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BereniceProgram Notes: Rudolph Palmer / Translation: John Ostendorf

The premiere of Handel's Berenice inLondon on May 18, 1737 came at a lowpoint in the composer's life. From 1710-the year he first set foot on English soil-until the night of the premiere, Handelhad been at the center of London'smusical life. Starting in 1719, he had beenlargely responsible for bringing Italianopera-and virtuosic Italian singers-tothe London stage. But by 1737, the yearBerenice premiered-and then disap-peared after only four performances (thefewest of any of Handel's operas)-Italian opera and, it seemed, Handelhimself, had fallen from favor with boththe general public and the high-bornEnglishmen who had underwrittenLondon's operatic activities. The road toruin was as long and tangled as aHandelian plot.When Handel arrived in England in 1710,he found a country more accustomed tomusic as an accompaniment to spokendrama than as a vehicle for drama.Resistance to a foreign form which pre-sented a story in song never completelydisappeared and, in the end, was onefactor leading to the eclipse of Italian

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opera in London. But not before it enjoyeda brief-and brilliant-run on the capital'sstages, largely under George FridericHandel's direction.

George Frlderle Handel

Handel, already an established composerwhen he came to London from Italy,quickly ingratiated himself with Englishnobility and royalty; by 1717 he was being

described as "His Majesty's principalCourt Composer." His first three operas inLondon-Rinaldo (premiered 1711), IIPastor Fido and Teseo (both 1712) enjoyedsome success. But it wasn't until 1719,

when some of Handel's high-born friendssaw the possibility of reaping financialprofit from opera, that Italian opera reallytook hold in the English capital.That year, a group of noblemen joinedtogether to erect "an academy at theHaymarket..." The investors, who dubbedtheir venture the Royal Academy ofMusic, named Handel "master of the

Orchestra with a sallary/' and on May 14,1719, Handel headed to Italy to recruitsingers for the new company.These singers, as much as the operaswritten by Handel and other composers,most notably Bononcini and Attilio(Ariosti), contributed both to the wild

popularity and ultimate failure of opera in18th-century London. English audiences,once described AShaving "vile tAstes" byMrs. PendArves, A friend of Ilandel, mAYnot hAve understood or AppreciAted theconvoluted plots And foreign tongul' ofItAlianoperA, but they could grAsp A goodrivalry, And the ItAliAn singers providvd AsteAdy supply of fireworks. 'l'he l1l'st-known dud WASbetween the divnsCuzzoni And FaustinA.But the display of sing<::r's ego thAt wns to

cause Handel the greatest grief came fromthe alto castrataSenesino,who, in 1733had a hand in the formation of a rivalcompany to Handel's known at the timevariously as "Senesino's Opera" or "TheOpera at Lincoln's-Inn Fields" and lateras "Opera of the Nobility," because of itssupport by many of Handel's formerpatrons.The formation of SenesinD's companycame five years after the financiallytroubled Royal Academy had beendissolved and control turned over toHandel and John Jacob Heidegger, animpressario and the Academy's manager.After assuming control, the two had torebuild from the ground up, as many ofthe Academy's singers had alreadyreturned to the continent, among themSenesino, a star of the Royal Academy forthe eight years of its existence. Hisabsence was sorely felt and the firstseason of HAndel's reorganized companyWASessentiAlly A fAilure.Luredby ahugely inflAted sAlary,the castrata didreturn for the following season and hisrenppefll'nnce in 1730 reportedly "charm'dml1ch."

l)espilL' the continuation of a Handel-run('(H11pnny nnd the premieres of several ofhis new operas during the close of thelwenties and first years of the thirties(Siroe nnd Tolomeo in 1728, Poro in 1731,


and Sosarme in 1732) there were strongindications that Italian opera, never onfirm footing in England, was slippingfurther out of favor with Englishaudiences. The most dramatic evidenceHandel could have had for their apparentdesire for simpler plots, presented in afamiliar language, was the great successof his first English-language oratorio,Esther, premiered in 1732. But despitedirect suggestions from friends to writeEnglish operas for native audiences anddespite the growing success of a buddingEnglish opera; the wild popularity of JohnGay's burlesque, A Beggar's Opera; andeven the success of his own Esther,Handel clung stubbornly to Italian opera,a form he knew intimately and of whichhe was a supreme master.It would appear that on top of theirboredom with Italian opera and with theendless feuds among Handel's singers,the nobility that provided a substantialportion of the company's funding werefed up with Handel himself. Theirdispleasure with his "imperious andextravagant Will," as one press accountput it, eventually led to the formation ofthe rival opera company with a castheaded by Senesino and comprising theremainder of Handel's singers, who-with the exception of the loyal sopranoAnna Maria Strada-had decamped en

King George I/, Handel's principal royal patron

masseto join the upstart ensemble.In 1734, Handel's longtime partner, Hei-degger, added insult to injury by leasingthe Haymarket theater to SenesinD's newcompany. Reports in 1735 indicateHandel's productions playing to nearlyempty houses at his new digs in CoventGarden, while his rivals were drawingenthusiastic crowds with their newestimported star, the castrato Farinelli.Handel still enjoyed the support of the


royal court and gradually shifting his attentions from hiseven received beloved opera to oratorio, the form thatfunding from the would bring him renewed acclaim fromPrince of Wales, a the audiences of the day.major backer of Handel composed his three-act ItalianSenesino's com- drama Berenice in the last weeks of 1736pany. But London, and finished it in January of 1737. Thewhich could barely librettist Antonio Salvai-his collaboratorsupport one opera on Rodelinda (1725)-supplied Berenice,company, could regina d'Egitto, a subject which hadcertainly not previously been set to music by Jacopo

