randi glazer - communicating effectively at work

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Randi GlazerCommunicating Effectively at Work

Effective workplace communication is an important part of being

successful at your job. For those in leadership roles, like Randi

Glazer, it is even more imperative.

When you communicate effectively with a team, it helps to

eliminate any misunderstandings as well as encourage a healthy

working environment for employees.

Following are ways you can effectively communicate with your team.

Always be crisp, clear, and concise with your communications.

Be sure to edit yourself, include specifics, and keep it short.

Don’t bury your most important point in the middle of your

speech. Always hit the headline first.

Pay attention to what is important to those listening to you and

speak to those points. Make the communication about them.

Your attitude is important. Always stand up straight when you

are speaking with others. Put away all gadgets and make eye

contact with the other person.

Ask open-ended questions.

Don’t gossip about or trash-talk colleagues behind their back. It

will only identify you as someone who can’t be trusted. If you

can’t say something nice, keep quiet.

Don’t beat around the bush, especially if you have a negative

message to communicate. Just come out and say it.

If you have to deliver bad news, do it in person. While it may be

tempting to communicate a difficult message electronically, it's

always better to deliver bad news face-to-face.

Randi Glazer knows that being able to communicate effectively in

the workplace can improve your chances of overall success.

Be cognizant of how you are passing on information to your

colleagues and do everything you can to make sure your message is

getting across clearly.

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