
Post on 08-Oct-2015






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No Questions and Answers Quiz 41 Which countries men use the most deodorant? Japan2 Who played Billy the Kid in The Left Handed Gun? Paul Newman3 What was the first credit card? Diners Club4 What links Humphry Davie, Michael Faraday, Madam Curie? Poisoned by chemicals work5 Hippophagic society members support what? Eating horsemeat6 What did Britain swap Havana for with Spain in 1763? Florida7 What is the crime of embracery? Jury Bribing8 Which country made the worlds first feature film in 1906? Australia Story of the Kelly gang9 Who wrote Gentlemen Prefer Blonds? Anita Loos10 What was Norman Bates hobby in Psycho? Stuffing birds11 What was Casanovas day job? Librarian12 Where is the worlds largest gold depository? Federal reserve bank Manhattan13 Why did the state of Indiana ban Robin Hood in 1953? Communist rob rich14 Angelo Scicilano better know as who? Charles Atlas15 How did George II die? Fell off toilet16 What did Marlon Brando and George C Scott refuse? Oscars17 Why was convict 2599 unusual in Pen State prison 1924? Dog doing life for killing cat18 What is 6 inches bigger in Summer? Eiffel tower19 What two ingredients make the dish angels on horseback? Oysters - wrapped in Bacon20 What was Charles Dickens last (unfinished) novel? Mystery of Edwinn Drood21 Which sea on Earth has no beaches? Sargasso sea22 Reuben Tice died trying to invent a machine to do what? Dewrinkle prunes23 De Witt Wallace founded what? Readers Digest24 Who is the Patron Saint of thieves? St Nicholas25 According to his business card what job did Al Capone do? Sell second hand furniture26 Humans are 10,000 times more sexually active that what animal? Rabbits27 Shirley Schrift became famous as which actress? Shelly Winters28 In Kansas what can a waiter not do in a teacup (legally)? Serve wine29 Which country has the smallest birth rate? Vatican City30 Which 1956 film caused riots in cinemas? Rock around the clock31 Who did the USA buy the Virgin islands from? Denmark32 Who played the scarecrow in the Wiz (all black wiz of oz)? Michael Jackson33 What was or is a Waltzing Mathilda? Swagman's Knapsack34 Which country was the first to introduce old age pensions? Germany35 Which hats became popular with children in 1956? Davy Crocket36 Malden Serkiovitch famous as which actor? Karl Malden37 What is it illegal to pawn in New York? American flag38 What hospital did Dr Kildare work at? Blaire General39 Collective nouns - a smuck of what? Jellyfish40 Who was Cleopatra's first husband? Ptolemy Dionysus her brother41 Who was John Dawkins better known as? Artful Dodger42 Which film star has his statue in Leicester Square? Charlie Chaplin43 Virginia McMath became famous as which actress? Ginger Rodgers44 What is the name of Captain Ahab's ship? Peaquod45 Roosevelt won the 1932 election - who lost it? Herbert Hoover46 Who wrote The History of Mr Polly? H G Wells47 What is the first day of Lent? Ash Wednesday48 Mr Chips said goodbye - from which fictional school? Brookfield49 Who buried the treasure on Treasure Island? Captain Flint50 Which TV series was narrated by Walter Winchell? The Untouchables51 In which country was Auschwitz? Poland52 What was the first British instrumental to top the USA charts? Telstar by The Tornados53 On which national flag is there an eagle and a snake? Mexico54 What group of animals would be in a clowder? Cats55 What is a Sam Browne? Military belt56 What is the chemical symbol for tungsten? W57 Who are the two most translated English writers? Shakespeare Agatha Christie58 Citius Altius Fortius is the motto of what organisation? Olympic59 What is the main ingredient of sauce Lyonnaise? Onions60 Who played Miss Marple in 6 films (both names)? Margaret Rutherford61 From what language does the word alphabet come? Greek -alpha beta62 In the nursery rhyme what is Fridays child? Loving and Giving63 What was the first film made in cinemascope? The robe64 Where was the battle of Hastings fought? Senlac hill65 A pearmain is what type of fruit? Apple66 What colour is the bull on an archery target? Gold67 What was the Rolling Stones first no 1 hit? Its all over now68 Name both rival gangs in West Side Story? Sharks Jets69 In golf what do the Americans call an albatross? Double Eagle70 Which classical composer wrote the Hungarian Rhapsody? Franz Liszt71 When is St Swithens day? 15th July72 What are ceps morels and chantrelles? Mushrooms73 Which part of his body did Charlie Chaplin insure? Feet74 In golf what would you put in your shag bag? Practice Balls75 A bind is a group of what type of fish? Salmon76 Which author created Fu Manchu? Sax Rohmer77 Mrs Darell Waters (translated 128 languages) pen name? Edith Blyton78 Who played the pawnbroker in the film of that name? Rod Stiger79 What was the first manufactured item sold on Hire Purchase? Singer sewing machine in 1850s80 Which letters denote Jesus Nazareth King of the Jews? INRI81 In France if you were served le miel what would you eat? Honey82 The Greek for circle of animals gives it name to what? Zodiac83 Who was the Roman god of agriculture? Saturn84 What is ikebana? Flower arranging85 What nationality was Morse inventor of the famous code? American86 Goa used to be a colony of which nation? Portugal87 What does a galactophagist drink? Milk88 What did God create on the fifth day (both)? Sea creatures and birds89 Where was Bob Dylan born? Duluth Minnesota90 In the 18th century what would a pencil be? Brush91 Agrippa poisoned her husband/uncle who was he? Claudius92 Who was the mother of Castor and Pollux? Helen of Troy93 What are the snaffle Pelham and Weymouth? Horse bits94 Walter Koenig played which part in the Star Trek series? Ensign Chekov95 Who had a hit with Devil Woman? Cliff Richard96 What were the first false teeth made from? Ivory97 The jealous Athena turned who into a spider? Arachne98 What was the first Carry On film? Carry on Sergeant99 Who was the female lead in The Shootist? Lauren Bacall100 What is a dzo? Cow Yak cross

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