ConductorRudolphPalmer sustain two. Perti and ironically by Nicola Porpora,The competing enterprises survived for who was to later direct Senesino's Opera.another four seasons and then both Handel's choice of Berenice could notcollapsed, but not before Berenice-one have been coincidence; it was to be hisof Handel's last operas-saw the light final thrust against a competitor for theof day. affections of London audiences.Years of seeing his singers and patrons Salvai's story, set in ancient Egypt, wasdesert him and decades of championing subtitled "The Contests of Love andan art form that was misunderstood by Politics," and was filled with theaudiences and overly expensive to pro- customary amorous intrigues, deceit,duce, in a climate wracked by rivalries ambition, and fidelity-the stuff of someamong the artists and patrons, had taken of Handel's most inspired and gloriousits toll on Handel. In April of 1737, just a musical settings.month before the Berenice premiere, the Though Handel could not be present atmaestro suffered a minor, but debilitating the premiere, it was attended by the Kingstroke, which prevented him from being and Queen and several of their children.present at the premiere of his latest Anna Strada sang the title role, Gioac-creation. chino Conti sang Alessandro, and SignoraWhat appeared at that time as a tragic Bertolli who had decamped from the now-end to a glorious career was, in fact, a defunct rival troupe to join Handel'sturning point, for after Handel's return company, took the mezzo role of Princessfrom taking the cure on the continent, the Selene. The bravura part of Demetriocomposer was to spend the next few years went to Domanico Annibali, Prince Arsace


to Negri and the two lower male roles toJohn Beard and Thomas Reinhold.No contemporary accounts of Berenice'slaunch have survived, although CharlesBurney, the 18th-century music historian,described the minuet as "happy andpleasing to an uncommon degree."The score of the opera was published byJohn Walsh in June 1737. Several airs fromthe score were borrowed by the composerfor one of his many pasticciooperas inFebruary 1738.Aside from a singlerevival of Berenice, supposedly offered inBrunswick in 1743 in a production notoverseen by the composer, the work hasremained unknown for centuries exceptfor its overture and one popular aria.Ironically, the latter, "Si, tra i ceppi" -nowa standard of vocal anthologies-was notpart of Handel's main score, but rather anossiafor Demetrio,which we present onthis premiere recording because of itssuperior musical inventiveness as wellas its obvious and enduring appeal.Aside from those two well-knownselections, this work offers the modernlistener many other pleasures. Handelhimself must have been pleased with thework, as he borrowed from it later in hiscareer, reworking Berenice's Act Twoaria, "Sempre dolci" into Clomiri's aria"V'e un infelice" in Imeneo (1740), andreusing themes from the third-actSinfonia in his 1749 Music for the Royal



The virtuosic vocal writing, occasionedby the egoistic demands of his singers, iswell-represented in Berenice. Each of theseven principals enjoys the kind ofchallenging solo writing that thrills themodern listener as much as it did 18th-century London audiences.Knowing what we do now about theshaky state of opera's economics inHandel's London-particularly after theformation of Senesino's Opera-onewonders if Berenice's simple, yet effectivescoring for strings, oboes, and continuowas as much a financial as an artisticdecision. There are many occasions-among them the heroic Berenice-Demetrio duet of love and vengeanceending Act I ("Se il mio amor fu il tuodelitto"), as well as the ceremonialorchestral movements-that lend them-

selves to scoring for trumpets, horns andtimpani. Was it budgetary considerationsor Handel's rush to present a new work tomatch his rivals' offerings? We can't knowfor sure. But we do know that there wasno shortage of large forces later in hiscareer, when Handel, fully recoveredfrom his illness, proceeded to pen someof his most glorious and enduring music,including several new operas andnumerous richly scored oratorios.


Berenice's PlotEgypt, Middle Roman Empire (c. 100 AD)

ACT 1. Queen BERENICE (soprano)attends the Roman ambassador FABIO(tenor). Fabio informs her that the Senate

wishes her to wed the young Romannoble ALESSANDRO (soprano) whoaccompanies him. But Berenice isbetrothed to Prince DEMETRIO (mezzo),and refuses to be instructed in this matter;Alessandro is instantly smitten. Yet herefuses to press Rome's suit on his ownbehalf, declaring that Berenice must offerhim her hand herself.

Prince Demetrio actually loves SELENE(mezzo), the Queen's sister. In order tothwart Berenice and set his beloved on the

throne, Demetrio has plotted with anEgyptian enemy to overthrow the Queen.ARISTOBOLO (bass),head minister,announces that because Berenice spurnsRome's offer, Alessandro must now seekSelene's hand. Berenice determines to

thwart this plan, and tricks Selene intoagreeing to a union with Prince ARSACE(countertenor).

ACT II. Ambassador Fabio predictsRoman conflict with Egypt. Selenedefends herself to her lover, claiming sheis only using Arsace to ultimately winDemetrio and defeat her sister. Demetrio

again reveals his secret activities. The

Queen overhears this and discoversthe secret love affair; she summons her

guards to take Demetrio away. Even afterArsace offers to relinquish Selene toAlessandro to spare warfare, Alessandrorefuses: he longs only for Berenice.Demetrio is brought before the Queen, butdefies her. Love alone, love for Seleneinspires him. The Queen is furious.

ACT III. The Queen is presented withletters confirming Demetrio's treachery;now nothing stands in the way of hisexecution. In a dazed state, she removes

the royal signet ring from her finger, andgives it to Fabio. Whoever returns it, shesays, may claim her. He gives the Queen'sring to Alessandro. Selene promisesArsace her hand if he can win Demetrio's

freedom. Arsace asks Ales-sandro's helpin freeing Demetrio. Arsace determines toconvince the Queen of the Roman's truelove for her. Berenice is prepared to killherself, but first wants to see Demetrioexecuted. Both Selene and even Arsace

beg for mercy for Demetrio. The Queen'sring is returned, but Alessandro stillrefuses to press a claim for her hand, theQueen is moved. In a sudden impulse,she offers herself and her throne toAlessandro.

Demetrio is pardoned; Prince Arsacegenerously renounces his own claim onSelene, and all the lovers are united.-6-


Maestoso I Allegro I Minuet I Gigue

Queen Berenice's throne room in the Egyptian caPital.RECITATIVE

Berenice (accompanied by her advisor Aristobolo, guard>~ and attendant»

Aristobolo, a noi venga il Romano ambasciator. Aristobolo, let the Roman envoy be brought before me.

(Tacete, voi moti del pensiero, e a regolar di questo (Be silent, my secret thoughts. Let love for Egypt and

cor l'impero amor e maesta.) Meco sedete! it, majesty rule my heart now.) My Lords, be seated.

Fabio (approaches the throne with Prince Alessandro and other Roman envoys)

Berenice, al tuo soglio quella stessa amista, ch'ebbe Queen, Emperor Silla and the Roman Senate reaffirm

sinora per me Silla e'l Senato, ate conferma. our longstanding alliance with your kingdom.

Alessandro (gazing at Queen Berenice is instantly smitten)

(Che maesta! che volto!) (What majesty and bearing!)Berenice

Di Silla e del Senato io l'amistade accetto. I welcome the friendship of your Senate and Emperor.

