putting a face on jesus - philip a. c. clarke - … a face on jesus.pdf"putting a face on...

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A Sermon By'

Philip A. C. Clarke

Park Avenue United Methodist Church lo6 East 86th Street New York, New York 10028 November 8, 1992


INTRODUCTION There's a new book out entitled, The World According to Elvis. I understand that it's a book filled with little-known facts

about the "superstar". For instance, how many of you knew that Elvis was dis­appointed when he received a guitar on his eleventh birthday? He really had wanted a bicycle. You wouldn't have learned that if you had stayed in bed thia morning and not made it to church. Did you know that all three of Elvis' Grammy Awards were for religious songs? I didn't know that. Maybe same of you did. I was also interested in learning that when Elvis died, he was reading a book on the Shroud of Turin, called A Scientific Search for the Face of Jesus.

I'm real~ not in to trivia about the late King of Rock and Roll. I tend to agree with the person who said that there's something wrong in a world where God is dead and Elvis is alive~ But it is interesting, isn't it, that the last piece of :material that this lonely and hurting man was reading should have a title like that. A Scientific Search for the Face of Jesus.

DEVELOPMENT There are ma.ny persons today who would like to put a face on Jesus. What was He really like? And what relevance does His

life have for you and me?

In our Scripture Lesson from Paul's Letter to the Colossians, we find that Paul is saying basically three things about Jesus. And I would like to let these three things be the three main thoughts of this sermon. We 111 take them one by one.

FR~ DARKNESS TO LIGHT First-off, He has delivered us from darkness to light.

Somewhere along the way I once heard about an English instructor at a car­tin University who introduced h.is class to what he called one of the finest and most elegant lines in the entire English language. This was the line. "Walk with light". He said the words in a quiet whisper to his class, "Walk with light", and then, looking around, he said

"Ian 't that a wonderful thing to say to someone?"

And all the class agreed. It was. They wanted to know the author of that line. "It's anonymous" said the English instructor and then he said this,

"It's written on a sign at the intersection of Main and Broadway. 'Walk with light'".

St. Paul is telling us that Christ,

"Has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and _transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son".

What does that mean? I believe it means something like what happened to a man named Ben. Let me tell you about him.

When Ben was eight years old, his father left ••• abandoned their family. His mother worked at many different jobs in order to support her children. They were

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just barely making it. Ben became the school "goof-off'" and never did his work. His mother, seeing his grades slipping, cut his time in front of the television and put him on a strict regimen of' reading and book reports that slowly brought his grades back up. But Ben still had a problem; he had a terrible temper. And there were times when he even threatened his mother. The turning point in Ben 1 s life came when he tried to stab a friend. He would have killed the other boy, but the knife hit the boy's belt buckle instead of his stomach. After Ben realized what he had done, he was overcome with sadness and with fear.

The story cont.inues. Ben turned to the Bible and found the guidance for his life and which he desperately needed. He decided to pursue h.is dream of becoming a doctor. He only had ten dollars to use far his college application fees, so he sent his one and on~ application off to Yale and the rest is histor,y. For poor little Ben, the abadoned child, the class "cut-up", the violent young man with a bad temper, grew up to be Dr. Ben Carson, one of the best pediatric neurosurgeons in the world. He was head of the panel of doctors who conducted the "first successful separation of Siamese twins joined at the back of the head". To me, that's being delivered from darkness into light.

I believe it's something like what happened to Dave Johnson, one of America's Olympic decathletes. Some of you are familiar with the name of anotner Davey Johnson who once managed a baseball team in this town, but the Dave Johnson I am referring to may have been a hero during the '92 Olympics, but it wasn't always that way. Growing up, Dave was known for his drinking and his wild, destructive behavior. At one point, he even got his "kicks" out of stealing pizza trucks that were carrying beer. Then, just before he entered college, Dave Johnson became a "born again Christian". And that changed him; it changed everything in his life. His Olympic coach claims that Dave dedicates his talents to God and that this is his motivation behind his decathlon success.

Around this globe and in many corners of this city there are thousands of people who know what it is to be "delivered f'rom the dominion of darkness and transferred to the Kingdom of God's beloved Son". How does it happen? Only one way and that is through faith in Christ. That's the first thing Paul tells us about Christ. He delivers a person from darkness to light. Walk with light.


of the invisible God.

