problem solving tactics - · pdf fileii that is why solutions are not provided to...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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  • A




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    A Di PAsquAle, N Do & D MAthews

    ProbleM solviNg tActics







    978-1-876420-75-8AustrAl iAn MAtheMAt ics trust

    e n r i c h M e n t s e r i e sA



    Angelo Di PAsquAle, was twice a contestant at the International M a t h e m a t i c a l O lympiad . He completed a PhD in Mathematics at The University of Melbourne studying alge-

    braic curves. He is currently Director of Training for the Australian Mathematical Olympiad Committee (AMOC), and Australian Team Leader at the International Mathematical Olympiad. He enjoys composing Olympiad problems for mathematics contests.

    no r m A n Do r e p r e s e n t e d A u s t r a l i a at the 1997 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ma t h ema t i c a l O l y m p i a d . In 2010 he obtained a PhD in Mathematics from The Uni-

    versity of Melbourne. He is now a lecturer at Monash University, where he researches problems that combine geometry, topology, combinatorics, and mathematical physics. He is currently the Chair of the AMOC Senior Problems Committee.

    DAniel mAthews was twice a contestant at the International Ma t h ema t i c a l Olympiad. He obtained a PhD in Mathematics from Stanford University, Cal-ifornia. He is

    currently a lecturer at Monash University and his research studies relationships between geometry, topology, and mathematical physics. He is a member of the AMOC Senior Problems Committee.

  • Published by

    AMT Publishing

    Australian Mathematics TrustUniversity of Canberra Locked Bag 1

    Canberra GPO ACT 2601AUSTRALIA

    Copyright 2014 AMT Publishing

    Telephone: +61 2 6201

    AMTT Limited ACN 083 950 341

    National Library of Australia Card Number and ISSNAustralian Mathematics Trust Enrichment Series ISSN 1326-0170

    Problem Solving Tactics ISBN 978-1-876420-75-8

  • Editor Mike ClAPPer, Canberra AusTrAliA

    WArren J ATkins, Newcastle AusTrAliA

    ed J bArbeAu, Toronto CAnAdA

    george berzsenyi, Pine USA

    ron dunkley, Waterloo CAnAdA

    WAlTer e MienTkA, Lincoln usA

    nikolAy konsTAnTinov, Moscow russiA

    Andy liu, Edmonton CAnAdA

    Andrei sTorozhev, Canberra AusTrAliA

    JordAn b TAbov, Sofia bulgAriA

    PeTer J TAylor, Canberra AusTrAliA

    John Webb, Cape Town souTh AfriCA

    The books in this series are selected for their motivating, interesting and stimulating sets of quality problems, with a lucid expository style in their solutions. Typically, the problems have occurred in either national or international contests at the secondary school level.

    They are intended to be sufficiently detailed at an elementary level for the mathematically inclined or interested to understand but, at the same time, be interesting and sometimes challenging to the undergraduate and the more advanced mathematician. It is believed that these mathematics competition problems are a positive influence on the learning and enrichment of mathematics.

    Editorial CommittEE

    th E au s t r a l i a n mat h E m at i C s t r u s t

    E n r i C h m E n t s E r i E s

  • 1 AusTrAliAn MATheMATiCs CoMPeTiTion 19781984 book 1 WJ Atkins, JD Edwards, DJ King, PJ OHalloran & PJ Taylor

    2 MATheMATiCAl ToolChesT AW Plank & NH Williams

    3 inTernATionAl MATheMATiCs TournAMenT of ToWns 19841989 book 2 PJ Taylor

    4 AusTrAliAn MATheMATiCs CoMPeTiTion 19851991 book 2 PJ OHalloran, G Pollard & PJ Taylor

    5 ProbleM solving viA The AMC WJ Atkins

    6 inTernATionAl MATheMATiCs TournAMenT of ToWns 19801984 book 1 PJ Taylor

    7 inTernATionAl MATheMATiCs TournAMenT of ToWns 19891993 book 3 PJ Taylor

    8 AsiAn PACifiC MATheMATiCs olyMPiAd 19892000 H Lausch & C Bosch Giral

    9 MeThods of ProbleM solving book 1 JB Tabov & PJ Taylor

    10 ChAllenge! 19911998 book 1 JB Henry, J Dowsey, AR Edwards, LJ Mottershead, A Nakos, G Vardaro & PJ Taylor

    11 ussr MATheMATiCAl olyMPiAds 19891992 AM Slinko

    12 AusTrAliAn MATheMATiCAl olyMPiAds 19791995 book 1 H Lausch & PJ Taylor

    13 Chinese MATheMATiCs CoMPeTiTions And olyMPiAds 19811993 A Liu

    14 Polish & AusTriAn MATheMATiCAl olyMPiAds 19811995 ME Kuczma & E Windischbacher

    15 inTernATionAl MATheMATiCs TournAMenT of ToWns 19931997 book 4 PJ Taylor & AM Storozhev

    T h e A u s T r A l i A n M A T h e M A T i C s T r u s T

    e n r i C h M e n T s e r i e s

    Books in thE sEriEs[ProductCodeID]=AB0 &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=MTC &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=TT2 &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=AB0 &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=PSH &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=TT1 &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=TT3 &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=APO &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=MP0 &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=CHAL0 &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=USR &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=AMO &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=CMO &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//[ProductCodeID]=PAO &Variable[PrevPage]=http%3A//

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