Fabio (in a stem and formal tone)

E brama poi ch'un amico di Roma, eccolo, egli eA!- He petitions you to accept as both ally and as

essandro, per compagno e consorte al trono accetti. husband this friend of Rome-Prince Alessandro.

BereniceCon pretesto di zel Roma pretende tiranneggiare Under the guise of friendship, Rome would thus force

del mio cor gli affetti? the affections of my heart?Alessandro

(Che bel orgoglio!) (What handsome fury!)Fabio

Sai... But you must realize...Berenice

Basta! Enough!Alessandro

(Oh! bel sdegno!) (What admirable disdain!)Berenice

Chi di questo diadema s'adornera, consorte mio, la What spouse will place the marriage laurel on mychioma, vo che a me n'abbia grado, e non a Roma! brow? Let him be worthy of my choice, not Rome's!





No, che servire altrui, quest'anima non sa, no! No! This head will not bow before the whims of others!

Ne a questo regio core altri che il Fato e Amore None but fate and love will ever hold sway

Dar legge mai potra! over this breast!

No, che servire altrui... No! This head will not...



Alessandro (excited, alone with Fabio and the Roman contingent)Fabio, vedesti mai pili bell'orgoglio? Oh, Fabio have you ever witnessed such noble anger? Oh,

quanto m'innamora! how she enflames me!

Fabio (disgustedwithhisyoungcharge) ,

0 Dei! Alessandro siegui del Senato i consigli.E s'ella Heavens, Alessandro, you must obey the Senate's will: if

sprezza Ie tue nozze, a Selene volgi tutto il tuo amor. Berenice spurns you, ask for her sister Selene's hand.Alessandro

Non puo alla sua voglia amar e disamar il nostro core. Rome's wishes do not rule the passions of this heat1.Fabio

Lo vuol ragio di stato! Yes, but realltywill!Alessandro

E perche mail What ever does that mean?Fabio

Ella adoraDemetrio, di Mitridate amico. Berenice loves Demetrio, King Mitridate's secret ally.Alessandro

(Oh! Dei! che intendo?) (Gods! What am I hearing?)Fabio

Pensa, ti lascia omai. E pili sagace da questo impara Think about this: is it not wiser at this early stage to

cio che giova ad amar, non cio che piace. seek profit from love rather than pleasure?



Vedi l'ape ch'ingegnosa su quei fior Consider the clever bee: how he flits back and forthVola e si posa dove pili trova d'umor. amidst the blossoms, wherever it best suits him.

Ne s'arresta ancor che bello sembria lei He never stops, no matter how sweet this or that bloom,Di questo e quello solo e semplice il color but always buzzes on, attracted to the color of the next.

Vedil'ape... Consider the clever bee...

(Fahioand his entourage depart, leaving theyoung Prince musing)-8-



lo...di Selene? 10 d'altri che della bella Berenice Lwed Princess Selene? I should love any other than

amante? Fabio, t'inganni! Ai rai di quel sembiante the ravishing Berenice? No, Fabio, you are very wrong!

s'oscura ogni ragione, e quel bel ciglio In the face of her flaming beauty all reason is blind.

confonde del Senato ogni consiglio! That beguiling face confounds the Senate's legislation!



Che sara quando amante accarezza How can you resist when your lover caresses youSe mentre disprezza alletta COSI? or when she is angry and stomps off?

Quanto vaga sarebbe amorosa Her love is even more appetizing when, at first

Se fiera e sdegnosa quel'alma invaghJ! haughty and disdainful, she later surrenders!

Che sara... How can you resist...



RECITATIVEDemetrio (Princess Selene's royal chamhers.)

Cara, non sospirar... Beloved, don't sigh...Selene

Ah!troppo io t'amo. Parti.. ButIlove youso. Yetyoumust gonow...Demetrio

Perche? But why?Selene (anxiously looking at the door)

Gelosa del tuo amor e la mia fiera germana. My envious sister resents any attention you pay

Ti vieta anco il miranni! me. She doesn't want you to even look my way!Demetrio

E la mia fiamma per te, bell'idol mio, mai Dear one, the love I feel for you can neversapro estinguere. be extinguished.

SeleneVanne! Se qui ti trova.. Now go. If you were to be discovered here...


10 sapro fingere.. I'd know how to fake some excuse...Selene (hitterly)

Ti vuole al trono! She wants you to take the throne with her!

Demetrio (loving, soothing)Ed io che regni senza te, cara mia speme? Sappi, con And rule without you by me, dear hope? Know this:




- - ----

TRACK15Mitridate secreta intelJigenza io presi... I am in King Mitridate's most intimate confidence..Selene (shocked at this confession of treason)

Oh Dei! Good Gods!Demetrio

...col suo aiuto deposta la superba germalla ...and with his aid, the Princess Selene will deposen'andra Selene al soglio. her haughty sister alId ascend the Egyptian throne!

.. Selene

A qual periglio, caro, t'esponi! To such dallger, love, to so recklessly expose yourself1Demetrio

Amor non vuol consiglio! Love listens to no reason!


No, soffrir non puo il mio amore, No, my passion ,,@stop at nothing

Che non regni tua belta. to see your beauty triumph.

Chi da legge a questo core For she who rules over this heart

Legge al mondo ancor dara. shall also reign over the entire empire.

No, soffrir... No, my passion...



Aristobolo (enters Selene's rooms, hut does not see Demetrio departing)

Selene, oh Dei! Dov'e Demetrio? Roma pretende che Selene, Heavens, where is Prince Demetrio? RomeBerenice, senza pOl' dimora, sposi Alessalldro, e che insists that your sister take Alessalldro's hand at

Demetrio mora. once, alId is asking for Demetrio's execution.Selene

Gelo, avvampo, considero e sento I freeze alId burn to think of this, alIdCon doppio tormento il gelo e I'ardor! my icy, fiery torment redoubles!

Penso... temo... di speme mi pasco I consider... !fear... Hope frees me a moment,E rinasco tra speme e timor. then I faint and awaken to yet more dread.

Gelo, avvampo... !freeze alId burn...



Aristobolo (alone, sadly musing)

AlIa quiete d'Egitto, che Demetrio si svene For Eh'YPtianpeace alId for the common good,il popol chiede. L'amor di Berenice e il suo delitto Demetrio must die. Berenice's love condemns him.

e sia d'amor la morte sua mercede! Death is the prize for her love!




