programma di intervento - · il gvc è presente in repubblica dominicana e haiti dal 2009,...

Post on 29-Aug-2019






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PROGRAMMA DI INTERVENTO Presentato dagli Associati al Segretariato entro 4 settimane dal lancio dell’appello

Riferimenti Manuale Operativo: artt. 3.2.1, 3.2.4, 3.3.3

Istruzioni per la compilazione

Il Programma di intervento è il formato standard per la presentazione delle proposte alSegretariato di AGIRE. Si tratta di una versione in parte semplificata del single form adottatoda ECHO. Il documento va compilato in modo chiaro e sintetico, in lingua italiana o inglese, edeve essere inoltrato in forma elettronica al Segretariato entro 4 settimane dal lanciodell’appello.

Al Programma di Intervento devo essere allegati i seguenti documenti: Logframe Matrix,Budget di intervento e, qualora il soggetto implementatore sia un partner locale o l’alleanzainternazionale, il relativo Accordo di Partenariato. In aggiunta, si può allegare sinteticadocumentazione relativa al needs assessment condotto dall’Associato.

Il formato si basa sulla metodologia del ciclo di progetto (PCM). Prima di compilare la partenarrativa del Programma, si suggerisce di lavorare in modo organico sulla Logframe Matrixannessa. Qualora il programma sia multisettoriale, compilare un master logframe, che presentiil programma nel suo insieme e, a cascata, un logframe per ciascuno dei settori inclusi. Permaggiori informazioni sul PCM applicato a questo formato, consultare l’ECHO Manual ProjectCycle Management (June 2005)1 e le Logical Framework Guidelines2,

Ulteriori indicazioni sull’uso del formato sono disponibili sul documento di ECHO Single FormGuidelines3.

Per compilare il Budget di Intervento (anch’esso costruito sul formato ECHO), si faccia inveceriferimento alla Budget Nomenclature indicata nelle Budget Guidelines4 di ECHO. In generale ilbudget iniziale può essere presentato con il livello di dettaglio indicato nel formato (titolo +capitolo: 4 digit), tuttavia il rapporto finale dovrà prevedere almeno 6 o 8 digit (titolo, capitolo,articolo, elementi).

1 Vedi

2 Vedi

3 Vedi

4 Vedi

Emergenza Terremoto Haiti 2010

Associato Gruppo di Volontariato Civile - GVC

Titolo del programma

Indicare un titolo il più

specifico possibile [max 120 caratteri].

Sostegno a famiglie colpite dal terremoto nell’area di Petit Goave attraverso l’accesso a sistemi d’acqua, la fornitura di kit cucina e la riattivazione di strutture educative


Fornire riassunto “giornalistico” del

programma: localizzazione, obiettivi, strategia,

beneficiari, risultati attesi. [max 10 righe]

Il progetto si propone il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita della popolazione urbana e rurale della municipalità di Petit Goave a vittime del terremoto del gennaio 2010. L’intervento beneficerà circa 26.000 persone e si pone come principale obbiettivo il miglioramento dei servizi igienici di base, la fornitura d’acqua per consumo umano e irrigazione, il ripristino di strutture educative e la fornitura di vari utensili d’uso domestico.

1. ANALISI DEI BISOGNI / NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1.1 Periodo di assessment / Date(s) of assessment Indicare le date e il periodo di copertura del needs assessment. [max 5 righe]

L’assessment delle necessità dei beneficiari è iniziato nei giorni immediatamente successivi al terremoto quando il personale dell’ONG partner del GVC, AVSI, ha iniziato a distribuire NFI e a prestare attenzione post-traumatica alle vittime del terremoto. A partire dal 22 gennaio, un team di esperti di emergenza GVC è arrivato nell’area e ha condotto un analisi in profondità delle esigenze della popolazione di Port-au-Prince e dell’area rurale e urbana di Petit Goave.

1.2 Metodologia di analisi / Methodology and sources of information used Specificare in quale modo è stata condotta l’analisi e quali sono state le fonti di informazione utilizzate. [max 30 righe].

Gli esperti GVC hanno condotto l’analisi in quattro fasi: una teorica e di background, una di coordinazione con gli altri attori umanitari, una di sopralluoghi sul campo e infine una più approfondita analisi dei bisogni dei beneficiari identificati. Durante la prima fase sono stati consultati i documenti di assessment sulla situazione post-terremoto realizzati da OCHA, i manuale SPHERE e la ricchissima bibliografia cartografica georeferenziata messa a disposizione dalle Nazioni Unite, oltre a studi di settore e documenti generali sulla situazione-paese precedente al sisma. Il secondo momento dell’analisi ha visto gli esperti del GVC incontrare istituzioni locali e partecipare alle riunioni di coordinazione con la Protezione Civile Italiana e le ONG del gruppo AGIRE. La terza fase è stata dedicata al lavoro sul campo. Il personale del GVC ha visitato insediamenti spontanei di vittime del terremoto, scuole, strutture produttive e campagne del sud-ovest del paese in modo da ascoltare dalla viva voce delle vittime le necessità più impellenti. A tale scopo, sono state utilizzate metodologie partecipative per incoraggiare l’intervento nelle discussioni di tutti i partecipanti. Sono stati organizzati focus groups i quali hanno lavorato nell’elaborazione di mappe parlanti dei villaggi e grafici dei rapporti sociali e delle attività economiche pre-terremoto. I partecipanti hanno quindi identificato una serie di necessità basiche e hanno votato depositando un sasso su cartellini colorati rappresentanti le diverse esigenze. I

risultati dell’analisi hanno proposto una chiara differenza tra le priorità proposte dai gruppi di donne (acqua, preparazione degli alimenti, un luogo sicuro in cui lasciare i figli durante la giornata) e quelle degli uomini (un riparo, la possibilità di impegnarsi in attività produttrici di reddito). Infine il personale incaricato dell’assessment ha complementato i dati così raccolti con interviste semi-strutturate con informanti chiave (rappresentanti di organizzazioni comunitarie di base, amministratori locali, rappresentanti di ONG e della società civile), transect walks e un rapid rural appraisal condotto nella dodicesima sezione della municipalità di Vallue. Grazie al contributo del partner locale APV (Asociation de Paysans de Vallue) è stato possibile realizzare un’inchiesta presso 2116 famiglie residenti in Valllue raccogliendo dati sulla composizione demografica, le perdite umane, i danni materiali e le principali esigenze della popolazione (documento allegato). Alla fine di queste tre prime tappe, il personale ha deciso di concentrare la propria attenzione ai bisogni dell’infanzia e dei senzatetto delle città di Petit Goave e Grand Goave e a quelli della popolazione rurale della dodicesima sezione della municipalità di Petit Goave.

1.3 Definizione dei problemi /Problem statement Riassumere i risultati dell’analisi dei bisogni, indicando le conclusioni più rilevanti ai fini della programmazione dell’intervento. Qualora sia disponibile, allegare eventuale rapporto. [max 1 pagina].

I risultati dell’inchiesta realizzata da APV tra il 18 e il 31 gennaio mostrano che la popolazione rurale di Vallue ha bisogno di acqua (i sistemi di raccolta dell’acqua piovana sono stati danneggiati), di ricostruire le proprie case, di alimenti e di ripararsi dal freddo (gli insediamenti si trovano in una regione montagnosa dove le temperature notturne sono molto basse). Oltre a queste esigenze di prima necessità, è importante segnalare che marzo coincide con l’inizio della principale stagione agricola e gli agricoltori hanno perso gran parte degli attrezzi agricoli e delle sementi. In ambito urbano, i rifugiati che vivono in insediamenti spontanei sono privi dei servizi basici. Nella maggioranza dei campi non esistono latrine e l’acqua potabile arriva irregolarmente portata dalle cisterne. I campi sono privi di qualsiasi forma di illuminazione e durante le ore notturne la popolazione vive in uno stato di costante pericolo. Donne e bambini sono particolarmente a rischio di stupro e rapimento. I residenti dei campi cucinano gli alimenti portati dalle organizzazioni umanitarie su fuochi accesi direttamente sul terreno utilizzando i pochi utensili da cucina che sono riusciti a salvare dalle macerie. L’infanzia soffre in misura sproporzionata le conseguenze del terremoto. 19 delle 25 scuole esistenti a Petit Goave sono state distrutte, così come una buona percentuale delle abitazioni civili. Molti bambini hanno perso almeno uno dei genitori. I casi di disordini psicologici post-traumatici sono frequenti.

2. STRATEGIA GENERALE DELL’ASSOCIATO / GENERAL STRATEGY 2.1 Strategia paese / Strategy in the country Fornire indicazioni sulla presenza e il lavoro già svolto nell’area o nella regione, dando particolare risalto ai collegamenti esistenti con il presente programma. [max 1 pagina].

Dal 1993 GVC è presente nell’area caraibica ed in particolar modo a Cuba dove ha implementato progetti di emergenza con fondi ECHO e diversi progetti di sviluppo nel settore agricolo ed educativo finanziati dalla Commissione Europea, Ministero Affari Esteri italiano, Cooperazione Decentrata. Il GVC è presente in Repubblica Dominicana e Haiti dal 2009, quando, in collaborazione con l’ONG italiana AVSI e alcune organizzazioni locali, ha iniziato alcuni interventi nel settore della protezione ambientale (riforestazione e protezione) nell’area di Les Cayes. A seguito del terremoto, GVC si è immediatamente attivato, sia ad Haiti che in Repubblica Dominicana, in coordinamento con AVSI e partner locali, per individuare i primi interventi, in

particolare in due quartieri della capitale (Cité de Soleil e Martissant) e nel Commune di Petit-Goâve. Le sinergie della squadra di emergenza GVC, che ha raggiunto l’area alcuni giorni dopo il sisma, con gli attori locali ed internazionali già presenti in loco hanno portato all’elaborazione della presente proposta progettuale che include sia le attività di prima emergenza realizzate fin dai primissimi giorni seguiti la catastrofe che attività di post-emergenza e ricostruzione che verranno realizzati nel corso dei prossimi mesi.

2.2 Esperienze precedenti / Previous operations Indicare esperienze nell’implementazione di programmi simili a quello presentato. Indicare quali lezioni sono state apprese da esse e come hanno influenzato la progettazione dell’intervento proposto. [max ½ pagina]. GVC interviene nelle emergenze dagli anni ’90 grazie anche all’accordo di partenariato con Echo firmato nel 1993. Gli interventi di prima emergenza più rilevanti si sono realizzati in Centro America e nell’area caraibica in seguito al verificarsi di disastri naturali quali l’uragano Mitch nel 1998 (paesi di intervento Honduras e Nicaragua), terremoto in El Salvador nel 2001, uragano Felix in Nicaragua nel 2007. A seguito dello Tsunami GVC è intervenuto in Sri Lanka ed Indonesia e recentemente nel sud est asiatico (Cambogia e Vietnama) a seguito del tifone Ketsana. A Cuba, in seguito alla ripresa della cooperazione della Commissione Europea, GVC sta gestendo un progetto di post-emergenza in seguito agli uragani del 2008 che hanno gravemente danneggiato le infrastrutture agricole di alcune aree del paese. Forte delle lezioni apprese durante gli interventi di prima emergenza sopra citati, il GVC ha potuto dispiegare, già nei giorni successivi al terremoto in Haiti, sia risorse umane che tecniche per far fronte alla gravissima crisi umanitaria. In particolar modo le esperienze pregresse dell’organizzazione ed in particolar modo della squadra d’emergenza GVC sono stati importanti per identificare al più presto controparti locali affidabili grazie alle quali il GVC ha avuto modo di identificare rapidamente attività idonee ad affrontare la primissima fase di emergenza così come le attività di post emergenza. La strategia di intervento GVC nei paesi in cui opera e non solo nelle emergenze è legata alla costruzione di forti rapporti e sinergie con realtà della società civile locali a garanzie di interventi che non piovono asetticamente dall’alto ma che sono valutari e concordati in loco con le comunità beneficiarie.

3. QUADRO OPERATIVO / OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK 3.1 Localizzazione / Exact location of the operation Specificare esattamente dove viene realizzato il programma. Zona urbana di Petit Goave, dodicesima sezione (rurale) della municipalità di Petit Goave.

3.2 Periodo di implementazione / Implementation period Indicare data di avvio delle operazioni e durata del programma in mesi. L’eleggibilità della spesa può anche essere retroattiva: in tal caso occorrerà specificare le azioni già realizzate nel successivo riquadro delle attività. 16 mesi (13 gennaio 2010 – 12 Maggio 2011)

3.3 Beneficiari / Beneficiaries Indicare: 1) stima attendibile dei beneficiari diretti (per settore di attività); 2) informazioni sulla popolazione potenzialmente interessata (“catchment” population); 3) modalità di coinvolgimento dei beneficiari nella definizione, implementazione e valutazione del programma. [Max 1 pagina] Il presente progetto si propone di lavorare con una popolazione obiettivo di circa 25.800 persone. Il 52% vive in area urbana ed è provvisoriamente ospitato in campi spontanei, il restante 48% vive nelle campagne della 12esima sezione della municipalità di Petit Goave

In area urbana, all’incirca 1000 famiglie, equivalenti a 5000 persone, saranno beneficiarie di servizi igienici di base, kitchen set, fornelli a basso consumo energetico e lampade solari. 1600 famiglie, equivalenti a circa 8000 persone, si beneficieranno di kit tende, kitchen set e kitchen set. 300 bambini parteciperanno alle attività ludiche ed educative In area rurale, 2000 famiglie, equivalenti a circa10.000 persone, riceveranno coperte e teli di plastica. Di queste circa 1000 prendono la loro acqua dalle 2 cisterne che saranno ristrutturate. Le 2000 famiglie riceveranno anche sementi ed attrezzi, kitchen set, lapade solari e fornelli a basso consumo energetico. Come indicato nella sezione sulla metodologia seguita durante la fase di assessment i beneficiari sono stati consultati o direttamente attraverso interviste semi-strutturate di informanti chiave e rappresentanti della comunità scelti casualmente o indirettamente attraverso un’inchiesta realizzata porta a porta da volontari di APV.

3.4 Settori di attività / Sectors of activity Specificare, sottolineandoli, i settori di attività del programma. Food security X Non Food Items X Water & Sanitation X

Rehabilitation/continuum X Health Disaster preparedness & mitigation

Nutrition Special mandates Shelter

Specific actions Demining and awareness

3.5 Obiettivi generali / Principal objectives Specificare gli obiettivi generali a cui il programma intende contribuire. [Max 40 righe] Miglioramento delle condizioni di vita della popolazione haitiana colpita dal terremoto del gennaio 2010

3.6 Obiettivo specifico / Specific objective Indicare, per ciascun settore di attività, l’obiettivo specifico che si intende realizzare. L’obiettivo specifico deve essere uno solo per ciascun logframe. [Max 1,5 pagine] Soddisfare le esigenze basiche della popolazione attraverso attività che garantiscano l’accesso della famiglia alla preparazione e consumo igienico degli alimenti, la partecipazione dei bambini ad attività educative e di supporto psicologico, e che portino all’aumento di disponibilità d’acqua ed alla buona gestione dei servizi igienici comunitari.

3.7 Risultati e indicatori / Results and indicators Definire gli “output” del programma, indicando per ciascuno di essi l’obiettivo specifico a cui si riferiscono. I risultati sono sostanzialmente i “prodotti” finali delle attività intraprese. Aggiungere anche i relativi indicatori (“smart”) e le fonti di verifica per il successivo monitoraggio del programma. [Max 2 pagine] R1. La popolazione è in grado di affrontare lo stato di prima necessità materiale IOV: 7500 coperte distribuite 3000 teli di plastica utilizzati dalle famiglie per costruire o rafforzare i propri ripari 3000 famiglie cucinano i propri pasti su stufe a basso consumo 3000 famiglie dispongono di utensili da cucina 3000 famiglie possono illuminare i propri ripari e donne e bambini possono muoversi nell’oscurità in relativa sicurezza 2000 piccoli produttori ricevono sementi ed attrezzi in sostituzione di quelli perduti per il sisma. Fonti di verifica: Liste di distribuzione / materiale fotografico R2. L’infanzia di Petit Goave riceve un adeguato accompagnamento ludico ed educativo

IOV: 1 struttura educativa rientra in funzione 1 centro di sostegno psicologico all’infanzia rientra in funzione 300 bambini frequentano con continuità le attività Fonti di verifica: Verbali di consegna delle strutture/ materiale fotografico R3. Si garantisce l’accesso all’acqua per consumo umano e a servizi igienici IOV: 5000 persone hanno accesso ad acqua per consumo umano ed irrigazione 20 latrine e sistemi doccia/lavandini costruiti e mantenuti durante l’intera durata del progetto 5 focal point e 5 squadre di pulizia sono formati ed equipaggiati nei vari insediamenti per la promozione ed il mantenimento dell’igiene. Fonti di verifica: Registri di formazione ed attività dei Comitati di gestione dei campi Mappe GPS della localizzazione delle fonti d’acqua e delle latrine Materiale fotografico

3.8 Attività / Activities Descrivere le azioni che si devono intraprendere per ottenere i risultati sopra indicati e indicare una tempistica generale di realizzazione. Mantenere anche in questa sezione la suddivisione per settori di attività. [Max 3 pagine] Attività del risultato 1: 1.1 acquisto e distribuzione di teloni di kit tenda (plastica, materassini e coperte leggere) 1.2 acquisto e distribuzione di coperte 1.3 acquisto e distribuzione di turpoline 1.4 acquisto e distribuzione di stufe a basso impatto ambientale 1.5 formazione nell’uso di stufe a basso impatto ambientale 1.6 acquisto e distribuzione di lampade solari 1.7 acquisto e distribuzione di sementi ed attrezzi agricoli Attività del risultato 2: 2.1 ristruturazione di una struttura scolastica 2.2 riabilitazione di un centro di sostegno psicologico all’infanzia 2.3 supporto al centro di sostegno psicologico all’infanzia Attività del risultato 3: 3.1 riabilitazione di cisterne per la raccolta dell’acqua piovana 3.2 costruzione e mantenimento di latrine e punti di igiene in campi di rifugiati 3.3 formazione ed equipaggiamento di squadre per la promozione dell’igiene L’intervento è diviso in due fasi. Nella prima fase viene data priorità al supporto urgente alle popolazioni colpite che comprende la distribuzione di materiali per affrontare l’incipiente stagione delle piogge, materiali per cucina da campo, attrezzi e sementi in vista della imminente stagione di semina. Contestualmente e secondo i bisogni individuati verranno effettuate campagne di sensibilizzazione all’igiene, e di utilizzo dei materiali distribuiti. Ove necessario in coordinamento con attori locali e internazionali si potranno approntare apparati sanitari temporanei. Questa prima fase dovrebbe concludersi tra il quinto ed il sesto mese dall’inizio dell’intervento. Nella seconda fase, verranno riabilitate infrastrutture idriche di base per uso umano ed agricolo e infrastrutture socio-educative. Nella seconda fase verrà altresì monitorato e supportato l’uso ed il mantenimento dei materiali distribuiti e delle infrastrutture temporanee realizzate. A seconda dell’entità dei fondi ricevuti, tale fase durerà tra gli 8 e i 9 mesi.

Il processo di identificazione dei beneficiari è avvenuto tenendo conto dei bisogni e della mancanza di copertura da parte di altre organizzazioni. In questa prima fase del post-emergenza, gli insediamenti più numerosi e quelli ubicati strategicamente vicino alle principali vie di comunicazione sono stati raggiunti dall’imponente macchina degli aiuti messa in moto dalla comunità internazionale. Molte vittime del terremoto sono però ancora in attesa di ricevere assistenza. Il GVC ha deciso di focalizzarsi su questi gruppi doppiamente sfortunati perché colpiti dal disastro e invisibili agli occhi dei più. Si tratta quindi di comunità insediate in zone difficili da raggiungere e per cui i costi di trasporto aumentano. Durante l’implementazione dell’intervento si cercherà di favorire l’appropriazione da parte dei beneficiari delle strutture e dei servizi realizzati. Per questa ragione è previsto di creare comitati di gestione dei servizi igienici che saranno formati per auto-organizzarsi stabilendo turni per la pulizia delle latrine e per ripetere la formazione ricevuta in tematiche di igiene al resto della popolazione. La distribuzione di fornelli a basso consumo e kit da cucina sarà legata ad attività di formazione sull’uso dei fornelli e sulla preparazione e consumo di alimenti. La formazione avverrà in momenti informali, in cui le partecipanti cucineranno assieme e scambieranno esperienze con l’accompagnamento dei promotori comunitari del GVC. Le responsabili dei gruppi, scelte tra le stesse partecipanti, si faranno anche carico del monitoraggio dell’implementazione e collaboreranno con lo staff nell’assicurare che le distribuzioni siano inserite in un processo di autentica assunzione di responsabilità da parte della comunità. I beneficiari in ambito urbano di Petit Goave sono ospitati nei campi di: Cupidon 2, Cupidon 3, Chaban 1 e Chaban 2. A Grand Goave, il processo di identificazione è ancora in corso, ma si prevede di lavorare in due campi per un totale di circa 250 famiglie. Il ritardo nell’identificazione è dovuto alla volontà di coordinare l’azione con quella di altre ONG del gruppo AGIRE in modo da offrire ai beneficiari un intervento completo in tutti i settori di necessità. Le cisterne da riabilitare si trovano in zona rurale, alle coordinate: Cisterna 1 (capacità 75.000 galloni) N 18° 23' 13.6'' W 72° 49' 23.8'' Cisterna 2 (capacità 70.000 galloni) N 18° 23' 22.4'' W 72° 49' 04.6'' La popolazione rurale vive in piccoli insediamenti di 3-4 case sparsi sul territorio, facenti riferimento al centro comunitario di Vallue (N 18° 23' 40.3'' W 72° 48' 58.6'') Come sottolineato nella sezione sui rischi dell’intervento, in caso di sovrapposizione con altri organizzazioni umanitarie, il GVC effettuerà uno sforzo di coordinazione interistituzionale per evitare la duplicazione di aiuti e i conseguenti sprechi. Nel caso che ciò non fosse possibile, si valuterà con il finanziatore la possibilità di spostare l’intervento su altri gruppi di beneficiari.

