archipirátam libcrirum

cssc. (ltr Vmem IJ j.25.63-4)

Secrion 4 D (ii)

Tite Syracusaru, lrowever, ktpl a cormr oJ tlrr pirares rxecmeJ. Vrrrt'S, ro make up number.s, t:ctcuted Romatr citizetrs who, lrr claimed. haJ bwr in volved rn Sertor~us' rtvolt or haJ ;ortrtd up 111ith pirares.

Syricüsáni, hominés pcññ et hümáni, habébant rationcm coñdié pracdonum qui sccüñ fcricbantur. sed pracdónum magnum numcrum d&:sse mox serucrunt (nam ratió corum habita c:rat ex numeró rcmórum qui cum náue capti crant). nam á Vcrre omncs qui aliqurd aut artifici aut formac habuerant remoti atque abducñ cram. sed istc horno ndirius, climórcm populi forc susptditus, m pracdónum locum substituere coc:plt ciuis Rominós, quos m carccrem anteá coniccc:rat



.,D(ii) Proa,iuciaf corruption: tire V erres s(alldaf 79

(eós ~ert~rianós mili~és fuisS: aut su~ u:>l~ntá~e ~~ pracdómbus coniunctos cs'e argucb~t): hoc modo emes Roman1, qui i mulñs ciulbus Róminis cogno5ecbantur et ab omnrbus dCfendcbantur, sccüñ feriébanrur.

hace igltUr cst gesta res, haec crat UlctÓna praedira: Verre -d- d d- lib prac:córc:,

niuis prac: _o~um ca~~ est, . u~ prae om~m 1 eritut, symphomaci Rómam m1ss1, formost hommcs ct antfice1 domum Vcrru abducti eórum Jocum dués Rómání secüñ pcrcussi, omnis ucsns abláta 0~


b]- - • nc: aurom ct argcntum a atum arque auersum.

(In Vmtm 11 s 2s.71_ 3)

Scction 4 E (t)

Vrrrts took a foncy to tht wifé oJ a certain Syracusan, Ck mtft6. In or4n tD

gn Cltoment.s out of tire 111ay, Vt>rrt.S put lum, a SyriUIIlllrt, rn ~ of wAat thert ll'DS oJ tht flut. Hert llmt.s, lwrng 1t wp 4S wnud, Stt.S

Cleomtnts off from the harbollt. Cltomtnes,Jancyrng h1m11lf M 11 SMmJ Vrrrts. hears that a prra•t slup IS ru:arby - ami runs for lt. ne rrst of tltt jlttt Jo llotl'S.

egreditur Cleomenes é porro. egredtcntcm cum .scx náues smupléoac scquuntur. Vcrrés tamcn, qui multis dtcbus non erat uisas. tum

Cleomc:ncm cgredicmcm náuisque sequcnñ~ imp1cibat: qui bomo. praetor populi Románi, stc:rit solc~tus. cum p~llao purpun:O. mubcrc:uli quidam nixus m titorc. cum dassu quinto dtc Pac.hynum denique adpulsa-c:ssc:t, nautae, cibO cgc:ntés, ridica palmirum agresaum colligerc: coeperunt. Clc:ome.nes, qui putibat se mox alrmun Vct"'"'•ctn­forc, totOs dies in litorc manébat pótins atquc amim. _ _

ecce autc:m repente, cbrió Cleomc:nc, nautü abó cgencibus. nülltDIUr nauis praedónum cssc m ¡x)rtü Odysseac. nosua aumn e~ ene. Clcomcné pótantc c:t ebrio, m portü Pachyni. quós pracdOais ~ l

·J:____ d - - - milum :.o.~ ... dt Uluwct a c:untis, pñnceps Cleomc:ncs tn naue sua ........ r


z Thr Jcmi.~r of tlu• Romcw Rrpublic

.¡ 1. ponrémis cmm niui, pñmis o~ggrcdicb.1ntur pnedon~.


ancoras 1mperauit et ccteris niuís se sequi iuss1r. ~m C~eomenis, cclentis incredibilis erat. breui tcmpore Hdorum a.duolau1ssct

CUIUS J - • -b fugíens. céteñ umen. ut poter_ant,_ paulo_ wdi~ _He orum na~ga am, non praedonum impetum tUg¡en_:es ~ ~m~:arorem seque~rcs_: tum .11' niu.Cs postrcm:Je rugientes'" pcnc~lo_pnnctpes ~an~; posu:m_as emm náuis pñmis aggredicb:mtur pra.edoncs. cum pnma ~ pra.edombus apea-esset nauu Halunñnorum, cu1us pr.1efecrus Ph~la_rchus e~r, mox Apollonicnsis náuts opta est, cu1us praefecuu Anthropmus ocruus est.

(In Fmtm D S·33·8(r]-4.9Q)

Sc.:cnon 4 E (1i)

Things go jrom bat! to worst. ClrorntrztS rtachrs Htloru.s. Jisembarks, and hidts. Thr p~tatts stt firr to tl1r .Jlut tmd thr u•hoft population comt.S out lo u•auh.

interei Cleomenes. cum Helorum peruénissct, sé in tCTTatn e niue :u.o Ciroc. niucmque Ructuantem in mañ rdiquit. reliqui praefecñ niuium. cum impecitórcm m tcrnm cxc:untcm uidmc:nt, seciiñ snnt: nam ipsi, quórum naues wdióres náue Cleomem~ crant, mañ nülló modo praedones cffugere poterant. tum praedonum dux. cuius nomen Hrnclea erat. qui cla~5em Rominam iu Í,¡ciJc: uicrum i.ñ non us putiuerat, eam 'infbmmiñ mcc:ndique msstt. Clcomenes, cum m público esse non a.usus CSSCl, qua.mquam nox crat, inclüserat se aomi. Cleomene domi m:mcnte, clasm CUIUS Cleomcnes pñnceps erat a praedonibus incensa est.

ó templiS miscrum Sictliae! o rem calamitósam! o istius 130

nequinam! üna atque eidcm nocte, JúdtcCs, uidere licebat Vc:rrem .1mórc, cla.ssem Romin:~m mccndJo pracdónum cónflagrantem. quirum rerum grauium niínuu~ Syracüsas pcruenit ad praetórium, quó iscum e conuiu1o redúxcrant paulo ante muliercs cum cantü et symphomi sed (ita ~eucr,¡ Crat domi Vcrm dt\Ciplin2) '" ré ta.m graui nemo ad • 7-)S

Vcrrcm admittcbatur, ncmo audebat Vcrrem dorm1entem excniirc. calam1tiis tamcn brcui tcmporc ab ommbu~ cogmta esr; nam nauis cónfiagrnntis comp!Cati, Syracü~:ini magnam calamitiitcm acceptam cssc

4F.(ii) - Procllllttol tllmlprrolf""tlf/!"11rrres scandiil

[ mox pcrlculum s1b1 max1mum forc statim intdlexcrunt "b e • . 1 . _d_ · . concur\a at cg~tur ex urbe tota max1ma mu ntu o.

Sc.:ction 4 E (iii)

Tlrr piratts • .y;,., thrir briif but zmhinJarJ stJy ar Htlorus, Juidr 10 xo on arz 1m1111,·rruptt•l toc11 of tht harbo11r at SyrtUUfl- an unparalklrJ


praedónes. cum ün:un ilhm noctem Hdoñ commoritl ment, ronibgrantis niuis 12m rcliquerant Ct acccdcre coeperunt S)Ticüsi,, qw pnedonC.S u1déhcet (aepe audicrant ruh1l c.~sc pulchnus qu,¡m Spicüsanorum moenia. ac portiis ct ~utueranr sé numqU.lm ea uisürós essc nisi Vcrrc practorc. scañm igirur o;mc üllo mctü m ipsum portum l4S

penetrare cocpcrunt. pro di tmmoniilc~! piriiuca oaUJs, te practorc, Vcr~és, ~t¡u_c a~ _

forum Syracü~anorurn acccssit! quo Drth.lgmccnscs n~u()_ (dum man plürim u m-potc.:r:mt). numquam ,l;m1s Romjna toe P_urucu Sccilccnsibusquc bdlis accede-re porucrunt, hic. té pr;u::tórc. pr.u:donum :so

Tlu clt-misl' tif rlrt• R ,,m cm Rc·¡mblif

- - - . unt ó spectiiculum miscrum acque acerbum! o naues pcruJgatac ~ . - - h . - - - - . r. 011ibu~ quorum mcnttóncm f~ct! u1c nau1 p1rancae ractum turpm~ or - - - - ¡-d' b -1-d'b ·- crat urbi~ o Iom. lüd1brió crat populr Romaru nomen, u 1 no u 1 no 1!' S - - - hab

crat nostrorum hominum mulutüdó quac vncusas ltat.

,In l'm~m IT 5·36.95- 38.100)

Sl·cnon 4 F(t)

Thtrt Joiiou• 1}:~ final horrors ptrpmatt'd by Vc"u. whiclr C:ietro saves up for chr clima).' of lus spudz. Tl:~y rn••o~•·t 1111/0ftlll Roma!' cwzetiS bemg pur 10 dt.Jth. Htrt Strl'ilius, whos~ or:ly mmt w.1s 10 complam .1 lmlr too frttly ubor11 J 'trrts' dugra«Jal btl:,wiour, is publid)' btat(·n - anJ dits.

rchqw ausa. 1üdic~. quam nunc agó. non ad_ soaó~ s:Jüte~ sed ad ciuJUm Róm~nórum uitam ct ~ngumcm pcrtmct. qua m cal!S4 hortor uós, qu1bus loquor, hortor precorquc ut o~ram d~g~~nsslmé dctis, néuc argümcnt.l cx\p<:Cténs. nam, si uulns, taolltme ton S1cil ac

pcmlidebó ut tesns m. ·-n:un in foro L•h·baci clUlS Róm~nus, CUI nomen e Scruílio crat,

uirgis et uerhcnh~ :tnte pcd~ Verru ahiccrus (.'5t. num potes nega~c:. Vcrr~. té hoc f&mc:? audé hoc pñmum negare. si potes: ah ommhus Lilybal-i uisum est, ab ornmbus tóti Sictliii auditum. dicó ciucm Rómiinum, cum a lictónbus tuis cac~us essct, anre oculó~ tuos conctdtsse. at quam oh au~m. di immortál~! accidir-ut Seruilim Joqucretur liberiu~ de istiU~ nequma. quod lSÜ cum nünnatum Csset,

Scruilió •mper¡ull ut•bacum ucnirct (acctdit-ut Verrés Lilybaei adessct). Scrui11us tgllur, cum Vcrres impcrassct ur adiret. lilybacum

uentt. (In V"'nn TI 5·53·13!r.S4·141)

( Whrn Sm•ilius a"il'trl, Jlerus clratlr11.~ttllrim ro pr;we rhai lre ( l·au.s) lrad bren gmlty of rrimt, cmd offiwlto stt up .1 'corm' ro htar che ·case·. Sm•iliru ll<lturally rifuml. Sll)'lllg rt II'QS qrutt' wrotrg to drarge lrim 111 this 11'0)'.)

.fauJ 111itlr Scn•ilius' njus.1/ to dUt¡tt thl' 'challmge · and Iris insisttnlt' tlrat lrt• was irmo(t'tl/, llcrr¡•$ Itas him jlP,~ed till ht• a,~rees.

quac cum Scruilim uchcmcnccr aff1rmihsct, Vcrres scx lictór1bus •mpcrau1t ut cum c•rcummtcrcm multaquc orantem ucrbcribus cacdcrcnt. dcmquc proxunu' lictor, cu1 Sextio nomen crat, oculos clamitanti tundcrc coc¡m. naque illc. cum oculi sanguinc compléri


4F(i) PrOJIÍIICÍIII corruption · tlle V erres scandtrf

43 lictóm

nscnt, conctdll; nihilómmus Vc:rr~ Scxnum horübatur ut un:nti latera wndcrct. qu1bus modís tandem propc: moncmi pcrsu~m ut responderct ncuc: tacérct. ille. cum iu rc:spondt~sct ut V crr~ uolucr:~t, sénumortuu~ ,ublatm est e• brcul tcmpore post~~ est monuus. 1stc

1utcm horno V cnereus, adtlueru omnl lcpiire c:t uenusütc, dé bonis ~ruiti m :acde Vencris a.rgcnrcum Cupidinem posust. sic etum fortünis hommum abütchltur ad nocturna uot;¡ cup•ditatwn suarum

(In Vtrrtrn 11 ..S·S4 J,p)

Sccuon 4 F (i1)

Cr«ro's firz.11 chargt rdaus 10 Ga1•ius Jrom Corrsa u/ro, Nll7pm~fi m l'trm' pruon "' che mines ;, Syracm~. Jl' rhought to complam a lmlt r 1 uJly

G~usu\ h1c, qucm dico, Consánu~ erat. ah ss_:o m umcub \Ti~sis

comcctus cr.u, sed ~rfectt ut clam é butumu.' ~ofugerc: ~:c:ssanamquc pcrucnirct. quó cum pc:ruénisset. loquí ct qucn coepn se, ctuenl Rórninum, m mncla comectum esse: sé nunc Romam stürum et

Vcrn:m dl'litürum. quem in naucm mgrNlCOtCJll ~rui Vc~n - -mraxcrc ttaquc Gauius starim ad magmr:itum dcducnur · eo !P\0 d•e _ accsdit ut Vcrrc~ Mcssanam uenírct. quo cum ucm~~ct. lmpcr:u•~ ut res tata ssbs dcfcrrihur. ~crui igttur détulérunt Gaunun, ciucm Ronunum,

_ _ _ _ . ¡- ~ . .. cm 11111 111.,rrJu:~nu:rn m quc~tum csse M: Snacus1~ 111 mncu Ji ru•~~c, t¡u a

. V - . - - 1 e •• v~·rtC) scdrrc Ct naucm ct nn mm1tantcm a se rctractun '>~· • • furor.: inthmm:ítus, 111 forum ui:nu; ardéb.lllt oculi, té,to ex ore

: S

Thr dt·mist' t>.{ ,¡,,. Ro mm¡ R «'flllhlir

44 butumi.:tc.

crüdelilil cnnncb:at. tn forurn mgrcssus, r~pentc impcrat u;: GauiUS medio In foro nüdetur Ct dc!Jgctur Ct CJcdatur. CUm tiJc ffiiSCT SC clUCffi

Romanum ~ climarc:t, ct Lücium R:u:aum c:quitcm Rom2num cognitorem nonnnirc:t, tum 1ste eum ¡¡ Sc:rtonó m Stciliam mmum cssc ru~t. dctndc tmpcr;u scruis Ut homincm nüdcnt, déltgent, cacdant. quae cum •~te tmpcraut5sct, scrui ita fccérc, ct acadit m medio in foro M~sinac utrgís cacdc:rctur ciu1s Romiinus, aüdiccs. et nülla alia uox lllius mtscñ audirctur nm h.u:c- 'ciuts Rominus ~um.' quibus-uerbls üsus, pcrsuamnc Gau1us Vcrñ, ;¡ quo tam atrootcr caedebirur, ut stb• p.ucerc:t neuc CJcdcrct? m mime, iüdicés. IS enun perfccit Ut non modo cacdcrétur, sed cuam crux (crux! inqu:am) dli misero comparirerur. in cruccm ausus cst Vcrres hominem agcrc qui 5C ciucm Rominum csse dicéb:at.

{/u Vmem Il s.61.16o-ó~.H'í2}

Scwon 4 G(i)

Crcao u•oudos ll'lml llares' fatlu r would sa¡• ¡( lrt· ll't'Tt' j11dging tl~e: case. Ht! poiuts 0111 tht' unrqut· JIIOlt'llron <!ffí>rdt·d by tlu· rlaím lo ¡,1! a R 11111au citi:::c-n, ll'llit/r llt•rrn lws t~lm.\t'tl mul tlw5 cla.H•t/ tlrt• rt,c>rld 10 Roman trm,ellt!rs, wlto hm't' relit•d u¡11m il,


Prord,cial cormptíott: che V mes sca11Ja/

-'.S· hoc tmcO, hiclu~rro,sucb«t.

si patcr ip~ V erris nunc ade:sser ct si nunc Jüdu~irct., pcr de& 1mmortil'is, qUid facerc posscr? qu1d dicerct? ~~ audirc:t ~ :e ciuü Romanós ~cüñ pcrcussós, a té ardupirawn tibcratum, proptet tuam ncglcgcnriam classcm Rominam capwn atquc incc~m. ¡¡ te demquc: GaUIUrn tn crucem actum, po~ses ab ro ucniam pctcrc, possCs Ut ubJ ignosccrct postulire?

o nomen dulce libcrt2ri.>' o tüs eximium nostrac cimtius! :accdimc ut ciuis Romanu~ m prówncíi populi Romani :ab ca qui pr:aetor csset m íoro uirgis o.ederctur? quid? in crucem tü agc:re ausus es cum quise ciuem Romanum es-se diccrcr? at-c:mm GauJUm spccul.itorc:m fulSSC dicis ct dimit:is~c se ciucm Romanum C$~ quod moram morñ quacrcret. hoc tü. Vc:rr~. dicis. hoc tü confitcns, illum dim• se ciucm Rominum essc:. hoc tenro, híc h:ac:rca, tüdices, hóc sum rontcntus üno, omitto ac neglego cerera. ciucm Rorninum se cssc dicébat. ~~ tü, Verres, apud Penis aut in c.xttema lndü :~d supphaum düciris, qu1d ahud dimes nl5i re ciuem csse Rom:inum? si ciuc:m te essc Romiinum dicis, nonne putes te aut effug•um :~ut moram mortts a\sccütürum ? homines tenues. obscüro loco niñ. nimg:~nt, adeunt :~d el

loe:~ qu:~c numquam antca uidérunt, arbirráti se tüto~ forc ct lunc rem ~1bi pracstdio futüram. si mllas hanc spcm. ~~ tolla) hoc pra~~dJUrn ciUJbu~ Romlinls, ~~ cónsmuis nihil e~ se opi\ m h:ic uoce '~ul\ _ R- - , . - - ·-. · omnt;¡ fC"OJ lllO 001011 omnnu' mm 1am ornm$ proumcu), 1.101 ::> • ¡-J-1-b - - - - '· b - - tbus Romjni'!C u a\, 1 eras rnmntcs, tam omncm or em tcrrJrum ClU . .,

(In Vttrcm 11 s.óJ.IÓJ-tSj.IÓS





l Tht tltmiSt of tht Roman Rtp11blrc

Scction 4G(i1)

Cieno aslu why Vmrs JiJ not consult Ratdus, a11J givts a sarcastic piCiurt of what Vmrs' rtsponst wouiJ havt btm to tach oJ RatOus' trl o po nblr rrpl1ts. Vmts has btm an tnrmy ro tht 1vholt dvilutd Roma" world: lus mmt u inJtstribablt, anJ wou/J movt tvm tht Jumb btasts ro p11y.


qwd? cum Gawus Luaum Raecium cquttcm Rómanum qui tu m m S1alta erat ut cogmtórcm nommarct, cür lmcris ad cum non mi,isti? si Racaus cognOsccr-et hommcm, aliquid de summó suppltcio rcmattcres; si agnoraret, tum, si ata riba uaderetur, nouum aüs consmucrés, ct cum qui cognatoran non darct, quamuis ciuas Romanos cssct, in cruccm toUeres.

sed quad ego plüra de Gauao? non solum Gauu3 tu m fuasti infNus, Vcrres, sed cuam nomani, gcncñ, iüñ populi Rómáni hosus; non alli hommi, sed causac communi libc:rtins anamicus fwsti. nam facmus C'$t uancire ciucm Romanum, scelus ucrbcrárc, propc pamcidium nccarc: quad dicam m cruccm tollcrc? ucrbo satis dagno tam ncflna rés appclliñ nuiiO modo potcst. si hace non ad ciuis Romanos, si non ad alaquos amicos nostrac ciuatatis, si non ad hommes, sed ad bestias conqucñ et deplorare udlcm. tamcn omma müta atquc anamma commouercntur •..

(In Vmrm fl s.6s.a68-6¡.r¡a)




Section 5

The conspiracy of Catiline in Rome 64-62

Thc Roman Rt>pubhc (ris publica) tr.adioonally bcgan in S09 (sec Introduction p. xm). Thc Rcpublic lastcd until the dtctatonhtp of Juhus Caesar (46-44). In that rime, Rome rose fiom obscurity ro undisputcd domination of thc wholc Mcditerranean.

By the first cc:ntury powcr rcstdcd wtth the highcst ranks (órt/inis) m Roman socicty. thc sena ton (serrat~Kis or parris !QrrsaiptJ1, and rhe tf11ilis ('knights ') who qualified for that rank by wealth.

The Rcpublic was governed by ics annually elected oflicen of sute (magistriitüs). For thc aspuing politician the fint rung on tbc amNS

honomm (' coursc of public office' or 'race of honoun 1 was to be dected quamor (mínimum age JO), then prMtor (mirumum age 39) and finally, with luck, onc of thc two consuls (cotiSUiis) (mmunum age .p). A long the way it might suit him to hold onc or more of thc othcr poses avatlablc, such as mbunc of rhc plcbs (trilnünu pldns) or aecWc (aedilis). During their year of office, thc consuls wcrc virtual rulcrs of Romc. Thc powcr which thcy and military and provinaal govemors (sce p. 6s) waeldcd was callcd impnitmt. AD magmrata workcd m conjunction with the scnate (.senitu.s), an advisory body which consistcd of all cx-maguuata.

The punuit of prcstigc (gloria) and status (Jigrutis) was thc aun of thc ambitious Roman. To tbis cnd. he aSSJduously culnvated policial alliances (amititi«) aod persoaal dependants wbo conld be rdW npoa to hc:lp him (bis climti.s - 'cüents 1 and whom he could bdp m tum ID

has role as d1eir ~ Tbe rac:e lO tbc: top was fiacdy compc11"VC.

While 20 quaesrors wae dc:ctcd ev~ yar. cbcce wae ouly a c:o•ele In the cbase for thc cmy number of c:oosulsbips.lf66ilá ruoWc.t·--­&om &m•lwcs wiW:b had pn:viouily producal a cawd) ClO"'"'""' clauncd a discinc:t adn.orage. Men úom &""le" whida W prMn8·a, only luWA~r..nnküig maguaucs iD tbc: pase would find :1t mara d•Svzftt

T!tt• dnuiu ,,¡ tfrt• Rc11111111 Rtpllblic 8!

-46. Ctcero.

whíle th"'· 1 k e """• 1 e 1cero who5e ~ 1' officc, would ha' e to o~ erro ~mi ~~ had ncwr before hcld any 1~\\'C:I m;agutracies :md only ~~ci . at .d~~~d\':mragc: to , .. ,n :m y oi the t e consuhhlp. A tTUtl from Clth) , .. ~u \Uccc:cd m gctnng as far as de<.cnhc:d as a uoutiS llomo (' ncw :a: ·tese two backgrounds could be

Lunus Scrgms C;~uluu ,¡ nob . J:o,~rurn. Puetor in Mi h. le, was following thc normal

d fc "• t en govcrno ¡¡ rursus sean or thc: cmuul)hlp m 6<í bu r 111 A nca tn 6¡. he planned ro óó). Ctccro toycd wuh the ad~ ~ ~¡¡; charged wtrh e..-:tomon (sc:e C.mlme \tood m 64 fo th o e¡endmg hun. Fuulk P· re:uon - posslhl~ h ~-d e: comuhhlp of 63 Fo .L • ' acqumcd, b ¿ U Sr¡¡¡ )' :I.St ' f \\ IUtC\"C!

alrhCICChroL~ thc nobb wn:dr~~\possth lbly Pf(.'JUJJce created a.gam~t him t oug nc , tlr suppo d . ~

boasted t e~ ,¡ IIOIIus homo (;¡ fact of whtc n an Ctccro was dcctcd. ~· • . • og er wuh thc fact that h L- h Ctcero const.amJy 1 ear • 1.e. :u thc yo un ·~ e oc(:;! me consul · · •• inetdem and its fi g t posslblc agc for bcc . suo anno. m hh

a term:ath .lrc: the sub ce - ommg comul). ThlS ~ ~ ts ol thc: ncxc secrion.

ti:uus $allustius e . .nspus thc h . Sallu~t wrotc: hJ• h f lstonan J

> mory o thc e c:uh oí Cal-sar) .md ll ,:~uhnamn con

somc pcrhaps . h 3SI "'u own dc~th) An \plhracy between 44 (the • 11 st- :1111 oth . . · 1ong · th

upon Cícero who h 1 • bl ~r~ wrntcn, he prob bitS o er sourcc~, • ' JI pu t\h ·J 1 a Y r 1' d h .