Con gli strati d'amor Beh'lliling and amorous glallcesCallgia morte talor I'armi omicide. Call suddenly become deadly weapons.

E con diversa sorte At fate's whim, death will first

Accende i cuor la morte e amor gli uccide. enflame the heart and then love will destroy it.

Con gli strali... Beguiling alId amorous...


Berenice (enters her sister's rooms with attendants)

Ascolta, e ali'alma quiete comparti: Hear me, Selene, and open your serene heart to me:Prence di regio sallgue m) chiede i tuoi sponsali... A certain prince has asked me for your hand...

Selene (happily excited)(Esso e Demetrio!) (Oh, it must be Demetrio!)

Berenice (has no idea of Selene's thoughts, nor of her secret affair with Demetl'io)La ragione di stato cosl \~lOlee il Senato, coslla quiete The good of our realm, the Roman Senate's wishes,

mia, cosl il mio regno... my own peace of mind-such a union would satisfy...Selene

(Per sicuro e Demetrio!) I voler miei a te sommetto. (It's surely Demetrio). Yes, I agree to your desires.

Berenice (completely surprised-she had expected resistance)

Dunque...volontaria consenti? freely give your consent?

Selene (to the courtiers who have accompanied the Queen)

Tutti i piaceri tuoi son miei contenti. My happiness rests entirely on yours, sister.

Poss'io saper 10 sposo? Might I know my husband-to-be?Berenice

Or 10 vedai. Ola, Prence! You shall meet him presently. Come forward, Prince!

Selene (horrified as PrinceArsace-not Demetri~nters)(Chemiro?10son delusa!) (Whomdo I see?Ah,I'vebeen deceived!)

ArsacePoss'io sperar... Might!but hope...


Non vedi? Ella consente. Didn't you hear, Arsace, she has already consented!

II suo rossor l'accusa! Do not her blushes give her away?

ARIABerenice (hoth coquettish and devious, sensing Selene's distress)Dice, Arnor, quel bel vermiglio Love speaks in charming, rosy accents




Che raccolto su quel volto

Sembra rosa in grembo a giglio.

Dice fede, e fe di sposa

II candore de quel core

Che par giglio in grembo a rosa.


and seems to show its scarlet face

to the lily's white soul.

Love then speaks its own heartfelt,sacred sentiments and causes

the lily itself to blush.

Love speaks...

RECITATIVEArsace (gently, to Selene)

Principcssa,cd ever... Princess, can it be true...Selene

(10 son confusa, ne so che dir...) ([ am dumbstruck; what can [say?)Arsace (he takes her hand)

E m'e I'onor permesso, mia signora, chiamarti Permit me, my lady. Do [dare address you as myanzi mia sposa? fiancee?


(Sl, deludi cosll'arte con I'arte.) Arsace, (Yes, [must employ some guile here.) Well, Prince

m'ami dunque? Arsace, so you say you love me?Arsace

Auzi('adoro. [worship you!Selene

Vo' prova del tno amor. Then [seek proof ofyourlove!Arsace

Tntto m'impegno. Ask me anything.Selene

Solo coli' opre tue renditi Only through deeds can you prove yourself

degno! worthy of my love!



Senza nudrisce alcuna qual pargoletto in cuna, Love has struggled in my heart like an infant

Mi stava amor nel sen. in its crib, deprived of nourishment.

Or che speranza il pasce rotte l'anguste fasce But now that hope lives, these humble trappings are

Gigante amor divien. discarded, and the propsect of love looms large.

Senzanudrisce... Love struggles..




Alessandro (alone in an open hall in the palace)

Alessandro, che pensi? Se te disprezza, e se Demetrio Alessandro, what are you thinking? [fthe radiant

adora, la bella Berenice, al tuo povero cor sperar che Berenice loathes you, if she loves Demetrio, what hope

lice? Sl, che l'amero sempre, anzi il mio rivale for this wretched heart? I'll love her forever; [even

illei adoro, e si giammai la sorte... adntire my own rival. Ah, if Fate had only...

Demetrio (rushes in, sword in hand, pursued by armed assailants)

Ne pur Ie regie porte serviranno d'asilo a will the palace doors offer sanctuaJY to an innocent

un'innocente? fugitive?

Alessandro (quickly drawing his own sword, fights off the attackers)

Assalito Demetrio [ndietro olil! Demetrio under attack? Back off, you villains!

Berenice (entering with attendants)

Traditori! Felloni! Aristobolo, opponi Ie regie Traitors' Criminals' Aristobolo, summon the guard!

guardie... E pure salvo sei, Demetrio, idol mio! At least you are safe, dear Demetrio, my love!

Fabio (has entered and witnessed Demetrio's rescue)

(Perfida sorte!) (Wretched Fate!)

BerenicePer sottrarti alia morte Ie penne al pie Demetrio, they have tried to turn my love for you into

somministrommi amore! a death warrant!

Demetrio (his attention elsewhere)

D'Alessandro al valore deggio la vita. [owe my life to Alessandro's valor.Fabio

(Ohime! Cheintendo?) (Oh no! What do [hear?)

Berenice C~lancing at Alessandro, with curiosity)Tanto rispetta il merto tuo sino il rivale. Even your rival regards you higWy.


Tutto e quieto, 0 Regina. II solo aspetto d'Alessandro My queen, calm is restored. Alessandro's presence

calma la fellonia. alone quelled the uprising.Berenice

(Granvirtu!) (Whatvirtue!)Fabio

(Gran pazzia!) (What folly!)Berenice

Alessandro, ate devo... Prince Alessandro, [am much in your debt...



AlessandroAh no, Regina! Non Ii chiedo mercede. Amo il No, Queen, 1 ask no thanks. The mere image of your

riflesso del tuo amore in altrui, e a te servendo lui love for another nourishes me. Thus, in atteneling

servo a me stesso! another, you attend me as well!


Quell'oggetto ch'e caro a chi adorn That which is precious to the one 1 adore

Deve ancora esser carn alluio cor. is also precious to this heart.

Non aspira a pietosa mercede My pure fidelity looks not for pity's

Generosa la pura mia fede, rewards, but only seeksBrama sol meritarne I' onor. honor's merits.

Quell'oggetto.. That which is precious...



(Che valor!) (This man is a saint!)

Berenice(Che finezza!) Mi siegui, anima mia, caro Demetrio. (What character!) Sweet Demetrio, come. Your

Aspetta grande al par del mio amor, la mia vendetta! enemies will find my revenge is as potent as my love!