The second thing that Paul tells us about Christ in this passage is that He is the image

Now that's a bit on the heavy side. Here are his words,

"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities - ~ all things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things and in Him all thibgs hold together."

Those who see Jesus as only a man - on~ a teacher, only a good person -miss all of the richness of the Christian faith. What does it mean that He is the "image of the invisible God". For one thing, it means that God has acquainted Himself with our condition.

Newsweek magazine recently reported the kind of news story that we normally

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associate with Hollywood-style fiction. When negligent landlord, George Carroll, failed to clean up his broken-down apartment houses, he was sentenced to live in them. According to Newsweek, Boston Housing Court Judge George Daher believed that this was the only way Carroll could be persuaded to make the necessary and urgent repairs. And wh.ile Carroll lives in the slums he created, his house will be occupied by people who were living in the slums.

Interesting story:, to be sure. But it pales in comparison to what we believe about the Incarnation. The God of all creation humbled Himself and was "fashioned in the likeness of a man". He walked where we walk. He lmows what it means to be a human being and to experience what we experience.

That's the first thing it means to say "He is the image of the invisible God". It means that He became one of us. And it also means that He gave new significance to what it means to be human. ·

It was interesting to see the reaction of athletes of other countries to our so-called "Dream Team" in this year 1 s Olympics. Our Dream Team of American basketball players had to put up with a lot of criticism. When drea and loveable, Charles Barkley, elbowed an Angolan opponent during a game, the world cried FOUL. FOUL. But not the -Angolans. They actually felt flattered that Chaz·les Barkley considered them to be such serious competition. And after the game in which the United States Dream Team flattened the Croatian team, the Croatian coach, Peter Skansi, was all smiles. He explained to the press,

"I was impressed with the way f.1r. Jordan and Mr. Daly pronounced our names. They knew about us. That's very important to us. That means we are something in the world of basketball. 11

Even though they were flattended and blown out, these athletes were happy - happy because the membere of our Dream Team knew who they were.

What does it say about you and me - to say that we live in a "God-invaded" world? Does it not say that our lives are vitally important in the total scheme of things. It does to me! If Christ would die in our behalf, then brothers and sisters, we must matterL Don't ever forget that!

One of the tragic losses caused by the secularization of our society has been the loss of a sense of personal significance. People feel that their lives really don't count. That is so sad. Our lives matter so 11111ch to God that He laid aside His royal robes and became one of us. Paul writes that "He is the image of the lnvis.ible God". He walked where you and I walk. Our lives are important. In Him we find the "cohesive princ.iple of life ••• the unifying factor and principle for all mankind".

CHRIST - THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH One final thing Paul is saying to us in this first chapter of Colossians. He tells

us that Christ is the head of the Church. To me, that is so important. And we need to hear it at least once a year. Not you. Or me. But Christ. Christ is the head of the Church.

A church can be a funny place at times. A lot of crazy things happen around a Church - this Church. Any church. A lady by the name of Judy Burress wrote in to the Reader's Digest recently tell about a friend of hers, a professional church

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organist, who was invited to play for a wedding. Unfamiliar with the church's organ, her friend went to the sanctuary to practice. Curious about a small -keyboard that slid out from under the three regular keyboards, she tapped out a couple of bars of a children's song on it ••• but heard nothing. Then she played a few more notes, but still no organ music. About that time a man came running into the church, up the center aisle, shouting, "Who 1 s playing 1 Three Blind Mice' on the church-steeple bells?" Here she had been playing this children's tune on the carillon for all the community to hear.

I sometimes wonder if all our community hears from this church and any church is 'Three Blind Mice'? I don't want to sound negative, but I wonder if they really perceive that this is a "Christ-controlled" Church? I wonder if they have any idea of the love and the concern that is flowing out of here to our city and world?

We have such potential. There 1 s a Broadway legend that comes to mind of a playwright holding a giant sized NYC telephone directory. He felt its great weight and looked curiously at its hundreds of pages of Browns and Joneses and Smiths and thinking in terms of the theater, the man exclaimed, "There's not much of a plot here ••• but oh, man - WHAT A CAST 1 11

I look at the people in this church and I often say to myself, "Man - what a cast1" If somehow we could just get motivated, energized, organized ••• all work­ing and pulling together -what an impact we could have on this community, this city. Do we realize that Christ is the head of this Church? He is the unifying factor. What would happen, I wonder, if we really did?

