postcard recruiting secrets - robert & sheri … postcard recruiting secrets... · • the...

Post on 02-Jan-2019






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Here is What You Were Promised:

• The Simple Math Behind Making All Your Postcard Recruiting Free

• How To Create Your First Postcard In An Afternoon• How To Choose ONLY a List That Will Be Highly Responsive• The Simplest Method To Get Your Postcards Printed And

Mailed Without You Lifting A Finger To Do It• The Secret To Setting Up Your Voice Mailbox Recruiting

System So You Never Have To Speak To Anyone If You Don't Want To

• Robert’s Simple Lead Follow Up System That Converts 48% Of His Leads Into Team Members

• How To Turn Your Postcard Recruiting System Into A Team System For Scalable Duplication

• Instant Access Bonus: The Complete "How To Get 8,000,000 Postcards Mailed For Me For Free" Recorded Teletraining ($97 Value)

Here’s What Else I Want To Achieve On Tonight’s Webinar:

• A Profitable & Duplicatable Postcard System That You Tie Into All Your Marketing Efforts!

• For You To Stop Wasting Your Hard Earned Money and To Start Making Money.

• A Peace of Mind That You’re Doing The Right Thing With Your Time and Money and To Stop “Chasing Your Tail” With Techniques Which Have Just Been Proven to Not Work.

• A Lifelong Relationship…

Who Am I? How Did I Get This Knowledge? How Can I Help You?

• I grew up in my Father’s printing plant.• I went to college on a baseball scholarship.• The goal was to get a business degree and come back and take

over the family business…which just didn’t happen.• Two years out of college I started my own printing business and

did Government contracts and started a Printing Dealership Business Opportunity program I sold through magazines and card decks.

• It was in during this time period that I began to become highly successful in Direct Mail and Network Marketing.

• In 2002 I made my first Million Dollars in Network Marketing by applying my direct mail principles online.

• I’ve failed more than you. I’ve lost more money than you. I’ve had more people tell me NO than you.

• Because of that, I feel I am more than qualified to tell you what to do to succeed online and offline. Let’s start with Postcards!

Take This 7-Day Test With Me:

• How Many Emails Do You Get Per Day?

• How Many Phone Calls Do You Get Per Day?

• How Many Postcards Do You Get In Your Mailbox Per Day?

Here’s What I Get On A Daily Basis:

• 1,037 Emails a Day (31,110 a mo.)

• 52 Phone Calls a Day (1,560 a mo.)

• .33 Postcards a Day (10 a mo.)


“If you had something that you were DYING to get to me, what do you think would be the best possible way to insure I read it?”

Are You Expecting Your Prospects/Customers To Act

Differently Than You?

• How May Emails Do You Click Open Per Day?• How Many Emails Do You Read Per Day?• How Many Emails Do You Click Thru Per Day To Visit A

Website?• On That Website Do You Optin? Do You Read It and If

You Do, How Long?• How Many Websites That You Visit Do You Order On

Your First Visit? Second Visit? • How Many Un-Read eBooks Do You Have On Your

Computer?• How Many Un-Listened To MP3’s Do You Have On

Your Computer?

KEYS TO WRITING GOOD AD COPY• PAIN vs. PLEASURE• Everyone wants to avoids pain• Everyone tries to gain pleasure• Fear of Loss and Prospect of Gain are the Two Biggest Motivating

Factors!• Example: 80,000 Downline in 20 Months with a Guaranteed

Check Powerline System.• Know thy prospect!• Prospects Aren’t Buying Your Product/Service• Prospects Aren’t Buying Your Biz Opp/MLM• Prospects Are Buying RESULTS!• Would they get out of their cozy couch in the middle of a snow

storm and drive down to the Post Office and mail you a check! • Limited Quantity• Time Limit• First 100 who order by January 31st at Midnight Central time!• The Postcard is designed to be the first leg of a two-step

marketing method. Drive them to an 800# that is on 24/7. Drive them to a website where they can optin for something FREE that solves their problems!

4 ¼ x 5 ½ Size Postcards

Print From Your Own Printer!

- 4 ¼ x 5 ½ size

- Use Avery 8577 Postcard Stock (for Ink Jet Printers ) that has ultra-fine perforations.

4 ¼ x 5 ½ Postcard Frontside

4 ¼ x 5 ½ Postcard Backside

Most Successful MLM Postcard

Targeted Postcard to MLM Lists

Targeted Postcard to MLM Lists

Targeted Postcard to MLM Lists

Targeted Postcard to MLM Lists

Made $3,000+ to 1,253 List

Made $18,000+ to 4,385 List

How I Got 8,000,000 Postcards Mailed at No Cost to Me!

• I SOLD the 1% concept to my team.

• I showed my team how to DOUBLE their group every 30 days with my simple postcard system.

• This system worked so well, that I had other leaders calling me to work with their group. Since I didn’t want to cross-solict my own group, I took « silent » positions in various programs and became the POSTCARD GUY for numerous MLM’s accross the country.

• I still get checks today from those programs and I’ve never talked to a soul and never attended a conference call, etc.

