quality summary

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Quality Summary 7. Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Quality of holding a shot steady

In the preliminary task I wanted to become more confident doing a tracking shot. In the final film we used a tracking shot, which I think turned out all right. The positioning of the character and keeping her in the middle of the shot while tracking was successful however I don’t think it is as smooth as I would have liked it. If I could do it again I would try another way of tracking. For example put the tripod on a trolley to make it more seamless.

Quality of the framing shots

In our preliminary task the camera was slanted slightly without us noticing this time we looked at the tripod which has a spirit level so we know if it straight or not. I also wanted to make sure we retook shots if the framing wasn’t of a high quality because before we just left it with what we got most of the time. In the final film we retook shots we also had to re do most of the first part because the shots were not up to a high standard, some even worse then the preliminary. In the end I think we were successful in framing shots. The actor’s heads weren’t cut off like before. However in one shot you can see cars in the far background, which is one thing we didn’t want to be shot in the opening 2 minuets. Also like mentioned before we wanted to keep the main character, the girl in the centre of the frame. We managed o achieve this well however with one shot she is cut out to quickly.

Quality of shooting material appropriate to the task set- i.e. the content of your film pre and post editing was consistent with the exam directives

We wanted to make Elimination more believeable. Then our preliminary task. In our preliminary it was someone telling there friend there mum just died but the setting wasn’t really believeable. This time we made sure we looked at little details like what the killer wore, all black to make it conventional with what happens in horrors. Also the setting is where a killing is most likely to happen.

Quality of selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;

Last time in the preliminary task we didn’t focus on the mise-en-scene and what the location suggests or conventions. This time we looked at different locations before finally decided on tooting common. Even though the part we filmed at has a road near it and isn’t exactly secluded. We shot it so it did looked like she was isolated however one shot which made the final is not of a high quality because you can see cars in the far background. Last time we also said we wanted to work on what colors represent. For example in our final film

Elimination we use a red lighting at the end, which connotes danger. We also used red on black for out titling both colors represent danger and death and our conventional for horrors.

Quality of editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer

In the preliminary task we didn’t focus on the editing to make the meaning apparent to the viewer. This time because of doing research and analyzing other horror films, the genre we were doing we were able to pick out how they use editing to make the meaning apparent to the viewer For example in the openings of the horror films I watched they used a lot of motivated shots and matched cut so this is what we used at different points in out opening sequence.

Quality of using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set;

In our preliminary task as an improvement I said for the final film we would use a soundtrack, which is what we did. We mixed to tracks together to create the final piece of music for our final film elimination. We used the soundtrack throughout the whole of the opening two minutes to create the tension. The music goes along with the actions for example when she is dead high strings are played rather then load bangs like before to highlight that se=he is dead. We also made it silent before he attacked and then made it suddenly load to make the audience jump along with the killer suddenly appearing from nowhere.

Quality of positioning and movements of actors

The actors in our preliminary task where very nervous and I said we shouldn’t use member of the group however we did because they proved themselves to have become more mature and confident in front of the camera because of the practice from the preliminary task.

Quality of group planning, meeting targets, organization

Last time for our preliminary task we didn’t plan as much and we didn’t meet in our free periods. This time for Elimination we met in our free periods and after school to plan for the filming. We elected a leader of the group, Jordan, who made sure all the deadlines where met. He remembered to give us schedules. Everyone was given tasks, which they all fulfilled. I was given editing, which I think I improved with.

Group dynamics i.e. how did your group work together

We work together well because we all have the same free periods so we could meet up together without any hassle. This meant that no one could really have an excuse not to turn up. However meeting up after school was much more difficult because everyone had other activities. When we did make up a time to meet after school everyone was punctual. Everyone I think evenly worked

however because I think everyone is at different levels some helped others along.

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