Se il mio amor fu il tuo/mio delitto, If my love is my/your crime,

Mia vendetta ancor sara! then so too shall be my vengeance.

E s'io piango anco l'Egitto del mio duol non ridera! And Egypt shall not exult over my grief!

Seilmioamor... If my love..




Demetrio (alone in the Queen's chambers)

Se non ho I'idol mio, scettrn e corona, adelio! Without my beloved Selene, 1 care nothing for sceptre

No, non vi voglio! or crown. Away! 1 seek you no longer!






Fabio (enters, in conversation with Berenice)

Gia che per tuo consorte Alessandro rifiuti, Now that you refuse Alessandro as consort, Romeor Roma chiede di Selene Ie nozze. wishes him to ask Selene's hand instead.

Demetrio(Oh Dei!) Che dunque a un regio figlio mancheranno (Oh Gods!) And then which Queen is to supply Egypt

Regine? its royal heirs?Fabio

A Berenice parlo, non a Demetrio! Ella risponda. 1 address Berenice, not you, Demetrio. Let her answer.Demetrio

S1, rispondi, Regina! E si confonda. Yes, answer, Queen. You hesitate?Berenice

Non posso secondar di Roma i votl. 1 cannot agree to Rome's plans.Fabio

Perche? Why not?Berenice

Selene e sposa. Selene is already engaged.Fabio

Sposa? What? Engaged?Demetrio (alarmed)Selene? Selene?


Di chi? To whom?

Berenice (enjoying the moment)D'Arsace. To Arsace.

Demetrio(Son morto.) (This kills me.)

Fabio(Son confuso!) (I am confused!)

Berenice(Ro il cor contento.) (I am well pleased.)

Fabio (very anglY now)Pace con Roma e guerra io Ii presento. 1 offer you either peace with Rome or war. Decide!






Su, Megera, Tisifone, Aletto! Arise, spirits of the dead!

Dal mio petto Cnpido fugate Let yonr hideous images banish gentle

L'empio imago di lei cancellate, Cupid from my soul,

Che spergiura infedel mi tram. now that my wicked love forsakes me.

Maledetto sia sempre quel dl Let that day be forever accursed

Che si bella comparve al mio core. that seemed so delightful to my heart.

Maledetta la piaga che amore Damned be love's arrow that

Per l'ingrata nel seno m'aprl! unfaithful Selene has sent through my soul.

Su, Megera... Arise, spirits...


Fabio (rips offhis insignia in his anger)Guerra e pace, Egizia terra a te porto In this moment of fury I can declare either war or

In questo grembo. peace for Egypt.Giitfatale io scuoto lembo, The fateful sword is poised. You do not

Non vuoi pace, eccoti guerra! wish peace? Then prepare for your destruction!



Moltoafflitto,Demetrio,ancor paventi? Areyouso worried, Demetrio?Demetrio

No, no, Regina. Anzi a'grand'opre aspira questo mio No, your majesty, not now that my heart prepares for a

cor, or che in periglio vede il suo amor, la suafede mighty enterprise, nowthat!ts true love and faith, its

e la sua pace... very future are threatened..

Berenice (totally misinterpreting thi,)

Cosl voglio il tuo cor, cosl mi piace! This is just how I like you, it pleases me to hear this!



Sempre dolei ed amorose non vi voglio, 0 luci amate. Sweet and loving is not how I crave you, sweet eyes,

Auco irate mi piacete, luci amate! for when you flash with anger, then you excite me!

Voi non siete men vezzose, men vivaci e lusinghiere You are no less lovable or charmingQnando fiere vi volgete. when you tremble in rage.

Sempre dolei... Sweet and loving...


Demetrio (alone)

Selene, infida... spergiurato amore... perfida donna... Selene, unfaithful... betrayed love... wretched woman...

mia traditafede... infeliceDemetrio... ingrato core! scorns my love... uuhappyDemetrio... faithless heart...

Ma folle! Opre richiede non querelle il mio male This is folly! My pains must not paralyze me.

di braccio al mio rivale rapir sapro quella infedele: I'll find a way to seize the wicked girl from Arsace's

Arsace non ridera se piangera Demetrio. Sconvolgero grasp. My rival will not gloat over Demetrio's tears! I'll

la pace di questo regno a Mitridate unito. Chiamero di ally myself with King Mitridate and topple this kingdom.

Cocito Ie furie tutte a vendicar 10 scherno del mio I shall invoke the aid of Hell itself to be avenged on the

tradito amore piegare in mio favore: se'l Ciel non presumptuous villain. He'll yield before my own broken

posso, io movero l'lnferno. love. If Heaven does not grantit, I call upon Hell!




Mio bel sol, dove t'aggiri? Radiant goddess, where are you strolling now?

Cia che tocchi e cia che miri Whatever you touch or glance upon

Adorar conviene a me. I will worship.




Aristobolo (enters hastily with A1:,ace)0 Dei! Fabio minaccia aspra guerra all'Egitto. Gods! Fabio is threatening war \\~th Ei,'YlJt.


E perche mail But why?Arsace

Per qual cagion? Yes, for what reason?Aristobolo

Cedila adAlessandro... Arsace, you must yield Selene to Alessandro...Alessandro

Ate la lascio non bramo un Imeneo di politica figlio No, Arsace, keep Selene! I do not favor a political

e di timore, ma quel che safonnar muto l'amore. marriage, based on fear, one which will kill love.


ARIA TRACK10Alessandro

La bella mano che mi piago The channing hand offered to me, without a loving

Senza del core stringer non VUO, no, non vuo! heart to accompany it I will not take. No!


- .

Mel'offreinvana freddo,timore Youvainlyoffermeatimid,reluctanthandwhichDopacheamoremelanego hasalreadydeniedmelove!

Labellamana... Thecharminghand...

Matosvolgieterraeciel! andyet,yonholdswayoverheavenandearth!Senzate... Politics,withoutyon...