(>(). fhl." tWO \\rltC b e liS own 'PC • J • e IC CJ\'11)'

1 • rS \\'l'fl' lllh ·¡ tC lC~ aga . C ..

o:uhmg lor C.uilm • ·1 1 """' wm¡,.¡¡ :md h d . mst anime in

1 e, '' 10111 t 11:\' l' a 111

t 1c1r nwtl \'l'~ wn . 1.11• • nrtr:l v ,1s th common 3

1 l e 1 crcnt. t11 6 : · e archct • 1

óiU\',liHagl' tC'l mlk. 1 . 3 6¿ C.Jccro n h } pa vdlam. Out • l ,1, mu(" 1 uf lltt· complr.tty a:ust ~ve felt lt to lm

po~lblc so th h ' at e

'flrt corupiracy of Carilir1e

could be portrayeJ (anJ poma)' himsdf) as thc saviour of h1~ country. Sallu~t is without thls pcr\onal polirical bias. Like most Rom;m h1~10rian' aftcr him. Sallust was interested in rc:Aecting upon the lessons wh

1ch the past could offcr and parricularly on the way soc1cty had

degcncratcd to ns conu:mporar)' leve\. This approach oftcn lead$ him mto tnaccuraoes about thc: chronology of evc:nts, wh1ch are: often, it scems. almost sccondaf)' to the main aim. His analvsc:s ofRoman dc:caJencc are, howc:ver, of ~eat interest. Like thc • rc:fiecuons of thc p<>et V1rgil. they spnng fro~ the expc:ncnce of the disasuous e~vil w:ns of the 4os and carl) 3os. ln the rext. you will fmd that wc follow thc m;un lme of the Story. But it ~ wortb your whilc readmg m tnnslanon sorne of the more philosophial ~ges. S. A. Handford's

Pmgum transbuon ts h:mcilcst for dñs purposc. The ~trong moral ltnc whicb Sallust ukes about the corruption of

Rom:an society appealcd gratly to St Augusrinc:. who called h1m ':m historian notcd for his truthfulncss ·. lndccd. ·moral mnhfulness' of this kmd abounds m Roman literature and cnsured its survr.'21 in the Chmri:m world. The stof)' of Caciline iuelf has oalso fascmatcd la ter :authors. Bc:n Jnnson ( 157J-1637), a contemporar)' of Sh:akcspc;lre, fll'st proJuccd h1s pla)• Cari/me in 1611, thc ycar the Ktng j:unt) 8Jblc: (the so-ollcd 'Authorised Ven1on ') ~'25 publishcd. Llke Shakcspe.ue's julnu Carsar :md Coriolar~us, it ~ an eX4!Dple oí Roman historical drama. But whercas Slukespc:arc used translacions as his .sourccs (North's Plutarth for thesc pbys). n is clear tlut Jonson knew aml uscd hh sources :n

fint h:md.

.\'ou 011 sourcts Rcfcrenocs are g¡vcn at the end of each secuon to Sallust's ongmoal text, although the p2~s,¡gc5 still conr.ín much wh1ch has bccn ad;¡pted

or m~crtcd.

Rtjmnu listo/ characttrs N, B. M<"t Rom.ln cirizcns had threc na me~. a praenómtn · forenamc '. ;1

ruimt'll • gén~ (tnlx) na me' and a co~nómen ·¡:1mily name '. T~ere wu a hnuu:d numbc:r of pr¡¡enómina, which wcrc abbtC\'IltC:ll to 1111t12ls. as in Bngh)h. Thm P. = ~üblius, C. = _?aíus, L.= l.ÜC1U\, Q. o.= Quintu~. T. = Tnus, M. = Marcos. The namc u'>eU m the L:1110

tcxt 1s hcrc princcd in cap1tals.

:J Tht Jtmist of tht Roman Rtpublic

A Corupiraton

Liic:ius Sergius CA T 1 LTN A



C. Comellus CETH!G U S


L CASSIUS Longinus

L Calpwaius B!STIA




Noble and seruitor; praetor 68; governor of Amca 67-6; candidatc for consulship in 6.t and 63; lcader of thc conspiracy. snuitor; he had risen to the consulshap. bur had bcc:n thrown out of thc scn.ate in 70 B.C. He madc a comeback and \ll'as praetor in 6 3 ; chicf conspir:uor at .Rome afier Canline's deparrur~ tqws; used by lcntulus as an mtermediary with thc Allobrogcs; in thc plot to take over Romc, he and Stanlius wcrc to start firc-s. snuilor; bloodthirsty and ampaticnt; in the plot to take ovcr Rome, he was scnt to kili CJCcro. t~s; in thc plot to takc O\"Cr

Rome, he and Gabinius werc lo start fircs. snuitor; only majar conspirator not to givc incriminating oatb to thc Allobroges. sauitor; tribunc of thc plcbs 6z; m thc plot to takc ovcr Romc, bis specch toan asscmbly. an which he was to complain of Cicero's measurcs, was to be the signa) for action. Catilinc's chief licutcnant; le.uling an anny of dcbtors in Etruria. tquts¡ with V arguntcius, in volved in a foiled plot to kili Cicero. stnltor.; with C. Comdius, invol\'ed in a foiled plot to kili Cicero.

Tht conspiracy of Catilint S




Formcr busincssman 10 Gaul· tricd to mduu Allobrop ~ JOm the conspuacy. unknown soldiCI' fiom Fa u •lae in charge of Catibnc's lcft ... tn thc final battle. Wife of Dccímus luanas &rua. (consul 77); mochcr o(

D. Brutus.. oac of Cacear', assassins ID ._.; :aJong wilh sevenl othcr nobkwomen involved m thc: c:oospncy

B /nformtrs agJ~rut tht' conspiralors





lover of Q. Cunus; incluced htm lo betray thc compaxy. Ex-.stnitor (removed by thc censan for ammoral bchaW10Ul')' lovcr of Fulvu: bccn)'éd thc conspmcy. Amb:uvdon fiom this GaUir m be. wbosc Id 1 •lUI')' was m Gallia Transalpina (tce map p. 113): m Rome CD ,....r a compbint CD che ICIIIR fl extoraon by R.omaa CJ hk. Lentulus used P. Umbt re • induce thcm co JC*1 die comptrac)'• bac ¡.,.,e .. ..., exmcud damaall cwihna: _. beuaycdcheplol. ñom C101011t a caa•1 -~ Soudtern~

wich die beanag aleaet


1 Tlu· dl'mi~c •')'tlu• R tliiUW R epublic

e Rllllhlll alltlloritii'S lltlllthár S11pportas

Mircus Tulhus e te ERÓ





L. V:alenus FLACCU:;

M. Porc:ius e ATÓ

couSII/ 63 (a TltiiiiiS Jromo); chief archuect of thc consp1racv'~ - , fa¡)urc. cori.SU! \\ith CJCt~ro in 63; handed over command to Perrcius in thc final battle bccausc of gour. pra~cor 63: sem ro P1cenum to keep the pe2c~; cut off Dcilinc's rctreat ro Gaul.

.¡ lcgáms undcr thc command of C. Amonius m Etruna; commande.d thc arm\· 10 the

• final barde against C:nilme. pmromt.S of thc Allobrogcs; used by rhcm :b an mtl"rmcdiary wnh Clcero in thc bctr.wal of

• thc ploL pratror 63; onc of tbe pta(torrs m cb.rge of the opaauon :u thc Muhian Bndgc. whcrc the leru:r from Lromlus to Cluhne was captured along wnh \' olrurcius. tn'bune of thc plebs 62; hts finn advocacy of thc dcath penalty for che comptrarors won thc dav .

Sallus1\ introducrion co Carilinc

Sallll$1111/rodllct•s liS lo e t'/' ¡· 1 . 1 l h . a 1 mr, 0111 lllt'S liS Cr1aracrer and shady pase, mul rt atts 1 t' c•ar/)' lustor¡• ~( rht• compiracy:

In wriung about C tl .· . . .a 1 tnc s con6plracy 1 wtll try to be as bncf ami accuratc a~ 1 can lt IS lf: . h. h · an a :ur w 1c 1 rcgard as parricularlv memorable bccaus . f 1 '

e 0 t le unprcccdcnrcd narure of rhc crimc :md of

47 Sulb.

the danger u causcd. Beforc 1 begin m)" na.rram·c 1 rnust say :a few word~ about thc chJracter of th~ m:m htmsdf. I.uciUs Cauline was


bom of an a.ristocrauc family. He had cnormou~ mental and phyqcal rnagy. bur hi5 character was evil and dcprawJ. Evcn whcn qui!e \'Oung he enjoycd mrcmal wars, murd~r. robbery, anJ Ct\'tl stnle, and in thesc he spcm his early manhood. Phy~ically he could endure hungcr, cold, and lack of ~Jeep to an inaediblc dcgree. He wa~ rcckbs, cunmng, de,·ious. and capa.ble of any kmd of prctcncc or d1SS1mulauon; h~ ha.nkercd aftcr other people"s propcrt)' and was lamh \\1th h1s own; his passions wcrc ,·iolent, he had a rod)· enough tongue but little scnsc. His destres werc tmmoderate and always dtrccted to the n'tfa\ól~ant, thc 1ncred.ihlc and what was out of rcach.

Mtc; the pcnod of Sulla 's do m manee he was taken w1th an O\'crwhdming ambmon m gct hts hands on publtc affatrs. and rrovtdcd he could do so was carclcss of thc mcans to be used. HlS ficrce ambtrion was concinualh- mrrcd br hts pcwcrty :md sensc of gutlt. both of which he had fcd by thc pracricc> of which 1 ha,·e

1 spokcn. He was drivcn on abo by thc corrupuon of pubhc mor~ s, which wcrc bcing disrurbed by thc rwo complcrncnury C\115 ol

c:xtravagancc and meanncss. (Cari/iua( cMilir.itiá 4-5.8)

In a my so largc and so corrupt Caulinc found lt vcry ca')" to

\Urround himsclf wJth a gang gn·cn to cvcry VICl' and mmc. Th~·,rc " h ¡ bl 1 1 J ·a tt·d thc1r fam1 \' \\ere s ame css glutrons and gam t·rs '"' 10 1a w. ~ ·

r l .•.. thcrc wcrc thosc 1ortuncs on gaming or on chc1r IS or on s~x • convicrcd of murder or sacrilcgc, or fcaring C<'nvictton _for orhcr

. h ¡· J r thclr ~upport on crunc\ commttteJ; thcrc wcrc thosc w o re IC 10r ·

Tl:r ,lcmrst cifrhr Romatr Rcpublic

hand and tonguc prcp:ncd lo commu perJUr)' or shed thc:tr fdlows' blood; thcrc \\ere m a word a U tho~ hauntcd by dlSgracc. po\·crty or bad consacncc. To Cauline ther were all close fricnds. And :anr innoccnt man who h;appcncd to bccomc: fnendly v.1ch htm was osilr asstmtl:ued to the rest hr the :mracuon whach regular conuct hrought. But ll was clnc:fl) the fam1ltanty wuh the young that he sought. Thcu duracters wcre mil unformcd and casily mouldcd, and thc:y were rcadily ensnared. He adJUStcd hu approach to thc foi!Jcs of thcir age, findmg prosntutcs for sorne. buymg hounds and horses for othcrs, and m thc c:nd SJI4nng nenhcr experue nor modocy m makc: them submn to hu influencc:. 1 L:now there are sorne who think dut thc: young mcn who frequcnted uuhne's household had very linlc respect for decenC}·: but thu opmaon gamcd currcnC}' for rcasons othcr than knowlcdge of lts truth.

When he: V.'aS qunc a young m:m Catíhnc had had many dasgraceful alfa1rs; therc was one w11h a young woman of noble birth. and :another wnh a pnot~s of V~u. as wdl as manv similar ¡IJcgal and sacril~gious rclationships. In thc cnd he fell in lo~e with Aurclia Or~nll:a m \\ hom no h r d h · · • oncst man •oun anyt mg to adm1rc cxccpt her good looks: shc hcsitatcd to marr)' him beca use she did not want :a sccpson who w3~ ;¡Jr J . d . -e .

1• d ca Y gro\\ n up, an at 1s generally beltcved that

a u me mur crcd th. d d b . Th' e young man an so ma e way for thc mamagc Y cnmc. ts act was 111 m • · h . . . • ) optn1on a pnmc cause of h1s formtng 1)

conspnacy. Hts gutlty . h . . h . comctcncc, Wlt cnmcs agamst gods and mcn wc1g mg on at allow d h 1 • e nctt cr s cep nor rcst, and wrought hls mmd

) '(hr ca~~.tpirt1C}' af Catili11e 95

11110 a \tatl." of dc\':IStating tcnsion. Hi~ Cace Jo,t tt~ colour. he bccamc

le. wnh blood~hot cycs and rcstb~ gait, and in >hort \howcd tn

~ .. r,· look :~11 thc sigm of madncs~. But he taught thc voung rncn e~. , . . • whorn he had cnsnarcd as l havc dcscnbcd, cv.:ry kmd of wkkcdn~s.

Frorn thcir numbcr he pro,;dcd himsclf with fal~c WltllC~\CS and SJg!Utori~: he taught thcm ro makc hght of honour, fortunc a tul dlnger, and whcn rn:y had no rcputation or 'hamc lcft urgcd thcm 10

sttll grcater crim~. lt thcrc v.-as no immediatc mottvc for wrong-domg thc\ wa)'laid and murdcrcd at random whcthcr thcrc was rcason or not: mdced he prefcrred che cruclty of motl\'clos cnmc to tht encmtton of mmd and hand by lack of practicc.

Thcse wcrc the fricnd> and accomplice~ on whom Cauline rclicd m makmg his plan' to ovcnhrow thc governmcm. His own tlcbts in all p.1rts of the world were hugc. and most of Sulla\ ~oldtcrs had \\'OlStcd theu mc:aru and wcrc lcd to long for oval war by memories of theu former plundcr and vtctory.' Thcre was no arrny m ltaly: Gnac:us Pompeltls was waging a war in a dast:ant pan oí thc world;: he hmudf h:~d hopc' of h1s candidacy tor che consulship; thc \t:nate wa~ not akmd, :and thc general peacc and quict pro\'ltltd thc opportunity C.mhnc: nccdcd. Accordingly about the fine ofjunc m tht con,uhh•p oftuous Cacs.1r and Gams Figulu~3 he: ~caned to approach h1s followcn mdt\•tdually. cncouraging sorne and trymg out orhers. He $po~c: ofhts own rcsources, of thc unrc."adincss of thc: publtc authonuc:s, and of thc: great re\l.'ll.rd> thc: con~p•racy would bnng. Whc:n h1s cnquarics wcre complete he callcd a mccung of thc boldot and mosl dr.speratc.

(Casilinat coui•irátió 14-17.2)

When Caulinc saw that thosc to whom 1 h.wc rc:ferrcJ haJ asscmblcd, 1hough he had had manv mcenngs with them mdavJduall)' he thought a general .1ddrcss of enc¿uragc:mcnt would be tnncly, ;and lcd them 10

.a pnv;atc pan of thc housc. and aftc:r rcmovmg :tll wnnes\~'S :u.ldre~scJ thcm in thc following tc:rms. h

• f lf · 1 lo)·~lt)· 1 e 1 1 haJ not alrcady assurcd mysc ot your cour:tgc anu .. • prc~ent opportunny wouJd ha ve prcscntctl Ítsclf to 110 purpn\C. [he

1 1 f 1 pJoum wcrc provulcd ~~~ ll hatl bccn dícutor :u Romc 8~·19· Thc vctcrJm o 11' •JIII " wuh l~nd obamcu bv musacre. Jnd proscnpuon5 of cncnucl 1 'l'

1 " 1 . . l J 1 CJc\Jf /Hihl' IIIIIC le " rornpco)· thc Grelt, bter 10 contcM thc C1v11 WM wa 1 U IU\ •

lightmg MuhrJCbtcl. King of Pontm, m che E¡•t 1 (•4

Th( Jmri5e o_( tire Roma11 Republic

hJgh hc..1pc~ of power which ar_c now m me would havc becn va in, and Wlth none but cowards and famc-heam to rdy on 1 would not now be running chcsc risks. But you havc provcd yourseh·cs in many a cnsis to be 111,. bra,·c and fauhful fnends. 1 have made up m y mind to cmbark on eh~ grcat :md glorious c:mc:prisc, knowmg wdl that your ideas of nght and wrong romcidc v.;ch mine. The firmcst base for friendship is to~ sh:are hkes and dislikes. 1 havc cold you all mdividually what 1 have in mmd. But my purpose is intbmcd srill further 35 time passes by the thought of what our fumrc: will be unl~~ we strikc:: a blow to sccurc our frccdom. Pubhc affiürs are: now in the jur:isdicuon and control of a iew po,,crful men; it is ro rhem that kings and rulcrs pay cnbute and that pcoples and r:~ces pay the!T uxcs. The rest of us. encrgcuc and adrmrablc as we are, nobles and commoru, are rcduccd ro a ''ulgar mob. wnhout inRuencc or auchoncy and subscrvicm to those who 111 a crue dernocracy would ~cand in awe of us. Thc conscqucnce is chat all mRucncc. powcr. presuge and wcalth i~ 111 their hands or in thc hands of thmc che)' choosc; whilc w us thc:rc rcmain danger, dcfeat, pr~sccuuoJ~ and povcrty. How long Wlll meo of your couragc; put up '~uh all thl\? 1~ n not better to d1c bravc.:·ly than to live in m1scry and d1:honour, dcsp1~cd and ridJculed, and die in ignominy? I swcar fanhfully- .by all 1 hold sacred- that victory JS in our grasp. Wc are young and m good hcart: rhcy are physically and financially pase thcJr pnme. Al~ we necd b to acr: che rcsult will bnng success. How can anyone "'!th any sp1rit pur up with chcir havmg an overabundance of nches \\:h1ch ~C)' pow: away on bUilding in thc sea and levdhng mountams, whJ!c we lack the mcans to procure rhe bare nc."Ce~1ties of hfc? They :tcquire house after housc, wc havc nowhere for our domc.-suc hcarrh. Thcy huy picturc~. ~tacu~. cmbossed silver; chey pull down ncw house.s to build ·u h •. h _t. • sn ot e~. t C\" mouce cverv concCI\'ablc use and misusc of thetr w-1-L • h. · • . ,,., h ouUJ as Jt sum t cm, and soll cannot cxhaust lt. ~ e ave po''ertv in rb h d b d • h ) fi • e ome, e t outs¡ e lt, presenr misery :md 3 0

~Lcss uhture, nothmg lefi in ~hort cxcept our miserable lives \t'akc up, UJCn: t ere befo re vour "" . . h ¡· L . • h h d , -.r) C} es are t e Jocrt\' rbe wealth t e onour 311 thc glorY . 1 fc • • •

d Th . ) ou ong or: Fonune olfcrs them all if vou succcc . e ''crv cnrc ri . 1

th 1 f • rp se, lts opporrunm· and dangcrs vour nccd e ~po¡ s o war are all b ' d h • , . '

Lct m ¡ d ' eyon t e powcr of m y words ro dcscnbe e ca you or serve in )'O k . . h

to command Th h ur ran s, 1'11) can and body are your~ · · ese are t e plan 1 h 11 1 comul un le" 1 • k . ~ s 3 Wlt, your help follow as

· , am rntsta en m yo d fc command.' u 311 you prc cr slavery co

1 Tlrt conspirtuy of Catilirre 9i

His audicnce \.\'ere: in the deprbs of misfortune. without hopc or _ and chought thcy would profit grcatly from pubhc disordcr

mean~. · , , e the )e)~, many of them asked h1m to e.xplam the condiuons 00 .. ,on d h · h whtch war would be wage . w at proht t ey would get from ,;etory, what thcir pro~pccts and rc:sourccs would be. C:mlmc proceed~ to promise cancellanon of all debe and proscnpnon of thc nch, as wcll as magiscractcs, pncsthoods. plundcr and CVCT) thing d~c wh1ch war and che liccncc: of v¡ctorr c:ln offcr. He wcm on to rcmmd thcm that PISO was m Nc:ucr Spain;4 and Publius Sittius of Nuccna with an army 111

~úureunu s both of them being m his plot; that Ga1us Amomus was l andidlte for the consulship. and he hopcd would be h1s collcague: ~e added chat Antonius was :m mrimatc fnend of his and under many pres.sures: Catiline hopcd to iniciare bis progr:unme whcn they bec:ame JOint consuls. He finl!-hcd \\;th Ja,·ish abu~e of all good citiz.cns. and fiaccenng commcnd.mon of hi5 own gang. mcnuonmg cach b~· namc: be recaUed che povcrcy and ambitions of mdtvu.luals, the dangcr and disgracc threatcmng many of them, and th~; profít~ many othcrs had made out of Sulla's victory. Whcn he saw he lmlthcm sulftcicncly exCJted, he urgcJ on thcm the importancc of lm candtdacy and dismJSsed thc: meeting.

There wc:rc thosc who !>aid chat C.ltiline, aitcr he had finished speakmg, compellcd his accompliccs in crimc to swear an oath, and amcd round bowls cont:urmtz a mixture of human blood and wme wbtch thcy had to tastc, b1r~1~g chcm5dves by :~ solemn oac~ as 1f 1t

w~ a rchgious ritc:, befare he finally re\'C.llcd hJ.S plan: and hts purposc. ;he)' adJoo. w:h to knit thcm more dosel) togethcr bcausc of mutual con~c¡ousnc;"SS of rhcir drcadful aime. Thcrt' wcrc others who bchc\'cd that thcsc :md many orhcr dcta1ls \\ere 111\'ented by people ,.,·ho thought that thc prejudicc agaum C1ccro which suhsequcmly arosc would be modcrated by mcssmg the applllin~ JUrure of the crime commmed b" chose "hom he had put to death. 1 ha,·e roo little C\"ldcnce to gtve j~dgcmcnt 111 a mattcr of such momcnt.

(Catilir:ar comürJrio zo-zz)

• As govcmor, He '' ¡~ 1.1llcd whtlc JOUm~pn¡; 1hrnugh 1hc 11r0 " 11'c" 1 N Afnc~ .

Scwou 5 A (i) S 6 e ,·,. onr 0¡" Catilrm•'s b,tckas fi>r tite consulsltip o_{ 63, tr/1

1 1111111/tl '1· '" 1 '• • •

1 • 1 ¡· 1 tbortl c,udmr 's ¡rlmtf. Shr spreads tite lll'UIS attd the ft'JU/t is /liS Ol't'l '11 1'10 1 ~ , • •

a drfrat 111 tltr rlrrrions jM Carili11r, a viaory for thr new man C:ruro. Tltis dol'S ntll stop Calllille's rt•voltttionnry pla11s. He plac~s. arms. m Jtraregrc l · .1 ·n'PI·~:s ~ ·'a11/ius (whom ltr wil/ t'l'tnwally ;om) wuh monry. ocatutns arw sur. ... "'

49 lrbidimbw .adco drouus,

sed m ci coniür;uone fuit Q. Cunus, natus h.iud obscüró loco, J.bidm1bus :Ideo dCdJtUS, Ut eum censores scnitii moucrenr. huic homini unt2 uimtas tnerat ut non possct rcncérc qu:ae aud1erac: unca insolencia ut numquam sw tpsc sedera celiret: tanta :audic~a ut scmpcr diccret f:a~rctque quac:cumqur. uoléb.u, crat ci cum Fuluii, mulierc nobili, stupñ Uetus comuctüdo. sed Cunus tam pau~r factus est ut el mmus gfitus fit"rct. repente OIUtCDl adeo gJoriañ CocpÍt Ut maru montisquc Fulut.:~e polliccrétur. ce tam insolcrts feroxquc fiebat ut ci moncm

intcrdum rntn:irctur, nisi sibi obnoxia ~sct. at Fulut:a, insolenriac Cuñ CJus.i cogmti, rem rci-pübl.cac u m pcriculos..m ~e puübat, ut, omrua. qu.1e de C' .. :ltlliuac couiür.ilióne audicrat, multis n3rran:t. ~-ac rés. ;¡ FuluJá n:irr.itae, 10-prirnis dfcrcrunt Ut consulacus M. Tullio Ciceroni' mandarcwr. namt¡ue ant~·3 plcr;1qul' nobJIJtas Lam inuida cr.:~t uc COihUiawm IIOUÜ hornini mand:irc nollcnt. na m • polluatur consulatus •. mc¡uichant, ',¡ cum quamui\ cgregu" homo nouus adipisditur.' sed ubi pl'riculum .-.duénu, irnuJ1a JIC)Ue supcrb1a post fuere. tgltur, comitiis hahiri's, rünsuJ¿., di~d:ir.unur M "J ullius ct (. Antomus; quod 6num primo mn1uratñrcs l"oncusscrat. rwquc t:~mcn Catílinae furor




· .• r Catilint ( ') 1'/~t• com¡macy "J

5A' -

. -d·- lüra agitare, arma pcr ltaham loru


mmucbatur • se~ m u:~ ~ Fac~ul:is ad Miinhum _ - ~re pccumam ortunts par.. • )

opp- (Catllínar comurauó ZJ-24.l p<'rtarc.