CLOSING STORY Doris Forman writing in The Guideposts Treasurr of Faith tells of the time when she and her husband moved into a

new house. Shortly after moving in, her husband asked her, "What about a picture of Christ in our living room?" Part of her thought it was a good idea, but another part of her was hesitant and unsure ••• but she finally agreed. She said,

"Of course we were Christians ··and, of course, we loved God, but a large picture of Christ ••• hanging in our living room and in a spot where everyone who stepped into it ••• into the room ••• would see if ••• wasn't that teing •••• just a bit fanatical?"

One day when the decorator came to their home to check out the lamps and pictures and what have you, he couldn't help but see the large picture of the head of Christ by Salsman ••• hanging over the piano in the most prominent place in the living room. The decorator suggest that another picture, perhaps a landscape, would loo~·~better in that spot.

"We like it and that 1 s where it stays" replied her husband rather firmly. What would their friends think when they saw the picture of Christ hanging in their living room.

"Most or our friends were professed Christians ••• but they lived largely in a world of club affairs, and cocktail parties and bridge luncheons" ••••• Doris wondered.

During the next two years, many interesting things happened to this family that they believed to be a direct result of that picture of Christ. Total

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strangers, like the man who delivered their newspaper, began telling them their troubles. There were others who commented on the picture hanging in their living room. Doris said,

"Consciously, or maybe unconsciously' ••• they felt. that we lllllSt know Christ." And she concluded, 11 0ur life today has more purpose ••• more meaning ••• more beauty" due to this decision to proclaim Christ' in such a way as this.

I think that when you and I are able to come up with that kind of a commitment, we're not playing 'Three Blind Mice' are we? We are being what He means for us to be.

What do we discover when we see the authentic face of Jesus. Paul is telling us that first, we see one who has delivered us from darkness into light. Second, we see One who is the "image of the invisible God". And third, we see One who is the head of the Church and whom we should always strive to make Lord of our lives.

PRAYER Make us sensitive to Your nearness and Your presence in these moments, 0 God. wrestle with each of us in the deep and hidden

corners of our lives •••• help us to put the right face on Jesus ••• a face that reflects your love, your grace for each of us. And let that rule in our hearts and in our Church.

Grant, 0 Lord ••• grant us that we have have heard with our ears, we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts we may always practice in our lives. In the spirit of Christ, Amen.


The Church Fair is coming to town on Saturday, November 21st. Call either Wayne Wiebe (201/798-5836) or Mavis Vann (601-3965) to find out how you may participate, to ask any questions or to simply make a donation to a good cause. Please come and give us the joy of your presence as well as the income from your Christmas purchases.

Talk to Dee Schaffield about the "Promise Tree" - something new in connection with this year's Fair. Call Jacque Notestine Paige at 737-2757 (evenings) if you have a white elephant you'd like to send over. She'll be glad to pick it up. Call Michael Schaffield at 410-3811 if you have any house plants to donate for the Plant Booth. Be sure to give your "Fair" share.


Christmas cards are available at the coffee hour from now through early December. Take a moment to browse through the selection. Place an order with Sandra Trout or Dana Drachman or Sheryl Labac or Christine Day. Remember there's no sales tax and the church benefits from your order.


"Conversations in Membership" will be held next Sunday evening for persons who are interested in strengthening a tie with the church in early December. Share a word of your interest with Mr. Clarke. It begins at 6:30pm in the downstairs Russell Room.

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This is that time of the year when Churches across our land pause to consider their financial needs for the year ahead.

The proposed Operating Budget of our Church for 1993 has been carefully prepared by the Finance Committee, adopted by the Church Conference in mid October and mailed out to the members and friends of our Church. We hope you will want to have a share in helping our church meet its ·financial goals for 1993.

A week from today - Novemb~r the 15th is Dedication Sunday. Some churches call it Loyalty Sunday. It's the Sunday when we indicate through the presentation of a pledge card what our personal share of next year's pledge goal will be.

Present to lift up the financial canvass this morning is John Moore, a co-chairperson of the pledge drive. He will speak at the time of our parish concerns and encourage all of us to "Take A Caring Step Up".

Pledge cards are in the pews today and copies of the 1993 budget are available in the narthex. If you wish to have one, ask an usher for one.

