puritan girls and boys the following is a slideshow my third grade class designed. after studying...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Puritan Girls and BoysThe following is a slideshow my third grade class designed. After studying the Puritans as part of the students’ social studies curriculum, each child designed a slide to present what a day would be like living back in the 1700s.

Susan CrowleyTeacher

Today mom showed me how to knit and later I helped her with the dishes.In the afternoon I milked the cow.At night ma went out then I took care of the animals.I fed them,some were fighting and I had to smack my brother because he was teasing them.Also the babies came and I chuckled.My brother was being attacked by baby drool.That was my fun day as a puritan girl.

By Ana

I woke up in the morning when my dad was yelling in my ear.I woke up and walk around.Then I got the ax and started chopping wood for the fireplace.Finally when I was done I went to feed the chickens and horses in the barn.”This is hard work,”I said.I cleaned the barn with all yucky stuff.Next I picked berries, pulled weeds, and gather veggies.I was tired and ate supper.I was hungry that we were having soup.I still don’t know why milk isn’t healthy so I drank it anyways.

By Dave

I woke up and went down stairs to breakfast then I played and had dinner.We prayed so we can have protect and peace.Then I went to plant crops.Then I played more.It was night time and I got a snack then I went to bed.My mom woke me and my brother in the middle of the night.Mom said look a Indian it was about to attack us but my dad shot him so we were safe.We prayed cause we thought Indians were going to attack again. So that was my puritan boy story.


By Guigo

When I woke up the first thing I saw was my dad doing a lot of things. My mom was asleep. So I made breakfast. I milked the cow to make four cups of it. Then I picked some flowers for the center of the table. Later I woke up my mom and said, “Mom, I made breakfast for the four of us.” “That’s my girl.” my mom said. My pa came home and Josh, my brother, came too. I made breakfast and pa said it was good . It’s good said my brother Josh. I did a lot. I asked my Mom if I could rest. She said yes you can but water the flowers first. I said, “ok mom.” “Good,” mom said, “I love you Arilyn”.

by Arilyn

This morning I woke up from the call of the rooster.Then my mom yelled “getup”. “Ok” I said.Then I went to eat food. Our whole family ate even my sister Kathy . My sister and I played outside . We played tag and raced.We had fun.Then we did chores we cleaned the dishes and then my sister and I pick berries,pull the weeds, and plant vegetables. Sometimes my dad work in the fields. Then we went to bed .SLEEPTIGHT, good night, bye.

By Jon

I was woken up by the rooster’s call at 5:00a.m. My Mom started the fire to cook the porridge.I got out the ingredients and mixed it up.Then my Mom cooked it.We all had breakfast. Then my brothers and my Dad went out hunting. After we had cleaned the dishes, my Mom taught me how to sew. I sewed until 11:00. Then Mom and I fixed dinner. The boys and Dad came in for dinner.After dinner finished my sewing.Then I helped my Mom cook supper.I then went to bed. After a hard day I was exhausted and went right to sleep.

By Jemina

When I was a Puritan boy I went hunting with my father and I shot a big, fat moose. We used its skin for clothes.Then I ate the food with my family, Later in the day I pulled weeds and other stuff out of the garden. My mom then called me in for dinner. After dinner I went to bed. That is my day as a puritan boy.

By Jordan

I am a puritan girl.One morning my mom woke me up.Today I had to learn how to sew.I was thinking I should sew a blanket for my brother .I will put an ocean scene with a shark on it.Then ma ma said , ‘’Jenny, you forgot your breakfast”. One of my baby bother’s clothes smelled like pee and poop.It was disgusting! After I was playing hand games like patty cake.After we had dinner.We had fish and deer and it was delicious.My mom said, “it’s now bed time”.She read me book and then I fell asleep.

by Jenny

One Day I was sleeping and then my hen woke me up . Then my dad told me to chop the wood . When I was finish I went planting the crops . When I was done I went hunting with my dad . We shot ten deer. After that I was playing with my wooden hoola hoop. Then I ate dinner which was meatloaf . Finally I went to bed. By Kevin

I woke up by the crow of the rooster. It was very loud today. I had to get up right when the rooster said cock – a –doodle –doo because I had to go hunting with my dad. So we went in the nearest woods to hunt. We got a lot of deer, but only a little bit of chicken and turkey. Then I had to go in the barn and feed all the animals. Also I had to pick up weeds, a lot and a lot of weeds. For dinner we had the deer. Then I had to go back in the field and pick up corn. It was getting dark. So my mom and the other ladies set up a great supper. We had the corn, chicken, and turkey. It was great. Then I went to bed. I had a great day.