3.9 Monitoraggio e valutazione / Monitoring and Evaluation Indicare i meccanismi di monitoraggio e valutazione previsti dall’Associato come complementari a quelli disposti dal Segretariato di AGIRE. [Max 1 pagina] Il progetto prevede due missioni di monitoraggio, rispettivamente dopo 5 e 10 mesi di esecuzione. Il primo monitoraggio avrà anche la funzione di aiutare l’ufficio locale del GVC ad affinare il progetto d’accordo ai cambiamenti nella situazione-paese. Il secondo monitoraggio dovrà collaborare nello sviluppo della exit strategy. Il monitoraggio esaminerà cinque parametri: pertinenza, efficienza, efficacia, impatto e sostenibilità. La pertinenza riguarda il disegno del marco logico, l’identificazione dei beneficiari e la rilevanza rispetto alle esigenze del paese. L’efficienza valuta come il progetto sta utilizzando gli input per produrre risultati (disponibilità e uso dei fondi, procedure di gestione amministrativa e contabile, risultati ottenuti vs. risultati programmati, utilizzo di strumenti di gestione operativa). L’efficacia sarà esaminata per determinare come il progetto si sta avvicinando a conseguire l’obiettivo specifico (accesso da parte di tutti i beneficiari identificati, come il progetto si è saputo adattare ai cambiamenti delle condizioni esterne - ipotesi, effetti negativi non pianificati, effetti positivi non previsti). L’impatto valuta il contributo dell’intervento all’ottenimento dell’obiettivo generale (probabilità che si realizzino le ipotesi elencate nel marco logico, conseguenze positive e negative del progetto sulla società e il settore di intervento in generale e capacità di controllo del progetto su tali conseguenze). La sostenibilità esamina le

prospettive di continuità delle dinamiche messe in moto dal progetto al di là della data di chiusura dello stesso (stabilità economica e finanziaria, livello di appropriazione dei beneficiari, appoggio politico, capacità istituzionale e di gestione, la misura in cui il progetto ha preso in considerazione gli aspetti socio-culturali, eguaglianza di genere, sostenibilità delle tecnologie adottate, aspetti ambientali).


4.1 Pre-condizioni / Pre-conditions Identificare le ipotesi favorevoli che devono essere soddisfatte prima che abbia inizio la realizzazione del programma. [Max ½ pagina] Pre-condizione 1: La situazione socio-politica rimane favorevole - In seguito alle rivolte del 2004, la comunità internazionale ha creato una forza di pace, MINUSTAH, per garantire il normale funzionamento delle istituzioni democratiche nel paese. Tale missione delle Nazioni Unite è stata rinforzata in seguito al sisma del 12 gennaio con militari di vari paesi che hanno contribuito a garantire l’ordine durante le distribuzioni di cibo, scortare convogli, riaprire strade e controllare la criminalità. Il presidente deposto, Aristide, dopo un iniziale appello ai suoi seguaci a ribellarsi all’inettitudine dell’attuale governo, ha assunto una posizione di più basso profilo. È quindi ipotizzabile che la situazione rimanga tranquilla anche nei prossimi mesi, per lo meno fino a che verrà mantenuta la presenza militare internazionale. Pre-condizione 2: Scosse di assestamento non arrecano danni ulteriori a Port-au-Prince e Petit Goave - È possibile che nelle prossime settimane Haiti sia colpita da nuove scosse di assestamento. Anche se tali movimenti tellurici sono normalmente di debole magnitudo, è possibile che l’energia accumulata nel sottosuolo si manifesti in una nuova forte scossa. In tal caso, l’intervento dovrebbe rimettere in discussione la propria strategia.

4.2 Analisi dei rischi / Risk assessment Identificare i fattori esterni che possono impedire il raggiungimento di obiettivi generali e specifici e la realizzazione delle attività previste. Definire per ciascuno di essi le strategie di risposta previste. [Max 1 pagina] Rischio 1: La stagione ciclonica causa ulteriori danni alle popolazioni vittime del terremoto – Haiti si trova in una zona del Golfo del Messico particolarmente esposta agli uragani. Nel solo 2008 tre uragani distruttivi attraversarono il paese causando gravi danni. Nonostante la meteorologia abbia compiuto grandi passi in avanti nella previsione di fenomeni atmosferici estremi quali gli uragani, non esiste un metodo certo per sapere in anticipo quale rotta seguirà la tormenta. In ogni caso, il GVC intende distribuire lampade solari (con una durata a piena carica di 12 ore) e stufe a basso consumo di energia. Entrambe queste soluzioni tecnologiche saranno di aiuto alla popolazione nel caso di uragani. Le lampade funzionano anche quando le tradizionali lampade a kerosene si spengono, mentre le stufe efficienti funzionano con qualsiasi tipo di combustibile e possono operare sollevate da terra. Nel caso che un uragano dovesse avvicinarsi alla zona del progetto, si sospenderanno tutte le attività e il personale dovrà recarsi in luoghi sicuri precedentemente identificati con un esperto della protezione civile. Rischio 2: Si creano sovrapposizioni con le altre organizzazioni presenti nell’area – Nonostante il GVC abbia partecipato nei vari cluster a livello nazionale e locale e abbia segnalato in tutte le sedi previste la propria intenzione di lavorare nelle aree del progetto, è sempre possibile che altre organizzazioni decidano intervenire nello stesso terreno identificato in questa proposta. In tal caso, si farà il possibile per evitare la duplicazione di azioni similari dialogando con gli attori interessati e cercando di promuovere azioni complementari. In casi estremi, sarà necessario riorientare l’intervento su aree limitrofe non coperte da altri attori. Rischio 3: Aumenta l’insicurezza dovuta a criminalità comune – I fenomeni di violenza legati alla criminalità comune erano in netta diminuzione dopo l’’arrivo del contingente MINUSTAH, che era

stato utilizzato anche in funzione anti-bande. In occasione del terremoto, molti criminali comuni sono fuggiti dalle prigioni. È ipotizzabile una recrudescenza del fenomeno criminale nei prossimi mesi. Il progetto sarà toccato solo marginalmente dal fenomeno perché Petit Goave si trova in una zona lontana dall’area metropolitana di Port-au-Prince. Sarà però importante adottare misure di sicurezza per il trasferimento di beni e persone da e per la capitale. Si eviterà di viaggiare nelle ore prossime al tramonto e immediatamente successive all’alba. Nel caso di minacce esplicite o di carichi di particolare valore si richiederà una scorta al MINUSTAH con almeno 48 ore di anticipo.


5.1 Situazione sul terreno / Situation in the field Fornire una valutazione sulla sicurezza sul terreno relativa all’attuazione del programma. [Max 30 righe] Port-au-Prince e la regione a sud-ovest della capitale rimangono a rischio terremoti. Secondo alcune fonti, è probabile che un’ulteriore scossa di forte magnitudo possa colpire questa parte dell’isola nelle prossime settimane. Port-au-Prince è una città in cui il tasso di criminalità è alto e gli stranieri sono obiettivi particolarmente appetibili per la disponibilità di denaro. Le minacce alla sicurezza del progetto e dello staff a Petit Goave sono decisamente meno gravi che a Port-au-Prince. Nella zona rurale non esistono particolari problemi di criminalità. Inoltre, il GVC si presenta come partner istituzionale di APV, un’istituzione dall’ampio numero di associati nella zona e molto rispettata. I principali rischi in ambito rurale sono quelli legati alla condizione delle strade. Il terremoto ha causato numerose frane nella zona ed in alcuni casi è osservabile il sollevamento e la spaccatura del manto stradale. In occasione della stagione delle piogge è probabile che molti percorsi diventino pericolosi o impercorribili.

5.2 Protocolli di sicurezza / Security protocol Riassumere i protocolli di sicurezza adottati dall’organizzazione e quelli specifici messi in atto per questo programma. [Max ½ pagina] D’accordo alle minacce individuate (sisma, uragani, criminalità, viabilità), il GVC ha adottato le seguenti misure di sicurezza. Sisma: tutte le strutture affittate dall’organizzazione come alloggio o ufficio dovranno essere ispezionate da un ingegnere civile che ne attesterà le buone condizioni. Le riunioni si terranno quando possibile nelle strutture del GVC o all’aperto. Il personale non è autorizzato a permanere in locali non ispezionati in precedenza se non per brevi periodi di tempo. Tutte le auto circoleranno con doppia ruota di scorta, kit di sopravvivenza e kit di pronto soccorso. Tutto il personale espatriato sarà tenuto a portare con sé un cellulare con credito e batteria sufficiente per affrontare qualsiasi emergenza. Uragani: durante la stagione degli uragani tutto il personale del GVC dovrà portare con sé durante i trasferimenti e mantenere di scorta presso uffici dell’organizzazione e domicili dei cooperanti una scorta di acqua e alimenti per 4 giorni, lampade solari, kit di primo soccorso e coperte. Criminalità: il personale viaggerà da e per le località del progetto durante le ore diurne. In particolar modo, si eviterà di transitare per i quartieri più a rischio della capitale dopo il tramonto e all’imbrunire. Gli autisti sono tenuti a chiudere le portiere dell’automobile al momento della partenza. Viabilità: lo stato delle strade sarà controllato prima di mettersi in marcia con una telefonata a un rappresentante della controparte ubicato in prossimità della meta. Tutto il personale è tenuto ad allacciare la cintura di sicurezza. Le auto saranno sottoposte a controllo mensile per verificarne il buono stato. Eventuali elementi usurati o in cattive condizioni saranno immediatamente sostituiti. Viabilità: lo stato delle strade sarà controllato prima di mettersi in marcia con una telefonata a un rappresentante della controparte ubicato in prossimità della meta. Tutto il personale è tenuto ad

allacciare la cintura di sicurezza. Le auto saranno sottoposte a controllo mensile per verificarne il buono stato. Eventuali elementi usurati o in cattive condizioni saranno immediatamente sostituiti.


6.1 Budget di programma / Total budget Indicare il budget complessivo dell’intervento e fornire eventuale giustificazione dei centri di costo considerati più rilevanti [Max ½ pagina]. 1.2 milioni di Euro

6.2 Risorse umane / Human resources Indicate le figure di staff necessarie alla realizzazione del programma, evidenziando quali sono direttamente coinvolte nelle attività e quali svolgono invece funzioni di supporto. Specificare eventuale staff a livello di headquarters. [Max ½ pagina] Il personale espatriato consiste di: - 1 capo progetto per No 14 mesi - 1 amministratore/logista No 14 mesi - 1 field coordinator per No 14 mesi Missione esperti: - 1 esperto agronomo - 1 esperto idrogeologo - 1 esperto psicosociale

Il personale locale direttamente coinvolto nelle attività consiste di: - 1 coordinatore locale – 14 mesi - 1 assistente tecnico - 14 mesi - 4 field officer – 8 mesi - 4 formatori – 9 mesi - 1 assistente tecnico – 14 mesi Il personale locale impiegato in funzioni di supporto sarà composto da: - 1 assistente amministrativo – logista – 14 mesi - 1 logista – 14 mesi - 2 segretario/a - 14 mesi - 2 personale di supporto – 14 mesi - 6 guardiani – 14 mesi

6.3 Risorse materiali / Material resources Indicare veicoli, equipaggiamenti e attrezzature da acquistare o noleggiare per la realizzazione del programma. Specificare le modalità di procurement e successivo hand-over. [Max ½ pagina] Per l’implementazione delle attività descritte in questa proposta, la coordinazione di progetto intende: - acquistare 3 autoveicoli - affittare autocarri mezzi pesanti per il trasporto dei NFI dai punti di entrata nel paese fino a un magazzino a Petit Goave e per la successiva distribuzione negli insediamenti dei beneficiari - affittare un ufficio a Port-au-Prince e uno a Petit Goave - acquistare equipaggiamento standard per due uffici (computer, telefono, stampanti, fax) - acquistare due generatori, uno per l’ufficio di Port-au-Prince e uno per l’ufficio di Petit Goave - affittare per brevi periodi spazi per magazzinaggio a Port au Prince e/o a Petit Goave a seconda delle necessità


7.1 Exit Strategy Indicare strategie di hand-over, coordinamento con organizzazioni e/o autorità locali, iniziative di capacity building,etc. Tutti i materiali che verranno distribuiti durante l’intervento saranno scelti tra quelli ritenuti appropriati alla realtà locale. In tal senso viene ritenuto particolarmente delicato il tema delle sementi che devono provenire dalle varietà selezionate dalla FAO e dal Ministero dell’Agricoltura di Haiti. In generale, i Non-food-items che saranno distribuiti si basano su disegni locali o adattati alla realtà locale e tecnologie semplici. Le stufe “Lucia” consistono del modello prodotto per situazioni di emergenza in paesi in via di sviluppo. Le lampade SN-2 non hanno virtualmente bisogno di manutenzione, a parte della sostituzione delle batterie ogni due anni. Durante tutto il periodo di implementazione del progetto, il personale della controparte locale riceverà on-the-job training. Si prevede che al termine dei 15 mesi di esecuzione, la controparte sarà pienamente in grado di farsi carico delle attività che continueranno oltre la data di chiusura ufficiale. Lo stesso personale effettuerà il monitoraggio del corretto uso delle attrezzature. Nell’ultimo trimestre del progetto, verrà implementata una strategia di hand-over delle attività alla controparte locale e a organizzazioni di base formate dai beneficiari.

7.2 Linking Descrivere come si intende collegare il programma di risposta all’emergenza con le attività di ricostruzione e sostegno allo sviluppo già in corso o previste per il futuro. La presente proposta si lega con altri interventi per cui il GVC sta cercando o ha già trovato finanziamento. La strategia di medio-lungo periodo per l’area di Petit Goave prevede di riattivare il tessuto economico della regione attraverso la ricostruzione dei flussi di scambio tra zona rurale e urbana. La città non è solamente il mercato preferenziale per i prodotti delle campagne circostanti, ma è anche il luogo dove gli agricoltori acquistano prodotti chiave delle loro alimentazione, quale il riso, attrezzi agricoli, farmaci veterinari, ecc. Nella città di Petit Goave hanno sede gli uffici dell’amministrazione pubblica a cui si devono rivolgere le popolazioni urbane. Ma soprattutto, la città è ben collegata a Port-au-Prince mentre nelle campagne le vie di comunicazione sono generalmente in pessime condizioni e transitabili solamente nella stagione secca. I rapporti campagna-città svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nell’assicurare la sicurezza alimentare e la diversificazione delle strategie di sopravvivenza delle popolazioni beneficiarie del progetto. Grazie al forte vincolo con il mondo cooperativo, il GVC si propone di sostenere il partner locale APV nella riattivazione del proprio braccio economico TOPLA’ (produzione di marmellate) e nel suo rafforzamento istituzionale e conversione in cooperativa. Esistono varie possibilità per integrare orizzontalmente e verticalmente la filiera produttiva della marmellata. Tali strategie passano invariabilmente per una più stretta relazione fra città e campagne. L’intervento proposto costituirà inoltre un’importante esperienza pilota per l’implementazione di stufe a basso consumo energetico. Il GVC ha presentato una concept note alla Commissione Europea per un progetto che intende studiare la relazione tra deforestazione e sicurezza alimentare. La concept note è stata approvata dalla CE e si prevede che il progetto possa iniziare nel terzo trimestre 2010. i dati che verrano raccolti nell’ambito della diminuzione di consumi di legname per cucinare rappresentano un’importante punto di partenza per analizzare i legami tra sostenibilità ambientale e consumo umano.

7.3 Cross Cutting Issues Indicare in che modo si intendono tenere in considerazione i seguenti temi trasversali: diritti umani, genere, impatto ambientale, prevenzione dei rischi [Max 1 pagina] Le azioni proposte dal GVC tengono conto dell’importanza delle tematiche trasversali di genere, diritti umani e impatto ambientale. Il lavoro con l’infanzia è orientato nella prima fase al recupero

post-traumatico delle giovani vittime, ma in un’ottica di largo respiro verrà arricchito di una componente di formazione tecnica e dei diritti, facendo leva sull’ampia esperienza in materia del GVC. In particolar modo i bambini e adolescenti lavoratori riceveranno un training sui diritti dei lavoratori e saranno appoggiati nella formazione di organizzazioni rappresentative di base. Il tema di genere è stato preso in considerazione fin dalla prima fase dell’intervento del GVC. Avendo individuato alcuni problemi specifici nella fase di assessment, la presente proposta intende contribuire a risolverli. La priorità viene attribuita al tema sicurezza nei campi di IDPs. Con il calare delle tenebre le donne non si sentono più al sicuro. La distribuzione di lanterne solari permetterà di ridurre il fattore di rischio legato all’oscurità. La componente ambientale è particolarmente importante in un paese come Haiti, che già si trovava al bordo di un collasso ecologico prima del terremoto. La scelta di distribuire stufe a basso consumo energetico permetterà di ridurre l’impatto sulle risorse forestali. Le famiglie haitiane cucinano tradizionalmente usando carbone, prodotto nelle campagne. La produzione di carbone è tra le principali responsabili della quasi completa deforestazione del paese. Le stufe “Lucia” funzionano invece con una varietà di combustibili prontamente disponibili in un paese in via di sviluppo (scarti dell’agricoltura, arbusti, ecc.). In particolar modo, la scorza dell’onnipresente canna da zucchero, che normalmente viene considerata materiale di scarto, è un ottimo combustibile. Le stufe funzionano per pirolisi e il risultato della combustione è carbone vegetale, che incorporato nel terreno ha la proprietà di migliorarne la qualità dei suoli. Le lampade solari SN-2 BoGo Lights sono lampade solari appositamente studiate per i paesi in via di sviluppo. Dal punto di vista ambientale, le 3 batterie ricaricabili AA NiMH hanno una vita utile di 750 cicli, equivalenti a più di due anni d’uso quotidiano e sono molto meno pericolose per l’ambiente rispetto alle batterie NiCad anche se non smaltite correttamente. Rispetto alle lampade a kerosene, le lanterne solari permettono un risparmio del 20-30% sui costi di operazione e eliminano i rischi per la salute dovuti a inquinamento atmosferico (inalazione di particolati), ferite da bruciature e incendio.


8.1 Accordi con autorità nazionali e locali / National and local authorities Indicare se sono state ottenute autorizzazioni ad operare, oppure sono stati siglati MOU o accordi con le autorità nazionali e locali. Il progetto oggetto della presente proposta ha ricevuto il gradimento delle autorità locali di Petit Goave. Il GVC è autorizzato ad operare nel paese dal Ministero della Pianificazione a seguito di domanda di registrazione che già costituisce titolo per operare. Nel frattempo, il consolato haitiano in Italia ha riconosciuto il GVC come entità senza fine di lucro operante nel paese per veicolare l’aiuto umanitario in seguito al terremoto.

8.2 Comitati di coordinamento / Field co-ordination fora Descrivere l’eventuale partecipazione dell’Associato a comitati di coordinamento sul campo con altre agenzie umanitarie. Il GVC partecipa in vari comitati di coordinamento, sia a Port-au-Prince che a Petit Goave. A Port-au-Prince, il GVC partecipa alle giunoni di coordinazione di AGIRE, alle riunioni della Protezione Civile italiana, ai cluster di agricoltura, educazione, shelter e WASH. A Petit Goave, il GVC partecipa alle riunioni del locale cluster di coordinazione degli interventi della cooperazione nella regione.

8.3 Soggetto/i implementatore/i / Implementino partner(s) Specificare se il programma è realizzato attraverso partner locali e/o alleanze internazionali. Indicare tipo di coinvolgimento e precedenti collaborazioni. Allegare gli Accordi di Partenariato (art. 3.3.3 del Manuale Operativo).

Il GVC lavorava ad Haiti già prima del terremoto grazie ad un accordo con la ONG italiana AVSI. Nei giorni immediatamente successivi al sisma AVSI ha realizzato delle distribuzioni di beni di prima necessità alla popolazione più bisognosa di aiuto. AVSI opera ad Haiti dal 1999 quando avviò un progetto quinquennale per la formazione superiore agraria nel Municipio di Torbeck, portando alla creazione di un’azienda agricola sperimentale. Nel tempo AVSI ha portato avanti progetti per il miglioramento delle condizioni di sicurezza alimentare, di approvvigionamento idrico, di formazione sull’agricoltura ed allevamento e di riforestazione e protezione ambientale. AVSI è coinvolta anche a Port-au-Prince, in particolare nei quartieri di Cité Soleil e Martissant, attraverso interventi a favore dell’inserimento scolastico di bambini vulnerabili e di strada, ristrutturazione di scuole, formazione professionale, sostegno a micro-imprese e dinamiche per la soluzione pacifica dei conflitti. Il GVC coordinerà alcune attività con APV (Asociation de Paysans de Vallue). L’associazione opera dal 1986 per il beneficio della popolazione della 12ma sezione della municipalità di Petit Goave. Conta con 5000 soci che apportano alle attività sociali con il loro lavoro. Pur trattandosi della prima collaborazione con il GVC, APV offre ampie garanzie di affidabilità, come testimoniato dalla sua storia e dalle opere concrete che è riuscita a realizzare nel corso degli ultimi 20 anni (strada, associazione per la produzione e commercializzazione di marmellate, centro sociale e scuola).


9.1 Desk Officer Segnalare nominativo e contatti per il desk officer, responsabile del programma a livello di Headquarters

Donatella Oldrini, Responsabile Territoriale Centro America, Caraibi e Burundi, tel. +39 051 585604, email, skype: donatella.oldrini

9.2 Programme coordinator Segnalare nominativo e contatti per il rappresentante dell’Associato, responsabile del programma a livello di paese.

Silvia Angemi, Rappresentante GVC Haiti, Cell. + 509 36605617, email,

9.3 Coordinate Bancarie / Bank Account Specificare le coordinate bancarie a cui effettuare i trasferimenti dei fondi di programma.

Unicredit Banca Via Aldo Moro, 20 – Bologna GVC Gruppo Volontariato Civile C/C 000002629108 IBAN: IT 80 W 02008 02460 000002629108

9.4 Revisione contabile / Audit Indicare a quali società esterne è stata richiesta la revisione contabile, specificando – in caso di programmi implementati attraverso partner locali o alleanze internazionali – il mandato e il livello di coordinamento tra le società. Baker Tilly Consulaudit S.p.a.

Via Reni Guido, 2 40125 Bologna


10.1 Conclusioni e commenti / Conclusion and comments Indicare in questo spazio [max 1 pagina] eventuali aspetti che il Segretariato di AGIRE dovrà tenere in considerazione esaminando il Programma di Intervento. Nel caso che la disponibilità reale di fondi dovesse eccedere il budget previsto di 1.2 milioni di Euro, il GVC propone di utilizzare gli eventuali fondi per la ristrutturazione di altri sistemi di raccolta e conservazione dell’acqua piovana e per la messa in marcia di un sistema per la prevenzione dei disastri.

_____________________________________ Firma del legale rappresentante o procuratore

Roma, 19/02/2010 Allegati: LogFrame Matrix Budget di Programma Allegati accordi di Partenariato


Logica dell’intervento Indicatori Fonti di verifica Rischi e Condizioni

Obiettivi generali

Miglioramento delle condizioni di vita della popolazione haitiana colpita dal terremoto del gennaio 2010

Obiettivo specifico

Soddisfare le esigenze basiche della popolazione attraverso attività che garantiscano l’accesso della famiglia alla preparazione e consumo igienico degli alimenti, la partecipazione dei bambini ad attività educative e di supporto psicologico, e che portino all’aumento di disponibilità d’acqua ed alla buona gestione dei servizi igienici comunitari.

