principals message deputy diary · thought’. the club has an extensive catering capacity and the...

Post on 26-Aug-2020






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Term 2 Week 5 2020

Principals MessagePrincipals Message

Dear Parent/Caregiver,

It is great to have all of our students and staff back on sitefull time. The last couple of months have been extremelychallenging for all Australians. It is nice to see the restrictionsplaced on society being relaxed and allowing our lives tobecome a little bit more normal. All staff are working reallyhard to ensure your children feel happy and relaxed at schooland the school has been alive with fun and laughter. It waslovely to see all the students back on Monday reacquaintingthemselves with their friends and classmates, just a shame itrained all day and poured with rain at home time. Thank youto our families for being so understanding and patient with thesocial distancing restrictions for adults we must have in place.These will continue at this stage for the remainder of the termuntil we have further advice from the Department of Health.

Our P&C determined last year that our canteen which is like asmall business had become too big for volunteers to manage.We understand that it might be disappointing to some peoplethat the school canteen will no longer be locally operated.Unfortunately there are simply not enough people who are ableto get involved in our P&C. We are a large school with a veryactive (but small) group of dedicated P&C parents who arespread thin. To be successful canteens need an enormousamount of volunteer time to meet compliance, Work, Healthand Safety and audit requirements. Therefore, it wasdetermined that the canteen should be managed by a groupthat would have the time to manage it.

Obviously as an essential service to the school communitywe needed to look at ways for the long term operation ofour school canteen to be maintained. As per Department ofEducation protocols there has been a tender process in placesince the beginning of the year to ensure the long term future ofthe school canteen.

We have great news, we procured the services of Rutherford/Rutherford/TelarahTelarah RotaryRotary Club.Club. They aim to supply a great new servicefor our school starting next week. The Rotary Club bring yearsof experience in catering for the community and they alreadyoperate the Maitland Public School canteen. We know this willensure the long term success of our canteen and are verypleased that we can now reopen. Please support them!

Have a lovely weekend.

Stuart Wylie


Deputy DiaryDeputy Diary

We have had the BEST week seeing all of our beautiful kiddiesreturn to school! Home learning has finally come to a close andwe are so proud of the hard work and dedication that you allput into your learning from home each day!

We have missed you all so thank you for returning anddemonstrating our school values of Respect, Responsibility andResilience! Well done everyone!!!

To our families….we cannot express our gratitude for thesupport and resilience that you have provided for our mostimportant assets, our children and their learning. Our teacherswere so heartened by the efforts you made in supporting yourchildren with their home learning. Your messages of thanksand appreciation to our staff kept our moral at all all-time high.Please know we read every word and appreciate your kindness.

As we transition back to some normality and our daily corebusiness of teaching and learning, we look forward to anexciting rest of the term.

Until next time,

Mr Collins and Mrs Wright

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Early Stage 1 ReportEarly Stage 1 Report

It is such a wonderful sight to see all of the Kindergartenstudents back at school after such a long time apart! So manyof them have grown taller and lost lots of teeth!

ES1 students will be getting straight back in to learning readingstrategies and learning how to write. Coming home this weekwill be login details to PM ecollection, strategies for helpingyour child to read and strategies to help your child with writing.These were sent via Seesaw/handed out to those students atschool over the past few weeks. In case someone has missedout or you have lost your copy, another copy will be cominghome. All of the Kindergarten teachers hope the strategiesallow you to help your child to practise their skills at home.

Eleanor Roberts

Assistant Principal

Stage 1 ReportStage 1 Report

Welcome back!

It has been wonderful to welcome back our students to full-timelearning in the classroom. Our teachers are very excited to haveall of their students back together and the classes are full ofsmiling faces.

As the students settle back into school routines, we want tothank all of our parents for their support during the ‘Learning atHome’ phase of schooling.

In the classroom, students are working hard and as alwaysnumeracy and literacy are our focus areas. It has been fabulousto see and hear about all the reading happening in ourclassrooms, and we are encouraging our students to maketime at home to read every night. Students are encouragedto continue to use the Online PM reading resource so theycan read levelled books at home. Students can record thetitle of their book in the reading log they were given in TermOne. To encourage and celebrate reading, students will receivea certificate from their class teacher after every 25 nights(providing they remember to hand their reading log to theirteacher). Congratulations to those students who have alreadyreceived certificates. We are looking forward to handing outmore certificates in the coming weeks, so keep on reading.