Already we have received 88 pledges totalling $85,453 toward our goal of $160,000 and 250 pledges. We're off to a good start. We still have a ways to go. Many thanks and stay tuned! We'll let you know each Sunday how we're doing.

ANTHEM: "The Heart Worships"

"Silence in Heav'n, silence on earth, silence within! Thy hush, 0 Lord, o'er all the world covers the din.

I do not fear to.speak of Thee in mortal kind, yet to all Thy namelessness I am not blind. Only I need and kneel again Thy touch to win; Silence in Heav'n, silence on earth, silence within!"

ANTHEM: "Let Thy Holy Presence"

"Let Thy Holy Presence come upon us, we pray. Come Holy Spirit, Thou gift of Heav'n bring love and joy to us, 0 Lord God. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia".


The organ postlude - a final offering of our praise to God - is played after the Benediction. Time permitting, we invite you to share in the beauty of it.


New members are always welcome to audi­tion to sing with the Choir. Rehearsals are held Sunday morning at 9:30 in the downstairs Choir Room. Now's a good time to join.


Be sure to pick November issue of our "A Word In Edgeways". narthex as well as on Russell Room.

up your copy of the monthly news sheet,

Copies are in the the table in the


One of the roses on the altar today is in honor of Sydney McClain Healey, infant daughter of Michelle Powers Healey and Michael Healey, born on Thursday, October 29th. The second rose is in honor of Kevin George Quinn, II, son of Linda Henderson Quinn and Kevin Quinn, born on Thursday, October 1st.


New friends of recent weeks interested in knowing more about the church are invited to the chancel steps following the organ postlude where one or two members of the church will be present to share with them the many good things that go on around here from Sunday to Sunday.


The "Hounds of Heaven" will meet on Tuesday evening at 6:30 in Fellowship Hall. George Leopold and Ann Cavallaro are lead­ing the "Hounds" in the study of the book, The Three Mile An Hour God. All are welcome.


The Aldersgate Class meets on Wednesday evening at 7 pm in Fellowship Hall. New friends are always welcome. Old ones, too.


The Education Committee will meet on Thursday evening, November 12th. at 7:30 pm in the lounge area of Fellowship Hall.

,--------------~----~--- ---

LAY READER: Jim Randall

DATE : November 8, 1992



"The Scripture Reading for today is taken from -------


Chapter 1 Verses 9 - 20

It is found on page 1026 in the Bible that is in the pews.

(READER: Take note ... after announcing where the reading is found, PAUSE for about 10 seconds before beginning to read. Enough people turn to the Bible to follow along ... give them time to find the passage. Then start in ... project ... Keep your voice "up")

(Sign off with ..... )

"Thus endeth the reading taken from the Holy Scripture.

May God add His blessing to the reading of His Word and

to our understanding of it.

Thanks be to God! Amen!"

(Careful walking up ... and careful walking down. We don't want any accidents ... walk slowly.)


A hush falls over the congr~gation. The worshipers are sitting in rapt attention.

The reader walks to the lectern and looks up. Something important is about to happen. You can tell by the way the listeners lean forward slightly, their eyes open wide, their ears attun'ed. The reader begins to speak, ''A reading from the book of ... l . .,-· '

Is that the kind of anticipation that rivets your congregation's attention when the Scriptures are about to be read? Or are the lessons a time to take a nap or let our minds drift a million miles away?

In every service of worship the Scriptures are read. Often, several passages are read in the course of a service. These do not include the acts of worship that have been selected or adapted from biblical texts. If reading the Scriptures aloud in the gathered community of faith is so important, we need to take time to do it well.

The reading of the Scripture lessons is essential for effective worship; yet, few pastors or lay readers receive preparation for reading them with confidence.

Here are a few suggestions to help you prepare to read the Scriptures aloud in worship.

First, read the lesson several times. Read it aloud, even if you are alone. Pay close attention to the sounds of the words as well as their meanings. If

Take time to learn to read the Scriptures Well.

there are words whose meanings you do not know, look them up.

Second, find the attitude of the speaker of the passage. Is the lesson simply giving information? Is the speaker happy or angry? Is the speaker attempting to comfort or challenge the listeners? Practice reading the lesson aloud so your reading reveals the attitude of the speaker whose words

?you are reading. Third, mark the words you need to

stress in your reading. Under'line once the words that deserve a moderate stress, and draw two lines under words that should receive greater emphasis. Practice reading the passage, stressing each word appropriately until the read­ing feels and sounds natural.