Diminuzione del numero di casi di malattie respiratorie

Diminuzione del numero di casi di violenza sessuale

Diminuzione del numero di casi di malattie dovute alla mancanza di igiene (colera, diarrea, malattie dell’apparato gastro-intestinale)

Tasso di denutrizione infantile si assesta su valori pre-terremoto

Registri sanitari di Medicus Mundi (area rurale) e MSF (area urbana)

Rapporti sullo stato della denutrizione infantile del World Food Programme

La stagione ciclonica causa ulteriori danni alle popolazioni vittime del terremoto Si creano sovrapposizioni tra organizzazioni umanitarie presenti nell’area Aumenta l’insicurezza dovuta a criminalità comune

Risultati attesi

1. la popolazione è in grado di affrontare lo stato di prima necessità materiale

7500 coperte distribuite

3000 teli di plastica utilizzati dalle famiglie per costruire o rafforzare i

Liste di distribuzione

propri ripari

3000 famiglie cucinano i propri pasti su stufe a basso consumo

3000 famiglie dispongono di utensili da cucina

3000 famiglie possono illuminare i propri ripari e donne e bambini possono muoversi nell’oscurità in relativa sicurezza

2 cisterne per la raccolta e la conservazione dell’acqua piovana sono riabilitate

2000 piccoli produttori ricevono sementi ed attrezzi in sostituzione di quelli perduti per il sisma

2. l’infanzia di Petit Goave riceve un adeguato accompagnamento ludico ed educativo

1 struttura educativa rientra in funzione

1 centro di sostegno psicologico all’infanzia rientra in funzione

300 bambini frequentano con continuità le attività

Verbali di consegna delle strutture

3. si garantisce l’accesso all’acqua per consumo umano e a servizi igienici

5000 persone hanno accesso ad acqua per consumo umano ed irrigazione

20 latrine e sistemi doccia/lavandini costruiti e mantenuti durante l’intera durata del progetto

5 focal point e 5 squadre di pulizia sono formati ed

Mappe GPS della localizzazione delle fonti d’acqua e delle latrine Registri di formazione ed attività dei Comitati di gestione dei campi

La stagione ciclonica causa ulteriori danni alle popolazioni vittime del terremoto Si creano sovrapposizioni tra organizzazioni umanitarie presenti nell’area Aumenta l’insicurezza

equipaggiati nei vari insediamenti per la promozione ed il mantenimento dell’igiene

dovuta a criminalità comune


1.1 acquisto e distribuzione di teloni

1.2 acquisto e distribuzione di coperte

1.3 acquisto e distribuzione di turpoline

1.4 acquisto e distribuzione di stufe a basso impatto ambientale

1.5 formazione nell’uso di stufe a basso impatto ambientale

1.6 acquisto e distribuzione di lampade solari

1.7 acquisto e distribuzione di sementi ed attrezzi agricoli

1.8 formazione in uso, selezione e conservazione di sementi

2.1 ristruturazione di una struttura scolastica

2.2 riabilitazione di un centro di sostegno psicologico all’infanzia

2.3 supporto al centro di sostegno psicologico

Risorse Costi

all’infanzia 3.1 riabilitazione di cisterne

per la raccolta dell’acqua piovana

3.2 costruzione e mantenimento di latrine e punti igiene in campi di rifugiati

3.3 formazione ed equipaggiamento di squadre per la promozione dell’igiene

Pre-condizioni Scosse di assestamento

non arrecano danni ulteriori alla zona

La situazione socio-politica

rimane favorevole


01. Goods & services delivered to beneficiaries 875.281,00 € NUOVO BUDGET INTERIM REPORT

01.01. Food Security 41.424,00 €

01.02. Water and Sanitation 109.105,00 €

01.03. Health 9.770,00 €

01.04. Nutrition - € 01.05. Shelter 25.264,00 € 01.06. Non food items 193.991,00 €

01.07. Rehabilitation/continuum 102.158,00 €

01.08. Disaster preparedness and mitigation - €

01.09. Special mandates - €

01.10. Specific actions 110.724,00 €

01.11. De-mining and awareness - €

01.12. International transport - €

01.13. Personnel 282.845,00 €

02. Support costs 246.214,00 €

02.01. Personnel 70.504,00 €

02.02. Local logistic costs 48.010,00 €

02.03. Durable equipment 64.880,00 €

02.04. Security 2.180,00 €

02.05. Feasibility, needs assessment and other studies - €

02.06. Specialised services 10.000,00 €

02.07. Insurance costs - €

02.08. Visibility and communication programmes 3.640,00 €

02.09. Others: as specified in the proposal 47.000,00 €

Subtotal: direct costs 1.121.495,00 €

03. Indirect costs 78.505,00 €

Total Eligible Costs : 1.200.000,00 €


Budget Summary and Financial Plan Grant Agreement

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Budget Summary and Financial Plan Grant Agreement

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Emergenza Haiti

Associato GVC – Gruppo di Volontariato Civile

Titolo del programma Indicare il titolo del programma.

Support to earthquake affected families in the area of Petit-Goâve through the access to water systems, the supply of kitchen sets and the reactivation of educational structures

Periodo di riferimento Indicare a quale periodo fa riferimento il rapporto.

13 January 2010 - 30 April 2010


1.1 Localizzazione / Location of the operation The programme is currently taking place in the district of Petit-Goâve and in particular in section 12th of Petit-Goâve District.

1.2 Beneficiari / Beneficiaries The number of beneficiaries is 25.800. 52% are living in urban area and 48% in rural area, in the 12th section of Petit-Goâve District. A1: 7500 blankets distributed to 1875 families 500 families have received agricultural tools 265 families have received seeds 800 solar lamps 400 people received food Beside the direct beneficiaries mentioned above, indirect beneficiaries will be represented by direct and extended families of direct beneficiaries receiving services, and the catchment population will be distributed between the rural and the urban areas. As of today communities have always been directly involved in identifying the needs and organizing activities in both districts of intervention. Particularly through GVC’s local partner APV being active in the area for over 20 years and having developed strong links thought-out Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve districts, both at community and institutional level.

1.3 Risultati e indicatori / Results and indicators

R1. The population is enabled to cope with basic emergency During the first phase of the project the focus has been on assisting people affected by the earthquake in cooping with basic emergency needs. In doing so GVC has organized a food distribution on the 13th of February, a distribution of blankets on the 6th of march, distributions of seeds and tools on the 22nd of April. Various NFI distributions will follow. Indicators 7500 blankets distributed - met 3000 families receive a solar lamp – partially met 765 farmers receive seed to be planted and agricultural tool – partially met 400 people received food (new indicator) R2. Children in Petit-Goâve receive an adequate assistance in terms of recreational and educational activities GVC is currently working to assure children will have the proper learning environment. Such activity will start on June. Meanwhile GVC has been participating to the Education cluster both at National and at District level. Moreover GVC is also taking into consideration currently ongoing discussion at sub-cluster level, in particular on Reconstruction and on Emergency preparedness is schools. A National campaign for children to return to school is currently ongoing. Indicators 1 educational structure will be rehabilitated – to be met 1 psychological support centre for children rehabilitated – centre has been identified but not yet rehabilitated - to be met 300 children attend activities – to be met R3. Access to water for human and irrigational purposes is granted Rehabilitation of water cisterns has recently started and should be completed in the next 2 months in order to allow beneficiaries to use water collected during upcoming raining season. The committee managing and taking care of the cisterns will be reactivated. WASH activities have been reoriented in school rather than in camps, in accordance with WASH and Education Clusters due to numerous actors already present in camps, so as to avoid overlapping and/or duplication. 5000 people have access to water for domestic and irrigation use – to be met 20 latrines, showers and hand washing facilities will be constructed and maintained – to be met 5 focal point and 5 hygiene teams are trained and equipped for maintenance and hygiene promotions

1.4 Attività / Activities Activities per result 1: 1.1 Purchase and distribution of plastic sheets, mosquito nets, kitchen sets Due to unavailability on site it has still not been possible to purchase and distribute the plastic sheets. At the moment is under evaluation the possibility to carry out a joint procurement, through the NFI Cluster, with other NGOs operating in the same geographical area of intervention. In particular the procurement might be issued in collaboration with a registered NGO, so as to facilitate importation process for other NGOs. Orders for Kitchen sets and mosquito nets will be carried out in the next 2/3 months. 1.2 Purchase and distribution of blankets On the 12th of February 7500 blankets have been purchased in Santo Domingo, thank to the coordination with a Dominican NGO and GVC support in the Dominican Republic. On February 27th, thank to WFP/Handicap-Atlas logistic support the blankets have been transported to Vallue, were inhabitants from different sections gathered to receive the blankets. The distribution has been organized in strict collaboration with GVC’s local partner, APV. Together APV and GVC organized a standing committee of 20 members to prepare distribution lists and receipts. Receivers were informed of the distribution through community leaders and messages sent through the community

radio Koflà Pye. On the 6th of March 4 truck of the Logistic cluster, lead by a representative of GVC reached Vallue and on the 12th the blankets were distributed. 1818 families received 4 blankets each. 57 families were visited in a second round for the distribution due to the difficulties to reach the point of the first distribution. The blankets have been distributed mainly in the rural areas where altitude reaches over 700m and temperatures are low. Due to the seism many houses of the area have been affected, particularly due to the weak structures made of a wooden frame covered with mad or cement, typical of these zones. As a consequence most houses have lost the walls. At the time of the purchase of blankets frontiers were still open and no custom was to be passed. 1.3 Purchase and distribution of fuel efficient stoves At the moment we are reconsidering the feasibility of this activity, as after various trials efficiency of stoves proved to be very low and not suitable to Haitian reality. Moreover the two partners World Stove (provider of the stoves) and Lifeline Foundation (partner of World Stoves, in charge of training of trainers for the usage of the fuel efficient stoves) have broken their partnership, which was fundamental for the success of the activity. 1.5 Training on utilization of fuel efficient stoves See activity 1.3 1.6 Purchase and distribution of solar torches The distribution of such items will be carried out on May. 1.7 Purchase and distribution of seeds and agricultural tools Due to the seism, not only people have lost their friends and relatives, but also houses and means of economic revenues. In the rural areas a great deal of farmers has lost the seed that had been prepared for the March/April season. Food insecurity was already very high before the earthquake in Haiti: 50% of food consumed in the country was already imported and 5% was already delivered by humanitarian assistance; 40% of the population suffers malnutrition and has no access to food. Moreover data from various international agencies shows that over 50% of expenditures of average household is utilized to buy food, with an even higher percentage for poorest households in rural areas. The seism enhanced vulnerabilities particularly by decreasing the capacity on many farmers to plant in the March and July season. In order not to worse already vulnerable situation of food security GVC has carried out, in accordance with the policies discussed within the Agricultural Cluster, various seed distributions in the month of March and April and further distributions will be carried out in the following months. On the 31st of March were distributed 148 marmits of black beans, 285 of corn, 102 of congo beans, benefitting 118 families. Each family received 2 marmit of corn, 2 of black beans and 1 of congo beans. On the 26th of April 26 barrils of Ignam were bought and distributed. Total beneficiaries of Ignam distribution were 161, less than predicted due to loss of Ignam caused buy the high percentage of humidity of the storage place used. Together with APV it was decided to give 6 pieces of Ignam per person, according to the average land owned by the beneficiaries, necessary space to plant ignam, availability of land to plant. Selection criteria for the beneficiaries were: - being from a place were planting of seeds distributed is ideal - having availability of land to plant - not having planted yet - Having lost seed during the earthquake. Families benefitting from all above mentioned distributions (NFI and seed and agricultural tools) reside both in rural and urban areas according to needs detected in the field. In particular, distribution activities carried out in urban areas will be organized in coordination with NGOs members of AGIRE who are working in the same zone of intervention of GVC. 1.8 Food distribution

After 3 weeks from the seism GVC distributed 10 tons of food (rice, beans and milk) in Mount Jaquot, to a community that had not yet received any help. The food distributed arrived in Haiti with the Cavour military ship. Over 400 people were covered with 4 litres of milk, 5 Kilos of rice and 15 cans of beans. What remained was donated to the community school’s canteen, which was running a feeding programme for children, but had ran out of stock and had no chance to refill after the seism. Due to a security threat the 1st date for distribution had to be postponed. A warning was received that the trucks transporting the food were going to be attacked, so the distribution was cancelled and rescheduled with the Minustah escort. Activities per result 2: 2.1 Rehabilitation of 1 school It has not started yet as norms and regulation for school reconstruction will be made available by the Ministry of Education and UNICEF at the end of May. Contacts with the community are well established, so as to start as soon as green light is given by the Ministry. 2.2 Rehabilitation of 1 community centre for children’s psychosocial support In collaboration with AVSI the community centre to be rehabilitated has been identified and work will start in June. 2.3 Support to centre rehabilitated Such activity will start in June. Activities per result 3: 3.1 Rehabilitation of cisterns for collection of rain water The rehabilitation of the water cisterns will be carried out in the following months. This will enable the population of Vallue to utilize water collected during the upcoming raining season. The second cistern to be rehabilitated is located under the area used for the weekly market of Vallue, which has also been affected by the earthquake. In rehabilitating the cistern the possibility of intervening on the market place could be taken into consideration. These cisterns will serve both the population of the rural areas and the peri-urban areas, being the cisterns connected to various distribution points. 3.2 Construction and maintenance of latrines and water facilities in IDP camps Due to the high presence of actors active in this sector, in coordination with WASH cluster and Education cluster GVC has reoriented WASH activities in schools to be rehabilitated instead of camps, in order to avoid overlapping and/or duplication of intervention. 3.3 Preparation and training for hygiene promotion teams in IDP camps Such activity is under discussion, it is possible that it will be carried out in schools rather than in camps.


2.1 Pre-condizioni / Pre-conditions -Political and/or security instability and social unrest do not create additional working constraints and environments *As of today political situation and social unrest have not been up to a degree to halt activities. - No additional natural disasters will occur during implementation *As of today, even if there have been small after-shocks none has been to the degree of worsening the current situation or creating the need to respond to a new emergency. *Situation might change with upcoming hurricane season.

2.2 Analisi dei rischi / Risk assessment -Difficult access to target areas *Work must start before raining season starts. *Cars purchased will meet field requirements. -Procurement constraints (logistics and quality control) prevent timely availability of construction material *Close coordination with Logistic Cluster is kept. * GVC’s Dominican Republic support will be involved in implementation of project. -No overlapping of organizations working in the same sector in the same area *As of today risk of overlapping has occurred in various occasion between organizations working in the Petit-Goâve area but, thanks to dialogue between them, through the cluster system or via bilateral efforts, it has been possible to meet the needs of the beneficiaries and identify the gaps to be filled.


3.1 Situazione sul terreno / Situation in the field As of today main security problems have been linked to the political realm and to increasing criminality offences. Various demonstrations have taken place to protest against the extension of the term of President Preval. On the days of demonstrations NGOs personnel’s movement has been restricted. As far as criminality is concerned, in the last 3 months after the seism at least 2 kidnapping of internationals have taken place: 2 MSF expats were kidnapped in March and released after 5 days; 1 Belgian businessman was kidnapped in March and released after 3 days. In all cases everyone was released. As of today security measures followed by GVC are: - curfew at 10.30 pm in PaP - movements between duty stations (PaP and PG) only accompanied by driver - movement with local driver during working hours - movement without a driver (at least 2 people together) at night and weekends, but only in

residential area of Petion Ville/Peguy Ville. Currently evaluating the possibility to employ a night driver

- movements with mobile phone on and charged at all times - night and day guardians in both duty stations of PaP and PG - information sharing and coordination with international NGOs: GVC is part of PaP security tree

and security group (Joint Haiti Security Forum)


4.1 Budget di programma / Total budget

4.2 Risorse umane / Human resources Expatriate personnel employed: Emergency team (included in 01.13.01., not indicated in the initial project): 3 people (Ms. Silvia Angemi, Mr. Roberto Borlini, Mr. Lapo Somigli) for a total period of 2,87 months Project Coordinator – Ms. Silvia Angemi for a total period of 2,4 months

Administrator/Logisticien in Haiti– Mr. Danilo Musca for a total period of 2,27 months Administrator/Logisticien in Dominican Republic (not indicated in the initial project)– Mr. Nazzareno Mileto for a total period of 2,27 months Field Coordinator – Mr. Mattia Bellei for a total period of 1,37 months Wat&San Expert on mission – Mr. Sergio Gelli for a total period of 1,07 months A NGO Representative on mission (budget line 02.09.) – Mr. Luigi Seghezzo for a total period of 0,33 months Desk Officer by HQ (budget line 02.09.) – Ms. Donatella Oldrini for a total period of 1 month Local Personnel employed: A Logisticien in PaP – Mr. John Paul Walys for a total period of 2,67 months A Field Officer in PG – Mr. Hermano Joissant for a total period of 0,07 months During first emergency, some people have been contracted for very short periods with different tasks.

4.3 Risorse materiali / Material resources Agricultural inputs Seeds Blankets Solar lamps 2 vehicles rented 2 vehicles purchased 4 laptops with accessories purchased 2 printers purchased 1 GPS purchased 6 mobile phones purchased 1 digital camera purchased Different pieces of furniture purchased 1 generator with accessories purchased


5.1 Conclusioni e commenti / Conclusion and comments During the last four months GVC has developed a good knowledge of the area of intervention, and good relationships with communities, national institutions and other NGOs operating in the country. All together those have given the possibility to evaluate and reassess needs, gaps and decisions taken in the aftermath of the earthquake. In this regards some chances have been made and the three main components of the project (NFI and Seeds distributions, Water and Sanitation and Education) are under revision. During the implementation of the project in the past four months GVC, together with all other organization members of AGIRE has faced various difficulties at logistic and administrative level which are currently been dealt with in search for best solutions. Amongst this is the registration process, which is fatal for purchasing and importing goods with tax exemption, and contracts with local staff. Such difficulties have resulted in a delay, particularly related to activities involving big purchases; this is why a constant contact with the logistic Cluster is been undertaken, which has been a great support.

_____________________________________ Firma del coordinatore di programma

Bologna, _________________

Allegati: LogFrame Matrix (se modificato rispetto a quello presentato con il Programma di Intervento)

Rendiconto finanziario (riempire colonna “Interim Report” del foglio “Budget Summary”) In caso di variazione di budget, utilizzare colonna “Nuovo Budget” nel foglio “Budget

Summary”. Richiesta di trasferimento (qualora la cifra rendicontata superi il 70% dell’anticipo ricevuto).


Emergenza Earthquake Haiti 2010

Associato Gruppo di Volontariato Civile – GVC

Titolo del programma

Indicare un titolo il più

specifico possibile [max 120 caratteri].

Support to the earthquake affected families in the Districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, through the distribution of emergency and agricultural items, the rehabilitation and reactivation of educational structures and the improvement of the water access and sanitation facilities


Fornire riassunto “giornalistico” del

programma: localizzazione, obiettivi, strategia,

beneficiari, risultati attesi. [max 10 righe]

The project aims to improve the living conditions of the urban and rural communities of the Districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve affected by seism of January 2010. The project is developed in 3 main components: distribution of first emergency items, addressed to give a quick respond to the affected communities; rehabilitation and reactivation of educational structures, aiming at recovering a pre-seism situation, bringing children back to school and reestablishing a kind of normality in their life; improvement of the water accessibility and sanitation facilities, in a more long-term view, supporting the agricultural activities and people to enhance their living conditions. 33.091 people will directly benefit of the intervention.


1.1 Periodo di assessment / Date(s) of assessment Indicare le date e il periodo di copertura del needs assessment. [max 5 righe] The assessment of the beneficiary needs began immediately after the earthquake when the staff of AVSI, the Italian NGO partner of GVC, started to distribute basic emergency items and post-trauma treatments to the affected people. On January 22, a GVC first emergency team of experts arrived in Haiti to conduct an assessment towards the targeted communities in Port-au-Prince and in the rural and urban areas of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve.

1.2 Metodologia di analisi / Methodology and sources of information used Specificare in quale modo è stata condotta l’analisi e quali sono state le fonti di informazione utilizzate. [max 30 righe]. GVC expert mission conducted a four phase’s need assessment: 1 Theoretical background research. Documents consultation: OCHA post-earthquake assessment

documents; SPHERE manual; geo-referenced maps made available by United Nations; sector surveys and reports produced in the pre-existing situation before the seism.

2 Coordination phase with other humanitarian actors. During the second phase GVC experts met local

institutions, participated to coordination meetings with the Italian Civil Protection and the others NGOs relating to the platform AGIRE.

3 Field visits. In the south-west region of Haiti, GVC visited spontaneous settlements of earthquake affected people, schools, manufacturing facilities in rural areas, in order to identify the priority needs. In the meetings with the communities, participatory methodologies were used to encourage the involvement of everybody. Focus groups produced maps and graphs, illustrating the social and economical situation in the villages before the seism. The participants identified basic needs, prioritizing them with public votes. The survey pointed out different priorities between the groups of women (water, food preparation, safe places for their children during the day) and men (shelters and the need of income-producing activities). Survey data have been complemented with key actor interviews (CBO representatives, local administrators, NGO and civil society representatives). Thanks to the GVC local partners APV (Association de Paysans de Vallue), it was possible to survey 2.116 households in Vallue, gathering information regarding the demography, the number of casualties, the property damages and the main needs of the population.

4 Focus on vulnerable groups. The result of the assessment was to define a GVC sector of

intervention, prioritizing children needs and homeless people in the cities of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve and in the rural areas of the Twelfth Section of the Municipality of Petit-Goâve.

1.3 Definizione dei problemi /Problem statement Riassumere i risultati dell’analisi dei bisogni, indicando le conclusioni più rilevanti ai fini della programmazione dell’intervento. Qualora sia disponibile, allegare eventuale rapporto. [max 1 pagina]. The results of the investigation made by APV from 18 to 31 January show that the rural population of Vallue needs water (rainwater harvesting systems have been corrupted), to rebuild their homes, food and shelters (the settlements are located in a mountainous region where night temperatures are very low). In addition, March coincides with the beginning of the main agricultural season and farmers have lost much of agricultural tools and seeds. In urban areas, refugees who live in spontaneous settlements are deprived of basic services. In most areas there are no latrines and water-trucking is irregular. There is not enough light in the IDPs camps and at night people live in a state of constant danger. Women and children are particularly at risk of rape and kidnapping. Residents of the camps cook food brought by humanitarian organizations on fires directly turned on the ground using few tools saved from rubbles. The children suffer heavily the consequences of the earthquake. 19 of the 25 existing schools in Petit-Goâve were destroyed, as well as a good percentage of homes. Many children have lost at least one parent. Cases of post-traumatic psychological disorders are common.


2.1 Strategia paese / Strategy in the country Fornire indicazioni sulla presenza e il lavoro già svolto nell’area o nella regione, dando particolare risalto ai collegamenti esistenti con il presente programma. [max 1 pagina]. Since 1993 GVC is present in the Caribbean, particularly in Cuba, where emergency projects with ECHO funds were implemented together with agricultural and educational development projects, funded by the European Commission, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Decentralized Cooperation. The GVC is present in the Dominican Republic and Haiti since 2009, when in collaboration with the Italian NGO AVSI and local organizations, has started some actions in the field of environmental protection (reforestation and protection) in the Les Cayes. Following the earthquake, in coordination with AVSI and others local partners, GVC starts immediately to identify early interventions in two districts of the capital (Cité de Soleil and Martissant) and the Petit-Goâve District. The close collaboration between the emergency GVC team, which reached the areas few days after the earthquake, and the local and international actors, already on the ground, led to the formulation of this project proposal. The proposal includes both the first emergency actions and the post-emergency and re-construction activities, that will be implemented over the coming months.

