press release. new leadership dna

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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EMBARGO: For Immediate Release


Johannesburg – In her latest book, New Leadership DNA, author Dr. Brenda Hattingh reveals a

unique and inspiring fact of how success, leadership and guidance are hardwired into our DNA. The

book also provides a new foundation for identifying and developing enlightened leaders with

integrity and a commitment to the welfare of all. “A power-shift is taking place as a shift in

consciousness. Currently, leadership is moving from ego-centred values of ‘power-over-people’; to

soul-centred values of releasing ‘power-within-people’. Power positions are changing from ‘power-

in-numbers’ to the ‘number-of-powers’ in each individual” says Hattingh. “This new consciousness is

causing the old to disintegrate at a rapid pace, and a new wave of inspired innovative leaders, with

New Success DNA and New Leadership DNA, is emerging.”

Authentic leaders, with New Leadership DNA, will from now on emerge and surround themselves

with teams and supporters who share the same values of honesty, truth and integrity while

committing themselves to secure a safe transition into a quality future that will benefit all. It is

inevitable that South Africa will soon begin to appoint authentic leaders with New Leadership DNA.

At the same time the country will be steering away from dangerous “kingmaker” philosophies. With

the next election around the corner, leadership concerns are rife in the country, not only in the ANC,

but all sectors will now be challenged to develop a new mindset and approach to quality living,

success and leadership.

The implication of this current power-shift is that current leadership styles, positions and strategies

and the status quo are now beginning to crumble at a fundamental level. The old outworn mindsets

and leadership styles are already loosing power and will soon disintegrate. It is inevitable that

leadership as we now know it, will begin to implode, making way for something new. The effect of

this universal shift is that current leadership positions in business, religion, economics, politics and

governments will now further disintegrate while making way for the rise of a new generation of

authentic leaders with a New Leadership DNA.

Leadership is all about the quality of our influence and not about our positions and our possessions.

“As we all have influence, we all have a leadership role to fulfil. Currently a major ‘genetic migration’

within the human species is taking place. This is giving rise to a new level of consciousness and a

generation who are highly evolved and who can think for themselves. This demands new leaders

with a new leadership approach and even a New Leadership DNA,” says Hattingh.

Within the book, Dr. Hattingh provides researched proof that we have the true essence of success

and quality leadership already encoded into our DNA. She refers to it as a “guide-spot”, an inner

GPS, where we can connect to higher information, wisdom and gain direct access to guidance and

direction. All we need is the correct understanding, skills and tools to find the way and to assist


Hattingh, a renowned an inspirational speaker, has completed various books focused on assisting

the readers achieve practical life skills, which she believes is already hardcoded into our genetic


The aim of this book is to provide guidelines, skills and tools for everyone who is committed to

successful living while identifying and developing new enlightened leaders to show the way.

A series of new Leadership DNA training workshops will be launched in South Africa from Jan 2013.

See website for further details

About the Author:

Dr Brenda Hattingh is a renowned international inspirational speaker, a registered psychologist and

was born in South Africa. As a professional leadership coach, mentor, and business consultant, she

facilitates change and transformation in individuals, businesses, companies and organisations. She

focuses on the development of new mindsets, cutting edge tools and skills while utilising personal

and organisational potential and developing innovative strategies. This while utilising personal and

organisational potential and developing innovative strategies. this includes developing Power

Intelligence, New Success DNA and New Leadership DNA.

Brenda is committed to the development of a new generation of successful, innovative, and inspired

thinkers and leaders – people with a New Success DNA. She presents workshops nationally and

internationally, lectures at various universities, and has published various books. Brenda is also the

recipient of various awards, including the prestigious Professional Business Woman of the Year


Brenda has covered many academic disciplines that include a BSc. degree in ecology, physics,

quantum physics, genetics, medical science, chemistry and neurophysiology. An honours degree in

Education put her in touch with Education and especially adult education, parenting and creating a

learning culture in organizations. A Masters Degree and PhD in Psychology, cover topics relating to

fully functioning successful individuals and organisations.


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