Sccuon S A (i~ J among tl•tm somt "'"mrn, u·lzog tsrre

6·. Catilmr garllus morr SJtlpJ"'~ters,¡, . •ast Jcbrs. Srmproma, an exrmntly ~ .~_, u closdy re ateu to t nr ' fi 1 0 1:rw oru. " . 1 d noblw•oman, i5 one rrcnlll.

aul'mplu te ·- b C:mlina au:nur • muherés _ - h min~ <id!UnXlSSC Sl 1 _ -có temporc p1unm()!; o - . - - ptfu stupro tolc:nuer:mt, postc<~, l . e pñmo mgcnm su m _ • - .&lt?num cuam a Jquot, q~ tum si'c faccrc non po~scn •• m aes - - -CUtO propttr 3C~tcm q~ - r-nli'n:ae <idtúnXCt\IOt Ut sC acre 3~Cil0 dcr<l11t 1n-ttur se '-'<~ • • r c:u m:axtmum mo • == - - - ..... lactus acccp1t ut pe

_,t - 10 comuranon...... _ - 1 libcrircnt, l't Druma cas lx:m incc:nderct. wrós carum se ue - b- - s sollicitirct arque ur ~uos ur ano - uübat adiüncturum sibl uel m:c~ccm:;n rJult<~ sa~ wrihs a~dic~c faonou

.... d tn d~ er:at Scrnprotlla. q .-... rma praeterea uno arque "'" 1 cnerc atque 1u • -onr~t hac..'C mu IC1' g c01nm1 ... • ·

50 c:.mtii ce 'I.Jh:itiónc doeta



Thc' .ltllll$1' ciftht' R IJ/1/dll R tpublic roo

tibcri's ~ns fortííniu fun; liucrí~ Gracci's e~ L~ñnis doce:, ~~!ü ct 1 ~ - ag·1• doct~ quam nccc.s~ t'5t matronae. sed e1 canora \Cntn.-r s.1 tanonc rn ' .. · . _ _ _ r-

quarn dccus atquc ¡mdkma fuu: lab1do s1c acccnsa, uc ~cpiU~ omnta . . h d b d peteret u1ro~ quam pc.-tcrctur ucrum ing~ntu~ _c•us a u a _sur uru: posse uersüs facerc, IOC\1111 mo~c:c, sermone un u:_l ~odcsto ucl rnolll ud procic:l. prorsus mulrac faccnac mulrusquc lcpos mcr:u.

(Carilíruze coni1iratio 24-J-25)

Secuon S A (iti)

SummN 6). Cat1lull' t"rs for tl1r co11sulship of 6:!, but is a.~ai11 árftawl. He .cratiCIIIS hu trocps tlrro•~ehcut 1tiJly. ;\fa11li11s is sratio~á ar Fars11laer Catilitrt plozs tirrkssly, but grrs "owl:ur. At a 11iglrt-tíme muriug (5 Novrmbcr). he su~ms l:is w:tlinrss to J,~part for tl:c army. if C. cero is dour au•a}' wuh fir.ct. C. CPnulms a/ltl L. Var,r:unttiru attrorpt tlus task (carly l)fl th~ mommg oj ¡ Nol'(mbn}. bm are JoilrJ.

hi~ rcbus compariti~. Catiliru rululominus m proximum annum con~ulltum pcrcbat. ncque inrcrci qu1ccus erat, sed omnibm modis insidiis par3b.u Clccroni. sed Cícero, Ut has insJdru cwtirct, per Fuluiam dfCc:crat ut Q. Cunus consilu Catilinac sibi prOderct. igitur Catilina postqtum dtes comiuarum uerm ct rcpuls..m tulit, ronsrituic bdlum faccu:. igttur ur socios m diuenis parribus Italiac haberct, C. Minlium Fac:sulis, Jlios aliis locis pc:r Iraliam po~uic. interc:i Romac multa simul agcre: consuhbus insidias collocire. parare mcendta, opportüna loca armitis hominibus obsidérc, 1p~e cum tela CS..(C, sooos hor-.iñ ut scmper mtenti pariitiquc escnc: diés nocñsquc: fcscinirc, uigJlirc:, ncquc i'nsornniis nequc labore fatigiñ. postremo cum nih1l - - - ·- - - . --. . . proces~I\sct, comurauonb pnnc1pcs noctc conuocar et prac:mm mqu11 · Minhum ad cxc:rCitum, Item alaOs in alia loca opportüna. qui' initium bdli faciant. ego nunc ip~c .1d excrcitum proficiscerer. nisi Ciccro c:tiam uiucrct, sed pnus Ciccroncm nccarl uolo. nc mea cansilia impediat.' quac cum dixisset, pcrtcrntis cctcris coniüritóribus. C. Comclius cquc~ R_oman~s op~rarn suam pollicirus ct cum co L. Vargunceius scnator conmtucrc ca noctc paulo pmc cum armañs hommibus ad Ciccróncm inc~oirc ut c~tnt l~Í: ampróui~o intcrficcrem. Curms. ubi inccllcgtt tantum pc':.c~lum _co!1mh ampl·ndcrc, propcrc pcr FulUtam Ciceroni' dolum qui !:_ara~arur cnuntuu. ni· ag1tur C1n·ro de 1mpr6uls6 interficcrctur, illi l:lnua prohiblti ~Uilt, ll:l<jUC tilllllllll facinus früstta SUSCCperant.

(Catilinae coni1irtitio z6-~8.J)




5 Tllt: collsp~racy of Catílim:

lO 1

Manliu~· rcvolucionary activitics in Etruria lud induceJ Ciccro 10

take tfiCial action. On z 1 Octobcr thc !lena te pas~eJ thc st111rtris co11sult11111 0

1 · 11111 dccrccing that che consul, ''>hould scc to it that thc rcpublic ,, /1111 . come~ to no harm ·. On 27 October M:mliu~ lcd :111 army mto thc fi Id. Thc consuls reactcd by ~cndmg out four commandcrs to takc tt·nsh·c mcasures in various rcgiom. Onc of thcsc, Q. Metdlus Cdcr, "~: ~JH to Piccnum (scc map p. 113: Agtt Picbms). At Romc rcwud~

O~·rcd for mformanon l<."ading to the arrcst of compsrato~ and wcrc IJl

nieht-wacches wcre set. Therc \\'as an anno,phcrc of grcac trcp1dauon a~one che pcople.

Carihnc. undcccrred by che prcparatiom for defcncc or by threat of cuuon. concinued plouing. On S No\·cmhcr (thc da)' after

~~:nclius and Varguntcms' :mcmpt on Ciccro's hfe) CatJI~m~ attcnded thc ~enatc. Ciccro delivcred his spccch 111 Catilitram 1 {thc Fu-st Canhnc '). a ~a\'age anack on Catilinc, urging hnn to lcaw Romc.

1 · h h'1s b .. nd of chugs Carilinc's dcfencc was rcbuifcd by thc a ong WH .. · . ~ .

d (he samc nighc he volum:mh- ltlt Romc. Accordmg tO ,cnate, an • . lcucr.; hc scnt ro influcnttal mcn, he \\'3\ hcadmg for c:-alc m Mancille). But Sallust porrrays ht~ tmcnuon at th:n momcnt as bcmg

1 which is m Íact what he c:vcntually dtd. coJO n 1 • •

51 C1rcro attackmg Catilinc in tht> scnatc.


Mc.mwlulc, ¡11 lhrurr:t, Manltu' w.1s lc:.ding a dcputation to thc Rornan com rn:~nda who had bt•cn st·rH against him. He complaint•d of thc a\'artcc 0 ( u~urcn .and of thc bnndagc to which many of hr~ • , 0 JJicr\' had bt·cn rcduccd. h was povcrty. not rrcachcry. whic:h urgcd thcm 10 rcvoh. Thc Roman commandcr rcplicd that thcy should ];¡}':' dom1 thcir :ums :and appro;ach thc ~cnatc.

Ih· mrd-1\:on·rnbcr. thc ncw~ had rcachcd Rome of Caulmc\ arm·:al at [\1:mhu~' ca m p. Thc St"natc prompdy thcm 110sccs- 'pub he cncm1es'- and offcrod :m :mlnC~t)' b)' a fixcd date ro rhctr ~upportcr . The comuls wcrc ro cnrol troops. Ciccro wa:; to rake chargc of guardmg Romc. C. Antomus was to pursue Carilinc wuh an anny. At rhis pomt Sallust drgresses to commcnt on thc greu popular support ther<' was for the conspnacy 111 thc oty.

cenan $ D (i)

011 Catilinú mstrurtrons, l.cmulus approadz~s ti!~ ambDSsadors oJ tite Allobroge-s, a Cal/te wbt, I'ÍIJ P. Umbrti/IIS (u,J;o hws .lont lmsint•ss 111 C.m/) anJ trtr.s to Jraw tlmu 11110 1/te rel'ofutitm.

s:. AUobrox.

isd:~ tem~rtbu~ !~~mac. t:m~lu~. skuñ Cattlina praeccpcrat, qumcu~nqu~ l~otns rcbus 1doncns c~sc crédcbat, aut pt:r se aut pcr aliós solhcrtabat. tgnur _P. V~1bré::nó cuidam ncgotium dar ut lcgatós Allobrogum rcqurrat l'OSc]U. •1 n •11 d · - b 1..,. . e 1 pe at a soctetatcm e u. sc1cbat c:nun Lcntulus Allobnwrs püblic': - - · ¡·- - _ _

• • • t> . _ C pnuaumquc acre a l<.!llO opprcssos Cl natÜI'il g:mc~ ~,nlhcam ~dhcos:uu cssc. l'Xistimabat tgitur fore-ut facilc ad tale cmmhum .tdduccrcntur. Vmbriinm quod in G ru- - ·-plcñ"Jlll' pr'incipibm ciuitit _ ·' _a a ncgou:nus era t.

· · u m nc>tu\ crat ••tque cos nóucrat; ttat¡uc: s1nc 6S

5B(I) Tlrt: (011Sp i racy of camwe 10)

di, ubi ... pñmum lcgatós in foro conspcxn. rog:iuit pauc:~ de mtü lllO - . - - IJ- -d - ttatl~ ct m1scro c1us casu. po~tquam 1 o~ 111 1t qucri de auaritta Clll _ _ _ d . _ h'

gistracuum. accusare senatum quo m co m 1l auxali c:sset mJ~nis rna _ • , , suis rcrncdium morrcm exspcctarc, at ego mqu1t, 'uobi~, \i modo Ulñ cssc uulm. ratiónem ostcndam qua unta ma mab dfugaaus,' hace ubt dixit. Allobrogés. in ma.ximam spcm adducti, orare Vmbrcnum Ut sui JUlSCrérétur; niht} tam diffia}e t)SC quod non foactüñ CSSCllt, Ut óuttitem ;¡ere aliénó tibcrárcnt. ille eós in domum quandam perdüot quac foro propmqua crat. praet:'ci ?ahin~um are~!t, quo ~:uor :~uaónw scrrnóni incsser ct quo faahus c.u pcrsuadcrct. Gabmtó pracscntc coniüranonem apem, nonúnat soaos, prac:tcrci multas mnoxtós, quo legitis :ammus ampliar esset. pc.rsuasn c:is ut opcr.un polhcercnrur, Jeinde pollicitos opcram suam domum dimatut

( Cat11i11at (Onniráwi 39.6-40)

St:c.tion 5 B (ii)

Thr Allobroges dwilt ro bmay rhr cousp11acy, 1101 '" ;om 11. Thry ust Q. fabws Sanga, a patronos of tlltir tribf. as au mtmnrdiary u 11h Ciwo. Cimo 111gts rhtm ro prc:rend loyal1y to tl:r cons¡arators


sed Al1obrogés. quippe qui nóndum comüñuóni se adtungcrc: So

cónsmmssent. rcm diü con)lderabant. m altera parte crat acs ahcnum, srudtum bdti, magna mercó m spC. utaónac; at m altera, m:uorts opes ciu1cam Rómanac. tüta cónsili.a, pro mccrcl spe ccru pracmu hace tllis uolucnubus, tandem uícit fortüna reí püblacae. 1uquc Q. Fab1ó S2ngac, ciunau~ suae patrono. rem omnem, uñ eognoucrant, apcnunt. Ctecro. S pcr S.mgam constlió cognitó, legañs AUobrogum praeaptt ut studmm l0n!Úrationis uehemcnter :.-imulent, cetcrós adcant, hcnc polhcetntur, dcntquc opcram ut coruüracóres quam-ma.xtmc mamfc~tos facunt

(Caulinar e nniriitl5 41)

McaO\\hllc. d~whcrc. both m Gaul and m !tal). thcrc \\ ere otcr mrnng~ of rc,·olt by agcnt\ of Catihne. all firml) h;~ndlcd b) ' e Roman authonttcs.

Scction 5 B (iii)

ji 1 Ji 1 1 1 Rrsllll 111buur of rhr :lt Rouu!, Lt•t:tulus cmcl rlrt• otl1ers .\' t le' " ''' 11 i1th. " '

. C f (,tltifr 1 • H ll( at t'lltlll~h l tl plt'its, is to makt· 11 s¡1eech attcukw.~ u,,,,, 11 ' u 11 • 1 1

tl:t• city. This rvi/1 bt' rlrt· signa/ Jor St.rti lius 11111i Galmaruc IC! start fir r.s.

Ct'tlrt',~IIS 1¡1 kili Cicu o. cwcl tla· rest ltl ummut othrr 11111rdm.

2 10.¡

S3· Forum Rorrunum

~t Rómae Lc:mulus, cum ceteris qui pñnctpés comürauonis er.lnt, p2ritis (ut Uldébitur) rnagnis copiis, constituer:mt uñ, cum Carilina propJUs cum excratú uemsset, L Bestia contiónc: habici q uen'l'ctur de ~roorubus CJceroms; cónsmuennt uti, d connónc h~bicl , cetcra mulmüdo comür3uónu ncgóu.1 exscquererur. quac ncgót~ diuidcre hóc modo ronsutuerant; Staulius et Gabimus uñ cum magna manü duodecun $Jrnul opportüna 1~ urbis ancendcrcnt, quó faciho r ad1tus 9S

ad conrulem fierct; Ccthcgus uti Ctceróms iinuam obs:ideret cumque, linui fricti, ui aggrederetur; uti frlii farniliirum. quórum ex nóbilitite rnax•ma pars erat, p.uemis mtcrficerem; postremo uti urlx incensa, ~iccróne nedtó, cede ct mccndio pcrculsis omnibus, ad Carilinam erumpcrent. 1co

(Cati/i,ae a111iririitio 43· 1-2)

St:ction s C (•)

1'/rt .-lllubrtJXt'.< tltra11.~¡, Ct~billtriJ mm tlrr uther conspirators. Thq dt:l/ltmd mr (I¡Jt/J from l.t'IIWIII,, Ct·tlw.~u5, Sttlliliu.{ a11d Cassius (aud rcct'il'e o11e Jrom a/1 t'.wr¡rr Ct~Httt') Witlr 1¡ · · · 'd · • liS IIICfllllrlltlfiiiJ? t'r'l erw: on them tlu:¡• art• st•llt 11/ /,y Lt·utulrts wulr '[' fluir · j ¡· ¡ . ' . . . • r~rwrs, to orma rse tu:~r compact umlr Catrlmt',

5C(i) Tht! corrspiracy of Catilirre ros

wlro ¡5 111, 111 ll'ith ¡\lanliHS near Faes11lat:. L:mulus serrds a lma 11, Ctrtilitre h)• l'olmrcius, which c.:mtains some words of rxlrortarro11 Jor Catilurt.

S4 httcriis :~d C:Hilin:un dat.

sed Allobrogés. ex praeceptó Cicerónis. pcr Gabimum cctc:r& comúratorés co nuenium. ab Lenruló. Ccthegó, Staulio, ítem Ca~1o

postubnt aús-iürandum, qu~ _sign~tum ad ciui~ ~r~mn~: :alitc.' ha~d ÚClle ion: ut ad tamum negonum ampdLmtur. cctcn nahal swptCintcs clant, Cassius se eó breui uentürum pollicctur. ac pauló ame légat& ex ros urbe profióscitur. quó iúre-1úrandó dato, Lcntulus Allobroges ad Dtitinam cum T. Volruraó quodam dimí\it, ut tlti, pnus-quam

clomum pergcrent, cum Caúlini socictitem confirm:ire~t. :ent~lus ipse Volturctó liucris .ad Carüinam dac, quarum exemplum mfr:a scnptum

est: ·té honor uti có~tés ruum pcriculum. mtellegas te utrum es~.

consideres tua cónsÜia. auxilium pcüs ab omnibus, etiam ah infimis.'

acl-hoc mandata uerbis dat:


'ab senicü hosus iúdicirus es. cür tamcn .sc:ruos repud1is? ~ru~~ _ . · ·- · b - s1" 0- h-1, re-bus par3tü profictscam. u S acop1as. m ur e parata >Unt quae tus s . ' ·

noli cünctári ipse propius accedere.' (C.Jtilí11ar coni•lroiríó 44)

Secuon 5 C (íi) r. ¡ . - ~ 10 cauh the Allobroges

2 December (night). Crcero ammges ;"' t re practOrcs . 1 . 1 , • l • ·J ¡ . 1 ¡ ¡,1 • (wluc 1 cartrt'S t lt atrd Voltr¡rcjr¡s tvíth rhe er11denct 011 t re 1v.11 Vlilll lT '·' ' . .

1 .f l , 1 dt}') 11o/turtriiS 111 road to Gaul o ver tire Tiber to the mmr o; t lt" rllltll 11 '

terror yrelds.

Thr drmisr ,,f thc R omrm l~ t·pub/i( 106

55· p()ns Mulutul.

h~~ rc~u~ ~~ ~c!i<., _comu:üta nocte qui proficisccrcnrur Allobroge}, Ctcero~ a l~aus ~-uncta c:doctus, practóribus tmpcrat ur in ponte Muluto per ~~~1d1as Allobrogum comitarüs smc: mora ad ponte:~ _1ru~ C:,S'-_ pr2ctor~. homines militares. sine rumultü praesidii~ collocans, ICUU os pracccptum crat, occultc pontem obsidt>nt. po~tquam a~ td loci légati cum Volrurció peruenerunt ct simul Utnm_q~c: cla~tor cxonus t"St, Galli, CitO cognit6 consllio. SlnC mora se _uadunt; Volturciu~ pñmó, cohortirus ceteros. gbdio se a mulmudmc dcfcndu. ddndc:, ubi a lc:g-iitis d:.<errus '""[ . 'd -d · ffi d- 1 ..., ...., . o m 1 us a e una e 1 T cns, uc ut hombu~ sé'c practonbus dcdit.

( Catili11ae cor~i1irát1o 45)

Scctton 5 C (iii)

~ Durmber. (momi~•.~) Ciuro receir,rs tia· m:ws. But, rvith so mar~y rmportatrt crtrzcm rmplictlled lw 1 'lfi ¡· b lo do with lhr Cclt1Sp t ¡'¡ d •asJ IIIIXtt ee lltJ?S a out it. He pot~ders wllf1t

rra ors. t' t'CinL'S ti 1 1 · · fi .r artiou. 1 Ir /,as tht• w/Jrits arr' •d 1 111 le IS 111 avour OJ rmcompromisiug w/,cre Ju: has summcl/1~ J . tSit mu. brollght lo tlu: temple of Cancord, 1 l 11 mrotr met•tm~ Place J d d 1ring tlu· inm111 ;1101111~ t'l•idt'IICt'. · '1S t 1e practor is or ert• ta


Tia• couspiracy of Catiline 107

qulbus rebus cón~ccñs, omnia ~~op~re pcr nümios Ciccronl dccl:lrantur. Jt

1num 10gcns cura arque laeooa stmul occupiiucrc. nam lactabatur

intcllcgém. coniü.ranónc pate~act~ .. c'iuuá~cm pcñculis ércptam c~sc: porro autcm anxtus erar. tanos ambus deprchcns'h. igitur \ic sécum

loquébátur: . • ciuís. qui ma.'<lmum scelus commisérum, iüdicitüri su mus, ubi e&

in >CnátUm uociucrimus. scmcntiam diccre me oportcbn. ego c<X púniñ uoló. na_m si .cls_a -"~-bis parcaru~, magnó 5Ít rci pübliac dédccori. tmmo. mst pumo crunt, puto forc ut rci püblicae uchcmcntcr nocátur. quod-sí summum supplicium p<>)tulauc:ro c:t ciues Romini

1ussü cómuh~ moricntur, poena illórum mthi oncñ c:rit. mhilomtnus me dccct rc:m püblicam salüñ mcae praepóncrc. si hanc scntcnriam dc:dero ct hommé> scdcsñ mterfcctC erunt, saltem re: m pübhcam ab his t.antis pcñcufis scruaucrÓ. SIC placct. me decct in hác '\COtt."tltiJ me tpsum c(in~tantem pracberc. OCC putO forc Ut me huius comtantlaC: umquam

. .

tgitur Ciccro, confirmató animó, uocañ ad sbé iu~t Lc:nrulum coniürátóresquc ccterós. sine mora ucniunt. comul l.cntulum. quod prac:tor crat, tpse manü teneos in senatum pc:rdücit; rcliquch cum custód1bus m acdcm Concordiac uenirc iu~t. eó ~cnatum ct \'olturcium cum Allobrogibus. inuOdiicit. Flaccum practorc:m lmeras, qui~ a legañs accéperat, oodcm affcrrc tubc:t.

(Cattlitr.Jt conu¡rát1ó 46)

56. aedit Concordr~e.

Volturcius, turning 'state's cvidcncc' (or h;td he beco ,.111 innorcnt 'dupc' all a long?), bctrayed the consp1raton. Thc Alloh.rogcs dcscnbcd Lcntulus' dclustOns of grandcur: he uscd to ntc a S1bvllmc prophcc~ that onc of lm famüy (tbc Cornelii) would rule Romc. Thc ~cnatc, r h h · · · J l·rc·d 1 cntulu~ to rc~1gn alter aut cnucatmg t e íncnmmaung cttcr. on ( ·

lm officc and thc othcrs w1th Lcntulus ro be hdd in opcn custocl )' ·

Popular ~upport for the plot cvaporatcJ.





1 Thr Jrmist• c!{thc• Roma11 Rt•public 108

5i· Cato.

Thc ncxt day (4 Decembcr), a plot to free Lcnrulus and thc others \\~ discovercd. Ctcero convcned che scnatc on 5 Dcccmber and a~kcd thcu advtce .about \\ h:H he should do wtth thc pri~oners, who had 10 a reccnt ~ston alre.uly been pronounced guilry of treason. Scnarc proccdurc dcmandcd th:n spc:1kcrs be callcd in a mict ordcr. Thc consul destgnatc (t.c. ncxt year's consul) w.1s thc fim ro be askcd and o on. Sallust rcpom thc spccchcs of Cacsar (who advocatcd an

unheard-of penalty of 'life imprisonmem ') and Cato, a man w:ll-known for hts strtctncss and moral rccmude ('vho was in favour ol the death penalty). In Sallust's vtew thc IS!>Ue was deodcd bv Caco' speech. • s

h'B~r ~-a m:mer of fact, n was che consul's responsibility to makc r ts CClsto~, and Ctccro was trymg ai thts meeting to bolster u an u~cthommunol nal measure. lt was illcgal to execute Roman cirizc~s \'·ll out tna lt was h' h bl' · on t 15 occaston t at Ciccro made the speech laccr pu tshed as In Caulit~am IV (thc 'fourth Cacil' ') . ·h h h. . k m support of the \'Ícw of thc cons 1 'me . m \\ ~~ e ~po e rccommcndcd ti d h l ·u dcstgnatc, D. lumus Stlanus (who

te cat pena ty) a ·r h hands of th • 5 1 t e matter reall)· wcrc in thc e senatc.

Here tvr itllerrupt Sallrw' s ttarratwe to '. 1 . . , í11 tite 'fourtlr Cntíliut •. SH tow C~eero ;ustífied this seventy

5o(i} Thc co11sprracy o Camme 109

Sccoon S D (i) ,\ly

111cu' 15 ~1ased 0~1 killd,zess .- tatvards Rome. Yorc woultluot 1¡1¡11k a

j.ulrtr ki11d, if he /ade~ to prmzsh a sla&1e wl1o had k.lltd ltis Jamily. Stl 11,1,

u·ill br demred kwd. if u•e are sevcre to tlu:st• mw. For Ltnru/us Jumdrd e&•tryrlli11g U't' hold dear over to l1is cronic·s Catili11e, Crthrg11s, Gab;11111s auJ

Cassíus to bt dcstrO}'t'd.

