question 6

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the production of my film I used a range of different technologies to help create my final outcome. CameraThe first motion picture camera was invented by Louis Le Prince in the 1880s, while working in Leeds, England. This camera was able to capture moving images but the result wasn’t fluid and the foreground often stood out differently from the background giving a weird effect.

The canon 700d

When filming my film the camera that I had access to was the canon 700D. This camera is brilliant for beginning film making, it is easy to use so first time users will have no problem finding out how to use it. As well as being easy to use it produces high quality images and films that are great for independent film makers.

PhotoshopPhotoshop was founded in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll. It is used by millions of people for editing photos with a wide range of tools and effects.For my film I used Photoshop to create a logo for my film company Goodall films. Using Photoshop is easy once the user gets used to how the tools work and where you can locate the tools you need to edit. Creating my logo was very straight forward I used Photoshop to position the text of my logo on top of a black background to create a very simple but effective logo. When using Photoshop you can use layers and you can edit one layer without effecting the others, you can work on layers separately or together which makes editing a lot easier as well as the access to tools that allow you to crop, morph, change the colour of and make photos 3D as a start. As well as tools there are also effects that can add to your photo to make it better.

Premiere ProAdobe premiere pro is video editing software that allows the user to add video clips and images and edit them into one finished piece. It has been used to edit feature films, such as Gone Girl, dead pool, and Monsters.

I used premiere pro to edit my finished media film opening. Using premiere pro is relatively easy even for beginners; I use this programme because I know how to use it better than other editing software’s which makes the editing process a lot easier.

PreziPrezi is a presentation software used by businesses and schools to present information in forms like a power point but a more professional. Prezi was founded in April 2009 by co-founders Adam Somlai-Fischer, Peter Halacsy and Peter Arvai. I used Prezi to complete question 1 of my evaluation, using Prezi is straightforward and it looks a lot more professional compared to other presentation software’s.

SlideshareSlideshare is a website that allows users to upload files to their own page and then allows users to use web 2.0 to search up specific subjects connected to key words. When I use Slideshare I use it to upload word documents and PowerPoints so that I can copy the embedded code in order to post that document onto blogger without having to write onto a black blog post.

BloggerBlogger is a website that allows users to post a rage of different blog posts on one page whether it’s a lifestyle blog or to do with education. It was created by Pyra Labs, and was bought by Google in 2003. A user can have up to 100 blogs per account. I use blogger to post all of my media studies coursework on so that it is all in one place when being marked and so that it is easy to mark for the assessor.

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