2.2 Esperienze precedenti / Previous operations Indicare esperienze nell’implementazione di programmi simili a quello presentato. Indicare quali lezioni sono state apprese da esse e come hanno influenzato la progettazione dell’intervento proposto. [max ½ pagina].

GVC starts to work in the emergency relief from the 90s, thanks to the partnership signed with Echo in 1993. Among the first emergency interventions the most important are: Honduras and Nicaragua after the hurricanes Mitch in 1998 and Felix in 2007; El Salvador after the 2001 earthquake; Sri Lanka and Indonesia after the Tsunami; Cambodia and Vietnam after the Typhoon Ketsana. In Cuba, GVC is developing a post-emergence project to recover the agricultural infrastructures seriously damaged by the hurricanes of 2008. With the gained experience, GVC was able to provide a technical team ready to cope with post-disaster crisis and to identify reliable local counterparts which helped to quickly identify the appropriate activities at the very start of the emergency, as well as post-emergency activities. The GVC strategy is to work closely with the local civil society, promoting the participation of beneficiary communities at all stages of intervention.


3.1 Localizzazione / Exact location of the operation Specificare esattamente dove viene realizzato il programma. The programme is currently taking place in the Districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, in particular in section 12

th of Petit-Goâve District.

3.2 Periodo di implementazione / Implementation period Indicare data di avvio delle operazioni e durata del programma in mesi. L’eleggibilità della spesa può anche essere retroattiva: in tal caso occorrerà specificare le azioni già realizzate nel successivo riquadro delle attività. 16 months (from 13th January 2010 to 12th May 2011).

3.3 Beneficiari / Beneficiaries Indicare: 1) stima attendibile dei beneficiari diretti (per settore di attività); 2) informazioni sulla popolazione potenzialmente interessata (“catchment” population); 3) modalità di coinvolgimento dei beneficiari nella definizione, implementazione e valutazione del programma. [Max 1 pagina] The foreseen total number of direct beneficiaries is: 33.091 Most of them are living in rural area, in the 12

th section of Petit-Goâve District.

4.446 people will benefit of the project interventions in urban area. Beneficiaries foreseen for each activity: Activity #1, total beneficiaries 24.761 1.1. Food distribution (400 beneficiaries). 1.2. Purchase and distribution of blankets (7.500 beneficiaries); 1.3. Purchase and distribution of plastic sheets (4.296 beneficiaries); 1.4. Purchase and distribution of kitchen sets (3.000 beneficiaries); 1.5. Purchase and distribution of solar torches (4.800 beneficiaries); 1.6. Purchase and distribution of mosquitoes nets (2.000 beneficiaries); 1.7. Purchase and distribution of seeds kits and agricultural tools (2.765 beneficiaries/farmers); 1.8. Training on use, selection and conservation of seeds (2.765 beneficiaries). Activity #2, total beneficiaries 3.330 2.1. Emergency class preparation (2.592 students/ teachers); 2.2. Schools rehabilitation (438 students/teachers); 2.3. Equipment for schools (438 students/teachers); 2.4. Supply of emergency kits for schools (438 students/teachers); 2.5. Reactivation of an educational centre (300 students/teachers); 2.6. Distribution of educational and recreational materials (300 students/teachers). Activity #3, total new beneficiaries 5.000, without considering the previous ones 3.1. Construction of latrines in schools: as in activity 2.2; 3.2. Distribution of maintenance kits for latrines: as in activity 2.2; 3.3. Construction of rainwater harvesting systems in schools: as in activity 2.2; 3.4. Rehabilitation of rainwater harvesting systems for farming and domestic use: 5.000 beneficiaries;

3.5. Training and awareness campaign on good hygienic practices: as in activities 2.2 and 3.4. The catchments population will be distributed between the rural and the urban areas, as of today communities have always been directly involved in identifying the needs and organizing activities in both districts of intervention. Particularly through GVC’s local partner APV being active in the area for over 20 years and having developed strong links thought-out Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve districts, both at community and institutional level.

3.4 Settori di attività / Sectors of activity Specificare, sottolineandoli, i settori di attività del programma. Food security X Non Food Items X Water & Sanitation X

Rehabilitation/continuum X Health Disaster preparedness & mitigation

Nutrition Special mandates Shelter

Specific actions Demining and awareness

3.5 Obiettivi generali / Principal objectives Specificare gli obiettivi generali a cui il programma intende contribuire. [Max 40 righe] Improving the living condition of Haitian affected people by seism of January 2010.

3.6 Obiettivo specifico / Specific objective Indicare, per ciascun settore di attività, l’obiettivo specifico che si intende realizzare. L’obiettivo specifico deve essere uno solo per ciascun logframe. [Max 1,5 pagine]

To meet the basic needs of population by responding to the emergency situation and, improving education, water accessibility and sanitation facilities.

3.7 Risultati e indicatori / Results and indicators Definire gli “output” del programma, indicando per ciascuno di essi l’obiettivo specifico a cui si riferiscono. I risultati sono sostanzialmente i “prodotti” finali delle attività intraprese. Aggiungere anche i relativi indicatori (“smart”) e le fonti di verifica per il successivo monitoraggio del programma. [Max 2 pagine] Result #1: The population is enabled to cope with basic emergency needs. Indicators:

400 people benefit from first emergency food distribution; 7500 people receive blankets; 716 families receive plastic sheets; 500 families receive kitchen sets; 800 families receive solar torches; 2000 people receive mosquito nets; 2765 farmers receive seed and agricultural tools; 2765 farmers are trained on the use, selection and conservation of seeds.

Means of Verification:

Reports of the activities; List of participants to the trainings; Distribution lists; Photograph documentation.

Result #2: Children of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve receive an adequate assistance in terms of

recreational and educational activities. Indicators:

3 educational structures are re-constructed/rehabilitated, equipped and provided with emergency kits;

1 educational centre for children psychosocial support is reactivated; 300 children attend the activities in the centre.

Means of Verification: Structures in place;

Reports of the activities; Handover certificate of structures rehabilitated; List of students attending to the support activities; Photograph documentation.

Result #3: The access to water for domestic and irrigation use is granted and sanitation facilities in the

schools assured. Indicators:

2 rainwater harvesting systems are rehabilitated for domestic and farming use; 24 latrines are built; 3 rainwater harvesting systems in schools are built; 3 school management committees are formed, trained on good hygiene practices and

equipped with maintenance kits. Means of Verification:

Structures in place; Reports of the activities; Registry of the management committees; List of participants to the trainings; GPS identification coordinates; Photograph documentation.

3.8 Attività / Activities Descrivere le azioni che si devono intraprendere per ottenere i risultati sopra indicati e indicare una tempistica generale di realizzazione. Mantenere anche in questa sezione la suddivisione per settori di attività. [Max 3 pagine] Activities per result #1: 1.1 Food distribution (10 tons); 1.2 Purchase and distribution of 7.500 blankets; 1.3 Purchase and distribution of 716 plastic sheets; 1.4 Purchase and distribution of 500 kitchen sets; 1.5 Purchase and distribution of 800 solar torches; 1.6 Purchase and distribution of 2.000 mosquito nets; 1.7 Purchase and distribution of seeds and agricultural tools; 1.8 Training on use, selection and conservation of seeds. Activities per result #2: 2.1. Emergency class preparation; 2.2. Rehabilitation of No 3 schools; 2.3. Equipment for No 3 schools; 2.4. Supply of No 3 schools with emergency kits; 2.5. Reactivation of No 1 educational centre; 2.6. Supply No 1 centre with educational and recreational materials. Activities per result #3: 3.1. Construction of No 24 latrines; 3.2. Distribution of maintenance kits for latrines; 3.3. Construction of No 3 rainwater harvesting systems in schools; 3.4. Rehabilitation of No 2 rainwater harvesting systems for farming and domestic use; 3.5. Training and awareness campaign on good hygienic practices. The project is divided into two phases. In the first phase, priority is given to the distribution of first emergency items and materials needed to cope with the upcoming rainy season. Seeds and work tools will be distributed to take advantage of close sowing season, to avoid further losses to rural communities. At the end of this first phase, the rehabilitation of the rainwater harvesting systems should start. In a second phase, GVC will be focused on the work of reconstruction and rehabilitation of educational centers and sanitation facilities, the awareness campaigns in the local communities as well as the recreational and psychological support to children.

The identification process of beneficiaries was done taking into account the needs of people and the lack of coverage by other organizations. In this first phase of post-emergency, densely populated settlements, strategically located, have been achieved by the imposing machine of the humanitarian aid. Affected rural communities, located in inaccessible areas, are invisible to the most. GVC has decided to focus its activities on these groups. During the implementation stage, beneficiaries will be encouraged to assume the ownership of the structures and services provided. For this reason management committees will be created and trained. Cisterns to be rehabilitated are located in rural areas, the coordinates: Cistern No 1 (capacity 75,000 gallons) N 18 ° 23 '13.6''W 72 ° 49' 23.8'' Cistern No 2 (capacity 70,000 gallons) N 18 ° 23 '22.4''W 72 ° 49' 04.06'' The rural population lives in small settlements of 3-4 homes scattered throughout the territory, referring to the community center of Vallue (N 18 ° 23 '40.3''W 72 ° 48' 58.6''). As outlined in the section on risks of intervention, in case of overlapping GVC will coordinate with NGOs and local authorities to avoid duplication of efforts. In case this is would not be possible, GVC will consider together with AGIRE the possibility of changing the action on a different target group.

3.9 Monitoraggio e valutazione / Monitoring and Evaluation Indicare i meccanismi di monitoraggio e valutazione previsti dall’Associato come complementari a quelli disposti dal Segretariato di AGIRE. [Max 1 pagina] The project includes two monitoring missions, respectively after the 6th and the 11th months of implementation. The first mission will help to refine the agreement in regards to the changing context. The second mission should define an exit strategy. The monitoring will examine five parameters: relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. Relevance, concerns the logical framework design, in particular the identification of beneficiaries and the relevance to the needs of the country. Efficiency, evaluate which kind of results are produced through the project inputs (availability and use of funds, administrative and accounting procedures, results planned and gained, use of operational management tools). Effectiveness evaluate if the project is achieving the objective (if the beneficiaries are well identified and the project has been able to adapt itself to the external changing conditions - assumptions, unplanned positive and negative effects). The impact evaluate how the project is contributing to achieve the general objective (if the assumptions listed in the logical framework are accomplished, the positive and negative consequences on the society and sector of intervention and if the project is able to control those consequences). Sustainability evaluate the continuity outlook after the project implementation (economic and financial stability, level of ownership of the beneficiaries, political support, institutional capacity and management, if the project took into account the socio-cultural and gender equality, sustainable technologies and environmental aspects).


4.1 Pre-condizioni / Pre-conditions Identificare le ipotesi favorevoli che devono essere soddisfatte prima che abbia inizio la realizzazione del programma. [Max ½ pagina] Pre-Condition 1: The socio-political situation remains favorable. Following the riots of 2004, the UN mission

of peacekeeping force (MINUSTAH) was established to ensure the normal functioning of the democratic institutions in the country. Immediately after the seism of 12 January, the mission has been reinforced providing an important support to the humanitarian aid, such as in food distributions, escorting convoys, roads accessibility and crime control. The deposed president Aristide has taken a low profile after urging his followers to rise up against the current government, considered unable to manage the situation. Until when the international military presence will be in the country, the situation should remain calm.

Pre-condition 2: Aftershocks not cause further damages in Port-au-Prince, Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve. It

is possible that in the coming weeks Haiti is affected by new aftershocks. Although these earthquakes are generally of low magnitude, it is possible that the energy accumulated in the soil occurs in a new strong shock. In this case, the intervention should review its strategy.

4.2 Analisi dei rischi / Risk assessment Identificare i fattori esterni che possono impedire il raggiungimento di obiettivi generali e specifici e la realizzazione delle attività previste. Definire per ciascuno di essi le strategie di risposta previste. [Max 1 pagina] Risk 1: Storm damage worsens the already difficult situation of earthquake affected people. Assumption: Schools will be built in accordance with international anti-seismic and anti-cyclonic rules.

They are planned to be also used as first emergency shelters, in case of natural disaster. The classrooms will not be divided by fixed walls, but removable in case it should accommodate a large number of families in need. The structures will also be equipped with an emergency stock (blankets, medicines, disinfectants, water containers, blankets, plastic sheeting, torches...). GVC participates in meetings relating to contingency planning in risk areas and coordinate with the Civil Protection of Petit-Goâve on issues relating to the early warnings.

Risk 2: Overlapping among humanitarian organizations present in the area. Assumption: Despite GVC attends constantly to sectoral and inter-sectoral coordination clusters, it could

be possible a changing of scenarios. If it happens, GVC will avoid the duplication of efforts, trying to promote complementary actions aiming at amplifying the impact, or if it is not possible, directing the activities to uncovered surrounding areas.

Risk 3: Increasing of insecurity due to common criminality threats. Assumption: Crime is mainly widespread in the urban area of Port-au-Price. In the last years it was in

sharp decline with the arrival of MINUSTAH contingent. During the earthquake, many criminals have escaped from prison and only a part of them was catch. It can be possible that the situation will worsen in the coming months. The area of intervention, Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, is quite far from the metropolitan area of Port au Prince and even if this phenomenon has no a direct impact they can indirectly cause repercussions. It is important to provide safety measures for the transfer of goods and people, to and from the capital. Travel immediate after the sunset and sunrise should be avoided. In the case of threats or important goods transfer, GVC will coordinate with the organizations and proper offices.

Risk assessment in the field Risk: Procurement constraints (NFI availability, logistic and quality control). Assumption: Close coordination with logistic cluster, Dominican Republic support, delivery and quality

control. Risk: Possible change of beneficiaries’ number due to the unstoppable stream of displaced

people. Assumption: Working in close collaboration with APV and rural communities in the identification of

activities and beneficiaries. Risk: Distribution overlapping, due to the lack of coordination between new stakeholders in the

area. Assumption: Attending to the cluster meeting and work together with the local authorities. Risk: Delay and damage caused by possible disasters (hurricanes, tropical storm, landslides, etc.). Assumption: Careful selection of strategic infrastructures according to access constraints, period of

implementing activities, motivating complementary soft activities if the constructions cannot advance.

Risk: Land tenure problems: private property or un-registered boundaries in rural areas. Assumption: Careful selection of structures to rehabilitate, previous check regarding the land property. Risk: Delay in the process of building permits approval from the local authorities.

Assumption: Adopting international quality standards, close collaboration with the local authorities, and coordination with the other organizations involved in the same process.

Risk: Building materials availability (both in quantity and quality terms) and price fluctuation; lack of

technical capacity for the small/medium building enterprises. Assumption: Careful selection of the potential enterprises, defining detailed tender procedures,

guarantees and quality control. Planning taking in consideration the local context. Risk: Change of student number due to the unstoppable stream of displaced people. Assumption: Working in close collaboration with APV and rural communities in the identification of

activities and beneficiaries. Risk: Lack of active participation to training and awareness campaigns. Assumption: GVC and APV mobilizing team closely monitors and eventually re-directs the dissemination

and awareness-rising strategy.


5.1 Situazione sul terreno / Situation in the field Fornire una valutazione sulla sicurezza sul terreno relativa all’attuazione del programma. [Max 30 righe] Port-au-Prince and the south-west region, still remain at high risk of earthquakes. Port-au-Prince has a high crime rate. Often, foreigners may be targets of assaults and robberies. In the districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, as in almost all rural areas, the situation is calmer and has less crime cases. APV, the NGO partner, is an association highly reliable, recognized and respected operating for over 20 years in the areas of project implementation. The most common risks regard the inaccessibility of routes. In some areas, the earthquake has caused landslides and altered roads. The situation could worsen with the rainy season.

5.2 Protocolli di sicurezza / Security protocol Riassumere i protocolli di sicurezza adottati dall’organizzazione e quelli specifici messi in atto per questo programma. [Max ½ pagina] As of today security measures followed by GVC are: Earthquake: GVC bases must be inspected by a civil engineer, who will attest the good conditions. All cars

have to have on board a spare tire and first aid kit. All expatriates will be required to carry a cell phone battery with sufficient credit to meet any emergency.

Hurricanes: During the hurricane season, GVC bases and cars have to have a water and food stock, enough

to face at least 4 days of emergency, solar lamps, first aid kit and blankets. Crime: GVC staff travel to and from the project sites only during daylight hours. In particular, it should

be always avoided to go to suburban dangerous districts (such as Cité du Soleil, Carrefour and Martissant) or to travel in their nearby after sunset and dusk. The car doors should be always locked. The night curfew is at 12:00pm. Both duty stations have to have night and day guardians.

Viability: The roads condition will be checked before travelling. All staff must wear the seat belt. The cars

will be checked monthly to test their good conditions and any damaged items will be replaced immediately. Movements between duty stations (PaP and PG) and during working hours should be always accompanied by a local driver. Movements at night are allowed without a local driver, but only in the nearby of the residential area of Petion-Ville/Peguy-Ville. Movements at the weekend are allowed without a local driver, but never after dark and always with more than one people in the car. It is preferable to move in convoy.

Information sharing and coordination with international NGOs: GVC is part of PaP security tree and security group (Joint Humanitarian Security Forum).


6.1 Budget di programma / Total budget Indicare il budget complessivo dell’intervento e fornire eventuale giustificazione dei centri di costo considerati più rilevanti [Max ½ pagina]. 1.5 millions Euro.

6.2 Risorse umane / Human resources Indicate le figure di staff necessarie alla realizzazione del programma, evidenziando quali sono direttamente coinvolte nelle attività e quali svolgono invece funzioni di supporto. Specificare eventuale staff a livello di headquarters. [Max ½ pagina] Expatriate staff directly implicated in the implementation activities: 1 Project Coordinator for 15 months; 1 Field Coordinator for 14 months; 1 Admin/log in Haiti for 8 months; 1 Admin/log in Dominican Republic for 3,5 months; Expert missions (hydro geologist, engineer, architect...); First Emergency Staff. Supporting expatriate staff: 1 Administrative Coordinator for 12 months; NGO’s personnel missions; Support personnel by HQ; A focal point in Haiti will coordinate with all NGOs members of AGIRE. Local staffs directly implicate in the implementation activities: 1 Local coordinator for 14 months; 1 Technical assistant for 14 months; 2 Field officers for 12 months; 5 Social trainers for 12 months; 1 Administrative assistant for 14 months; 1 Logistician for 14 months; 2 Technical officers for 12 months; Drivers; Support staff; Guardians. Supporting local staff: 1 Admin/log for 10 months; Guardians.

6.3 Risorse materiali / Material resources Indicare veicoli, equipaggiamenti e attrezzature da acquistare o noleggiare per la realizzazione del programma. Specificare le modalità di procurement e successivo hand-over. [Max ½ pagina] 3 vehicles (2 bought and 1 rented); 4 motorbikes (for trainers and technical officers); Trucks renting (for the NFI distribution and constructing activities); Office in Port-au-Prince equipped (for logistic and coordination support); Office in Petit-Goâve equipped; 1 Generator for the field activities.


7.1 Exit Strategy Indicare strategie di hand-over, coordinamento con organizzazioni e/o autorità locali, iniziative di capacity building,etc. NFI Sector:

All materials will be distributed among those considered most appropriate to local conditions. The kind of seeds supplied is that selected by FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture of Haiti, in accordance with the typology of the local soil. Agricultural tools are identified in accordance with the farmers. Beneficiaries will receive training on the use and storage of seeds to improve crop in the future. Education Sector: The rehabilitation / reconstruction of school facilities will involve the local communities, both in construction activity (provisioning local materials, participation in the removal of debris and soil preparation for the construction, use of manpower for construction sites, ...) and in the project planning (identification of land and schools location, participation in the definition of a plan and in the use of local materials, finishing and maintenance works both of the structure and the environment). The directors of schools, families’ representatives and local authorities will be involved as much as possible to ensure accountability and commitment. Psychosocial activities are expected to urge a return in schools. Watsan Sector: All schools are equipped with latrines and rainwater harvesting systems to ensure a healthy environment, which encourages and stimulates learning and respect for the environment. Awareness campaigns and trainings on issues of hygiene and on the use of services will be promoted before, during and after the construction activities, to increase the impact and to ensure the proper maintenance of the facilities provided. Mixed committees will be established. They will be the responsible for the management and maintenance of the services. Women's participation will be solicited as much as possible for all the outreach activities planned. Throughout the period of project implementation, GVC staff will coordinate with local authorities and organizations working in the same areas of intervention, to boost the impact of planned activities. The local counterpart staff will receive an on-the-job training as a guarantee of sustainability and continuity of activities after the end of the project. In the last quarter of the project and together with local NGO, GVC will define a strategy for hand-over to the beneficiary communities.

7.2 Linking Descrivere come si intende collegare il programma di risposta all’emergenza con le attività di ricostruzione e sostegno allo sviluppo già in corso o previste per il futuro. This proposal is linked with other interventions planned by GVC. In the medium-long term strategy, there is the reactivation of the regional economy and the promotion of exchanges between rural and urban area. The city is not only the best market for selling the products of the countryside, but is also the place where farmers purchase their key products, such as rice, agricultural, veterinary drugs, etc.. In Petit-Goâve are located the local government offices. The connection with Port-au-Prince is good, unlike the rural areas where roads are often in poor condition and accessibility granted only in the dry season. The country-city relations play a key role in ensuring food security and diversifying the livelihoods strategies of beneficiaries. Because of the strong connections with the cooperative world, GVC will support the local partner APV trough the reactivation of their jam’s factory Toplà, and its institutional strengthening as a cooperative. Such strategies are related with a closer relationship between town and countryside.