Ul hác causa, nón atrócitite aními moucor - quis cnim cst me minor? -sed smguliri quadam hümanititc ct mtscricordta. uideor enim

milu Utdcre hanc urbcm. lücem orbts tcrrarum atque arccm ommum gennum • .)ubitó ünó incendió conCldcntcm. ucrsitur mthi ame oculos aspcctuS et furor Cethcgi in ue<>rra caede hacchantis, Lcntuli rcgnamis, Canlinae cum excrcitü ueniencis. cum hace mihi própóno, tum limentáuónem macrum familiis. tum fugam uirginum et pucrorum, tum uexátióncm uirgmum V estilium pcrhorrcscó, ct, q01a mtht

uchcmcntcr haec uidentur misera atquc mt~eranda, tdctrcó m eó~. qui ca pcrficcrc uoluerunt, me seuérum uchcmcntemquc pracbcbó. ctenim

quacró, )Í quts parcr familias, liberis suis a scruó intcrfccñs. uxorc occisa, incensa domó, supplicium de scruís nón quam accrbJ~tmum sümat, utrum ts dcméns ac misericors an inhümanl$~tmus ct crüdcl~simus csse uidcitur? mihi ueró illc importünus ac fcrreus esse Utdeárur, nisi dolórc nocencis suum dolórcm lcmat. ,¡e nó~ mtscncord~ habebtmur. si uehcmencissími in his hominibus fuenmus qui nós, quí

comuges. qui libcrós nosrrós rrucidirc uoluérunt, qui singulis Jomós ct

hoc üniucrsum rei püblicac domtcilium dclére cóniñ sunt: ,¡n rc:miSSJórés csse uoluerimus, crüdelissimi habébtmur.

nam Lcntulus artribuit nos necandós Cethégó ct cétcrós ciuis imcrficiendós Gabinió; urbem inccndcndam Casstó aunbuit, tótam luham ua~tandam diripiendamque Carilinac. Lcntulu\ ad éucrtcnda fundamenta reí püblicae Gallós arcessit, ad incendcndam urbcm scruós conmat, ad düccndum conrra urbem cxcrcitum Catilinam uocat. qu&d hoc facinorc magis nmendum? quid hóc scelcrc minus neglcgcndum?

(Tu C.uílit~am IV Jt-t3)

Sccuon 5 D (ü) You mtm t1o1 be t!f'raid of seeming too stricc. Thr op¡1ositt' ís llliJft'

1'1 ~~·

frart•d. llelp is at hand to protect Rome ·· twmt:ly. tlu· fllltolt· P'1P


quac cum Ita smt. nólite ti.mcre né in hoc scclcrc tam ncfandó . _ SCUCrtorcs fuisse UtdeámmÍ. multó magis C5t timcnJunt né, rcmtSSIOOC






1 1 o

s!i. plenum ni iorum.

poenac. criídcle~ in patmm fu1ssc UJdcamur. hoc. inqu¡,m. m a gis est ucrcndum quam nc mmi~ uchcmcntes m accrblsslmOs hosñs fuissc uideamur. sed audio, patrcs COnscñpñ, UÓCCS corum qui UeTCÓ uidcntUr ut habeam ~ris praes1di :ad cóns1lia uestra tr:insigenda. omnia ct próuisa Ct pa.f:it:a Cl COmtitÜU SUnt, patres CODSCñpñ, CUm mea snmma CÜrá atque dihgcnoi, rum rnaxima populi Rómanl uoluncate ad summum imperium rcuncndum ct :ad commünis fortünis conscruandás. omncs adsunt ommum ordinum homines, ommum gcnerum. omnium denique aetitum; plénum cst forum. plena templa circum forum, plcni omnes aditÜS huiUS tcmpJi :lC Joci.

(In Carilinam rv IJ-q)

Scction 5 D (iii}

T~ri~ is rhc o~ly iss11c w/Jich bmrgs a/1 classes 1oge1her. What equcs, rnbunus acranu~ or t:t't'll slaw is thcre rvlto does 1101 rvant to defénd the state?

haec ~st cau~a 5ola rn quii omncs cadcm scnuant. quis ením est qui non st_udro ct dihgcnttii ad salütcm pamac dcfcndcndam dignitatcmquc conscruanda": có~1scntrat? qu1s l'qucs cst, qucm hace causa non ad con~~rd~am C!Uitaus comungat? qu1s tnbünus acririus, qui non pari stud1o dcfcnJcndac rc:i ¡lu-bt· . . .. · d- -tcac c;onuemat ~ quts cruque est cut non




sD(ilr) T/lt' conspiracy of Catiliue 111

Tlpla aspcctus urbis, posscSSio libcrtam cum dim~ima \Ít tum hace tct • · _ _ _ _ . •

d 1 . m a ct tücundtsstma? seruus cst ncmo qu1 non audactam c'iutum

U CI~SI h - . - - . - - d J rhorréscat, qui non anc ctuttatem st:are cuptat, qut non a sa ütcm pe_ -blicac dcfcndcndam pararos stt, quantum audct ct potc\t, rct pu

(I11 Cati/itr•lm IV q -tó)

Sccrion 5 D (tY) \' ¡1,we tht R oma11 pcop/t behir:d yo u. Take e are yo u do 1101 jad rhtm. d:r t•tt}' 111ui~·r laud begs }'Oil. and you havt to comida tht lit•ts 01111

Jortur.c·s ojal/ .. &ll'are cif al!owi11g suclr crimes to bt rtpraltd or tl•tn

CMSidtrttf ll.~•llll .

S9· ígnis Vnuc.

. . - - - - -b- populi Róm~ni pracsidia nen quac cum tta smt, patrcs conscnpn. uo ts . _ . _

. - - ¡- R- - - déessc utdcammt. désunt: proutdcndum e<>t ne uo:. popu o oman~ . hlbeti\ con~ulcm parirum non ad uit:am suam dcfendendOlm, sed ad U~tram salütcm cürandam. orones ordines ad cómcruandJ.r~ rctn b

1 - - - • nt patrtól commums, o \CS9 pübltcam mente, uo untate, uocc comcnnu · _ d' -b-

. . - ·- - ·- . -b- upplcx manus ten lt, uo t> factbu) ce tcli<> tmptac comuranorus. uo 15 s · _ _b_ 11 - -b- - . - - m uo_b_l' :;ra-s Pcnanum. uo ts t um se uo ts uttam omruum ctutu . ~ •

' -b- · deórum templa tgnem Vcst:ac scmpttcmum. uo ts ommum _ - - - d- . gum ucsrrarum :nque

commcndat. praccerci dé ucstra wta, e comu _ ·-J · J t . h d'-: óbt\ 1u tcan u m es ·

libcrorum anima. de fonünis ommum o te u _ . _ _ J -: bl- - habcm omrm or toe:~.

habcm duccm mcmorem uesrñ, o tturn sut. _ . 'd m 1 R-manurn un u m atqut t e

omnh hommcs, üniucrsum popu um 0 . • J- 1-tbcrüit~m . - 1 b-nbus !un atum. scntientcm. cogtt3tc! tmpenum canos a 0 • • - • aucds üna

- • - . - t: - - - d ·órunt bcrugntt:uc • ·-t.·una utrtutc stabthtam, rortunas tanta t: r. _ .. ' - ciuibus hodtc eh k comtCt pos~tt ,, ,

nox pacnc dclcuit. id ne umquam pos · _ d J 1 c:st né 11l proutdcndum CSt. tmmo-uerO hodic uobi> prOUI l'll lll


umquam posthac ucl cógttiñ possic á ciutbus. (/ll Catiliuam IV tll-l9)




7'/rc dt'mi.<r .if tire R cm 11m R qwblic

St·won 5 E (i)

Wt IIOU' 't'J•llf' Sallrw's n.Jrratia•t. ) Dc·umbt•r (n(~/11). CJCcro. J:arfu/ oJ drla)'. fÍr•r.s crdus for tlu· t.wnmons. I.rntulus, Cttlttgus. Sta11l111s tmtl Gabinfus arr rckm ro tlu: Tulliatllml, a vilr mburrantan drmgeo11, a11d garMwl.

6o. Lcmulum m arccrcm dédüat.


postquam senatus m C:uónis sentc:nuam discessn, Cícero, ucntus nc qutd ci noctc nou2retur. tnumuirós omnia, quac: ad supplicium postulábamur, parare iubct. dum triumUJñ, ab co iussi, haec paribant, coruu1 prae:stdia disp()nebat. i~ prac:stdtis dispom1s Lc:nrulum in 215

carcercm dédücit. cctcñ carccrcm intrant ~ pr:tctónbus deducti. e:st m careen: locus. Tullíinum appdlarus, mcttcr duodecim pedes humi depre.mts. cuius facies inculrü. tcncbris. odóre tocdata, tcrribilis c:st. an cum locurn démissus Lcntulus tbi mancb.u, dum uindices rcrum capitilium, quabus pracccptum erat, laquc:O gulam frangercm; quod z::o

tandem feccrunt. ita tllc patricius, ex gente clarissimi Corncliorum, qui cónsulirc tmpcrium Romat habucrat, Jagnam móribus factisquc sul~ morrem mucnit. de Ccthego, Statílao, Gabimo códem modo supplicium sümptum ~L

(Ca11limu co11irirtiti6 SS)

Sccuon 5 E (ii)

Late Dannbt•r 63 IQ early Jnnunry 61 Cat,fwt• meanavhile marshals ltis poorly t•quippt•d tlf/11}' mto two le~ions. Ht' a11oids 011 encormter rvitlr tite


o~ -_ ~,,,,.{ ..


t: .&.,.. ..,..::; ..

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- ¡..... "" ; E É ~ ~ ·;:s

'"C u ~ iJ ;-s~ - "1 ~ .. ~ t e: ::: -o ;X ~ e o Ql ~ "0 o .., "" ·- u

~ - ~ ·-~ ... 8. e( ~

~ ...,

ú c. :i ~

'E. '6 ~ :S

~ >-EE o :::

~ ~ l "' ·= " o ~

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~~ .. .., .5

[1!§1~ -~ .. o o ..,

:..; ....


rt•multlrJlcllllll'' ,1~111}' (wltrch ;,, dPflTilr~chill.~ frt>m Rtllllt') si11cr /1(' !IOI'I'S aPI)'

¡/,l)' 11

, rurll't' ,..,1,¡,,m·rllfllh .frt!lll tlu· crty. ll'hm llt'fiiS of [.t'lltlllus t'Xl'Cution

((llll(.", 1111.1 tft'!J'Ifc' ,f1•Hifltlll$, C.llilillt' r11c1Uirt'~ ,umss tlzf molllltcJills (rlrl'

.~¡•rrmwrs), hrt1di11,~ Jor Gaul. 8111 ~· .~ fl'tc·llus Cela curs o_ff his t"scapr r(lll/t'. Cmilmr J,·ri.lrs 1•' .fi.~lll itutouws ¡¡rmy.

dum ra Riim:tc gcrunmr. Caulin:l ex "'""' copia. quam Cl lpse addüxcr:u ct Manlius h:thuwu, Jui~ lcgiónc' imtituit. sed ex

011111¡ copaa cucttl"r par) quiina crat rnílniribus armis instruna. cetcri

,paró~ aut lanccii' aut pr:tcacútá~ )udi' ponabam. sed po!>tquam Amomu~ cum c.xcrcuú ;aducntiibat, C..atilina. pcñculo pcrturbatu'>, pcr momís atcr faccre. modo ad urbcm moJo ad Galliam castra mouerc. hombu~ occá~1óncm pugn:ll' nón darc. \pcrábat breui rcmporc magna\ ceipaa~ sésc habnúrum, dum Romac ,ocii cons1laa ~rficcrcnt. tntcrca (CfUO' rcputhabat, ucmu' ni: uidcrcrur cau~m ciumm cum scrui\ fuguiuh commiiniciut~~c. o;cd po~tquant in c.1srra nünuus pcruenit. Romac cC~niür.iuóm·m p:ud:tnam e-~ c.:r de lcmulo coniüratonbust1uc cétcri~ :!>Upplu:IUIIl ,ümpl\1111, plcriqu~ quise rapínarum causa Catilinac c:oniúnxisscm, dílahuntur. rcliquo' Catilina. agminc ímtructo, pcr monti~ a~pcril~ magni' umcrabm m agrurn Pistori~n<.cm abdücu, co com1ho ut occuhc pcrfugcrct 111 Gallaam Tránsalpinam .. u Q. Mctcllus Cclcr. 3 ~C'natú mts~u), cum mbu~ lcgiónibu.; an agro Píccnó cxspcctiibat dum C:mlína cama an Galli:un moucrc:t. nam ex dttficultiu.• rcrum cxisumahat forc Ul C:uilina pcrfugcrct 111 Galliam Tramalpinam, :mtcquam lcgiómbus Homini' antcrdüdcrccur.

~gttur Mctcllus~ u~a ~ter caus c..x pcrfugi~ cognóuir. castra propcrc n~ou~t, ac ~ub apsts r:tdac1bu~ monuurn cón~cdit. qui Catillnac dc,ccmu~ crat 111 ?all~.1111 prorcr:mtí llt'tJUC tamcn A momu' procul abcrat._u~potc qut loch ::_cq~11onhu' scqucrctur '>(.d Caciñna, pmtquam mdct s:'" monubus ct copn~ hmuum clausum cssc ct m urbe re' aducr~a~. n~<¡ul· fu,.:tc nc•,u • p • · •- -¡¡ - · - -_ _ _ .,. _ , e ral:\lul u am spcm constttmt m tala re tonurum bella tcmpt.lfC Ct fUill António ~luam-primum contiigl!r('.

(Carili11111! couiririitiii 56 57.5)

Sl'(timt s F (i)

C.udmr' Sfltclh lcl Iris IIM" ft .¡· ¡ . 1 J 1¡,

1, , · l f l f· 1• tltl f IL lcl/l t', lt'/111/Ufs tltt'lll 1/1/lcl( SÍfllllliLIII

( 1 olrl 111 ¡1/1( 1 tal 1 11')' frtll'l' 11 J 1 1 . J r ti · 1 ¡ 1 f lci!Ct' llll lo fr~ rr, í tlrt•y tll'l' rc1 rrtrtÍII 11 lt CrliiH/1 )'o r lt'/1)' lllllffjl't'>. • •

IUIJUC lllllltÓill' 'In -- 1 . ' - "J - '\ lll,ll.l IUill\l'l'lllOJi orattñlll'Ol hahuit nmn, tnl ltl'\, ucr h.t 11111 Ütcm - IJ . 11011 ·11 c.:r~. u~t¡u~ cxcrcnum tnt tl'lll





sF(i) rlrc collspmrq nrrrrr--------11 ~

. tl"'ldo ftcrí orauonc tmpcratom. ~cd ~lícam cür UO\ rt'n - . t~ ,.. . _ _ ' • UOC4ucnrn L cúr oráuoncm habt:am. tde~rco uo~ aduodiui. quó pauca rno -e _ _ -~ _ _ . ncrcm,

strnul utí causarn mc1 cons111 apenrcm. 'cam cquadc:m, mílites dé tgniuiá Lc:ntuli igitur s_círi~ non ~~~u~. qua_m igniuus l.cntul~\ fucnt, sed cuarn quantum pencuh hace 1gnauaa nobis ;mulcnt mane uéró 11-• - 11 . . q o locó re~ noscrac \~"::. omnes ant~ cgms. nam uidém non solum quot hrutcs nós pcr~ccutt .. mt. sed cnam quanti cxcrcitüs, únus ab urbe, :tltcr á Gallia, nóbis obm:nt. frümcnñ cgC'!.tis nós ianpcdtt quommus 111 his loch mancimu,. quócumquc irc placct. nón dubium est quin ferro m.r :~pc:ncndum ~1t. quac cum sciicis. uos moneo uti fortí et parato :mamo ~ius. ct cuan proclium mibati,, uti mcmincñus spcm an hoc prodaó po~ucritis . oportct uos mcmim~~c nos diumlis. dccus, glonam. rractcrci libcnatcm atquc patñam in dcxtris nostris portirc. si uiccrimu~. nón dubmm ot quin omma nobis llat2 sant. si mc:tü cc~~cnmu~. cadcm illa aducr')a ficnt. practcrci. milates, nñn c:adcm nobis ct illis ncce>.;itüdo impende~ nam nos pro patria, pró libcrtatc, pro uiü ccrt~mus. illi pró potcntia paucorurn. ncmo •guur ucstrum Qt quin ~u caus.un nostram aiistam e~. ergo audicius aggrcdammi. memores - . . - .. pmtanll' mrtuns. (Catrli11at cormirJtió 57.6-j ,12)

Scuion 5 F (ii)

'HaJ you 1101'la this co11rSt', most of ¡•ou would l:a1•t ln•cJ out yom lwes in rxilc·. But you all opted Jor rllis comg. ,You• ir u•11ltakt coura.~r to JlllCWI. Tlrtrr is 110 saftty i11 wnuill~l! mv.1y. But 1 h1wt good l:opt.s of t•i(l(lry, sirrce ueu.ssiry is J,¡,,¡,g ¡·oll. Evt:n u· you lo~. takr SOIIIt oJ tlrt (lltmy witlr you! •

'plcñquc ucstrum, nisi coniürátioms participes facci esscns. cum summi turpllüdanc in cxsiho acütcm égi~~éus. niln-nülli ucstrum Romac uíucre

potui~ti~; quod-sí ibi mamisseris anm~i' bonis. nil msi ahén:is opés cxspcctiuissétis; illa f~cissetis ni't iocda atq\ll· uHolcranJa uóhis ui~ _ C\\Cilt. me pmius scqui consmui~tis. ,¡ rcnt·bcnc·grrcrc uulm, auJacta opu~-cst na m in fuga !>alütem spcran·. c.:3 u eró tlcmcntil c.-st. _

'cum uos cónsidero, mili tés, magna me 'Pe:' ua"i'n:'ll' tcnct.' '1

c:nun _

So - - - r. - h - 1 r 1 .-,,,· ... ,n mlmm. actJS,

· en 1gnau1 1 uasscus, oc consr aum numqu.un \e ~" • · _ _

l · - - ¡- - l"tt•rclnccc"''uJt,,

llrtliS llCStra me tmpcdaunt qu(,OllllliS ll'spl•rclll, rr·' _ quac c.:tiam tunidós lorti's facic. n.nn 'acpc milué' nlctm ,upcrauas~ct.

" J- - · - - c:,trae fortun:~ rma cos ncccssicüJo pugnare Cl"Cglm·t. quo '' Ulrtutl u



1 1 (Í

· -d ·t .... 0 c-t·· multl anrmam arninaLis, ncu capñ sicuñ pccora mm crr • .... • • rrucidérnini! nil uó~ impedir quin, more: uirorum pugnanres. crucntam atqu~· lücruosam uiuori:~m hmtibu\ rdinquatis! . _ . .

· sdus cúr uós conuociucrrm. pmtquam m proeltum lnl~rrtts, sciam - . . utrum frúHr;i Jocútu> Sllll nc:wc. (C.llilillat• coniiiratio s8.1J-ss. 21)

Sccuon S G (i)

Tl:r w•o siJrs prrparc' JÓr battlr. Catili11r takts prtruutions so titar his so/Jiw l:ar•t rqual c}¡arzus aJ Sllfi'IVal. Alanlius is put ir1 ciiarg~· of tlzt consp~tators' r(glu u•itrg, a Farsular1 of tlzt lrjt. On rht Roman sitlt Amonius' gom jorus him to ,t(ll't' commamlto J\1. Prtrdus, ar1 t'.'"(perieuccJ solr/ier. who kt:ows thr mtn anJ tncoura.r:rs tl:rm accordi11gly.

quae cum dhtssct, p.1ulum commoratus Catilina signa cancrc iubct atquc órdmc<. m locum .tcquurn dcdücit. dt·mdc rcmoñ~ ümmum equis, quo milicibus, cxaequato pcriculo. ammus amplior ~--ssct. 1psc pcdc~ cxcrc1rum pro loco atquc coptis inmuit. octo cohort1s in frontc posuit. reliquárum signa in subs1dio coUocu. ab cis ccnturion~ ex mílitibus optimum quemquc arm3tum, m pñmam .aciem dücit. quibus rcbus taals, Miinhum dextro comü, F.aesulinum qucncbm sinisuo cornü pradim.

at c..x ahcri parte C. Antomus pc:d1bm ac:ger 1\1. Perre1o legara CXcrCJtum pcrmÍttJt. iiJe COhOrtÍS Uctcrin:is in frontc, post eas CCtcrum cxercitum in )Ubsidiis IOClt. ipsc cquo orcumicns ünum qucmquc: nommáns appcllar atquc hortátur; rogat ut mcminc:rim se contra latrones incrmls pro fibc:ñs. pro iñs atquc focis cercare. homo rnilitiins, ~uod amphus annos triginta in cxcrcttü fucrac, milircm quemquc ce ta:ta. CUIUS~UC ~Ortia tgltur ClrCumcundo Ct ÜIIUDl qucmquc nommando ct lacta curus,¡uc narundo, militum animas acccndcbar. cum. omnis ctrcumissct, milite~ ad pugnandum. ad intcrficicndurn, ad moncndum cram pariiti.

( Catilinae coniririitlo 59)

: 5




5c(ii) Tlw rollspiraC)' of Catiline 117

Scction S G (ii)

l l l11•0111 ~ cmd r.s ferociously comested. Catilint• di5pla)'J astormdi111, Thr ,art e ~ · . . 1

. o . . . ¡,01¡. 05 soldrcr arrd general. Pt·trews lrt'aks rlre tmtrt•. Mcmlrus nmJ

crmrt¡. r. ¡· e ·¡· · 1 · · 1 1 l . ¡ .• 11 di1• iu tlrt' 1rorlt me. .atr mr, !Ct"lll,l? lrr pMrtrotz rs 1opr rss, thr .. ,,._m "' · . ·

1 · ro tlzt• tlrick or tire .fi.~/rwr~ and rs st,rhbrd. p "'\e(s w ':J ~ •

d b mnibus rcbm cxploratis. Pcrrcius cuba signum dat, cohonis st u 1, o • . . . -

1- tncédcn.• mbct. 1dem faot hosuum cxcrotus. po~tquam c:o ~u .1nm _ _ . . _ C't undc 3 fcrcntams prodtUm commlttl p~sct, e.xcrmus ucntUnl , _ _ _ max1mo clamorc cum mfcsns '1gms concummt. pila ommum, utéfquc . - - - . . - - .

bdiís re~ gcritur. uctcram, _p~sn~ac umum _mc:_m~res, ~ommmus _ ~ - t:;rc ¡Jrj haud tim1dJ rcsJstunt. max1ma u1 cerratur. mterca ;~cntcr m~ .. • _ _ ·- _ _ _ e ·rr cum cxpcdiris m pnma aoc: uersan, bbOranubus succurrcrc,

:m m:t, d 1 -- pró sauciís arccsserc. omma proUJ ere, mu tum apse pugnare,

mtcgros _ _ ¡¡· . b - . - - tr • • 1 h m rcr-1rc· strcnUJ m11n!> cr om 1mpc:r.atom onrc1a sunu ~c:pc OSlC 14 • • • • _ __ ,

Uc-batur Pc:crcJUs. uht u1dct Catthnam, contra ac ratus ~;rat, t'..\stq • d'- h - J-

- - t ·nd ·re cohorte m practónam m me 10, osm m uc11. magna Ul e e • . _ . _ . ~ . d _ - nl'rturbatos atquc alias al1b1 rcs1stcnus Jntcrtrcu. dcm e utroque rosque r-

1_ . _ _ -

ex btcrc cctcros aggrcditur. Mánlíus Cl Fac:su ;mus 10 pr~m~ ~ugnantc. .... adunt. Caulina, postquam fü copias scq~c ~-'~ p.1UCI: rchctum -uidet, mcmor gcncns atquc priscinac mac d1gmtam, 111 confcrn~qmo\

hoHis ÍncurrÍt, ibique pugnans confoditur. ( Catilinar coniüratio 60)

tít. utriiqm· ex líltcn.· cc[cros aggrcdimr.




11 H

\l'l'tiOil 5 (; (iii)

Ajic•mr.rt/r. /he• 1111'11lc• .;- C.mlin~.'s /~clL'J~J i! lltlll' d~a~. That• ha5 /11.,.11 110

w ruJt, 110 ,,,1111cls ¡11 ¡/,1• Ir, u k. (.,JIIIIItt' rs Jmud Jeep m tht' mmr y [¡11,.s, srr/1 lrrratlwrí!. ,\'11 {rt't ma11 ltciS bt't"ll /.rkm alir•t'. But thc· r·icwr}' is &J s1,,, tlllt, as tbt brst 'soldim 111r Jr:.1d or u•ormded auci!1ÜIItlTS ro tht' bmrlcjit•ld ji11.1 ¡,;,.11,¡5

ami ulatu•ts tiiiiOII.~ rhr dc·aJ.

