read along with chapter 20 in text review vocabulary assignment

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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•Read along with Chapter 20 in text•Review Vocabulary assignment

Environmental Survey

Environmental Survey

ECOLOGY The study of the

relationships among organisms in an environment.


Symbioses (relationships among living

things)1. Parasitism –

relationship in which an organism lives in or on another organism and causes harm



2. MutualismA relationship

where both organisms benefit


Clown Fish / Anemone The anemone gets food

particles from the fish leftovers

The fish receives protection from the anemone’s tentacles

The clown fish is unharmed by the toxins in the stinger

Insects / Flowers The insects receive

nectar from the flower The flower uses the

insects to carry pollen to other flowers for reproduction

3. CommensalismA relationship where one organism benefits and the other is unaffected


The whale species / barnacle

The whale is neither helped or harmed

The sedentary barnacle has a place to live and get a variety of food

Tropical Birds/ Army ants

Ant are unaffected by birds following them as they look for food

Other insects that flee from the army ants are quickly eaten by the birds.

Biotic vs. Abiotic

Biotic vs. Abiotic

Vegetation Animals Fungi Bacteria Algae

Rocks Gases Water Hydrocarbons Toxins Sun

Trophisms“How one eats”

Heterotroph (consumer)

Omnivore Carnivore Herbivore

Autotroph (producer)


Feeding relationships among producers, consumers and decomposers

Producers are the foundation

Primary, secondary and tertiary consumers are the body

Decomposers break down organisms that have died.

BIOMASS Amount of

energy that can be passed along among organisms in an ecosystem

Highest with producers, lowest at the top with carnivores


Invasive Species“non – native”

Describes a species that has been introduced into an area that does not belong there !!

Invasive Species :

Upset the balance of the food web in an eco – system

Can cause extinctions of “keystone species”

Result in collapse of food web – destruction of an ecosystem.

Emerald Ash Borer


Zebra Mussel Damage

Water treatment out flow

Boat engines Locks / dams Mussel filter

water, no food for smaller plankton

Zebras and Goby Fish in Lake Erie

The Bullfrog !!

Other Common Invasives Northern Snakehead

Asian Carp

Last but not least…The most invasive of

all…The Cane Toad

Invasive Species Questions

1. How does the Ash borer larvae affect the Ash tree?

2. Why is firewood a concern in preventing the spread of the Ash Borer?

3. How did the zebra mussel arrive in the US?

4. Describe the destructive relationship between the Zebra mussel and Goby fish in Lake Erie.

5. List some of the negative health affects that result from lake fish consumption.

6. How could the spread of the Northern Snakehead result in ecological destruction of fresh water ecosystems?

7. Explain 2 negative affects of the Asian Carp on the Illinois River.

8. How did the bullfrogs in France affect local ponds?

9. Why was the Cane toad brought to Queensland AUS?

10. Describe some of the negative affects observed by the cane toad in AUS?

As a result of illegal importing, a cane toad was brought into swpa. The toad escaped into the stream at Richardson Park. Compose a 2 paragraph essay explaining:1.How the introduction of the cane toad

will affect the local ecosystem?2.How could the invasive toad population

be controlled?

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