ppt presentation skills

Post on 12-Sep-2014






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PowerPoint is a toolA Presentation on Presentations by Delphine Wartelle

To facilitate the reading of this presentation, you will find italicized comments throughout the slideshow.

Powerpoint is a tool to use in oral presentations that is often used as a presentation in itself. Using it like this often leads to …

This is more what you’re looking for!

Communicating effectively brings you another way to understand things and allows you to reach more people than ever. So here are some tips.

KNOW what you’re saying


MAKE it look nice


The four tenets of PowerPoint:

KNOW what you’re saying

Think about it.

What does it mean to you? What are you trying to do? Teach? Sell?

What is your point?

Why does it matter? You need to know because if you don’t, your audience sure won’t.

Who is youraudience? What do they need to know?

Every presentation should be tailored to your audience: what do you want them to know? Make sure you tell them!

Now that you KNOW

what you think about it

why it matters

what your audience wants,


Start by drafting...

Throw your brain on paper. It will be messy; that’s ok, you’ll work on that later. Take your time but know that you will end up cutting out a lot.

Your structure needs to be

Next, work on structuring the few essential key points.

One slide = one point(They’re free!)

This is your golden rule. Slides are free, you can add more but not too many because presentations should be short.

Link each slide together.

Make sure you link each slide together. Elements on the same slide should all be related to each other.

Be Clear

Think of your presentation as a roadmap. Tell us exactly where we’re going and how to get there. Alert us about any detours we might have to take.

Tell a story

Show a video

Every ten minutes, audience attention plummets; to prevent this, make your presentation shorter or relate it back the audience by telling a story, showing a video or doing a relevant activity.

€ 2 billion

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Will evolve over

the next 10


57 projects financed

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of the total student population of


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Too many numbers!

What do they mean?

Using too many numbers is boring. Instead, think about what the numbers mean and which ones are most important to your audience.


Now that you’ve set a solid structure by

finding your key points

making them clear,

MAKE it look nice.

Avoid too much text, especially for oral presentations Espacially when they contain long phrases Because they force you to read as I am talking The

result is that you learn and retain less information because your brain has to work harder

Plus, the more information you put on a slide, the smaller the font gets and the harder it gets to read for everybody, especially the people sitting at the back

And anyways, you read a lot faster than I can talk so if all of my slides look like this, I’m basically making myself useless

This is especially true for written presentations. Remember, LESS IS MORE.

150 words per minute

250 words per minute

People read faster than you talk. If you write your script up on your slide, you really don’t need to be there.

Match your fonts

Century Gothic

Courier New

Times New Roman


Bookman Old Style

Comic Sans MS

Bad color themes HURT!

Match your colors…

Vision trumps all other senses.

Use pictures! And lots of them!

Hear a piece of information , and three days later you’ll remember 10% of it.


Add a picture, you’ll remember 65%.

Go wild

Don’t be afraid to use wild pictures. Use them to communicate, not decorate and make your audience feel things

Steve Jobs uses picturesAnd sometimes, there are no words…

The ARD uses a lot of maps. This is good. Letting it sit on the screen stagnant for ten minutes is not.

Try highlighting key features.

Or even zooming in.

Use the tools at your disposition like Microsoft Paint

Or screen capture, both on PowerPoint and on your computer.

We now know how to make presentations look nice by

not overloading slides,

matching fonts and colors,

using pictures /tools you have

If you have to send it, make another one.

Don’t be afraid to add new slides. You can add more text too (bullet points are no longer illegal) but avoid too much text and stick to all of the above ideas like one slide=one point, using pictures… DO NOT send your oral presentation or present your « read-only» presentation.

Here are some slides we were working with. There is too much information and the space is not used well. Think about what the audience wants and needs to know about Advancity.

Here are some of the formats we were trying out with that last slide.

This was our latest step qnd we’re not anywhere near done; What are some suggestions you have for this slide?




Here are some fantastic presentations I highly recommend you take a look at if you want to learn even more tips.


Every presentation should end in a summary to remind the audience what was the most important info.

KNOW what you’re saying

ORGANIZE it (structure= clear key points)

MAKE it look nice(don’t overload slides,

match fonts and color, use pictures and tools)





Make sure you give proper credits.

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