,cd confcctO procJ.o, lUnl UCTO CCrncrc<; <¡Uama audaCJ:l quantaquc ammi uis fumct in cxcrarü Caulinac. nam fcre qucm qm~quc uluus pugnando locum cépcrat. cum :imis):i :unm3 corporc tegcbat. ncc qmsqwm IIISI aducrsó uulncrc conadaat. Catilína ucro longc á \UlS

tmcr hosttum cdaucra rcpcnus cst. paululum cuam \pirans. fcróc•amque ammi, qu:nn habucrar uiuu . m uultu rcnn\!ns. postrémo ex ornni ropLi ncquc 111 prociJ<) n::quc 111 fuga qmsquam ciuis mgcnuus captu~CSL

ncque umcn cxcrcllus pnpuli Romaní lactam aut incrul·ntam u1ctonam adt•ptm cr:u. nam 'trcnuh~1mu~ qu,sque aur ocaderat 111

prodio .aut grauitcr uulncr:ltm di,ccsscrat. mulri amt..-m qui ;: ca~tris ui~endi :~m spohandi grin:i proCC)Scrant, hom1ia cdaucra, amicum ahl, par~ hospítc:m aut cognarum rcpcriebam. fuere ncm ttui

immicó\ suoo; cognósccrcnt. ita uaric pcr omncm cxcrotum lacmi.t. maerllr, lúctus atquc gaudia agiübantur.

(CariHnae c~mirir,1rió 61)




Section 6

Poetr)r and poli ti es :

Caesar to Augustus

Scnion 6 A I-hgh hfc and h1gh Catullus (c. ~4-c 54 B.C.)

OCJCl\': '


All Roman htcraturc rhat \\e ha ve from thc Rcpublu.:an pc:riod rcflem Rorn:111 h•gh 50ciety. Ami lts mor:tl .tnd pohucJI v:alut.~. Bm thc gtauwis

0 j thc gre.n ha~ be-en countcrbalanccd b}' thc Írl\'oht\· oí thc )Oung. In Ctccro \ da), a group of )'Oung poct~ wtthm tlm soaal 1mhcu \\:aS

cultl\'aung a hghtcr, rhoug;h, stylc of wnnng. Thcsc pocts mdudr.:d GalU> Valcnus utUllus and Ltcimus Dh•us. Ctccro c.tllc:d thcm neéirrroi. a Grcck word mc.amng 'thc vnungcr <ct ', or • rc\'oluuonaric<> ·. but he dtd not mean tt to be comphmcntan · Thctr sub;ccts rangcd from obscenc lampoon through lO\ e ~tr) to · cp) lhon ·• a ~hort and mtcnsd) lc.amed cp1c wluch tht') m~cllcd upon works by Grcck \\mees bascd m Alcxandn;~ {third to llrst


Scction tS A (í)

e 11 . . • . b 11 .J,.f. 1 tal tlS loll'! as Fabullru mu liS p1LH111St'S /rrs jrrt'tld f,l u liS t1 urorrut ~~~ "' • brirrgs ,,// the llt'Ct'Ssarics. Bur C1tu/lus Cdll '?ffrr lltl( ''"".~·

c¿nabis bcnc. mi fabullc. !lpud rnc pau65, ~~ tibi di ~1ucnt. Jrehu~. ~¡ tccum attukri~ bon.lrn .ll\luc m.1~n:un ccnam, non ~ine candld:i pudl:i ct uino ct sale ce ornnibu',. hace si. mquam •. Htull·ri,, ucnu~tc lll."tcr'

ccn:ibi~ bcnc; na m tui l •• :uulli


2 Tlrr .lcmi5t e!( thr Rcmrllll Rq111bltr

62 cmibis bene

plcnus ~cculus e t :~rancirum.

~cd COntra :ICCtpiCs meros amore~ :>CU qutd SWUIUS cleganuusuc cst: n:n~ ungucntum dabo, quod mcac puellae donaru~t Vencrés Cupldtnesquc, q~od tu cum olfaCJes, doos rogabi~. totum ut te faciant, Fabullc, nasum.


Catullus 13

Sccuon ()A (ti) Cawl111s u•ams ... · · nll/11115 lo $10p .llt'rl/iu thc• k. . . . tlrr I¡Jjf u.Jpki

11 ¡,

1• stol 1 Id· . / .~ 11

'1P ms. le rs rmsoplustrcated, mul

r ro ) $JII'Cirl mcmorirs for Cawllus.

Marrücínc A · - . _ smt, tn:'lnu smtstra non bdlc üt··rt · -~ ~. m toco atquc ulno tollt~ lmt~a ncglcgctluo-h

1 rum.

oc sa ~u m cssc puta~' fi . - . _ • · ugtt te mcptc. quamut~ \ordíd -. • . · .· a res Ct mucnusta cst non credt, mtht? crcdc Poll.oni .



oA(ii) f'cu•try----;md pollrrcs: Catmm

íratrl, quí rua filrta ud talento múdiñ uclir: cst enim lcporum diffcrtus pucr ac facétiarum. quaré aut hendecasyllabos trcccntos cxspccta, auc mihi limcum rcmittc, quod me non mouct acsrimationc, ucrum cst mnémosynum mcí .,od3hs. nam ~üdaria Sacraba ex Hibcñs míserunt miht müncñ Fabullus ct Véranius: hace amem ncccssc cst ut Véramolum meum et Fabullum.

Sl.c.rion 6 A (iii)


C:nullus 12

·1tiu $ptttdm.~: )'t'stt·rday ¡, pouir play ll'itlt you,'11ius. 1 coulrllwrdlr sltrp. S" 1 lr,ll't' rc'ritrm this potm Jor you.

6J m meis t.lbetriS.

hcstcrno, Licirü. die otiosí multum lüstmu" m mcis rabc:lll,, ut conuénerat csse dclicátos: scrtbcns ucrstculos uccrquc nostrum lüdcbat numero modo hoc modo illóc, rcddens mütua pcr tocum atquc uínum.

atquc tllmc abü tuo lcporc meen sus. Ltcin1, facétilsquc. Ut TlCC me mtserum ClbU~ tuuarCt ncc somnus cegercc qwctc ocdló~.





11tc' dmtüc· ,y- tlu R ¡1/lltlll R c•¡mbltr

~cJ tótii mJmmtu' furorc: lc.·cto ucnirl·r. e u pie m UJJcn: lücc:m. ut tccum loquc:rcr \lntulquc: ut nsc:m. at dcfc,\.1 labórc mc:mbra postquam ~émunortua lectulo iaccbam. hoc, 1iicundc. ubi poema f~. ex quo pcnp1CC'r~ mcum dolorcrn. nunc audix caue si,, prccc)quc nosrrii,, orirnu), auc déspuas, ocdlc. IIC poeuis Ncmc:SJS rcpo5Clt a te. C'St uérncns dea: lacdcrc hanc aucto.



lt t:atrl) Jarge numlx.~ of Catullus' pocnts are cuhcr .tddrcsscd to or rcfcr to Lc~bu. lt 1s \\ 1dcl) bdJc\·cd th:u th1s na me W3!1 a p~cudom m for Clo<h.1, a pronuncnt mcmhcr of h1gh soctCt) and \\ 1fc of an cx-con,ul Q. Mctdlu~ Cclcr. allll that Catullu~ had had :m adultcrous atf.ur \\ 1th hcr :n mm e tunC' hciorc hcr hmband dK-d m 59. Whcn thc aff".m ended. C:uullu~ was bmcr :mJ attackcd Lt~bza vchcrnc:nd).

Thr Jollolllln~ Jour potms arr takm fiom d!lJrttm sta._~u of tl:r ulatlo11slup. 5 ami ~ romr bc-Jorr tltr brtak-up. S arrd 11 tifur ir.

Sü non 6 A (1\')

i.t'l m lo1 r arrd storr up /.mscs wluk wr can, and (l!rrorr whar tlzr nwlous say about us.

uiuamus mea l.t.':'ibz.'l, atquc amcmus, rumorc\quc: '>Cnum scucnorum omnis uniu~ .'Jt~tlltlcmu\ a~~•s! ~le, OCCIUc:rl' ct rc:din: pomlllt; nobis cum \cmcl occ:idit brcuis lüx, nox cst pcrpctu,, üna dormJt•nda. da mi ba\la millc, dcmJc: cc:mum, dcin millc ,tltc:ra, dczn secunda ccncum dc:indc usquc altera millc, dcmdc ccm~m. dc:zn. cun1 mili,, multa fcccrimus, COnturbiiblmm JlJa, 11C \Ciamus,


1 poli ríes: Catullus P¡lc'lf}' ,,w

~ di mi bis•.t míllc.

aut ni: qu•!> malu-:; tnUidc_rc _po~u. cum tantum sctat essc bastorum.

Sccuon ó A {v) , ll · .. r. ' A u 1111ímte m1mbrr. H1111• maur of yo m krsS<S "" sacr~ Y mr · 'J

quacm. quot mthl basiátioncs tuac. Lesbia. sim satis superquc. -

Llb)·-.sac harcnac quam magnos numero_:; _ · His:lrpicifcrís iacet Cyrcm: _ oracJum (OUIS Ínter acSCUOSI

ct Da ni uetcrts sacrum scpulcrum; aut quam sidera multa, cum :_ac~ct nox. fürtiuós hommum uidcnt amores: tam te biisia mulra biisüirc ucsiino saris ct super Cawlló cst. <JUac ncc pcrnumcrarc cúnosi possmt ncc mala fascmiire ltngua.


Catullus 5


C:ltullm 7

Scwon (j A ('"i) ¡:cr 111/ tite· plramrr slrr ''"u snr•r, sltr lrds ,l!t11re, Catrtllu!, for good. So abaml.w /rc·r - ,1t<s¡•rtc· ,¡,,. JI""'·

m1scr ('.:Hullc:, domas incptirc. ct quod u1dés pcñssc: pcrdltum düc:b. rulsérc candidi tibi sólé.s. cum ucnmaba\ quó pudla dücibat amatll nóbis quantum :unibnur nülla. tbi tila rnulu cum 1oc0~ frcbam, quac: tii uolébis ncc pudla nolcbat, fulscrc uéré candadi t1bí 5olés. nunc a:am all:a nón uoh: tü quoquc: mpotcns noli, nec qu:ac: fugtt seccirc, nc:c mhc:r uíuc:, sed obsuniü mente pcrfc:r, obdüra. u:alé, pudl.1. tam C:atullus obdürat, nec té rcquirct nc:c rog:ib11 muitarn. at tü dolchts, cum rogaberis nulla. >ecbta, uac: té, quac: ribi manc:t u ita? quu nunc té :adi\m? cüi utdcbcm bell.a? quc:m nunc amibis? cuaus c~sc diceri~? quc:m biuábu? cüi bbcll:a mordcbts' at tü, ~tulle:, c.leutnatus obtlüri. .

1 ~.,


Sccuon 6 A (vii)

Furws awl Aurtlius, prrpard to go wlrnt'Vtr Carull k 1 . b if Lt b l 1

us gors. ta ·r r us "" ,.~ssa.~t" to s ra: tt rct l111r u•itlr hrr lovrrs a J t: l n Jorget my o~·l'.

Füri c:t Aureli, enmates c~tulli siuc: m cxtr~mos pcnctriibtt Indos litu~ ut longc rcronantc: Eoa ·

tuntlnur uml:i, 'íuc an H yrcinih Arab.uuc: mol tí~ scu ~úgas ~.tgnulerosuc Panhos ' - . \lliC l)Uac \Cptcmgcmmu~ colorat

acquora Nilus, si_uc: tráns altas gr:ulu!tur A lpc~. C;tt•sarr\ uiscns 11l()llllncnta 111 -· agnt,





6¡\(r•ii) Pomy t~~rd politics: Catrrllus

Gallicum Rhénum hombile ac:quor ulti-mósquc: Britannos,

onmi.a hace, quaccumquc fc:rct uoluntas c~climm. tcmptárc simul parati, pauca nünttátc: meac: pudlac:

non bona dicta. cum suís uíuat ualeatquc mocchis.. quós snnul complexa tc:nct trccc:ntós. nüllum :nnans ucré. ~d tdcntidcm ommum

íl12 rumpéns; nec mcum respcc.tet. ut ame, amórem. quí tlhus culpa cccidit uclut priu ulnmi fló;;, practercunte po~tquam

ticrus arárro ~··


Catullus 11


<irtt1nn 6 B 49: Ctn·ro. Cad1us and che approach of Cl\ il W.u

In 51 C1ccrC1 ''.u ~m ou1 \\ nh procon,ular powcr to ~ovcrn Cll1c1.¡ (•c:c map p x) He: was gomg to be out of Rmnc durin~ a e rucia) penod. 0011 ::~ftcr h1s C'OI1~uhh1p of 63. tht.· mc:11 who-c ambmon was lhrate11mg to crush tht· lkpublu:- l'om¡IC} (Pomplius) and CacS;Jr notabl) - oombmcd 111 an uncharaclcmuc alhancc to gct a ccurcr gnp 011 po\\(1 In S9 ucsar, as consul, .ur.mgcd .:¡ 'PCCI.lll comm:llld (or lumsdf. '' h•~h g.a\C' hnn control oí 111) ncum and thc prm mee of Gaul •. md írom S< 49 he procccded lO p:~c1fy .and conqucr Gaul, and mJdC' .a fint mcur'SIOn uno Bnum. P(>mpc}. who had alrc:2d} won mam '1none\ m the E.ut 111 the ~. h::ad thcsc conque!. t.'> r:nifit-d, In .ss. he wa~ g•\cn command of thc armt~ m Spam. Thc th1rd mcmbcr of thiS ~llt-d 'tnurm mue', Crllius, \\::1§ g•,·cn a comm.:md .-aganut the P:~nh1.111t. but d1cd m b.:aulc lhcm at Carrhac m 53. C1ccro h:td ~ullcrc-d ducctl) Írom th1s combm:JUon oí ambmom mcn. !le h:~d (pcnt S s-s? 111 c:xtle. He \\'3~ \\ ell ól\l."aTC: that Ro me Wil~ 111 thc gnp oí Pompc' and Ca~r So whcn he lcft Rome to takc up h1s po mon 111

Cahm. he chargcd h1s protégé Marcus C.1dm~ Rufus. whom he !..1d ~ucccssfull) clefcnded 011 .1 lh;ugc oí aucmptmg to pot~on Clodta, lO rcpart 011 de' dopmenu rhcrc. Tht~ clccuon oflcttet"<. ronccntr:ucs on lhc: dc,-elopmg cnm of 49, as Pompc) and C.tcsar hC'3dcd rowards cw11 w.u. Thc qucst10n Íor Pl'huCJII} .acm·c pcoplc \\'J.s ,, 1th "hom ~hould the\ thro\\ m thm lot?

SI..'CtlOII 6 B (t)

Carlills rrlls C:r(c ro oj tllr arran~rmnus ¡,, lms madr Jor .l.!u••m!! lum abrrtW of r&•tnts m R omr. 1

CAEI IVS CICERONT S.(alült'm dim) R<">MAE J\.(b) V.(rbe) C {ondn:i) 703 (=Sr}, c. 26 Mav

' dJsccd~n~ pnlllmus ~um me omni~ r~"\ urbanas dil•gennSSJmc nbl pcr\Cnpturum. tant.l opcr~ . t .. - 'b" . -h

_ . • .. e~ ut ucrc.1r 11e n 1 111m1um :1rgut.t acc ~cduht.1\ mdcátur. 1~ • - • - ~

b · · · mct\l ~clo tu qu:un sis cünosu~. ct ,¡uam 001 111 U\ pt·rt·grmallubm r · • d - . _ g atum ' 11 mmunarum quoquc rérum t¡uac

01111 gcralllur ficn Ct'Tllórl'\ 1 • - d ffi 1 '. lamen 111 l()C lC cprccor IIC nll'lllll hoc 0 rnum at mganuac cund · ·; . 1 -- _

1 . _ cmms, nam 1unc laborcm alreri delcgaui,

non qum llllll \Uóllll\\lllHIIll \11 t • , U:J( lllt'monac opcram darc, sed ipsulll


IZ7 r ·uv 1111J polítics: Cícero awl Cat•liu5

~H(r) ''' 1

M uoliímC'Il

oolúmcn, quod ob1 mío;i, faci}c sur ego arbltror} lll~ e~CÜ!.at. IICSCIO

cunn óti C' sct non modo pcr"cnbcrc: hace, ~J omnmo ammaclucrtcrc: , Clllnl (lJfl[ ibi ..cnañi~-ciinsuha, cJtcta, flibulac, r\imorc~. quod omm..

1 b . __

o:cmplum ,¡ fortc mmus te délccci~lt, n¡_; .nw_cst~.'un ~ 1 cum ~mpcm!l ut:i cxhlbe:un. t:lc me ccruorcm. '1 qUid 111 re puhh'a lll:lllh actum cnt, qucxl•~ti opcrarii nnnu~ commodc .!":r~c~¡u~ pu~~mt, ct • _ qucm-JJ-mmlum 3ctum ~ir. ct qual.' cxl\tml:tllO ~c~Ut:l c¡uac<JUl' de ro spés Slt, dillgcmcr libt pcrscñbémm. ut nunc c,t, nulb maguopcrc

(ti á Jumdiiirés 1\.1)

Scwon 6 B (ii) Catl111s rc'qlltSIS uifMmaticm abour P•IIIIJ'f)' (at tfus limr in Gruct") and .l!wc-s S\llllt' upcrts 011 Cat).Ir's posmort in Cmd, .followWJ! tllc· Callic tfl'''l' of 51.

tú si Pompeium, ut uolebas. otfcndt,ti. C1c mih1 pc:rscribj, qui ub1 ~isus Slt, Cl qu:un ÓratÍÓncm habucrit tCCUm. lJU:'IIllqUc: Chtcnd~rtt-uolu~t.llC:Ill (solct cmm ahud ~cnñrc ct loqui). quoJ ad C.1csarl·m, crcbn ct_ non bdli de c:o rümorcs, sed susurrarórcs dumtaxat ucmunt. .thu' d•cn Ca~arcm cquitcm pcrd1dJSSt; (quod. ut opinar. ú'rti: ITctum c't): aiJu,

\Cpllmam kgioncm uapulassc, 1p~Uill :lpllll lkJiouaCÓ' _ • mcum,cdcñ mtcrclü~um ab rchquo .:xcrCitÜ, lll'quc .1dhu~· n:~n quicquam cst, neque hace inccrta tamcn uulgó tact<llllUr • ,l·d 11\l\:r

paurih, qu(h lÜ nósti, palam sccréto narr:lntur. (:Id ¡;wu/irift1S !\. 1)




Tlu· rifmi.<c el( rlu U 1111/llll Rr¡mblir

~Clll()ll (Í B (iii)

Crur.1 ulmku C.ulíus _{c~r tr(l/ t!'iliug him 111/Mt he' rt'rtll}' wams tc1 ktrall' abp111 ra•rrru 111 R omt, ,wd rt'ports (ciuumsptctly) 011 his 111/!tllll,l? witlr


.\1. CICERÓ PRÜCÓ~. S.D. M. CAEllO Athcn~. 6 julr s 1


quid? tú me hoc: uba mlndi~~ e.ximrnis, ut mihi pcrscnoo ghd1átórum composmones, et u:1dirnonia dilata ct ca quac.: nobis. curn Rómac )UlllUS, nirráiC ncmo audcat? nér illa 1quidcm cüro nllhl smoás quac maxunis in rcbus rCJ pübhC'Ic geruntur cotidie. m~i qmd ad me apsum pcruncbn; .~Cribcllt alii. multi nünuibum. ¡>C"rfcrct muha cnam ap~c rümor. qu;irc ego ncc practcma ncc praC'SCnna ab~ te, sed {ut :~b hornmc longc m poHcrum prospicacntc) fucüra cxspccto. ut, ex tuis littcri\ cum fhrm:un réf pühlrcac uidcnm. qualc <tedificium futürum )it $drc pmsun.

cuan Pompeao complüris dac$ nüllis in .1liis ntii de re pübhd ~tlllOOibUS Ucr~tU~ Ulll; <JU.1C TIC:C po>~Uil[ senO] IICC scribcnda sum. t<lntum h:~heto. ciucm cgrcgiurn CSSI..' Pornpcmm, ad 0111111:1 qu:ll.' próUJJcnJa ~Unt in re pübhc:i Ct :11111110 Ct COnstJto p3r~tum. qujré d3 te hommi; complcc:tctur. nuha crédc. aam iJcm Pompeto ct boni c:t mati ciues UJdcntur qui nobi~ urJcri solcnt.

(Ad familiares 2. )

67. gl.tdtitorum compmitionC,.

l .. ucr 111 ~ 1 C.wltu~ w~, ·l·ct · 1 · 1 11 1 · • ~ ~ tt turu e .tCtt c. an unpon:mt srcp on 1 tt

c~wH lrt~u<~rum Onl' (Ir ht, llt'W duuc~ w:a~ Lo stagc publtc gamcs. t achu~ ht•tamc vt'r\ 111,. 1 1 l

• • •• • 1 • .,tum :t 10lll t1t :~ntma s to appcar m thc unratrotrt'S (wtld .minnl la l t ) 11

• t n ) · e w;¡, cagcr to mcn·asc ¡,¡, prc)tigt· l>\· puttlllg on :m 1..'\tr 1\ l ·~nt 1 S h • · · ~· ~ aow .. n e wrotc to Ctccro rcqucsting


1 1' . ( Crcrro mrd Crtdius

.. PMI1Y cliiC JICI ftiC • •

tB(ut) J . . . 1 mcntions of thcsc :munal!i In earhcr d 1 . dv m a e se' era

1 !le hl a rc.:a •

he P·

lctttfS. 'ctell ~oou a{tt:!r lai5 dection t'rctor)'. lttttr was wr• • . ¡1-¡ r.t.\ 1

'ection ó B (i")

Ply hlm witlt wrld btaszs, and prt~mue

lrm urgu Caaro to sup • Ca r, zhcir trausportatrott. Q!:llgtnl(lltS Jor

CAELIVS CICE.RÓNÍ S. Rome. l Scptcmber SI


to tnake

r -¡ - "b 'b' d- h- - - rurpc ubt crit Pau cum 1crc tttcm omna us u t e pam cns smpst. _ _ _ C• ·- - 1 h - - - - lt-1s p~rttbus plun\. qu;as unona ucccm pant eras ma~t~sc, te non mu .. 'P\~~ Cuno mihi ct alia~ Atnciinil' dc:ccm don:iutt. tü, )¡ mo~lo

. 'b - - · < ll .. 111 !•:unph:>t laarn mcmoraa tt•nucrt\ ct Ct vratas arcL~'tcn~ llCtn 1 .. • _ fi -littcrh mi~cm (nam ibi 1;lüris panth~ra' c:api :uum), quod uolc~. e 1


h h 1 - 11-;. puto nuh1 omn1.1 oc uc cmcnuus laboro nunc. qum 'corsus a co cg:a pmndo~ . . :unabó t~. ampcr:l ubt hoc. m hóc nc-gottó null.l nu 01 1

Tht ,/t'tnÍSt of thr Roma/1 Rrpuhltr !)O

loqucndi cüra ~\t, hoc C:\t, unpcr3ndi :' man~di. r:am, -· 1 ru 111 ...... puc: hab~ có~ qut alant cas et deponcnt: puto \rmu :uquc e ... • . _ . _ . _ . _ ._, si úll;~m •pcm mrht lutcns o~tcnden5. me rsto m!SSurum altos. (Ad familian's ll.9)

S ·ctiOII 6 B (\')

(Tht tmpcr,¡wr , ti~ tlllt u t~-plar~I!J by Cicc~o 's ~uuess ''' a ~nwor. mgagmrtrrt agairut somt mouruaw m bu.¡.,, wlmll lus rroops l:mled lum by tlrat wry jiatttrir~~ apptllatiou.)

Tll! p.znthtrs mm to ha1•r g•'' u,mJ oJ your plaus for them.

M. CICERÓ IMPERATOR S.D. M. CAELIÓ AEDÜ.I CVRVLT Laodtce4, 4 Apnl so Je panthéñs pcr ros. qui ucniri solcnt, agirur mandatü meó diltgcmcr: sed p.amhmrum mira p:IUCili.~ cst, ct eis quac: sum u.alde aiunt qucri, quod mhil cuiqwm imidtarum tn mci proumci.i nis1 s.ibr tfat. uaquc pamhcrac cómtituhsc dicuntur in Ciri2m ex noscri prouinCtá décéderc.


sed amen seduJo fit ct in primi\ 3 Panscó. quicquid crir, nb1 crit; sed .H quid cs~t. plané nc:sciEbamus.

tú uclim ad mE dE ornni rci pü sutú quam dlligennmmc pcrscn"'bis. e2 enirn cc:rms1ma putibó, qu:ac ex re cognoro.

(.'ttl familiarc$ 2.11)

The c.nsis was loommg brger :and gctting ncarcr. Thc alliancc bctwecn 'Pompc)' and uc:s:ar h:ad becn gemng shaktcr cver s1ncc thc: dcath of Julu. Cacsar's v.,fe :md Pompc~··s d:aughter, in 54. and the dc:at.h of Crassus 1n P.mht.:~ m SJ. Thc confrontation finallv camc: in so. Cacsar wat. on thc pomt of rcturning from h1s extended 'command in Gaul. In normal crrcumsunccs. he would surrcnder ht~ anmcs and rcturn as a prívate Cllllcn. But he kncw that Pompcy and many scnators would t.ake adv:antagc of thrs los~ of imprrium, and Caesar dcmandcd protccuon 111 thc shapc: of cithcr a conunuauon of his ímpuium in Gaul. an uncondttion:~l offc:r of thc comulshtp, or sorne orhcr compromtsc (c.g. Pompc)' givmg up thc control ovcr bis armics as wdl).

