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Advertising on Bing ..................................................................................................... 3

Section 1 – Bing Ads Basics ........................................................................................ 4

Bing versus AdWords .................................................................................................. 4

PPC Advertising ........................................................................................................... 5

Sign Up for Bing ........................................................................................................... 5

Section 2 – Bing Ads Campaigns ................................................................................ 6

Create Your Campaign ................................................................................................ 6

Writing Ad Copy ........................................................................................................... 7

Creating Your Ad in Bing ............................................................................................. 8

Set Your Bid ................................................................................................................. 9

Choose Your Keywords ............................................................................................. 10

Choosing the Right Keywords .................................................................................. 10

Match Types ............................................................................................................... 10

Exact Match ............................................................................................................ 10

Phrase Match .......................................................................................................... 11

Broad ....................................................................................................................... 11

Broad Match Modifier ............................................................................................ 11

Negative Keywords .................................................................................................... 11

Which Match Type Should You Use? ....................................................................... 11

Add Keywords ............................................................................................................ 12

The Keyword Tool ...................................................................................................... 12

Section 3 – Bing Analytics ......................................................................................... 13

Step Types .................................................................................................................. 13

Conversion .............................................................................................................. 13

Land ......................................................................................................................... 13

Browse .................................................................................................................... 13


Prospect .................................................................................................................. 13

Add Analytics to Your Campaign .............................................................................. 14

Improving Campaigns ............................................................................................... 14

Improving Impressions .............................................................................................. 14

Improving Click-Through-Rate ................................................................................. 15

Improving Conversions ............................................................................................. 16

Run Your Ads ............................................................................................................. 16


Advertising on Bing

In this training, I’m going to introduce you to Bing Ads and show you how to use the

platform to advertise your products. The training consists of three sections. In

Section 1, I’ll provide you with the Bing Ads basics. Section 2 covers ad campaigns

and Section 3 goes over analytics.

Let’s begin with Section 1.


Section 1 – Bing Ads Basics

Bing is Microsoft’s ad platform, and it’s AdWords’ direct competition. A lot of people

prefer Bing over AdWords because it’s not as strict on affiliates as AdWords is.

That’s not saying that Bing isn’t strict at all, but most advertisers agree that

AdWords is far stricter.

Microsoft has 30% of the US search engine market share, so Bing is incredibly

popular. If you advertise on Bing, your ads will show up in both Bing and Yahoo

searches, so you’ll get a lot of exposure.

Bing versus AdWords

Now, let’s look at the differences between Bing and AdWords.

First, there’s less competition on Bing than there is on AdWords. That means

advertising on Bing can be more effective and less expensive.

On top of that, you can reach the 55 million users that don’t use Google search.

Next, Bing and Yahoo searchers spend more money. They spend 23% more overall

and 4.8% more in the US. That means you can get more people to purchase your

offers if you advertise with Bing.

These benefits mean advertising on Bing can be profitable. That being said,

AdWords is still a great platform, so don’t be afraid to use both options so you can

get the best results possible.

Now, let’s look at PPC advertising.


PPC Advertising

There are two types of advertising. There is pay-per-click (PPC) and cost-per-

thousand (CPM). In this training, I’m going to focus on PPC.

With PPC ads, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This is the perfect

option for people who are just starting out with marketing, since you can optimize

your ads to get as many clicks as possible. Then, you can switch to CPM ads and

pay for impressions instead of clicks. At that point, you can save a lot of money.

You will bid to get your ad placed. You’ll set the maximum amount you’re willing to

pay per click. Bing will analyze that bid when determining where to place your ad.

The bid isn’t the only thing that Bing looks at when selecting ads to run. It’s also

going to analyze your ad’s quality and relevance to the keywords you’re targeting.

Thus, you want every aspect of your campaign to be solid.

Sign Up for Bing

Go to and sign up for an account. You’ll need

to fill out a form in order to create your account. Once you fill out your form, click


Then, you’ll be ready to move on to Section 2.


Section 2 – Bing Ads Campaigns

Now, you’re ready to learn how to run a campaign in Bing Ads. I’m going to show

you how to set your first campaign up. Once you finish this section, you’ll know

exactly what you need to do to create and run a campaign.