Kelly Rutherford

Assistant Principal

Stage 2 ReportStage 2 Report

Congratulations and thankyou to all Stage 2 students who haveconfidently returned to face to face teaching after an extendedperiod away. Your teachers are well prepared and excited tosee you back. They are keen to get on with your learning andensure we make the most of our time before the holidays andcapitalise on the online learning you participated in while athome.

School life aims to be as regular as possible with whole schoolactivities returning next term. Thankyou to all students whoare been flexible regarding the altered lunch and afternoon teatimes and to all students who are leaving according to theirhouse coloured gate.

Brian Gaffney

Assistant Principal

Stage 3 ReportStage 3 Report

A big WELCOME BACK to our Stage 3 students and families.We are all so happy to see everyone back at school andready for lots of learning. All of our students have settled innicely, with structure and routines being implemented backinto our classrooms. This week has been very busy where allclasses have participated in a range of classroom activities toacknowledge National Sorry Day and to mark the beginning ofReconciliation Week. There has been a lot of rich discussionand opportunities for our students to reflect on the significanceof these two national events.

Please make sure that you read information regarding our Year6 Canberra excursion further on in this Newsletter. We arelooking forward to a happy and productive remainder of Term 2with all of our wonderful Stage 3 students.

Meegan Kavanagh

Assistant Principal

School Leaders welcomingSchool Leaders welcomingstudents backstudents back

We are very proud of our School Leaders at Thornton PublicSchool who have taken the initiative to welcome youngerstudents back to school this week and walk them to class.


National Sorry DayNational Sorry Day

The students of Thornton Public School commemoratedNational Sorry Day 26 May 2020 with some beautiful artwork.

National Reconciliation WeekNational Reconciliation Week20202020

Thornton Public School's Junior Aboriginal EducationConsultative Group launched Reconciliation Week 2020 with aVirtual Acknowledgement of Country.

#nrw2020 #inthistogether2020


ALIA National SimultaneousALIA National SimultaneousStorytime 2020Storytime 2020

Lizzie the Lizard and students of Thornton Public School joinedall of the Nation in the ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime.

Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by anAustralian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously inlibraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes,bookshops and many other places around the country. Thisyears book was Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas

Wellbeing Hub newWellbeing Hub newplaygroundplayground

Over the school holidays we had a beautiful upgrade to ourWellbeing Hub Playground area with the installation of a newshade sail as well as a full synthetic turf play area.

Our NEW CanteenOur NEW Canteen


Thornton Public School will be launching our new canteen thisMonday 1st June. We are very excited to welcome The RotaryClub of Rutherford-Telarah who will now be looking after all ourHealthy Canteen needs.

The Rotary Club has operated the canteen at Maitland PublicSchool and have a menu that has been approved by the NSWHealthy Schools Canteen Strategy. We will be using that samesuccessful menu at Thornton PS canteen. The menu will beavailable for parents online on the Flexischools site.

We will be welcoming volunteers to work alongside us and ourRotary manager, Jodie, in the canteen.

Rutherford Telarah Rotary Club has volunteered in the localcommunity for many years with many of our activities involvingyoung people. Rotary supports youth programs like the SunStreet Festival, Interact Clubs in schools and a Rotaract Clubat Tocal College, NAIDOC footy competition and much more.Rutherford Telarah Rotary Club supports many local schoolsproviding funding for the school breakfast program ‘Food forThought’. The Club has an extensive catering capacity andthe catering team attend many events raising funds for localcommunity groups. The big catering van has been seen atschools for all sorts of fundraising activities, movie nights,carols, Fathers Day breakfast, Grand parents day and lotsmore.

The Rotary Club at the moment is providing much neededmeals for isolated seniors in our community, some meals beingprepared by our Rotary school canteen staff.

To ensure we stick to social distancing during this time thereare some new operating procedures that will be in place untilfurther notice.

There will be no sales over the counter at break timesThere will be no sales over the counter at break times

LunchLunch ordersorders needneed toto bebe placedplaced throughthrough FlexischoolsFlexischools asas thethecanteen will operate in a cashless capacity.canteen will operate in a cashless capacity.

Please do not send money to school with your children.Please do not send money to school with your children.

Year 6 Canberra ExcursionYear 6 Canberra Excursion

Year 6 Canberra excursion

We are continuing to liaise with the school excursion consultantfor a new date in Term 4 for our Year 6 Canberra excursion.Once we have confirmation of a later date, information will besent out to our Year 6 families.