7.3 Cross Cutting Issues Indicare in che modo si intendono tenere in considerazione i seguenti temi trasversali: diritti umani, genere, impatto ambientale, prevenzione dei rischi [Max 1 pagina] The actions proposed by the GVC take into account the importance of cross-cutting issues of gender, human rights and environmental impact. Working with children is now facing to the recovery of young victims of trauma, but in the future could be enriched with a component of technical education and rights, relying on the wide expertise of GVC in this field. From the recruitment of local staff to the implementation activities, GVC urges the women involvement. For what regards the hygiene promotion, both for the selection of trainers and the creation of mixed committees, it will seek to ensure an even number of participation of both sexes, as important pre-condition to amplify the impact of activities. The distribution of kitchen sets, the psychosocial support of children and all other educational activities intend to lighten the workload of women. A direct participation of women (sisters and mothers) in the

reconstruction and rehabilitation helps to give them greater confidence in the structure and their contribution in establishing a safer place for their children. Latrines for boys, girls and teachers will be built separately to avoid situations of risk or ambiguity. Mothers and female students will be consulted to indicate the safest place for them to place the female toilets. The distribution of solar lamps have the dual aim of instilling greater safety for women and consequent freedom to move even in the nocturnal hours, such as that of being environmental respectful. Sun lamps SN-2 Bogo Lights are solar lamps specially designed for developing countries. From an environmental perspective, the 3 AA NiMH rechargeable batteries have a working life of 750 cycles, equivalent to more than two years of daily use and are far less dangerous to the environment than NiCad batteries if not disposed of properly. Compared with kerosene lamps, solar lanterns allow a saving of 20-30% on costs and eliminate health risks due to air pollution (particulate inhalation) and burns. Latrines will follow the model promoted by UNICEF with a septic tank at the bottom to prevent the direct discharge into the soil and the consequent risk of the aquifer contamination. The construction of the rainwater tanks has an important value both in term of the environment and health, because they force people to manage water for domestic use and agriculture. Training on the use of water will be held. The constructions of schools aim to provide welcoming and safe spaces, in close relationship with the surrounding environment. Particular attention will be taken in the use of materials, trying to minimize the use of wood and promoting local materials for finishing works, readily available and replaceable on site. The shape and size of the school will most closely fit the context and will create a relationship between indoor-outdoor spaces. The court in addition to being a play area can be considered as a place of educational approach towards the environment issues.


8.1 Accordi con autorità nazionali e locali / National and local authorities Indicare se sono state ottenute autorizzazioni ad operare, oppure sono stati siglati MOU o accordi con le autorità nazionali e locali. The present project has received the approval of local authorities of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve. GVC is authorized to operate in the country by the Ministry of Planning, since when the registration application is on the process for approval. Haitian Consulate in Italy recognized GVC as a non-profit organization operating in the country, to convey humanitarian aid following the earthquake.

8.2 Comitati di coordinamento / Field co-ordination fora Descrivere l’eventuale partecipazione dell’Associato a comitati di coordinamento sul campo con altre agenzie umanitarie. GVC participates in different coordination meetings, both in Port-au-Prince and Petit-Goâve. In Port-au-Prince, GVC participates in the AGIRE coordination meetings, in those with the Italian Civil Protection and in the sector clusters. In Petit-Goâve, GVC attend regional meetings for the field implementation activities.

8.3 Soggetto/i implementatore/i / Implementino partner(s) Specificare se il programma è realizzato attraverso partner locali e/o alleanze internazionali. Indicare tipo di coinvolgimento e precedenti collaborazioni. Allegare gli Accordi di Partenariato (art. 3.3.3 del Manuale Operativo). GVC worked in Haiti before the earthquake, thanks to an agreement with the Italian NGO AVSI. In the days immediately after the earthquake, AVSI has made distributions of first aid basic items to people most in need of help. AVSI works in Haiti since 1999, when he started a five-year project of training in agriculture for the secondary school in the Municipality of Torbeck, leading to the creation of an experimental farm. Over time, AVSI carried out projects for the improvement of food security, of water supply, of training on agriculture and farming, and of reforestation and environmental protection. AVSI works in Port-au-Prince, particularly in neighborhoods of Cité de Soleil and Martissant, through actions for the inclusion of vulnerable children, rehabilitation of schools, vocational training, support for micro-enterprises and mitigation of conflicts.

GVC coordinates some activities in partnership with APV (Association de Paysans de Vallue). The association has been operating since 1986 for the benefit of people living in the 12th section of Petit-Goâve’s District. APV counts with 5000 members. They personally contribute with their work to the social activities. Even if GVC works with APV for the first time, APV provides extensive guarantees of reliability trough the works developed over the past 20 years (street, association for the jam’s production and marketing, social centre and school).


9.1 Desk Officer Segnalare nominativo e contatti per il desk officer, responsabile del programma a livello di Headquarters Donatella Oldrini, Desk Officer for Central America, Caribbean and Burundi, phone. +39 051 585604, email, skype: donatella.oldrini

9.2 Programme coordinator Segnalare nominativo e contatti per il rappresentante dell’Associato, responsabile del programma a livello di paese. Denise Venturini, Head of Mission GVC Haiti Phone: + 509 2940 2510; Mobile phone: +509 3445 0206 / 3660 5617 E-mail:;

9.3 Coordinate Bancarie / Bank Account Specificare le coordinate bancarie a cui effettuare i trasferimenti dei fondi di programma. EMIL BANCA – Credito Cooperativo Filiale di Bologna d’Azeglio, via d’Azeglio, 59 GVC Gruppo Volontariato Civile IBAN: IT 19 H 07072 02411 045000092736

9.4 Revisione contabile / Audit Indicare a quali società esterne è stata richiesta la revisione contabile, specificando – in caso di programmi implementati attraverso partner locali o alleanze internazionali – il mandato e il livello di coordinamento tra le società. CROWE HORWATH Company contracted by AGIRE for all projects


10.1 Conclusioni e commenti / Conclusion and comments Indicare in questo spazio [max 1 pagina] eventuali aspetti che il Segretariato di AGIRE dovrà tenere in considerazione esaminando il Programma di Intervento. Thanks to the allocation of further 300.000 €, the project will basically strengthen the component of rehabilitation and reactivation of educational structures provided with rainwater harvesting systems, latrines and emergency kits.


Title of the project Support to the earthquake affected families in the Districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, through the distribution of emergency and agricultural items, the rehabilitation and reactivation of educational structures and the improvement of the water access and sanitation facilities

General Objective

Improving the living condition of Haitian affected people by seism of January 2010.

Logic of intervention Indicators Means of Verification Risks and pre-conditions

Specific Objective

To meet the basic needs of population by responding to the emergency situation and, improving education, water accessibility and sanitation facilities

Crop increase in term of quantity and quality in the next harvest season

Number of students going back to school in the rehabilitated and reactivated educational structures

Number of user accessing to rainwater harvesting systems in the target communities

Reduced rates of diseases relate to the lack of hygiene practices

Monitoring and Evaluation reports

Schools registry

Reports from medical institutions

Storm damage worsen the already difficult situation of earthquake affected people

Overlapping among humanitarian organizations present in the area

Increasing insecurity due to common criminality threats

Results 1. The population is enabled to

cope with basic emergency needs

400 people benefit from first emergency food distribution

7500 people receive blankets

716 families receive plastic sheets

500 families receive kitchen sets

800 families receive solar torches

2000 people receive mosquito nets

2765 farmers receive seed and agricultural tools

2765 farmers are trained on

Reports of the activities

List of participants to the trainings

Distribution lists

Photograph documentation

Procurement constraints (NFI availability, logistic and quality control)

Change of beneficiaries number due to the unstoppable stream of displaced people

Distribution overlapping, due to the lack of coordination between new stakeholders in the area

the use, selection and conservation of seeds

2. Children of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve receive an adequate assistance in terms of recreational and educational activities

3 educational structures are re-constructed/rehabilitated, equipped and provided with emergency kits

1 educational centre for children psychosocial support is reactivated

300 children attend the activities in the centre

Structures in place

Reports of the activities

Handover certificate of structures rehabilitated

List of students attending to the support activities

Photograph documentation

Delay and damage caused by the hurricane season

Landslides prevent access to target areas

Land tenure problems: private property or un-registered boundaries in rural areas

Delay in the process of building permits approval from the local authorities

Procurement constraints (logistic and quality control) prevent timely availability of construction materials

Lack of technical capacity for the small/medium building enterprises

Change of student number due to the unstoppable stream of displaced people

3. The access to water for domestic and irrigation use is granted and sanitation facilities in schools assured

2 rainwater harvesting systems are rehabilitated for domestic and farming use

24 latrines are built

3 rainwater harvesting systems in schools are built

3 school management committees are formed, trained on good hygiene practices and equipped with maintenance kits

Structures in place

Reports of the activities

Registry of the management committees

List of participants to the trainings

GPS identification coordinates

Photograph documentation

Delay and damage caused by the hurricane season

Landslides prevent access to target areas

Lack of technical capacity and quality control, for the constructions in the rural areas

Lack of active participation to training and awareness campaigns

Activities 1.1 Food distribution (10 tons) 1.2 Purchase and distribution

of No 7500 blankets Resources Costs

1.3 Purchase and distribution of No 716 plastic sheets

1.4 Purchase and distribution of No 500 kitchen sets

1.5 Purchase and distribution of No 800 solar torches

1.6 Purchase and distribution of No 2000 mosquito nets

1.7 Purchase and distribution of seeds and agricultural tools

1.8 Training on use, selection and conservation of seeds

2.1. Emergency class

preparation 2.2. Rehabilitation of No 3

schools 2.3. Equipment for No 3

schools 2.4. Supply of No 3 schools

with emergency kits 2.5. Reactivation of No 1

educational centre 2.6. Supply of No 1 centre with

educational and recreational materials

3.1. Construction of No 24

latrines 3.2. Distribution of maintenance

kits for latrines 3.3. Construction of No 3

rainwater harvesting systems in schools

3.4. Rehabilitation of No 2 rainwater harvesting systems for farming and domestic use

3.5. Training and awareness campaign on good hygienic



1. Socio-political situation remain relatively stable

2. After-shocks do not

worsen situation in the area


01. Goods & services delivered to beneficiaries 1.115.473,00 € NUOVO BUDGET INTERIM REPORT FINAL REPORT

01.01. Food Security 41.424,00 €

01.02. Water and Sanitation 127.705,00 €

01.03. Health 11.500,00 €

01.04. Nutrition - €

01.05. Shelter 12.000,00 €

01.06. Non food items 95.450,00 €

01.07. Rehabilitation/continuum 355.760,00 €

01.08. Disaster preparedness and mitigation - €

01.09. Special mandates - €

01.10. Specific actions 93.134,00 €

01.11. De-mining and awareness - €

01.12. International transport - €

01.13. Personnel 378.500,00 €

02. Support costs 286.396,00 €

02.01. Personnel 62.540,00 €

02.02. Local logistic costs 110.276,00 €

02.03. Durable equipment 73.400,00 €

02.04. Security 2.180,00 €

02.05. Feasibility, needs assessment and other studies - €

02.06. Specialised services 2.000,00 €

02.07. Insurance costs - €

02.08. Visibility and communication programmes 5.000,00 €

02.09. Others: as specified in the proposal 31.000,00 €

Subtotal: direct costs 1.401.869,00 €

03. Indirect costs 98.131,00 €

Total Eligible Costs : 1.500.000,00 €


Budget Summary and Financial Plan Grant Agreement

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Emergenza Earthquake Haiti 2010

Associato GVC – Gruppo di Volontariato Civile

Titolo del programma Indicare il titolo del programma.

Support to the earthquake affected families in the Districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, through the distribution of emergency and agricultural items, the rehabilitation and reactivation of educational structures and the improvement of the water access and sanitation facilities.

Periodo di riferimento Indicare a quale periodo fa riferimento il rapporto.

1th May – 31

th October

1. QUADRO OPERATIVO / OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK 1.1 Localizzazione / Location of the operation The programme is currently taking place in the Districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, in particular in section 12th of Petit-Goâve District. 1.2 Beneficiari / Beneficiaries The foreseen total number of direct beneficiaries is: 33.091. Most of them are living in rural area, in the 12th section of Petit-Goâve District. 4.446 people will benefit of the project interventions in urban area. Activity #1, total beneficiaries 24.761:

800 solar torches distributed to 4.800 beneficiaries (second period)

716 plastic sheets distributed to 4.296 beneficiaries (second period) 500 kitchen sets distributed to 3.000 beneficiaries (second period)

350 families have received agricultural tools (second period)

240 people have received seeds and are trained on their use, selection and conservation (second period)

Activity #2, total beneficiaries 3.330:

#2 schools rehabilitated (465 students/ teachers);

Emergency class preparation (200 students/ teachers);

Reactivation of an educational centre (300 students/teachers);

Distribution of educational and recreational materials (970 students/teachers). Activity #3, total new beneficiaries 5.000:

#1 Rainwater harvesting systems for farming and domestic use rehabilitated (1000 beneficiaries);

Construction of #1 rainwater harvesting systems in schools (350 students/ teachers_ already included in the activity #2);

Training and awareness campaign on good hygienic practices in 9 schools in urban and rural areas, planned but not started yet (2.428 total number of beneficiaries);

Construction of 16 latrines in schools, started but not finished (516 students/ teachers) 1.3 Risultati e indicatori / Results and indicators Result #1: The population is enabled to cope with basic emergency needs. Indicators:

400 people benefit from first emergency food distribution = met

7500 people receive blankets distribution = met

716 families receive plastic sheets distribution = met

500 families receive kitchen sets distribution = met

800 families receive solar torches distribution = met

2000 people receive mosquito nets distribution = to be met

2765 farmers receive seed and agricultural tools = partially met 2765 farmers are trained on the use, selection and conservation of seeds= partially met

Dal 1 maggio al 31 ottobre, è continuata la distribuzioni di materiali di prima necessita’ sia in zone urbane che rurali. La distribuzione di torce solari è stata fatta sia nei campi di accoglienza che nelle zone rurali; mentre quelle riguardanti: teli di plastica, set da cucina, sementi e strumenti agricoli, solo in ambito rurale. L’ultima distribuzione prevista (le zanzariere), verrà effettuata nelle urbane aree, dove l’incidenza della malaria è maggiore. Result #2: Children of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve receive an adequate assistance in terms of recreational and educational activities. Indicators:

3 educational structures are re-constructed/rehabilitated, equipped and provided with emergency kits= partially met

1 educational centre for children psychosocial support is reactivated= partially met

300 children attend the activities in the centre= partially met Parte delle attività previste per il risultato 2 sono realizzate in collaborazione con AVSI, già presente in quella zona prima del terremoto.i gennaio 2010. Alla data del 31 ottobre, la riabilitazione di una delle tre strutture scolastiche previste nel progetto è terminate ed una in fase di esecuzione. La sua ultimazione e’ prevista per metà dicembre. La fornitura di arredo e kit di prima emergenza, sarà messo a disposizione sono a partire da gennaio 2011. Questa attività e interamente eseguita dal GVC. E’ continuata la partecipazione del GVC ai cluster di educazione, mantenendo la coordinazione con gli altri attori operanti nella zona. Result #3: The access to water for domestic and irrigation use is granted and sanitation facilities in the schools assured. Indicators:

2 rainwater harvesting systems are rehabilitated for domestic and farming use= partially met

24 latrines are built= partially met

3 rainwater harvesting systems in schools are built= partially met

3 school management committees are formed, trained on good hygiene practices and equipped with maintenance kits= to be met

Sono stati ultimati i lavori di riabilitazione dell’impluvium di Vallue, attualmente in grado di immagazzinare l’acqua piovana e distribuirla mediante una rete idrica, nei circostanti punti d’approvvigionamento. Ultimata la fase di progettazione per 22 latrine in 2 scuole urbane, di cui 8 già in corso d’opera. I restanti cantieri iniziranno la seconda settimana di novembre. In questa seconda fase, sono stati presi i contatti con i direttori delle scuole per programmare le sensibilizzazione e la promozione all’igiene nelle scuole definite nel progetto. Tale attivita’ iniziera’ a inizio novembre e continuera’ fino alla fine del progetto. Ultimati i lavori di riabilitazione del sistema di raccolta d’acqua piovana in una scuola della zona rurale di Petit Goave.

1.4 Attività / Activities Activities per result #1: 1.3 Purchase and distribution of plastic sheets

In questa seconda fase sono state distribuiti 716 teloni di plastica, utilizzati nella maggior parte dei casi, per migliorare la copertura delle abitazioni. Tale attivita’ ha interessato esclusivamente le aree rurali, siccome una ordinanza del municipio di Petit Goave, ha proibito la distribuzione di tali materiali nei campi sfollati, per non incentivare la permanenza, ostacolando cosi’ le politiche di rientro promosse dalla municipalita’. 1.4 Purchase and distribution of kitchen sets

Nel secondo semestre di attivita’, e’ stata organizzata la distribuzione di kitchen set, determinando, mediante una inchiesta nelle zone rurali d’intervento (Vallue, Diny, Vieux Caille, Fouche’), le famiglie maggiormente colpite dal sisma del 12 gennaio. In tale inchiesta, sono stati coinvolti I rappresentati delle istituzioni locali, per meglio ponderare la scelta dei beneficiari, basandosi su criteri di maggior vulnerabilita’.

Nella tabella sottostante, si riportano le localita’ con il numero dei beneficiari.

1.5 Purchase and distribution of solar torches

Distribuite 800 lampade solari, nei comunidi Petit-Goave e Grand-Goave. I criteri di selezione per la scelta dei beneficiari sono stati definiti considerando come priorita’ le donne capofamiglia e le famiglie con membri portatori di handicap. L’intervento ha interessato tre campi nel commune di

date place areas of


section kitchen


18/10/2010 Petit Goave Vallue 12ème

Petit-Goave/ 1ère Grand-Goave 300

19/10/2010 Petit Goave Diny 7 ème

Grand-Goave 68

19/10/2010 Grand Goave Vieux Caille 1ère

Grand-Goave 100

20/10/2010 Grand Goave Fouche 7 ème

Grand-Goave 32

totale 500

Petit Goave per un totale di 256 torce, e le zone rurali, 3’, 9’, 12’ di Petit Goave, e 1’ e 7’ di Grand Goave. Per la definizzione della lista dei beneficiari, sono stati coinvolti le organizzazioni di base e i CASEC delle zone interessate, contando con l’appoggio dell’ organizzazione locale APV.

La Protezione Civile di Petit Goave ha supportato il GVC nelle fasi di distribuzioni, garantendo il corretto svolgersi dell’attivita’.

date place areas of intervention

section torche

13/07/2010 Petit Goave site (Lima) 11 ème

Petit-Goave 123

14/07/2010 Petit Goave site (Des Vignes) 11 ème

Petit-Goave 45

15/07/2010 Petit Goave site (Ruelle Foucolt) 12 ème

Petit-Goave 88

20/07/2010 Vallue morne 12ème

Petit-Goave/ 1ère Grand-Goave 285

22/07/2010 trouchouchou morne 3ème

Petit-Goave 50

22/07/2010 Vieux Caille morne 1ère

Grand-Goave 50

23/07/2010 Diny morne 7 ème

Grand-Goave 49

26/07/2010 lepalm morne 9 ème Petit-Goave 49

26/07/2010 potier et paca morne 12 ème

Petit-Goave 20

30/072010 Fouche morne 7 ème

Grand-Goave 25

Petit Goave Ville DPC Protezione Civile 16

totale 800

1.6 Purchase and distribution of mosquito nets

Le distribuzioni si sono concentrate principalmente nelle zone rurali, soprattutto nelle zone montagnose e solo in casi specifici nei campi sfollati.

Per la distribuzione di zanzariere, si e’ ritenuto necessario cambiare il target di intervento, considerando prioritarie le zone dove annualmente si presentano numerosi casi di malaria. I quartieri di Chabanne, Palmistampe’, Desvignes, La Cul, Barrette, Kipidon e Durinel, ubicati nelle adiacenza Petit Goave, sono estremamente vulnerabili, sia per quanto riguarda le condizioni igenico sanitarie, sia per la natura stessa del terreno dove sorgono gli abitati, zone paludose, adatte al proliferare della malattia.

Durante questa fase di progetto, e’ stata condotta una inchiesta preliminare per definire una base dati utile per l’identificazione dei beneficiari. Sono state considerate prioritarie le zone con la maggior densità demografica e con la più alta l’incidenza di casi di malaria.

La distribuzione e’ prevista per novembre e dicembre. 1.5 Purchase and distribution of seeds and agricultural tools

L’obiettivo di questa componente e’ quello di assistere piu’ di 2.700 produttori agricoli, assicurandogli gli strumenti necesari per poter produrre alimenti destinati all’autoconsumo e in minor numero alla vendita.

I beneficiari sono stati selezionati sulla base di una inchiesta condotta nella regione dal personale di progetto. Priorità è stata data a colture orticole (pomodori, melanzane, cavoli, peperoni) e tubercoli (ignam), particolarmente adatti alla stagione di semina autunnale.

In questa seconda fase di distribuzione e’ stata adottata una metodologia differente dalla prima fase (caratterizzata dalla distribuzione di fagioli e mais), creando dei vivai per la produzione di piante orticole, individuando sette centri di produzione tra la 12esima sezione di Petit Goave e la 1a di Grand Goave, con caratteristiche necessarie allo scopo.

I centri sono stati scelti seguendo criteri definiti con la controparte locale, coinvolta in questa fase, basandosi su necessità quali l’esistenza di punti d’acqua per l’irrigazione, un terreno comunitario disponibile e le condizioni climatiche favorevoli alle tipologie di colture.

Questi centri sono serviti oltre che alla produzione di piante poi distribuite, anche come modello e spazio didattico dove poter fare formazione pratica agli agricoltori.

Ai beneficiari sono stati distribuiti,oltre alle piante, agli strumenti per poter coltivare in modo appropriato tali colture.

La terza fase prevista per dicembre, si concentrera’ soprattutto nella nona’ sezione per la distribuzione di fagioli e ignam, e una distribuzione di semi di mais e fagioli a febbraio nella terza sezione.

1.6 Training on use, selection and conservation of seeds

I centri per la produzione di piante orticole, sono stati utilizzati come modello replicabile e spazio didattico dove poter fare formazione pratica ai beneficiari.

Le formazioni effettuate ai beneficiari trattano in modo specifico la produzione di ortaggi, dalle tecniche di semina, al trapianto delle piante, al trattamento di virosi o malattie madiante prodotti di semplice preparazione, alla raccolta ed elementi basici di commercializzazione dei prodotti. Activities per result 2: 2.1 Emergency class preparation

Questa attivita’ e’ stata relaizzata con la collaborazione di AVSI. L’intervento ha coinvolto quattro scuole della zona urbana della citta’, per un totale di circa 200 studenti

Completamente distrutte dal sisma, costruendo a ciascuna un modulo di due aule, con struttura portante in muratura e copertura in lamiera zincata. L’intervento e’ stato realizzato in economia, ingaggiando mano d’opera locale e fornendo materiale per realizzare le strauture.

In data di rendicontazione, le attivita’ non sono ancora ultimate, si prevede come data chiusura la meta’ di dicembre. 2.2 Rehabilitation of No 3 schools

Sono iniziati i lavori di riabilitazione della scuola comunitaria di Vieux Caille nella prima sezione di Grand Goave. La scuola costruita negli anni ottanta, ha subito dei danni a causa del sisma. L’intervento ha coinvolto integralmente la struttura, ricostruendo i pilastri, innalzando le pareti perimetrali per migliorare la ventilazione interna, ricostruendo completamente la copertura e la connessione al sistema di raccolta delle acque pluviali.

La data prevista per l’ultimazione dei lavori e’ fine dicembre 2010. Anche in questo caso, la metodologia d’intervento si e’ sempre basata sulla partecipazione

comunitaria, coinvolgendo il comitato di gestione scolastico, sia nella fase di definizione dell’intervento, che in quella di realizzazione.

