presentation maaike snelder tno

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1Challenge the future

Writing your MSc ThesisSomething to be proud of

Maaike Snelder2/21/2013

2Challenge the future

Something to be proud of

3Challenge the future

About myself

• 1998 – 2003: Econometrics Erasmus University• 2003: Master thesis ROADnet optimalisatie-algoritme

voor het ontwerpen van wegennetwerken

• 2004 - current: TNO Senior scientist/consultant• 2005 – 2010: PhD Robust Road network design

• 2011 – current: Assistant professor TU Delft

4Challenge the future


• What is the goal of the thesis?

• Which elements are included in the thesis?

• How and when do you start writing the thesis?

• How do you deal with figures?

• Which quality criteria should be met?

5Challenge the future


6Challenge the future

Goal MSc thesis

• Provides insight into (for different types of readers)• What has been done• Why it has been done• How it has been done• What was concluded

• Thoroughly master the content of your research subject (after struggle)

• Learn to put things in place;• introduction, research goals and questions, literature,

method, results, discussion and conclusions.

7Challenge the future


8Challenge the future

Elements• Introduction

• Give insight into background of the research• Establish a niche

• Problem statement;However,unforunately,but...

• Importance of solving the problem

• Occupy the niche• Research questions and goals

• Indicate your main purposes (concrete)

• Workflow (literature,method, test case)

• Present main Findings• Structure of report

9Challenge the future

Elements• Introduction• Literature

• Shows student is aware of existing theories, methods and results• To reflect upon own method and results in discussion • Places research in existing research field (stresses relevance and

prevents double work)• Helps to distinguish own work from state- ‐of- ‐the- ‐art and state- ‐

of- ‐practice.• Method• Case study/example• Results• Discussion and conclusions

• Scientific and practical implications

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Writing the thesis

11Challenge the future

1. Look at the front page – read the title2. Read the back3. Read the table of content4. Read the summary5. Read the introduction 6. Read the conclusions7. Look at the pictures8. Read the content (first sentence)9. Read the appendices

When you start reading a book – what do you do?

12Challenge the future

When you start writing a thesis – what do you do?

1. Look at the front page – read the title

2. Read the back3. Read the table of

content4. Read the summary5. Read the introduction 6. Read the conclusions7. Look at the pictures8. Read the content

(first sentence)9. Read the appendices

1. Come up with a topic -> title

2. Make a short description of your topic3. Write a research plan – make a table

of content -> at the end again4. Write a summary5. Write the introduction6. Write the main conclusions 7. Make clear pictures and tables8. Write the content

9. Write appendices10.Kill your darlings – To realize a clear

story line within your report, kill everything that does not contribute to the message.

13Challenge the future

Language & Figures

14Challenge the future


• Based on facts, unambiguous and to the point

• Prevent the following• Adjectives and adverbs like important, large, etc…• It is clear that, obvious, evident etc…

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• Support your message

• Make label readable (same size as your body text)

• You always guide your readers through your figures (be polite!!)

• Need to be referred to

• Caption makes Picture stand alone readable

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Quality – how good is your thesis

17Challenge the future

1. Scientific innovations and relevance2. Practical implications and relevance3. Quality of the method 4. Validity of the results5. Conclusions and discussions -> implications

6. Structure of the report and quality of the elements of the report7. Language usage8. Number of pages (thick is not necessarily better)

9. Process10. Presentation(s) 11. Helicopter view


12. Can you do something extra surprise your supervisors/committee

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