How The 1% Rule Works to Double the Size of Your Organization (Affiliate or MLM)

• Let’s take the assumption that your postcard pulls in a 1% signup rate.• If you have 100 people in your organization and they all mail 100 postcards each

month you have 10,000 exposures: 100 x 100 = 10,000.• 10,000 x 1% signup rate = 100• You’ve just added 100 people to your downline, or went from 100 to 200 people in

just 30 days!• The key to make this happen is for YOU to be the admininstrator on this project.

You co-op this with your affliates or downline. They send you $50 per 100 cards mailed. That includes the cost of the leads, postage and printing.

• Charles Possick of Cell Tech did something similar with cassette tapes. It was called the ‘Ray Cassano’ tape. He put 250 people frontline to him and about 25 when WILD with the cassette mailings and within a year he had $2,000,000 in sales volume on his first six levels alone!

• Remember, DUPLICATION occurs when everyone is doing the same thing. In most cases you’ll have to organize this until you can one day hand it off to an employee or partner. Charles eventually bought a cassette duplication company and had them do ALL the fulfillment for him!

Mailing Your Cards Online

•• Click to Mail is who I use.• This size is 4 ¼ x 6. • You can import your card design.• You can import your own list.• You pay online when you order.• Always put your name on the list so you get a card in the mail.• Test Headlines with SPLIT-RUNS. Four Headlines with 2,500 cards each = 10,000

total mailing!• TEST Phone# vs. URL, Headlines, Color of the Cardstock, Copy on the Site.• If Testing Phone# track # of People Who Call, # Who Press 1, # Who Press 1 That

Leave All Their Information, etc.• Co-op Concept. All 800# calls go to your call center and you can do a rotational

mail box, or you can be the central HUB and be in charge of the follow up to all the calls.

• Same goes for your website you list on the card. Do a rotational link to all affliates/downline members.

Card Deck Co-ops


• Click to Mail is who I use.

• This size is 4 ¼ x 6.

• You can import your card design.

• You can import your own list.

• You pay online when you order.

• Always put your name on the list so you get a card in the mail.

• Test Headlines with SPLIT-RUNS. Four Headlines with 2,500 cards each = 10,000 total mailing!

Important Resources

List Brokers: DAJDirect,


High Volume Print & Mail:

Backend Step Mailings:

Business Opportunity:

How Marketers Have Avoided Postcards

• Fax Broadcasting

• Smiling & Dialing



• Email Broadcasting

• Voice Broadcasting

• Desktop Notifications

Doing the Postcard Math Part 1

• Cost Estimate 10,000 Postcards Mailed U.S.• Postage (Automation first class card) $0.230 x 10,000 = $2,300.00 • Printing & Production Costs $0.080x 10,000 = $800.99• Total Price = $3100.99

$3,100.99 / 10,000 cards = .31 cents each• Delivery time. If you submit your order on the 20th, it will be delivered

between the 23rd and the 26th. • This is an EXCELLENT way to get your affliates and downline members active

for a 1st of the month mailing. I suggest you put a deadline of the 25th of each month for a $50 co-op share. That way, the first week of each month you have 10,000 cards hitting the streets!

• When you get your lists, you can also use a voice broadcasting system or an autoresponder to alert your list the delivery of the postcard.

• Here is a suggested subject line:

Subject: “John, did you get my postcard in the mail yet?”

Doing the Postcard Math Part 2

• At a 1% response rate you are looking at 100 orders. That means 99% of the people you mailed, or 9,900 people said NO!

• At a cost of $3,100.99 you need an average profit of $31 per order to break-even! (3,100.99/100 = $31)

• Here’s my math for my $97 product that has a frontend of $7.95.

Here’s the Math:• 100 x $7.95 (1st month) = $795.00• 60 x $97 (2nd month) = $5,820.00• Total Revenue = $6,615.00• Minus Mailing Cost - $3,100.99• Total Profit $3,514.01

Doing the Postcard Math Part 3

• Suppose you earn $100 per sale:• 100 x $100 = $10,000• Suppose you earn $31 per sale:• 100 x $31 = $3,100 (break even)• Residual Income Starting 2nd Month• What is the lifetime value of your customer?• Example: Icy Hot – Jay Abraham• Sold product for $3.15 and only asked for the name of the

customer who ordered from the publisher! • Postcards are one of the most cost effective ways to acquire

both customers and distributors for your product or service!

Understanding Innovation vs. Duplication in Marketing

• Innovation: is a new way of doing something or "new stuff that is made useful". It may refer to incremental and emergent or radical and revolutionary changes in thinking, products, processes, or organizations.

• Duplication: the act of duplicating, or the state of being duplicated; a doubling; a folding over; a fold.

Setting Up a Turn-Key Voice Mail System


• Free 30-Day Trial

• Virtual Receptionist

• Toll-Free number

• Messages Delivered to Your Email, Phone & the Web!

• 150 Minutes $10 Month!

• 1,000 Minutes $30 a Month!

• 2,000 Minutes $50 a Month!