Fourth, mark the places you wish to pause in the reading. Mark brief pauses with one thin slash mark (!) and more sustained pauses with a bolder slash ~ark .. Practice reading the passage, mcludmg the appropriate pauses, until the reading feels and sounds natural.

Finally. each lesson is meaningful and should be read as if it means something. What is the sense of the passage? How is that sense communi­cated through the attitude of the speaker. the stressed words and the pau.ses? Practice reading the passage ~nul the sense of the lesson is expressed m a way that feels and sounds natural.

Reading of Scripture is important to our worship. Let us work to read well.

-Michael E. Williams

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E. Remember that we can always use some more volunteers for the Saturday Feeding Program •••• PACC ••• l:30 to 3:30 •••• Talk to Janet Ernst if you can lend a hand ••• one or two Saturdays of the month.


A. Jesus sai<;:

"It is more blessed to give than it is to receive". In this spirit, let us worship God with our gifts and offerings ••••

PASTORAL CONCERNS TO SHARE You would want to know that our dear friend and flllow member 1 ERIC DE FREITAS 1 is in LENOX

HILL HOSPITAL. Admitted late yesterday after joon ••• will be there for several days ••• and I visited with him earlier this morning and he sends his love to all of you. His number: 439 -3647.

Citv Called to Praver " ., on World AIDS Day

On Monday, November 30, at 6:00 ,p.m., people will convene at Fifth A venue Presbyterian Church, St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, and St. Peter's Lutheran Church, then process silently with lighted candles to Central Synagogue (Lexington A venue and 55th Street) for World AIDS Day worship.

Those who have attended these services have found them consoling. uplifting, and inspiring. All are wel­come and encouraged to attend. II<

Also our condolences go to Holley and Russell Flagg ••• here this morning on the death of Holley's mother, Frederica Henry, on Friday of this week •••• condolences to Russ, Holley, and their sons: Alex and Ted •••• Also we received word earlier today of the death of Bob Smith ••• member of our church, sang tenor in our choir for close to 12 years ••• passed away this week ••• Bob was in his 39th year. Condolencea to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith of Newton, NJ on the death of their son, Bob - a dear friend to m&Qf of us ••••

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sunday, November 8, 1992


A. I:f' you look care fully, you' 11 see TrlO ROSES on the altar this morning. One is there to celebrate the birth of Kevin George Qu.inn, II ••• born October 11th. And the second rose to celebrate the birth of Sidney McClain Healy, infant daughter of Michelle Powers Healey and Michael. Congratulations to both couplast


A. A word of greeting to the visitors who have joined us in worship this morning ••• and hope you'll join us for same !ellow~ ship after the service ••• d~stairs in the RR ••• coffee and tea and light refreshments will be available.

B. Visitors: be free in the sharing of your name. Fill out ••• or . r ,-' '" sign a. Guest Book; Come,' worship •••• come,:work-with us lri- the

,. qutreach programs ••• -.• · ') c f ~ }' _[_f"_~ ~ •.• J ('


• , , _! , c.- Today' s coffee hour is "in honor" of: all o(iour ·new: ~ien~1 of recent months ••• coffee hour is a "good pl~e" to get 3tarted in our church ••• warm, easy, relaxed, no speeches ••• so, time permitting, joL~ us downstairs ••••

D. Members: wear your name tags. Make a point or getting to know that person you've been calling "Hi" for the last six months. Get a name with that person and remember it •••



A. Review the parish concerns listed in the bulletin on your own ••• Note the "Hounds" meet on Tuesday, Aldersgate Class on Wednesday and Education Committee has a meeting on Thursday to make plans for the Christmas pageant of December 20th.

B. Church Fair is approaching. Be sure to respond with ;rour "FAIR" share - a white elephant or two ••• cash donation ••• some toys ••• see Patti Howe for that ••• order some pecans and or course, order your card<s from Sandra or Dana, or Sheryle or Christine. Remem'ber there's no sales tax and one half goes to the church. Can_'t go wrong·withra.dea~--like that ... ~r~ght? · . "~",' r' ,leo ,. ~ri ~,. r~ , .. -r~ "'-~·, r ~ ·

c·: ~ Johm?1oore,• -ob.rof!bul'ch treasurer,: is go'i.ng to brirlg''-h~ up' to da~e on the F~_nancialt Canva:Ss.r •• which peaks· next"Suriday - D~dication Sunday.· ·John •••• how are we·l ':foing and what's the good ~ord for today?