RECITATIVESelene (alone in her apartments with Demetrio)

Equalfuror gelosoagitaI'almatua? Demetrio,whatjealouspassiongripsyon?Demetro


Demetrio...0 Del! Demetrio...Heavens!Demetrio

Lasciami,infida... Awayfromme,youfaitWess..Selene


..svenareArsace!Lasciami! ...ofkillingArsace.Letmealone!Selene

Unsolmomentaraffrenai! tuofurore. Putyourangerasideforamoment.Demetrio



Ingratocore!10solopertuoamorsanainfelice,per Wickedsoul!It isonlyfor mylovefor youI snffertedi BerenicerinuncioallettoeaItrono,ecan now!ForloveofyouI rejectBerenice'scrown,

pretestichesuggerisceamore... herbed.I'veevenfakedlovetoherin orderto...Berenice (has silently entered and heard all this. She erupts infillY)

OIa!Siarresti! Ho!Guards!Seizehim!Selene

(Misera!) (Howawful!)Demetrio (drawing his sword)

Questamanosanarsapra! Letmyswordendmyownsuffering...Selene

Frena il furore, insano! Stop this madness, Demetrio!Demetrio

Deh, per pieta, m'nccidi! For pity's sake, kill me now!


RECITATIVEArsace (watchesAlessandro depart)

Aristobolo,OhDei! Heavens,Aristobolo.Aristobolo

Sospiri,Arsace? Youare upset,PrinceArsace?Arsace

Dunque svenar degg'io la quiete del cor mio? Must I suppress what my heart tells me?Aristobolo

Si, generoso della tua patria ben, cedi Selene. Yes, friend: nobly surrender Selene foryonr conntry.Arsace



Amore contra amor combatte nel mio cor. One love wars with another within this breast:

Selene e gloria combatte nel mio cor! my love for Selene versus concern for Egypt'sglory.

La gloriavincerama quanto costed poi la vittoria? Egypt'sglory will win, but atwhat cost this victory?Amorecontro amor... One love wars...




Tiranne degli'affetti! Politicamalnata ch'alginsto Affairs of state: so ontrageous and tyrannical. An honest

altrui voler sempre s'oppone. Sei di stato ragion man should resist them. We live in an age of supposedsenza ragione! reason, bnt in reality there is no reason!



Senzate sarebbe il mondo Politics, without you this world would be a far lessMeno scaltro epiil fedel! slyand far more honest place!

Saria ogn'uno piil giocondo, Every citizen would be more content,Avriail fate piil secondo could enjoy an assured future,




-" -

BereniceCedi quel ferro! Give me that sword!

Selene (takes itfi'Om the stunned Demetrio)

Prendi! Here, take it!Berenice

E tu, fellon, Ie meritate pene da un grand'amore As for you, villain, you shall presently know the

offeso, in breve attendi! punishment for the love you betray!

degl' affetti miei... my feelings for Prince Alessandro, I...

Alessandro (respectfully, but fil1nly, to the Princess)

Ne del cor mio altri arbitro sara. Che amore ed io... Only love persuades me. Selene, my own love makes...

Fabio (alamed and ftd up with this romantic attitude)

Prence, Rome e'l Senato... Look here, Prince, both Rome and the Senate will...

AlessandroNo, Fabio, il solo amore dara legge al mio cor, No, Fabio! Trne love alone rnles this heart,

ne temo il danno! whatever the risk to me!

Fabio (departs in disgust)

(Pili stoho ancor son io, se pili n'affanno) (I am more shocked than moved by all this!)

Berenice (has heard enough)

Ola! Tosto alIa torre Demetrio si conduca! Guards! Let Demetrio be taken to the tower.

E fra i tormento... And torture soon will...

Demetrio (finally revealling himself, defies her)

Serbero ancor mia fede e i ginramenti! Queen, my vows to Selene cannot be threatened!

ARIA TRACK16Berenice

Traditore, traditore, cos1 voglio di sembiante, Wicked traitor, how handsome you look now,

Cos1 perfido di cor! yet how black yonr heart is!

Perche mai si bella salma Great God ofLove, how could so rngged a

Chiude un alma si incostante frame conceal so treacherous a heart,

Per mia pena, oh Dio d'amor? one so hurtful to me?

Traditore... Wicked traitor..



S1, tra i ceppi e Ie ritorte Yes, although chained and tormented,

La mia fe risplendera. my love will shine forth brightly!

Non ne pur la stessa morte Not even death can

II mio foco estinguera. extinguish this flame.

S1, trai ceppi... Yes, although chained...


Selene (alone withArsace)

E' questo I'amor tuo? And what of the love you professed for me, Arsace?Arsace

Pubblico bene mi fa... My concem for public good forces me to...Selene

Non pili! Chi rinuncio al mio letto e indegno di Oh stop! You have rejected onr marriage vows.

Selene e del suo affetto! You are unworthy of Selene and her affections!



Principessa, t'arresta. E tu, fellon, senti Ie prime Wait, Princess! As for you, brnte, knowyonr first

pene: Porgi a Arsace la man pronta, Selene! punisluuent: Selene, offer your hand now to Arsace!Selene

(Misera, che faro?) (How awful! What can I do?)

DemetrioDe' miei tormenti... This agony is too...

BerenicePerfido, taci! E tu eseguisci. Silence, fiend! Arsace, she is yours.

Arsace (turns to Amhassador Fahio who has entered)

Arsace, alIa publica pace ha gEl sacrificato i suoi Arsace will sacrifice his own happiness for Egypt's

contenti. I minacciati mali per toglier all'Egitto, oggi welfare! To spare this land the threat of war, I shall

cedei al Prencipe Alessandro i miei sponsali. )~eld Selene to Prince Alessandro of Rome.Fabio

A me ne fe iI rifiuto. Arsace, do not make this generous offer to me.Selene

Tanto di me non puo disporre Arsace. Ne Arsace, I was not prepared for this. And as for




Sl poco e forte dunque tua fede If your devotion is so feeble that itCh'altrni mi cede per vil tlmore? casts me aside simply out of fear, then how worthy



Quel tuo gran core ora dov'e? can that great, noble heart of yours really be?

Sino Ie porte spezzar d'averno You pledged to brave even the gates ofHeli

n soglio eterno rapir a Giove to save me from the clutches ofJove himself.

Giurasti e dove or e tua fe? You swore it. Where is your promise now?

SI poco e forte... !fyour devotion...ENDCD II



Berenice (in her throne room, with guards)Ola! Tra lacci suoi si conduca Demetrio Guards, let Demetrio be brought before me

a me davante. in his chains.

Aristobolo (enters)Questo foglio, 0 regina, a Demetrio diretto il Queen, this letter, meant for Demetrio, was

consiglio t'invia. intercepted and brought for you to consider.Berenice (~he reads a tetter he has hrought her)

Foglio eliMitridate? Che intesi? From King Mitridate, our enemy? What do I see?0 mostro ingrato! Oh, the hideous traitor!

