
Post on 14-Apr-2017






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Q7: looking back at your preliminary task, (college magazine) what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Since carrying out my preliminary task I have learnt a lot about the many ways magazines use conventions to create a product that represent different social groups. There is a clear difference in my digital photography from when I first started the project with my initial ancillary page to my finished product page. I think that once I had learnt about techniques such as composition, lighting and rule of thirds I was able to apply this into taking more developed images. In my ancillary project I used the camera in automatic mode and because of this I did not get the shots I wanted so had to spend a lot of time editing the basic features of the image in order to improve the quality. In the final product I used the camera in manual mode so that I could fully control all of the settings and the result where an image that I liked and did not have to spend much time editing. In terms of editing I think that I have learnt a lot more techniques in Photoshop such as the liquify tool, puppet warp, patch tool and curves. These manipulation techniques helped me create professional looking images. I think that in my ancillary project I did not pay enough detail into where all of the different elements such as cover lines, headlines, titles and graphic features where placed, as I think it is not well balanced. In my final product I paid a lot more attention into lining all of the different elements up and using the rulers and zoom tool and frequently zooming in out making sure the page was well presented.

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