(, . r ( , . , . , . . .. ·. ( .. ~·. ,.

D. Note the flyer in the bulletin: one side·~·~6rkville Common Pantry. Other side - a program for this afternoon ••• St. Mark's UM Church.

"And all things •• owhatsocver you shall ask in prayer, believ'ing .... vou -shall receive. And as many as touched Him were made wholel"

"Wait on the Lord. Be of good course and He shall strengthen thine heart. For we dwell in the shelter of tihe Almighty. He is our refuge and our strength."

"We know that in everything, God works together for good with those who love Him!"

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint".

"God so love the 'World that He gave His only Son, that who­soever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life''.

"Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases~.

"Thou wilt keep Him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in thee".

"In the name of Jesus Christ, I share with you the Good News: We are forgiven" o

PRAYERS / LORD'S PRAYER 0 Thou, who hearest prayer, hear our prayers ••• for others, as well as for ourselves. Touch with

healing, 0 God •.• Father of us all, those whom we mention in our prayers this hour:

1. VERA AU..ICK 2. ERIC DE FREITAS 3. CLELUS VAN RAALTE •• • 'facing (Lenox Hill) surgery iri the Hospital for

L. Willie, mother of S. Ethel Rose / Ada K~~y / Special Surgery on Thursday) Ann Pearl Gary Daisy Herrick

••• beloved members and friends of this congregation. Comfort the bereaved and the broken hearted among us, •• and especially be close to Holly Flaggwho i:ft:::;$eeent on days has lost a loved one. Abide aTI\ong us as a healing benediction. Heal each of Friday us at the point of our deepest need. a mother, Frederica Henry Also, Mr. and Mrs. Tom

Smith, death of son, Bob. Answer the upspoken prayers now offered to thee on the altars of our

hearts, spoken in the n;ttrle and soirit of Jesus, who taught us to say when we pray •• •• For we ask all of this in the powerful name and lifting spirit of Jesus who taught us t.o say when we pray •• o

"Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom CCJTle. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give ~s this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, -a-s we forgive those who trespa-ss against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliv~r us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom, and the l'ower and the gl•ry, forever. Amen"

FIRST lli1RODUCTION The week of toil has ended.. Our day of' rest is at hand. May the rest and the quiet of thi~ hour or

•..sorship refresh our inner life. And may it renew in all of us a sense or God's holy and abiding Presence.

In silence, let each now pray as the heart may prompt.

SECQND INTRODUCTION Remaining in ~ prayerful spirit, let us enter now into a time of silent meditation •• o.a time in which·

we prepare ourselves expectantly ••• that the Spirit of the living God may be made real to us in this hour of worship.

In quietness, let each now pray as the heart may prompt.

THIRD INTRODUCTION Remaining in a prayerful spirit, let us enter into a time of silent meditation as we come into the

Presence of Him whom our faith declares to be the Source of all life and love, all peace and power, the Source of all hope and healing.

In silence, let each now pray as the heart may prompt.

FOURTH INTRODUCTION Remaining in a prayerful spirit, let us enter now into a time of silent meditation. In these moments,

let us ponder the pattern our lives have been weaving as we come into the Presence of Him whom our Faith declares to be the Source of all life and love, all peace and power, the Source of all hope and healing. -

In sil!'!nce, let each now pray as the heart may prompt.

'~ ME.U.LTAT ION :.re rest our hearts in the Promise of Jesus who said: c

:. ' - _, "' ~ r ~ . "Come unto Me, .ill' ye that 'labor and are heavy laden, and -

I will give you rest. Take"'my yoke upon you and''learn of Me, for My yoke is easy and Hy burden is light".

"Ask, and it will be given you. Seek and you will find. '<r;tock, and it wHl- be open unto you."

' '. "I am the Way., the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, hut b.v Me. If you love Me, you will keep 11'\Y coi'TBTlandments"

"For I tell you ••• rio not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat ••• or drink •• nor about yonr body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food? And the body more than raiment."