Do’s & Don’ts of Postcard Marketing

• Don’t rent a list of 10,000 and mail alone• Don’t think 4-color cards out-pull black and white• Don’t try to sell direct from a postcard• Don’t guarantee signups from your co-op• Don’t just put your website on your card• Do test different headlines• Do use an 800# + a website adress• Do use a lot of small type and lots of words• Do a monthly co-op so you can get massive


How I Convert 48% of My Opt-ins to My Website

•• Optin Form Requires Street Address• Optin Form asks Three Questions• One page sales letter offers ONE option - $7.95• Created 6-Page Sales Letter from Website Ad Copy That

I Mail in a #9 Double Window Envelope• Created a Self-Mailer That I Send Out 30 Days After

They Optin• Hold a Weekly Opportunity Conference Call• Series of 8 Letters That Go Out in an Autoresponder:

Days 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28. Repeat.

My Simple Secret System of Using Direct Mail to Convert 48%!

#1 – I require my optins to give me their street address.

#2 – I create a sales letter from the EXACT same website ad copy for maximum results.

#3 – I have this sales letter pre-printed at Kinko’s with the exception of the front sales page.

#4 – I open up Word and type in the person’s first and last name, their address and print it out.

#5 – I then put that sheet on top of the other pages already pre-printed and tri-fold them into a #9 Double Window Envelope so I don’t have to mess with peel and stick labels and the envelope increases response!

"Just One Piece Of Advice From Robert Grew My Downline By 6,519"

If it wasn't for that day that I was driving around listening to Robert Blackman's training my team would be roughly 6,519 smaller. Just one strategy I learned from him allowed me to personally reduce my marketing cost to zero and more than triple the rate of duplication in my organization.

He speaks, teaches, trains, and shares only the truth from his 20+ years of experience and I make it habit to know everything he does. Not only have I purchased everything that Robert has ever produced, paid him his time, hired him to create direct mail pieces for me, but every single dollar I've ever spent has always come baack to me at least 20 fold.

- Daegan Smith"The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead"

Limit 21 Participants ONLY:Your Own "Done For You" Postcard Lead Generation And Recruiting

Campaign Create From Scratch ...

• If you're one of the 21 lucky participants to claim your spot. (because I will personally be creating your postcard campaign from scratch there can be no more than 21 spots due to physical time constraints).

• Here's what you get . . .

1st = A Complete Postcard Copy Brainstorming And Copy Session ($997 Value)

This session will be held between you and me live. You and he will meet, discuss your opportunity, your campaign goals, and market "positioning" for your campaign. Once this session is complete, I will then use his over 29+ years of experience in what gets results with postcard lead generation campaigns in the home business arena and he'll write the custom copy for your postcard campaign.

2nd = Two Complete Custom Postcard Designs -Ready To Be Printed And Mailed ($1997 Value)

Once I have the marketing copy created for you, he will then take that copy and create two completely different postcard designs for you to split test against one another in your initial small scale mailings. I will pull from what's working for him right now, create the entire "look" of your test postcards from scratch, designed specifically to drive the MOST highest quality leads to you in the method you decide - either by sending them to a website or a 1-800# (which you'll make the final decision on in your initial consultation).

3rd = A Full Marketing Review And Revision Of Your Recruiting Marketing Documents($2997 Value)

To ensure you don't just get a bunch of leads, which you will, but you also convert as many of them as possible – I will also be providing a complete "marketing documents review" including all your emails, websites, sales letters, and self mailers. Once this is complete you'll have your complete postcard recruiting "arsenal" locked and loaded, customized to you and your opportunity, and all focused on bring you more leads and recruits. Depending on your situation this step may take a few days to a few weeks, but is critical to insuring the long term and scalable success of your custom campaign.

4th = The Advertising Magic Home Study Course "How To Master The Art-And-Science Of Writing "Killer" Ads & Sales Letters" ($297 Value) by Brian Keith Voiles!

It's one thing to have a postcard campaign created for you, and it's a totally different and more powerful thing to have the ability to create them yourself on demand. Advertising Magic will teach you exactly how to do just that. It's my favorite and the most robust copywriting course in existence. It's massive 388 pages leaves no stone unturned. BTW. I am the “official printer” for this book. I have read and re-read every page for 10 years now and it’s made me millions!

To Recap, Here Is What 21 People Will Get:#1: A Complete Postcard Copy Brainstorming And Copy Session

($997 Value)

#2: Two Complete Custom Postcard Designs - Ready To Be Printed And Mailed ($1997 Value)

#3: A Full Marketing Review And Revision Of Your Recruiting Marketing Documents($2997 Value)

#4: The Advertising Magic Home Study Course "How To Master The Art-And-Science Of Writing "Killer" Ads & Sales Letters" ($297 Value)

Total Value = $6,299

And ... When You Act Before 8pm EST On Friday, June 18th…

You'll Receive 30 Days Of Live Phone Consultation Worth $2,500

• ONLY 21 People will ever have the opportunity to take advantage of this because it's physically my time and expertise I’m offering.

• At $6,997 this would be a steal, at $3,997 it would be a no brainer, but if you take action right here, right now, by filling out the acceptance form below and reserving your "done for you" postcard and 30 day phone consultation coaching package before they vanish into thin air the admittance fee will only be a one time investment in yourself of just $497.

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