Demetrio (led in, ohserves the Queen reading his secret letter)Fannevendetta! Versa pur quanto sangue ho nelie Your revenge is futile! Spill the hlood from my veins:

vene; non temo e non mi penta. Aino Selene! I do not repent and I do not fear you; I love Selene!




Per si belia cagion m'e dolce la prigion, For so noble a crime, prison is sweet to me asCaro il morire. is death.

E morendo, eliro la sorte mi manco With my dying breath, while I can say fate has

Ma non I'ardire. forsaken me, my love never elies.

Per si belia... For so noble...



Fabio (enters with Roman soldiers)

Regina, adelio! L'Egitto lascio mal soelisfatto, e Farewell, Queen. I leave Egypt much elissatisfied andal Tebro io torno. I now return to Rome.




No Fabio. Consolato oggl Silla vedrai, Rome No, Fabio! Today your see your emperor, Rome, and itse'l Senato! Senate satisfied.

FabioCome? How?

Berenice (recklessly)

Prendi con questo Regio sigillo aRoma or'io Fabio, take this royal ring. I hereby submit to Rome

consegno l'arbitro dellnio letto e del mio regno. Tu, my hand and my throne. As Rome's emissary you may

Ministro eli lei, porgi a chi piu ti piace il Regal dono. decide on whom to bestow my royal favors. Whoever

Quel ch'a me riporta il mio trono otterranne ed il returns this ring to me may claim both my bed and

mio letto! my kingdom!

Fabio (departs excitedly)

(Re d'Egitto e Alessandro a suo dispetto!) (Despite himself Alessandro mayyet be Egypt's king!)


Berenice (alone, stunned and dejected)Chi t'intende? 0 cieca instabile! who wants you now, blind, feeble queen?

CapriciosaDeita! Capricious fate!

Infelice e lniserabile Viloicolui che t'accarezza He who embraces me will know misery and never be

E a chi pill fugge e sprezza dai maggiOI' felicita. requited. Happiness will elude and mock him.

Chi t'intende.. Who wants you now...



Selene (alone in the royal garden, heneath Demetrio's prison tOWel)Tortorella che rimira presso allaccio Sweet dove, again you behold this unhappy, tormented,

La campagna, infelice, allor che fa? wretch. How can you help me?

Dolcemente pria si lagna, freme poscia, How tenderly you sigh, then you shake yourself and flyIndi s'aggira per riporla in liberta. off, as if you were bringing me back my freedom.



QUI dove il mio tesoro aure di moIte infelice Here where my love inhales Death's vapors, my heart

respira, mio cor in van sua liberta sospira. Oh Dei... vainly seeks release. Oh Gods!

Arsace (enters quietly)

Ecco al tuo piedi Arsace tutto amOl'... Arsace kneels here at your feet...



SeleneMa, ebben, che vuoi? Now then, what do you want?

ArsaceNon si perde I'amor d'un ben ceduto. Do not cast aside the love this good heart offers you.

SeleneSe m'ami ancor, parlino l'opre in te mel promettesti. If you still love me, let your deeds speak for you.

ArsaceE pronta e la mia fe. Tutto faro per te. My faith is ready for the test. I'll do anything for you.

SeleneDalle catene sciogli Demetrio e sara tua Selene! Free Demetrio and Selene will be yours!


Questa qual sia belli The beautiful sight of him freeDella sua liberta sara mercede. will be enough reward for me.


Qual arduo impegno, 0 Arsace! Scioglier Demetrio? A weighty promise you've made, Arsace. To free

E con qualmczzo, oh Dei! Demetrio? But how to manage it? Heavens!

Alessandro (enters)Chiedi! Tutto faro... Ask! I shall do all I can...

(be bandsArsace tbe myal ring Fabio bas given bim)

Render dovrai per me quest'aureo cerchio a Berenice. Return this gold ring to the Queen for me.

Arsace (amazed)

(II sigillo Real?) Come I'avesti? (The royal signet ring?) How do you come by this?Alessandro

A me 10 dieI'ambasciador Romano; e grave disse, Fabio gave it to me. He announced that with it I may

ottieni ora da Roma il diadema d'Egitto. A Berenice 10 lay claim to Egypt's throne if! present it to Berenice.

renderai. Ma sdegno, se dalla man di lei non viene il But I refuse it. If it does not come voluntalily from herdona, non che d'Egitto, anco del mondo iI Regno. own hand, I reject the throne and any throne on earth.




le dirai... Say to her...Arsace

Diro che amore come il cor ti lega il pie. I'll say that love and your heart have moved you.




Alessandroledirai... Say to her...

ArsaceDiro che sprczza il tuo core ogni grandezza I'll say that your heart seeks no honors if she does

Sc di Ici dono non e. not bestow thcm hersclf.

Alessandrole dirai... Say to her...


Fabio (severely to Alessandro)

Prence, d'Iside aI tempio, la Regina ne attende. Oggi Prince, the Queen awaits in the temple. Today bridal

la face d'Imeneo splendera can renderle iI sigillo. torches will be lit ,vith your presentation of the ring.Alessandro

A Berenice per me 10 rende in questo punto Arsace. At this moment it is Arsace who presents it to her.Fabio

Come? What?

AlessandroSu questa chioma! I swear it on my head!

Fabio10 son confuso. I am confused.

AlessandroII diadema d'Egitto da Berenice voglio e non da Roma! I'll take the crown of Egypt from her hand, not Rome's!



In quella sola, in quella candida mano e bella Cupid has placed my entire fate

Ha posto la mia sorte il Dio d'amore: into her lovely hands:

Da quella il proprio fato sia misero 0 beato whether my destiny be miserable or glorious

Di vita 0 di morte aspetta il core. and whether this heart awaits life or death.

In quella sola... Cupid has placed...



De' satrapi eadunata I'assemblea, vieni Regina. The ministers and grand counsel are assembled. Come.

Berenice (fixated on Demetrio's letter, wbicb sbe holds in her hand)

Oh Dei! Mio cor potrai mirare estinti i rai, che fur Gods, attend the quenching of this heart's dying rays. Of

tua vita? SI, iI traditol'... no, ancorun poco, oh Numi! what use is my life? But wait... the traitor, OhHeavens!



