ppt tur grate2-5th ptc-meeting_podgorica_bf8

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“TUR.GRATE 2” Project - “049”

“InteGRATEd actions to promote sustainable ToURist development ”

5th Meeting of the Piloting Transborder Committee – Action 1.2

Podgorica – Montenegro, APART HOTEL PREMIER, February 12th, 2014

National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro

“Overview on achieved Project Outputs”

1. Project State–of–the-Art

WP1/ Action

Actions’ DescriptionState of the Art


1.1 Constitution of 1 PTC Participation in kick off meeting in Mesagne.

1.2General project co-ordination

Participation in 5 meetings of PTC : 2nd in Tirana & 3rd in Nardo 4nd in Igoumenitsa, ongoing 5th PTC Meeting in Podgorica.

1.3Financial and administrative management and reporting activity

Submitted 9th (October 2013) & 10th (January 2014) Activity & Financial Reports to the LP and M.I.S.and supporting documents to FLCO.

1. Project State–of–the-Art WP1/ Action

Actions’ DescriptionState of the Art


2.2Updating and management of TUR.GRATE1 web site

ongoingSending data to the LP in order to input them on the TURG.RATE 2 web

2.3Graphic design and printing of diffrent promotional material and publications

ongoing Preparation phase

2.4 Accomplishment of promotional tourist events

ongoingParticipation in 3 International fairs (London, Berlin & Gothenburg). Preparation for international fair MITT

In Moscow. One educational done.

1. Project State–of–the-Art WP1/ Action

Actions’ DescriptionState of the Art


3.1Arrangement of preparatory documents for the organization of the operative meetings among local actors

Stakeholders list, Invitation, agendas, PPT presentations, press release; database about the local stakeholders.


Realization of operative meetings among tourist chain operators: 2 cross-border meetings (1 in Mesagne and 1 in Tirana) and 3 local meetings in Thesprotia

Realization of 3 local meetings in Bar and 1 cross-border meeting in Tirana.

3.3Signing an Agreement Protocol among public and private subjects bearing of interests in the target territories.

TO Bar


Definition and sharing of a development Program which indicates objectives and operative tools to implement all the actions planned in the previous steps.

Development of strategic materials and documents relevant to the development of tourist destinations Podgorica and Bar

1. Project State–of–the-Art

WP1/ Action

Actions’ DescriptionState of the Art


4.1Preparation and start up of 1 service centre in Thesprotia

TO Bar


Realization and placement of apposite tourist signs to individualize resources and services

Realization and placement of tourist signs in Podgorica

1. Project State–of–the-Art

WP1/ Action

Actions’ DescriptionState of the Art


5.1Analisys of cross-border typical productions and information-exchange among partners

Development of strategic materials and documents relevant to the development of tourist destinations Podgorica and Bar

5.2 Redefinition of typical products pannier connoting target territories

Analisis of typical products.


Promotion of charms studied through the following sub-actions

Production of strategic materials and documents for the development of tourism destinations of Podgorica and Bar

1. Project State–of–the-Art

WP1/ Action

Actions’ DescriptionState of the Art



Actions to qualify and innovate receptivity (identification of pilot receptivity structures to accompany in a Ecolabel/Emas registration/ certification process)

Awarding 2 accomodation with Ecolabel certification: Apartmants KOD SLAVKA ***, Hotel SLOVENSKA PLAŽA ***+ / ****

6.2Programming an innovative IT system in order to rationalize and qualify tourist public services network

?We are waiting for instructions by the responsible partner

1. Project State–of–the-Art WP1/ Action

Actions’ DescriptionState of the Art


7.1Census and cartographic mapping of heritage “minor resources” (rural, artistic, archaeological) in partners territories

Report of census of heritage goods of “minor resources” (archaeological) existing in Thesprotia

7.3Realization of small focused interventions of restoration and re-qualification for some identified goods

ongoingPreparation fase


Identifying and exchanging of best practices on recovery and valorization measures in the restored heritage


We are waiting for instructions by the responsible partner

7.5Insertion of identified goods in circuits, itineraries, territory products

?We are waiting for instructions by the responsible partner

1. Project State–of–the-Art

WP1/ Action

Actions’ DescriptionState of the Art



Creation of 3 cross-border tourist products,1 for each following segment: cultural, sportive cycling, wine and food tourism

Feasibility stady

1. Project State–of–the-Art

WP1/ Action

Actions’ DescriptionState of the Art


9.1Realization of 1 cross-border art galleries with 3 contextual restore laboratories in Thesprotia

Realization of 1 cross-border art gallery.

9.2 Realization of 1 cross-border dance and music representations

Realization of 1 cross-border dance and music representations.


Realization of 1 cross-border cultural exchange event to promote historical origins and traditions

Realization of 1 cross-border cultural exchange event

2. Timeplan of current actions

WP1/ Action

Actions’ Description End Date Output

1.2 General project co-ordinationFebruary

2014Participated in 5th meeting in Podgorica (Montenegro).

1.3 Financial and administrative management and reporting activity

June 2014

Submission of Final Activity & Financial Reports to the LP and M.I.S. Expenditures’ submission of supporting documents to the FLCO.

2. Timeplan of current actions WP1/ Action

Actions’ Description End Date Output


Graphic design and printing of diffrent promotional material and publications

March 2014

Graphic design and printing of diffrent promotional material and publications related to the cyclo-route and agro-cultural products. Different publications of Montenegro tourist products.

2.4Accomplishment of promotional tourist events

June 2014

Participation in International Fair in Moscow; Educational.

2. Timeplan of current actions

WP1/ Action

Actions’ Description End Date Output

6.2Programming an innovative IT system in order to rationalize and qualify tourist public services network


Data collection. We are waiting for instructions by the responsible partner.


Realization of small focused interventions of restoration and re-qualification for some identified goods

July 2014 Preparation phase

2. Timeplan of current actions

WP1/ Action

Actions’ Description End Date Output


Identifying and exchanging of best practices on recovery and valorization measures in the restored heritage

? We are waiting for instructions by the responsible partner


Insertion of identified goods in circuits, itineraries, territory products

?We are waiting for instructions by the responsible partner

2. Timeplan of current actions

WP1/ Action

Actions’ Description End Date Output


Creation of 3 cross-border tourist products,1 for each following segment: cultural, sportive cycling, wine and food tourism

?We are waiting for feasibility studies from albaninan partners

3. Critical Issues

• NTO has spent 72.47% of its reduced budget, until 31/01/2014, all expenditures since January 2014 were paid.

• We expect to complete the most of the remaining activities by the deadline of the next reporting period (31/04/2014).

• We expect to complete pending and upcoming payments (we think that the spending budget will be approximately 90%) by the deadline of the next reporting period (31/04/2014).

Budget – 31/1/2014

WP Planned, € Spent, € %

WP0 1,500.00 1246.18 83.08 WP1 62,771.56 57351.61 91.36 WP2 72,762.85 46953.71 64.53 WP3 11,171.44 11095.44 99.32 WP4 7,737.00 1030.95 13.32 WP5 578.18 578.18 100.00 WP6 4,464.29 4652.99 104.23 WP7 33,790.00 162.72 0.48 WP8 5,800.00 4616.72 79.60 WP9 3,180.00 19988.16 628.56 Total 203,775.32 147,676.66 % 72.47

Thanks for your attention!Biljana Božović

Project coordinator

National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro


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