La comunita’ ha garantito per tutta la durata del cantiere, un sistema di vigilanza e di controllo dei materiali ed atrezzature impiegate per i lavori di costruzione, facilitando l’avanzamento dei lavori. 2.3 Equipment for No 3 schools

L’equipaggiamento delle scuole avverra’ ad ultimazione delle riabilitazioni e delle costruzioni ex novo delle strutture scolastiche.

Tale attività è prevista nella terza fase del progetto, dando priorità alle scuole ultimate al fine di permettere il normale svolgimento delle lezioni. 2.4 Supply of No 3 schools with emergency kits

L’equipaggiamento delle scuole avverra’ ad ultimazione delle riabilitazioni e delle costruzioni ex novo delle strutture scolastiche. 2.5 Reactivation of No 1 educational centre

Due centri sportivi della citta’ (parco Anglade e Terrain Ti Ginen) sono stati oggetto di intervento da parte del progetto. La costruzione di muri periferici hanno permesso di dividere gli impianti sportivi dai campi di accoglienza degli sfollati, permettendo cosi di ritrovare degli spazi ludici per i ragazzi risiedenti negli stessi campi e nei quartieri adiacenti. 2.6 Supply No 1 centre with educational and recreational materials

Nella seconda fase dell’intervento, e’ stato allestito uno centro dove poter svolgere attivita’ ludico educative con i bambini e gli adolescenti dei quartieri circostanti. La apresenza costante di un psicologo nel centro, offre un accompagnamento psicologico ai bambini traumatizzati dal sisma.

Il personale di servizio nel centro, ha avviato un programma “back to school” per il ritorno dei bambini nelle strutture scolastiche, mediante attivita’ di sensibilizzazione fatte direttamente con gli studenti, coinvolgendo necessariamente i genitori, e 67 professori di dieci scuole urbane della citta’.

Le presenze mensili di bambini che frequentano abitualmente il centro sono di circa 900. Il centro offre attivita’ indirizzate anche agli adolescenti, sviluppando incontri con un approccio

partecipativo su tematiche come: riunificazione famigliare, igiene personale, gestione dei conflitti e come filo conduttore di tutte le attivita’ l’importanza dell’educazione scolastica, come fulcro di uno sviluppo sostenibile a lungo termine della propria comunita’. Activities per result 3: 3.1 Construction of No 24 latrines

In questa seconda fae del progetto, sono state individuate tre scuole primarie nella zona urbana di Petit Goave. La scuola nazionale Nissange David (8 latrine), il collegio Philosophe Reunis (8 latrine) ed il collegio la Ruche St. Antoine de Padue (8 latrine), per un totale di circa 1.050 studenti.

Sono stati realizzati i progetti ed i disegni esecutivi delle latrine nelle tre scuole. La fossa biologica e’ stata progettata in modo da non inquinare le falde freatiche ed eventualmente essere svuotata permettendo un sostenibilita’ dell’intervento a lungo periodo. Tutti i blocchi sanitari sono dotati di sistemi per il lavaggio delle mani mediante la raccolta di acque pluviali e lo stoccaggio in cisterne. Questo sistema permette di migliorare le condizioni igeniche degli studenti ed incidere positivamente sulla salute degli stessi.

Nella seconda settimana di ottobre, sono stati avviati due cantieri, prevedendo l’ultimazione dei lavori a meta’ dicembre. 3.2 Distribution of maintenance kits for latrines;

I kit per la manutenzione e pulizia delle latrine, verranno distribuite nelle scuole una volta ultimati lavori di costruzione e dopo aver iniziato la formazione dei comitati misti di gestione. Questa attività è prevista per il mese gennaio 2011. 3.3 Construction of No 3 rainwater harvesting systems in schools;

Iniziati i lavori per la riabilitazione del sistema di raccolta delle acque pluviali nella scuola nazionale di Charlemagne. I lavori hanno interessato la copertura di due edifici, il sistema di grondaie e tubature, la cisterna per la raccolta d’acqua e il punto di distribuzione.

L’intervento e’ stato realizzato da un’ impresa di Petit Goave, che ha impiegato per i lavori non specializzati mano d’opera locale, incentivando l’impegno della comunita’ nella riabilitazione dell’edificio.

I beneficiari dell’intervento sono circa 350 studenti. 3.4 Rehabilitation of No 2 rainwater harvesting systems for farming and domestic use

L’intervento concluso in questa fase del progetto, riguarda la riabilitazione dell’impluvium di Vallue, destinato alla raccolta di acqua piovana da adibire ad uso prevalentemente agricolo. A causa del sisma del 12 gennaio, la cisterna interrata ha subito diversi danni, soprattutto nel

raccordo tra base e pareti laterali, e sulla superficie di raccolta dell’acqua. Sono state intonacate alcune pareti della cisterna migliorando l’impermeabilita, sono stati ricostruiti ex-novo i cordoli perimetrali ed il fondale,e rafforzati con una gettata di cemento armato di 10 cm di spessore.

L’intervento di riabilitazione, durato circa un mese, è stato realizzato grazie al coinvolgimento comunitario. 3.5 Training and awareness campaign on good hygienic practices

Sono state avviati dei corsi di formazione nelle scuole interessate dalla riabilitazione e/o costruzione ex novo di blocchi di latrine. Dalla seconda meta’ di ottobre si sono registrati i primi casi di colera nella regione di Artibonite. In breve tempo l’epidemia si è diffusa nel resto del paese, raggiungendo inevitabilmente anche il dipartimento Ovest e i comuni di Petit Goave e Grand Goave.

Il GVC oltre ad impegnarsi in attività di promozione dell’igiene, ha ritenuto fondamentale intraprendere un ciclo di formazioni su pratiche appropriate per prevenire il colera, coinvolgendo 12 scuole di Petit e Grand Goave, per un totale di 3.248 studenti e circa 70 insegnanti.

I corsi di formazione sono stati effettuati dal personale GVC, che ha illustrato le caratteristiche, le cause ed i vettori della propagazione del batterio, i comportamenti da evitare e quelli da adottare per prevenire il contagio, attraverso una metodologia partecipativa che ha coinvolto gli alunni in dinamiche di gruppo.

Per i rappresentanti dei professori, sono state previste delle formazioni ad hoc sulla preparazione del siero per la reidratazione immediata, necessaria prima di portare l’ammalato in un centro adeguato al trattamento del colera.


5.1 Conclusioni e commenti / Conclusion and comments

In questi ultimi sei mesi, le attivita’ del GVC si sono sviluppate in differenti settori, continuando le attivita’ di distribuzione di generi di prima necessita’, ed entrando nella seconda fase del progetto che prevede una forte componente di costruzioni, concretizzando questa primo intervento con la costruzione di sedici latrine permanenti in due scuole e otto di prossima esecuzione.

Sono avanzati i lavori di progettazione delle due strutture scolastiche di Bois Gency e Beatrice. Tali structure verranno realizzate con struttura portante e copertura in profilati metallici, seguendo le indicazioni della D.G.S. (Direzione del Genio Scolastico). I calcoli strutturali sono stati affidati ad uno studio ingegnieristico italiano per allinearsi alla normative antisismica europea, non essendo ancora colmate le lacune legislative Haitiane in materia di antisismica in edifici pubblici.

Il settore di intervento trasversale al progetto e’ la componente agricola, iniziata nella prima fase con distribuzioni di sementi per sopperire alle necessita’ dettate dall’urgenza del post-sisma, ed attualmente con un intervento piu’ mirato nella produzione di ortaggi, accompagnando le distribuzioni con cicli di formazioni inerenti alle speci distribuite. Sono previste alter due distribuzioni, in dicembre nella 9°sezione ed in febbraio nella 3° sezione di Petit Goave.

Un’altra componente fondamentale pianificata in questa seconda fase e che si sviluppera’ fino alla fine del progetto, e’ la promozione d’igiene nelle scuole. L’intervento sara’ diretto agli alievi, ai professori e ai genitori degli studenti delle scuole individuate sia a livello urbano che a livello rurale.

Con il manifestarsi dell’epidemia di colera, che ha coinvolto anche le zone di intervento del progetto, le formazioni agli studenti e ai genitori sono state incentrate soprattutto nella prevenzione e nel trattamento della malattia. Si prevedono interventi diversificati legati all’emergenza colera, in particolar modo la costruzione di un UTC (unita’ trattamento colera) a Miragoane in collaborazione con Medecin du Monde Belgique.


Firma del coordinatore di programma

Bologna, _________________


Emergenza Haiti

Associato GVC – Gruppo di Volontariato Civile

Titolo del


Support to the earthquake affected families in the Districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, through the distribution of emergency and agricultural items, the rehabilitation and reactivation of educational structures and the improvement of the water access and sanitation facilities.


1.1 Localizzazione / Exact location of the operation The programme has taken place in the Districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, in particular in section 12th of Petit-Goâve District.

1.2 Beneficiari / Beneficiaries The total number of project’s direct beneficiaries is 34.064.

Most of them are living in rural area, in the 12th section of Petit-Goâve District. 4.446 people have benefit of the project interventions in urban area. Activity #1 1.1. Food distribution: 400 beneficiaries 1.2. Purchase and distribution of blankets: 7500 beneficiaries 1.3. Purchase and distribution of plastic sheets: 4296 beneficiaries 1.4. Purchase and distribution of kitchen sets: 3000 beneficiaries 1.5. Purchase and distribution of solar torches: 4800 beneficiaries 1.6. Purchase and distribution of mosquito nets: 2000 beneficiaries

1.7. Purchase and distribution of seeds kits and agricultural tools: 2361 beneficiaries 1.8. Training on use, selection and conservation of seeds: 2361 beneficiaries (already included in 1.7) Activity #2

2.1. Emergency class preparation: 2651 students/teachers (963 already included in 3.1)

2.2. Schools rehabilitation 1437 students/teachers (440 already included in 3.1 and 356 already included in 3.2)

2.3. Equipment for schools 1361 students/teachers (already included in 2.2 - 3.1)

2.4. Supply of emergency kits for schools 1361 students/teachers (all already included in 2.3)

2.5. Reactivation of an educational centre: 300 students/teachers 2.6. Distribution of educational and recreational materials: 300 students/teachers

(already included in 2.5) Activity #3

3.1. Construction of latrines in schools 4487 students/teachers (295 already included in 2.2) 3.2. Distribution of maintenance kits for latrines 1437 students/teachers

(already included in 2.2)

3.3. Construction of rainwater harvesting systems in schools: 1652 students/teachers (1051 already included in other activity)

3.4. Rehabilitation of rainwater harvesting systems for farming and domestic use: 1910 beneficiaries 3.5. Training and awareness campaign on good hygienic practices 7518 beneficiaries (already included in other activity)

1.3 Risultati e indicatori / Results and indicators Result #1: The population is enabled to cope with basic emergency needs During the first phase of the project, the focus has been on assisting people affected by the earthquake in coping with basic emergency needs. In doing so GVC has organized a food distribution on the 13th of February, a distribution of blankets on the 6th of March, distributions of seeds and tools on the 22nd of April. From May 1 to October 31, the distribution of basic emergency needs interested both urban and rural areas. Solar torches have been delivered in camps and rural areas, while plastic sheets, kitchen sets, seeds and agricultural tools, only in rural areas. The final distribution, which regards the mosquito nets, are carried out in urban areas from November 1 to December 31, where the incidence of malaria is the greatest. Indicators: 400 people benefit from first emergency food distribution. Completely attained. 7500 people receive blankets. Completely attained. 716 families receive plastic sheets. Completely attained. 500 families receive kitchen sets. Completely attained. 800 families receive solar torches. Completely attained. 2000 people receive mosquito nets. Completely attained. 2765 farmers receive seed and agricultural tools. Partially attained. 2765 farmers are trained on the use, selection and conservation of seeds. Partially attained.

Result #2: Children of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve receive an adequate assistance in terms of recreational and educational activities

GVC attended the Education Cluster both at National and District level. Moreover GVC has also participated to discussions at sub-cluster level, in particular on reconstruction and on emergency preparedness in schools. The coordination with the other stakeholders present in the area of Petit-Goâve and Grand-

Goâve has been good and efficient. During the project 7 schools have been identified which had highly damages due to earthquake. In order to allow the resumption of educational activities, GVC rehabilitated such structures by securing the damaged rooms. Two of them, due to irreparable damages, have been completely rebuilt. In the other schools, have been carried out partial rehabilitation works. The works have been carried out according to the European anti-seismic regulations in order to limit possible damages in case of future earthquakes. The same schools have beneficiated of training sessions on Disaster Risk Reduction, realized by GVC’s staff and of material necessary in case of natural disasters. The provision of school equipments and first emergency kits was made available starting from May 2011. The same training sessions have been organized in other schools of the same area. The activities concerning the reactivation of an educational centre and activities for children has been carried out in coordination with AVSI, already present in the area before the earthquake of January 2010. Indicators:

3 educational structures are re-constructed/rehabilitated, equipped and provided with emergency kits. Completely attained.

1 educational centre for children psychosocial support is reactivated. Partially attained. 300 children attend the activities in the centre. Partially attained. Result #3: The access to water for domestic and irrigation use is granted and

sanitation facilities in the schools assured

WASH activities have been oriented in schools rather than in camps, in accordance with the WASH and Education Clusters, due to numerous actors already present in camps, so as to

avoid overlapping and/or duplication. The rehabilitation of a rainwater harvesting system in Vallue, for domestic and farming use, has been completed. The water tank is currently capable of storing about 128.000 gallons of rain water and distributes it to about 1.000 people, through a water network in the surrounding points of supply. In the meantime, in the community of Brillant have been rehabilitated 7 tanks of smaller size for a total storage capacity of 42.000 gallons and approx. 910 beneficiaries. Such work has improved the water supplying in a strongly isolated community not benefiting of other NGO’s interventions. In the last period, the activity regarding the construction of latrines in schools has started through the identification of intervention areas and the definition of a design suitable for the context. 56 latrines in 15 schools were built mainly in the urban area of Petit-Goâve, where the needs are higher comparing to the information collected by the Education Cluster, which is in charge also,

to cover the gaps between the humanitarian interventions. A model has been discussed and approved within the sub-cluster WASH in School and finally it

was adopted for all the GVC permanent interventions (more details will be given in the next paragraph). Schools’ Directors have been involved especially in the planning of trainings and awareness campaigns on hygiene promotion, whose activities were started at the beginning of November 2010 and continued until the end of the project. Eight rainwater harvesting systems were built in the schools of the rural area of Petit-Goâve. Each one of them is currently capable of storing about 4.000 gallons of rain water. Together with structural interventions, other key component was the promotion of hygiene in schools. The activities are focused on children, teachers and parents of urban and rural schools of the District of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve. Indicators: 2 rainwater harvesting systems are rehabilitated for domestic and farming use. Completely

attained. 24 latrines are built. Completely attained. 3 rainwater harvesting systems in schools are built. Completely attained.

3 school management committees are formed, trained on good hygiene practices and equipped with maintenance kits. Completely attained.

1.4 Attività / Activities Activities per result #1:

1.1 Food distribution (10 tons). Activity completed.

After 3 weeks from the seism GVC distributed 10 tons of food (rice, beans and milk) in Mount Jaquot, to a community that had not yet received any help. The food distributed arrived in Haiti with the Cavour military ship. Over 400 people were covered with 4 litres of milk, 5 Kilos of rice and 15 cans of beans. What remained was donated to the community school’s canteen, which was running a feeding programme for children, but had ran out of stock and had no chance to refill after the seism. Due to a security threat the 1st date for distribution had to be postponed. A warning was received that the trucks transporting the food were going to be attacked, so the distribution was cancelled and rescheduled with the Minustah escort. 1.2 Purchase and distribution of 7.500 blankets. Activity completed.

On the 12th of February 7500 blankets have been purchased in Santo Domingo, thank to the coordination with a Dominican NGO and GVC support in the Dominican Republic. On February 27th, thank to WFP/Handicap-Atlas logistic support the blankets have been transported to Vallue, were inhabitants from different sections gathered to receive the blankets. The distribution has been organized in strict collaboration with GVC’s local partner, APV. Together APV and GVC organized a standing committee of 20 members to prepare distribution lists and receipts. Receivers were informed of the distribution through community leaders and messages sent through the community radio Koflà Pye. On the 6th of March 4 truck of the Logistic cluster, lead by a representative of GVC reached Vallue and on the 12th the blankets were distributed. 1818 families received 4 blankets each. 57 families were visited in a second round for the distribution due to the difficulties to reach the point of the first distribution. The blankets have been distributed mainly in the rural areas where altitude reaches over 700m and temperatures are low. Due to the seism many houses of the area have been affected, particularly due to the weak structures made of a wooden frame covered with mad or cement, typical of these zones. As a consequence most houses have lost the walls. At the time of the purchase of blankets frontiers were still open and no custom was to be passed. 1.3 Purchase and distribution of 716 plastic sheets. Activity completed.

The amount available locally was not initially sufficient to meet the extensive needs and requests by international organizations. The delay in the delivery of the material, together with the new indications coming from the Municipality of Petit-Goâve, forced to reconsider the areas of intervention focusing the distributions on rural areas. The ordinance has banned the distribution in the camps, in order to discourage the permanence of the population, rather to support and persuade the return to their home areas. The decision is in line with the exit strategy developed recently by the international community together with the local authorities. 716 plastic sheets were distributed to a total of 4.296 beneficiaries. The material was used in most cases as a protection from bad weather and as coverage for shelters. The selection criteria for targeting the beneficiaries have been defined considering as priority the women head of households and families with disabled members. The activities have been

coordinated through the CASEC (Conseil d'Administration de la Section Communale) and the organization APV (Association Paisans de Vallue) partner of GVC in this activity.

Date Place Areas of

intervention Section

Plastic sheets

20/07/2010 Petit-Goâve Vallue 12ème

Petit-Goâve / 1ère

Grand-Goâve 218

22/07/2010 Petit-Goâve Trouchouchou 3ème

Petit-Goâve 94

22/07/2010 Grand-Goâve Vieux Caille 1ère

Grand-Goâve 72

23/07/2010 Grand-Goâve Diny 7 ème

Grand-Goâve 50

26/07/2010 Petit-Goâve lepalm 9ème/10ème

Petit-Goâve 131

26/07/2010 Petit-Goâve Potier et paca 12ème Petit-Goâve 53

30/072010 Grand-Goâve Fouche 7 ème

Grand-Goâve 98

Total 716

1.4 Purchase and distribution of 500 kitchen sets. Activity completed.

The distribution of kitchen sets was made in October 2010. A survey was conducted in the rural areas of Vallue, Diny, Vieux Caille, Fouche, in the districts of Petit-Goâve, including families directly or indirectly affected by the earthquake of January 2010. The investigation established the baseline for the identification of beneficiaries. They were selected trough criteria of vulnerability. Priority is given to women head of households, people with disabilities and families, which have completely lost homes and household materials because of the earthquake. Representatives of local institutions (CASECs) were involved in the process of identification and final selection, as well the local organization APV, partner of GVC in this activity. In the table below is reported the location with the number of beneficiaries targeted for the distribution.

1.5 Purchase and distribution of 800solar torches. Activity completed.

Date Place Areas of

intervention Section Kitchen kit

18/10/2010 Petit-Goâve Vallue 12ème

Petit-Goâve / 1ère Grand-Goâve 300

19/10/2010 Petit-Goâve Diny 7 ème

Grand-Goâve 68

19/10/2010 Grand-Goâve Vieux Caille 1ère

Grand-Goâve 100

20/10/2010 Grand-Goâve Fouche 7 ème

Grand-Goâve 32

Total 500

800 solar lamps were distributed in the Municipalities of Grand-Goâve and Petit-Goâve. Between the criteria for the identification of beneficiaries, it was considered as priority the women head of household and families with disabled members. The intervention involved three camps in the District of Petit-Goâve, for a total of 1.536 beneficiaries, and the rural sections 3, 9, 12 of Petit-Goâve and 1, 7 of Grand-Goâve. In the definition of the beneficiary list, CBOs and CASECs of the affected areas have been involved, counting with the support of the local organization APV. The Civil Protection of Petit-Goâve supported the GVC during the different distribution phases.

Date Place Areas of intervention Section Torches

13/07/2010 Petit-Goâve site (Lima) 11 ème

Petit-Goâve 123

14/07/2010 Petit-Goâve site (Des Vignes) 11 ème

Petit-Goâve 45

15/07/2010 Petit-Goâve site (Ruelle Foucolt) 12 ème

Petit-Goâve 88

20/07/2010 Vallue mornes 12ème

Petit-Goâve / 1ère Grand-Goâve 285

22/07/2010 Trouchouchou mornes 3ème

Petit-Goâve 50

22/07/2010 Vieux Caille mornes 1ère

Grand-Goâve 50

23/07/2010 Diny mornes 7 ème

Grand-Goâve 49

26/07/2010 Lepalm mornes 9 ème

Petit-Goâve 49

26/07/2010 Potier et paca mornes 12 ème

Petit-Goâve 20

30/072010 Fouche mornes 7 ème

Grand-Goâve 25

Petit-Goâve Ville DPC Protection Civile 16

Total 800

1.6 Purchase and distribution of mosquito nets. Activity completed.

The distributions of mosquito nets have been mainly concentrated in rural areas, especially in the mountains, only in specific cases in the camps. For what regards the distribution of mosquito nets it has been necessary to target those areas, where the annual number of malaria cases occurs. The urban neighborhoods of: Chabanne, Palmistampè, Desvignes, La Cul, Barrette, Kipidon e Durinel, located close to Petit-Goâve, are extremely vulnerable both for hygienic and sanitary conditions, both for what regards the nature of the land, wetlands adapted to the proliferation of the disease. An investigation was conducted to determine the number of households, the types of shelters and the incidence of malaria in those areas, with the aim of creating a useful baseline to identify the beneficiaries. The distribution of 2000 mosquito nets has been carried out from November and December 2010.

Place Mosquito nets People


LACUL 894 2649

CHABANNE 239 643

KIBIDON 228 876

DIRENEL 139 544


BARRETTE 227 727



1.7 Purchase and distribution of seeds and agricultural tools. Activity partially completed.

Due to the seism, not only people have lost their friends and relatives, but also houses and means of economic revenues. In the rural areas a great deal of farmers has lost the seed that had been prepared for the March/April season. Food insecurity was already very high before the earthquake in Haiti: 50% of food consumed in the country was already imported and 5% was already delivered by humanitarian assistance; 40% of the population suffers malnutrition and has no access to food. Moreover data from various international agencies shows that over 50% of expenditures of average household are utilized to buy food, with an even higher percentage for poorest households in rural areas. The seism enhanced vulnerabilities particularly by decreasing the capacity on many farmers to plant in the March and July season. In order not to worse already vulnerable situation of food security GVC has carried out, in accordance with the policies discussed within the Agricultural Cluster, various seed distributions during the project.