",~ ~,.- - -

SI, Sl, pera! A vendetta sol mi rendo. La testa Yes, he dies: that alone avenges me. Bring me the

di Demetrio al tempio attendo. head ofDemetrio in the Temple ofIsis!


Avvertite, mie pnpille, non tradite I' onor mio Avert your glances, eyes: do not betray my honor

Col vostro pianto. with your tears.

Se versate sol due stille If you shed even a few tears

Oscurate del cor mio la gloria e'l vanto. you stain both my glory and my pride.

Avvertite... Avert, my eyes..



Berenice (addresses the assembly in the Temple of Isis)

Gran Nume tutelar di questo Regno, voi satrapi al Great Isis, protector of my domain, and you mysostegno, qual vittima consacri ora vedete, quello, che ministers: tell me, of what victim will you \vitness

fit il mio caro, 10do al pubblico ben ch'e traditore. the sacrifice? I renounce him who held my heart.ed il crime suo sostiene. exposed him: his guilt condemns him!

SeleneMa tutto il suo delitto e amor di Selene... Sister, he is guilty only ofloving me...

Berenice..e amor Selene, ed aspirar al soglio. ...ofloving a princess and coveting the throne.

SeleneL'amor mio gl'ispiro, si fatto orgoglio. His pure love for me inspired his rash deeds.

BereniceMora Demetrio, mora! Demettio dies! He dies!

SeleneComplice dell' error Selene ancora! Let Selene perish also as his accomplice!

ArsaceE Demetrio e Selene abbian vita, 0 Regina, e mora No, Queen, let Demetrio and Selene live! Take my life

Arsace. AIle catene tolse Demetrio. Questa firma real... instead. I trapped Demetrio, and with this signet ring...Berenice

Come in tno mano? How do you have this?

Alessandro (has entered, overhearing this)

II ministro Romano ame la diede. Ma rispetoso Fabio had given it first to me. But out of respect for

amante non volli, 0 bella, comparirti innante. you, Queen, I do not claim you, so I gave it to Arsace.




Te dunque Roma eleggc pCI' mio sposo c mio Re? So, Rome once again pl'Oposes you as my consort?Alcssandro

No, mia Regina! Amor, non Roma, a qucsto cor da No, my Queen. It is true love and not Rome that rules

legge. Se il Cielo mi destina a qucsto soglio, da Bcrc-this hcart. And ifHeaven should destine me for this

nice, c non da Roma, io'l voglio! thronc it shall only be by Berenice's edict, not Rome's.Bercnlce

COSI bel genio a tanto amor congionto, d'un improviso Such noblc bcaring illnmines you, Alessandl'O. With

amor mi accende a segno, che con la m~lI1 Ii do mc tbis swcct gcsturc, affection suddenly blossoms in this

stessa c'l Rcgnol brcast. Ycs, I offer you my hand and my throne.

DUETBerenice/ AlesslUulro

Quella fede, quel volto, quel core, caro dardo Your lovc, your facc, your heart: the God ofFUa piagarmi del Numc d'mnorc, Lovc pierccs my hcart with his arrows.

Che sia eternalanostrafcrita tct his wound ncvcr heal, let our lives be sweet

traditore! Voi 10scopristc, I dcnouncc him ~l~a traitor. You have alreadyDolce vita, mai si spegna si lucido ardore! mul may Lovc's flmnc never be extinguished!

Quellafcdc... Your lovc...

(Berenice givesAlesscmdl'O her hand; she crowns him, Demetrio is led in, still in chains)



Se di mia libertit prezzo e Selene, chiedo la morte. If Selcne is to bc thc price of my freedom, I'll die.Alessandro (III Berenice)

II crime fit delitto d'Amor. Merta perdono. His cl'imc was for lovc. He deserves your pardon.Bcrcnicc

Tu disponi di me del reo, del trom). You shall counsel as to his fate and Egypt's as well.Alcssandro

Vivi!E speraI' potrai, se avrai pill fedc scmprc Dcmetrio, you may live, mId may continue to so longmaggioI' merce dal furor mio. as you arc cvcr faithful to your owulove.

Sclcuc/Dclllctrio (thrilled)

Viver seuza ilmio bcn, comc poss'io? I couldn't survive without my love!

Arsacc (realizing tbis is the momentfor a gesture)

Sento (li lor piet11.Ah! Non ho corc I anyilloved by these lovers. I do not havedi separar chi gi11congiosc Amore. th<fhcart to separate them.



Ate cedono Selene. You may take Selene's hand.Demetrio Selene

Oh gioia! 0 sorte! 0 joy! 0 happy fate!Demetrio (embracing Arsace)

Generoso rival! A te saro fedel sino Generous rival. I am in youralla morte! eternal debt


Con verace dolce pace Witb sweet and real peace

Brilla ogn'alma ed ogni cor. every heart here may be aglow.

Poi che un gioia a noi si care At last in joyous harmony we can put

Terminate son Ie gare di politica aside the struggles oflove

e d'Amor. and politics.END CD III


Brewer Chamber OrchestraRudolph Palmer, CONDUCTORVIOLIN: Louise Schulman, Nancy Wilson, LEADERSAloysia Friedman, Jorie Garrigue, Monica Gerard, Judson Griffin,Olga Gussow, Karl Kawahara, Darryl Kubian, Peter Kupfer, RobertMealy, Scott Metcalfe, David Myford, Anca Nicolau, Linda Quan,Cynthia Roberts, Mitsui Tsubota, Mark ZakiVIOLA: Andrea Andros, David Cerutti, David Miller, Ann RoggenCELLO: Christine Gummere, Myron Lutzke, Loretta O'SullivanBASS: John Carbone, John Feeney, Melanie PunterOBOE: Marc SchachmanBASSOON: Thomas SefcovicHARPSICHORD: Edward Brewer

Recorded:November1994,St. JeanBaptisteChurch,NYC; JohnKamas,Pastor.This recording was made possible in part thanks to the special efforts of MadelineRogersand the generosityof Susan Castellan& MichaelSarlin,Mr. &Mrs.Marshall Green, David Harms, Irving Palmer, Emil Spiro, Marc Stern, Mr. & Mrs.Robert Webber, and William Woodward/IBM.

Mr. Ostendorf also wishes to thank Father John Kamas, John McMaster, RaymondPellerin, Donald Van Hook and Ron Protas for their assistance.

Rudulph Palmer, CONDucn"

Edward Brewer, HARPSICHO",


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