Create Your Campaign

Log into Bing Ads. You’ll be taken to the home screen. Take a moment to look

through the tabs.

Then, click on the “Campaigns” tab and select “Create Campaign.”

First, you’ll need to name your campaign. You want your campaigns to be targeted,

so think about what you want to market with this campaign. For instance, let’s say

you’re in the travel niche and you promote cheap hotel rooms, cheap flights and

cheap rental cars. You wouldn’t want to promote all of those things in one ad, so

you’d create three different campaigns. Thus, you need to think about what you

want to promote when naming your campaign.


Then, set your time zone. Once you do that, set your campaign budget. You can set

it on a daily or monthly basis. You can also choose standard or accelerated. Keep it

at standard for now. Then, as you become more experienced with Bing Ads, you can

switch it to accelerated if you wish.

Next, select your language. Then, choose the locations you want to include or


Finally, you’ll be ready to create your ad. You can choose a text ad or WAP mobile

ad. Let’s choose a text ad. Before we move forward, let’s look at some tips for writing

ad copy. Then, I will fill in my ad and we will continue to set the campaign up.

Writing Ad Copy

Ads should be relevant to search queries and the landing URL. Thus, make sure the

copy flows with your keywords and your landing page.

You need to use the copy to show a benefit, not features. For instance, if you’re

selling a drill, your customer doesn’t need the tool. He needs the holes.

Also, use words and a writing tone that is relevant to your target market, and speak

to your customers as if you are only talking to one person. You can accomplish that

by using words like “you.”

Also, use words that prequalify visitors. For example, if you’re selling expensive,

high end products, don’t use words like “bargain,” “discount,” or “sale.”

Finally, include a call to action. You might need to give something away for free, or

give a limited time discount to get people to click, but regardless, make sure you

encourage people to act immediately.

Now, let’s go back to filling out the ad in Bing.


Creating Your Ad in Bing

First, you need to come up with a title. The title should be compelling, and every

word should be capitalized. Also, either put the keyword or the benefit in the title.

Let’s say you’re running a campaign for a discount hotel. Your title could read:

Want to Get Away?

Next, you need fill in the body of the ad. This should describe what the person will

be getting.

Your body could say:

Last day for discount hotel

Next, you have the display URL. It will be

You can choose a sub directory for the destination URL. It has to be the same

domain, but it can be a different page inside of the website.

Then, go down to “Bid Type” and select “Keywords.” You’ll need to select one

keyword before you can save your ad. Then, you can click “Save.”


Set Your Bid

Then, you’ll be ready to set your bid. You’ll see a recommended bid amount, along

with a minimum bid amount. Remember, you want to outbid your competitors so

your ad will be displayed. However, you don’t want to go over your budget.

Next, you’ll see “Advanced Settings” and “Targeting Options.” You’ll need to test

your targeting options over a period of time until you find the right demographic for

your ads. Keep in mind, though, that Bing ads are especially effective when you

target people who are 35 and older. Bing and Yahoo both have a higher percentage

of searches coming from people who are 35 and over.

Also, 40% of Bing users are located in the US. The next largest location is China.

Keep that in mind when targeting your ads.

Once you choose your demographics, click “Save and Add Payment.” Then, add your

payment information. Once you do that, your first campaign will be ready. However,

you’ll still need to add additional keywords to your campaign.


Choose Your Keywords

Your keywords are words or phrases that will trigger your ads. Basically, if someone

searches for one of your keywords in Bing or Yahoo, your ad might be displayed. For

example, if your key phrase is “cheap hotel room” and someone uses Bing to search

for “cheap hotel room,” your ad might be displayed.

The right keywords will get your ad in front of your target market and drive traffic

to your website.

Choosing the Right Keywords

Don’t be too generic or too broad. You need to be as specific as possible. For

example, if you’re selling TVs, target the model of TV or features rather than the

broad keyword “TV” or “television.” By targeting a specific model, you’ll attract

more people who are actually ready to buy. Thus, you’ll have quality clicks.

Along with choosing the right keywords, you’ll also have to select the right match


Match Types

Bing offers several match types. The type you choose will determine how keywords

trigger your ads.