By Matt

I woke up today because a boy was shooting an animal.My ma and pa had to get food and bring it home.My brother got some milk from the cows.My dog and sister was playing, and my other sister was knitting a green sweater.Then I had to knit, make soap, and wash clothes.Later I ate my dinner and saw my brother cleaning the farm.I helped and then it was super.I ate and went to bed.

By Anna

I woke up by the call of the rooster.Then I went and had breakfast when the sun was rising.I went hunting for deer and chopped wood.Then it was dinner and it was turkey which was good.After I did more work.I was tired.Then I had to work in the barn.After that it was supper.I had cranberry soup.I did a lot of work today.

By Mike

When I woke up I had to do a heck of a job. I had to chop wood, pick weeds out of the garden, take care of the animals, and lots of other stuff. But the best thing of the day was that I got to shoot a chicken and my little sister is afraid of them. So I smacked her in the face with the chicken and I didn’t get in trouble. I blamed it on her. I said that she hit herself in the face with the chicken. That was my day as a puritan boy.

By Santino

I am a puritan boy.One day I got out of bed because I heard gun shots.So I got out of bed,I got dressed,and ran down stairs and asked my mom what is going on.Mom said your father went hunting for food.I have good news for you!What is the news the news mom?I am going to have a baby boy!I was surprised!What is his name going to be?I do not know yet.Time pasted by fast.It is time for dinner,we had biscuits and chicken.I ate dinner fast ,I brushed my teeth,and went to bed.

By Rodney

One day I heard my rooster and I woke up.After I ate breakfast then I heard a big gun noise.Boom! Lambs got shot.I was crying all day.I went out the next morning to see if there was anything suspicious and I saw something.It was a gun!I saw footprints.I went into his house secretly and got the boy arrested because I was an officer.The End

By Tucker

This is my day as a puritan girl.I woke up and I was so happy because my mom was teaching me how to knit and weave cloths.My brother came down stairs with a mad face.He said I don’t want to go chop wood.I said too bad.You have to do it.That’s how you take care of the family.We heard a gun shot.It was dinner time.Then it was supper time.After we went to bed an that is my life as a puritan girl.

By Danasha

One day I woke up to the sound of my dad calling, “Xavier, it’s time to go hunting.” Hours went by and finally it was breakfast. We had to eat chicken and turkey. After breakfast my brother and I went outside to play nine-pins. A few minutes pass and I went to meet my friends down at the town square. Then it’s dinner time. We have some porridge. Four boring hours pass and it’s supper. After dinner it is time to go to bed.

By Xavier

I woke up in the morning to clean the barn.The hay is all wet and ewwww! Hey I think that’s Mom calling me for supper. Cornmeal again, ah! I don’t like my life. Time to feed the animals. Yuck,

animal spit, nasty! Finally, time for bed.Good night! By Chris

One morning I woke up to the sound of horses. I would stay home and make food for the family. Later the boys came home for breakfast after their chores.In the afternoon my mom and I made dinner at the time the boys came home . So the adults ate cold food and the kids ate other things like soup .Finally at night ma made supper. I was sick so I could not do one thing for the whole night. The rest of the day was okay. Then I did knitting with my mom.

By Alana

One morning I woke up at eight in the morning.I went down stairs and my mom was making breakfast for the family. I had to do a heak of a job. Today I had to chop wood,and make fires. I also had to feed the chickens,grow plants, pick crops, and milk the cows. Then my mom called me for dinner. Now it’s time for bed.

By Marcus

I woke up by the call of the rooster.Then I went and had breakfast when the sun was rising.I went hunting for deer and chopped wood.Then it was dinner and it was turkey which was good.After I did more work.I was tired.Then I had to work in the barn.After that it was supper.I had cranberry soup.I did a lot of work today.

By Zevyn

This morning the rooster woke me up.Then,when I came into the kitchen my mom was cooking breakfast and she asked me to get some eggs, and milk in the barn.When breakfast was ready I sat down to eat and when I was done I went outside to play with my wooden hoola-hoop.When it was sunset we ate supper and my mom asked me to sew with her until dinner.When dinner came everybody ate turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy.Then I brushed my teeth,changed my clothes and went to bed.So goodnight sleep tight diary.

By Tina

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