On the 31st of March were distributed 148 marmits (1 marmit = 2.5kg) of black beans, 285 of corn,

102 of congo beans, benefitting 118 families. Each family received 2 marmit of corn, 2 of black beans and 1 of congo beans. On the 26th of April 26 barrils of Ignam (1 barrill= 40 BIT; 1 BIT=3 Ignam) were bought and

distributed. Total beneficiaries of Ignam distribution were 161, less than predicted due to loss of Ignam caused by the high percentage of humidity of the storage place used. Together with APV it was decided to give 6 pieces of Ignam per person, according to the average land owned by the beneficiaries, necessary space to plant ignam, availability of land to plant. Selection criteria for the beneficiaries were: being from a place were planting of seeds distributed is ideal; having availability of land to plant; not having planted yet; having lost seed during the earthquake. Families benefitting from all above mentioned distributions (NFI and seed and agricultural tools) reside both in rural and urban areas according to needs detected in the field. In particular, distribution activities carried out in urban areas will be organized in coordination with NGOs members of AGIRE who are working in the same zone of intervention of GVC. The objective of this component is to assist more than 2,700 farmers in the Districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, through the distribution of seeds and tools needed to produce food for own consumption and a small quantity to sale. The beneficiaries were selected on the basis of a survey conducted by GVC staff. Among the crops available, were selected those ones suitable for the autumn season, such as vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, cabbage, peppers) and tubers (ignams). Comparing to the first phase of the agricultural distribution, characterized by the selection of beans and maize, in this second phase a different methodology was adopted. Nurseries for the production of horticultural plants have been created and seven production centers identified between the 12th section of the Petit-Goâve and the 1st of Grand-Goâve. The centers were chosen with the local counterpart, based on needs such as the existence of water points for irrigation, communitarian land available and climatic conditions favorable for the crops to be implemented.

These centers are used for the production of plants, which will be distributed, as well as a model of educational areas, where trainings for the beneficiaries take place. Agricultural tools for the correct cultivation of the crops selected were also distributed.

1.8 Training on use, selection and conservation of seeds. Activity completed.

The centers for the production of horticultural plants were used as a replicable model of an educational area, where it could be possible to develop practical training for beneficiaries. The training provided to beneficiaries concerned specifically: vegetable production, planting techniques, transplanting plants, treatment of plant’s diseases through the preparation of simple homemade products, harvesting and finally the marketing of products. Training sessions on the 3th section of Petit Goâve


Training on land management

Training on corn production

Training on beans production

Sex Total Date

Sex Total Date

Sex Total Date


Nanplaine 30 11 41 02/07/2011 27 11 38 14/2/2011 31 11 42 14/3/2011

Mornery 26 4 30 02/07/2011 24 4 28 14/2/2011 26 4 30 14/3/2011

Delate 19 6 25 02/07/2011 13 4 17 14/2/2011 19 6 25 14/3/2011

Sobier 58 10 68 02/07/2011 46 8 54 14/2/2011 47 9 56 14/3/2011

Branda 21 7 28 02/09/2011 17 6 23 14/2/2011 17 6 23 15/3/2011

Kokoye 24 6 30 02/09/2011 22 6 28 14/2/2011 21 6 27 15/3/2011

Matin 24 5 29 02/09/2011 20 3 23 14/2/2011 21 5 26 15/3/2011

Bajon 20 7 27 02/09/2011 18 4 22 14/2/2011 15 5 20 15/3/2011

Cadet 25 5 30 02/10/2011 20 4 24 15/2/2011 24 61 85 16/3/2011

Oranger 23 5 28 02/10/2011 22 5 27 15/2/2011 21 4 25 16/3/2011

Perinette 21 6 27 02/10/2011 22 6 28 15/2/2011 19 7 26 16/3/2011

Savary 15 15 30 02/10/2011 15 14 29 15/2/2011 11 14 25 16/3/2011

Bwachandel 25 7 32 02/11/2011 18 6 24 15/2/2011 25 7 32 17/3/2011

Bananier 33 3 36 02/11/2011 26 3 29 15/2/2011 32 3 35 17/3/2011

Picore 29 13 42 02/11/2011 27 12 39 15/2/2011 30 11 41 17/3/2011

Delhomme 29 4 33 02/11/2011 31 2 33 15/2/2011 30 3 33 17/3/2011

Savanne-jonc 19 8 27 02/11/2011 17 8 25 15/2/2011 20 8 28 17/3/2011

GT 441 122 563 385 106 491 409 170 579

Training sessions on the 9th section of Petit Goâve


Training on land management

Training on corn production

Training on beans production

Sex Total Date

Sex Total Date

Sex Total Date


Besace 32 16 48 12/07/2010 20 5 25 02/07/2011 43 6 49 03/01/2011

Bobasin 30 16 46 12/09/2010 24 12 36 02/07/2011 31 12 43 03/01/2011

Granfon 30 10 40 12/07/2010 13 9 22 02/07/2011 23 20 43 03/01/2011

Lafond 41 10 51 12/10/2010 28 19 47 02/07/2011 27 18 45 03/01/2011

Becegnette 24 12 36 12/08/2010 15 2 17 02/08/2011 30 6 36 03/02/2011

Moliere 26 18 44 12/08/2010 12 18 30 02/08/2011 20 24 44 03/02/2011

Gwegwa 30 11 41 14/12/2010 28 4 32 02/08/2011 37 6 43 03/02/2011

poirier 30 12 42 14/12/2010 17 17 34 02/08/2011 18 15 33 03/02/2011

Dreux 27 10 37 16/12/2010 43 6 49 02/09/2011 62 8 70 03/03/2011

Labe 10 2 12 15/12/2010 6 1 7 02/09/2011 16 2 18 03/03/2011

Marecage 16 13 29 15/12/2010 22 4 26 02/09/2011 27 6 33 03/03/2011

morin 30 10 40 12/09/2010 10 6 16 02/10/2011 26 14 40 03/04/2011

Duma 35 14 49 12/10/2010 28 13 41 02/10/2011 35 13 48 03/04/2011

Babo 15 26 41 16/12/2010 15 27 42 02/10/2011 14 31 45 03/04/2011

GT 376 180 556 281 143 424 409 181 590

Activities per result #2:

2.1 Emergency class preparation. Activity completed. This activity has been realized through the collaboration of AVSI. The project involved four schools in the urban area of Petit-Goâve, for a total of about 320 students. At each school, completely destroyed by the earthquake, two classrooms were built, with the main structure in brick and the roof made of galvanized steel. The intervention was created in economy, hiring local labor and providing the construction material. The activities, on 31st October, are not yet finalized. It is expected to finish for the end December.

2.2 Rehabilitation of No 3 schools. Activity completed.

A total of 7 schools in need of rehabilitation or construction works were identified: five, the school of Vieux Caille, Charlemagne, St. Therese, Guillame Paupon et Espoir pour Demain to be rehabilitated and other 2 structures, Capois Lamort and Beatrice, to be completely rebuilt. The following table gives some information about the type of intervention:

Nom de l'école Adresse,

Commune Type

d'école Type


# Total

élèves Coord. GPS

Type #

classe à batir

de construction


Vieux Caille - 1 section Grand-





Secondaire 100




O Réhabilitation -


Charlemagne - 12

section Petit-Goave Nationale Préscolaire/Primaire 328


72°49'58.12"O Réhabilitation -


Girard - 10 section Petit-Goave

Presbyterale Préscolaire/Primaire 396

18°20'37.30"N 72°51'6.50"O Réhabilitation -


Larifi - 10 section Petit-Goave

Communautaire Préscolaire/Primaire 220 18°19'9.08"N

72°50'51.20"O Réhabilitation -


Delatte Marie sainte - 3

section Petit-Goave

Communautaire Préscolaire/Primaire 150



Reconstruction 8


Beatrice -

11 section Petit-Goâve

Communautaire Préscolaire/Primaire 163



Reconstruction 6



Parc - 3 section Petit-Goave

Communautaire Préscolaire/Primaire 276 18°26'9.38"N

72°58'31.68"O Réhabilitation -

The work of rehabilitation of the school of Vieux Caille, in the 1st section of Grand-Goâve, began in October 2010. The school was built in the eighties and it has been seriously damaged by the earthquake of January 2010. The total number of beneficiaries is 107 between students and teachers.

The project involved the entire structure: rebuilding the pillars, raising the perimeter walls to improve indoor ventilation, rebuilding the roof and improving the rain water harvesting system. The method of intervention is based on community participation and involvement of school management committee, from the planning phase to the implementation. The community itself has provided a system of monitoring and supervision of construction materials and tools used. The National school of Charlemagne, located in the 12th section of Petit-Goâve, due to earthquake, has been damaged. The rehabilitation intervention has mainly concerned the porch structure, by reconstructing the damaged pillars and beams. The rainwater and duct system has been also rehabilitated inside a rehabilitated cistern. In the school S. Therese, located in the 10th section of Petit-Goâve, have beeb reconstructed the beams of the external corridor and of the respective balustrade besides safety measures of some internal walls. Concerning the new constructions of Beatrice and Capois Lamort (totally destructed by the Seism), at the end of October 2010, were achieved the following phases: the architectural design, geological studies of the ground, the working drawings, the collection of documentation for approval to submit to the Ministry of Education and DGS (Direction Genie Scolaire) and meetings with beneficiary communities to present and discuss the project. Several problems occurred in the past period, including the lack of local skilled engineers and the final approval of guidelines by the DGS, for the school constructions in earthquake zones. Finally, GVC has decided to address to an Italian study of engineering (Tre Erre Ingenieria Srl), highly qualified in the sector, to certify the project with the European anti-seismic regulations. The modular buildings have a steel frame. The internal separations can be removed in order to have greater flexibility of space depending on the number of students per class and above all in order to permit, in case of emergency, the use of the school as the first emergency shelter for the community.

Concerning the school “Espoir pour Demain”, the Director has been able to mobilize the local community to recover private funds for the reconstruction of 6 classes in the two buildings collapsed during the earthquake. The project contributed to complete this reconstruction by giving the materials necessary to secure the main axes of the two structures, doors, windows and all the finishing interventions (plaster and both internal and external painting). The last intervention on school buildings has been carried out in the school of Guillame Paupon. The works have began at the beginning of August 2011 till the beginning of October. In this site have been rehabilitated 7 classes and fully reconstructed 1 class whose main structures had been hardly damaged.

2.3 Equipment for No 3 schools. Activity completed.

Together with the renovation and rehabilitation of the school buildings, the project has also ensured in 9 schools the provision of furniture in order to allow the resumption of educational activities under normal conditions. Besides the two schools fully reconstructed by the project (whose furniture got lost through the collapse of the buildings), other 7 schools registered different needs. Such structures have been provided with different furniture according to the beneficiaries needs: teachers, students aged between 7 and 9 years, students aged between 10 and 12 and students aged between over 13. In the table below the details of materials provided:


Description C



























St A
























Bancs (13 ans et +) 10 10 5 25 15 15 - 10 40 25 20 45 110

Bancs (10 - 12 ans) 10 20 5 35 15 15 5 10 45 25 25 50 130

Bancs (7 - 9 ans) 20 40 15 75 25 20 5 30 80 35 35 70 225

Bureaux pour enseignants / administration - 7 7 14 7 5 5 2 19 7 7 14 47

Chaises pour enseignants / administration

- 10 7 17 7 5 5 2 19 10 10 20 56

Tableaux noirs - 6 7 13 7 7 5 - 19 6 6 12 44

Armoire en bois - 1 1 2 1 1 - 1 3 1 1 2 7

All furniture have been built in imported wood to avoid deforestation, according to MENFP’s recommendations. 2.4 Supply of No 3 schools with emergency kits. Activity completed.

Together with the supply of the school’s equipment, the provision of emergency kits has been scheduled in the third phase of the project at the end of the construction’s activities. All schools as per 2.2 have been equipped with the necessary kits in case of natural disasters, as follows:

Ecole Emergency Kit

Imperméables Lampes Pelles Pioches Brouettes

Mixte Capois La Mort 5 5 2 2 1

Espoir pour Demain 5 5 2 2 1

Communale Guillame Paupon 5 5 2 2 1

Communale de Beatrice 5 5 2 2 1

Communautaire Vieux Caille 5 5 2 2 1

Charlemagne 5 5 2 2 1

St Therese 5 5 2 2 1

Totale 35 35 14 14 7

Besides the provision of the am kits, in many schools some training sessions have been carried out on Disaster Risk Reduction with the participation of the schools’ Directors and the education

staff. The general objective of such training was the to give tools to participants to carry out DRR actions in their schools and communities by ensuring timely measures for protecting themselves from the effects of natural disasters. Key points of such training have been the appropriation by the participants of the models establishing the criticality of a catastrophic event (natural phenomena in combination with certain situations of vulnerability) and the understanding of the correct response models able to minimize the adverse consequences.

Nom des écoles

Nombre de professeurs Date

M F Total

1 Communautaire de vieux Caille 10 8 18 11/07/2011

2 Philosophes Réunis 9 8 17 19/07/2011

3 Comm.Union des Philosophes 11 10 21 28/07/2011

4 Presbytérale st Joseph de Dumas 8 11 19 15/07/2011

5 Mixte Capois La Mort (3e Delatte) 9 7 16 20/07/2011

6 Nationale des palmes 9 11 20 03/08/2011

7 Centre d’étude de Dumas 10 9 19 25/07/2011

8 Espoir pour Demain 8 6 14 26/07/2011

9 Communautaire Nissage David/PAE 9 7 16 02/08/2011

10 Communautaire Guillaume Poupon 13 26 39 06/07/2011

11 Presbytérale de st André 10 5 15 08/07/2011

12 Presbytérale de st Thérèse 19 4 23 29/07/2011

13 St Antoine de Padoue 8 7 15 05/07/2011

14 Centre PAE de Beatrice 9 14 23 14/07/2011

15 Evangélique de la Foi 8 16 24 12/07/2011

16 Mixte de la sagesse de source pineau 24 16 40 04/07/2011

17 Presbytérale Notre Dame 17 3 20 05/08/2011 2.5 Reactivation of No 1 educational center. Activity partially completed.

This activity has been realized through the collaboration of AVSI. In the second phase of the intervention, a community center was reactivated. The aim of the centre is to promote activities for children and teenager of the surrounding neighborhoods. In the center it is provided the support of a psychologist for children with trauma caused by the earthquake. The staff has started a program call: “back to school”, to encourage the return of children to schools through activities that involve students, parents and 67 professors of ten urban schools in the city. Children who normally attend the center are about 900. The center also offers activities targeted to teenager, with a participatory approach on issues such as family reunification, personal hygiene, conflict management. The common thread of all activities is the importance of school education, essential for sustainable development of the entire community. Two sports centers in the city (Anglade Park and Terrain We Ginen) have also been reactivated, thanks to simple construction works. Through the construction of walls, a sports area has been

defined within the IDP camps. This fence has allowed the creation of a play area for children hosting in the camp as well as the other of the closer neighborhoods. 2.6 Supply No 1 centre with educational and recreational materials. Activity partially


This activity has been realized through the collaboration of AVSI. An educational material for children attending to the community center (activity 2.5) has been purchased. The material provided is intended as a necessary complement to the after-school activities. Activities per result 3: 3.1 Construction of No 24 latrines. Activity completed. Seventeen schools have been identified as priorities in terms of sanitation facilities in the urban and rural area of Petit-Goâve for a total of 72 latrines. The total number of beneficiaries is about 4.500 between students and teachers. At the end of October 2010 GVC prepared the preliminary plans and to work into the schools. The building drawings for latrines have been developed on a UNICEF model and shared with the sub-cluster WASH in School. The septic tank is designed so as not to pollute the groundwater and be emptied when necessary to enable the sustainability of the intervention. The toilet blocks are divided between male and female students and between students and teachers, to ensure more privacy. Each block of 8 latrines is equipped with hand washing systems. The system consists of plastic tanks for the collecting of rainwater, which is distributed through taps. Among the main problems in the schools of Haiti, is the lack of sanitation facilities, comparing to the number of students and the lack of water (for drinking and for personal hygiene). Provide a school with water means improving the hygienic conditions of students and positively affect their health.

3.2 Distribution of maintenance kits for latrines. Activity completed.

Kits for the maintenance and cleaning of latrines were distributed in schools at the end of their construction and only after having trained the Mixed Management Committees on issues relating water and sanitation issues. All the schools where has been realized the training on hygiene practices (see 3.5) have received the material necessary to keep adequate hygienic conditions In the table below the existing health services or created through the project.

Ecole # eleve savon seau GIF/gal balai Mob brosses Gloves

Ecole nationale Nissage David 689 1.400 5 15 2 4 2 10

Ecole Philosophes Reunis 107 250 5 15 2 4 2 10

Ecole la Rouche St. Antonie de Padoue 167 1.000 5 15 2 4 2 10


College de Petit Goave 181 400 3 10 2 4 2 10

Ecole communautaire de Bail-Lord 136 300 3 10 2 4 2 10

PAE de Beatrice 182 400 5 10 2 4 2 10

Mixte Christianisme Baudry 150 300 5 10 2 4 2 10

Ecole Classique de Muyette 130 500 5 10 2 4 2 10

Saint Andre de Lariffie 104 300 5 10 2 4 2 10

Aide Aux Enfants Allegre 443 1.000 5 10 2 4 2 10

Evangelique pour la foi 225 300 5 10 2 4 2 10

presbyterale Jean Bruny 866 2.500 5 10 2 4 2 10

Presbyterale Notre Dames 300 5 10 2 4 2 10

Presbyterale Sainte Therese 335 800 5 10 2 4 2 10

Ecole nationale de Charlemagne 356 800 5 10 2 4 2 10

Mixte Capois la Mort (Fond Doux) 126 300 5 15 2 4 2 10

Ecole Beatrice 169 400 5 15 2 4 2 10

Ecole Vieux Caille 106 300 5 15 2 4 2 10

3.3 Construction of No 3 rainwater harvesting systems in schools. Activity completed.

In late September 2010, the rehabilitation of the rain water harvesting system in the national school of Charlemagne has started. The school is located in the12th section of Petit-Goâve and 350 students attend to the courses every day. Charlemagne is composed by different structures connected by a single system of pipes that feed a water cistern. The system was damaged in several parts: cracks in the roof, broken pipes, lack of taps and gutters to collect water from the sloping roofs. Besides the rehabilitation of the water supply system, the tank has been cleaned, reinforced in some parts and finally re-plastered. The fountains have been improved with new pipes and taps. The work has been entrusted to a firm of Petit-Goâve, under supervision of the technical staff GVC. To encourage community participation and support the local economy, the company was required to employ local labor. To ensure better service, especially in the aftermaths of the spreading of the cholera epidemic, GVC has been engaged in the chlorination system. In this first period of emergency cholera, GVC will directly chlorinate the system. Since 2011, it is planned to set up a water point managing committee, in collaboration with the DINEPA (Direction Nationale de l'Eau Potable et de l'Assainissement), to be trained for the

maintenance of the system and chlorination of water. A total of 8 schools has benefited from this intervention:

1. Ecole Nationale de Charlemagne; 2. Ecole Communautaire de Bail Lord; 3. College Toussaint Louverture; 4. PAE de Beatrice; 5. Ecole de Capois Lamort; 6. Ecole Presbytérale de Notre Dame de la Presentations; 7. Ecole Nationale Les Palmes;

8. Ecole Présbyterale Sainte Therese. Each tank has a storage capacity of approximately 4.000 gallons of rainwater, for a total of more than 32.000 gallons.

3.4 Rehabilitation of No 2 rainwater harvesting systems for farming and domestic use.

Activity partially completed. One of the water tanks, located in Vallue, has been rehabilitated. The rain water collected is primarily intended for agriculture purposed. Because of the earthquake, the underground tank was damaged. Important damage regarded the connection between the base and side walls and the surface water collection. Walls have been plastered to improve water resistance. The perimeter curbs have been entirely rebuilt and the floor was of reinforced through concrete of 10 cm of thickness. The intervention lasted about a month. The community has been involved in the work, especially for the provisioning of water necessary for the building site. Besides the Vallue’s impluvium in the community of Brillant have been rehabilitated 7 tanks of smaller size for a total water storage capacity of approximately 42.000 gallons for approximately 910 beneficiaries. Such intervention allowed to support the capacity supply in water of a strongly isolated community not benefiting of other NGO’s interventions. 3.5 Training and awareness campaign on good hygienic practices. Activity partially


Training courses have been developed in schools where GVC has taken over the rehabilitat ion of the structure and the construction of blocks of latrine. From the second half of October, first cases of cholera appeared in the region of Artibonite. The epidemic has spread to the rest of the country in a very short time. Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, as the whole West Department, have been severely affected. GVC, already engaged in hygiene promotion, considered essential to organize training sessions to prevent cholera. Trainings are planned to involve at least 12 schools between the Districts of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, for a total of about 3,248 students and 70 teachers. In the schools of Nissage David and Philosophs Reunis, where GVC has being implementing the construction of new sanitation facilities, training sessions for students and teachers has been held. For the students’ training GVC adopted a participatory methodology through play-group dynamics. During the training, you learned the characteristics, causes and vectors of the spread of the cholera bacterium, the behaviors to avoid and those to be taken to prevent infection. More information, such as how to prepare home-made rehydration serum, has been given to the schools’ teachers. In the table below the summary of schools benefiting from the intervention:

PHAST I et cholera PHAST II et cholera PHAST III et cholera PHAST I et II

Nom des ecoles


d'eleves Date Nombre d'eleves Date

Nombre d'eleves Date

Nombre d'eleves Date

G F total G F Total G F Total G F Total

1 Communautaire de

vieux Caille 25 12 37 14-03-11 17 8 25 08-02-11 12 8 20


11 5 9 14



2 Nationale de

Charlemagne 42 18 60 15-12-10 30 27 57 31-01-11 34 19 53


11 9 3 12



3 Nationale de Cadet 34 17 51 03-05-11 71 66 137 02-02-11 34 17 51


11 7 11 18



4 Philosophes Réunis 25 41 66 03-03-11 27 35 62 02-03-11 0 14 29 43



5 Philipe Guerrier 15 17 32 07-12-10 33 44 77 08-02-11 34 36 70


11 7 6 13



6 Presbytérale Sacré-

Cœur Dreux 56 48 104 18-01-11 73 72 145 15-03-11 0 9 7 16



7 Comm.Union des

Philosophes 91 59 150 19/0120/11 97 103 200 15-03-11 0 9 2 11



8 Presbyterale st Joseph

de Dumas 62 93 155 20-01-11 91 82 173 18-03-11 0 11 4 15



9 Mixte Capois La

Mort (3e Delatte) 75 43 118 25-01-11 41 57 98 24-03-11 29 46 75


11 13 2 15



10 Nationale des palmes 64 92 156

26/01/2011 27 30 57 01-04-11 22 32 54


11 7 5 12



11 Centre d’étude de 113 63 176 27-01-11 118 100 218 16-03-11 0 10 6 16 20-05-

Dumas 11

12 Espoir pour Demain 58 73 131 14-12-10 47 35 82 11-02-11 45 33 78


11 15 16 31



13 Comm. Nissage

David/PAE 63 70 133 24-02-11 28 32 60 08-02-11 16 32 48


11 10 12 22



14 Comm.Guillaume

Poupon 82 59 141 10-02-11 115 87 202 22-03-11 0 13 7 20



15 Presb. de st André 77 46 123 02-10-11 74 51 125 22-03-11 0 10 4 14



16 Presb de st Therese 42 47 89 02-09-11 44 56 100 23-03-11 30 34 64


11 12 4 16



17 Jn Jacques Dessalines 52 71 123 02-09-11 15 13 28 02-05-11 10 8 18


11 8 4 12



18 Mixte Aide aux

Enfants 73 75 148 02-10-11 58 82 140 25-03-11 50 34 84


11 7 5 12



19 Beatrice 69 54 123 23-02-11 65 54 119 28-03-11 56 47 103


11 12 5 17



20 St Antoine de Padoue 100 75 175 28-02-11 65 40 105 29-03-11 15 15 30


11 16 10 26



21 Centre PAE de

Beatrice 82 78 160 23-02-11 24 49 73 28-03-11 57 79 136


11 9 17 26



22 Mixte Capois La

Mort (Fond Doux) 192 202 394 03-02-11 17 30 47 04-05-11 15 2 17


11 10 8 18



23 Méthodiste de

Molière 90 110 200 03-04-11 25 35 60 12-05-11 0 10 10 20



24 Presbytérale Notre

Dame 98 83 181 03-11-11 31 44 75 13-05-11 19 7 26


11 10 7 17



25 Marie Anne Koda 25 22 47 03-01-11 21 20 41 17-05-11 0 7 4 11



26 Evangelique de la Foi 49 37 86 04-07-11 29 27 56 02-05-11 13 18 31


11 5 15 20



27 Mixte de la sagesse

de source pineau 35 40 75 26-04-11 23 15 38 10-05-11 36 19 55


11 10 6 16



1.5 Obiettivo specifico / Specific objective To meet the basic needs of population by responding to the emergency situation and, improving education, water accessibility and sanitation facilities.