Scction li B (vi)

Ct~diuJ r<'pom tlwr PcllllJI<'Y l.f bnrki11.~ a mouc: to make Caesnr relít~quisil /lis nnpcnum 11r/orl' /rc· rc·-c•lltrrs ltaly, m thc· comlition of tnkirsg up tlst·

l. . Cicero arrd Caeliu5 wd fiO r/J{S . ) Portry 1

/B(rl ti a J¡ijficHit clsoiet· Jor lumsdf nwl Cícero to 1/r (ort•sc·rs !l'df, an

1 I!IIIIshrp. ·


CA S Augu\t .so• c. - "b" ·cn-ps'i me in :mnum p~ccm non Ul ere

- -bl ca sacpc u ' , ) - 1· r. r.nnmá re pu 1 _ -d· (quam ficñ ncccssc cst • co e ;mus

lll contcnuo acce te _ _ _ _ 6o

.. miO nroprus e4 _ . """t hoc de quo c:1 qu¡ rcrum '" ,-- r - - ct propostrum """ • _ -d pcticUium applr : _ _ Gn PompC!w cónstttutt non pan

unt dínucatun. nam . - -....nUntur s 1 .: rt- msi cxcrcnum ct proumcus ~~ .. - cón,ulcm a JtCf uC , c. {;J(Sat(lll

('} Cn Pompaus.

ttidJdertt; C~esañ autcm pcrsuisum est sé \aluum C\SC no~ pos~. ~Í ab rurotü rcccsscm. fcrt illam tamcn condtaoncm, ut ambo cxcratus

ti - ·d·- ·- co- non ad occuham rcudtt tridlnt. sic ti amor~ ct mut tosa comun u _ obrccüuonc:m, sed ad bellum ,é crumptt. ncquc qutd con tli ap~.1~.

·· d h' - - - h e d-cl"'-t-r;;no- m nenurbJtur:a rtpmo; nc:que u llO qum te quoquc ac toe .. _ r;: _ m hic discordia uidoo Gn. Pompéium senatum qu¡quc res 1~dtcant

!Crum habttürum, ad Cac~arcm omnis aco.:ssiiros qui cum umore au~ mali tp( uiuam; c;oc~rcuum cónfcrcndum nón cssc. omninó s;ttJ) spau CSt ~d CÓmidcrandi\ utriusquc copia' Ct cligcnd:un partero •

~d summam, quacris qutd putcm futürum cssc. si :alter utcr ~rum _ ad Panhicum bcllum nón cat, uidcó magnas tmpcndcrc d~scord~as. quu ftrrum ct ul~ IUdtdibit; utcrque ct antmó ct cópt'is e t p.muus. ~~ smc luó pcrkuló ficri po~sct, magnum ct iücumlum ubt Fortiin.l

'llC<ticulum parabar (.-ttl (amrlriirb 11 1 4)



1 3.2.

Cad1u, was right. Thc: \t'natc 0rn·d rhc ¡,.~ut• :md dcmandcd that C:aesar ,urn·ndcr his armiC\ bdorc he cntcr fraly. Cacs.1r advanccd from Rannn:a to t\rumnum, cm"ing rhc Rubtcon (rhc boundary of hi~ prMmcc ;¡uJ ltalr) and ~o rcclun<.<lll}' begtnnmg che war. Ncgotiations, m wh1ch Ctccro pbycd a part, conunucd, bur fatlcd. In 9 Cachw chosc h1s dC$!111) ancl WCJH O\'cr ro Cacsar. He was

:cwardcd wuh the nCc-:t stcp on thc romts hominun, thc pr.u.·rorsh1p.

CtUfws wrott thr follou•wg lrucr 10 Crc~ro wltro he· (Carlius) was 011 lus avay witl: Cauar's army to Spam, conqurst aj 111/uda ll'~ scw ~ t>mnualto succrss in thr u•ar, Carlius had rrttwrd a lmrr fiom CrCL'10 mdwumg tha1 Ciuro was thmkm.'( tfJoimng Pomprls sidr. Carlíus' reply ttrgrs lmn lo rnhmk aiUI not to 1um lm back 011 Carsar.

Smion fí B (\'1i)

CAEI.IVS CICERÓNi S. Ltguna (?), c. 16 Apnl 49

exammirus tuis littcñs. qu•bw te mhtl 111$1 tristc cogrtire ostcndini, has ad tr ilico littecis scripsi.

per fonüna~ tuas. Cicero, pc:r libcros te oro et obsecro nr quid grawus dé salüre ct inc:olumrratc tui d5nsulis. nam dros homint:squc .<mianamquc llOStT:lm tc<;ttficor me Ub1 pracdi!o.."tS.~C ncquc tcmcrc monuusc sed, postquam ucs:ar\."nl conucnenm scmemiamquc cms quahs futüra C$Sc:t parü utetona cognonm, te ccniorcm fecissc. ~i cxi~rimas andcm ranoncm forc Cac:sans in dimmendis aduc:rsariis Ct COJldiCIOillbus fcrcndi~. erras. 111hiJ lliSI 3tTÓX Ct \:ICUUm cógitat :ttquc Ctum Joquuur. iratlb SCIIJtUi C:XIlt, hi\ llltcrccssJontbu~ phine incuitUS esr; non mchcrcules cm dC:prccinoni locus.

si totum llbJ pcrsuidcrc non po~~um s.altcm dum l.jUJd de Hlspamis agimus ~citur cxspecü: quas ub1 nünrio aducmü Cacsans forc no~rras. quam Jsti spcm habcam ~n11~sis Ha\p:imi~ nescao; c¡uod porro ruum COOSJ!Jum SU ad Jc~pcr jros acceder e non mrdJU\ -tidius rt•perio.

hoc quocl rü niin diccud,') mih1 sagmficasri Cac\ar audicrat ac. ~imul arque 'haue' rniha dixu, \I:Jtim <¡uiJ de lC olUdi\SCt l'XpOSUÍt. ncgaw rnC )Circ, ~cd ramt•n .1b cñ pct!i ut .1(1 te lsttcr:i~ mmcrct t]uibu$ maximc aJ rt·rn:lllcnduru n>mnwucri p•Mé~. me 'ct u m m Hhpiiniam dücat; na m 111\Í Ha facrrt•t, t'go, prim tJII.atn ;¡tf urbc111 .Kccdcrt•m, ubicumquc cs\c,, ad te ¡wrcurn,,cna t'! hot ii te pr;•c,cras rnntcndiss~:m at<¡uc omni ul re fl'llllUI~\\'In.



6B( ,,;;) J Poll·1¡cs · Cictro and C.ll'lius f'ot•IT)' cm • ~ lJJ

70. Caoar

- - . - nc te wosqu~ omnis rundnus cuarn-atquc-ctiam, _C~cero, ~~~~émm¡¡s unde c. ttum u~~ n_üllum

cucrt:is, nc te scicm p~~cmquc - um comrnoucnt :IUt 11011 nuJ1o~urn d- - - t uocc!> opumau ·t - 1sco uuo "' te au fi - porc:s e tgas ccr es~c. "] . tinóncm c:rrc non •

hmninum lnsolc:ntiam ct la: bdló dum hace dcccrnuntur. ~u:a_c t;am 1 d oppidum uacuum 3

_ , (~)(: aüdtabo C:l .l "JUO .d - ..-- ·n·s ct cg<' te s.apt~ntcr - r cta 1 si rece , crunt come • )

Caeii:HI:Ill non offcndes. (AJ jiamilli'irb 1\,J()

. 11 Cicao mlt J¡,,,/ ¡,,.,,,.S 4mrdmrm.~ J/1 tilt lt i$ prctbcJbl}' tfll<' tiiiJ(, drspll<' a ' " m lus trpl)' Curn• úmcrrmarrs "''

1 '1 Pomp<''' cmJ Cdt'!clr, so clil¡)lllc' l('lll'tt 1 r



Tltr drmi5r cif tht• R cmrtlll R r¡mblir

Jus ufr15,,/to gn im•nl••td in llrt' ri••ilwar. fl'e kuCiw 1har. afta a lma ¡,,,111

Cat•snr, hr ltad thou.~/11 Jt'tiomly abolll ltaving Ira/y fór .\/alta, tlms 11111k¡11 ,

ruonnltamm u•ith Carsar '' distlllrt possihilil)'· But we do 1101 know u•hrt/r;, thr jollowme lmrr Ul CarUus rrprrsmts tht· U1DIIt'ri''i of a pmgmatist, 0, Jire ron:rm oJ a rrsponsrblr riti:m Jor !'raer. evm ar the cost of his oum julwr.

Sccoon tí B (vm)

M. CICERO IMP. S D. M CAEI.IÓ Cwnac, 2. or l May 49

uchm tü crédis hoc, me ex his mlSCflts nih1l aliud qwercrc uis1 ut hommés ahquando mtdlcgant me mh1l milulSSe quam pice.m, ea despériti mhll tam fiigusc: quJm arma ciuiha. hums me comtanoac puto forc ut numquam pJcmtcat. ctcmm mcminí in hoc genere glónañ wlnum essc fam1hircm nostrum Q. Hortcnsmm. quod numquam bello c:iuili mtcrfu•nct. hóc noma laus cnt 11lüstnor quod illi tnbuebitur ¡gniuiae, de nobis 1d cxisttmari possc non .ubitror.

ncc me ISla tcrrcnt quac m1hi a te ad tlrnorem fidisSlmC atquc.­amanus.SlmC propónuntur. nülb est cmm quae non omnabus

hic ~rb~s t~rra~m ~tu!b_i~one •mpcndere u•dearur. quam qutdem ego a re pubhc;¡ me1s pnuaus ct domesoos mcommodis hbenmstmc rcdEmwcrn.

•u que neq~c _ cg~ h~nc _Htsp.inicnscm cisum c:xspc:cto ncquc '!_utcquam a~tutc cogno. s1 quando cnt ciuitis, crit profceto nóbis locus; sm autc~ no~ e~t, m cisdem sohtüdmés tü ipsc. ur arbitrar, ucniés m qu•bus nos conscd•ssc: :mdtés. sed ego fortassc uaocinor ct hace omma mehores habcbum e.x,tüs. recordar cnim Jesperaciones córum qui senes erant a_dulesccntc me. cos ego fon:mc nunc imitar ct utor aetitis uitio, uehm H:l m; sed t:amcn.

extrc!n_um tllud c:rit: no) n~htl curbulcnu:r, nihil temcrc facicmu~. te ramc~ oramus: quJbuscumquc cnmu!> m tcrñs, ut nos hocrosquc nouros Ita cucare ut amicma OO\tra ct t"~ fid- l-b· . .... 1 es postu a H.

(Ad fomiliciris 2.16)

In Junc 48, two momhs bdorc thc battlc of Ph 1 h h Pompcv w.t~ dcfc.ltcd C!C:l' 'p , arsa us at w te

. · · • ro wa~ 111 ompcy s camp. Evcn thcn he ''a!> :tn une o m fonabk suppn IJ ¡ Pom n and , ' . rtcr. ts !> larp tonguc constantly rcbukcd

p . ' . 1 ompl')' 1\ \aJd to havc rcmarkcd •¡ h C . , Id go nvcr lo thc l'lll'llly: thcn hc might fcar us!' WlS !cero v.ou





6JJ(viii) Poetry artd polítics; Ciwro mrd Cadius

Meanwh1lc Caelius was havmg ~omc misg1ving~ about bcing 011

c~c,ar's s1Jc. In rhc samc ycar, as prm:tot. he tricd to m ove an abohrio

0 [ Jcbt~ (he was htmself hcavily in dcbt). but thi~ w:as unsuccc\sful an: he was forccJ from officc. He joincd a rcbcllion agam~t Cac~r and wa, ~oon aftcr killcd at Thurii.

Scction 6C Thc cnd of thc ovil war: ~ht barde of Pharsalus

Pompcy had long bcen diffidcnt oíhu ch:auces in :a pitchcd b:aulc :ag:am~t Cacsar. This diffidcncc had c.aused hnn to abandon luly in thc facc of CaCS3r's advance in 49 :md make for Grcccc. In 48 Cacsar finally ought up wich lnm in Thcssaly ami, rathcr surprhmgl}·. Pompey offcrcd battlc.

Thest: t!xtracts are Jrom Caestu's owr1 <1ccoum of tlrr battlr takw Jrom llis De bello duilí. } 'ou s/,,m/d pay carc:Ji,f attt'lltiou to llr( 'coloutiug · Caesar givn /1iS tl{COIIIII.

Sccrion 6 C (i) Caesar enco11ragcs IJis troops immetli,,ltfy befort' 1lrt b.mlt. nmiuJirsg thtrn of Iris constant s;:arcll for ptace. A trooptr, Crasti11us, stts atl rxamplt for the

o1hw 10 JolloiV. (Sre rnap over.)

c.-..:ercitum cum miütáñ more ad pugnam cohorúrctur, m pñmis commc:morawt tc:.tibus sé mihubus üti posse, qu:anto stud1o piccm

pctissct: nequc se umqua.m abuti militum sanguinc n.c~u_e ~~~ pübhcam altcrurro exercitu priuarc uoluiss_e:. hac hab1t:J ora._n~nc. cxposccntibus nüliribu~ et studio pugnand1 ardcnttbus. tuba s1gnum

dedtt. . _ . . . _ - - hic crat Cr:istinus euodrus in cxcrc1tu Cacsam, utr sm¡z11lan Ulrtutc. •

signo dato, · scquim.ini me', inqun. • ct ucstro unpcratoñ q~an~ _ - . d - l ·IJ.UIIl <ltpcrc~t. quo confecto. conmtulstts opcram ate. unum ,oc proc • . · _ . . .

11 d. . - - l'b ·rt:;t•·m rcclpcrabm,us. stmul. ct 1 e suam tgrutatem ct nos nostram 1 e ·~ ~ _ _ _

·- • r. . • · t • ho 'te-· , .... pcrator ut aut UIUO rcspJClcns Cacsarem, rac1am mqu1 u • "' • _ • _ 'h' - - ·- - • h 'l .t-1x1'sct prunus ex dextro 1111 1 aut mortuo granas agas . acc cu1. u. ·' • ·

cornu prócucurrit, multis militibus scqucnubus. (m bello cíuili J.()0-1)

2 Thc· dcmisc of rhe R M/1111 Rr¡mblie IJÓ


lntanD'y (31iN.s) c.walrv.

[ffij lcgiu:-mmd trrops

~ ~~---~


lnfantry•c. Caesars

c.a.vatryut.. ®

lc~!-ar 1

<D CramNJs tuds che ttdvance

fantry k.ept ln uerv¿ ( r¡uArCJ

aciis) <D Pompey's cavatry Mcl light-arme.d advttnc~

® Caesar5 cavalry runacs

® C,usars infantrvrtSCrV~ 1

(quirtd adl.s} mow.s 1n

,.»\\ 1 1

_: ){fl/s lgolinst fbmpey~ cava!')• J1d/s

Pril7r to b~ttk: (rasrinus 'ad\·ance

Scction 6 C (ii)

• Ph.Vsalt:s

Thc annies finally mgage.( U.I3-J8)

ca,csar's lr(J{Jps.aá&•ana, but Pompq's hoiJ ,¡,,.¡, grt'lllld. Tlu:ir 01111 IS to ex QIISt Catsar S troo'Ps bm e . . . . . , aesar s "''n '"e too t'Xper~ellctd rofin/1 intll thlll /r,rp. Baulr rs ;ourcd Wlr. p · ¡ ¡ k 1. e , · w MIJ't:y s cav11 ry oo 1kt· Ctlusin~ trouille

•lt:Jar s fi111Tth line is broua/ r 1 · ¡ } . • ' ~ t "' o rWto/1; t lt' tzrrd lmt• (OIIIplc·tc•J tllt' rortt.

llllcr duii~ acies tan tu m erar r ·1 t . -. e te um spntl ut satiS cssct td c.:onrursum utrmsquc c:xcrcitus .. , 1) · · • · · scu ompl'lm suh pracdixcrat ut Cal'\,1rl\ 15

6C(il) po itrcs · Cat•sar' s 'Ci 11¡[ War • 137

. ..Mount:ltllS

[ Pompeyscamp 1

1 Caesar's quJ1 t:a acils routs Pompr.y's ca.valry and mc.1n:ltS Pompeys .lrmy trom clu. rear ¡..\\' ,¡, l¡

® (.m.u brings up hi5 a1Tli.J .u1ls and the Pom~ians, .utacUd

from both polnts. nu =- JliUs

• lht defrat of Pompcy (11 . 39-4=7) Pharsalus 6. Thc l»ttlc of PlurSJius 48 8 C

nnpctum cxciperent neUC: SC locO moucrcnt 3Ctcmque C:IUS dtstnhi patcrcntur; ita enim spcr5b:u fore ut pñmus_ cxcur~u~ u'isq~c-mnlt~m infringcrctur. acicsquc dbtcndcrcmr: >tmul tore ~t. duphc:~to cursu, Cacsaris milites cxanimiirc:ntur ct la,sitlidme cónhccrcntur. hoc. ut nóbis mdcbatur, nülHi rauonc f.1ctum cst. nam c~t qu;tcJ:un an~mi mc&tatlo atquc alacric:b. n:ltúr~litc:r mnáta omnibm, qua~· •tud&o


1 Thr dcmi<t oJ tht• Roma11 Repubfir

pugrundi mccnditur. hanc non rcpnmcrc sed augerc impcratores debcnt

sed nostñ mUues s1gno dato cum infcsti~ puJS pr&ucmrisscm atque ammum-aducrmscnt non concurrí¡¡ Pompetánis, üsü peññ ac supcnonbus pugrüs c.xemtiü sui sponte cunum repre.s..aunt et :ad mcdmm fcrc $p:murn corunterunt, nc cónsiimptis uiribns appropmquirent. p2n10c}uc lntcrrmssa cempons sp:mo ac rünus renouató cunii pUa rnisCrunt cdc:nrerque. ut erat praccepmm ¡¡ Cacs.arc, gbd1os strinxüum. ncque uéro Pompé1ini huic réi défuerum. nam et tela mtu;a cxcepc.-unt C:t lmpeturn lcgu3num tulerum c:t ordmes ronscruirunt prnsque miss~ ad gladras rcdrcrum. eOdcm tcmpore equues ab smiStro Pompei comii, ut erat 1mperiitum, ümuersi priicucurraum, ommsquc: mulmüdo sagmánorum sé profOdJt. quorum smpctum nom:r cqunatus non tulu sed paulaurn Jocó mótus cessrt, c:qunoquc Pompci hóc acnu} imtarc et se turm:ium cxplacirc acrcmquc nomam ¡¡ laten: apeno c1rcumirc cocperum. quod ubi Cacsar anmnun­ac:lucrm, l¡ :lCici dcd11 stgnum.

allac cckntcr prorucurrcrunt infcstisqul' ~ag1iis tama ul in Pompci cquiCCs lfll pC:tlllll f1:ccrunt Ut 001\llll nC:mo C:Ünshtcrct Omnesquc conucrsi nón ~olum loco excédcrcnt, sed prounus mmañ fuga mont15 alus~am{h petcrem. qUJbus summoüs omnes sagnün'i funduor~quc desmüti mcrm~ smc prac~1d1o mterfecti 1unt ciXlcm tmpetü cohorto smanrum romü, Pompélinis euam tum m actc pugnanubus ct

71, cqunitui,


6C(ii) fJortry ami politícs · Caesar's 'Cít•i/ Wm' '39

r~~tcntibu~. orcurmerunt c:Osqut: a ccrgo adorti sunt. c:Odcm tcmporc ·45 tenum aaem Ca~r pr&:urrerc iumt; quorum 1mpctum sumncre Pompet.ini non potuerunt arque ümuersi tcrga ucrtérunt.

(De bdló (iuili J.Q.l-4)

Pompcy that his ca\·alry wcre roucl~ and that thc pan of ha~ forccs in whrch he had placed hts grcaccst confidc:nce was in pamc, :~nd mMru~ung th<" rcst of hts army, he lcft thc ficld and rode srr.ught co ha~ cunp. Thcrc: he \houtcd. m a vmce loud enough for all thc troops to hcar, 'Kccp an C)'C on the cnnp. and 1f an)'thtng gocs Y.Tong ce to ns defencc. 1 am gmng round to thc othcr g:~cl'S to cncounge the gurison.' Ha\•mg sa1d tha) he rctircd to his hcadquartm ro awaH thc ourcomc, but wJth lude hopc of succc-.~.

Thc rctr~ung Pompc1ans wcrc dravcn back amadt" the ramp3rt ami C1csar, thankmg that thcr should bl· gtvcn no rcspltc m thcar panrc. urgcd ha, mc11 to t:akc ad\·amag~ o( thcir gm1d luck and storm thl· camp. 1 hl')' wcn: l:xhausted by eh~: grcat hl'<ll (for thc actton had bccn prolongcd ull nmJday). bur wcrc rcad )' (or anytlung and obcycd h1~ ordcr~. 1 he e .1111p was bcmg vigorou'l)· Jcfcndl·d by thc lcft to

guard it, ami cvcn more .ficrccly by thl· Thr.1cun :md barbanan auxiharic-;. For thc troops who had rctrc:.Hcd from thc battlcficld wcrc ccmficd :uad ex ha usted, and mo..t of thc:m thrcw 3\\'3) thcir ann' and milaur, standards w1th tbctr mmds on funhcr fltghc r.Hiu:r than thc: dc:fcnc; of the o~p. Thosc who had cakcn up tbctr ~~iuons 011 che rampan werc unablc to hold out agamst che ~howcr of J:,¡vclms and t~c: exhausnon frorn thc wounds chc:y mfficced. and lcfi their posm~n; .:anf lc:d br thc1r ccnturion~ and tribunc' chey Red str.:aaght 10 thc ~he ccr 0

thc hc:rghts of thc h1lh chat adjomed thc CJmp. h ' h 1 ·1 burle :1 gren wcag c In Pompcy .s omp onc could ~ces e: ccrs nc'' ) • urf.

of s•h·cr platc d1spbycd, and quanc:~ biCI out \~lth &~-shl} _cut 1 •

th r h be 1g CO\'crcd \\1th .,.) • ose o Luaus lcnrulus and sorne oc cr~ 11 d Th d. . f.. ccssa\'C lu:.\"Un· an cre '''l:rc man\' othcr m ac:moru too o ~x · .

' d th 1 u hc duc che\ ''ere confidcncc m \'actorv whtch promptc e c 10 g . J' d h 1 ts \\1th unnccc:ss.:af} sure cnough of thc ouccomc: to pro,·a e 1 cmsc ' , h d

J C CSJT S Ull appV ;an comfon.s, Y ct thl')' had conrmu.lll)' t.:tunce a 1

. h r; c\·cn of 1 r . h h c w;~s a wap s o ong-suhcrang olflll\' wnh luxurv. t oug 1 .d che b ' • 1 1 . crrcul.umg msa e are nccc,\itat'\, Whcn our mcn wt•n· a rt'Jl > l' . · ·a rodc

• ff J j~ rCIIl'C3 S mstgnl ' rarnpan Pomp<'}' ,ccurcd a horsc, torc 0 1 · g d · hc to . . d 1 at spec stratg prccapnatd y Ollt of thc rCllr gatc an spurTC:l ( h , hom he had

L b . h ft·w 0 1s mcn w :tnssa. Nor d"l he \top thcrc. ut WIC 3 e

2 Thr Jemisc if tlll' R ,,,,, R rpu/Jiir

Jcked up in t1ight rodc: nn through thc mght 111 thc samc hauc. and E 11 chcd thc ... 3 wuh :1bout th1rtv cavalrymcn. Thcrc h~· tma )' rca ..... · ; · · d ( h cmbarkcd on :1 gr:un-shlp, oftcn complammg. H ts sat • o t e 011~udgcment whH:h had lcd hun to. be by the pan of thc force whtch he had hopc<l would bnng h1m vtcto!)' but had m fact

5tartcd thc rout. (D¡ bello ciuili 3·94-6)

Scct1on óC(m)

Sir1u thr hifltop$ had "" u•atn, Pcmpry's mm "'"''rd 011. Caesar • .rplillit~~ up hlS (.wes, pursurd, arul sunCtundrd tl:r lnll am! 011 off thr u•arn suppl)' whrrr dre Pcm~wns had takm up ptmllo/1. Thr Pcmpr1arlS prrpam! ro suntrulrr.

