question 3

Post on 02-Aug-2015






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#3) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The audience that my magazine is appealing to is for the older males from 16 to 21, this is a reason I have chosen to have a male artist as my model for the magazine. I wanted him to appeal to the customers of the mag as if this could have to them, as if he is the one they are inspired to be him.

He will have came from the back ground as most of the target audience that I am trying to appeal too, with a love for music and hoping for there chance to come. This is what I want the audience to feel, comfort by reading about a star that has made it even if they didn’t have the best of origin.

I have done this by dressing him in a costume that would be used by a later teenager that listens to indie music. This being the dark jeans and the woolly jumper, nothing branded or expensive that you would not see on a teen with an indie desire.

Here I have artists that the audience of my magazine would be interested in. stars like Ed sheeran, Jack Johnson and Bon Iver.

You can see that all of the artists have a passionate expression on their face. A face that shows they love music and that is what I have tried to do in my photography. Also the clothes worn are dark and symbolise that the name of the brand doesn’t matter to them, just the music. On the left shows the inspiration to my photo of Jack Johnson and then my picture next to it to show what I have aimed to do with it.

On all three of the artists here you can see the passion in their faces, something I have tried to put into my artist.

On my front cover my artist is facing the ground to show emotion and concentration to his music. His expressions is made to make him look as if he is quite and anxious as he is holding his hands in on his guitar but this can also be seen to show his love and desire for his music.

I have aimed also to have him wear the appropriate clothes that an indie teenager would wear at this age. With his jeans and jumper, a common connotation of an indie male. Looking down made to be seen that he is insecure and just interested about his music and lets his music do the talking.

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