Exact Match

If you use an exact match, someone will have to search for the exact phrase in order

to trigger your ads. For instance, if your exact match key phrase is “cheap hotel

room” and someone searches for “reserve cheap hotel room,” your ad won’t be

triggered. The exact search is the only thing that will trigger your ad.


If you want to use an exact match, put the key phrase in brackets.

Phrase Match

If you use phrase match, an exact phrase will trigger your ad. Thus, “reserve cheap

hotel room” will trigger your ad, but “cheap kid friendly hotel room” won’t trigger

the ad.

If you want to use a phrase match, put the key phrase in quotes.


If you choose broad match, some keywords must be present. Additionally, other

words can be present as well. Synonyms can also trigger the ad.

You don’t have to use any punctuation to use a broad match.

Broad Match Modifier

You can use a broad match modifier so certain keywords have to be present. In

order to use a modifier, just put a “+”in front of the word. All words with plus signs

in front of them have to be present in order to trigger your ad.

Negative Keywords

You can also include negative keywords. Just put a minus sign in front of words

that you don’t want to trigger your ads.

Which Match Type Should You Use?

While broader matches will trigger your ads more often, they won’t provide you with

targeted traffic. Thus, use exact and phrase matches. While you’ll get fewer results,

the results you do get will be of a higher quality.


Add Keywords

Go to the “Campaigns” tab. Click on your campaign and then your ad group. Then,

click “Add Keywords.”

Then, you can enter keywords manually. Once you type in a keyword, click “Add.”

Don’t forget to add different match types.

Then, go to the right hand side of the page. Once there, you can bid on each keyword

and change the match type. You can also choose to bid for the first page.

The Keyword Tool

You can also find keywords with the keyword tool. Just click “Research” and type in

a word or phrase. Then, the tool will find keywords that are related to your root

keyword. It will also show you the number of searches for each phrase. You can put

a checkmark in front of the words you want to add. You can also choose the match

type. Then, add your keywords.

You can also type in a competitor’s website and find keywords that way.

Additionally, you can type in your own website and get keywords from you site.

After you add your keywords, you’ll be ready to move on to the next section.


Section 3 – Bing Analytics

You can set and track goals with the Campaign Analytics Tool. A goal is any piece

of information that you would like to monitor or track. You can set up to six goals.

Under each goal, you can define steps.

Step Types


This is generally the most important step. Conversions are typically a purchase or

an account sign up.


This refers to a visit to your landing page and occurs when someone clicks on your



This occurs when a visitor clicks through to one or more pages on your site besides

the landing page.


This occurs when a visitor gets close to a conversion.


Add Analytics to Your Campaign

You need to actually add analytics to your campaign. Go to the homepage and click

on “Tools.” Go to “Performance Analysis Tools” and click on “Campaign Analytics.”

Then, choose the account and click “Create Goal.”

Put in your steps and your goal. You can also use cost tracking for conversion steps.

Save your changes and generate your code. Then, copy the code and add it to your

website’s conversion page. You can have someone on Elance do this for you.

Improving Campaigns

You should have the following goals for your campaigns:

Now, let’s look at improving each of these areas.

Improving Impressions

First, check your budget. If your funds are depleted or close to being depleted, your

ads won’t show very often.

Get impressions Get visitors to click on your ads Convert visitors into customers


Then, check your keyword performance. You can find out how to do that at


You may also want to change your match types.

Finally, you can also adjust your:

Improving Click-Through-Rate

First, make sure you put keywords in the title of your ad. Ad titles are bolder and

larger than the rest of the text, so you can really pull people in this way.

Also, consider putting keywords in the description lines as well.

Then, put a benefit in the title instead of keywords and test the two ads against one


Capitalize the first letter of each word in the ad title. Don’t do this in the

descriptions, though.

Also, consider turning the title into a question.

Bids Demographics Geographic targeting


Improving Conversions

Use campaign analytics to track the steps that lead to your conversion goal. Use

that information to determine where you’re losing the most visitors in the funnel,

and start improving that page first.

Consider sending visitors to a different landing page. Make sure the landing page

has content that’s highly relevant to your visitors.

Adjust your ad copy to make it more relevant to your landing page.

Run Your Ads

Now you’re ready to start running your ads on Bing. Remember, you can always

improve your campaigns. Thus, keep an eye on your analytics and make the

appropriate adjustments.4


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