Cacsar castrü potitus a milmbus comcndu ni! m pracda occupati rd1qw nc-goñ gcrcndi farulütcm dit~_u!':re"'· q~ re _impetriti mom~m opere nrrummünirc insmun. Pompc:um, quod 1s mons crat S1~C' aqu.1, ditfhl ci loco rdtcto monte ümucrsi mgis c1us Liñsam uc:-sus )C

reapcrc cocperunt. qua spe ammaducrsa Cac::sar copii~ suis diuim ~rt.cmque legtonum m castñs Pompei rcmancre partero. m rua castra remisu, quattuor s«um leg•ones dü:m commodtorequc t~nerc Pompelinis occuncre coc:plt ct progrcssus miha passuum scx aaem instriilm. qua re amm:tduc:rsi PompC¡ini in quOdam monte consoti!runt. hunc montcm Aümcn subluebat. Caesar milites cohortatus, etsi totius dio conuncnti bhorc crant confeai noxquc ~am ru~rat, tamc:n mümuone Aümcn a monte seclüsit, nc noctü aquiñ Pompét.lni possem. quo perfecto opere 1Ui de dedmone mmis lcgáüs agcre coeperunt. p;mci ordm1s scnatoni, qui ~e cum his coniünxcram, noctc fugi salütem pctiuerum.

(Di úlló tiuili 3·9i)

Scction 6C(iv)

Caesar acttpts thr Pomptiaus' Sllrtt'lldtr, •1Ssrms tht'ln cif Iris lrmrtrty, t nJOIIIS Jus .soldias to trtat thwr wrll mrd ltllll't'S 011.

Cacsar pñma lücc omnis cós qui in monte conscderant ex supcnoribus locis in plinittcm dcsccndcrc ;~tquc arma proiccrc ms~ir . quod ubr smc rccüsarionc fi:ccrum pas~isquc palmis proicái ad rcrram flentcs ab C:O salütcm pctiucrunt, consólatus consurgcrc iussit ct pauC:l apud cos de lcnitatc sua locütus, quo minore csscnt rim6rc, omnis




aesar s l.p

- scruauir miJinbusquc: SUJS COmmendauit. 1\C qui l'Orum UJOI;ircntur

:~: q111d sui dc~idcrarcn:. ~ac ad.hi~ira dil~gcmia ex c.,~.~is 'lbi legiones l ·s occurn~rc ct dh quas 'ecum duxcrat mutccm rcqUI~~ccrc arque in

2 ta d d'- t =- - - • r.utra rcucrri JU).SÍr co cmquc te ~...amam pcrucnn.

(Dr btllii ciuili 3.98)

p,•mpt')' lrad jlrd, but Jomrd jelll places u'illiug tCt takr ltim iu. F.vrmuall)' hr cml(l/ m Egypt, wlu:re r/r(' young King Ptolemy was u'aging u•ar 011 lliS mur Clropatra. He madr approach~s te Ptolmry. am/ thrn:

Wbc:n thc fncnds of dtc King, who werc admmistermg the kmgdom for lum beca use of hts ) outh, heard thc ncws, they werc :~fraid (so rhe)· satd lata") that Pompey m1ghc subom the royal :~rmr and sc1zc ,I¡Jcnndna and Egypt, or dsc thcy desp1>cd him for his m1sfortunes, in rhe W2\ thl"lr fncnds so oftcn rum against tho~c 111 ad\ mm·. Wh:ne\·cr . - . thru mottvc~. they ga\'C a ~cncrous rcpl) in publtc to h1s ml::.\scngcrs and hade h1m come ro the King: but meanwhtlc thcy fomted .1 sccret plot wuh Achtllas. onc of che King's officcrs and a man to ~uck :u nothmg, and with l. Scptimius. a mtln:ary rribunc .• md scm rhcm to ktll Pornpey. Thcr addrcsscd him councouslr. and hc was mdu.-ed br hn prC\'lous knowlcdgc of Sepnmm,, who had scn·cd as a ccnrunon .,..,th htm dunng thc war agamsr the pirare . to cmbuk wuh :1 fcw compamons on a small boat: whereupon Achillas and Scpumlll5 mamnated hun.

(Di bcl/ii ciui/i 3.104)

Slllh was tlrr rrul of Pcmpq tlrr Crear; sr~clt, rffiaa•ely. tvas th( (tlli of tlrr Cll'r/ 11' ar.

Secuon 6 D Four Roman poers lntrot!rm,ou

From thc \'cry bcgmning of Roman lircrarurc, Grcck modds had bc~n 4

pnrn_ary lll~ptrauon. Wc ha\·c alreadr ,ccn how Plautu~ 'tr:mslarcd pbrs lrom Grcck Ncw Coml·dv. Thc o;iwar•on w:~s '' '" larcr. ccmuric\, C:uullth' 'lcarncd' sr~lc was devclopcd \\'tth 1mptr:1t1on lrom thc Alcxandrian Grc:ck pocrs s~ch as Callim;Khus (rhird ccnrury). ih·· L ' k clt as rh~· hcx:um·tcr ' ;¡rm pocts mmdr cmploycd Grce · mctrc~. ~u · · :~ud pt·ntamncr. By :md largc thcy followcd, tlW, tht• ltt~·rarY gt•nrc~ (e u · ¡· ¡ ) h. h h e· . k J13J dcvclopcd. So . '?' cp1c, t te ante, cpigram ere. w IC t e •rt e ~ ' d. . ""'lar · (' 1 1, d ·r. th1s dt·pcn cncc 10 tn11t.tt1on ') was thc lircrary ru ~·. ,ur t·spl t


2 Tire dmust ~( tlu· R oma11 R.-pub/ir

h G k 1' ~01111 poct- dtd not ~implv copy. Thev spokc \\.'ith ('11 l l' tCC:C \, '\l • , '

h j llctl\·c \'orces about thmgs whrch conccrncd thcm. For t cu own ' rm • . h r0 tl1 ~1 r l:uer EurnpL"~Il )UCcc~sor~. thl' a\':ulabthtv of a t c~c poct~. a~ 11 r • · •

tradmon ,1rctchtng b:tck ccmurrcs mcant that chc1r work coulJ be nchcr and more sophrsuotcd. lt drd not makc thcar pocrry -an) Jc.,~

Rom:m. Of thc four poets reprcscntcd here, Lucrcuw as a poet of thc late:

Rc:publac, but Vargrl and 1-!oracc span thc: pcnod from thc: late Rc:pubhc to Augustus' pnnopate and Ü\•td 15 a \\ holly Augu~tan poct For the h15tonol background to thr~ pcnod, sce thc secrrons tn C l'E on Augustus (p. 2SZ) and VJrg¡J (pp. 32o-1).

Sccuon ti 1) (1) Tuus Lucrcuus Oros {Lucretms) (c. 94~. ss)

Thc: me books llf De rhwn rl<itrir.i (' On the na rore of che um' crsc ') are: m thc tradiuon of 'dadactic' (' tc:achrng ') poctrv, which gocs back ulnmatdy to thc: crghth- to sc:vcnth-ccntury Grcck pocr Hcstod's Works arrJ Da)'S, a manual on fanmng and thc mua) calendar. Luacuus' pocm rs an :mcmpt to sumrnamc and •o arguc out for thc: Rornan rcader the phrlosophy of the Grcek Eprcurus (342-271), who hdd the follo\\ mg doctnncs: ( 1) the world and all 1t

contams as madc up frorn mmute p:uuclc:s callcd atoms; (2) evcrythmg. mdudmg the soul, t\ matcnal, and lmng thmgs mnply dtisohe mto thctr constnuent atoms aftcr d~th; (3) thc god~. though thcy cxm, ll\'c m utta blru, and take no m mflucncmg C\"cnl~ m thc umversc; (4) thc combmauons of atoms (and thercfore all cvcnts) occur b\ chance.

Lucrc:uus' mo t fcrvcntl) cxprcsscd aun was to convíncc hr~ rcadcr that rcligron and thc $U¡>Crstltlon \\htch tt fostcrcd, particubrly thc fcar of pmmhmcnt alter dc.1th, wcrc not b~cd on rcason. The followcr of EpJCurtL\ could finall) be i'rec oi' arrauon;~l drC':Id.

/u tltis pamzgc from 1111' .Jifih bMk, l . ltCrctlltS t'."(p/aim how mm camr ta hat•t' t/rrir fal5t' idrm of thr gc1dr' fl ill l't't .

pr:tctcrci <'acli rattóncs órdmc ccrto ct u:m.1 annorum ccrncb:mt tcrnpora ucrñ llC<" poterant <luibus td ficrct cognosccre causis. ergo pcrfuglllm stbr habébam omnra diuls tradcrc ct illorum nütü faccrc ornnia flccñ.

6D(i) Poctry tmd politics: Lrtcretirts' Dt• rcrrmr witrirá

~: p1cti~

in cacloque dcum sedts Ct templa )odrunt, pcr caclum uoluT quta nox cr lüna u1detur, lüna dics ct nox ct nocris ~igna 5euera nocuuagacque faces c¡e)j' Aamrnacquc uolames, nübila ~61 imbrcs nix ucnti' fulmina gr.ando ct rapidi frcmitüs et murmura magna mmarum.

o gcnw infclix hiimanum, tilra di'uis cum tribuit facra arque iris ad1iinxit acerbas! quantos tum gemitüs lpsi )ibt, quanuquc nobis uulncra, quis bcrimas pcpcrcrc mmonbu' nostñs! ncc pictis ülb~t uelarum s.cpc urdcñ uerticr ad lapidem atqul' omnis accédcre :ad iris nec pr&umbcre hunü prostritum ct panderc palmas ante dcum delübra ncc iris s.ngume multo )pargcre quadrupedum ncc uotls nectcre uou, sed mage pliciti posse omnia mente tuéñ.

For whcn "t' look up ~~ che \'311 11'2CU

uí rht' un· ttrnrl~ IU¡>cr •rdli<quc mic~nubtU ~crhcr.a

fixum, tr urnu m rnrnrcm ,¡¡¡,, lün~cque ui2rum.

~nd thc crhcr .tbcwc m •urdclcd "rrh rwrnldrn¡,; ~tus

Jnd rhcrc rornrs meo our mrn<h chc tllou¡¡hr

1111 quoquc cxpcr¡(i:Úcturn caput iirigcre


of rhc p~th• uf rhc •un Jnd rhr rnoon, rhcn rn uur ht·~N•, upprr•o,¡·d ~' che)' Jr<

Wllh mhct \llriOW\,

J llC\\ ,IIJXI<I)' \liD ~11<1 \IAIII 10 ICJI <1' hr.t•l





2 Tht dcmisé ~{ tht· Rcmum Rqmblic

ni: qu•c (ente dcum nobi~ lmmi:nu pott)tis

>JI, uanó m~tü quae andtcb sidcu ucnct.

trmput t't\Jm dubum mmtcm nuóms cgnü~.

Jn ca:¡waum fucnt mundi ¡;crutllu otigo.

ct wnul «qux m flnu.. que»d mocnu


\Oihoñ mOtÜI hunc pot~mt imc bb&cm, :m diuinmu utmü dóalu ulütc

pnctetd" cüi n5n ~nsmu• tormidmc diuum contulmur, cüi nón conq,unt munbn

p;¡uarr. iulnunu hombali cum;I tol'ri¡ü ttllii1

conttt'tillt <t m.gnum pcrrununt murmuu

adum' ~ niin popuü ¡;tnté'sque ttcmunt, r~~tt

wpnbi comp1unt diuum pcrcu11i mcmbn nmorc.

ne qwd ob admwum i~ dtcrumuc


pomirum gnuc ut wlumdi rcmp111


su mm. ctum cum ui1 1110lcnri ptr mue

ucnti 4~ mdupn;¡torcm clJ\m tupcr •rquou uerm

cum u•lidh pantcr ltgtñntbu• atquc <lcph11nth,

nBn diuum pl<rm ui11i• ~dit •e prcc<' qu•c•lt


Jnd we wonder if tt is ~me divmc: powcr bt-yond our mc;uunng

whtch 11 tummg the bnp:ht ~un m thetr

vanou' COUOC1

Our rrund' are 1iu.lccn and bcgm to

Thn u 2 iailurc: of n:a100

\\'e a!:. ounch·~

do u be

sf'rc wu once a eh)· on wluch tbc world w:u bom

2nd 21 r.hc ~me rune 1Í tbcrc u .:1 ltmtt

bcyond winch 1U "'2lb .,..'iiJ no1 be .zblc to endure

r.he drudgay oi dus .znxious moocm or "'hctbcr the\· ue b~ "mh t:tcnul


:md cm glldc through tJK, mímttc uact; ofamc

:and mock m mtghty powcr


do not ~u mcn ñnd thctr bcnu contncang wuh feu ot' thc gods

.1nd thetr limbs creqñng .,...¡r.J¡ :"nghc whcn r.IJc, o.nh is scorchcd b) tbc

muddcnn¡; suokc oflíglurung .llld rnurmun run all round rhc U:}•?

Do noc lbe cunoru trcmblc .and an r.hc pr:oples ofthc

Do not r.IJc, limbs of proud ktng1 cnwl

... ,r.h ic:ar •nd ur tbc} not smckcn b)· r.IJc,

r.h r.hou¡:hr 21 the tune has come for mcm to p•y

for lOme foul dced r.hcv ha ve done or so me proud v.-ord thcy h.¡, e Sr<> km?

Thcn, too, whcna ........ 1 1

n· ·- 8• "comes u pon thc sea and

tb \WCCf" e general and hu Rct!t over the facc of

Witl IJ h tht \Y3U:f 1 ~ 1~ mtghty legion~. eleph~nll and

dft- 1 J 11. ~• le or dac, he not go and oR'Cr up VIl \Y\

to the gods

6D(i) Poc·tr)' aud politics: Lrurt'lius' De rrmrlt r11itrim

ucntorum p~utdus pie~ 2mmi'IC!uc sccundis,

ni:quiqu.&m, quonum wolentó ru:binc ucpc

anquc :adcó m hüminis uis ~bdua qu.ze-cbm

prüculc:iiT :ac lüdtbno SJln h2bérc: wderur

dauquc wb pcd:bw rdlüs cum w~ walbt

SS concu~uc c.zdunt urbñ dubt:Kquc nurunrur.

quid núrum ,.¡ 1i ccmnunc .mon:ilu gcd.J

•nd be:¡; them to scnd he m thw pe• re) And Jon he not an hl\ (rtght pu) 10 tbc

... me~, 10 scnd htm chc'U pace too .znd thctr

fa\ourm¡; bror.h; Lude good u don lum as oitcn ~· not thcrc c.omes J firr«

tquall .md mucho lum up ~nd camcs htm


n'Cll a1 be prap, co thc t!uJioy, •n!Cn ofdotb

Thac "aho.<l)" • m)-stcnou• fo:« wiUcb tramplc1 upon che 2fútn oímcn grmdtn¡; che cmblcm1 of tbar JlO"'T'

unrkr m httl :>nd m. k!:"¡; a mod:cry of che •fkndtd

rodl and thc pm.:ru un..

L:utlv whrn thc \\hok c;~nh ucmhl~ undcr

our fcct

or to«cr and thrracnt to C.U u 11 an v "'ondct tfthc du1drcn ofmcn lk>pnc

thcmld~ and com:gn

uquc potatitñ ma¡;rüs ml..-i!quc rdmquunt .all thn: ¡;rc:11 authom) .&cd .zll thnr wondcrtw po\\ m

m lib\H uiñ1 diuum. quac eüDco ~bcmcnt' mto thc h.znd• of¡:odl .znd thmk tb.u thc) ruk C\Tfl-dunS'

(Lucrctius, Dl r~111m uiitürJ 3-40)

Sccrion 6 D (ti} Pübliu~ V crgilius M.1ro (V•rg•IJ (7o-19 B.C.)

For Virgil's lifc. works and connccuons ,,,rh Augunus, <ec Gramm.1r,

.. ocalm/,uy ,md r.·urcises pp. p.o-1.

'f'hw: w•o passages are taken from Acnctd 6. Ameos, ,,s .,Jtml by Iris tlraJ

J • . d 1 1 l d e Ir /y auJ IS 111111 ' ,,,klllt: (.u Ita Aru uses 111 a ream. 1as ,,m t Jt "'""'' "' " • •

• • J ·J, d b 1 • ·b 1 ( 1 r s) "111m' ¡,.. 11'111 lllrtt tire ¡oumq ro Haats, gm e y r re S1 }' '' prap 1( rs 4

.·lll~hist•s, 111/ro wi/1 show ],;s son tht· fu m re .~rratllt'•S a) R ,,,,.,

tlt!lll'IIS rllld f/le Sibyl joumvy tltrollgh rlw c/,u/.mc!SS ,,,,,,(' Umll'~ll:•"/'1. f"Hl

iJi J 1 .r Jd b J · 1 , ·r·r · llu')' e'""'' ro ¡u:rsolli t't c'l'i s ~ che wor a out· cm ,,,,.,ru cJt trr """ ·'' '·

2 Thc dmris~ of thr R 01111111 R t•puMic

ti~ fcrr}', 011 uohich tlst· 1ouls an• Clllll'tytd 10 Hades br Charott. Ht at1d tire

shü.lts att dmribrJ.

ib:mt obscüri sóla \Ub noctc pcr umbram pcrque domós Oitis wcuas Ct minia régna: qualc pcr íncertam lünam sub lücc maligna cst ttcr m ~tluis, ubt oclum condidit umbcl luppitcr, ct rébus nox abstulit atra colórcm.

uotibulum 1ntc pñmi~uc m fJuetbm Orci

l.ümu n ultñri's powñc cubnu Ciint',

p¡lknt~ lulnwn Morbi nistnquc Sen«fÜ1,

cr Mctul cr JIUicuúlh 2c turp" E¡;enis,

10 ~enhiles ullu iomut.l..Ctumquc ub<nquc,

rum c:ómmguuKUS Uti Sopor c:t mili att"J\11\

Gludu. morufe~umquc 2duc:nó m runmc: Bdlum,

f=Ciquc: Eumaudum llubmi n DISCOI'dU c!Camu

uipa= cñnc:m wttit annc:u cnxnÜ\.

t.S ID mahO rim(i$ ~nn~qiK' bruchu p2ndn

ulmm opla. mgi:m. qwm ..cdt-m So= _ _ uulso = tmcrc fcrunt, folmquc sub omrubut


muluquc: p~rtucl wrürum m&mn lrrirum.

Cc:nuuri 111 fonbu1 1Ubul.un Scylllcqm-

briiirmC, zo cr ccntum¡:emmul Un.rcu• ~e bflu~ lem~e

huncndum nridrru. fl~nunitqur nmit•

G Chnn•cr~. o<rrgonrt Hupyi¡cqur ct rnrm• mcurpqrh


Bd'ol't' tbc: cmnncc, m tbc: '~ thnut ofHcU,

Gnc:f 2nd üre :md R~=~ lud rrudc: Ülcu bc:dL

P3lc: duc:nt" bvcd nc:xt cnbbc:d Old A¡;t'

Thtte 100 wcrc: Fcr ~nd Htm¡;tT tlut SID¡X :n notlung :md sqwlid Povat)•

2nd Drudgc:ry and Dath, all f.c:.uful things to look upon

Tlm• thc:ra: "'u e: Slec:p thc ru:cr of Doth and 211

thc F,.,!J'iowres of thc: bnr. .. nd War' mutdc:tc:r

sunding bcfon: thc:m on' threlhold. ihae too \\-ere' skcpmg qu.uttn of

thc: Ful'l('S 2nd nsmr: Di.Ko~ .... ,th Vlpc:n for lun bowld up wuh b1~-se»ked ribbom.

In the rruddk a ho¡;e cbrl.: clm sp=d out itl 211C1Cnt bnndung >.nru.

Tlm. thcy U). u thc ocsan¡; p!.tcc of foohth d=m•

och dingmg bcnc:uh m own lof

Hrl't' tOO by thc doon are sublc:d m~ny strmgc kmds of ac:atur•

Cmuun-nun md borse, Scy!lu-mladcn and dog~.

Urrn.:us w11h hu hundrc:d hand• and the Hydn of Len>a

hl\\lng horribly and thc Chrmen umed 1n fin:.

Gorgon• ¡nd Horpt~ and thc ahrce-.bodied •h~de of Grryon.


6D(íi) Poetry aud politics: Vi~Ril's Acneid 1.17

(ornpu hic subit:i trcprJus formidme lerrum

Am~:il nncumquc: ~ocm uemmóbu\ olfcrt.

