pringles presentation for blake and jacob

Post on 17-Jun-2015






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Pringles Container

By: Jacob Wilson & Blake Kotrla

Step 1: Define The Problem

The Problem

• To design and build a container that would house the delicate Pringles chip.

• After designing the container, we needed to send the container through the Postal Service to Conant High School in Hoffman Estates.

• To receive the maximum amount of points, the chip inside the container would need to arrive upon its destination, unscathed.

Define the Problem

Step 2: Brainstorming

Our Brainstorming• Box with shredded paper • In chip dip • Wrapped in duct tape  • Clay mold • Bubble wrap container • In water • In a shoe with tissues • Pringle shaped box • Plastic printer container

• Clay box with knife to open

• Surround by cement • Inside a pillow • Wrapped in polyester• Box fill with gummy

bear • In jello • Dvd container


Our Brainstorming


Step 3: Research & Generate Ideas

Three Primary Ideas

• 1. Pillow/Cotton Ball Stuffing- We want to make a container, probably a old soup can or even a wood box. Then we would insert the chip, and fill the container with the stuffing from inside a pillow.

• 2. DVD Container- We would take and old DVD container and hollow it out. Then we would insert the chip and because it would fit snugly inside, it would not break.

Three Primary Ideas

Three Primary Ideas

• 3. Clay Mould- Similar to the DVD, we would make a mould out of clay and place the chip inside of the mould.

Three Primary Ideas

Three Primary Ideas

Three Primary Ideas

Three Primary Ideas

Three Primary Ideas

Step 4: Identify Criteria and Constraints


• The box and chip both had to arrive safely• The box or envelope which you used to ship the

container had to come from the USPS and be a flat-rate box.

Three Primary Ideas

Three Primary Ideas

Step 5: Explore Possibilities

Design Matrix

Name Simplicity Cost Sturdiness Size Total

DVD 2 1 2 1 6

Pillow 3 2 3 3 11

Clay Mould 3 3 1 2 7

• Simplicity• 1: Most simple, requires little to no assembling. • 2: Requires some assembling and little knowledge

of how each piece works• 3: Requires lots of assembling and correct

placement of the Pringle. 

• Cost• 1: The least expensive• 2: The 2nd least expensive• 3: The most expensive

• Sturdiness• 1: Very sturdy and difficult to break the container

and the chip inside.• 2: Somewhat sturdy and can take a moderate

amount of damage.• 3: normal sturdiness that takes little damage

before breaking.

• Size• 1: Very small and can fit in an envelope.• 2: Relatively small and can fit in an envelope/box.• 3: Small and can fit in a small box

Three Primary Ideas

Three Primary Ideas

Step 6: Select an Approach

Pillow/ Cottonball Case!!!

Step 7: Develop a Design Proposal

Develop a Design Proposal

Step 8: Model or Prototype


Step 9: Testing


• We took the chip inside it’s safety chamber and threw it 10-20 feet in the air several times.

• We checked the chip after every throw and the chip survived every impact with the ground.

Step 12: Communicate Results

Final Results

• The casing for the chip proved to be stable and durable and did not need any refining after the first testing run. We sent the case though the mail and it safely arrived at Conant High School.

The Final Result

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