"But seek ye first His kingdom and His righteousness, and a 11 these things shall be yours as we 11."

"F'or I am P<"rsuaded that neither death, nor ltfe, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things ~resent •• to come nor height nor depth, nor ~ny other creature - shall be able to sep~rate ' us fro111 the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, Our Lord."


FIRST lllTRODUCTION The week of toil has ended. Our day of rest is at hand. May the rest and the· quiet of thi!t hour of·

worship refresh our inner life. And may it renew in all of us a sense of God's holy and abiding Presence.

In silence, let each now pray as the heart may prompt.

SECCJND INTRODUCTION Remaining in ~ prayerful spirit, let us enter now into a time of silent meditation •••• a tin-e in which·

~ prepare ourselves expectant~ ••• that the Spirit of the living God may be made real to us in this hour of worship.

In quietness, lP-t each now pray as the heart may prompt.

THIRD INTRODUCTION Remaining in a prayerful spirit, let us enter into a time of silent meditation as we come into the

Presence of Him whom our faith declares to be the Source of all life and love, all peace and power, the Source of all hope and healing.

In silence, let each now pray as the heart may prompt.

FOURTH INTRODIICTION Remaining in a prayerful spirit, let us enter now into a time of silent meditation. In these moments,

let us ponder the pattern our lives have been weaving as we come into the Presence of Him whom our Faith declares to be the Source of all life and love, all peace and power, the Source of all hope and healing. -

In silence, let each now pray as the heart may prompt •

MEDITATION . _,-:.fe rest our hearts in the Promise of Jesus wh6 said:

-; r~ " ,

-fi -· •o

"CofTle unto Me, all ye that labor and are he~vy iade.n, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for My yoke is easy and Hy burden is light".

"A~k, and it will be given you. Seek and you will find. l(nock, and it wtll be open unto .vou."


"I am the Way., the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, hut b.v Me. If you love Me, you will keep my commandments"

"For I tell you ••• do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat ••• or drink •• nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food? And the body more than raiment."

"But seek ye first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well."

"F'or I am p'C'rsuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things Qresent.

1.tQ come nor height

nor depth nor any other creature - shall be ab e to sepArate ' us frorrt the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, Our Lord."

i I l



11 And all things •• owhatsoever yo11 shall ask in prayer, be ltev'ing .... vou shall receive. And as many as touched Him were made wholel"

"Wait on the Lord. Be of good course and He shall strengthen thine heart. For we dwell in the shelter of title Almighty. He is our refuge and our strength."

"We know that in everything, God works together for good with those who love Himl"

·"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faintn.

"God so love the ...rorld that He gave His only Son, that who­soever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life".

"Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy disease!~.

"Thou wilt keep Him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in thee".

"In the name of Jesus Christ, I share with you the Good News: We are forgiven".

PRAYERS / LORD'S PRAYER o Thou, who hearest prayer, hear our prayers ••• for others, as well as for ourselves. Touch with

healing, 0 God ••• !ather of us all, those whom we mention in our prayers this hour:

1. VERA ALLICK 2. ELVIRA DE FREITAS Willie, mother of Ann Pearl 3. G siser-in-laW, Eric a:ry

L • KATHERINE, mother of 5. 6. Gary Klelii

••• beloved members and friends of this congregation. Comfort the bereaved and --------------------


the broken hearted among us •.•• and especially be close to Catherine who in recent days has lost a loved one. Abide among us as a healing benediction. Heal each of us at the point of our deepest need.

whose father passed away last night •••• Answer the upspoken prayers now offered to thee on the altars of our

hearts, spoken in the ~e and soirit of Jesus, who taught us to say when we pray •••• F~r we ask all of thi~ in the powerful name and lifting spirit of Jesus who taught us t.o say when we pray o • e

"Our Father, who art in heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give ~s this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespa~s against us. And lead us not into temptation, but ueliv~r us from evtl, for Thine is the Kingdom, and the 'Power .and the gl•ry, forever. Amen"


106 East 86th Street

New York , N.Y. 10028

AT 9-6997


Rev. Philip A. C. Clarke ....... ....... .... .......... ................. ..... Minister

Mr. Duane Thompson .... ........ .... ..... .. .... .. .... ... .. .. Student Assistant

Dr. Lyndon Woodside .. ....... ..... ...... .. ..... .. Organist-Choir Director

Mr. Jack Schmidt. .................................. ........... Business Manager