lJ nni docu comes tmui• ~1nc corporc: uiris

~~~ uoliÜrt' aui ~ub Jmi¡;mr rorm~c:.

urrwt n fñnui fc:no diuc:rbc:rct umbris.

7J Sq·lbeque bifonnes.

Hcl't' Arnc.t~ ti:h 'u.Jdm t'c-.n •nd took huid of h .. m nrd

~nJ mct thcm wHh nAcd ucd .u thcy ame~~ hrm

lf hts "a~.e mentor hld 1101 \\".lmcd hrm thn t~ \\CIC: \pln~

fnal and boddc:u exutmn:. Auucnns m au Clllptl Kmbbncc

of Juruuncc t-e "ould lu• e clur¡;cd tbnta

~nd ID tiD purposc lu\'c ¡uncd mJdO\\S "'ath 1m mxl

hinc uia Tarurci quac fcrt Acheronus ad undis. [Urbidus hic c.aenó uastiquc uorágine gurgcs ac~tuat atquc omncm Cóc)·tó crüctat h.ucn:un. portitor has borrcndus aquiis ct tlümma scn1at tcrnbilí squalóre Charón, cüi plünm;¡ m~ltÓ t.:iinttics mculta 1acc:t, ~tant lümma fbmnu, sordtdus ex umcris nódo dépcndct anH(tU\.

tpsc ratcm contó subtglt uéli~quc ct fcrrügineii subucctat corpora cumba. _ iam senior. sed crüda <.kó umdisquc '~·ncctus.

.! Thr tlrmist ~( tltr U 111111111 U f¡mblir

hüc mmm mrba ad ripa~ cffüsa rueb t - - a '

matrcs atquc uiri dcfrmctaquc corpora ui'ta m:~gnanmlUm hcxóum. pucri innüptacquc JI . - _ puc 3l\

rmposmquc rogt~ auuen~ ante ora paremum: quam multa m stluis aummni iii<>orc pn- -¡- d ::. mo :~ps., Cl unt folia. aut ad tc:rram gurgitc ab altó

qua m multac glomeranrur aue- ub"l ¡::;..;-,. "d - · • .. o.s' us annus tr:ns po~nun~ fugat ct tcrñs unmttur apri'cis. ~tabam oramcs pñmi trilllillJttcrc curso u:ndeb:mtquc manüs ri'pac: utr-:- . ~ - _ .... ons amor c. nautt~_scd truus nunc hós nunc accipn lilas ast ahos longc summotos ;ucct harma. '


(VirgiL .'imrid 6.268-3 r6)

Antt'as Iras rt'achrá tllr F.lrsiau Fields lllhrrt -1 rzoorkmgs oJ thr rmwerst th f ¡' • ndu56 t;\-plallls /(1 /um the

·¡¡ • nr s rou•s unr a parad .r l R ll'J sprirr.~ Jrom /rrs línc. ltt rlrrs tail iccr 1 t '!t t lt Pl1hlll leadns wltCI rtmmér tlrr Roma¡¡ tlrat ,,¡,.. p t to t lt' long rrt•efdlt011, Anchisr.s 1 1 . ,.rs may CJI trvate th 1 .

t IJt liS task .• ~ol•mwu·m of tlu w IJ ' arts tc a rr_¡~ha Jegru, but or • can also br cfas5ljied as ort • art '.



óD(ii) Pot'lry aud politics: Jlir.l?il' s .rlcul'id

· excüdcm alü spírantia molhus :H·ra (credo cquidcm). uiuñs düc.cnl de marmorc uultüs . óribunt causis mclius. cncliquc mditu\ descnoent radió ct surgcnua sídcra díccnt:


tü regcrc imperió popules. Romane, mcrncntó (hae tibl erum art~). pácíquc Jmpt)ncrc morcm.

par«rc <.ubiccñs ct dcbcllirc superbós.' (Vugtl. Acnt'1J c;.s.rrn)

Seccion 6 O (iii) Quíntus Horatius Flaccus (Horace)

(6s-s) Hor:acc'!. fathcr was a &cedman. Y ct he had cnough monc) :md ambmon to cnablc bis son to srudy in Rome and Athcns. In aboul 38 or 37 Horace was mrroduccd by Vtrgil to M:u~ccnas, whosc ciJtntil:: (' circlc of dc:pcndantS ') he jomed ~oon afic:r. Maeccnas gavc: btm a farm 111 the Sabine bilis which allowcd h1m a rcrrc:1t from Romc and a rcturn to the simple lifc: of thc cowltT}' bndowner whtch he nftc:n pr:nscd .• Mtc:r Virgil\ death, he bcamc closc to Augustos (.:a lcuc:r ,urVJ\'C:S in whtch Augustus makcs fun of htS paunch), bm rcfuscd an

appointmc.nt as htS personal ~ccrcmry. H1s mo~t celcbratcd achte\'emcnt (he himsclf CJllcd thc:m 'a

monument more lasnng than bronzc ') was thc: first three books of Carmina ("The Odcs'). \"-nrtcn betwcen thc: baulc: of Acnum (31) an:l .2.3. H~ b~t work was a fourth book of Camuru2. pubhshcd t. 13. lt concnns much pocrry celcbr:mng Augustos .:and hlS achtc\crnc:nts. .md mcludcs other picce5 likc thc followmg, whtch thc poet :md scholar A. E. Housm.:an thouehc rhc nto)t bcauuful pocm m anc1cnt luer:nurc:.


q11arus, Spnng I1.4S rt•turru:J. But tht ~asons /r.a•t' a ltSJOII ro ttacb about


opts t"lj immorr.rlily. Allrhiii.~S drJII.~t Jor tlrr UIOTSt • .\'lm are more badly l)ff still, sirr« dr.:rlr is _fi11al. What poifll rs tlrrrt' 111 clmymg yoursrlf' Onct y.,

11 att~ ,ltatl, no qr1aUry tirat yc.~u pos~SI tart clrillr,(!t fiJIIf conclrtrcrr 11rt

t';\"ülllfllrs of H•pJ'I)/yws ülltl Tlrcstus l'roa•r r/rr l'omt.

difi"ogcn: niués. rcdcunt tam grjmma ampi arboribusquc: comac::

müta[ tcrra uicés, ct décrésccnu;t ripas flümm3 practcrc:um:

Griitia cum Nymphi'~ gcn111ii~quc -;orórahm audct

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:dücercnüda choró,.

74. uiuii\ dücc 11 1• 1 ' ~ nurmnrc uuhii~.




1 71tr dl'mtsr ,,¡ tltt' R 111,,.111 R l'fliiMic

tmmortilu ne - -spcrcs, monet :mnus l quae uprt h- d et .l mum

- or:t rcm: fngor;¡ mitescunt Zcph\ ñs ue -

mtcrnür:a SJmul • r protent :testas

pómrfcr Aurumnus früges ~s:r,od b - ""' ent et mo

rum;¡ rt'curnt rners • x d.lmna t.lmcn cdcres re :a

ni>s ubr d- d p r:anr cadcsu;¡ lün:u:. _ rotmus ·

quo p:uer Aencis. c¡uo Tullu di puluts cr umbr"' s mes ct Ancu~.

• sumu'l quts sen an adrct.lnt hodt -

tempor" di - ernac cra~una summac _ • 1 supcn?

cuneta manüs autdis fu - -q

uae ded gtenr herCdrs, :tmico errs ammo

cum semel occtd i . t\, rl er s cr de ré splendtd:t M- -re~ t arbu:rta mos

n6n, Torqui ' I'CStltu•:c· genus, non te fllcundra, non té

"' plctat,





6D(ii•) l'ortry mtd polllics; Horaa~·s OJes

76 Aurummn

infcrnis neque emm u:ncbñs Oii112 pudicum libcr.u Htppolytum,

nec I.ethaea ualct Theseus :abrumpcre ciro

uincub Pénthoó. {lJor:a • o« .. 7

Sccoon 6 D (t\') Pühhus Ov1dms NisO (Ovtd) (43

B.C.-A.D. 17) Q-.

1d, c:ducatcd, lrkc Hor:ace. at Rome .and t~n Atht'nJ \U mtcnd d

b)' h1, f:athcr for a pub he career. Out by thc umc he re.1chal th .ag t

c¡u:thficatton for the quacstorshrp (~enty-hvc} he lud de d d to r,,IJow ;¡ lucrary carCCT instead. He was e.'CtraOrdtl12nl) prohfi H wrote lovc-c:legy (Amoris. pubhshed m lO), tromc d1d;acuc · poctry on how ro succccd wnh the oppome se:< (Ar ''"'atona, A D , mgcd~ (he wrote a Mldia), cpic (Metam11rplt6si.J, myths of th~ 'chang of ,ha pe:· wh1ch mcn and gods took on), lc:amc:d ;actlology (a.c: the reawns why modc:m practiccs, msmuuons etc uke che fnrm th


We gt,•e hr:rc :a lut of photogr:aphs and draWIDS' wh1ch :appear in the Ttxt, wnh a nou: dcuthng che contcnl oí each dlustrauon. Unl~s othcr\"IIJSC sutcd, the illu<mtiom Ju,-c bccn supphed b) the muscums and mdl\'lduals hstcd We wish to

thank r\·r:ryonc for tbor gcncrous hdp.

Conr: Vtlb by thc sea Wall-p3inung from Subm:: JSt ccntury A.D.

Naplo, Mu!.CO Nmonalc 9511 Photo: DA! (R). 1 Romulu1 ::md Rcmw rucklcd by the she-wolf. Roaun SI1\·cr dJdr:achm:

l~l66 o.c. London, Bnmh Mu5eum, I>cp.utrncnt of Coiru and Mt:"tUh. BMCRR Romano-Campan~:tn ::S. Photo: Court~}' ofthc Trust~

J. Buddmgs oíRome ~urble rdicffrom me tomb monumcnt ofme H:nenc úmil), found oumdc Romc:: c. A.D. 90-100.

Vanean, Musco Grr¡;omno Profano mv. 999; (a 1o¡6). Photo: Manscll

Colkcuon p .::. Thrcc Crcck ma~k typcs: old man. )'Oung woman, old woman: 4th

ccntury 11 e ~r:awmgs adaptcd from Bttllctm of rht lnsllturt of Cl.mual StllllttS, ~upp/(ffl(tll J9 (1078) MonulltCniS illiLStr.llmg 0/d .md .\ltddlr ComrJy, h} T. B. L., 3Hi edmon rcvio¡cd lnd rnlargcd b\· J R C E S

... d u . . rcen. typcs ... .-, :u1 •

3 Modd oí a n:agc bu1lding. Tcrucott.l rchcf, found in ~urhcm Jt;¡Jv: ( 300 o.c:. • N:apb, Musco Nuconalc 6o (Levt 773). Photo: Fotogr:afia FogliJ

.¡ C:om1.: ,lct<lr as sbve. Tcrracuuo~ \t.ltuc:ttc mado: and ¡· d M · • M

• oun at ynna, A\1.1 mor: :tnd ccntury u.c.

13o~tnn. Mu,cut.ll uf. Fmc Ans OT 7f>79 PurcL··c·d b b · '> Y COntri Utl011

5 l luu•c:holtl dtnnc 111 thc ' Houw of Mcnande · (1·1 f 1> , . • r ousc u Qumt\1\ upp~¡,us), 1 umpl·n (1. to . .¡): m ccntury 11 e - 1 t

Al · · s ccntury A.u. Phnto


Notes "'' illcwratiorrs


A Lar, thc tutcl:ary god oihc:arth .md borne, ro:~ru ~nd crouraad1 Brnnze

statucttc:: 1 ~~ ccntury A. D.

Paru. Louvre Br. b~6. Photo: Ccr:audon

7 SouLh luhan farcc (plc/)·ax): old wom:~n and old mm Apuhan red-figure bcll-k.r:atrr by the McDm1cl Painu:r, fuund .u T:ar:anto, ( 400'-315 IIc. Dmbridgc (Mass.). HU'\'2rcl Umversny. Departmcnt oí me Cbuca.

Ahce Coñnnc McD.micl Collection Photo. Fos& Art MuKUm s Comcc actors :a.s otJ man. wonun :md wve. Wall_,umnn¡; from the

'Housc oí the Dcoscuri' (Housc or me Ntg~du). Pompm (V19 6), IU

ccntury A.D. Bonn. Umvcmty. Ak.ademisches Kun~tmuKUm E 16S (m'' 11 ].U)

9 Sale of cumcom. Muble rchef, mon prob:a bl)' írom .a funer:zry monummt,

IS! ccntur)' A D. Aorencc, Utfai ID''· 31.3 (Mansudh no. 14!) Photo. MJnscll Ccdkcuon

10 Soumltalun raree (phlyax)· cooki talan¡; roau mc.1t to :a preceded by :1 girl pbymg the p1pa. Apulc:m red-figure bdl-kr:atcr by the I>IJOD

Pamtcr: c. 315 B. C. Lcrunb>nd, Sute Henruugc in'' .ta74 (\\ J l~l).

11 South italJ:tn &rcc (phly;,~.x) • Philounudo :md Charo ea un~ dmtao, X:mtlu.u th(' sln·c 5tealinS cake.. Apulun red-figure bcll-kr:atr:r. found :u

Ruvo, 4oo-315 s.c. M1lm, CollC'Llonc MorcttJ (fonnerly Ruvo, C:lpua)

outh l!ahan urce (phlyax): W''e runmng. ApulJ:tn red-figure omocboc:. l.l

m1d-4m cc:ntury a.c. Bcnton MIL<CUIIl of Fwe Aru lJ 93· Clft orE p \Vam:n.

IJ Roadw~y """th !hnno. W:all-p:amtmg from the 'Hou~ oi thc Small

Fonnwn·. Pompcii ( .. '1 .:13): 1st century A.D

~:~pies. Mweo NUJon:alc: H 1 SS7· Drawms itom l>ur:rnbr:rs and a¡;ho

s. ~ . comp1wm

14 sugc: scme "';m aaors pb)-"111g m .1 comed) (.a tb\'C and two old mcn)

Tcrr:acotta rclicf; bte tst century s.c Dnwmg: from O. Pucmt('tn. Dll' gntehlllht EWhtll' (1901) fig ~

1 S Comic lctOf5 as old sbvc, \\'Om:tn :md )'Oum W.1ll-pamang from

Hercuhncum: tst c:cnwry .... o. N:aplcs. Mu~o Nanonale 9031· Photo. Fotogr:~fia Fogha

16 'nummt aurci Phtlippi •• Cold sutc:rs of Phihp 11 of Nbc:cdon. e J-40

8 C.

Cambndgc:. FíttwJlliam Muscum. _ ,., South ltahan farcc (pltlya.\}: be:aung :a sbvc. LuC'llnJ:tn rcd-ttgure al)·.x:-

kutcr by tbc Amyko5 J>;untcr, from Apulll. btc: 5th c:cntul') a.c

Berlín (E:t5t). StJadichc Musccn t 3043· 1 t8 Kis~mg ata window. Apuh~n rcd-ligurc ~k\ ph<""· rcbtcd to thc- A .sb.ntr.&

Group; JSD-325 u.c. Boston, Museum uf Fine t\rt' 6<) • ..1!1 Muy L. Snuth Fund

Nort ~m allustratums

lO Rom:m detttt:S. Reltef from TraJ~n 's Arch ;U Ucncvcntum A e> 11?

PhotO Mamell CAIIccuon ::o fñc Qck ufTroy lkr.lrl of:~ Roman ~tone rcltcf('Tahub lhaQ 1 tound

nuurdc D\l\'tllae; carly Bl cencur)· A.r>.

Romc, Mu~co CJprwlmo, S:~)¡¡ dcllc C:olomh~ 83 . Drawmg: frum <) J.rlu1

~nd A. Mrchal'h!, Grm/uJ(hc Biltlrr.ltrlllrrkur (Uonn, 1873) pi. 1

~~ proccuron (offibcnui) Hom~n sil\•cr gobk-t, from Uosc:urcalc:,

carh ut a:niUr) A o P.uu. LoU\Te, Roúuchtld Collcc:uon e 34 68.1 l>hoto Crr.~udon

.u Comrc acroo :u )OUth and manletr Tc:mcuna .sutucu~ from Pnmpc:n,

Bt Ct'IIIUT\' A l>.

Naplt"$, Mu~co Nd:nonalc :U.:l49 and <Zl.:.,.l!. l'ht>to\; f·orogr.tfia

Foglr.a. lJ South ltahan fuce (phlyax) • old m.u1 gr:~1pmg l~ve red-ttgure

bcll-mtcr b} Python. found at C:apua: 35<>-'P.S o.c. London, Dntish Mu\rom, Dcputmem ofGrcd.: and Roman Anuqutues

F 189. l'horo· Counor of thc: Tru~tt'C1 l4 f,¡b[C' wrth .lfr:l)' ni pbtc; rmsk~ abt!VC md b, JO\\ umc()..(.;~rvcd

sardonyx cup; tst ccnturr 11 c. ''t ccnturv A o. P.1ru, CJbrnct d~ McdarUC5, C;am~c 368. Photo· Bibliothcquc N.rtmu.tle, Pam

:zs Row of tbennal m~1h. Rom;an lamp m:~ de m Egypt, ut ocmury A u Paru. Lou\ n: s 17~ Photo· Chuzn·tllc

:.t• South luh.1n fucc ( Zcu!, Hcmro :md Alkmcnc Qupucr, Mcr(Ury and Alcumm.1). P.le:\t.ln red-figure bcll-kratc:r b)' A5tC:2~ • .- J~o- 340 11 e Vaut..":ln, Museo Grcgon;mo Etn"ro u tQ (m\', 171M) l'hotu. ,'v\ rmdl C:ollccuurl

17 liootv arncd m a tnumpha.l prU{'~~ton. Sc~.:uon o( a marblc fnct fr,lm

thc: letllplc of A pollo Sonanus, ncar thc tbc.ltrc of Muccllu , n me, r _o a c. Romc. Pabzzo dct Conscn·.1ton 16¡o. Photo. Oarb.Jra ~\alter

:.8 Two comtc :actors liandle $Utucttcs from thc lid of :a bronzc box (rrstil . lrom Pracncuc; ]rd ccntury 11.c.:

London, Dnush MuJCum. Dcputmcnt of Grcck ;md Ro m ;u¡ Autrqumc~ • 742. Photo Counesy o( thc TMtC'CS

l9 Mc~cury Roman bronzc mtucttc, found at Augn s"uzcrbnd, ut ccntur~ A D

Augn Romcrh.lus und Muscum A 1757 Photo O l'dko

Amphttruo and a thundcrboh Apuhan rro-figun: alp:-kratcr b) thc Pamtcr of thc Otrth of l.>ronyw1, found at Taranu.>, 40<>-J\X) lll!.

fuamo Mu~oW Nnron¡¡Jc: t c.; 46oo 3 1 Thc mfam Her uln ~tranghn!( serpcnu lirunzc ~utucttc, u 1d 10 ha ve b<.'t'n

found ;n Eph Roman hnpcrul pcnod

L d Oncuh MutCUm Dcrmmcnt of Cr«k and R rrun Am qutt n P una thc Tnutcn

N~tcs on illumattOIIS

J: Comfidd ncar A •n cnto Phot Le nud ~ M tt

)3 Thc temple: 1-!c:rcu A e: t S 1 !'hoto Lcon:~rd von M:m

34 Magn~ M~tcr drawn by hon\ Bronu

Ncw V rk Mcu poht:ln Mu um G M rqu.u1d, 1 tn

J He1d 01 Zcu (Ju¡ma St rvm vracu Hdlct u ) racu Museo N~z1 na e:

roup found at Rom

Art 97 u u Hd n

t H

l" Voung \\ om:m Ullndmg Tc:mcotu uruc:ttr, m2dc: :a d fi und :a

1\"~ M mor, :¡S ()o lOO 11 ~", L U\IIC MYI! 210 Ph :o ChUlC\dlc:


J7 Jtc:.,c:J Roman tomb-p:unnn • (rom tht umbmum fth V P.un~­

Romc, m d-J t cmtury A o l.ondon Dntnh Mu'IC'Wll, Deplrtmmt Grcd: an R m Anu.nm·~

CP.zrntu 4 Ph t Counr1 t e Tru t«1.

3 T v..'O \\me cu~ :a l.tdlc ~ nd pttchcr .at d x spoo Ro n "cnu from lt~l), m centur) B e Nc:\\ York Mcuopoltun Mu\C1.1m of An .0.492'""9. IJ, 11 (R g n Fund

39 Rorrun 21lc: Sther dm;¡nu t uc f Q N:auJ Scxw fl'orrlpc:~·

monc\ cf n 41 44 4l Lond l linu\h M tCUm, l.)qurt m: 1 nd M~ CourtC'S~ thc Tru tco

•lO Ju~. bdlc:, p:11ula bcm 1 and ~tramer R nun \cn-.uc: ti An:unc,

no::ar Como. e 7S 11

London, Untuh MuKUm, l)c:panmrnt ofGrttk .:md R m.1n Ant qurr

1900 7 30.3 - Phoro CourtN\' of thc Tru tC'O .fl N:aul mgo~gcmmt Roman 1hn dcn.m Q N:aAlliiU1,

Jlompctui' lnOOC')Cf cf. J « 4J 1

Copcnh)grn, N:atr nllmulttl 42 The Eur .1!Us ron \U:st ofS)r.ICUJC, bc¡tun 4 •

Photo. 1 conard \'(111 Mltt ,(l Tw o lu tu o (;attt'nd~nt~ o( .1 m.1gntratc urrymg the rod

Ronun marblc rchcf ut cntrur) a nt «ntur') A

Ponognuro Musco Naztonale Phoro ~D Colk<:non

.,u ThC' Jeonc qw~ at S)'r:lCU'C'

Photo Lc:onlrd ,. on

4.S Orator m a tog:a Brontt 100 • t.;

R•lretiCC' Mu1ro Archcologt Ph lloWtJr 4() Ctccro (10C'r43 11 e M.arblc bu~c R• m lmiW'Iru~

contcmporo~ry ponran A I"C'fl U ffin n 19 ..

e llc{'ta

Notts "'' illusrmticms 1)

4., Su lb (l J8""'78 II.C) Rom~n <11\lcr dcnanus, 1ssue of Q. PompciUs Rufus,

'iull.ú gr.mdson: 1 H 1\.C

Pam. Cahmc:t d~ Méd:ulb Photo: Bibliotheque Nacionale, P1m

4s TI1e \CUate howc {(l<tr.t} at thc: Forum Romanum. Romc.

Photo: Fototea Umone

49 Couple crnbraong on a couch. Campanu.n terracoru group from Tar-qusma: znd Ut ccntur}' II.C

London, Bnuili ,'\\uscum, ()cpartmcnt ofGreek and Roman Antiquiua

o .:tJ. Photo Courta~ ofthe Tru~tea 50 Danong ¡;ul Sa:than terracotu statuette, from Ccntorb1: 2nd ccntury 11.c.

London, Bntuh Muscum, Departmcnt of Grcci.. .and A11nqumes n 11 Photo Courtay of the T rustea.

s• Catilme dcnoun~ by C1cero Pam~mg bv Cesare ~ccan (1 4C>-1919):

1 8:-8 Rome, P.alauo dd cnato Phom M.ansell Collccuon.

5:: Head of a Gaul Roman s1h·c:r denanus. mue of L Homllus Sascma,

t 4 B.C.

Mumch, St:uthche Munzsammlung Photo: Hinner. S3 The Forum Romanum :and Capnol. Rome

Photo· Fototec:a Umone 54 Sull-hk wnh" nung materuh (ublct. mkpot :and rccd pen). W all-puntmg

lrom Pompeu, 1\t «ntul')' A.n Napla, Museo :--::won.ale 98ll Photo. Fotogr:ati;¡ Foglu.

SS The Muh•1an bndge, north ofRome. C:UI)·mg the Via Flammu over the Tiber. rcbullt 111 109 11 e Photo Fototec:a Umonc

s6 Temple of Concord, !tome. as n:bu1lt m the rctgn 01-Tibaius Roman bro:uc sotemus ol l1benus, c. A.D 36

London, Dntnh Museum, l'>epanmcnt of Coms and Mcdals. Phoco. Counny of the Trunca.

51 Cato 'Uucenn'' (9,S-46 II.C.) Roman marble head, found :.n Ca~td

Gandolfo, E:.rly 1m penal cop)' oi a contemporary bronzc ongit~:~l Aorcnoc, Museo Archeolo¡;1co, m~· no. 89683.

58 The Forum Rom:mum, Romc !'hoto. G;abmctto Focogutico Nn10nale.

.S9 The \'esta temple, Homc, showmg rurule chair wtth um and ublct and . . A lor 'absoluo' and C: lor 'condemno '. Rom:an sil ver den;mus, tssuc of Q C:amu\ (1 ongmm): SS B.C'.

London, Bnmh Mu,cum, Dcparunc:m of Coins and Mc:dak Photo : Courte\y of tite Tru\trc'

6o Thc pri\on ((arccr), !lome, bullt m thc E3rly Republican pcnod. Photo Ahnar1

61 f1ght of arruourcd wurior ag:umt nakcd opponcnt. Roman marblc rclicf ftom thc Bulll(,l Acnuha m thc Forum Romanum. Romc

34 1

, or 14 u.c:. tome, Anuqu~mun del Foro Phow DA! {R).

Nares 011 i/lustra rons 15

6.1. Sull-lifc witb a plate of cgg\, jugs, a spuon .uul boult:, thru\hc\ and a napkm W:ill-painring from thc prupcrt y uf Juh.t Fchx, }tumpcii (11,4.J): 1st ccnrury A D.

Naples. Museo Naz1onalc 8598 c. Jlhoto: f'otogr.llia l'ogha 63 Snll-lifc with wriring matemls (t:.blct and "roll, 'cupcr, mkpot .md rc:c:d

pcn . from Pompetl 1st ccnrury A,D

~;pies, Museo :"Jaz1onalc 4676. Phoco: Fotogr:~fl4 Fogh.a. 64 't oung couplc kmmg (Cup1d and Psrche). M:trblc mcuc group, from

Ro me, Roman Imperial cop\' of a 2.nd-Gentury 11 c. ongmal. Romc. Museo Capttolmo m~· o40S (H 143-4) Photo· Barbara

t-. bl!er. 6.S Naked couplc cmbr:acing. Dctaal oí a rehcl on an Arn:tuae bowl; late 1st

century a.c. Photo: Roger

66 Sull-hfe wuh pap)'fUS seto U m .a box, tableu, COlm anda uclt. Wall-pamtmg irom Pompcit; lst ccntury A.D.

~hples, Museo Naztonalc -467 s (•boto Fotogratia Foglll 67 Gl:ufutor5 Dtsc n:hcffrom a Rom;m bmp, »Id to be from Pompcu. btc

uc cenrury a.c London, Bñtish Muscum. Oc:partmcnt of Grcck .md Roman An­oqultiCS t8.;¡.u-S.s. Dr:awmg: from D. M. Badcy, C.JtaiOJiltC

of rlu~ lilmps 111 tllr 8111uh MuJ(Itm 11 (19~0) p. 5~ ñg 55.

Q 938 6.S A leopud-figbt in thc arena. Roman mou1c, from Torrcnov~.

Tusrulum: ,;rd cenrury A.D

Rome, Galkria Borgh~. Photo: Manscll Collecnon. 69 Pompc)' (to6-.;S 11.c.). Romm marble he:td; t. so II.C.

Nc:v. Ha\·cn. Vale Umvermy An Gallery 1.4.1963. Frank Bro\\n

Colkcrion. ¡o Jultus C.aesar (c. too-« a.c.). Roman marble head, E.arl~· lmpcrUI copy

of ;¡ postbumous onginal. Rome, ,\'luseo Torlonl4. Phoco: DAl (R).

71 Cava Ir}' bartle Roman hmotone rchcl, lrom Lecce: ~oo-1 so

II.C. Bud:apest, Nacional Museum. Phoco: DAI (R) .

72 S:~cnfice of a p1g. ;,¡ ~heep and a bull (suourr.umlla). Roman muble rehef:

A.D. lC>-20. París Louvre. Pboto: Man\cll Collc:cuon

73 Skyli:~ wicldmg a steenn'! p,ddlc .llld m.lon :mackcd by dolphin-he:~dcd dog~. Roman black-and-whtCc mosaiC, fmm thc viiiJ oí Munaua Procula.

Tor Mar.ancia; A.D. r23. Vatican, Museo Chiar:¡monu, ~rncc1o Nuovo 11 46z Phmo · Dtrczlonc

Gcncr:¡lc Musei Vaticani. 74 Girl's hcad. Greek marblc hcnd from Ch1os; c. JOO u.c

Bo\ton. Museum of Fine Ares 10.70. G1ft of N;~tlmml'l Th.aycr.

Notes on illusrrations IÓO

75 The Three Graces. WaJl-painting from che housc of T. Demacus (?) Panthcra. Pompeii (IX.2.I6): 1st ccntury A.D.

Naplcs. Museo Nazionalc 9236. Phoco: Fotografia Foglia. 76 Personificacion of Aucumnus. Roman alear relief. found in Rome; c. 10


Würzburg. Martin von Wagner Museum. Inv. no. H 5056.

77 Couple in bed with a dog ac thcir feet. Gallo-Roman pipc-clay group. found at Bordeaux: 2nd cencurv A.D.

' Se Germaine-en-Laye, Musée Nacional des Anciquités mv. 72474. Photo: Musécs Nationaux, Paris.

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