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CSCL at work; Computer-Supported Work-Integrated learning , bridges CSCL, CSCW, organizational learning and knowled


GROUP 2012, Florida | 28 Oct 2012

Workshop on CSCL@WorkComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning a the Workplace: Beyond CSCL & CSCW

Isa JahnkeUmeå University

Sean P. GogginsDrexel University

Volker WulfSiegen University,

Germany | 28 Oct 2012 2

Computer-supported collaborative learning at work – Looking back (2 years ago)

Collaborative Learning at Work is about more than acquiring new information to perform a task. It is also about co-constructing new knowledge and developing competences in situated actions to solve a problem within a firm, an organization or a government and to improve its services in socially as well as economically measurable ways. | 28 Oct 2012 3

Our motivation

What we observed: •Firms neglect or do not support ‘learning at work’, •Firms avoid the term “learning” and•Firms Learning is seen as a weakness.

What we want(ed) to know: 1.How is “Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning at Work” designed and studied? 2.What are the theoretical and methodological implications, and where do they take this emerging research space? 3.Do we need to rethink workplace training & WORK-INTEGRATED learning; how it is conducted nowadays? Are more collaborative learning strategies useful and could they contribute to higher performance? | 28 Oct 2012 4

Finding first answers in a 1st workshop at Group2010

Guiding questions to our workshop participants in 2010

1. How is our knowledge of the role of collaboration in learning being applied in workplace settings today? To what extent is it supported by computers and social media platforms?

1. What does CSCL@Work in your research mean? Do you have a definition (and is this different to others)?

1. What challenges do we face? How can we successfully introduce and study computer-supported collaborative learning in the workplace? (e.g., which methods are appropriate?)

1. What are essential design & evaluation criteria (regarding technical, social and educational dimensions)? | 28 Oct 2012 5

The aim of the first workshop in 2010 was…

…to share examples of CSCL@Work with the objective of developing a conceptual framework for

CSCL@Work that encompasses the examples.

•…to identify and discuss examples of CSCL at work•…to identify theoretical and methodological commonalities and contrasts across the represented disciplines relative to CSCL at work•…to further define the constituency of researchers who share an interest in exploring collaborative learning in the workplace | 28 Oct 2012 6

Meta-Analysis of 9 cases from the 1st workshop

Gerhard Fischer (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA), keynote „When the answer to a problem is not known?“

David Gurzick (Hood College, USA), Transforming CSCL in the Workplace by Using Online Personal Networks

Sean P. Goggins (Drexel university, USA),Designing CSCL at Work for Rural IT Workers:

Jean-Laurent Cassier, Kristine Lund, Guy Prudhomme (CNRS, University of Grenoble, France), Provoking pivotal moments for decision making during collaborative design?

Mark Hartswood (Edinburgh University), Lilian Blot (Durham University, UK), Rob Procter (Manchester University), Louise Wilkinson (South-West London Breast, UK), Paul Taylor (University College, UK), Alison Gilchrist (South East Scotland Breast), Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning for Mammography

Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland & Leif Martin Hokstad (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Organizational Learning with Serious Games: Monitoring and Analyzing Communities

Elizabeth M. King (University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Education), Digital Media and Gaming Spaces as Models of CSCL and CSCW in Practice

Isa Jahnke & Claudius Terkowsky, Christian Pleul (TU Dortmund University, Germany), Platform for eLearning and Telemetric Experimentation (PeTEX) –A Framework for Community-based Learning in the Workplace | 28 Oct 2012

Collaborative learning as connection between individual and organizational learning

7 | 28 Oct 2012

Cases illustrate a gap: ‘ what employees do’ & ‘what firms want to do’ differs!

Cases reveal the potential of work-integrated collaborative learning

Employees use Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, LInkedIn other platforms to solve a problem they face in a specific situation at work


Firms do not make collaborative learning visible

8 | 28 Oct 2012


Thesis 1. Collaborative learning in a CSCL@Work setting is enabled by and in unexpected and unusual online learning places.

Thesis 2. Learning in a CSCL@Work setting is enabled by fostering learning activities that incorporate feedback from diverse sources and different feedback partners who are not available within the traditional organizational boundaries. Such new sources are available through personal connections, developed by using social media, which are disruptive to our classic conceptualization of what an organization is.

Thesis 3. Learning in a CSCL@Work setting is enabled by supporting technology-embraced collaborative learning across established boundaries.


Goggins & Jahnke, 2012 IJSKD | 28 Oct 2012



Support for CSCL@Work is often implicitly done instead of designing knowledge co-construction as an explicit way of learning.

