presentación sevilla tamara martin garcia 2ºbac a

Post on 11-May-2015






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parliamentary monarchy

SURFACE TOTAL:504.645 [2] km ² SURFACE

AGUA:1,04 %COINS: Euro

ANDALUSIA is an autonomous community of the Kingdom of

Spain composed by the provinces of Almeria, Cadiz, Cordova, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Malaga and Seville,

where her capital is located and has her sedate the Meeting of Andalusia.

SEVILLE is a Spanish municipality, the capital of the province

homonymic and of the autonomous community of

Andalusia. Seville was relying on in 2008 699.759 inhabitants according to the census of

population, being the fourth city of Spain for population after

Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. The municipality has an extension

of 140,8 km2. The metropolitan area of Seville is composed by 46

municipalities and includes a population of 1.499.653 inhabitants (Inhabitants'

Municipal Poll, 2008), occupying a surface of 4.900 km2.


We can find it in The Sta's Carthusian one.Maria de las Cuevas is placed on the fertile rightshore of the

river The Guadalquivir opposite to the city and in his exit towards Italic and the Aljarafe.

In this place, thanks to the wealths of his muds and clays, they installed numerous ovens alfarertos almohades, and it was in one of them, as it is deduced at present, where in 1248 there appeared the image of a Virgin, named by it, the Virgin of the

Caves.To venerate this image one installs first a Franciscan hermitage and in 1399 Gonzalo of Ore, Archbishop of the city of Seville,

founds the Monastery of the Carthusian one and provides with more area to the Convent

Andalusian Center of Contemporary Art

Ruins of Italic

File of indies The today I File of The Indies, former House Merchants ' Strap, it is decided to construct in 1.572 before the abuse committed by the merchants that they were using to realize his transactions the steps of the interior Cathedral and even the of the moderates, in marries of rain or excessive heat.

TOWN HALL OF SEVILLEThe Town hall of Seville is to monument of beautiful architectural forms. It was created in steal of Carlos I, March, 1526 when she married Isabel of Portugal. Cardinal Seville was the maritime and mercantile of Spain and of the world. The emperor encontro in very bad conditions to the Sevillian advice that was in the Corral of the Elms, next the Cathedral. Hereby, Carlos I ordered to construct the building where at the steals there were the straps of the former fish markets, which they were finding in to place mas centrally and representatively.

CATHEDRALThe cathedral of Seville is placed on the emplacement of the Great Mosque raised in the 12th century and of which her minaret preserve, today named "Weathercock" for the vane with which it was finished off in the 16th century; the court of the ablutions, and what was To Principal Door of the Mosque, today called " Door of the Pardon ".The Mosque was turned into Christian Cathedral when the City was conquered by Fernando III of Castile in 1.248, without by it her architectural structure was altered.

BASILICA OF THE PERTAINING TO LA MACARENA The confraternity of Our Lady of the Hope and Brotherhood of Penance was founded on 1.595, realizing his (her, your) first station of penance in 1.624.The Brotherhood of the Pertaining to The Pertaining to La Macarena one goes out in procession in the dawn of the Good Friday, being escorted Christ's step along to century of Roman soldiers with suit of network velvet, framework and helmet known popularly like " ARMAOS".

Hospital de los Venerables

The Hospital of the Venerable Priests was founded by Justino de Neve in 1.675. I build it consists of two floors and is integrated by the temple and what was a residence. It lost this function only approximately thirty years ago. From 1.991 the Venerable ones, since popularly it is known, it is sedate of the Foundation FOCUS

Church of El Salvador

Royal FortressesIt was the place of housing of the Arabic chiefs for the year 720. There were constructed several enclosures, between which estan the House of the Princes, to few housings which walls were going in the 9th century from the square of the Victory up to the neighborhood of Santa Cruz.

THE WEATHERCOCK (LA GIRALDA)According to the legend the almohades had to do to great platform to be able to raise this monument, which was at first to mosque. They did the great platform with building remains visigodos and Roman. They had so much fondness that prefered to knock down her before the Christians were getting hold of it. Of the former mosque only the Weathercock stays, only overcome in height for the bridges of the city. Inside her, your category there is nothing better, she is considered to be to sister of the Kotobyya of Marrakesh and of the great tower of Al Hasan's mosque of Rabat.

SQUARE OF SPAIN Between the buildings of Maria Luisa's park stands out the monumental Plaza of Spain, projected by Aníbal Gonzalez, person in charge of the architectural project of the Latin-American Exhibition of 1929. It is an enormous square surrounded by to semicircular and this reservoir in turn for to building with to tower in every end. It is of style regionalist, that is to say, base on typical elements of the Sevillian architecture, because of it the seen brick is the principal constructive element and her decoration centre on the ceramic coating, for putting to few examples.

The bullring of The this Fraternity of mounted knights placed in the neighborhood of the Sandbank and it is not accidentally, is like that because former was the convent of the Pópulo, which later was to jail and now the market of the Sandbank, habia to rectangular square of wood, which ended up by being to change of direction for the current one.


It was raised in the first third of the 13th century, in the last moments of the kingdoms of Gangs. His name in Arab was Borg-al-Azajal, which was coming to express, that the coating dee golden tile-works that was gleaming to the Sun were like the gold and was reflected in the river damaging the sight.


THE FAIR The origins of our Fair of April are in August 25, 1846 in which Narcissus Bonaplata and Jose Maria de Ybarra signed a proposition that they presented to the Municipal Chapter asking for authorization in order that during the 19th, April 20 and 21 an annual fair was celebrated.The Municipal Chapter saw with good eyes the initiative of the Basque and of the Catalan - curiously the predecessors were not Andalusian-, helped by numerous ranchers and farmers. This way in 1847 the first Fair of April is celebrated.

It is a tradition that paralyzes Seville for one week and that provokes that an important part of the activity of the city carries out in the numerous sheds of the Royal one, point of meeting not already of ranchers who sell his products, but of entire families that live in a very special way through the most important Fair of the World, the Fair of Seville.

The front page of the Fair of April, during the last 27 years, made exception of the year 2.005, one has come inspiring in representative buildings of the city of Seville that, brought together of singular form, they have formalized with her arches, a point of meeting forced in the Royal one.The design shows an interpretation based on the front of a shed of fair, emphasizing her monumental neckerchief exornada with Sevillian motives sustained by two big pilasters as well as by columns of the series of arches of the bullring of Seville. All this reached with auctions that will carry three flags (Seville, Andalusia and Spain).

THE "ALUMBRAO"Really is something like "Powerful kick" in the San Fermines, represents the beginning of the Fair of Seville and consists in that the first authority of the city, our mayor, Alfredo Sanchez Monteseirín touches a botoncito and little by little there are ignited 22.000 bulbs of the Front page , which central arch of access to the Fair is inspired in the door that San Fernando leads to the building of the University of Seville (Tabacos's former Factory) for the street. Gradually the Royal one is illuminated completely, there being ignited the totality of the bulbs that exists in the Fairground. The Fair is lit completely ... and of there it of the "alumbrao".

We find it in the original fair of cattle. To it the wives of the dealers were coming, in a good number gypsies and Andalusian peasants. Herclothes were humble dressing-gowns of muslin. These dressing-gowns of bustling about, finished off in two or three steering wheels constituted as the years went by an authentic mode. The keys were clear, this pomp was heightening the body of the woman and in addition it was stamping a garb that was not achieving with the clothes that they were coming from the exterior.



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