question 6

Post on 07-Dec-2014






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Jack, Aimee, Robyn, Jenn

What have you learned about technologies from the

processes of constructing the product?

Strengths of Camera Equipment

• The equipment was simple to use and very portable, meaning we could film in any desired location.

• The camera allowed us to film a variety of shots and we were allowed to hire the equipment whenever.

• We were aware of how to use the equipment as we practiced during our preliminary task.

• The camera produced good quality shots which we could use to edit the film.

Weaknesses of Camera Equipment

• The camera equipment was low-quality and therefore the camera shots were not in high quality, and therefore it was somewhat more difficult to edit the movie.

• The camera wasn’t completely steady, even using a tripod, and it was often difficult to film straight shots.

• The battery life on the camera was not always great.

• Filming sound was a weakness, and we had to edit sounds out during editing and replace them with voiceovers.

Problems During Filming

• The camera quality was not great and we struggled to get good quality shots – lighting was an issue as we filmed outdoors, and therefore we had to work hard during editing to ensure the lighting worked.

Problems During Filming

• During the filming of our last scene in the media studio, lighting was an issue as we weren’t aware of how to use the lighting equipment, and so we had to re-film using specialist lighting after a demonstration.

• Here is the old scene before we used the specialist lighting:

New Equipment• During filming, we used a variety of new

equipment to enhance our film. For example, we filmed the police scene inside of the college’s new TV studio, and used a jib, crane, dolly and track; before using this equipment, we had a tutorial from our tutor and then used it to film the run-away sequence, seen below.

Editing Software

• For our preliminary task, we used iMovie to edit our movie; although it was effective, we decided to use Final Cut for the actual movie to ensure we could edit it to the best of our abilities.

• Before hand, we had to use another software piece called MPEG Streamclip which converted the files from the camera into DV files which we could use on Final Cut; this process took a long time as we had to drag and drop each file one by one and wait for it to be converted.

Editing Software

• One of the most useful effects we found to help us with mise-en-scene was the desaturation tool, making the movie black and white.

Editing Software

• Another useful tool was the fact you could overlap camera shots to quickly and effectively make a cutaway shot, which we did with Jenn’s police scene.

Editing Software

• Although we tried to use Garage Band, we didn’t find the software useful when it came to editing our sounds. Instead, we used the Internet (YouTube) to find a soundtrack and various sound effects, and then embedded them into Final Cut Express to edit them.


• To help aid our research, construction and evaluation, we used Time Toast to document our progress; the website allowed you to create an online timeline and add information and dates to specific tasks.

Slide Share and Scribd

• We used various websites to upload our documents to add to our blog, including Scribd and SlideShare.

YouTube and Vimeo

• To upload videos, find clips and share our progress, we used two different video-sharing websites; YouTube and Vimeo.


• We used Prezzi to make animated slide-show presentations, which we have used to analyze video sequences.


• We used blogging network Blogger to upload details about our planning, construction and research and are using the site as a portfolio of our work.

Mac OS X

• For the majority of the group, using a Mac operating system was a first and we had to learn how to use the software before we began to work with it.

• We found that Mac OS X is a lot more professional and easier to use when it comes to editing videos and general computer usage; it is also a lot faster and therefore our work was more efficient.

Mac OS X

• For the majority of the group, using a Mac operating system was a first and we had to learn how to use the software before we began to work with it.

• We found that Mac OS X is a lot more professional and easier to use when it comes to editing videos and general computer usage; it is also a lot faster and therefore our work was more efficient.

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