The specific objective has been achieved as the beneficiaries (in an higher number compared to forecasts, 34.064 compared to 33.091) needs have been met as follows: - 24.357 people could be provided with basic needs items; - 4.388 teachers/students could restart educational activities in better conditions; - 5.924 teachers/students count on good sanitation facilities in schools; - 9.428 people benefit from water for farming and domestic use and are trained on good hygienic practices.

1.6 Risultati e indicatori / Results and indicators Result #1: The population is enabled to cope with basic emergency needs.

The first intervention carried out by GVC has been the provision of food to the community of Mount Jaquot in Grand-Goâve, by distributing long-life canned food, arrived at Haiti through the support of the Italian navy and the Italian Civil Protection. For the selection of beneficiaries, GVC collaborated with Catholic missionaries present in the area before earthquake. The beneficiaries achieved have been 400 people that have received UHT milk, long-life meat and fish.

Still in the emergency phase, GVC distributed blankets, purchased in the Dominican Republic, and transferred to Haiti when the border was totally uncontrolled by the Haitian state. The beneficiaries have been selected with the support of a local organization present in the area of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve. The selection has been made by applying the criteria which have remained the same for the other distributions forecasted by the project. Priority has been given to households women and disabled people. 2700 blankets have been distributed in the mountain areas, where the climate is harsh in night hours.

In the weeks following the earthquake, the international organisations have been distributing tents to allow families to protect themselves from adverse weather conditions. The temporary housing solutions have quickly deteriorated because of the tropical climate that made such tents unusable. In order to respond to such situation, in the areas of the project’s intervention,

have been distributed 716 plastic sheets sizing 6 mt x 4 mt, thus giving the chance to beneficiaries to repair their houses and make them liveable awaiting for a durable solution. Following the same logic of intervention, 500 kitchen sets have been purchased (in the

Dominican Republic), and distributed to the beneficiaries selected with the cooperation of the local partner, living in the rural areas of Petit-Goâve.

The solar torches have been distributed to vulnerable people (single women, disabled) in the refugee camps of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve. This has been possible with the cooperation of another NGO inside AGIRE (i.e. CESVI), since the beginning engaged in the camps. As provided, the distribution of such NFI was aimed at improving the life conditions and more specifically, the safety of inhabitants victims of violence at nights.

In the town of Petit-Goâve, some neighbourhood registered an higher rate of malaria, due to the high presence of marshes infesting roads. The distribution of moskito nets has taken place in these areas. Before it an investigation took place by the project’s social promoters, aiming at identifying the number of families and their life conditions. This allowed, during the distribution, to have a better understanding of reality thus using resources at the best. Before the distribution, training has been held on malaria prevention and the best behaviours and practices to be adopted to reduce the danger of infection. In the first phase of the project, have been distributed corn, blacks beans and red beans

seeds to the farmers in the rural areas of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve. This intervention aimed at restore the agricultural production after the earthquake, thus boosting the production of food. Together with seeds basic agricultural inputs have been distributed, already used. This first intervention aimed at addressing an immediate need for the coming agricultural season. A delay in the distribution would have raised a loss of production in that period of the year. The later distributions carried out in other communes, have been carried out after a study on the characteristics of the farmers involved and their production capacities, by identifying a theme in the training courses. Result #2: Children of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve receive an adequate assistance in terms of recreational and educational activities.

The 20% of the Haitian schools is public, the remaining % is private and in some cases, above all in the rural areas, they are community schools, that is managed by the same community that supports the operating costs. GVC’s intervention aimed at working in the rural areas, by building two community schools that had been completely collapsed by earthquake and rehabilitating five of them (three at community level, one at national level and one religious), with different damages. Through AVSI, GVC’s international partner in the project, an educational centre has been rehabilitated to host young people for after-schools activities as well as recreational activities. Result #3: The access to water for domestic and irrigation use is granted and sanitation

facilities in the schools assured.

34 semi-permanent latrines built: a semi-permanent latrine module is composed by two doors/latrine. In the schools one or even more modules have been installed, according to the actual number of students. The upper structure is made of wood (2” x 4”) and is closed by “plywood” treated and painted to resist to atmospheric events. Cover is made of “onduline” a material ensuring termic and acustic isolation. The ventilation pipe is in the external part of latrine in order to let gases going out. The structures have been transported and installed through metal supports. Besides each latrine separate wc for male and female have been built.

38 permanent VIP latrines built: in 5 schools permanent latrines have been built (see below), equipped with rainwater system and plastic tank. The whole community (teachers, directors and students’ parents) cooperated for the realisation of works. After the school identification in coordination with local authorities and the wash/education cluster, the school direction has been engaged through a contract defining the contractual parts’ duties.

Hygiene kits for schools: in each school where latrines and rainwater systems have been built, hygiene kits and soaps have been distributed, enough for one school-year (in total 12.100 soaps, 832 lt. of chlore, 190 pairs of plastic gloves, etc.), these last ones to ensure the school cleaning.

4 rainwater cisterns built and three existing structures rehabilitated, near the same schools, whose roof serves as capitation area. Before the cisterns’ entrance a system for the collection of the first waters has been installed in order to avoid them to enter into the tank thus contaminating water. The cisterns have been built ex-novo and have a capacity of 4.000 gallons of water.


N 18° 24’ 09,6” W 072° 52’ 21,1” 27 COST. COLLEGE TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE N 18° 26’ 26,7” W 072° 50’ 50,7” 38 COST. PAE DE BEATRICE

N 18° 25’ 35,4” W 072° 51’ 16,1” 89 COST.

CAPOIS LA MORT N 18° 26’ 25,7” W 072° 59’ 58,3” 291 COST. PRESBYTERALE NOTRE DAMES DE LA PRESENTATIONS N 18° 18’ 53,1” W 072° 51’ 59,3”

1003 RIAB.

ECOLE NLE. LES PALMES N 18° 19’ 10,24” W 072° 51’ 41,32” 853 COST.

PRESBYTERALE SAINTE THERESE N 18° 20’ 37,3” W 072° 51’ 06,5” 1024 RIAB.

Vallue’s impluvium rehabilitated: it had been damaged by earthquake, above all the external parts. Water stored is only used for agricultural purposes during the season from October till April to ensure the vegetables production for inhabitants covered by the distribution system. Besides it 7 cisterns in the community of Brillant have been rehabilitated, smaller than the first one with an average water capacity of 42.000 gallons for approximately 910 beneficiaries. Such intervention ensured the water provision capacity to a very isolated community not covered by other humanitarian interventions.

Schools’ teachers and students participated to PHAST training sessions through participative techniques, resulted effective and satisfactory both for communities and the same trainers. Such training sessions allowed to spread awareness among participants in order to improve their life conditions and a better water provision tools management and health facilities access, relevant for preventing diseases such as diarrhoea.

1.7 Attività / Activities During the first phase, priority was given to the NFI distribution in order to respond to the first emergency, being them necessary to cope with the rainy season. The seeds distribution in the mountain areas has responded to the needs of the internal migration that had raised the social pressure on the farmers. All this allowed the resumption of the production. Besides seeds agricultural inputs have been distributed in order to cultivate lands and give sustainability to the intervention also during the next seasons. In the second phase GVC aimed at long-term interventions only in the rural and mountain areas of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve. The interventions carried out have concerned the sectors of wash, through the rehabilitation of rainwater harvesting systems and the construction of permanent and semi permanent latrines in schools. 7 schools have been selected according to some criteria almost based on the number of beneficiaries and the conditions of structures. Such interventions have been of average size, necessary to secure the structures and in some cases, make coverage more stable by anchoring it and avoiding risks in case of hurricanes. The process of beneficiaries identification and intervention areas has been carried out by considering the interventions of other international agencies. The densely populated areas have been the catalysts of humanitarian aid, overshadowing the rural areas that, despite having been affected by earthquake, have not been considered strategically relevant and therefore have not benefited from any humanitarian aid. Through the local partner APV, have been identified two rainwater cisterns for agricultural use. The first one tanks showed some cracks on the bottom and its connections with walls were in poor conditions, not allowing water storage. The collection surface also showed many cracks. The intervention lasted approximately three weeks, by involving local labour. The second tank initially identified, was located under a local market near Vallue, in the 12° section of Petit-Goâve. After the supervision of an engineer, it resulted that the superstructure was in poor conditions, and only a full rehabilitation could have retrieved it. After this assessment and the termination of the cooperation with the local partner APV, GVC decided to rehabilitate family tanks in the section 10 of Petit-Goâve near Brillant. 6 rainwater tanks have been identified that had been damaged by earthquake. The interventions of rehabilitation have been carried out by contracting local labour and involving the same beneficiaries for transporting the materials from the driveway to the site.

1.8 Monitoraggio e valutazione / Monitoring and Evaluation The internal monitoring has been carried out by the project’s staff during the whole project’s duration. During the project different monitoring missions took place. The first mission took place just under the 2010 earthquake in order to assess needs and first interventions to carry out. The second mission took place in August 2010 aiming at monitoring the first phase of the project. It was realized by the HQ personnel in charge for the country. The third monitoring mission was carried out by an emergency consultant that had been identifying the first actions after the earthquake and who had realized the first visit in the country. Such

mission was aimed at evaluating the emergency and post-emergency actions in order to readjust some of them. A further mission took place during the month of December 2010 in correspondence with the administrative mission of Agire and was aimed at preparing the materials/documents for the second intermediate report. At last a final mission took place in August/September 2011 aiming at monitoring all activities realized approaching the end of the project. The monitoring has been done considering the key project’s documents and all relevant material produced by the project’s staff. No external evaluation has taken place by GVC as Agire contracted an external agency to assess all the Agire financed projects.


2.1 Pre-condizioni / Pre-conditions 1 Political and/or security instability and social unrest do not create additional working

constraints and environments. 2 No additional natural disasters will occur during implementation. 3 Cholera epidemic deteriorates and the national and international response in unable to contain

the spread of the disease. During the project’s implementation different social unrest events took place, above all in the period of election (end of 2010), but concerned other areas of the country than those where activities were located. Despite this some security measures have been taken in order to ensure the safety of exp and local staff. No severe natural disaster hit the project’s areas during the implementation, Since October 2010 the cholera was present in the project’s areas and some specific actions have been undertaken.

2.2 Analisi dei rischi / Risk assessment Difficult access to target areas: - Construction activities have been planned comparing to the season; - Motorbikes to reach isolated areas for the local staff have been purchased; - Small size trucks and 4x4 single cabin for material supply and double cabin for personnel have

been rented. Procurement constraints (logistics and quality control) prevent timely availability of construction material: - Close coordination with Logistic Cluster is kept; - NGO registration process started and constantly monitored; - A layer and a broker have been employed to facilitate the procedures of custom clearance and

registration process. No overlapping of organizations working in the same sector in the same area - As of today risk of overlapping has occurred in various occasion between organizations

working in the Petit-Goâve area but, thanks to dialogue between them, through the cluster system or via bilateral efforts, it has been possible to meet the needs of the beneficiaries and identify the gaps to be filled.


3.1 Situazione sul terreno / Situation in the field Main security problems have been linked to: 1. The political realm and increasing criminality offences; 2. Tropical storming and hurricane alert;

3. Cholera epidemic. 1. Various demonstrations have taken place during the political campaign for the elections of 28th

November 2010 till the beginning of 2011, but they did not directly concern the project’s areas. In any case, different security measures have been taken in order to safeguard the staff’s safety.

The security measures followed by GVC have been:

curfew at 12.30 pm in PaP;

movements between duty stations (PaP and PG) only accompanied by driver;

movement with local driver during working hours;

movement without a driver (at least 2 people together) at night and weekends, but only in residential area of Petion Ville/Peguy Ville;

movements with mobile phone on and charged at all times;

night and day guardians in both duty stations of PaP and PG;

information sharing and coordination with international NGOs and with AGIRE Focal Point;

GVC is part of PaP security tree and security group (Joint Haiti Security Forum). 2. During the rainy season, several tropical storming worsened the accessibility to the field and

delayed in some cases the construction activities. With the hurricane Tomas alert, security measure have been held and GVC staff mobility reduced. A good information network and coordination between international organizations has been developed. DRR program has been implemented in GVC project target areas, in line with the guidelines adopted by the national and international stakeholders. 3. In the mid of October 2010, the first cases first cases of cholera appeared in the region of

Artibonite. The epidemic has spread to the rest of the country in a very short time. Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve, as the whole West Department, have been severely affected.

GVC, already engaged in hygiene promotion, considered essential to organize training sessions to prevent cholera. Security measure has been taken within the GVC staff and local communities where the project activities are developing.


4.1 Budget di programma / Total budget EUR 1.520.000. The most relevant differences between the initial budget and the final cost breakdown concerned: Water and sanitation, Health and Rehabilitation/continuum. In all cases differences (in positive and/or negative) was given by optimization of resources, adjustments in the actions carried out due to changes necessary according to the situation or the presence of other humanitarian organizations implementing similar actions.

6.2 Risorse umane / Human resources Expatriate personnel employed: Project Manager – Ms. Silvia Angemi for a period of 3,33 months; Ms. Denise Venturini for a period of 10 months, Mr. Loïc Zaralli for a period of 2,60 months. Field Coordinator – Mr. Mattia Bellei for a period of 15,53 months. Administrator/Logistician in Haiti – Mr. Danilo Musca for a period of 3,37 months. Administrator/Logistician in Dominican Republic – Mr. Nazzareno Mileto for a period of 3,5 months. Administrative Coordinator - Ms. Entela Sula for a period of 6 months; Ms. Laura Liberti for a period of 9,63 months. Technical Coordinator - Mr. Pascal Jurgens for a period of 3 months.

Experts on mission - Mr. Sergio Gelli (Wat&San Expert) for a period of 1,10 months; Ms. Paola Vecchiato (Building Expert) for a period of 2,13 months; Ms. Giulia Silvia Giordano (Building Expert) for a period of 1 month; Mr. Paolo Petrini (Administrative Supervisor) for a period of 0,97 months; Mr. Pascal Duchemin (Logistician Expert) for a period of 1 month; Ms. Daniela Regoli (Policy advisor and communication officer) for a period of 8,03 months; Ms. Anna Gabriella Crescenti (Wash Expert) for a period of 0,47 months; Mr. Massimo Canossa (Logistician Expert) for a period of 0,80 months; Mr. Mario Simonelli (Natural Resources Management Expert) for a period of 0,60 months. Four NGO Representative on mission – Mr. Luigi Seghezzo for a period of 0,50 months; Ms. Donatella Oldrini for a period of 0,67 months; Mr. Lapo Somigli for a period of 1 month; Mr. Gianluca Borghi for a period of 0,30 months. Desk Officer by HQ – Ms. Donatella Oldrini for a period of 4,5 months. Communication and Visibility Consultant by HQ - Mr. Roberto Borlini for a period of 1 month. Desk Officer Assistant by HQ – Ms. Arielle Garnier for a period of 2 months. First Emergency Staff: 3 people (Ms. Silvia Angemi, Mr. Roberto Borlini, Mr. Lapo Somigli) for a total period of 2,87 months. Local Personnel employed: Technical assistant - Robert Borgela for 11,20 months. Field Officer - Hermano Joissant for 8 months. Senior Administrator - Steeve E. Jean Michel for 14 months. Junior Administrator - Roosvelt Fonvert for 12,30 months. Logisticians - J. Paul Wales for 4 months; Adelson Clervaux for 9,77 months. Hygiene Promoters – Mainviel Jackson for 9,93 months; Smith Dessejour for 9,93 months. Technical officers - Fidel Jean Claude for 5,97 months; Dorce Genel for 9,93 months; Kisly Alfrede for 9,93 months; Venido Auguste for 7,43 months; Taina Camy for 2 months. Drivers - Fortuné Dieubon for 12 months; Romeo Fredo for 3 months; Louis Pierre Richard for 15,93 months; Joseph Kerves for 12,20 months. Guardians - Elisma Soulock for 9,93 months; Sanon Wilguens for 8,20 months; Pierre Yvener for 15,87 months; Saul Adelson for 15,81 months; Rejoui Moise for 14,90 months; Jocelin Frantz for 11 months; Dessel Fresnel for 3,93 months; Saint Juste Wilson for 1 month. Support staff - Saturne Lucianne for 11,63 months; Joseph Marie Gille for 9,50 months; Pierre Louimann for 8,70 months; Bigord Antoinette for 7,20 months; Magalie Voltaire for 3 months.

6.3 Risorse materiali / Material resources Agricultural inputs; Seeds (mais, pois noir, ignam); Different first emergency items; Different vehicles rented; 2 vehicles purchased; Different computers (laptops/desktops) with accessories purchased (printers included); GPS purchased; Different mobile phones purchased; Digital cameras purchased; Different pieces of furniture purchased; Generator with accessories purchased; Batteries and inverter.


7.1 Sostenibilità del programma / Sustainability The schools rehabilitated and rebuilt have been chosen according to their status (schools managed at community level) in order to guarantee their sustainability after the end of the project. In the same way the wash interventions have been made in schools.

The agricultural actions took place in areas where needs were registered concerning food production. GVC was able to link some of these actions with further development projects financed by Italian private donors thus giving (see following point). In general, all activities have been planned and agreed with stakeholders involved, at community and institutional levels, thus ensuring a certain sustainability.

7.2 Linking The project has been implemented together with other projects realised by GVC, both during emergency and post-emergency. Priority was given to the mountain and rural areas, more excluded from international funds, where for example products are produced for sale in villages and town or where many children lost their schools and no donor was found to finance them. The country-city relations play a key role in ensuring food security and diversifying the livelihoods strategies of beneficiaries. Because of the GVC’s strong connections with the Italian cooperative system, a part of the activities were aimed at support farmers involved in associations. This link allowed GVC to realize other projects aimed at development, in the same area of intervention. As a matter of fact the activities carried out through this project created the basis for the further interventions, giving to beneficiaries the tools and capacities to develop stronger and more profitable activities.

7.3 Mainstreaming The project took into account the cross-cutting issues of gender, human rights and environmental impact. The work with children focused at first on the recovery of young victims of trauma, and on the rights to education, ensured by the construction/rehabilitation of schools and an educational centre. Concerning gender, GVC paid attention to recruit women as much as possible, but it has been very difficult considering that most of the positions were for technical staff. The beneficiaries have been selected giving priority to women. A direct participation of women in the reconstruction and rehabilitation helped to give them greater confidence in the structure and their contribution in establishing a safer place for their children. The construction of rainwater tanks has an important value both in term of environment and health, because they force people to manage water for domestic use and agriculture. Training on the use of water has been held. In the constructions of schools particular attention has been taken in the use of materials, minimizing the use of wood and promoting local materials for finishing works, readily available and replaceable on site. The shape and size of the school has fit the context and created a relationship between indoor-outdoor spaces. The outer spaces have been considered as a place of educational approach towards the environment issues.


8.1 Accordi con autorità nazionali e locali / National and local authorities The project has been presented to local authorities. The activities have been carried out with the agreement of DPC, that in some cases has cooperated with GVC for the distributions inside the displaced camps. The activities at community levels have been agreed with such communities.

8.2 Comitati di coordinamento / Field co-ordination fora GVC has participated to different coordination fora, both in Port-au-Prince and in Petit-Goâve. During the first emergency stage, GVC stayed in touch with the UN system in order to identify together with them the actions to be undertaken and the intervention criteria, also to avoid double intervention. In Petit-Goâve GVC has partecipated to the following sectoral clusters: Education, Wash, Agricultur/ Food security, thus contributing together with other stakeholders to the implementation of common strategie and effective intervention crtiteria according to available resources.

8.3 Soggetto/i implementatore/i / Implementing partner(s) AVSI – an international partner who carried out some activities concerning the reactivation of an educational centre for young people (approximately 300), and the set up of emergency classe sto give a prompt response to the situation, by providing a good place, didactic materials and psycho-social support. APV – local partner, who contributed to identify the beneficiaries and the needs of the rural areas of Petit-Goâve and Grand-Goâve. Unfortunately, due to different opinions concerning the intervention, the partnership has been interrupted by mutual agreement.


9.1 Revisione contabile / Audit Indicare tempistiche certe per la trasmissione dei documenti di revisione contabile del programma.

The audit report is attached to the report.


10.1 Conclusioni e commenti / Conclusion and comments Since the beginning of the project, GVC’s activities have developed in different areas, moving from the first phase of emergency to post emergency, with a short-to long-term perspective. The distributions of first emergency items have continued, together with the implementation of construction activities, mainly regarding:

the provision of 16 new latrines in two schools of Petit-Goâve and 8 more in another school;

the rehabilitation and/or construction of school;

the rehabilitation of water harvesting systems for agricultural use. The project also focused on agricultural activities to guarantee food production and the promotion of hygiene in schools. With the spread of the cholera epidemic (October 2010), which has also involved the areas of the project, awareness campaigns and training sessions for students and parents have been focused primarily in the prevention and treatment of the disease.

_____________________________________ Firma del coordinatore di programma

Bologna, _________________ Allegati:

Rendiconto finanziario Richiesta di trasferimento del saldo finale

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