portfolio_qinyuan yan

Post on 26-Jul-2016






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  • Personal works from QinYuan Yan

  • Painting has become my dependent way of expression that I imagine, record inspiration, then---try it, and I so enjoy the experience that I could share with others my connection with the world and my inner feelings by painting, regardless skills or goals.

  • Lion Dance is outstanding Chinese folk art. Every festival or rally celebration, the folk would takelion dance to add fun and imply auspiciousness andthe decoration of lions body gathers abundant artistic value---the color, graph and pattern are all epitomeof Chinese traditional folk crafts.

    From my point of view, the root of arts relies on culture. As a Chinese descent, I have the duty to record these invaluable cultural inheritances by painting.

    Here I created a series of pen illustration with the theme lion head of lion dance and the character Ji from jixiang (which means auspicious) was expressed in the form of dialog box, in which way embody the meaning of Lion dance implies auspicious.

  • CheatingEveryone has been cheated and once found out being lied, the anger and helplessness are inexpressible.

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    They were created for my friends caf because he liked rabbit and appointed me to create rabbit-theme illustrations with untraditional techniques.Firstly, I need a summarized, highly-identifiedrabbit image, then, with exaggerated lines, andduring the process, I found it had good effectwith smile.

  • Being national treasure of China, pandarepresents a part of Chinese culture andits innocent and sweet image en joysworldwide reputation.

    I adopt freehand technique in this serieswith free brush and simple form that inaccordance with pandas color composition.

  • Languorous heroAfter countless saves of the world, heroes began to feel tired. The series are colored by Adobe Illustrator, expressing the unknown powerlessness of heroes.

  • Insomnia should be experienced by everyone.

    It is suffering when one has to get up early in the morning but could not fall asleep at night and becoming more sober when nervous.

    The theme of this series is based on countingsheep and is trying to convey the pain of becoming sober after counting sheep and finally insomnious even be submerged by sheep.

  • This is a particular version of this series, depicting the feeling of insomnia afternightmare when sheep even become scared. So, the tone of color certainly should be uncanny.

    I call it nightmare version

  • The inspiration of these two pictures came from a friend who likes strawberry. Her keen on strawberry and the related food are all good subjects for me.

  • Line DrawingThe representation of line drawing is used most frequently in my creations. It conveys particular visual sense by expressing in simple lines without the assistant of colors.

  • Composition of SuperpositionComposition of superposition is one of my favorite composition forms, especially line graphs composed by the changes of a single element.

  • Capriccio for Astronaut

    As my childhood dreaming profession, astronaut is a fascinating theme and keeps stimulating my imagination. But it can only be dream because the unreasonable fantasy has gone with ages.

    Even if I ramble in space alone, all my feelings can be wore out. The grandness I admired in a career has turned to the fear to loneliness when growing up.

  • It shall have some feeling of strong politics, such as eagle.Do not too flippant. It shall be formal. And it shall be best if bust.

    No uniform or casual wear.

    Paint what you say is a project finished bymy friends and me. They told me their favoritetheme and the features they wanted to addone by one, and I was in charge of the paintings.

    It was undeniably interesting because I used to illustrate my own inspiration and imagination, but this time I had to express others. The wholeseries was completed with Adobe Illustrator.

  • I shall hold my collected Japanese sword on an armchair.In white shirt and black vest.I need a tiger by my side.

  • I shall wear union guard armour in a warhorse. (He is a fan of World of Warcraft)

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