With this framework, we provide a start for making learning visible. •Making learning in unexpected, unusual online learning places visible – enabling unstructured connections to the employee’s work places by Social Media. •Enabling learning by leveraging new connections in the Internet – enabling the change of the feedback partners and established learning loops. •The key principle of CSCL@Work is to design collaborative learning across established boundaries (social- and technology-constructed boundaries). | 28 Oct 2012

Possible design criteria

11 | 28 Oct 2012

…aim of the 2nd workshop, ACM Group 2012


Development of a shared understanding of the different CSCL@Work perspectives, leading to …

… an integrated set of research questions that can be pursued across the boundaries of CSCL and CSCW | 28 Oct 2012

Today, 2012

13 | 28 Oct 2012 14

9.00 Start• Introduction (15 mins)• Get-to-know each other (15 mins) & Postcard Symbol (30 mins) 10:00 Part 1

Gerhard Fischer, USA (15 mins) Gerry Stahl, USA (15 mins) Volker Wulf, GER (15 mins)

Break -- 10:40-11:00 Coffee break

11:00 Part 2

Discussion in small groups, 3-4 people (4-5 tables):

Break 12.00-13:00 Lunch

Road Map Today – overview (1/3) | 28 Oct 2012 15

13:00 Part 3 Michael Prilla & Thomas Herrmann, GER (15 mins) Anders Morch, Norway (15 mins) Leif Hokstad, Norway (15 mins)

Discussions in small groups, 3-4 people (4-5 tables)

Break -- 14:15-14:30 Coffee break (fika) 14:30 Part 4 – Poster session (15 mins)

David Gurzik, USA (5 mins) Hilda Tellioglu, Austria (5 mins)

Discussion in small groups, 3-4 people (4-5 tables)

Break -- 15:45-16:00 Coffee break (fika)

Road Map Today – overview (2/3) | 28 Oct 2012 16

16:00 Part 5

Presentation of the results created in small groups (4-5 groups, 45 mins) At the end…. What next?

End 17:15

Road Map Today – overview (3/3) | 28 Oct 2012 17

Starting NOW … Get to know each other

•Your name, your affiliation •Pick a postcard as a symbol for…

What challenge/problem does

CSCL@Work solve?

(Why do you study CSCL@Work?)

30 mins | 28 Oct 2012 18

10:45 Part 2 - Challenges for CSCL@Work

A Conceptual Framework for Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning at Work by Gerhard Fischer, Boulder/CO, USA

Theories of Collaborative Cognition: Foundations for CSCL and CSCW Together by Gerry Stahl, USA

CSCL@Networking - Regional Learning in Software Industries by Volker Wulf, Germany

15 mins each | 28 Oct 2012 19

Coffee Break: 10.35-10.50 am | 28 Oct 2012 20

Discussions (No 1)

What criteria/topics/issues towards CSCL@Work can you identify from the presentations?

What do we know today, what we didn’t know 2 years ago? | 28 Oct 2012 21

Lunch: 12.00-13.00 | 28 Oct 2012 22

13:15 Part 3 - CSCL@Work in practice (facilitation and reflection)

Collaborative Reflections for Learning at the Workplace – the Health Care Case

by Michael Prilla & Thomas Herrmann, IMTM, Univ of Bochum, Germany

Information Seeking and Collaborative Knowledge Creation: Exploring Collaborative Learning in Customer Service Work and Software Product Development by Anders Mørch, InterMedia, University of Oslo, Norway

Reflective Online Learning at the Workplace, the case of TARGET by Leif Hokstad, Norway

15 mins each | 28 Oct 2012 23

Small groups (No 2)

“What more items regarding a framework about CSCL at workcould be identified and where (existing clusters) would you

connecting it?”

COLLECTING FURTHER ideas, ADD new ideas and creating CLUSTERS

Small groups Per group 3-4 people 4-5 tables 30 mins | 28 Oct 2012 24

Coffee Break: 14.15-14.30 | 28 Oct 2012 25

14:30 Part 4 – unexpected learning places

Online Personal Networks of Knowledge Workers by David Gurzik, Hood College, USA (5 mins)

Support for Learning in Change Situations (Change Management)By Hilda Tellioglu, Austria (5 mins)

30 mins | 28 Oct 2012 26

Small groups (No 3)

Assessing the ideas towards a CSCL@Work framework, creating theses, open questions, etc. with regard to

studying and designing CSCL@Work

Preparing a story that you can tell after the next coffee break

Small groups Per group 3-4 people 4-5 tables 30 mins | 28 Oct 2012 27

Coffee Break: 15.45-16.00 | 28 Oct 2012 28

16:00 Part 5 – Presentations of Small Group Outcomes

Each group ca. 15 mins 4 groups | 28 Oct 2012 29

CSCL@Work: What did we learn?

When groups present, collect here the results… | 28 Oct 2012 30

What Difference Can CSCL@Work Make?

What is the added value of CSCL@Work? What is the nature of learning at work, and is it different to learning in schools, universities, research projects, vocational education,…?

What are next research steps, …?What do we need to do next?

CSCL2013 Workshop? Who is with us? Who wants to be more active?

Special Issue of ijCSCL?

How to establish a network? (How to involve younger researchers?)

Funding & Empirical Projects | 28 Oct 2012 31

17:00 Happy ending? “It depends where you end the story…”

Isa JahnkeUmeå University, Sweden

Sean P. GogginsDrexel University, USA

Volker WulfSiegen University, Germany | 28 Oct 2012



Sean P. Goggins & Isa Jahnke (2012):CSCL@Work: Making Learning Visible in Unexpected Online Places Across Established Boundaries. In International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development, 4(3), pp. 17-37. DOI: 10.4018/jskd.2012070102.Goggins-Jahnke-2012-PDF

Coming up ---- the new book !

Sean Goggins, Isa Jahnke & Volker Wulf (Eds.):CSCL@Work - Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning at the Workplace. Foreword by John Seely Brown. NY: Springer Publisher.


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