Frogs in our pondFrogs in our pond

Thornton Public Schools environmental group are excited tosee our frogs enjoying our frog pond at the back of the schoolgrounds. Frogs add to the diversity of species that ourponds support along with our plants, insects, and other wildlife.


School Photo Day -School Photo Day -RescheduledRescheduled

Please note that our School Photo Day has been tentativelyrescheduled for Tuesday September 1st.

Pick Up & Drop OffPick Up & Drop OffReminders Social DistancingReminders Social Distancing

To support parents with managing community socialdistancing, students will be available for collection at 3.00pmfrom their allocated gate. Your family has been allocated acollection gate by Sports House to enable Social Distancing forparents.

Newcombe will leave by Gate 2.

Bradman will leave by Gate 3.

Gray will leave by Gate 5.

Pannowitz will leave by Gate 7.

100 year pavers100 year pavers

Thankyou to all of the Thornton Public School Community thatpurchased commemorative pavers at our 100 year celebrationlast year. Our beautiful 100 year pavers have arrived and will beplaced in our Peace Garden in the coming months.

Rugs with love projectRugs with love project

Calling all students, parents, grandparents and communitymembers with a little extra time to fill…

Can you knit or crochet? If not, now may be a great chance tolearn a new skill and help your community at the same time.

Thornton Public School is making rugs for those in need andwe need you to help.

We would like you to knit or crochet woollen squares(20cmx20cm), which will be sewn together to make colourfulrugs. The squares can be as fancy or as plain or as colourful asyou wish. The squares don’t need to be perfect just made withlove.

When restrictions are lifted we will collect the squares andcomplete the rugs. They will then be donated to Carrie’sCarrie’s PlacePlaceforfor domesticdomestic violenceviolence andand homelessness.homelessness. This is a great projectto unite the young and old so please invite your friends andfamily to get involved.

Thankyou to the amazing response from our school communityalready who have donated to our rugs with love project.

What you need for this basic square knitting patternWhat you need for this basic square knitting pattern

100 grams of 8 ply wool in any combination of colours

4.50mm/US 7 needles, or size needed for your tension

Yarn sewing needle


Cast on enough stitches to make 20cm, which should beanywhere from 35 to 40 stitches. Try to make your stitchesneither too loose nor too tight to help ensure uniform squares.This may vary slightly depending on your tension.


Note: Check your gauge (tension) after 3 or 4 rows. This willsave you some frustration if the square is too wide or notwide enough. Adjust accordingly by starting with more or lessstitches.

Row 1: knit

Row 2: knit

It’s that simple! Continue knitting rows 1 and 2 until your squareis as long as it is wide.

To ensure your square is 20cm, either use a tape measure orform a triangle by folding one corner of your square over tomeet the opposite corner – if all sides are equal then you havea square!

Cast off/bind off. Leave a 50cm tail (for sewing the squarestogether). Sew in all other loose ends of yarn. If possible, alsotie the squares into bundles of 5 or 10.

Lots of instructional videos are available online.

If you require further information please contact YvonneFletcher at Thornton Public School on 49641369.

School Banking updateSchool Banking update

Message from Commonwealth BankMessage from Commonwealth Bank

The health, safety and wellbeing of our communities and ourpeople remains our highest priority. Due to the ongoinguncertainty surrounding coronavirus, the School Bankingprogram will remain on hold. We will continue to monitor thesituation and keep you informed with any updates.

Premiers Reading ChallengePremiers Reading Challenge

Reminder to students that we are participating in the PRC,students from years 3-6 can continue registering their books.Students can use the Oliver library online system to reservebooks to borrow for next week and I will have them ready forstudents to pick up next week. Students may return their booksat the office or to the library return desk.

Cena Alcevski

Librarian - Thornton Public School

Kindergarten EnrolmentsKindergarten Enrolments20212021


Do you have a child starting Kindergarten in 2021?Do you have a child starting Kindergarten in 2021?

DoDo youyou knowknow someonesomeone whosewhose childchild isis startingstarting KindergartenKindergarten inin2021?2021?

ThorntonThornton PublicPublic SchoolSchool isis takingtaking enrolmentsenrolments forfor KindergartenKindergarten2021 NOW.2021 NOW.

PleasePlease contactcontact thethe schoolschool onon 4964136949641369 toto arrangearrange toto pickpick upupan enrolment packan enrolment pack




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