Mrs. Judy Ferland ....... ................ ...... .... .. ..... .... ......... ...... Secretary

Mrs. Judith Keisman .... .... ..... .. ....... ....... ...... .. Day School Director

Mr. Roberto Meriles ..... ..... ... ....... .... ..... .... .. ..... .. ......... ... Custodian

Mr. Adjariyanond Pairoj ........ ......... .... ........ .. .... ... ....... ... Custodian


Lay Members, Annual Conference ..... .... .... Mr. Edward J . Brown

Mr. Duane Thompson Lay Leader .............. .......................... ........ .... ... Mr. Larry Morales

President, Board of Trustees ............ ... .... .......... Mr. Robert Lew is

Chairman, Administrative Council ...... ..... .... Mr. George Leopold

Chairman, Education Committee ... ...... ..... ... ....... Mr. Carl Condra

Chairman, Finance Commiuce .... ......... ....... Ms. Jacqueline Paige

Co-Chairmen, Membership Commiuce .... .. .... Ms. Dee Schaffield

Chairman, Outreach Commiuee ..... .... .... ..... . Mr. Richmond Bates

Chairman, Worship Commillee .. .... .. ........ Mr. Michael Schaffield

Chairman, Day School ........................ .. ..... ... ... Mrs. Aneue Lewis

Chairman, Ushers .... ......... ........ .. .. ....... .. .. ........ ... Ms. Effie French

Mr. Len Williams Superintendent, Sunday School ...... .... ... .. Mrs. Brenda Thompson





ORGAN ''Rho syme dre " V. Williams CALL TO WORSHIP HYMN NO. 731 "Glorious Things o f Thee Are Spo ke n" PRAYER OF CONFESSION (seate d)

0 God, the loving Pare nt of u s all, give u s the wisdom born of love to see bene ath the s urface of other lives, the aspiration and struggle, the hopes and fears. Give us the disce rnme nt t o s e nse the burde ns that are b o rne sile ntly - the c los e d doors, the handic aps of life , the hidde n tragedie s and the hidde n he r o isms. May we l oo k o ut upon our f e llows with the e y e s of the h e art a s we ll as with the eyes of the mind; that in grate ful r e ­sponse to Your mercy, we ma y b e e ndlessly, inc r e d­ibly me r c iful, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen




"The Heart Worships" Colossians 1: 9 - 20

No . 771 No . 883

No. 71

Holst Page 1026

ANTHEM "Le t Thy Holy Presence" Tschesnokoff PRESENTATION OF THE OFFERING WITH THE DOXOLOGY HYMN NO. 463 "Lord, Speak to Me " SERMON "Putting A Face On J e sus" Mr. Clarke HYMN NO. 567 "Heralds of Christ" BENEDICTION ORGAN "Hyfrydol"

*** Inte rval for Ushering

v. Williams


We we lcome Jim Randall to the lecte rn t o day. A na­ti ve of Ne w Have n, Connec t icut, a gradua t e o f Mi c higa n S t a t e with a d e g ree in e ngin ee ring, a nd a r1 MBA f rom Harvard, Jim i s Pres ide nt a nd "CO" o f Ba nkers Fe d e r a l here in the c ity. Jim, Da na a nd Olive r h a ve b ee n regula r a tte nde r s he r e since l as t Ap ril.


The flowe rs o n the altar t o d a y are give n by Anne Williams in loving memory of h e r mother, Lo ui se Williams.


The gree t ers a re Lynn Clarke and Paul Moore field. The ushe rs a r e Susan La ngle y, Sandra Cha uncey, J a mes Pe rkin s , Gr ace a nd Al Thomas and Craig and J o y ce Wes t.


Coffee and t e a will b e s e rve d in the Ru sse ll Room following the service. Members and friends are invited t o share in these moments of warmth made p o ssible for us today by Linda Quinn, Jordan Carroll, Jane Chaney, Natividad Miranda and Sandra Trout.


Sessions of Church School for children are offered Sunday mornings from ten-thirty to twelve. Nursery care for infa nts is available on the fourth floor in the Day School Room.


The Adult Bible Class meets on Sunday morning at 9:30 in Fe llowship Hall. The Book of Revelation is no w being studie d under the guidance of Duane Thompson.

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