prof shirley walters saqa 30 july 2008

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Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Education-NQF Bill South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Prof Shirley Walters SAQA 30 July 2008. Commendations. Recognise and commend all involved in: Ending the NQF review process Bringing proposed legislation to its current stage - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Education-NQF Bill

South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

Prof Shirley WaltersSAQA

30 July 2008


Recognise and commend all involved in:

• Ending the NQF review process• Bringing proposed legislation to its current stage• Unchanged NQF objectives• Acknowledging the complexities involved in

creating an integrated framework

Concerns• All the Quality Councils (QCs) will not be

operational at the time of the proposed implementation.

• This may lead to uneven NQF implementation.

• Changes must be reflected in the suite of Bills for coherence and a consistent legislative framework.

Specific Proposed Changes to NQF Bill

Proposed changes based on 2 principles:

• The NQF is a single integrated framework

• All new structures should have a meaningful role with clear responsibilities assigned

DisputesClause 9: Responsibility of

the Minister

• Proposal: Addition of “legal” to clarify the type of dispute involving SAQA or a QC which needs to be resolved

• Reason: Draw distinction between legal and other disputes because of SAQA’s role as a mediating body in situations of conflict between QCs

Co-ordinationClause 12

Objects of SAQA

• Proposal: Co-ordinate the sub-frameworks

• Reason: SAQA’s role of directly co-ordinating the sub-frameworks becomes clear

Functions of SAQAClause 14

NQF Implementation

• Proposal: SAQA- Oversee the implementation of the NQF and ensure the achievement of its objectives

• Reason: Highlighting SAQA’s oversight role in implementing the NQF and advancing the objectives of the NQF

Functions of SAQAClause 14


• Proposal: Resolve emerging problems and mediate disputes regarding the QCs

• Reason: It is SAQA’s role as an oversight body to mediate in cases of conflict between QCs

Functions of SAQAClause 14

Level Descriptors

• Proposal: Substitute “reach agreement” with “after consultation”

• Reason: SAQA seeks agreement and consensus. The wording allows for progress once broad agreements have been reached

Functions of SAQAClause 14

With respect to qualifications

• Proposal: Include the term “standards” under definitions and in each case where reference is made to qualifications

• Reason: Excluding the word “standards” is unhelpful when referring to both education and training constituencies

Functions of SAQAClause 14

Quality assurance

• Add: “With respect to quality assurance” (i) SAQA will advise the Minister through the production of a periodic report on the NQF objectives and quality assurance in South Africa, after consultation with the QCs.

(ii) SAQA and the QCs may collaborate on the production of other reports on specific topics for purposes of advising the Minister.

• Reason

SAQA’s quality assurance role was weakened from what was stated in the Joint Policy Statement and with each draft of the NQF Bill and eliminated altogether in the final draft. In order for SAQA to fulfil its oversight responsibility effectively,

it needs to have a monitoring and research role regarding quality assurance.

Functions of SAQAClause 14

Policy and criteria

• Proposal: Receive policy and criteria for sub-frameworks from QCs and advise the Minister in relation to the NQF. Receive policy and criteria for assessment, recognition of prior learning and credit accumulation and transfer for sub-frameworks from QCs and advise the Minister in relation to their alignment with the NQF

• Reason: SAQA needs to ensure that policies and criteria for sub-frameworks are aligned to the broader principles of the NQF

Functions of SAQAClause 14

Navigational tools

• Proposal: Develop and communicate a set of NQF navigational tools to enable learners to comprehend and make informed choices when traversing the sub-frameworks of the NQF

• Reason: As an oversight body, SAQA should develop appropriate navigational tools for the benefit of learners

Functions of QCsClause 28

Alignment of functions

• Proposal: Delete “ensure that they remain current and appropriate”

• Reason: To align the section on QCs with the proposed changes in SAQA’s function and to ensure that there is no duplication

Functions of QCsClause 28

Alignment of functions

• Proposal: Submit policy and criteria for assessment, recognition of prior learning and credit accumulation and transfer for sub-frameworks to SAQA for comment on and advice to the Minister in relation to their alignment to the NQF

• Reason: To align the section on QCs with the proposed changes in SAQA’s function and to ensure that there is no duplication

Functions of QCsClause 28


• Proposal: Deletion of “determined in consultation with SAQA” and replaced with “required by SAQA”

• Reason: The NLRD is a versatile and reputable database. The decision as to the format of data submission should reside with SAQA as the oversight body

Functions of QCsClause 28

Co-ordinated Communication

• Proposal: Inform the public about the sub-framework in line with a co-ordinated communication strategy by SAQA

• Reason: This will clarify the roles and responsibilities between SAQA and the QCs

Functions of QCsClause 36


• Proposal: Add: This sub-framework will in future be referred to as the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework (HEQSF), Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework (OQSF), General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-framework (GENFETQSF).

• Reason: To align the various pieces of legislation

Way forward

• Changing landscape of education and training• SAQA has vast intellectual capital in the NQF

environment• SAQA- participating actively in the

development of 3 QCs • SAQA embraces change and would like to

collaborate on issues• “Value-Add” is important in generating

legislation that will benefit South Africans

The end


Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Education-NQF Bill

South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

Prof Shirley WaltersSAQA

30 July 2008

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