presentasi sistem tata suryaㅡsolar system explanation

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Solar System Explanation

It’s About

Created By :

o Ika Ramadhani Setiyohadi Putri (087837524806)

o Marsha N Yusuf

o Uli Nimah

Solar System

» General Statement ∞» Process ∞» Closing ∞

A solar system is defined as a central sun with its associated planets, asteroids, meteors, satellites (i.e.,moons), and comets that are "captured" in its orbit. These various celestial bodies are trapped in a constant orbit around the sun by its tremendous gravitational pull.

The paths that the planets take as they travel around the sun in the same direction - from west to east - is not truly circular, but more of an ellipse, or egg-shape path. Our solar system is nestled inside a very large galaxy of stars called the Milky Way. The outer limit of our solar system extends six billion kilometers from the sun.

Over 4.6 billion years ago our solar system was born when a nebula consisting of a dense nucleus, or protosun, surrounded by a thin shell of a gaseous matter and dust began to collapse in on itself.

As the dense matter in the center of the solar system further condensed the extreme heat that was generated in the center began to burn the abundant hydrogen atoms in its core, becoming a self-sustaining nuclear-fusion reaction that grew to be our sun.

As the dust in the nebula circulated the newly forming sun, it collapsed and clumped together to form larger chunks of space debris. Larger and larger pieces of space debris collided with each other to form the solid planets, and the gaseous matter condensed to form the gas planets.

Ours is not the only solar system in the universe. Scientists have learned a lot about how our solar system was formed by studying other astronomical phenomena, like nebulas, that are in different stages of their life cycles.

We have yet to learn if there are any planets in these other solar systems that support life - or maybe even intelligent life.


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